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Conducting Systematic Reviews
of Quantitative Evidence

June 2021


Comprehensive Systematic Review
Training Program

Conducting Systematic Reviews of Quantitative Evidence

Published by JBI, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

© JBI 2021

This publication is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process or placed in computer memory without written permission. All enquiries should be made to JBI



Activity 1:

Selecting the Appropriate Study Design

What study design would be best suited to:

1.Measuring a clinical benefit on lung function from inhaled corticosteroids?
1. 衡量吸入皮质类固醇对肺功能的临床益处?

2.Measuring the relationship between lung cancer incidence and smoking?
2. 测量肺癌发病率与吸烟之间的关系?

3.Determining the prevalence of depression in a population?
3. 确定人群中抑郁症的患病率?

4.Observing and reporting a novel presentation of basal cell carcinoma?
4. 观察和报告基底细胞癌的新表现?


Activity 2:

Critical Appraisal of Experimental Studies

Part 1:

This activity requires you to work in pairs. One member will read the study by Caldwell and Crane (2016), and the other will read the study by Croghan, et al. (2003) on page 7 and page 18 of this workbook. Critically appraise the papers using the checklist provided in the workbook.
此活动要求您两人一组工作。一名成员将阅读 Caldwell 和 Crane (2016) 的研究,另一名成员将阅读本工作簿第 7 页和第 18 页的 Croghan 等人 (2003) 的研究。使用工作簿中提供的清单批判性地评估论文。

Once complete, comment on the overall methodological quality of your designated paper.

Part 2:

In your pairs, get one member to:

Login to JBI SUMARI.

Select the project that you created in Module 1 [The effectiveness of combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy versus single Nicotine Replacement Therapy on smoking cessation (Your Name)]
选择您在模块 1 [联合尼古丁替代疗法与单一尼古丁替代疗法对戒烟的有效性(您的姓名)] 中创建的项目]

Select [Overview] from the top menu bar.

Select [Participants].

Add the name and email address of the other member of your pair and select [Invite]. A message should appear at the top of the screen notifying you that the person was successfully invited.

Check the [Privileged Author] option corresponding to their name.

Select [Studies] from the top menu bar.

You will see the studies that you imported from Module 1. You should have 4 studies included ready to be screened at the ‘Full Text’ stage following the Module 1 activity. Please select [Include] for the study by Caldwell (2016) and Croghan (2003) under the ‘Full Text Screening’ box. This needs to be done by both members of the pair.
您将看到从模块 1 导入的研究。您应该有 4 项研究准备好在模块 1 活动后的“全文”阶段进行筛选。请在“全文筛选”框下选择 [包括] Caldwell (2016) 和 Croghan (2003) 的研究。这需要由这对成员的两个成员完成。

Select [Appraisal] from the top menu bar.

The other member of your pair can then:

Check their email and accept the invitation to join the project.

Login to JBI SUMARI and enter the project titled with their partners name.
登录 JBI SUMARI 并输入标题为其合作伙伴名称的项目。

Select [Appraisal] from the top menu bar.


Both members can then:

Select [Start] for the paper you read (Caldwell and Crane [2016] or Croghan, et al. [2003])
为您阅读的论文选择[开始](Caldwell and Crane [2016]或Croghan等人[2003])

Enter your appraisal results from your workbook into JBI SUMARI.
将工作簿中的评估结果输入到 JBI SUMARI 中。

Select [Include].

Select [Save].

Select [Back].

Repeat the same process for the paper you did not read using fake responses and select [Include].

One member of the team must then compare the results of the appraisals for each paper and make a final decision:

Select the final [Start] for the Caldwell and Crane (2016) paper.
选择 Caldwell and Crane (2016) 论文的最终 [开始]。

The responses of each member will be shown. A final decision will need to be made for any results that are different. Choose a final response for all differences and select [Include].

Select [Save].

Select [Back].

Repeat the same process for Croghan, et al. (2003).


Caldwell and Crane (2016)


Caldwell and Crane (2016)
Caldwell and Crane (2016)
Caldwell and Crane (2016)
Caldwell and Crane (2016)
Caldwell and Crane (2016)
Caldwell and Crane (2016)
Caldwell and Crane (2016)

JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Randomized Controlled Trials


AuthorCaldwell and Crane (2016)YearRecord Number
作者 Caldwell and Crane (2016) 年份记录编号





Was true randomization used for assignment of participants to treatment groups?

Was allocation to treatment groups concealed?

Were treatment groups similar at the baseline?

Were participants blind to treatment assignment?

Were those delivering treatment blind to treatment assignment?

Were outcomes assessors blind to treatment assignment?

Were treatment groups treated identically other than the intervention of interest?


Was follow-up complete and, if not, were differences between groups in terms of their follow-up adequately described and analyzed?

Were participants analyzed in the groups to which they were randomized?

Were outcomes measured in the same way for treatment groups?

Were outcomes measured in a reliable way?

Was appropriate statistical analysis used?

13. Was the trial design appropriate, and any deviations from the standard randomized control trialled design (individual randomization, parallel groups) accounted for in the conduct and analysis of the trial?

Overall appraisal: Include Exclude Seek further info
总体评价: 包括 ☐ 排除 ☐ 寻求更多信息 ☐

Comments (Including reason for exclusion)


Croghan, et al. (2003)
Croghan et al. (2003)
Croghan et al. (2003)
Croghan et al.
Croghan et al.
Croghan et al. (2003)
Croghan et al.

JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Randomized Controlled Trials


AuthorCroghan, et al. (2003)YearRecord Number
作者 Croghan, et al. (2003) 年份记录编号





Was true randomization used for assignment of participants to treatment groups?

Was allocation to treatment groups concealed?

Were treatment groups similar at the baseline?

Were participants blind to treatment assignment?

Were those delivering treatment blind to treatment assignment?

Were outcomes assessors blind to treatment assignment?

Were treatment groups treated identically other than the intervention of interest?


Was follow-up complete and, if not, were differences between groups in terms of their follow-up adequately described and analyzed?

Were participants analyzed in the groups to which they were randomized?

Were outcomes measured in the same way for treatment groups?

Were outcomes measured in a reliable way?

Was appropriate statistical analysis used?

13. Was the trial design appropriate, and any deviations from the standard randomized control trialled design (individual randomization, parallel groups) accounted for in the conduct and analysis of the trial?

Overall appraisal: Include Exclude Seek further info
总体评价: 包括 ☐ 排除 ☐ 寻求更多信息 ☐

Comments (Including reason for exclusion)


Explanation for the critical appraisal tool for RCTs

Answers: Yes, No, Unclear, or Not Applicable

Was true randomization used for assignment of participants to treatment groups?

The differences between participants included in compared groups constitute a threat to the internal validity of a study exploring causal relationships. If participants are not allocated to treatment and control groups by random assignment, there is a risk that the allocation will be influenced by the known characteristics of the participants, and these differences between the groups may distort the comparability of the groups. A true random assignment of participants to the groups means that a procedure is used that allocates the participants to groups purely based on chance, not influenced by the known characteristics of the participants. Examine the details about the randomization procedure used for allocation of the participants to study groups. Was a true chance (random) procedure used? For example, was a list of random numbers used? Was a computer-generated list of random numbers used?

Was allocation to groups concealed?

If those allocating participants to the compared groups are aware of which group is next in the allocation process, that is, treatment or control, there is a risk that they may deliberately and purposefully intervene in the allocation of patients by preferentially allocating patients to the treatment group or to the control group. This may distort the implementation of the allocation process indicated by the randomization and, therefore, the results of the study may be distorted. Concealment of allocation (allocation concealment) refers to procedures that prevent those allocating patients from having knowledge prior to allocation of which treatment or control is next in the allocation process. Check the details about the procedure used for allocation concealment. Was an appropriate allocation concealment procedure used? For example, was central randomization used? Were sequentially numbered, opaque, and sealed envelopes used? Were coded drug packs used?

Were treatment groups similar at the baseline?

The differences between participants included in compared groups constitute a threat to the internal validity of a study exploring causal relationships. If there are differences between participants included in compared groups, there is a risk of selection bias. If there are differences between participants included in the compared groups perhaps the “effect” cannot be attributed to the potential “cause” (the examined intervention or treatment). It may be plausible that the “effect” can be explained by the differences between participants, that is, by selection bias. Check the characteristics reported for participants. Are the participants from the compared groups similar with regards to the characteristics that may explain the effect even in the absence of the cause,” for example, age, severity of the disease, stage of the disease, co-existing conditions, and so on? Check the proportions of participants with specific relevant characteristics in the compared groups. Check the means of relevant measurements in the compared groups (pain scores, anxiety scores, etc). [Note: Do NOT only consider the P-value for the statistical testing of the differences between groups with regards to the baseline characteristics.]
比较组中参与者之间的差异对探索因果关系的研究的内部有效性构成了威胁。如果比较组中的参与者之间存在差异,则存在选择偏倚的风险。如果被比较组中的参与者之间存在差异,则“效果”可能无法归因于潜在的“原因”(检查的干预或治疗)。“效果”可以通过参与者之间的差异来解释,即选择偏差,这可能是合理的。检查为参与者报告的特征。即使没有“原因”,来自比较组的参与者在可能解释效果的特征方面是否相似,例如年龄、疾病严重程度、疾病阶段、共存条件等?检查比较组中具有特定相关特征的参与者的比例。检查比较组中相关测量值(疼痛评分、焦虑评分等)的均值。[注意:不要只考虑 P 值来统计测试组间在基线特征方面的差异。

Were participants blind to treatment assignment?

If participants are aware of their allocation to the treatment group or to the control group, there is the risk that they may behave differently and respond or react differently to the intervention of interest or to the control intervention compared to the situations when they are not aware of treatment allocation. Therefore the results of the study may be distorted. Blinding of participants is used in order to minimize this risk. Blinding of the participants refers to procedures that prevent participants from knowing which group they are allocated to. If blinding of participants is used, participants are not aware if they are in the group receiving the treatment of interest or if they are in any other group receiving the control interventions. Examine the details reported in the article about the blinding of participants with regards to treatment assignment. Was an appropriate blinding procedure used? For example, were identical capsules or syringes used? Were identical devices used? Be aware of different terms used, blinding is sometimes also called masking.

Were those delivering treatment blind to treatment assignment?

If those delivering treatment are aware of participants’ allocation to the treatment group or to the control group, there is the risk that they may behave differently with the participants from the treatment group and the participants from the control group. They may treat them differently, compared to situations when they are not aware of treatment allocation, and this may influence the implementation of the compared treatments, and the results of the study may be distorted. Blinding of those delivering treatment is used in order to minimize this risk. Blinding of those delivering treatment refers to procedures that prevent those delivering treatment from knowing which group they are treating. Those delivering treatment are not aware if they are treating the group receiving the treatment of interest or if they are treating any other group receiving the control interventions. Examine the details reported in the article about the blinding of those delivering treatment with regards to treatment assignment. Is there any information in the article about those delivering the treatment? Were those delivering the treatment unaware of the assignments of participants to the compared groups?

