这是用户在 2024-9-19 9:28 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/09778790-c59a-4e29-90b8-66dc7e8b6957 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
Each box core was sampled by depth interval. Four intervals were used:
  • 0 1 cm 0 1 cm quad0-1cm\quad 0-1 \mathrm{~cm}
  • 1 5 cm 1 5 cm quad1-5cm\quad 1-5 \mathrm{~cm}
  • 5 15 cm 5 15 cm quad5-15cm\quad 5-15 \mathrm{~cm}
  • > 15 cm > 15 cm quad > 15cm\quad>15 \mathrm{~cm}
    91% of nodules by weight occurred within the top layer and were exposed at seafloor and 99% occurred within the top 15 cm .
    按重量计,91% 的结节发生在顶层并暴露在海底,99% 发生在顶部 15 厘米内。
Nodules were processed through three stations - a weighing station, volume station and photography station, before division of the nodules into samples and storage in labelled, gasket-sealed 6-gallon pails. All data was collated in a series of Excel spreadsheets.
结核通过三个站 - 称重站、体积站和摄影站进行处理,然后将结核分成样品并储存在贴有标签、垫圈密封的 6 加仑桶中。所有数据都在一系列 Excel 电子表格中进行整理。
Samples for distribution to assay laboratories were prepared at sea so that the samples could be sent to their destinations upon demobilisation. The mass of nodules recovered in the box cores was generally much more than required for assaying, so it was necessary to divide the nodules in an unbiased manner, to produce samples for assay and for reference. This was done by the cone and quarter method Figure 7.13. The sampling protocol varied according to the weight of the nodules and is summarised in Table 7.5.
在海上准备了分发给化验实验室的样本,以便在复员后可以将样本送至目的地。在箱芯中回收的结节质量通常远大于化验所需的质量,因此有必要以无偏差的方式划分结节,以产生用于化验和参考的样品。这是通过圆锥和四分之一法完成的 图 7.13.采样方案根据结节的重量而变化,总结在表 7.5 中。
After samples were split, the samples were divided into series of sub-samples for marketing, primary assay, reference, duplicate primary sample and secondary primary sample. These were placed in sealed bags. Each sample was given a unique numbered zip tie placed inside the bag. Bar codes were generated from these unique numbers and adhered to the side of the bag, plus written on the side of the bag in permanent marker pen. Bar codes were linked to the Excel sampling database.
样品分离后,将样品分为一系列子样品,用于上市、初级检测、参考、重复初级样品和次级初级样品。这些被放在密封袋中。每个样品都有一个独特的编号扎带,放在袋子里。条形码由这些唯一的编号生成并粘附在袋子的侧面,并用永久性记号笔写在袋子的侧面。将条形码链接到 Excel 抽样数据库。
Certified blank samples were purchased from ALS laboratories in Reno, Nevada and inserted into the primary and duplicate sequence at a rate of 1 for every 10 . One blank from the primary sequence and one blank in the duplicate sequence was spiked with approximately 50 g of nodules sourced from a marketing split. Certified nodule reference materials were purchased from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and inserted randomly into the sample stream at the assay laboratory.
从内华达州里诺的 ALS 实验室购买经过认证的空白样品,并以每 10 个 1 个的速率插入初级序列和重复序列中。从一级序列中加入一个空白序列,在重复序列中加入约 50 g 来自营销拆分的根瘤。经认证的结节参考物质购自美国地质调查局 (USGS),并随机插入分析实验室的样品流中。
All samples were placed in gasket-sealed 6-gallon pails, sealed with tamper-proof tape.
所有样品均置于垫圈密封的 6 加仑桶中,并用防篡改胶带密封。

Table 7.5 Sampling protocol
表 7.5 采样协议
Total nodule
Total nodule weight| Total nodule | | :---: | | weight |
Procedure 程序
Primary assay sample| Primary | | :---: | | assay | | sample |

Reference sample (retained)| Reference | | :---: | | sample | | (retained) |
 重复 (primarylab)
Duplicate (primary lab)| Duplicate | | :---: | | (primary | | lab) |
 复制 (secondarylab)
Duplicate (secondary lab)| Duplicate | | :---: | | (secondary | | lab) |
Marketing sample| Marketing | | :---: | | sample |
0 4 kg 0 4 kg 0-4kg0-4 \mathrm{~kg}

