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  1. 一种用于降低受试者细胞或组织中 miR-3120 表达的配方,包括至少一种橙油、乳香油、大麻油或其他天然油脂或浸膏,或从上述至少一种油脂或浸膏中分离的至少一种物质或化合物。

  2. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,该组成还包含重氢耗尽水。

  3. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,该组成物进一步减少了 miR-21。

  4. 根据权利要求 1 所述的组成物,其中该组成物进一步降低了 MALAT1。

  5. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,所述组成进一步增加 miR-4461 的表达。

  6. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,该组成物可用于治疗或预防代谢综合征相关的疾病、障碍或状况。

  7. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,该组成物对于与代谢综合症无关的疾病、障碍或状况的治疗或预防是有用的。

  8. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,其中所述对象为哺乳动物。

  9. 根据权利要求 3 的组成物,所述组成物进一步用于治疗与 miR-21 表达相关的疾病,其中所述疾病选自包括癌症和银屑病的群组。

  10. 根据权利要求 1 的组成, 所述油或提取物是通过 提取、DMSO 提取、 提取和 DMSO 提取的组合、冷压提取和蒸馏提取而制得的。

  11. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,其中该组成物进一步包括至少一种载体,和/或至少一种辅料,和/或至少一种稀释剂,和/或至少一种稳定剂,和/或至少一种表面活性剂,和/或至少一种缓冲剂。

  12. 根据权利要求 11 的组成,所述缓冲剂是从包括以下组成的群中选择的:磷酸二氢钠、磷酸二氢钾、碳酸氢钠、碳酸氢钾、羧酸及其盐类。

  13. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,所述组成物还包括至少一种具有治疗益处的第二活性成分。

  14. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,该组成可以是溶液、液体、凝胶、悬浮液、乳化液、乳液、片剂、小丸、颗粒、胶囊、粉末、缓释制剂、抑制剂、乳化剂、气溶胶、喷雾、滴剂、纳米乳化液、口腔粘膜或舌下给药形式、透皮贴剂或其他适用于使用的形式,如化妆品乳霜、身体乳液、身体乳、软膏或洗发露。

  15. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,该组成采取纳米粒子、纳米囊和/或脂质体的形式。

  16. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,所述组成为口香糖、稳定液体、含片、片剂、胶囊、软糖、运动饮料、舌下制剂、调味品、营养饮料、聚乙二醇包衣制剂、悬浮液、糖浆、软胶囊、外用剂型、纳米乳、纳米粒子制剂、食品混合物、粉末混合物、外用凝胶、防晒霜、含片糖、乳膏、水溶性制剂、注射剂。

  17. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,其中所述组成物为功能性食品。

  18. 根据权利要求 1 所述的组合物,其中所述组合物还包括 omega-3 脂肪酸、橄榄油或其他脂质来源之一。

  19. 根据权利要求 1-18 的组成物,该组成物为"T"型或"L"型固体剂型的口腔或舌下制剂。

  20. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,该组成物可用于减少多药物治疗或预防或改善某种病症、疾病或紊乱,或患者聚集性慢性疾病(CDCP)。

  21. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,所述组合进一步包括至少一种 FDA 批准的药物或非 FDA 批准的药物。

  22. 该组合根据权利要求 1,其中该组合进一步包括至少一种从以下组中选择的物质:倍半萜烯、倍半萜萘、倍半萜内酯、乳菊素、乳汁苦味素、8-脱氧乳汁苦味素、皮克里希德 A、甲籽苷 A、雅丹尼利、雅丹尼利甙、霍伯索利德、何莲宁、蒜菊内酯、脱水古斯特菊内酯、古斯图内酯、倍半萜硫酸盐、还原谷胱甘肽、奥兰酮、乙酰酸、姜黄素、姜黄素类、香菇多酚、脱氢香菇多酚、甲氧基香菇多酚、双脱甲基姜黄素、甲基羟基香菇多酚、三萜类、白桦酸、姜辣素、白藜芦醇、香草醛、迷迭香酸、甲氧基黄酮、倍半萜烯、 -乙酰半胱氨酸、三甲基甘油、叶酸、叶酸、氨基酸、Atf4 调节剂、RF2 调节剂、KEAP1 调节剂、FST1 调节剂、黄酮、黄酮类、槲皮素、姜辣素、6-姜辣素、姜酚、6-姜酚、姜醇、喀瓦内酯、芥子油酸、丙烯基、丁基和苯乙基异硫氰酸酯、叶绿素、α-硫辛酸、蒜素、紫草红、Protandim、辣椒素、辣椒素类、管道、阿魏、丁香酚、毕比胡椒胺、摩珥素、姜烯、 、MC-LR、表没食子儿茶素-3-没食子酸酯、芝麻菜中发现的化合物、氢化辣椒素、咖啡醇、16-O-甲基咖啡醇、黄啤酒苷、异黄酮醇、5-O-咖啡酰奎尼酸、N-甲基吡啶铵、白藜芦醇、诺卡酮、苯乙烯酯咖啡酸、3-O-咖啡酰-1-甲基奎尼酸、硅柠檬素、咖啡醇、大蒜有机硫化合物、番茄红素、红花酚(迷迭香)、avicin、奥地普拉特、CDDO、神经突起生长促进前列腺素、维生素 维生素、穿芝酚、氨基酸、 丙烯基半胱氨酸、维生素 A、维生素 C、维生素 E、 胡萝卜素、反式-2-己烯醛、环戊烯酮、姜黄素
Dihydro-CDDO- trifluoroethyl amide, Hypochlorous acid, Fragrant unsaturated aldehydes, transcinnamaldehyde, safranal, 2,4-octadienal, citral, and trans-2,cis-6-nonadienal, 2-OFIE, 4-OFIE, bucillamine, momordin, momordol, momordicin I, momordicin II, momordicosides, momordicin-28, momordicinin, momordicilin, momordenol, momorcharin, cucurbitacin B, charantin, charantosides, goyaglycosides, a-eleostearic acid, 15, 16-dihydroxy-a-eleostearic acid, antirheumatic gold(I) compounds, an avicin, dithiolethione, an approved drug, an OTC drug, and/or a compound, agent or drug extracted from cloves, black pepper, red chili, ginger, garlic, onion, fennel, bay leaves, nutmeg, saffron coriander and cinnamon, cinnamic aldehyde, zingerbene, agoraspirol, amorphine, anhydro- -rotunol, aromadendrine, azulene, bisabolene, bisabolol, cadalene, cadinene, cadrina-1,4-diene, caryophyllene, cedrene, cedrol, cerapictol, ceratopicanol, clovene, copaene, cubebene, eudalene, eudesmol, farnesene, farnesol, germacrene, guaiazulene, guaiol, gurjunene, hexahydrohumulene, himachalene, hinesol, humulene, junipene, longifolene, lubiminol, khusimone, khusinol, khusimol, nootkatone, santalene, santalol, santanol, santonene, selinene, solavetivone, spatulenol, sterpurine, sulcatine, thujopsene, valerenol, vetispirene, vetivazulene, vetivene, vetiverol, vetivone, viridiflorine, and viridiflorol as well as their derivatives and analogs.

