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Salvador Dalí: Strange Dreams and Eternal Memory

He has a beard of $10,000 a piece, and he's not crazy. The real surrealist – Salvador. Dalí is undoubtedly one of the most representative figures of Surrealist painting. Deeply influenced by Freud's theories, he hoped to break the shackles of reason by exploring the human subconscious, and finally determined his own unique artistic style, becoming a great forerunner of the twentieth century.

This year, it is the famous painter of the twentieth century Salvador. One hundred and twentieth anniversary of Dalí's birth. Let's commemorate this great day and delve into his life deeds, his artistic ideas, his spiritual world.

Dalí's brother died young. His parents were convinced that Dalí was the reincarnation of his deceased brother. His mother doted on him for this; His father, on the contrary, was extremely demanding of his words and deeds. When his only protector, his mother, died early, and faced with this extreme situation, Dalí thoroughly developed a willful and sensitive character. This contradiction has also been rooted in his work, reflected in his distorted view of marriage. He loves his wife, and Gala plays his lover, mother, sister, protector, agent. They finally grew old together. His wife was a true money junkie, so he spent his life earning money, even though his life was not extravagant. In a way, Dalí's influence extends far beyond the realm of art. Whether it is painting, photography, design, clothing, or even film and advertising, Dali can be seen and he has achieved great achievements. However, when we mention Dalí, the first thing that comes to mind seems to be a surrealist painter, because his achievements in painting are extremely influential and the most representative. Dalí is absurd, bizarre, dreamy, and illogical, his work is a combination of dream and imagination, depicting many ordinary objects in the picture, he conquered the world with grotesque dream-like images and realistic and delicate techniques. His 1931 oil painting on canvas, The Eternity of Memory, became an immortal work that established him as a master of surrealism.

He deeply combines classicism and abstract reality, and his artistic performance and artistic presentation are precisely the theoretical practice advocated by Freud to limit and adjust the "id", balance and regulate the "self", and promote the realization of the "superego". His works are based on dreams and based on the "Paranoid Critique Method", which not only uses subconscious dreams as a subjective source of creation, but also adds free associations to create a surreal realm that is as real as a dream.

So, what is the "Paranoid Critique Act"? Many times, Dalí would sit in his chair with a spoon in his hand and place a plate on the table. When he is about to fall asleep, the spoon falls onto the plate, and Dali, awakened by the sound, immediately records the surreal scene he had just dreamed of. Other times, he would remain semi-conscious by holding a handstand until he was almost gone. As a result, the dreams presented under his brushstrokes are often haunted by a strange atmosphere of absurdity, treacherousness, and unreasonableness.

Despite his fascination with Freud for the first half of his life, Dalí always had a high passion for physics and the life sciences. Later in life, he confessed, "When I was a surrealist, I wanted to create portraits of the inner world, portraits of wonderful worlds, portraits of my god Freud...... Now, the external physical world transcends the mental world. My God is now Dr. Heisenberg (German physicist, main founder of quantum mechanics). ”

From the one-of-a-kind and iconic beard, to the various deviant ways of behaving, to the exuberant artistic creativity spanning painting, photography, film, etching, sculpture, theater, literature, fashion, gastronomy, jewelry, and more, Dalí is the number one artistic madman of the twentieth century, as he famously confessed: "The only difference between me and human beings is that I am a madman; The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not crazy. ”