Crush oversize, cone & quarter.
Combine opposite quarters to make
two samples.
Crush oversize, cone & quarter. Combine opposite quarters to make two samples.| Crush oversize, cone & quarter. | | :--- | | Combine opposite quarters to make | | two samples. |
Yes 是的 Yes 是的 No  No  No 
4 8 kg 4 8 kg 4-8kg4-8 \mathrm{~kg}

Crush oversize, cone & quarter.
Bag separately.
Crush oversize, cone & quarter. Bag separately.| Crush oversize, cone & quarter. | | :--- | | Bag separately. |
Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的 No 
8 12 kg 8 12 kg 8-12kg8-12 \mathrm{~kg}

Cone and quarter (uncrushed). Retain
one quarter for marketing. Recombine
the other three quarters and crush
oversize, cone & quarter, bag the
quarters separately.
Cone and quarter (uncrushed). Retain one quarter for marketing. Recombine the other three quarters and crush oversize, cone & quarter, bag the quarters separately.| Cone and quarter (uncrushed). Retain | | :--- | | one quarter for marketing. Recombine | | the other three quarters and crush | | oversize, cone & quarter, bag the | | quarters separately. |
Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的
> 12 kg > 12 kg > 12kg>12 \mathrm{~kg}

As for 8-12 kg, then combine opposite
quarters, cone & quarter, bag the
quarters separately.
As for 8-12 kg, then combine opposite quarters, cone & quarter, bag the quarters separately.| As for 8-12 kg, then combine opposite | | :--- | | quarters, cone & quarter, bag the | | quarters separately. |
Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的 Yes 是的
Pues| Pues | | :--- |
"Total nodule weight" Procedure "Primary assay sample" "Reference sample (retained)" "Duplicate (primary lab)" "Duplicate (secondary lab)" "Marketing sample" 0-4kg "Crush oversize, cone & quarter. Combine opposite quarters to make two samples." Yes Yes No No No 4-8kg "Crush oversize, cone & quarter. Bag separately." Yes Yes Yes Yes No 8-12kg "Cone and quarter (uncrushed). Retain one quarter for marketing. Recombine the other three quarters and crush oversize, cone & quarter, bag the quarters separately." Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes > 12kg "As for 8-12 kg, then combine opposite quarters, cone & quarter, bag the quarters separately." Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes "Pues" | Total nodule <br> weight | Procedure | Primary <br> assay <br> sample | Reference <br> sample <br> (retained) | Duplicate <br> (primary <br> lab) | Duplicate <br> (secondary <br> lab) | Marketing <br> sample | | :---: | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | $0-4 \mathrm{~kg}$ | Crush oversize, cone & quarter. <br> Combine opposite quarters to make <br> two samples. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | | $4-8 \mathrm{~kg}$ | Crush oversize, cone & quarter. <br> Bag separately. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | $8-12 \mathrm{~kg}$ | Cone and quarter (uncrushed). Retain <br> one quarter for marketing. Recombine <br> the other three quarters and crush <br> oversize, cone & quarter, bag the <br> quarters separately. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | | $>12 \mathrm{~kg}$ | As for 8-12 kg, then combine opposite <br> quarters, cone & quarter, bag the <br> quarters separately. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | | | Pues | | | | | |
Figure 7.13 Coning and quartering process
图 7.13 去锥和四等分过程

7.3.5 Image classification and size measurement
7.3.5 图像分类和尺寸测量

Image classification software was used to provide an alternative automated approach to measurement of nodule dimensions, using photographs. Figure 7.14 presents a comparison between the automated image processing method and hand-held calliper measurements and shows a very good correlation between the two datasets. The average (mean) lengths of the long axes of the nodules using the classification approach and the measured approach were both 3.31 cm . The mean for short axis estimation using the classification approach was 2.68 cm , whilst the mean for the measured approach was 2.72 cm . The test demonstrated that the image classification method was a practical, accurate method for measuring two orthogonal axes of the nodules and it was used from box core BC006 onwards.
图像分类软件用于提供另一种使用照片测量结节尺寸的自动化方法。图 7.14 显示了自动图像处理方法和手持式卡尺测量之间的比较,并显示了两个数据集之间非常好的相关性。使用分类方法和测量方法的结节长轴的平均(平均)长度均为 3.31 cm。使用分类方法进行短轴估计的平均值为 2.68 厘米,而测量方法的平均值为 2.72 厘米。测试表明,图像分类方法是一种实用、准确的方法,用于测量结节的两个正交轴,并且从箱芯 BC006 开始使用。
Figure 7.14 Comparison of image classifier results vs caliper measurements
图 7.14 图像分类器结果与卡尺测量的比较

7.3.6 Biological sampling
7.3.6 生物采样

The biological sampling was completed in 35 of the box cores Figure 7.15 and consisted of the following:
在 35 个箱芯中完成生物采样 图 7.15,包括以下内容:
  • 239 nodule biota specimens were sampled.
    对 239 个结节生物群标本进行了采样。
  • 62 megafauna ( > 2 cm > 2 cm > 2cm>2 \mathrm{~cm} ) specimens were sampled.
    对 62 个大型动物 ( > 2 cm > 2 cm > 2cm>2 \mathrm{~cm} ) 标本进行了采样。
Samples were placed in cold storage for further analysis once ashore.