Were outcomes assessors blind to treatment assignment?

If those assessing the outcomes are aware of participants’ allocation to the treatment group or to the control group, there is the risk that they may behave differently with the participants from the treatment group and the participants from the control group compared to the situations when they are not aware of treatment allocation. Therefore, there is the risk that the measurement of the outcomes may be distorted and the results of the study may be distorted. Blinding of outcomes assessors is used in order to minimize this risk. Examine the details reported in the article about the blinding of outcomes assessors with regards to treatment assignment. Is there any information in the article about outcomes assessors? Were those assessing the treatment’s effects on outcomes unaware of the assignments of participants to the compared groups?

Were treatment groups treated identically other than the intervention of interest?

In order to attribute the “effect” to the “cause” (the treatment or intervention of interest), assuming that there is no selection bias, there should be no other difference between the groups in terms of treatment or care received, other than the manipulated cause (the treatment or intervention controlled by the researchers). If there are other exposures or treatments occurring at the same time as the cause (the treatment or intervention of interest), then the effect may not be attributed to the examined cause (the investigated treatment), as it is plausible that the effect may be explained by other exposures or treatments occurring at the same time as the cause (the treatment of interest). Examine the reported exposures or interventions received by the compared groups. Are there other exposures or treatments occurring at the same time as the cause? Is it plausible that the effect may be explained by other exposures or treatments occurring at the same time as the cause? Is it clear that there is no other difference between the groups in terms of treatment or care received, other than the intervention of interest?

8.Was follow-up complete and, if not, were differences between groups in terms of their follow-up adequately described and analyzed?
8. 随访是否完整,如果没有,是否充分描述和分析了各组之间在随访方面的差异?

For this question, follow-up refers to the time period from the moment of random allocation (random assignment or randomization) to compared groups to the end time of the trial. This critical appraisal question asks if there is complete knowledge (measurements, observations etc.) for the entire duration of the trial, as previously defined (that is, from the moment of random allocation to the end time of the trial), for all randomly allocated participants. If there is incomplete follow-up, that is incomplete knowledge about all randomly allocated participants, this is known in the methodological literature as the post-assignment attrition. As randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are not perfect, there is almost always post-assignment attrition, and the focus of this question is on the appropriate exploration of post-assignment attrition (description of loss to follow-up, description of the reasons for loss to follow-up, the estimation of the impact of loss to follow-up on the effects etc.). If there are differences with regards to the loss to follow-up between the compared groups in an RCT, these differences represent a threat to the internal validity of a randomized experimental study exploring causal effects, as these differences may provide a plausible alternative explanation for the observed effect even in the absence of the cause (the treatment or intervention of interest). When appraising an RCT, check if there were differences with regards to the loss to follow-up between the compared groups. If follow-up was incomplete (that is, there is incomplete information on all participants), examine the reported details about the strategies used in order to address incomplete follow-up, such as descriptions of loss to follow-up (absolute numbers, proportions, reasons for loss to follow-up) and impact analyses (the analyses of the impact of loss to follow-up on results). Was there a description of the incomplete follow-up (number of participants and the specific reasons for loss to follow-up)? It is important to note that with regards to loss to follow-up, it is not enough to know the number of participants and the proportions of participants with incomplete data. The reasons for loss to follow-up are essential in the analysis of risk of bias, even if the numbers and proportions of participants with incomplete data are similar or identical in compared groups or if the patterns of reasons for loss to follow-up are different (e.g. side effects caused by the intervention of interest, lost contact). These may impose a risk of bias if not appropriately explored and considered in the analysis. If there are differences between groups with regards to the loss to follow-up (numbers/proportions and reasons), was there an analysis of patterns of loss to follow-up? If there are differences between the groups with regards to the loss to follow-up, was there an analysis of the impact of the loss to follow-up on the results? [Note: Question 8 is NOT about intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis.]
对于这个问题,随访是指从随机分配(随机分配或随机化)到比较组到试验结束的时间段。这个关键的评估问题询问所有随机分配的参与者在试验的整个持续时间(即从随机分配的那一刻到试验结束时间)是否有完整的知识(测量、观察等)。如果随访不完整,即对所有随机分配的参与者的不完全了解,这在方法学文献中被称为分配后损耗。由于随机对照试验 (RCT) 并不完美,几乎总是存在分配后损耗,本问题的重点是对分配后损耗的适当探索(描述失访、描述失访原因、估计失访对效果的影响等)。如果随机对照试验中比较组之间的失访率存在差异,则这些差异对探索因果效应的随机实验研究的内部有效性构成威胁,因为即使没有原因(感兴趣的治疗或干预),这些差异也可能为观察到的效果提供合理的替代解释。在评估随机对照试验时,检查比较组之间在失访率方面是否存在差异。 如果随访不完整(即所有参与者的信息不完整),请检查报告的有关为解决不完整随访而使用的策略的详细信息,例如对失访的描述(绝对数字比例失访的原因)和影响分析(失访对结果的影响分析)。是否有关于不完全随访的描述(受试者人数和失访的具体原因)?需要注意的是,关于失访,仅仅知道受试者的人数和数据不完整的受试者比例是不够的。在分析偏倚风险时,失访的原因至关重要,即使数据不完整的受试者的数量和比例在比较组中相似或相同,或者失访的原因模式不同(例如,由感兴趣的干预引起的副作用,失去联系)。如果在分析中没有适当地探索和考虑这些因素,可能会带来偏倚的风险。如果各组之间在失访(数量/比例和原因)方面存在差异,是否对失访模式进行了分析?如果两组之间在失访方面存在差异,是否分析了失访对结果的影响?[注意:问题 8 与意向治疗 (ITT) 分析无关。]

