Learn the Strategy That Made Him One of America’s Most Sucessful Stock Traders TRADE LIKE A 学习使他成为美国最成功股票交易者之一的策略 交易像一个股票市场的奇才
IN STOCKS IN any market 在任何市场中的股票
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ISBN: 978-0-07-180723-4
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This book is dedicated to my mother, Lea, who sacrificed so much of her own life so that my sister and I could have a better one. To my father, Nate, who encouraged me to take a chance and follow my dreams; may they both rest in peace. And, to my wife, Elena, and daughter, Angelia; my beacons of light and promise for the future. 本书献给我的母亲,莉亚,她牺牲了自己生活中的许多东西,以便我和我的妹妹能够过上更好的生活。献给我的父亲,内特,他鼓励我冒险追随我的梦想;愿他们二人安息。还有,我的妻子,埃琳娜,以及我的女儿,安吉莉亚;她们是我未来的光明和希望。
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Foreword … ix 前言 … ix
CHAPTER 1 An Introduction Worth Reading … 1 第 1 章 值得阅读的介绍 … 1
CHAPTER 2 What You NeEd to Know First … 11 第 2 章 你需要首先知道的…… 11
CHAPTER 3 Specific Entry Point AnAlysis: 第 3 章 特定入场点分析:
The SEPA STRATEGY … 27 SEPA 策略……27
CHAPTER 4 Value Comes at a Price … 41 第四章 价值是有代价的……41
CHAPTER 5 Trading with The Trend … 63 第五章 随趋势交易 … 63
CHAPTER 7 FUNDAMENTALS TO FOCUS ON … 117 第七章 关注的基本面 … 117
CHAPTER 8 Assessing EARNINGSQUALITY … 141 第八章 评估盈利质量 … 141
CHAPTER 9 Follow The LeADERS … 161 第 9 章 跟随领袖 … 161
CHAPTER 10 A Picture Is WorthA MiLLIONDOLLARS189 第 10 章 一幅图胜过百万美元 189
chapter 11 Don’t Just Buy What You Know … 259 第 11 章 不要只买你知道的…… 259
Part 1: The Nature of Risk … 269 第 1 部分:风险的本质 … 269
chapter 13 Risk Management 第 13 章 风险管理
Part 2: How to Deal with and Control Risk … 291 第 2 部分:如何处理和控制风险 … 291
Acknowledgments … 317 致谢 … 317
Index … 319 索引 … 319
ifn my 40 years of investing I have read numerous investment books, and you would think that I would have a large library filled with them. The truth is that my collection is quite small, because so few investment books are worth keeping. To the handful that are worth reading, one I am adding to my library is Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard by Mark Minervini. Mark’s book has to be on every investor’s bookshelf. It is about the most comprehensive work I have ever read on investing in growth stocks and includes vital details not found in other popular books on that subject. Some investment books cover only the fundamental aspects of investing, and others cover only the technical aspects, Mark’s book combines the most important factors that could help you find superperformance stocks in the future. Everyone wants to own the next Apple Computer, Costco, or Home Depot, and Mark shows you what to look for. 在我 40 年的投资生涯中,我阅读了许多投资书籍,你可能会认为我会有一个装满它们的大型图书馆。事实是我的收藏相当小,因为很少有投资书籍值得保留。在那些值得阅读的书籍中,我正在将《Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard》加入我的图书馆,作者是 Mark Minervini。Mark 的书必须在每位投资者的书架上。这是我读过的关于投资成长股的最全面的著作,包含了其他流行书籍中没有的重要细节。一些投资书籍仅涵盖投资的基本方面,而另一些则仅涵盖技术方面,Mark 的书结合了最重要的因素,可以帮助你找到未来的超绩效股票。每个人都想拥有下一个苹果电脑、好市多或家得宝,Mark 向你展示了该寻找什么。