7.3.7 Geotechnical sampling
7.3.7 岩土取样

Three soil sub-samples for geotechnical study were obtained from the undisturbed areas of each box core. These consisted of one 2.125 inch inside diameter (ID) liner sampler, and two 2.638 inch ID clear polycarbonate tubes.
从每个箱形岩芯的未受干扰区域获得三个用于岩土工程研究的土壤子样品。这些测试包括一个 2.125 英寸内径 (ID) 的衬管采样器和两个 2.638 英寸 ID 的透明聚碳酸酯管。
The focus of the geotechnical sampling was the clayey footwall sediment sequence. Basic off-shore index and strength laboratory tests, comprised of soil descriptions, wet density measurements, and undrained shear strength index tests (Torvane tests and intact and residual miniature vane tests) were conducted on the geotechnical subsamples obtained from the box cores.
岩土工程采样的重点是粘土质下盘沉积物序列。对从箱形岩芯获得的岩土工程子样品进行了基本的海上指数和强度实验室测试,包括土壤描述、湿密度测量和不排水剪切强度指数测试(Torvane 测试以及完整和残余微型叶片测试)。
Results from the field tests revealed that the shallow soil stratigraphy consists of a veneer (about 6 cm thick) of surficial, dark brown, very soft semi-liquid clay overlying very soft, dark brown clay to a maximum core penetration depth of about 0.5 m BSF. At about 0.15 m depth, typically, a colour change from dark brown to light brown occurs. Evidence of bioturbation of the light brown layer is indicated by mottling with dark brown and brown clays. It was noted on the high-resolution geophysical survey data that a reflector at about 15 cm to 20 cm depth was consistently present across all the box core sites sampled. This depth corresponds with the top of the light brown clay. Qualitative carbonate content testing typically indicates no reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid ( 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% concentration).
现场测试的结果表明,浅层土壤地层由表面深棕色、非常柔软的半液态粘土单板(约 6 厘米厚)组成,上面覆盖着非常柔软的深棕色粘土,最大核心穿透深度约为 0.5 m BSF。在大约 0.15 m 的深度,通常会发生从深棕色到浅棕色的颜色变化。浅棕色层生物扰动的证据由深棕色和棕色粘土的斑点表示。在高分辨率地球物理勘测数据中指出,在所有采样的箱形岩芯站点中,始终存在约 15 厘米至 20 厘米深度的反射体。这个深度与浅棕色粘土的顶部相对应。定性碳酸盐含量测试通常表明与稀盐酸( 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% 浓度)没有反应。

7.3.8 Exploration results
7.3.8 勘探结果

The exploration results discussed herein include all data relevant to the Mineral Resource estimate. Additional data was acquired throughout the campaign for the purposes of selecting and mapping a Collector Test Site, environmental Preservation Reference Zones and oceanographic mooring site. These results are not discussed in any detail in this report.
本文讨论的勘探结果包括与矿产资源估算相关的所有数据。在整个活动过程中,我们收集了额外的数据,用于选择和绘制收集器测试点、环境保护参考区和海洋系泊点。本报告未详细讨论这些结果。 Box core abundance 箱核丰度