9. Were participants analyzed in the groups to which they were randomized?
9. 参与者是否在他们被随机分配的组中进行了分析?

This question is about the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. There are different statistical analysis strategies available for the analysis of data from RCTs, such as ITT (known also as intent to treat), per-protocol analysis, and as-treated analysis. In the ITT analysis, the participants are analyzed in the groups to which they were randomized, regardless of whether they actually participated or not in those groups for the entire duration of the trial, received the experimental intervention or control intervention as planned, or whether they were compliant or not with the planned experimental intervention or control intervention. The ITT analysis compares the outcomes for participants from the initial groups created by the initial random allocation of participants to those groups. Check if ITT was reported, and check the details of the ITT. Were participants analyzed in the groups to which they were initially randomized, regardless of whether they actually participated in those groups, and regardless of whether they actually received the planned interventions? [Note: The ITT analysis is a type of statistical analysis recommended in the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement on best practices in trials reporting. It is considered a marker of good methodological quality of the analysis of results of a randomized trial. The ITT is estimating the effect of offering the intervention, that is, the effect of instructing the participants to use or take the intervention; it is not estimating the effect of actually receiving the intervention of interest.]
这个问题是关于意向治疗 (ITT) 分析的。有不同的统计分析策略可用于分析来自随机对照试验的数据,例如ITT(也称为意向治疗)、按方案分析和治疗后分析。在ITT分析中,参与者在他们被随机分配的组中进行分析,无论他们是否在整个试验期间实际参与这些组,是否按计划接受实验干预或对照干预,或者他们是否符合计划的实验干预或对照干预。ITT 分析比较了由初始随机分配参与者到这些组创建的初始组的参与者的结果。检查是否报告了 ITT,并检查 ITT 的详细信息。参与者是否在他们最初被随机分配的组中进行了分析,无论他们是否真的参加了这些组,也不管他们是否真的接受了计划的干预?[注:ITT分析是试验报告综合标准(CONSORT)关于试验报告最佳实践的声明中推荐的一种统计分析。它被认为是随机试验结果分析方法学质量良好的标志。ITT 正在估计提供干预的效果,即指导参与者使用或采取干预的效果;它没有估计实际接受感兴趣的干预的效果。

10. Were outcomes measured in the same way for treatment groups?
10. 治疗组的结局测量方式是否相同?

If the outcome (effect) is not measured in the same way in the compared groups, there is a threat to the internal validity of a study exploring a causal relationship as the differences in outcome measurements may be confused with an effect of the treatment (cause). Check if the outcomes were measured in the same way. Same instrument or scale used? Same measurement timing? Same measurement procedures and instructions?

11. Were outcomes measured in a reliable way?
11. 结果的衡量是否可靠?

Unreliability of outcome measurements is one threat that weakens the validity of inferences about the statistical relationship between the cause and the effect estimated in a study exploring causal effects. Unreliability of outcome measurements is one of the different plausible explanations for errors of statistical inference with regards to the existence and the magnitude of the effect determined by the treatment (cause). Check the details about the reliability of measurement such as the number of raters, training of raters, the intra-rater reliability, and the inter-raters reliability within the study (not as reported in external sources). This question is about the reliability of the measurement performed in the study, it is not about the validity of the measurement instruments/scales used in the study. [Note: Two other important threats that weaken the validity of inferences about the statistical relationship between the cause and the effect are low statistical power and the violation of the assumptions of statistical tests. These other two threats are explored within Question 12.]
结果测量的不可靠性是一种威胁,它削弱了在探索因果关系的研究中估计的原因和结果之间统计关系的推论的有效性。结果测量的不可靠性是统计推断误差的不同合理解释之一,即治疗(原因)确定的影响的存在和程度。检查有关测量可靠性的详细信息,例如评估者的数量、评估者的培训、评估者内部的信度和研究中的评估者间信度(与外部来源不同)。这个问题是关于研究中进行的测量的可靠性,而不是关于研究中使用的测量仪器/秤的有效性。[注:削弱关于原因和结果之间统计关系的推论有效性的另外两个重要威胁是低统计功效和违反统计检验的假设。问题 12 探讨了其他两个威胁。

12. Was appropriate statistical analysis used?
12. 是否使用了适当的统计分析?

Inappropriate statistical analysis may cause errors of statistical inference with regards to the existence and the magnitude of the effect determined by the treatment (cause). Low statistical power and the violation of the assumptions of statistical tests are two important threats that weaken the validity of inferences about the statistical relationship between the cause and the effect. Check whether the assumptions of statistical tests were respected; if appropriate statistical power analysis was performed; if appropriate effect sizes were used; if appropriate statistical procedures or methods were used given the number and type of dependent and independent variables, the number of study groups, the nature of the relationship between the groups (independent or dependent groups), and the objectives of statistical analysis (association between variables, prediction, survival analysis etc).

13. Was the trial design appropriate for the topic, and any deviations from the standard RCT design accounted for in the conduct and analysis?

Certain RCT designs, such as the crossover RCT, should only be conducted when appropriate. Alternative designs may also present additional risks of bias if not accounted for in the design and analysis. Crossover trials should only be conducted in people with a chronic, stable condition, where the intervention produces a short term effect (i.e. relief in symptoms). Crossover trials should ensure there is an appropriate period of washout between treatments.