Mark took years to research the methods that have made him successful. He has dug up gems of investing knowledge from some of the great investment books and research most investors never knew existed. For example, a source he cites is Superperformance Stocks by Richard Love. When you combine that with the experience he gained through many market cycles, you have a book packed with vital advice that will help any investor. In each chapter, Mark clearly lays out the factors that are important for a successful investment. It is one of those books you have to reread to really grasp all that it contains 马克花了多年时间研究使他成功的方法。他从一些伟大的投资书籍和大多数投资者从未知道的研究中挖掘出投资知识的瑰宝。例如,他引用的一个来源是理查德·洛夫的《超绩效股票》。当你将这些与他在多个市场周期中获得的经验结合起来时,你就拥有了一本充满重要建议的书,能够帮助任何投资者。在每一章中,马克清晰地列出了成功投资的重要因素。这是一本你必须重读才能真正理解其内容的书。
One of the best sections of the book is Mark’s description of the life cycle of a growth stock. You get a fundamental and technical picture of where a stock is along the different phases of its move from the start in phase 1 , to 书中最好的部分之一是马克对成长股生命周期的描述。你可以从基本面和技术面了解一只股票在其从第一阶段开始到不同阶段的移动过程中的位置。
the acceleration of earnings and price performance in phase 2, to the topping process in phase 3, to the trip back down in price as earnings slow in phase 4. He shows this not only with price charts but with tables of earnings and sales to show what is happening fundamentally as a growth stock moves over time. 在第二阶段,收益和价格表现的加速,到第三阶段的顶部过程,再到第四阶段收益放缓时价格的回落。他不仅通过价格图表展示这一点,还通过收益和销售的表格展示随着时间推移成长股的基本面变化。
In the last two chapters of the book, which you should probably read first, Mark discusses risk management. This is vital because so many investors seem to get into the right stocks but don’t know how to take a profit or when to sell as a position goes against them. He discusses the psychological factors that prevent most investors from cutting a loss. Can you believe that an investor of Mark’s stature is right only 50 percent of the time and has still made a fortune! That is due to his use of risk management. 在书的最后两章中,你可能应该先读这两章,马克讨论了风险管理。这是至关重要的,因为许多投资者似乎能够进入正确的股票,但却不知道如何获利或在持仓不利时何时卖出。他讨论了阻止大多数投资者止损的心理因素。你能相信像马克这样的人投资者的正确率只有 50%却仍然赚了很多钱吗!这要归功于他对风险管理的运用。
I have always believed that to be a successful investor you have a large tuition bill to pay in hard losses at the University of Wall Street before you can graduate and start making money. Mark supplies the best textbook on growth stock investing, and so you can avoid paying such a high tuition. With his help, a determined effort, and discipline, you can get an Ivy League education for the cost of a hardcover book. If you are a seasoned investor this book is a graduate-level class that will certainly add to your investment knowledge, as it has mine. Mark has also saved me a great deal of time because he wrote the book that I always wanted to write and did it better than I ever could! 我一直相信,要成为成功的投资者,你必须在华尔街大学支付一笔高昂的学费,经历惨痛的损失,才能毕业并开始赚钱。马克提供了关于成长股投资的最佳教科书,这样你就可以避免支付如此高的学费。在他的帮助下,经过坚定的努力和自律,你可以以一本精装书的价格获得常春藤联盟的教育。如果你是一位经验丰富的投资者,这本书就是一门研究生课程,肯定会增加你的投资知识,就像它增加了我的知识一样。马克还为我节省了大量时间,因为他写了我一直想写的书,而且写得比我能做到的更好!
Enjoy, and may you all have investment success! 祝你们享受,并祝大家投资成功!