  1. 根据权利要求 1 所述的组成物,所述组成物延长细胞、组织、器官或生物体的寿命。

  2. 根据权利要求 22 的组成物,其中所述组成物进一步包含一种未经批准的药物,可减少获得临床获益所需的获批药物的用量。

  3. 根据权利要求 24 的组成,非批准药物允许有经验的临床医生增加提供给患者的批准药物的剂量,从而获得更大的治疗效益。
  4. The composition of claim 1, wherein said composition modulates ATF4 activity, VEGF activity, EGFR activity or telomerase activity.

  5. 该组合 1 中提到的组成物能够调节以下至少一项:内皮细胞促动脉粥样硬化细胞因子的产生、内皮功能障碍、单核细胞对血管壁的侵犯、单核细胞/巨噬细胞向泡沫细胞的转化、平滑肌增生、平滑肌从内膜中层向内膜的迁移、斑块形成、斑块进展及斑块破裂,脂肪细胞产生脂肪因子(例如肿瘤坏死因子-α,白介素-6,亮氨酸、纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂-1(PAI-1)、血管紧张素原、抗性素和 C-反应蛋白(CRP)),血浆胆固醇升高、血浆低密度脂蛋白升高、血浆三酰甘油升高、血浆高密度脂蛋白降低、血糖升高、空腹血糖升高、葡萄糖耐量减低、高胰岛素血症、胰岛素抗性、依赖外源性胰岛素增加、收缩压和/或舒张压升高、血管紧张素 II 升高、微量白蛋白尿升高,或对化疗药物产生抵抗。
  6. The composition of claim 1, wherein said composition reduces EGFR activity.

  7. 根据权利要求 1 的成分组成,该成分能预防或减少以下至少一种情况:高血压、肥胖、高血糖、高脂血症、动脉粥样硬化、癌症、化疗耐药性。

  8. 该组合根据权利要求 1,可以预防或减轻以下至少一种情况:炎症性疾病、肿瘤性疾病、遗传性疾病、缺血性疾病、传染性疾病、神经系统疾病、血液疾病、肾脏疾病、血管疾病、皮肤病、眼科疾病、类风湿性疾病、骨科疾病、妇科疾病、产科疾病、儿科疾病、sepsis、造影剂肾病、慢性肾脏疾病、肺纤维化、缺氧状况、化学诱导的肺损伤、呼吸窘迫障碍、阴离子隙性酸中毒、肾炎、狼疮、间质性肺病、移植物功能障碍、肝炎、急性肾损伤、噪声诱发的听力损伤、中毒、视网膜病变、神经毒性、癌症引起的损伤(如耳毒性)、呼吸道感染、自闭症、涉及血管痉挛的状况,以及可以通过给予 N-乙酰半胱氨酸、注射还原型谷胱甘肽或已知的细胞内谷胱甘肽增强剂来治疗的状况。

  9. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,该组成还包括以下至少一种:甘露醇、倍半萜、红细胞生成素、类似红细胞生成素的制剂、达贝泼丁(Aranesp)、Epocept (Lupin pharma)、艾博金、Epogin、Eprex、普罗克瑞特、NeoRecormon、Recormon、甲氧基聚乙二醇修饰的重组人红细胞生成素β(Mircera)、Dynepo、Epomax、Silapo(Stada)、Retacrit、Epocept、EPOTrust、Erypro Safe、Repoitin、Vintor、Epofit、Erykine、Wepox、Espogen、ReliPoietin、Shanpoietin、Zyrop、EPIAO(重组人红细胞生成素).

  10. 根据权利要求 1 的组成物,其中所述组成物还包括至少一种三唑。

  11. 根据权利要求 32 的组成物,所述组成物包括一种或多种三唑类药物,如伊曲康唑、氟康唑、伊沙康唑、拉维康唑、泊沙康唑、伏美康唑和特康唑,一种或多种硝基咪唑类药物,如美罗尼达唑、替硝唑、硝基咪唑、阿扎尼达唑、塞克尼达唑、奥尼达唑、丙烯尼达唑和尼泊尔唑,以及一种或多种其他药物,如美洛喹、多西环素、氯喹、羟氯喹、马拉瑞、阿托伐醌、普鲁吉尼(马拉瑞)、青蒿素类化合物、锑剂、两性霉素、米特福辛和帕罗米星。

  12. 根据权利要求 32 的组成,其中三唑选自包括甲硝唑、伊曲康唑、倍半萜醇类的组.