Cluster RCTs randomize groups of individuals, forming clusters.When we are assessing outcomes on an individual level in cluster trials, there are unit-of-analysis issues, as individuals within a cluster are correlated. This should be taken into account by the study authors when conducting analysis, and ideally authors will report the intra-cluster correlation coefficient.

Stepped-wedge RCTs may be appropriate when it is expected the intervention will do more good than harm or due to logistical, practical, or financial considerations in the rollout of a new treatment/intervention. Data analysis in these trials should be conducted appropriately, taking into account the effects of time.


Activity 3:

Critical Appraisal of Observational Studies

This activity requires you to work in pairs. One member of the pair will focus on the study by Izurieta, et al. (2015) while the other member of the pair will focus on the study by Fritsch, et al. (2005) provided on page 34 and page 56 of this workbook. Complete an appraisal for your designated paper using the checklist provided.
此活动要求您两人一组工作。两人中的一名成员将专注于Izurietaet al.(2015)的研究,而另一名成员将专注于Fritschet al.(2005)的研究,该研究在本工作手册的第34页和第56页中提供。使用提供的清单完成对指定论文的评估。

Once complete, comment on the methodological quality of your designated paper:


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


Izurieta, et al. (2015)


JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Cohort Studies
JBI 队列研究的批判性评估清单


AuthorIzurieta, et al. (2015)YearRecord Number
作者 Izurieta, et al. (2015) 年份记录编号




Not applicable

Were the two groups similar and recruited from the same population?

Were the exposures measured similarly to assign people to both exposed and unexposed groups?

Was the exposure measured in a valid and reliable way?

Were confounding factors identified?

Were strategies to deal with confounding factors stated

Were the groups/participants free of the outcome at the start of the study (or at the moment of exposure)?

Were the outcomes measured in a valid and reliable way?

Was the follow-up time reported and sufficient to be long enough for outcomes to occur?

Was follow-up complete, and if not, were the reasons to loss to follow-up described and explored?

Were strategies to address incomplete follow-up utilized?

Was appropriate statistical analysis used?

Overall appraisal: Include Exclude Seek further info
总体评价: 包括 ☐ 排除 ☐ 寻求更多信息 ☐

Comments (Including reason for exclusion)


Explanation of Cohort Studies Critical Appraisal Tool

Answers: Yes, No, Unclear, or Not/Applicable

Were the two groups similar and recruited from the same population?

Check the paper carefully for descriptions of participants to determine if patients within and across groups have similar characteristics in relation to exposure (e.g. risk factor under investigation). The two groups selected for comparison should be as similar as possible in all characteristics except for their exposure status, relevant to the study in question. The authors should provide clear inclusion and exclusion criteria that they developed prior to recruitment of the study participants.

Were the exposures measured similarly to assign people to both exposed and unexposed groups?

A high quality study at the level of cohort design should describe how the exposures were measured. The exposure measures should be clearly defined and described in detail. This will enable reviewers to assess whether or not the participants received the exposure of interest.

Was the exposure measured in a valid and reliable way?

The study should clearly describe the method of measurement of exposure. Assessing validity requires that a gold standard is available to which the measure can be compared. The validity of exposure measurement usually relates to whether a current measure is appropriate or whether a measure of past exposure is needed.

Reliability refers to the processes included in an epidemiological study to check repeatability of measurements of the exposures. These usually include intra-observer reliability and inter-observer reliability.

Were confounding factors identified?

Confounding occurs where the estimated intervention exposure effect is biased by the presence of some difference between the comparison groups (apart from the exposure investigated/of interest). Typical confounders include baseline characteristics, prognostic factors, or concomitant exposures (e.g. smoking). A confounder is a difference between the comparison groups and it influences the direction of the study results. A high quality study at the level of cohort design will identify the potential confounders and measure them (where possible). This is difficult for studies where behavioral, attitudinal, or lifestyle factors may impact on the results.

Were strategies to deal with confounding factors stated?

Strategies to deal with effects of confounding factors may be dealt with within the study design or in data analysis. By matching or stratifying sampling of participants, effects of confounding factors can be adjusted for. When dealing with adjustment in data analysis, assess the statistics used in the study. Most will be some form of multivariate regression analysis to account for the confounding factors measured. Look out for a description of statistical methods as regression methods such as logistic regression are usually employed to deal with confounding factors/variables of interest.

Were the groups/participants free of the outcome at the start of the study (or at the moment of exposure)?

The participants should be free of the outcomes of interest at the start of the study. Refer to the methods section in the paper for this information, which is usually found in descriptions of participant/sample recruitment, definitions of variables, and/or inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Were the outcomes measured in a valid and reliable way?

Read the methods section of the paper. If, for example, lung cancer is assessed based on existing definitions or diagnostic criteria, then the answer to this question is likely to be yes. If lung cancer is assessed using observer reported, or self-reported scales, the risk of over- or underreporting is increased, and objectivity is compromised. Importantly, determine if the measurement tools used were validated instruments as this has a significant impact on outcome assessment validity.

Having established the objectivity of the outcome measurement (e.g. lung cancer) instrument, it’s important to establish how the measurement was conducted. Were those involved in collecting data trained or educated in the use of the instrument/s (e.g. radiographers)? If there was more than one data collector, were they similar in terms of level of education, clinical or research experience, or level of responsibility in the piece of research being appraised?

Was the follow-up time reported and sufficient to be long enough for outcomes to occur?