Figure 7.16 shows the spatial distribution of nodule abundance and Figure 7.17 shows the nodule type as per the ISA system outlined in Section 6.6. The box cores had an average nodule abundance of 17.8 kg / m 2 17.8 kg / m 2 17.8kg//m^(2)17.8 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2}, with the highest abundance reported at 30.9 kg / m 2 30.9 kg / m 2 30.9kg//m^(2)30.9 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2} (BC005). The two lowest recorded abundances are BC019 ( 0.8 kg / m 2 ) 0.8 kg / m 2 (0.8(kg)//m^(2))\left(0.8 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2}\right) and BC031 ( 6.5 kg / m 2 ) 6.5 kg / m 2 (6.5(kg)//m^(2))\left(6.5 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2}\right).
图 7.16 显示了结节丰度的空间分布,图 7.17 显示了根据第 6.6 节中概述的 ISA 系统的结节类型。箱核的平均结节丰度为 17.8 kg / m 2 17.8 kg / m 2 17.8kg//m^(2)17.8 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2} ,其中 30.9 kg / m 2 30.9 kg / m 2 30.9kg//m^(2)30.9 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2} (BC005) 的丰度最高。记录的最低丰度的两个是 BC019 ( 0.8 kg / m 2 ) 0.8 kg / m 2 (0.8(kg)//m^(2))\left(0.8 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2}\right) 和 BC031 ( 6.5 kg / m 2 ) 6.5 kg / m 2 (6.5(kg)//m^(2))\left(6.5 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2}\right)
Figure 7.16 Box core abundance (in kg / m 2 kg / m 2 kg//m^(2)\mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2} )
图 7.16 箱形芯丰度 (in kg / m 2 kg / m 2 kg//m^(2)\mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2}
Note: Box cores labelled by box core number.
注意: 标有箱芯编号的箱芯。
Figure 7.17 Box core size-texture classification
图 7.17 箱体核心尺寸-纹理分类
Note: ISA size classification: small ( < 2 cm < 2 cm < 2cm<2 \mathrm{~cm} ), medium ( 2 5 cm 2 5 cm 2-5cm2-5 \mathrm{~cm} ), or large ( > 5 cm > 5 cm > 5cm>5 \mathrm{~cm} ) grain size, and texture is smooth ( S ) ( S ) (S)(S), smooth-rough (SR), or rough ®. Box cores labelled by box core number.
注:ISA 粒度分类:小 ( < 2 cm < 2 cm < 2cm<2 \mathrm{~cm} )、中 ( 2 5 cm 2 5 cm 2-5cm2-5 \mathrm{~cm} ) 或大 ( > 5 cm > 5 cm > 5cm>5 \mathrm{~cm} ) 粒度,且纹理为光滑 ( S ) ( S ) (S)(S) ( )、光滑-粗糙 (SR) 或粗糙 ® .由箱芯编号标记的箱芯。 Buried nodules 埋藏的结节

On average, 91 % 91 % 91%91 \% of nodules by weight were located at 0 1 cm 0 1 cm 0-1cm0-1 \mathrm{~cm} (exposed at seafloor). This is an important consideration as it implies that a representative nodule abundance can be estimated using seafloor camera imagery to map and characterise nodule surficial distribution at seafloor.
平均而言, 91 % 91 % 91%91 \% 按重量计算的结核位于 0 1 cm 0 1 cm 0-1cm0-1 \mathrm{~cm} (暴露于海底)。这是一个重要的考虑因素,因为它意味着可以使用海底相机图像来估计具有代表性的结核丰度,以绘制和描述海底结核表面的分布。
Layers 3 and 4 logged in box cores often included a few nodules pushed down deeper from upper layers by the sides of the box core, typified by accumulation along the sidewalls of the box corer. BC043 was an exception and returned a significant weight of in-situ nodules throughout the core at all levels Figure 7.18. The buried nodules were very friable.
第 3 层和第 4 层记录的箱芯通常包括一些被箱芯侧面从上层推得更深的结节,典型的是沿着箱形取芯机侧壁的堆积。BC043 是一个例外,它在整个岩心的各个层级都返回了大量重量的原位结节 图 7.18.埋藏的结节非常脆弱。
Figure 7.18 Profile of nodule weight by depth in BC043
图 7.18 BC043 中按深度划分的结节重量概况
Note: Left - photo trays from layers 3 and 4, centre - nodule distribution with depth for BC43, compared to average nodule distribution with depth for all box cores (right).
注意:左 - 第 3 层和第 4 层的照片托盘,中间 - BC43 具有深度的球节分布,与所有箱芯具有深度的平均球节分布(右)相比。 AUV data AUV 数据