David Ryan 大卫·瑞安
Three-time U.S. Investing Champion 三届美国投资冠军
It is true that the market is brutal to most of the people who challenge it. But so is Mount Everest, and that shouldn’t—and doesn’t—stop people from trying to reach the top. What is expected of a mountain or a market is only that it have no favorites-that it treat all challengers as equals. . . . Trading can be an intellectual stimulation, as well as a way to make money. Played well, it demands skills of the highest order, and skills the trader must work very hard to acquire. A well-conceived and executed transaction is a thing of beauty, to be experienced, enjoyed, and remembered. It should have an essence transcending monetary reward. A piece of each trade should stay with you, forever, because the memory is important. This applies equally to unsuccessful trades, of which there will be many. Even getting out of a bad position, expeditiously, should provide satisfaction not irritation. 市场对大多数挑战它的人确实是残酷的。但珠穆朗玛峰也是如此,这并不应该——也不会——阻止人们尝试登顶。对一座山或一个市场的期望只是它没有偏爱——它对所有挑战者一视同仁……交易可以是一种智力上的刺激,也是一种赚钱的方式。如果操作得当,它需要最高水平的技能,而交易者必须非常努力地去获得这些技能。一个构思周密并执行得当的交易是一种美的体现,值得体验、享受和铭记。它应该有一种超越金钱奖励的本质。每一笔交易的一部分应该永远留在你心中,因为这个记忆是重要的。这同样适用于不成功的交易,而这样的交易会有很多。即使是迅速摆脱一个糟糕的头寸,也应该带来满足感,而不是烦恼。
—William R. Gallacher —威廉·R·加拉赫
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Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision. "-Muhammad Ali, three-time world "\text {-Muhammad Ali, three-time world } heavyweight boxing champion 冠军不是在健身房里造就的。冠军是从他们内心深处产生的——一种渴望,一个梦想,一个愿景。重量级拳击冠军
Hn THE HEAT OF COMPETITION, champions rise to their strengths, triumphing over mere contenders. Marathon runners win through superior endurance and a keen sense of pacing. The great flying aces of World War I defeated their enemies, winning dogfights by thinking faster and better in three-dimensional space. At the chessboard, victory goes to the player who sees more clearly through the maze of possible moves to unlock the winning combination. Virtually every human contest is dominated by the few who possess the unique traits and skills required in their fields. The stock market is no different. 在竞争的热潮中,冠军们展现出他们的优势,战胜仅仅是竞争者的对手。马拉松跑者通过卓越的耐力和敏锐的节奏感获胜。第一次世界大战的伟大飞行王牌通过更快、更好地在三维空间中思考,击败了他们的敌人,赢得了空战。在棋盘上,胜利属于那些能够更清晰地看穿可能的走法迷宫,找到获胜组合的玩家。几乎每一场人类竞争都被那些在各自领域中具备独特特质和技能的少数人所主导。股市也不例外。
Investing styles may differ among successful market players, but without exception, winning stock traders share certain key traits required for success. Fall short in those qualities and you will surely part ways with your money. The good news is that you don’t have to be born with them. Along with learning effective trading tactics, you can develop the mindset and emotional discipline needed to win big in the stock market. Two things are required: a desire to succeed and a winning strategy. In Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard: How to Achieve Superperformance in Stocks in Any Market, I 成功的市场参与者可能有不同的投资风格,但毫无例外,获胜的股票交易者都具备成功所需的某些关键特质。如果在这些品质上有所欠缺,你肯定会与自己的资金失之交臂。好消息是,你不必天生就具备这些特质。除了学习有效的交易策略外,你还可以培养在股市中获得巨大成功所需的心态和情绪纪律。需要两样东西:成功的渴望和获胜的策略。在《像股票市场巫师一样交易:如何在任何市场中实现股票超表现》中,我
will show you how my winning strategy brought me success and how it can do the same thing for you. 将向您展示我的获胜策略是如何带给我成功的,以及它如何也能为您带来同样的结果。
I’ve been trading and investing in the stock market for most of my adult life: 30 years and counting as of the writing of this book. Stock trading is how I made my living and ultimately my fortune. Starting with only a few thousand dollars, I was able to parlay my winnings to become a multimillionaire by age 34 . Even if I had not become rich from trading stocks, I would still be doing it today. For me, trading isn’t a sport or just a way to make money; trading is my life. 在我成年生活的大部分时间里,我一直在股票市场进行交易和投资:截至本书写作时,已经有 30 年了。股票交易是我谋生的方式,最终也让我致富。从只有几千美元开始,我能够将我的 winnings 转变为在 34 岁时成为百万富翁。即使我没有通过股票交易变得富有,我今天仍然会继续这样做。对我来说,交易不是一项运动或仅仅是一种赚钱的方式;交易是我的生活。