The appropriate length of time for follow-up will vary with the nature and characteristics of the population of interest and/or the intervention, disease, or exposure. To estimate an appropriate duration of follow-up, refer to multiple papers and take note of the range for duration of follow-up. The opinions of experts in clinical practice or clinical research may also assist in determining an appropriate duration of follow-up; for example, a longer timeframe may be needed to examine the association between occupational exposure to asbestos and the risk of lung cancer. It is important, particularly in cohort studies, that follow-up is long enough to enable the outcomes. However, it should be remembered that the research question and outcomes being examined will most likely dictate the follow-up time.

Was follow-up complete, and if not, were the reasons to loss to follow-up described and explored?

It is important in a cohort study that a greater percentage of people are followed up. As a general guideline, at least 80% of patients should be followed up. Generally a dropout rate of 5% or less is considered insignificant. A rate of 20% or greater is considered to significantly impact on the validity of the study. However, in observational studies conducted over a lengthy period of time, a higher dropout rate is to be expected. A decision on whether to include or exclude a study because of a high dropout rate is a matter of judgment based on the reasons why people dropped out, and whether dropout rates were comparable in the exposed and unexposed groups.
在队列研究中,对更大比例的人进行随访是很重要的。作为一般指南,至少 80% 的患者应接受随访。一般来说,5%或更低的辍学率被认为是微不足道的。20% 或更高的比率被认为对研究的有效性有重大影响。然而,在长期进行的观察性研究中,预计辍学率会更高。由于高辍学率而决定是否纳入或排除一项研究,是基于人们辍学的原因以及暴露组和未暴露组的辍学率是否具有可比性来判断的问题。

Reporting of efforts to follow up participants that dropped out may be regarded as an indicator of a well-conducted study. Look for a clear and justifiable description of why people were left out, excluded, dropped out etc. If there is no clear description or a statement in this regards, this will be a “No.

10. Were strategies to address incomplete follow-up utilized?
10. 是否采用了解决不完整随访的策略?

Some people may withdraw due to change in employment or some may die; however, it is important that their outcomes are assessed. Selection bias may occur as a result of incomplete follow-up. Therefore, participants with unequal follow-up periods must be taken into account in the analysis, which should be adjusted to allow for differences in length of follow-up periods. This is usually done by calculating rates that use person-years at risk (i.e. considering time in the denominator).

11. Was appropriate statistical analysis used?
11. 是否使用了适当的统计分析?

As with any consideration of statistical analysis, consideration should be given to whether there was a more appropriate alternate statistical method that could have been used. The methods section of cohort studies should be detailed enough for reviewers to identify which analytical techniques were used (in particular, regression or stratification) and how specific confounders were measured.

For studies utilizing regression analysis, it is useful to determine if the study identified which variables were included and how they related to the outcome. If stratification was the analytical approach used, were the strata of analysis defined by the specified variables? Additionally, it is also important to assess the appropriateness of the analytical strategy in terms of the assumptions associated with the approach, as differing methods of analysis are based on differing assumptions about the data and how it will respond.


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


Fritsch, et al. (2005)


JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Case Control Studies


AuthorFritsch, et al. (2005)YearRecord Number
作者 Fritsch, et al. (2005) 年份记录编号





Were the groups comparable other than presence of disease in cases or absence of disease in controls?

Were cases and controls matched appropriately?

Were the same criteria used for identification of cases and controls?

Was exposure measured in a standard, valid, and reliable way?

Was exposure measured in the same way for cases and controls

Were confounding factors identified?

Were strategies to deal with confounding factors stated?


Were outcomes assessed in a standard, valid, and reliable way for cases and controls?

Was the exposure period of interest long enough to be meaningful?

Was appropriate statistical analysis used?

Overall appraisal: Include Exclude Seek further info
总体评价: 包括 ☐ 排除 ☐ 寻求更多信息 ☐

Comments (Including reason for exclusion)


Explanation of Case Control Studies Critical Appraisal Tool

Answers: Yes, No, Unclear, or Not Applicable

Were the groups comparable other than presence of disease in cases or absence of disease in controls?

The control group should be representative of the source population that produced the cases. This is usually done by individual matching, wherein controls are selected for each case on the basis of similarity with respect to certain characteristics other than the exposure of interest. Frequency or group matching is an alternative method. Selection bias may result if the groups are not comparable.

Were cases and controls matched appropriately?

As in item 1, the study should include clear definitions of the source population. Sources from which cases and controls were recruited should be carefully looked at. For example, cancer registries may be used to recruit participants in a study examining risk factors for lung cancer, which typify population-based case control studies. Study participants may be selected from the target population, the source population, or from a pool of eligible participants (such as in hospital-based case control studies).

Were the same criteria used for identification of cases and controls?

It is useful to determine if patients were included in the study based on either a specified diagnosis or definition. This is more likely to decrease the risk of bias. Characteristics are another useful approach to matching groups, and studies that did not use specified diagnostic methods or definitions should provide evidence on matching by key characteristics. A case should be defined clearly. It is also important that controls must fulfil all the eligibility criteria defined for the cases except for those relating to diagnosis of the disease.

Was exposure measured in a standard, valid, and reliable way?

The study should clearly describe the method of measurement of exposure. Assessing validity requires that a gold standard is available to which the measure can be compared. The validity of exposure measurement usually relates to whether a current measure is appropriate or whether a measure of past exposure is needed.

Case control studies may investigate many different exposures that may or may not be associated with the condition. In these cases, reviewers should use the main exposure of interest for their review to answer this question when using this tool at the study level.