Reconnaissance AUV MBES traverses were conducted over the candidate Collector Test Sites to provide confirmation of topographic and geological features observed in the 2012 vessel-based MBES dataset, but at a higher level of detail and confidence. These traverses were then followed-up with low-altitude surveys using the AUV’s camera payload to provide visual confirmation of nodule distribution. The reconnaissance lines also enabled calibration and refinement of the NORI Area D regional geological interpretation. Based on these revised interpretations a geomorphological domain interpretation was developed and preliminary relationships between backscatter and nodule distribution facies observed in camera data were established.
在候选收集器测试点上进行侦察 AUV MBES 穿越,以确认在 2012 年基于船舶的 MBES 数据集中观察到的地形和地质特征,但具有更高的细节和置信度。然后使用 AUV 的相机有效载荷进行低空勘测,以直观地确认结节分布。侦察线还使 NORI Area D 区域地质解释的校准和改进成为可能。基于这些修订后的解释,开发了地貌学域解释,并建立了在相机数据中观察到的反向散射和结核分布相之间的初步关系。
Figure 7.19 shows examples of AUV MBES data (ribbon) from reconnaissance traverses, shown against a background of EM122 vessel-based MBES background. The AUV data provides much finer-scale resolution than vessel-based bathymetry and shows good spatial correlation with macro-features. Figure 7.20 illustrates the fine geological detail provided by the AUV MBES. This type of detailed data will be useful for designing the operating path of the seafloor nodule collectors.
图 7.19 显示了来自侦察导线的 AUV MBES 数据(带状)的示例,在基于 EM122 船舶的 MBES 背景下显示。AUV 数据提供了比基于船只的测深更精细的分辨率,并显示出与宏特征的良好空间相关性。图 7.20 说明了 AUV MBES 提供的精细地质细节。这种类型的详细数据将有助于设计海底结核收集器的操作路径。
Initial Assessment of the NORI Property, Clarion-Clipperton Zone Deep Green Metals Inc.
对 Clarion-Clipperton Zone Deep Green Metals Inc. 的 NORI 项目区的初步评估
Figure 7.19 Comparison of AUV MBES data (ribbon) against EM122 vessel-based MBES
图 7.19 AUV MBES 数据(带状)与基于 EM122 船舶的 MBES 的比较
Note: Top - bathymetry; middle - bathymetric slope (hot colours indicate steeper slopes); bottom - backscatter.
注意:顶部 - 测深;中 - 深海探测坡度(暖色表示坡度较陡);bottom - BackScatter 中。
Initial Assessment of the NORI Property, Clarion-Clipperton Zone Deep Green Metals Inc.
对 Clarion-Clipperton Zone Deep Green Metals Inc. 的 NORI 项目区的初步评估
Figure 7.20 Examples of AUV MBES data showing detailed-scale geological features
图 7.20 显示详细地质特征的 AUV MBES 数据示例
Coordinate Grid: WaS 1984 UTM Zone 11N
坐标网格:WaS 1984 UTM Zone 11N
AUV camera data was acquired at 6 m altitude for 89 % 89 % 89%89 \% of the reconnaissance traverses, providing visual continuity of nodule distribution between the majority of the physical box core sample sites. In addition, a 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} grid of camera data was acquired over the Collector Test Site. Camera data is near-continuous over the reconnaissance traverses. Photomosaic coverage along the 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} spaced camera traverses over the selected Collector Test Site are continuous. Each camera frame is 6 m across-track and 4 m along-track. Figure 7.21 provides an example.
在 6 m 高度获取 AUV 相机数据以进行 89 % 89 % 89%89 \% 侦察遍历,为大多数物理箱形岩心采样点之间的结核分布提供了视觉连续性。此外,还通过 Collector Test Site 采集了 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} 相机数据网格。照相机数据在侦察导线上几乎是连续的。沿所选 Collector Test Site 的 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} 间隔照相机遍历的 Photomosaic coverage 是连续的。每个摄像机帧的轨道宽为 6 m,轨道宽为 4 m。图 7.21 提供了一个示例。
Figure 7.21 Example of AUV camera photo mosaic showing nodules
图 7.21 显示结节的 AUV 相机照片马赛克示例

