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University of North Alabama Lesson Plan Template

Candidate’s name:

YanQi Tang

XingYi Cai

DaMing Guo


Lesson plan title: Meet the week


Class 2, Freshman preschool education, HuiZhou University


National and/or State standard(s): [P1]

2cOT-5 Show understanding of words that describe time
2cOT-5 表现出对描述时间的词语的理解

22b. Measures time and money2. Relates time to daily routines and schedule

3YP-3 Participate in guided movement games or songs
3YP-3 参加引导运动游戏或歌曲

2YT-3 Recognize and associate a particular song or sound with a particular meaning
2YT-3 识别特定的歌曲或声音并将其与特定含义联系起来

Cross-curricular connections (when applicable): [P1]

Mathematics & Logic:

Sequential arrangement: Through "help us get in line" and the sequencing of Sundays (e.g., Sunday, Thursday, Saturday), children can learn and understand the order of each day of the week, strengthening their logical understanding of chronological order.

Problem solving: Via the mini-game "Who took a leave of absence?" "Stimulate children's logical reasoning skills and let them guess the missing day from the known week of the week.

Social science:

Time Concept: Week games are a fun way to educate about time, and it helps children build up time concepts and calendar awareness.

Daily Living Skills: Educate children about weekly schedules and planning, develop their ability to manage time and organize activities.

Art & Aesthetics:

Justification of the standard(s): [P1]

We held fun games and upbeat music to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning atmosphere for young children. The curriculum is based on play, which is also in line with kindergarten standards and children's physical and mental development.

Daily lesson objective(s): [P2]

Teach the children about the seven days of the week

Essential questions(s) and/or learning focus: [P2, I2]

Learn and master the names of the seven days of the week, Monday to Sunday. Understand that the week is a cyclical concept, and when the week ends, it starts again.

Instructional supports for whole group needs (strategies, learning experiences, resources, and materials): [P4]Teaching Strategies

Gamified Teaching:Taking advantage of children's natural love for games, the learning of the week is integrated into a variety of interesting games, such as carousel games, role-playing games, etc., to make the learning process more vivid and interesting.

Interactive Engagement:Children are encouraged to actively participate in the game and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the week through hands-on operation and interaction.

Gradual:From simple to complex, children are guided to grasp the knowledge of the week step by step, such as first recognizing the name of the week, and then understanding the sequence and periodicity of the week.

Learning experience: Through hands-on operations such as spinning wheel games and sorting games, children can experience the sequence and periodicity of the week.

Materials: Write the cards of each week and PPT

Instructional supports for individual learner needs (include IEPs, IFSPs, 504 plans, appropriate assistive technology, and other individual learner needs): [P4]
针对个人学习者需求的教学支持(包括 IEP、IFSP、504 计划、适当的辅助技术和其他个人学习者需求):[P4]

Adaptive teaching: Provide adaptive teaching content and methods according to the special needs of learners. For example, for students with learning difficulties, the difficulty of the game can be reduced and the number of repetitions can be increased to help them better grasp the knowledge of the week. According to the learning characteristics and abilities of learners, design game tasks and learning activities that are suitable for them. For example, for children with visual problems, you can design and use brightly colored and clearly patterned day cards or game props; For young children who are less sensitive to hearing, you can design audio materials or songs that include the name of the week and a description of the characteristics.

Technology (used by learners to design, innovate, solve problems, and/or express creative thought): [P7]

Multimedia technology: Capture students' attention and interest in learning by creating beautiful PowerPoint presentations or animations that bring the days of the week to life, such as giving the letters interesting and anthropomorphic features, or matching them with rich colors and sound effects.
多媒体技术:通过创建精美的 PowerPoint 演示文稿或动画来吸引学生的注意力和学习兴趣,使一周中的日子栩栩如生,例如赋予字母有趣和拟人化的特征,或将它们与丰富的色彩和声音效果相匹配。

Use teaching aids such as pictures of the week to play various games, such as sorting and finding neighbors, to improve students' participation and learning effectiveness in a gamified way. Let the children clarify the sequence and periodicity of the week, and deepen their understanding of the concept of the week.


Introduction: [I1]

Set a purpose

State goals/ objectives

Use a “hook”

Organize orientation around essential question/learning focus

Activate and connect to prior knowledge [I2]
激活并连接到先验知识 [I2]

Body of the lesson:

Demonstrate understanding of content knowledge [I3]
展示对内容知识的理解 [I3]

Demonstrate application of content [I4]
演示内容应用 [I4]

Use evidence of prior knowledge and background [P5]
使用先验知识和背景的证据 [P5]

Engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving [I4]
让学习者参与批判性思维、创造力和解决问题的能力 [I4]

Relate to authentic local and/or global issues [I4]
与真实的本地和/或全球问题相关 [I4]

Sequence learning experiences [P6]
序列学习经验 [P6]

Integrate available technology [P7]
集成现有技术 [P7]

Justification of learning experiences, research-based strategies, and evidence of learners’ prior knowledge and background: [P4, P5, P6]

Lesson closure: [I5]

Summarize key points of the lesson [P2, P3]
总结课程的要点 [P2, P3]

Connect to essential questions/ learning focus [P2]
连接到基本问题/学习重点 [P2]

Challenge learners to continue exploring content


Assessment: [A1]

Includes formal and/or informal assessment

Align with standards and objectives [P2]
与标准和目标保持一致 [P2]

Offer learners multiple ways of demonstrating knowledge and skills [P4]
为学习者提供展示知识和技能的多种方式 [P4]

Includes modified assessments for learners with specific needs as appropriate [P4]
酌情包括针对有特定需求的学习者的修改评估 [P4]

Children can grasp the names of the seven days of the week, i.e., Monday to Sunday, and correctly recognize the order of each name, which is considered to be a success in teaching.

Toddlers can grasp the names of the seven days of the week and their correct order.

In the week sorting game, prepare some cards with the names of the weeks written on them and shuffle them out of order. Have the toddler rearrange the cards according to the order of the week. This game can provide opportunities for young children to demonstrate their logical thinking skills and sequencing skills. Engage in interactive Q&A with young children during lessons. For example: "If today is Wednesday, what day of the week is tomorrow?" "What day was last Friday?" This question-and-answer format can provide opportunities for young children to demonstrate their responsiveness and thinking skills. The opening session also provides an opportunity for children to show their musical abilities

In a pre-set time and situation, the behavior of children with special needs in the game of the week is recorded and evaluated using specific observation tables or scales. The observation table can include their engagement in the game, interactions, task completion, etc. We can also use other assessment methods, such as interviews. At the same time, the difficulty of the test can be appropriately reduced, and the method of graded test can be used to allow special children to be evaluated according to their own difficulty level.

Justification of objective-instruction-assessment alignment: [P3, A1]

We have set clear teaching goals, and designed targeted teaching guidance for children according to the goals to help children better understand and grasp the concept of the week. Based on the assessment results, we can adjust the game goals, guidance strategies or activity content in time to meet the individual needs of children with special needs and promote their all-round development.