Reliability refers to the processes included in an epidemiological study to check repeatability of measurements of the exposures. These usually include intra-observer reliability and inter-observer reliability.

Was exposure measured in the same way for cases and controls?

As in item 4, the study should clearly describe the method of measurement of exposure. The exposure measures should be clearly defined and described in detail. Assessment of exposure or risk factors should have been carried out according to same procedures or protocols for both cases and controls.
与第 4 项一样,研究应清楚地描述暴露的测量方法。应明确界定和详细描述暴露措施。对病例和对照组的暴露或危险因素的评估应按照相同的程序或方案进行。

Were confounding factors identified?

Confounding has occurred where the estimated intervention exposure effect is biased by the presence of some difference between the comparison groups (apart from the exposure investigated/of interest). Typical confounders include baseline characteristics, prognostic factors, or concomitant exposures (e.g. smoking). A confounder is a difference between the comparison groups and it influences the direction of the study results. A high quality study at the level of case control design will identify the potential confounders and measure them (where possible). This is difficult for studies where behavioral, attitudinal, or lifestyle factors may impact on the results.

Were strategies to deal with confounding factors stated?

Strategies to deal with effects of confounding factors may be dealt within the study design or in data analysis. By matching or stratifying sampling of participants, effects of confounding factors can be adjusted for. When dealing with adjustment in data analysis, assess the statistics used in the study. Most will be some form of multivariate regression analysis to account for the confounding factors measured. Look out for a description of statistical methods as regression methods such as logistic regression are usually employed to deal with confounding factors/variables of interest.

Were outcomes assessed in a standard, valid, and reliable way for cases and controls?

Read the methods section of the paper. If, for example, lung cancer is assessed based on existing definitions or diagnostic criteria, then the answer to this question is likely to be yes. If lung cancer is assessed using observer-reported or self-reported scales, the risk of over- or underreporting is increased, and objectivity is compromised. Importantly, determine if the measurement tools used were validated instruments, as this has a significant impact on outcome assessment validity.

Having established the objectivity of the outcome measurement (e.g. lung cancer) instrument, it’s important to establish how the measurement was conducted. Were those involved in collecting data trained or educated in the use of the instrument/s (e.g. radiographers)? If there was more than one data collector, were they similar in terms of level of education, clinical or research experience, or level of responsibility in the piece of research being appraised?

Was the exposure period of interest long enough to be meaningful?

It is particularly important in a case control study that the exposure time was sufficient enough to show an association between the exposure and the outcome. It may be that the exposure period may be too short or too long to influence the outcome.

Was appropriate statistical analysis used?

As with any consideration of statistical analysis, consideration should be given to whether there was a more appropriate alternate statistical method that could have been used. The methods section should be detailed enough for reviewers to identify which analytical techniques were used (in particular, regression or stratification) and how specific confounders were measured.

For studies utilizing regression analysis, it is useful to determine if the study identified which variables were included and how they related to the outcome. If stratification was the analytical approach used, were the strata of analysis defined by the specified variables? Additionally, it is also important to assess the appropriateness of the analytical strategy in terms of the assumptions associated with the approach as differing methods of analysis are based on differing assumptions about the data and how it will respond.


Activity 4:

Extracting Outcome Data

Complete phase 1 data extraction using the two experimental studies you appraised earlier in Activity 2. One member of the pair will extract data from one study and the other member will extract data from the other study. Work within the same SUMARI project that you worked in for Activity 2.
使用您在活动 2 中之前评估的两项实验研究完成第 1 阶段的数据提取。该组合的一名成员将从一项研究中提取数据,另一名成员将从另一项研究中提取数据。在您为活动 2 工作的同一个 SUMARI 项目中工作。

Login to JBI SUMARI.

Select [Extraction] from the top menu bar for the project The effectiveness of combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy versus single Nicotine Replacement Therapy on smoking cessation (Participant Name).”

Select [Start] for the paper you will be extracting (Caldwell, et al. [2016] or Croghan, et al. [2003]).
选择[开始]作为要提取的论文(Caldwell等人[2016]或Croghanet al.[2003])。

Fill in the appropriate details under the following headings:


− Setting/context

− Participant characteristics
− 参与者特征

− Group description and sample (To add another group select [Add group])
− 组描述和示例(要添加其他组,请选择 [添加组])

− Outcomes measured
− 衡量的结果

− Description of main results
− 主要结果说明

Select [Save].

Select [Back].


Activity 5:

Interpreting Forest Plots

Study the forest plots below in pairs.

Figure 1: Meta-analysis of tumour response rates in response to chemotherapy alone or endocrine therapy alone. The data presented is the number of patients with metastatic breast cancer who experienced complete tumour response (eradication of tumour).
图 1:单独化疗或单独内分泌治疗的肿瘤反应率的荟萃分析。提供的数据是经历完全肿瘤反应(根除肿瘤)的转移性乳腺癌患者人数。

Discuss the following questions with your partner:

What does this forest plot show? Is endocrine therapy more effective than chemotherapy for the outcome tumor response rate? Were the results significant? Is there heterogeneity present? Is this an appropriate meta-analysis to have conducted? Why or why not?


Figure 2: Meta-analysis of the incidence of deep-vein thrombosis
(DVT) in response to
Heparin or a placebo. The data presented is the number of
participants who experienced

Discuss the following questions with your partner:

What does this forest plot show? Is Heparin more effective in reducing the incidence of DVT than a placebo? Were the results statistically significant? Is there heterogeneity present?