  13. 权利要求 32 所述的组合物,其中所述组合物包括环丙沙星和至少一种三唑类化合物,所述三唑类化合物选自以下组成的组合:伊曲康唑、氟康唑、伊沙康唑、拉伏康唑、泊沙康唑、伏立康唑、特康唑、美罗硝唑、替硝唑、硝咪唑类、阿扎硝唑、嗪硝唑、奥硝唑、丙烯硝唑和尼美硝唑。

  14. 根据权利要求 1 的组成成分,该组成物可用于治疗创伤性脑损伤、爆炸引起的创伤性脑损伤和/或穿透性脑损伤。
  15. The composition of claim- 21 or 22 , wherein the approved drug belongs to drug classes represented by Abilify (aripiprazole), ABREVA (docosanol), Accolate, Accretropin (somatropin rDNA Original), Aciphex (rabeprazole sodium), Actemra (tocilizumab), Actiq, Activella (Estradiol/Norethindrone Acetate) Tablets, Actonel, ACTOplus met (pioglitazone hydrochloride and metformin hydrochloride), ACTOS, Acular (ketorolac tromethamine ophthalmic solution) , Acular (ketorolac tromethamine ophthalmic solution) , Acuvail (ketorolac tromethamine), Acyclovir Capsules, Adcirca (tadalafil), Adderall (mixed salts of a single-entity amphetamine), Adderall XR, Advicor (extended-release niacin/lovastatin), Afinitor (everolimus), Agenerase (amprenavir), Aggrenox, Agrylin (anagrelide HCL), Agrylin (anagrelide HCL), AK- Con-A (naphazoline ophthalmic), Akten (lidocaine hydrochloride), Alamast, Albenza (albendazole), Aldara (imiquimod), Aldurazyme (laronidase), Alesse (100 meg levonorgestrel/20 meg ethinyl estradiol tablets), Alimta (pemetrexed for injection), Alinia (nitazoxanide), Allegra (fexofenadine hydrochloride), Allegra-D, Alora, Aloxi (palonosetron), Alphagan (brimonidine), AlphaNine SD Coagulation Factor IX (Human), Alrex, Altabax (retapamulin), Altocor (lovastatin) Extended-Release Tablets, Alvesco (ciclesonide), Amaryl (Glimepiride), Amerge, Amevive (alefacept), Amitiza (lubiprostone), Amoxil (amoxicillin), Ampyra (dalfampridine), Amrix (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride extended release), Androderm (Testosterone Transdermal System), AndroGel testosterone gel, AneuVysion Assay, Anexsia, Angiomax (bivalirudin), Antizol Injection, Anzemet, Anzemet, Aphthasol, Aplenzin (bupropion hydrobromide), Apokyn (apomorphine hydrochloride), Apthasol (Amlexanox), Aptivus (tipranavir), Aptivus (tipranavir), Arava, Aredia (pamidronate disodium for injection), Arestin (minocycline hydrochloride), Argatroban Injection, ARICEPT (donepezil hydrochloride), Arimidex (anastrozole), Arixtra, Aromasin Tablets, Arranon (nelarabine), Arthrotec, Arzerra (ofatumumab), Asacol (mesalamine), Astelin nasal spray, Astepro (azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray), Atacand (candesartan cilexetil), Atacand (candesartan cilexetil), Atacand (candesartan cilexetil), Atracurium Besylate Injection, Atridox, Atridox, Atrovent (ipratropium bromide), Atryn (antithrombin recombinant lyophilized powder for reconstitution), Augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulanate), Avandamet (rosiglitazone maleate and metformin ), Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate), Avastin (bevacizumab), Avastin (bevacizumab), Avelox IV. (moxifloxacin hydrochloride), Avinza (morphine sulfate), Avita Gel, Avita Gel, Avonex (Interferon Beta 1-A), Axert (almotriptan malate) tablets, Axid AR (nizatidine, Axona (caprylidene), AzaSite (azithromycin), Azmacort (triamcinolone acetonide) Inhalation Aerosol, Azor (amlodipine besylate, olmesartan medoxomil), Azulfidine EN-tabs Tablets (sulfasalazine delayed release tablets, USP), Bactroban Cream, Bactroban Nasal 2% (mupirocin calcium ointment), Banzel (rufinamide), Baraclude (entecavir), Baycol (cerivastatin sodium), Bayer Extra Strength Asprin, BeneFIX (coagulation Factor IX (recombinant)), BeneFIX (coagulation Factor IX (recombinant)), Benicar, Benzamycin (erythromycin 3%-benzoyl peroxide topical gel), Bepreve (bepotastine besilate ophthalmic solution), Berinert (CI Esterase Inhibitor (Human)), Besivance (besifloxacin ophthalmic suspension), Betapace AF Tablet, Betaxon, Bextra, Bexxar, Biaxin XL (clarithromycin extended-release 
    tablets), BiDil (isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine hydrochloride), Boniva (ibandronate), Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA), Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA), Botox Cosmetic (botulinum toxin type A), Bravelle (urofollitropin for injection, purified), Breathe Right, Bromfenac, Brovana (arformoterol tartrate), BSS Sterile Irrigating Solution, Busulflex, Byetta (exenatide), Caduet (amlodipine/atorvastatin), Cafcit Injection, Cambia (diclofenac potassium for oral solution), Campath, Campostar, Campral (acamprosate calcium), Camptosar, Canasa (mesalamine), Cancidas, Captopril and hydrochlorotiazide, Captopril and hydrochlorotiazide, Carbaglu (carglumic acid), Carbatrol, Cardizem (Diltiazem HC1 for injection) Monvial®, Carrington patch, Caverject (alprostadil), Cayston (aztreonam for inhalation solution), CEAScan, Cedax (ceftibuten), Cefazolin and Dextrose USP, Ceftin (cefuroxime axetil), Celexa, CellCept, Cenestin, Cenestin, Cernevit, Cervarix [Human Papillomavirus Bivalent (Types 16 and 18) Vaccine, Recombinant, Cetrotide, Chantix (varenicline), Children's Advil (pediatric ibuprofen), Children's Motrin Cold, Chloraprep (chlorhexidine gluconate), Cialis (tadalafil), Cimetadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution , Cimetidine Hydrochloride Oral Solution, Cimetidine Hydrochloride Oral Solution, Cimzia (certolizumab pegol), Cimzia (certolizumab pegol), Cinryze (CI Inhibitor (Human)), Cipro (ciprofloxacin HC1), Cipro (ciprofloxacin HC1), Cipro (ciprofloxacin) IV. and Cipro (ciprofloxacin HC1) tablets, Clarinex, Clarithromycin (Biaxin), Claritin RediTabs (10 mg loratadine rapidly-disintegrating tablet), Claritin Syrup (loratadine), Claritin-D 24 Hour Extended Release Tablets (10 mg loratadine, , pseudoephedrine sulfate), Clemastine fumarate syrup, Cleocin (clindamycin phosphate), Cleocin (clindamycin phosphate), Cleviprex (clevidipine), Climara, Clindamycin phosphate topical gel, Clindamycin Phosphate Topical Solution USP 1%, Clolar (clofarabine), Clomipramine hydrochloride, Clonazepam, Coartem (artemether/lumefantrine), Colazal (balsalazide disodium), Colcrys (colchicine), Combivir, Comtan, Concerta, Condylox Gel (pokofilox), Confide, Copaxone, Corlopam, Corvert Injection (ibutilide fumarate injection), Cosopt, Covera-HS (verapamil), Crestor (rosuvastatin calcium), Crinone 8% (progesterone gel), Crixivan (Indinavir sulfate), Curosurf, Cuvposa (glycopyrrolate), Cycloset, bromocriptine mesylate, Cylert, Cymbalta (duloxetine), Dacogen (decitabine), Daptacel, Degarelix (degarelix for injection), DentiPatch (lidocaine transoral delivery system), Depakote (divalproex sodium), Depakote (divalproex sodium), Depakote ER (divalproex sodium), Dermagraft-TC, Desmopressin Acetate (DDAVP), Desmopressin Acetate (DDAVP), Desonate (desonide), Detrol (tolterodine tartrate), Detrol LA (tolterodine tartrate), Differin (adapalene gel) Gel, , Diltiazem HCL, Extended-Release Capsules, Diovan (valsartan), Diovan (valsartan), Diovan HCT (valsartan), Ditropan XL (oxybutynin chloride), Ditropan XL (oxybutynin chloride), Doribax (doripenem), Dostinex Tablets (cabergoline tablets), Doxil (doxorubicin HC1 liposome injection), Droxia, Dulera (mometasone furoate+formoterol fumarate dihydrate), DuoNeb (albuterol sulfate and ipratropium bromide), Durezol (difluprednate), dutasteride, Dynabac, DynaCirc CR, EDEX, Edluar (zolpidem tartrate), Effexor (venlafaxin HCL), Effexor XR (venlafaxin HC1), Efient (prasugrel), Egrifta (tesamorelin for injection), Elaprase (idursulfase), Elestrin (estradiol gel), Elidel, Eligard (leuprolide acetate), Elitek (rasbuncase), ella (ulipnstal acetate), Ellence, Elliotts B Solution (buffered intrathecal electrolyte/dextrose injection), Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium), Eloxatin (oxaliplatin/5- fluorouracil/leucovorin), Embeda 
    (morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride), Emend (aprepitant), Enbrel (etanercept), Entereg (alvimopan), Entocort EC (budesonide), Epivir (lamivudine), Epivir (lamivudine), Epogen, Eraxis (anidulafungin), Erbitux (cetuximab), Esclim, Estradiol tablets, Estradiol tablets, Estradiol Transdermal System, Estratab ( ), EstroGel (estradiol gel ), Estrostep (norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol), Estrostep (norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol), Estrostep (norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol), Ethyol (amifostine), Ethyol (amifostine), Etodolac, Etodolac, Etodolac, Eulexin (flutamide), Evamist (estradiol), Evista (raloxifene hydrochloride), Evista (raloxifene hydrochloride), Evista (raloxifene hydrochloride), Evoxac, Exalgo (hydromorphone hydrochloride) extended release, Excedrin Migraine, Exelon (rivastigmine tartrate), Exelon (rivastigmine tartrate), Extavia (Interferon beta-I b), Extina (ketoconazole), Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta), Famvir (famciclovir), Famvir (famciclovir), Fanapt (iloperidone), Faslodex (fulvestrant), Femara (letrozole), Femara (letrozole), Femhrt Tablets, FemPatch, Femstat 3 (butoconazole nitrate 2%), FEMSTAT One, Fenofibrate, Feraheme (ferumoxytol), Feridex I.V., Ferriecit, Fertinex (urofollitropin for injection, purified), Finacea (azelaic acid) Gel, 15%, Finevin, Flagyl ER, FLOMAX, Flonase Nasal Spray, Flovent Rotadisk, Floxin otic, Floxin Tablets (ofloxacin tablets), FluMist (Influenza Virus Vaccine), Fluzone Preservative-free, Focalin (dexmethylphenidate ), Follistim (follitropin beta for injection), Folotyn (pralatrexate injection), Foradil Aerolizer (formoterol fumarate inhalation powder), Forteo (teriparatide), Fortovase, Fosamax (alendronate sodium), Fosrenol, lanthanum carbonate, Fragmin, Frova (frovatriptan succinate), Fusilev (levoleucovorin), Fuzeon (enfuvirtide), Gaizin (zinc acetate), Gardasil (quadrivalent human papillomavirus (types 6, 11, 16, 18), recombinant vaccine), Gastrocrom Oral Concentrate (cromolyn sodium), GastroMARK, Gelnique (oxybutynin chloride), Gemzar (gemcitabine HCL), Gemzar (gemcitabine HCL), Generic Transdermal Nicotine Patch, Genotropin (somatropin) injection, Genotropin (somatropin) lyophilized powder, Geodon (ziprasidone mesylate), Geref (sermorelin acetate for injection), Gilenya (fingolimod), Gleevec (imatinib mesylate), Gleevec (imatinib mesylate), Gliadel Wafer (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant), Glipizide Tablets, Glucagon, Glucagon, Glyburide Tablets, Glyburide Tablets, Glyburide Tablets, Glyset (miglitol), Gonal-F (follitropin alfa for injection), Halaven (eribulin mesylate), Havrix, Hectorol (Doxercalciferol) Injection, Hepsera (adefovir dipivoxil), Herceptin, Herceptin (trastuzumab), Hiberix {Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine, Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate), Humalog (insulin lispro), Humatrope (somatropin [rDNA origin] for injection), Humira (adalimumab), Hycamtin (topotecan hydrochloride), Hycamtin (topotecan hydrochloride), Iamin, Ilaris (canakinumab), Imagent (perflexane lipid microspheres), Imitrex (sumatriptan) injection and tablets, Imitrex (sumatriptan) nasal spray, Increlex (mecasermin), INFANRIX (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis, Vaccine Adsorbed), Infasurf, INFERGEN (interferon alfacon-1), Inform HER2/neu breast cancer test, Innohep (tinzaparin sodium) injectable, Inspra (eplerenone tablets), Integrilin, Intel ence (etravirine), Interstim Continence Control Therapy, Intron A (Interferon alfa-2b, recombinant), Intron A (interferon alfa-2b, recombinant), Intron A (interferon alfa-2b, recombinant), Intuniv (guanfacine extended-release), Invanz, Invega (paliperidone), Invirase (saquinavir), Iontocaine, Iressa (gefitinib), Isentress (raltegravir), Istodax (romidepsin), IvyBlock, Ixempra (ixabepilone), Ixiaro
(Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine, Inactivated, Adsorbed), Jalyn (dutasteride +tamsulosin), Januvia(sitagliptin phosphate), Jevtana (cabazitaxel), Kadian, Kalbitor (ecallantide), Kaletra Capsules and Oral Solution, Kapvay (clonidine hydrochloride), Keppra, Ketek (telithromycin), Ketoprofen, Kineret, Klaron (sodium sulfacet amide lotion) Lotion, , Kogenate FS (Antihemophilic Factor Recombinant), Krystexxa (pegloticase), Kuvan (sapropterin dihydrochloride), Kytril (granisetron) solution, Kytril (granisetron) tablets, Lamictal (lamotrigine) Chewable Dispersible Tablets, Lamictal Chewable Dispersible Tablets, Lamisil (terbinafine hydrochloride) Dermagel, 1%, Lamisil (terbinafine hydrochloride) Solution, 1%, Lamisil (terbinafine hydrochloride) Tablets, Lamisil Solution, 1%, Lantus (insulin glargine [rDNA origin] injection), Lantus (insulin glargine [rDNA origin] injection), Latuda (lurasidone), Lescol (fluvastatin sodium), Lescol (fluvastatin sodium) capsules, Rx, Lescol XL (fluvastatin sodium) tablet, extended release, Letairis (ambrisentan), Leukine (sargramostim), Leukine (sargramostim), Levaquin, Levitra (vardenafil), Levo-T (levothyroxine sodium), Levoxyl, Lexapro (escitalopram oxalate), Lexiva (fosamprenavir calcium), Lexxel (enalapril maleate- felodipine ER), Lidoderm Patch (lidocaine patch 5%), Lithobid (Lithium Carbonate), Livalo (pitavastatin), Lodine (etodolac), Lodine XL (etodolac), Lodine XL (etodolac), Lotemax, Lotrisone (clotrimazole/betamethasone diproprionate) lotion, Lotronex (alosetron HCL) Tablets, Lovenox (enoxaparin