7.3.9 Nodule abundance estimation derived from AUV camera data
7.3.9 AUV 相机数据得出的结节丰度估计

Although box coring is an effective method for measuring nodule abundance, it is slow and expensive. Therefore, it is advantageous if box core estimates can be supplemented by an alternative method.
There is a well-documented relationship between nodule length and wet weight (e.g., Felix, 1980). NORI confirmed this relationship by taking measurements of individual nodule length, using digital callipers, and wet weight, for nodules from box core samples BC001, BC002, BC003, and BC005 Figure 7.22 .
结节长度和湿重之间存在有据可查的关系(例如,Felix,1980 年)。NORI 通过使用数字卡尺测量箱芯样品 BC001、BC002、BC003 和 BC005 中结节的单个结节长度和湿重,证实了这种关系 图 7.22.
In areas where nodules are not closely packed, image processing techniques can be used to identify each nodule unambiguously and measure its dimensions. In this case, it is possible to estimate nodule abundance from photographs. However, if nodules are closely packed and touch each other, image processing techniques are currently unable to reliably discriminate each individual nodule.
Photographic data acquired during the 2018 NORI campaign has shown the dominant nodule distribution in NORI Area D D DD to be closely packed small-to-medium sized nodules (average long-axes length of 2.95 cm ), averaging over 900 nodules per box core sample in the surface layer. It is therefore not possible to use image processing and not practical to use manual measurements of long axes for this facies.
在 2018 年 NORI 活动期间获得的照片数据显示,NORI 区域 D D DD 的主要结节分布是紧密堆积的中小型结节(平均长轴长度为 2.95 厘米),平均表层每个箱芯样品超过 900 个结节。因此,不能使用图像处理,对于此相使用长轴的手动测量也不切实际。
Several estimation techniques were tested, and an alternative methodology was developed using a combination of long-axis measurement and percentage nodule coverage which was applied to the data.
Figure 7.22 Comparison of nodule long axis measurements, taken using digital callipers, and individual nodule wet weight for BC 001 , BCOO 2 , BCOO 3 BC 001 , BCOO 2 , BCOO 3 BC 001,BCOO2,BCOO3\mathrm{BC001}, \mathrm{BCOO2}, \mathrm{BCOO3}, and BC005
图 7.22 使用数字卡尺测量的球节长轴测量值与 BC 001 , BCOO 2 , BCOO 3 BC 001 , BCOO 2 , BCOO 3 BC 001,BCOO2,BCOO3\mathrm{BC001}, \mathrm{BCOO2}, \mathrm{BCOO3} 和 BC005 的单个球节湿重的比较
A multiple linear regression relationship between percentage nodule coverage estimated from the photographs and mean nodule long-axis measurement from six box core samples within the Collector Test Site was found to provide a good correlation with nodule abundance. The relationship is of the form:
Y = 15.20 + ( 0.24 X 1 ) + ( 5.19 X 2 ) Y = 15.20 + 0.24 X 1 + 5.19 X 2 Y=-15.20+(0.24X_(1))+(5.19X_(2))Y=-15.20+\left(0.24 X_{1}\right)+\left(5.19 X_{2}\right)
Where: 哪里:
Y Y YY is the estimated nodule abundance
Y Y YY 是估计的结节丰度

X 1 X 1 X_(1)X_{1} is the percentage nodule cover
X 1 X 1 X_(1)X_{1} 是结节覆盖率

X 2 X 2 X_(2)\mathrm{X}_{2} is the mean Long Axis measurement
X 2 X 2 X_(2)\mathrm{X}_{2} 是平均长轴测量值