I didn’t start out successful. In the beginning, I made the same mistakes every new investor makes. However, through years of study and practice, I gradually acquired the necessary know-how to achieve the type of performance you generally only read about. I’m talking about superperformance. There’s a big difference between making a decent return in the stock market and achieving superperformance, and that difference can be life-changing. Whether you’re an accountant, a schoolteacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a plumber, or even broke and unemployed as I was when I started, believe me you can attain superperformance. 我并不是一开始就成功。起初,我犯了每个新投资者都会犯的错误。然而,通过多年的学习和实践,我逐渐掌握了实现通常只在书中看到的那种表现所需的知识。我说的是超额表现。在股市中获得合理回报和实现超额表现之间有很大的区别,而这种区别可能会改变生活。无论你是会计、教师、医生、律师、水管工,还是像我开始时那样破产失业,相信我,你都可以达到超额表现。
Success requires opportunity. The stock market provides incredible opportunity on a daily basis. New companies are constantly emerging as market leaders in every field from high-tech medical equipment to retail stores and restaurants right in your own neighborhood. To spot them and take advantage of their success you must have the know-how and the discipline to apply the proper investment techniques. In the following pages, I’m going to tell you how to develop the expertise to find your next superperformer. 成功需要机会。股市每天都提供令人难以置信的机会。新公司不断涌现,成为各个领域的市场领导者,从高科技医疗设备到你自己社区的零售店和餐馆。要发现它们并利用它们的成功,你必须具备相应的知识和应用正确投资技巧的纪律。在接下来的页面中,我将告诉你如何培养找到下一个超额表现者的专业知识。
Follow Your Dreams and Believe in Yourself 跟随你的梦想,相信自己
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. 不可能只是一个被小人物抛出的巨大词汇,他们发现生活在他们所拥有的世界中比探索改变它的力量更容易。
-Laila Ali -莱拉·阿里
Dedication and a desire to succeed are definitely requirements to achieve superperformance in stocks. What is not required is conventional wisdom 成功的决心和渴望无疑是实现股票超常表现的必要条件。而传统智慧并不是必需的。
or a college education. My real-world education began when I was an adolescent. I dropped out of school in the eighth grade at age 15 , which means that I am almost completely self-educated. Yes, you read that correctly. I left school at age 15. I have never seen the inside of a high school as a student, let alone attended a university. What I did have, however, was a thirst for knowledge and a burning desire to succeed, to be the best trader I could be. I became a fanatical student of the stock market, its history, and human behavior. I started out by reading the financial news and stock reports at the local library. Over the years, I’ve read an incredible number of investment books, including more than 1,000 titles in my personal library alone. 或者大学教育。我的现实教育始于我还是青少年的时候。我在 15 岁时从八年级辍学,这意味着我几乎完全是自学成才。是的,你没看错。我在 15 岁时离开了学校。我从未作为学生见过高中的内部,更不用说上大学了。然而,我所拥有的是对知识的渴望和成功的强烈愿望,成为我能成为的最佳交易者。我成为了股市、其历史和人类行为的狂热学生。我开始时在当地图书馆阅读财经新闻和股票报告。多年来,我阅读了大量的投资书籍,仅在我的个人图书馆中就有超过 1000 本书。
In light of my lack of starting resources and formal education, the level of success I have achieved strikes some people as unlikely or even impossible. Along the way, some have even tried to discourage me. You too probably will face people who will try to dissuade you from trying. You will hear things such as “It’s a rigged game,” “You’re gambling,” and “Stocks are too risky.” Don’t let anyone convince you that you can’t do it. Those who think it’s not possible to achieve superperformance in stocks say so only because they never achieved it themselves, and so it’s hard for them to imagine. Ignore any discouragement you may encounter and pay attention instead to the empowering principles I am about to share with you. If you spend time studying and applying them, you too can realize results that will amaze even the most ambitious positive thinkers. Then the same people who said it couldn’t be done will ask you the question they always ask me, “How did you do it?” 鉴于我缺乏起始资源和正式教育,我所取得的成功水平让一些人觉得不太可能,甚至是不可能的。在这个过程中,有些人甚至试图打击我。你也可能会面临那些试图劝阻你的人。你会听到诸如“这是一个操控的游戏”、“你在赌博”和“股票太风险了”等话。不要让任何人说服你相信你做不到。那些认为在股票中实现超常表现不可能的人之所以这么说,仅仅是因为他们自己从未实现过,因此很难想象。忽略你可能遇到的任何打击,专注于我即将与您分享的赋能原则。如果你花时间学习并应用这些原则,你也可以实现让最雄心勃勃的积极思考者都感到惊讶的结果。然后,那些曾经说过这不可能的人会问你他们总是问我的问题:“你是怎么做到的?”