sodium) Injection, Lovenox (enoxaparin sodium) Injection, Lovenox (enoxaparin sodium) Injection, Lucentis (ranibizumab), Lumigan (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution), Lunesta (eszopiclone), Lupron Depot (leuprolide acetate for depot suspension), Lupron Depot (leuprolide acetate for depot suspension), Lupron Depot (leuprolide acetate for depot suspension), Lusedra (fospropofol disodium), Lustra, LUVOX (fluvoxamine maleate), Luxiq (betamethasone valerate) Foam, Lyrica (pregabalin), Lysteda (tranexamic acid), Macugen (pegaptanib), Malarone (atovaquone, proguanil hydrochloride) Tablet, Marplan Tablets, Mavik (trandolapril), Maxalt, Mentax ( butenafine HC1 cream), Mentax ( butenafine ), Mentax ( butenafine cream), Menveo (meningitis vaccine), MERIDIA, Merrem IV. (meropenem), Mesnex, Metadate CD, Metaglip (glipizide/metformin. HC1), Metaprotereol Sulfate Inhalation Solution, 5%, Metozolv ODT (metoclopramide hydrochloride), MetroLotion, Mevacor (lovastatin) tablets, Miacalcin (calcitonin-salmon) Nasal Spray, Micardis (telmisartan), Micardis HCT (telmisartan and hydrochlorothiazide), Microzide (hydrochlorothiazide), Migranal, Minoxidil Topical Solution 2% for Women, Miraluma test, Mirapex, Mircera (methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta), Mircette, Mirena (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system), Mobic (meloxicam) Tablets, Monistat 3 (miconazole nitrate), Monistat 3 (miconazole nitrate), Monurol, Moxatag (amoxicillin), Mozobil (plerixafor injection), Multaq (dronedarone), Muse, Mylotarg (gemtuzumab ozogamicin), Myobloc, Myozyme (alglucosidase alfa), Naglazyme (galsulfase), Naltrexone Hydrochloride Tablets, Namenda (memantine HQ), Naprelan (naproxen sodium), Nasacort AQ (triamcinolone acetonide) Nasal Spray, Nasacort AQ (triamcinolone acetonide) Nasal Spray, NasalCrom Nasal Spray, Nascobal Gel (Cyanocobalamin, USP), Nasonex Nasal Spray, Natazia (estradiol valerate+dienogest), Natrecor (nesiritide), Neulasta, Neumega, Neupogen, Neupro (rotigotine), Neurontin (gabapentin), Neurontin (gabapentin) oral solution, Neurontin (gabapentin) oral solution, Nexavar (sorafenib), Nexium
(esomeprazole magnesium), Niaspan, NicoDerm CQ, Nicorette (nicotine polacrilex), Nicotrol nasal spray, Nicotrol transdermal patch, Nitrostat (nitroglycerin) Tablets, Nolvadex, NORCO tablets (Hydrocodone Bitartrate/ Acetaminophen ), Norditropin (somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection), Noritate, Normiflo, Norvir (ritonavir), Norvir (ritonavir), Novantrone (mitoxantrone hydrochloride), NovoLog (insulin aspart), Novolog Mix 70/30, Novothyrox (levothyroxine sodium), Noxafil (posaconazole), Nplate (romiplostim), Nuedexta (dextromethorphan hydrobromide and quinidine sulfate), Nutropin (somatropin-rDNA origin), Nutropin (somatropin-rDNA origin), NuvaRing, Nuvigil (armodafinil), Ocuflox (ofloxacin opthalmic solution) , OcuHist, Oleptro (trazodone hydrochloride), Omnicef, Onglyza (saxagliptin), Onsolis (fentanyl buccal), Oral Cytovene, Oravig (miconazole), Orencia (abatacept), Orencia (abatacept), Orfadin (nitisinone), Ortho Evra, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Tablets (norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol), Ortho-Prefest, OsmoCyte Pillow Wound Dressing, Ovidrel (gonadotropin, chorionic human recombinant), Oxycodone and Aspirin, Oxycodone with Acetaminophen , OxyContin (oxycodone HC1 controlled-release), Oxytrol (oxybutynin transdermal system), Ozurdex (dexamethasone), Pancreaze (pancrelipase), Panretin Gel, Patanase (olopatadine hydrochloride), Paxil (paroxetine hydrochloride), Paxil CR (paroxetine hydrochloride), Paxil CR (paroxetine hydrochloride), Pediarix Vaccine, Peg-Intron (peginterferon alfa-2b), Pegasys (peginterferon alfa-2a), Pennsaid (diclofenac sodium topical solution), Pentoxifylline, Pepcid Complete, Periostat (doxycycline hyclate), Periostat (doxycycline hyclate), PhosLo, Photodynamic Therapy, Photofrin, Pindolol, Plavix (clopidogrel bisulfate), Plavix (clopidogrel bisulfate), Plenaxis (abarelix for injectable suspension), Posicor, Pradaxa (dabigatran etexilate mesylate), Pramipexole, Prandin, Pravachol (pravastatin sodium), Pravachol (pravastatin sodium), Precose (acarbose), Premarin (conjugated estrogens), Prempro, Prempro & Premphase (conjugated estrogens/medroxyprogesterone acetate tablets), PREVACID(R) (lansopraxole), PREVEN, Emergency Contraceptive Kit, Prevnar 13 (Pneumococcal 13-valent Conjugate Vaccine), Prevpac, Prevpac, Prezista (darunavir), Priftin, Prilosec (omeprazole), Prilosec (omeprazole), Prilosec (omeprazole), Prilosec (omeprazole)/Biaxin (clarithromycin) Combination Therapy, Prinivil or Zestril (Lisinopril), ProAmatine (midodrine), Procanbid (procainamide hydrochloride extended-release tablets), Prochloroperazine, Prochlorperazine, Prograf, Proleukin, Prolia (denosumab), Promacta (eltrombopag), Prometrium, Prometrium, Propecia, Proscar, Protonix (pantoprazole sodium) Delayed Release Tablets, Protonix (pantoprazole sodium) Delayed-Release Tablets, Protonix (pantoprazole sodium) Intravenous Formulation, Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment, Provenge (sipuleucel-T), Proventil HFA Inhalation Aerosol, Prozac Weekly (fluoxetine HQ), Pulmozyme (dornase alfa), Pulmozyme (dornase alfa), Quadramet (Samarium Sm 153 Lexidronam Injection), Quixin (levofloxacin), Qutenza (capsaicin), Qvar (beclomethasone dipropionate), Ranexa (ranolazine), Ranitidine Capsules, Ranitidine Tablets, Rapamune (sirolimus) oral solution, Rapamune (sirolimus) Tablets, Raplon, Raxar (grepafloxacin), Rebetol (ribavirin), REBETRON Combination Therapy, Rebif (interferon beta- la), Reclast (zoledronic acid), Reclast (zoledronic acid), Redux (dexfenfluramine hydrochloride), Refludan, REGRA EX (becaplermin) Gel, Relenza, Relpax (eletriptan hydrobromide), Remeron (Mirtazapine), Remeron SolTab (mirtazapine), Remicade (infliximab), Remicade (infliximab), Reminyl (galantamine