The percentage nodule coverage was determined by thresholding the image and calculating the percentage area covered by nodules in the image. Nodule long-axes were manually measured where possible, for each nodule in the image Figure 7.23.
结节覆盖率百分比是通过对图像进行阈值处理并计算图像中结节覆盖面积的百分比来确定的。在可能的情况下,对于图像中的每个结节,手动测量结节长轴 图 7.23.
Figure 7.23 Detail of image processing
图 7.23 图片处理细节
Notes: 笔记:
  1. Camera image. 相机图像。
  2. Manual measurement of nodule long axes on calibrated image.
  3. Image thresholding to determine percentage nodule coverage.
It was possible to obtain enough measurements to calculate representative mean long axis lengths which compared well with the mean long axis measurements from the actual box core samples Figure 7.24. Because photographs were not taken at the exact box core sites (due to loss of the camera laser-calibration system mounted on the box corer), 1 × 1 m 1 × 1 m 1xx1m1 \times 1 \mathrm{~m} subsets of the closest calibrated AUV camera data were used for this analysis. The average offset between the camera data and the actual box core site locations was 26 m . The offsets will have introduced some imprecision to the analysis, and it is expected that, in future, collocated photographs and box core samples will produce a better correlation.
可以获得足够的测量值来计算具有代表性的平均长轴长度,这与实际箱芯样品的平均长轴测量值相比很好 图 7.24.由于照片不是在确切的箱形核心位置拍摄的(由于安装在箱形取芯机上的相机激光校准系统的丢失), 1 × 1 m 1 × 1 m 1xx1m1 \times 1 \mathrm{~m} 因此使用最近的校准 AUV 相机数据的子集进行此分析。相机数据与实际盒芯站点位置之间的平均偏移量为 26 m。偏移量会给分析带来一些不精确性,预计将来并置的照片和箱芯样本将产生更好的相关性。
Figure 7.24 Comparison of mean long axes lengths from AUV camera imagery and box cores
图 7.24 AUV 相机图像和箱形核心的平均长轴长度比较
Figure 7.25 shows the estimated abundance vs. actual abundance for Felix method (top), and the multiple linear regression method (bottom) for six box cores in the Collector Test Site. Although the correlation is high for the Felix method, the multiple linear regression method provided a better correlation than the Felix method and estimates that are closer to the actual nodule abundances. This is because the method is not dependent on measurement of each-andevery nodule in the image, which is not possible with some of the images typical of Type 1 nodule facies.
图 7.25 显示了 Felix 方法(上图)和多元线性回归方法(下图)中收集器测试点中六个箱体岩心的估计丰度与实际丰度。尽管 Felix 方法的相关性很高,但多元线性回归方法提供了比 Felix 方法更好的相关性,并且估计值更接近实际结节丰度。这是因为该方法不依赖于对图像中每个结节的测量,而这对于 1 型结节相的某些典型图像是不可能的。
Figure 7.25 Comparison of Felix method and multiple linear regression method
图 7.25 Felix 方法和多元线性回归方法的比较
The multiple linear regression method was subsequently applied to the entire box core data set with associated AUV camera imagery (a total of 29 box cores used) to derive a more representative relationship using all available data. Extracted camera imagery was within an average offset of 15 m from actual box core site locations. The results are shown in Figure 7.26. An acceptable correlation (with an R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} coefficient of 0.62 ) was obtained.
随后将多元线性回归方法应用于带有相关 AUV 相机图像的整个箱形核心数据集(总共使用了 29 个箱形核心),以使用所有可用数据得出更具代表性的关系。提取的相机图像与实际箱形核心站点位置的平均偏移量在 15 m 以内。结果如图 7.26 所示。获得了可接受的相关性( R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 系数为 0.62)。
Figure 7.26 Multiple linear regression model for nodule abundance
图 7.26 结节丰度的多元线性回归模型
AUV camera transects were acquired on a 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} grid pattern over the Collector Test Site. Subsets ( 1 × 1 m 1 × 1 m 1xx1m1 \times 1 \mathrm{~m} ) of AUV camera data were extracted for each intersection point of the survey lines and the percentage nodule coverage was extracted as per the methods outlined above. Mean nodule long axis measurements were manually extracted from these images. This was necessary, as the majority of these extraction points are situated in Type 1 nodule facies, which were therefore not suited to the automated nodule detection method. Nodule abundance estimates were then derived for each of these intersection points, resulting in a 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} grid of nodule estimation points over the Collector Test Site Figure 7.27. These estimates were used to supplement the Mineral Resource estimate.
AUV 相机横断面是在 Collector 测试场上的 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} 网格模式上采集的。为测量线的每个交点提取 AUV 相机数据的子集 ( 1 × 1 m 1 × 1 m 1xx1m1 \times 1 \mathrm{~m} ),并按照上述方法提取结核覆盖率百分比。从这些图像中手动提取平均结节长轴测量值。这是必要的,因为这些提取点中的大多数位于 1 型结节相中,因此不适合自动结节检测方法。然后得出每个交点的结核丰度估计值,从而在收集器测试点上形成一个结核估计点 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} 网格图 7.27。这些估算用于补充矿产资源估算。
Figure 7.27 Nodule abundance estimates at 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} node spacing within the Collector Test Site
图 7.27 收集器测试点内节点间距处 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 × 3.5 km 3.5 xx3.5km3.5 \times 3.5 \mathrm{~km} 的结节丰度估计值

7.4 NORI 2019 campaign 7.4 NORI 2019 活动

Exploration in 2019 was divided into two campaigns ( 6 A 6 A 6A6 A and 6 B 6 B 6B6 B ) due to the maximum duration of 45 days that OSV Maersk Launcher can remain out at sea. Campaign 6A was undertaken from 19/08/2019 to 03/10/2019 and Campaign 6 B 6 B 6B6 B was undertaken from 10/11/2019 to 21/12/2019. The vessel was mobilised out of San Diego, California, USA.
由于 OSV Maersk Launcher 可以在海上停留的最长持续时间为 45 天,因此 2019 年的勘探分为两个活动( 6 A 6 A 6A6 A 6 B 6 B 6B6 B )。活动 6A 于 2019 年 8 月 19 日至 2019 年 10 月 3 日进行,活动 6 B 6 B 6B6 B 于 2019 年 11 月 10 日至 2019 年 12 月 21 日进行。该船是从美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥调动出来的。
Leap Energy was sub-contracted to provide geological support for the box coring operations. Bluefield Geoservices was subcontracted to provide the geotechnical logging and testing component of the programme, and ERIAS was sub-contracted to undertake environmental biological of the box cores.
Leap Energy 被分包为箱形取芯作业提供地质支持。Bluefield Geoservices 被分包提供该计划的岩土工程测井和测试部分,而 ERIAS 被分包承担箱形岩芯的环境生物工作。

