这是用户在 2024-5-19 18:19 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

Coursework 1: Part B
课程作业 1:B 部分

Course: COMP07075 Security Fundamentals
课程: COMP07075 Security Fundamentals

Week: 08
周: 08

Topic: Coursework 1: Part B
主题:课程作业 1:B 部分

Duration: Home Assignment

Instructor: Dr Babak Habibnia
讲师:Babak Habibnia 博士

Submission Deadline: 19th May 2024, 23:55 (UK Time zone)
投稿截止日期:2024 th 年 5 月 19 日 23:55(英国时区)

Assessment: 20%

Student Name: ……………………………….
学生姓名: .....................................

Student ID: ……………………………….
学号: .....................................

Important Note:

Please note that whenever you are giving snapshots as outputs should show your banner ID or name on the terminal/Operating System GUI. This will help me to verify the authenticity of your work. To do this, you can create a new username (your name or banner ID) in Kali/Ubuntu Linux. This will show your name/Banner ID on the terminal where you will run all your commands. Not adhering to this may impact your score as it will be difficult for me to know if you have performed all experiments by yourself or not. Thanks!
请注意,每当您提供快照作为输出时,都应在终端/操作系统 GUI 上显示您的横幅 ID 或名称。这将帮助我验证您作品的真实性。为此,您可以在 Kali/Ubuntu Linux 中创建一个新的用户名(您的姓名或横幅 ID)。这将在您将运行所有命令的终端上显示您的姓名/横幅 ID。不遵守这一点可能会影响你的分数,因为我很难知道你是否自己进行了所有实验。 谢谢!

Task 01: Demonstrate the ARP Poisoning attack.
任务 01:演示 ARP 中毒攻击。

Please use the solution you created in Lab Exercise 06. Create a network with four VMs: Client, Server, Attacker and Router. Use the given below network diagram and configure a custom build website.
请使用您在实验练习 06 中创建的解决方案。创建包含四个 VM 的网络:客户端、服务器、攻击者和路由器。使用下面给出的网络图并配置自定义构建网站。

Demonstrate the ARP poisoning attack. Please provide proper snapshots with captions and a brief description of the steps you are taking. Please discuss the results and provide proper information about the steps. Also, demonstrate how ARPWATCH can be used to detect ARP poisoning attacks.
演示 ARP 中毒攻击。请提供适当的快照,并附上标题和您正在采取的步骤的简要说明。请讨论结果并提供有关步骤的适当信息。此外,演示如何使用 ARPWATCH 检测 ARP 中毒攻击。

Task 02: Demonstrate DoS attack
任务 02:演示 DoS 攻击

Please use the solution you created in Lab Exercise 07. Use the same network setup you used in Task 01 of this coursework.
请使用您在实验练习 07 中创建的解决方案。使用您在本课程任务 01 中使用的相同网络设置。

Use the PENTMENU tool to demonstrate a DoS attack. Please provide proper snapshots with captions and a brief description of the steps you are taking. Please discuss the results and provide proper information about the steps.
使用 PENTMENU 工具演示 DoS 攻击。请提供适当的快照,并附上标题和您正在采取的步骤的简要说明。请讨论结果并提供有关步骤的适当信息。

Discuss various security countermeasures to stop the various types of DoS attacks.
讨论各种安全对策,以阻止各种类型的 DoS 攻击。