hydrobromide), Remodulin (treprostinil), Renagel (sevelamer hydrochloride), Renagel (sevelamer hydrochloride), RenaGelRenagel (sevelamer hydrochloride), Renova (tretinoin emollient cream), Renvela (sevelamer carbonate), ReoPro, REPRO EX(menotropins for injection, USP), Requip (ropinirole hydrochloride), Rescriptor Tablets (delavirdine mesylate tablets), Rescula (unoprostone isopropyl ophthalmic solution) , RespiGam (Respiratory Syncitial Virus Immune Globulin Intravenous), Restasis (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion), Retavase (reteplase), Retin-A Micro (tretinoin gel) microsphere, , Revlimid (lenalidomide), Reyataz (atazanavir sulfate), Rhinocort Aqua Nasal Spray, Rid Mousse, Rilutek (riluzole), Risperdal Oral Formulation, Ritalin LA (methylphenidate HC1), Rituxan, Rocephin, Rocephin, Rotarix (Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral), Rotateq (rotavirus vaccine, live oral pentavalent), Rozerem (ramelteon), Rythmol, Sabril (vigabatrin), Saizen, Salagen Tablets, Samsca (tolvaptan), Sanctura (trospium chloride), Sancuso (granisetron), Saphris (asenapine), Savella (milnacipran hydrochloride), Sclerosol Intrapleural Aerosol, Seasonale, Lo Seasonale, Seasonique (ethinylestradiol+levonorgestrel), SecreFlo (secretin), Selegiline tablets, Self-examination breast pad, Selzentry (maraviroc), Sensipar (cinacalcet), Seprafilm, Serevent, Seroquel (quetiapine fumarate) Tablets, Silenor (doxepin), Simponi (golimumab), Simulect, Singulair, Skelid (tiludronate disodium), Skin Exposure Reduction Paste Against Chemical Warfare Agents (SERPACWA), Soliris (eculizumab), Somatuline Depot (lanreotide acetate), Somavert (pegvisomant), Sonata, Spectracef, Spiriva HandiHaler (tiotropium bromide), SPORANOX (itraconazole), Sprix (ketorolac tromethamine), Sprycel (dasatinib), Stavzor (valproic acid delayed release), Stelara (ustekinumab), Strattera (atomoxetine HQ), Stromectol (ivermectin), Subutex/Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone), Sulfamylon, Supartz, Supprelin LA (histrelin acetate), Sustiva, Sutent (sunitinib), Symlin (pramlintide), Synagis, Synercid I.V., Synthroid (levothyroxine sodium), Synvisc, Synvisc-One (Hylan GF 20), Tamiflu capsule, Tarceva (erlotinib, OSI 774), Tasigna (nilotinib hydrochloride monohydrate), Tasmar, Tavist (clemastine fumarate), Tavist (clemastine fumarate), Taxol, Taxotere (Docetaxel), Tazorac topical gel, Teczem (enalapril maleate/diltiazem malate), Teflaro (ceftaroline fosamil), Tegretol (carbamazepine), Tegretol XR (carbamazepine), Tekamlo (aliskiren+amlodipine), Tekturna (aliskiren), Temodar, Tequin, Testim, Testoderm TTS CIII, Teveten (eprosartan mesylate plus hydrochlorothiazide), Teveten (eprosartan mesylate), Thalomid, Tiazac (diltiazem hydrochloride), Tiazac (diltiazem hydrochloride), Tiazac (diltiazem hydrochloride), Tikosyn Capsules, Tilade (nedocromil sodium), Tilade (nedocromil sodium), Tilade (nedocromil sodium), Timentin, Timentin, Tindamax, tinidazole, Tobi, Tolmetin Sodium, Topamax (topiramate), Topamax (topiramate), Toprol-XL (metoprolol succinate), Torisel (temsirolimus), Toviaz (fesoterodine fumarate), Tracleer (bosentan), Travatan (travoprost ophthalmic solution), Trazadone , Treanda (bendamustine hydrochloride), Trelstar Depot (triptorelin pamoate), Trelstar LA (triptorelin pamoate), Tri-Nasal Spray (triamcinolone acetonide spray), Tribenzor (olmesartan medoxomil+amlodipine+hydrochlorothiazide), Tricor (fenofibrate), Tricor (fenofibrate), Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) Tablets, Trilipix (fenofibric acid), Tripedia (Diptheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis, Vaccine Absorbed), Trisenox (arsenic trioxide), Trivagizole 3 (clotrimazole) Vaginal Cream, Trivora-21 and Trivora-28, Trizivir (abacavir sulfate, lamivudine, zidovudine AZT) Tablet, Trovan,
Twinrix, Tygacil (tigecycline), Tykerb (lapatinib), Tysabri (natalizumab), Tysabri (natalizumab), Tyvaso (treprostinil), Tyzeka (telbivudine), Uloric (febuxostat), Ultracet (acetaminophen and tramadol HQ), UltraJect, UroXatral (alfuzosin HC1 extended-release tablets), Urso, UVADEX Sterile Solution, Valcyte (valganciclovir HC1), Valstar, Valtrex (valacyclovir HC1), Vancenase AQ 84 meg Double Strength, Vanceril Double Strength (beclomethasone dipropionate, ), Inhalation Aerosol, Vaprisol (conivaptan), Vectibix (panitumumab), Velcade (bortezomib), Veltin (clindamycin phosphate and tretinoin), Venofer (iron sucrose injection), Ventolin HFA (albuterol sulfate inhalation aerosol), Veramyst (fluticasone furoate), Verapamil, Verdeso (desonide), Veregen (kunecatechins), VERSED (midazolam ), Vesicare (solifenacin succinate), Vfend (voriconazole), Viadur (leuprolide acetate implant), Viagra, Vibativ (telavancin), Victoza (liraglutide), Vidaza (azacitidine), Videx (didanosine), Vimovo (naproxen+esomeprazole), Vimpat (lacosamide), Vioxx (rofecoxib), VIRACEPT (nelfinavir mesylate), Viramune (nevirapine), Viread (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate), Viread (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate), Viroptic, Visicol Tablet, Visipaque (iodixanol), Vistide (cidofovir), Vistide (cidofovir), Visudyne (verteporfin for injection), Vitrasert Implant, Vitravene Injection, Vivelle (estradiol transdermal system), Vivelle (estradiol transdermal system), Vivelle-Dot (estradiol transdermal system), Vivitrol (naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension), Vivitrol (naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension), Votrient (pazopanib), Vpriv (velaglucerase alfa for injection), Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate), Warfarin Sodium tablets, Welchol (colesevelam hydrochloride), Western blot confirmatory device, Wilate (von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Complex (Human), Xeloda, Xeloda, Xenazine (tetrabenazine), Xenical/Orlistat Capsules, Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA), Xgeva (denosumab), Xiaflex (collagenase Clostridium histolyticum), Xifaxan (rifaximin), Xifaxan (rifaximin), Xigris (drotrecogin alfa [activated]), Xolair (omalizumab), Xopenex, Xyrem (sodium oxybate), Xyzal (levocetirizine dihydrochloride), Yasmin (drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol), ZADITOR, Zagam (sparfloxacin) tablets, Zanaflex (tizanidine hydrochloride), Zantac 75 Efferdose, Zelnorm (tegaserod maleate) Tablets, Zelnorm (tegaserod maleate) Tablets, Zemaira (alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitor), Zemplar, Zenapax, Zenpep (pancrelipase), Zerit (stavudine), Zerit (stavudine), Zevalin (ibritumomab tiuxetan), Ziprasidone (ziprasidone hydrochloride), Zipsor (diclofenac potassium), Zirgan (ganciclovir ophthalmic gel), Zithromax (azithromycin), Zocor, Zofran, Zofran, Zoladex (10.8 mg goserelin acetate implant), Zoloft (sertraline HC1), Zoloft (sertraline HC1), Zoloft (sertraline HC1), Zometa (zoledronic acid), Zometa (zoledronic acid), Zomig (zolmitriptan), Zomig (zolmitriptan), Zonegran (zonisamide) Capsules, Zortress (everolimus), Zosyn (sterile piperacillin sodium/tazobactam sodium), Zuplenz (ondansetron oral soluble film), Zyban Sustained-Release Tablets, Zyclara (imiquimod), Zyflo (Zileuton), Zymaxid (gatifloxacin ophthalmic solution), Zyprexa, and Zyrtec (cetirizine HC1).