7.4.1 Box coring 7.4.1 箱形取芯

A 100 × 75 × 50 cm 100 × 75 × 50 cm 100 xx75 xx50cm100 \times 75 \times 50 \mathrm{~cm} stainless steel box corer built by KC Denmark, and a Kongsberg Maritime HiPAP 501 Ultra Short Base Line (USBL) system were used for the sampling campaigns. The box corer was operated by an MSS marine crew and was fitted with a large Kongsberg USBL beacon for positioning Figure 7.28 and a sound velocity profiler (SVP) to monitor sound velocity variations in the water column. The positioning was monitored by two certified surveyors from the Leap Energy team. Fixes were taken during each box core landing and all sample coordinates were recorded in WGS84 UTM 11N.
采样活动使用了由 KC Denmark 制造的 100 × 75 × 50 cm 100 × 75 × 50 cm 100 xx75 xx50cm100 \times 75 \times 50 \mathrm{~cm} 不锈钢箱式取芯器和 Kongsberg Maritime HiPAP 501 超短基线 (USBL) 系统。箱形取芯器由 MSS 船员操作,并配备了一个大型 Kongsberg USBL 信标,用于定位图 7.28 和一个声速剖面仪 (SVP),用于监测水柱中的声速变化。定位由 Leap Energy 团队的两名认证测量师进行监控。在每个箱形岩芯着陆期间进行了修复,所有样本坐标都记录在 WGS84 UTM 11N 中。
Figure 7.28 Box corer on deck showing the USBL beacon mounting position
图 7.28 甲板上的箱形取芯器显示 USBL 信标安装位置
The procedures for sampling the nodules in Campaigns 6A and 6B were essentially the same as in 2018, with only minor changes in workflow to improve the efficiency of the process. The main changes were that the sampling intervals were simplified 0 1 cm , 1 15 cm 0 1 cm , 1 15 cm 0-1cm,1-15cm0-1 \mathrm{~cm}, 1-15 \mathrm{~cm}, and the samples were not coned and quartered onboard the vessel. A flow chart of the sampling procedure is provided in Figure 7.29
活动 6A 和 6B 中的结节采样程序与 2018 年基本相同,仅对工作流程进行了微小的更改,以提高流程效率。主要变化是简化了 0 1 cm , 1 15 cm 0 1 cm , 1 15 cm 0-1cm,1-15cm0-1 \mathrm{~cm}, 1-15 \mathrm{~cm} 采样间隔,并且样本没有在船上进行锥形和四分之一。取样过程的流程图如图 7.29 所示

7.4.2 Nodule sampling 7.4.2 结节采样

The dominant nodule shape, texture, degree of fragmentation, degree of botryoidal development together with the samples weight and nodule abundance was logged. The nodule facies classification system developed during the 2018 campaign was used. For the clay footwall succession, the sediment lithology and colour were recorded.
记录优势结节形状、质地、碎裂程度、葡萄球菌发育程度以及样品重量和结节丰度。使用了 2018 年活动期间开发的结节相分类系统。对于粘土下盘演替,记录了沉积物的岩性和颜色。
The dominant nodule facies in the NORI Area D license area for the samples recovered during Campaigns 6A and B was Type 1 ( 82 % ) 1 ( 82 % ) 1(82%)1(82 \%).
在活动 6A 和 B 期间回收的样本在 NORI D 区许可区域中的主要结节相是 型 1 ( 82 % ) 1 ( 82 % ) 1(82%)1(82 \%)
The nodule description and measurement procedures were the same as used in 2018.
结节描述和测量程序与 2018 年相同。

Sample preparation procedures were the same as used in 2018, with the exception that they were coned and quartered at the on-shore laboratory, rather than onboard the vessel.
样品制备程序与 2018 年相同,不同之处在于它们在岸上实验室而不是在船上进行锥形和四分之一。