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Brazil Supreme Court Threatens to Ban X

Court says Elon Musk’s social-media platform needs to appoint a new legal representative in the country or suspend operations within 24 hours


Elon Musk, owner of X Photo: david swanson/Reuters

Brazil’s Supreme Court threatened to ban X within 24 hours on Wednesday night unless Elon Musk’s social-media platform appoints a new legal representative for the country, according to an order the court posted on X.

The ultimatum marks further escalation in an already tense situation between Brazil’s highest court and X.


Earlier this month, X said it was closing its operations in Brazil after a monthslong clash with one of the court’s justices, who had ordered the platform in April to remove several accounts that were deemed to be propagating hate speech and misinformation. 

At the time, X didn’t give more specific details on what closing operations would entail, but it didn’t affect users’ ability to access the platform in the country. The order handed down on Wednesday could close off an entire market for X when it has already driven advertisers away, is struggling financially and ranks as the worst buyout for banks since the financial crisis. 

X didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on Wednesday night.

Musk, a self-described free-speech absolutist, initially said he would risk closing X’s Brazil office before complying with the order. Later, X took a more conciliatory tone, saying it was “dedicated to preserving our Brazilian office and operations” while also vowing to protect free speech. 

But the fight continued to escalate with the justice, Alexandre de Moraes, opening an investigation into Musk over possible obstruction of justice. Then, on Aug. 17, X said it decided to cease operating in Brazil.

X said it closed operations in the South American country to protect the safety of its staff over what it said were threats from de Moraes. Musk said the social-media platform felt it didn’t have a choice after the justice issued orders that “would require us to break (in secret) Brazilian, Argentine, American and international law.” 

Write to Meghan Bobrowsky at meghan.bobrowsky@wsj.com


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