And the Trade Shall Set You Free 交易将使你自由
From the very beginning, I saw the stock market as the ultimate opportunity for financial reward. Trading also appealed to me because I liked the idea of having the freedom to work at home and taking responsibility for my own success. In my young adult years, I had tried several different business ventures, and even though I felt enthusiastic, that burning passion was still missing. Finally, I came to realize that what I was most passionate about was freedom-freedom to do what I want, when I want, where I want. 从一开始,我就把股市视为获得财务回报的终极机会。交易对我也很有吸引力,因为我喜欢在家工作的自由,以及对自己成功的责任。在我年轻的成年时期,我尝试过几种不同的商业冒险,尽管我感到热情,但那种燃烧的激情仍然缺失。最终,我意识到我最热衷的是自由——做我想做的事,何时做,在哪里做的自由。
One day it dawned on me: life is rich even if you’re not. I realized that things were happening every day, good and bad, and that it was just a matter 有一天我突然意识到:即使你不富有,生活也是丰富的。我意识到每天都有事情发生,无论好坏,这只是一个问题。
of deciding what I wanted to be part of. People were getting rich in the stock market. I said to myself, Why not be part of that? I figured that if I learned how to invest in the market and trade successfully, I could achieve my dream of financial freedom and, more important, personal freedom. Besides, who was going to hire a junior high school dropout? The stock market was the one place I could see that had unlimited potential without prejudice. The author and successful businessman Harvey Mackay said it perfectly, “Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It’s up to you to choose which you will be.” 我在决定我想要参与什么。人们在股市中致富。我对自己说,为什么不参与其中呢?我想,如果我学会如何在市场中投资并成功交易,我就能实现我财务自由的梦想,更重要的是,个人自由。此外,谁会雇佣一个初中辍学生呢?股市是我能看到的唯一一个没有偏见、潜力无限的地方。作者和成功商人哈维·麦凯说得很好:“乐观主义者是对的,悲观主义者也是对的。选择哪种态度取决于你自己。”
Achieving the Best of Both Worlds 实现双赢的最佳方式
When I started trading in the early 1980s, I had only a few thousand dollars to invest. I had to make huge returns on my relatively small account to survive and still have some trading capital left. This forced me to hone my timing and learn the necessary tactics for extracting consistent profits out of the stock market day in and day out. Like a pro poker player who grinds out a steady living while consistently building a bankroll, I became a stock market “rounder.” 当我在 1980 年代初开始交易时,我只有几千美元可以投资。我必须在相对较小的账户上获得巨额回报,以便生存并保留一些交易资本。这迫使我磨练时机,并学习从股市中日复一日提取稳定利润所需的策略。就像一位职业扑克玩家在不断积累资金的同时,稳定地谋生一样,我也成为了一名股市“游侠”。
My philosophy and approach to trading is to be a conservative aggressive opportunist. Although this may seem like a contradiction in terms, it is not. It simply means that my style is to be aggressive in my pursuit of potential reward and at the same time be extremely risk-conscious. Although I may invest or trade aggressively, my primary thought process begins with “How much can I lose?” not just “How much can I gain?” 我的交易哲学和方法是成为一个保守的激进机会主义者。虽然这听起来似乎是自相矛盾,但并非如此。这仅仅意味着我的风格是在追求潜在回报时保持激进,同时对风险保持极高的警觉。尽管我可能会激进地投资或交易,但我的主要思考过程始于“我可能会损失多少?”而不仅仅是“我能获得多少?”