Figure 3: This forest plot is a head
-to-head comparison meta-analysis for continuous data, assessing music vs control for anxiety during MRI scans.
连续数据的头部比较荟萃分析,评估 MRI 扫描期间音乐与对照组的焦虑。
Anxiety was measured on a scale of 0-100
焦虑以 0-100 的等级测量
using a validated instrument. T
he data presented is the mean difference in anxiety scores between groups.

Discuss the following questions with your partner:

What does this forest plot show? Is music more effective than control for reducing anxiety? Were the results statistically significant? Is there heterogeneity present?

Activity 6:

Extraction and Synthesis

Working in your pair, use the two experimental studies from Activity 2 and extract the data relevant to the outcome Biochemically confirmed abstinence at 6 months” for both papers in JBI SUMARI. Undertake a meta-analysis for the following outcome: Biochemically confirmed abstinence at 6 months.” Please work in the same project as Activities 2 and 4.
在您的配对中,使用活动 2 中的两项实验研究,并提取与 JBI SUMARI 中两篇论文的结果“6 个月时生化确认禁欲”相关的数据。对以下结果进行荟萃分析“6 个月时生化确认禁欲”。请与活动 2 和 4 在同一项目中工作。


Select [Synthesis] from the top menu bar for the project, The effectiveness of combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy versus single Nicotine Replacement Therapy on smoking cessation (Your Name)

Select [Comparative Meta-analysis].

You will first need to enter a comparison. Select [Create] to do this. The comparison here is Combination NRT versus Single NRT.Select the tick to confirm the comparison.
您首先需要输入比较。选择[创建]执行此操作。此处的比较是“组合 NRT 与单个 NRT”选择勾号以确认比较。

Once you have entered the comparison, you need to create an outcome. Select [Open] and then [Create]. Type in Biochemically confirmed abstinence at 6 months, select the tick to confirm and then select dichotomous.
进入比较后,您需要创建一个结果。选择[打开],然后选择[创建]。输入“6 个月时生化确认的禁欲”,选择要确认的勾号,然后选择二分法。

Select [Plot].

Once in the plotting stage, you will need to put in the parameters for your meta-analysis. You can try some different options here. Using the drop down menus, select inverse variance” as the statistical method, use a fixed model with the odds ratio as the effect measure, with 95% confidence interval.

Select the Line of No Effect Labels as [Inverse] in the drop down menu.

In the data table, select your study (using the drop down menu) and enter the events and the total sample from both the experimental and control arms.

Select [Add] and then complete this information for the other study.

Once you have done this for both the study by Caldwell, et al. (2016) and Croghan, et al. (2003), select [Generate]. This will produce your forest plot.
Now take some time to review the different parameters and view the output.
完成 Caldwell, et al. (2016) 和 Croghan, et al. (2003) 的研究后,选择 [生成]。这将产生您的林地。现在花一些时间查看不同的参数并查看输出。

What does this forest plot show? Is combination NRT more effective than single NRT at improving smoking abstinence? Were the results statistically significant? Is there heterogeneity present?

Knowledge Assessment

1. External validity refers to:

How good or true the results of a study are based on the limitation of potential bias in the study design and methods.

The generalizability of the findings to the real world population of interest not under strict experimental control.

How credible the results of a randomized controlled trial are.

2. Detection bias is:

Present when there are more than five time points at which outcomes are measured.

Present when different assessors collect outcome data.

Present when there are systematic differences in how the data are collected between groups.

All of the above.

3. Whilst undertaking critical appraisal, to determine that there has been an attempt on the part of the researchers to limit attrition bias, you may look to see that:
3. 在进行批判性评估时,为了确定研究人员是否试图限制损耗偏差,您可以查看以下情况:

A per protocol analysis has been performed.

The study is less than eight weeks duration to limit losses to follow-up.

An available case analysis has been performed.

An intention-to-treat analysis has been performed.

4. A quasi-randomized controlled trial is named as such because:
4. 半随机对照试验之所以如此命名,是因为:

Opaque sealed envelopes weren't used for allocation of subjects to groups.

A systematic but non-random method was used to allocate subjects to treatment groups.

Participants were not blinded to their treatment allocation.


5. Confounding occurs:
5. 发生混杂:

When the effects of two or more processes are not separated, so the apparent effect is not the true effect.

When investigators mix up the data collection by accident.

When there is systematic deviation of the results or inferences from the truth.

Most commonly in randomized controlled trials.

6. Which of the following is an absolute rather than relative measure of difference?

Relative risk

Odds ratio

Risk difference

Hazard ratio

7. When dealing with meta-analysis of continuous data, an effect measure you may calculate is the:
7. 在处理连续数据的荟萃分析时,您可以计算的效果度量是:

Odds ratio

Relative risk

Standardized mean difference

8. Meta-analysis should only be undertaken:
8. 荟萃分析只应在下列情况下进行:

On randomized controlled trials.

Normally, only in the presence of clinical and methodological homogeneity.

Where the studies to be included have similar sized populations.

9. A sensitivity analysis may be performed during a systematic review to:
9. 在系统评价期间可以进行敏感性分析,以:

See how sensitive the data is to the normal distribution.

To test the assumptions or decisions made by the reviewers.

Increase external validity of the findings of the review.


10. To minimize error during the data extraction process, reviewers can:
10. 为了尽量减少数据提取过程中的错误,审阅者可以:

Use a specialized data extraction form.

Pilot test the data extraction form prior to use for the review.

Train and assess all people involved in the data extraction process.

Have blind extraction of the data from each study by two people.

All of the above.