  1. 根据权利要求 1 的组成,所述组成至少包含一种三唑类化合物,所述三唑类化合物包括伊曲康唑、氟康唑、伊沙伏康唑、拉伏康唑、泊沙康唑、伏立康唑、特康唑、甲硝唑、替硝唑、硝基咪唑、阿扎尼达唑、塞克尼达唑、奥尼达唑、丙拉尼达唑和尼美唑。
  2. The composition of claim 1, wherein natural oil or extract is a natural oil or extract from at least one of the following: Agarwood, Agarwood, Almond, Aloe Vera, Bitter, Amber Oil, Avocado, Fossilized, Amber Oil, Fossilized, Ambrette Seed Fine, Ambrette Seed, Amyris, Angelica Root, Angelica Seed, arborvitae, Armoise (Mugwort), Balsam of Peru Oil, Balsam of Peru Resin, Basil, Sweet ct Linalool, Basil, Sweet ct Linalool, Basil, Sweet ct Methyl Chavicol, Beeswax Absolute, Bergamot, Bergamot k,Bergamot, Bergamot,Black Cumin, Black Currant, Caraway, Cardamom, Carnation Absolute, Carnation Extract, Carrot Seed, Cassie Absolute, Cedarwood, Atlas, Cedarwood, Himalayan, Cedarwood, Texas, Cedarwood, Virginia, Celery Seed, Chamomile, Blue, Chamomile, Roman, Champaca, Cilantro, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Bark, Cistus Traditional, Citronella, Citronella Wild, Clary Sage Absolute, Clary Sage, Bulgaria, Clary Sage, Russia, Clary Sage, USA, Clove Bud, Clove, Cocao Absolute, Coconut, Coffee Bean, Coffee Bean Oil, Cognac, Green, Coriander Seed, Coriander Seed, Cucumber Hydrosol, Cumin Seed, Cypress Leaf, Cypress, Blue, Davana, Eucalyptus, Blue Gum, Eucalyptus, Blue Mallee, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Narrow Leaf, Eucalyptus, Narrow Leaf, Fennel, Sweet, Fennel, Sweet, Fenugreek, Fir Needle, Fir, Balsam, Fir, Balsam Absolute, Fir, Balsam Absolute, Fir, Douglas, Fir, Silver, Frankincense, Frankincense, Somalia, Frankincense Frereana, Frankincense, Oman, Frankincense, Oman Rare, Frankincense, Somalia, Galbanum, Geranium Absolute, Geranium, Egypt, Geranium, Rose, Geranium, South Africa, Ginger, Ginger, Ginger, Ginger Lily, Ginger, Fresh, Goji, Grapefruit, Pink, Grapefruit, Ruby Red, Grapefruit, White, Hay Absolute, Helichrysum, Albania, Helichrysum, Croatia, Hemp, Hyssop Decumbens, Immortelle Absolute, Jasmine Absolute, Egypt, Jasmine Absolute, Egypt, Jasmine Absolute, Jasmine Absolute, Jasmine, Jasmine Concrete, Jasmine Extract, Jasmine Sambac Absolute, Jasmine Sambac Absolute, Juniper Berry, Juniper Berry, Juniper Leaf / Berry, Nepal, Juniper Leaf / Branch, Kava Kava, Kava Kava, Labdanum Absolute, Clear, Laurel Leaf, Lavandin, Grosso, Lavender High Elevation, Lavender Wild, Lavender Absolute, Lavender Hydrosol, Lavender, Bulgaria, Lavender, France, Lavender, Maillette, Lemon, Lemon Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Lemongrass Wild, Lime Distilled, Lime Expressed, Lime Essence Oil, Lime, Distilled, Liquidambar (Styrax, Lotus Absolute, Pink, Lotus Absolute, White, Availability ,Mandarin, Green, Mandarin, Red, Mandarin, Yellow, Mango' Marjoram, Melaleuca, Melissa, Myrrh, Myrrh, Somalia, Myrrh, Somalia, Myrtle, Green, Nagarmotha (Cypriol, Neroli Extra, Neroli Extra, Neroli, Egypt, Neroli, Egypt, Neroli, France, Neroli, France, Neroli, Morocco, Niaouli, Oakmoss Absolute, Orange Wild, Orange Blossom Absolute, Orange Blossom Absolute Fine, Orange Blossom Extract, Orange Essence Oil, Orange, Bitter Green, Orange, Bitter Red, Orange, Blood, Orange, Wild, Orange, Sweet, Oregano, Turkey, Orris Butter (15 irones, Osmanthus Absolute, Palmarosa, Nepal Wild, Palmarosa, Sri Lanka, Palo Santo, Patchouli Double Distilled, Patchouli, Patchouli, Dark, Patchouli, Light, Patchouli, Sri Lanka, Pepper, Black, Peppercorn, Pink, Peppermint, Chocolate, Peppermint, France, Peppermint, Peppermint, USA, Petitgrain Absolute, Petitgrain Bigarade, Petitgrain sur Fleurs, Petitgrain, Mandarin, Petitgrain, Mandarin, Piper, aduncum, Piper, malacophyllum, Pomegranate Seed, Ravensara Wild, Rhododendron Leaf, Rosalina, Rose Absolute, Bulgaria, Rose Absolute, Bulgaria, Rose Absolute, Egypt, Rose Absolute, Egypt, Rose Absolute, Morocco, Rose Absolute, Morocco, Rose de Mai Absolute, Rose de Mai Concrete, Rose de

