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Dear Jiuzhou Zheng: 尊敬的Jiuzhou Zheng:

On behalf of the conference Programme Committee, congratulations on the acceptance of your Paper Proposal, "Research And Application Of Horizontal Well Segmented Gravel Filling Sand Control Technology" for presentation as a Knowledge Sharing Electronic Poster (ePoster) at the
International Petroleum Technology Conference 2025 to be held 18-20 February 2025 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Note: Your paper proposal has also been selected as an Alternate paper to Technical Session(s). Should a paper withdraw from that session between now and the conference, your paper maybe upgraded to be presented in its place upon Technical Session Chair's approval. Should this occur, IPTC will inform you accordingly.


You are currently listed as the Presenting Author and will receive correspondence from IPTC concerning your manuscript and presentation. If there are any changes, please inform IPTC immediately. An agreement to present a paper at this IPTC conference carries OBLIGATION to participate in the event. If you are unable to attend and present, please inform IPTC prior to the conference start date. Please include your IPTC paper number in ALL correspondence.


Please advise your organisation and co-authors that your paper proposal have been accepted to begin the proposal process for you to prepare and attend in-person to present your paper. All travel expenses associated with attending the conference are the sole responsibility of company or individual attending.

Your Paper Number: IPTC-24818-EA

Author Block: F. Xu, J. Zheng, L. Zhang, Z. Ji, China Oilfield Services Limited
作者区块:F. Xu,J. Zheng,L. Zhang,Z.冀中海油田服务有限公司


[COMPULSORY] IPTC's online Paper Management System requires electronic submission of a Manuscript OR Extended Abstract to be published in OnePetro, along with the Transfer of Copyright and Paper Information Form. Instructions for preparing your manuscript and presentation are located in the Author Kit. Please read this information and be prepared to submit all requested forms on or before the deadline.


Manuscript: Approximately 4,000-7,000 words/8-16 pages including figures, charts and tables
手册:约4,000 - 7,000字/8-16页,包括图表和表格

Extended Abstract: Approximately 2,000-4,000 word/4-6 pages including figures, charts and tables
扩展摘要:约2,000 - 4,000字/4-6页,包括图表和表格


Author Kit: https://www.iptcnet.org/author-kit

The manuscript/extended abstract deadline for the International Petroleum Technology Conference 2025 is Monday, 4 November 2024, 11:59PM Central Time. In the event your manuscript or extended abstract is not received by the above deadline, or you do not wish to submit the manuscript or extended abstract, IPTC will accept your abstract or modified abstract (approximately 550 words) from your original submission. This abstract will be posted on the conference website, it WILL NOT be included in OnePetro. If the abstract is your option, please contact IPTC staff the appropriate template and abstract release form to submit your original abstract or modified abstract. 重试    错误原因

XXXX 重试    错误原因

Action Required: Please confirm your agreement to present or withdraw your paper by Monday, 15 July 2024. To continue, please click on either Acknowledge or Withdraw button below. 重试    错误原因

XXXX 重试    错误原因

You may direct any questions regarding the programme to Zaliza Malik, Event Specialist (contact information below). 重试    错误原因

We look forward for your participation at the upcoming
International Petroleum Technology Conference 2025!

Best Regards,  最好的问候,

Conference Programme Committee

International Petroleum Technology Conference 2025

Zaliza Malik  扎丽莎·马利克
Event Specialist, IPTC 2025
活动专员,IPTC 2025

Phone: +60.3.2182.3119 电话:+60.3.2182.3119
Email: zmalik@iptcnet.org

[Form 025b] [Form 025 b]


IPTC.jpg (258×99)
International Petroleum Technology Conference, Ltd.

P.O. Box 10044 | 50700 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
P.O. 10044号箱|50700吉隆坡,马来西亚