麦提取物、玫瑰果籽、保加利亚玫瑰油、土耳其玫瑰油、白玫瑰油、迷迭香抗氧化剂、迷迭香茴香醇型、迷迭香芳樟醇型、鼠尾草、稀有檀香、檀香绝对浓缩油、新喀里多尼亚檀香、澳大利亚优质檀香、新喀里多尼亚檀香、新喀里多尼亚特级檀香、夏威夷王室檀香、沙棘、海藻绝对浓缩油、绿薄荷、美国薄荷、青木香、黑曲杈、圣约翰草、万寿菊、荡珊瑚油、柑橘慕科特、蓝色草药、茶树油、利纳罗尔型百里香、烟草绝对浓缩油、长豆蔻绝对浓缩油、20%长豆蔻绝对浓缩油、崖蔷薇绝对浓缩油、崖蔷薇提取物、姜黄、香草绝对浓缩油、波旁香草、波旁香草、波旁香草、马鞭草、双蒸馏威娜香、萨尔瓦多威娜香、苏里南室内香草、维生素 E 油、白款冬、野生青卵柏、蓝色小蓍菊、科摩罗岛香水树花绝对浓缩油、科摩罗岛香水树花完整型、科摩罗岛香水树花特级、科摩罗岛香水树花 I 型、科摩罗岛香水树花 II 型、科摩罗岛香水树花 III 型、科摩罗岛香水树花优质型、柚子天然油。

  1. 麦拉赫技术园区, 第 1 号哈波尔体育协会大街

    耶路撒冷 5 号重要建筑物,邮编 9695101