During my 30 years as a stock trader, I’ve discovered that a “risk-first” approach is what works best for me. It has allowed me not just to perform or perform well but to achieve superperformance, averaging 220 percent per year from 1994 to 2000 (a 33,500 percent compounded total return), including a U.S. Investing Championship title in 1997. My approach also proved invaluable when I needed it the most: cashing me out ahead of eight bear markets, including two of the worst declines in U.S. stock market history. By adhering to a disciplined strategy, I was able to accomplish the most important goal of all: to protect my trading account and keep the profits I made during the previous bull markets. 在我 30 年的股票交易生涯中,我发现“风险优先”的方法对我来说是最有效的。这使我不仅能够表现出色,还能实现超常表现,从 1994 年到 2000 年平均每年 220%的收益(总复合收益为 33,500%),并在 1997 年获得美国投资冠军头衔。当我最需要的时候,我的方法也证明了其无价之宝:让我在八次熊市之前退出,包括美国股市历史上两次最严重的下跌。通过坚持纪律性的策略,我能够实现最重要的目标:保护我的交易账户,并保留我在之前牛市中获得的利润。
Invest in Yourself First 首先投资于自己
When I began trading in the early 1980s, I endured a six-year period when I didn’t make any money in stocks. In fact, I had a net loss. It wasn’t until 1989 that I began to achieve meaningful success. What kept me going? Unconditional persistence. When you make an unshakable commitment to a way of life, you put yourself way ahead of most others in the race for success. Why? Because most people have a natural tendency to overestimate what they can achieve in the short run and underestimate what they can accomplish over the long haul. They think they’ve made a commitment, but when they run into difficulty, they lose steam or quit. 当我在 1980 年代初开始交易时,我经历了一个六年的时期,在这段时间里我没有在股票上赚到任何钱。事实上,我的净损失。直到 1989 年,我才开始取得有意义的成功。是什么让我坚持下去?无条件的坚持。当你对一种生活方式做出不可动摇的承诺时,你在成功的竞争中就远远领先于大多数人。为什么?因为大多数人有一种自然倾向,过高估计自己在短期内能取得的成就,而低估自己在长期内能完成的事情。他们认为自己已经做出了承诺,但当遇到困难时,他们就会失去动力或放弃。
Most people get interested in trading but few make a real commitment. The difference between interest and commitment is the will not to give up. When you truly commit to something, you have no alternative but success. Getting interested will get you started, but commitment gets you to the finish line. The first and best investment you can make is an investment in yourself, a commitment to do what it takes and to persist. Persistence is more important than knowledge. You must persevere if you wish to succeed in anything. Knowledge and skill can be acquired through study and practice, but nothing great comes to those who quit. 大多数人对交易感兴趣,但很少有人真正投入。兴趣和承诺之间的区别在于不放弃的意志。当你真正承诺某件事时,你别无选择,只有成功。兴趣可以让你开始,但承诺能让你到达终点。你可以做的第一也是最好的投资就是对自己进行投资,承诺去做必要的事情并坚持下去。坚持比知识更重要。如果你希望在任何事情上取得成功,你必须坚持。知识和技能可以通过学习和实践获得,但伟大的成就不会降临到那些放弃的人身上。
When Opportunity Meets Prepardness 当机会遇到准备时
When people hear my success story, the two questions they ask most often are, How did you do it? and Did you just get lucky? The assumption is that I must have taken a lot of big risks or been lucky along the way. 当人们听到我的成功故事时,他们最常问的两个问题是:你是怎么做到的?和你只是运气好吗?假设我一定是在这个过程中冒了很多风险或者运气好。
So how did I do it? 那我到底是怎么做到的呢?
For years I worked on perfecting my trading skills, plugging away 70 to 80 hours a week, often staying up to pore over stock charts and company financials until the sun came up the next day. Even though the results weren’t there yet, I persevered. I spent years separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff, perfecting my process by analyzing my successes and, more important, my failures. I invested countless hours in learning how great investors 多年来,我一直在完善我的交易技能,每周工作 70 到 80 小时,常常熬夜研究股票图表和公司财务,直到第二天太阳升起。尽管结果还没有显现,我仍然坚持不懈。我花了多年时间将所谓的“麦子与糠”分开,通过分析我的成功,更重要的是我的失败,来完善我的过程。我投入了无数小时学习伟大投资者是如何接近市场的,以及他们是如何创建和执行交易策略并培养遵循其模型所需的情绪纪律的。
approached the market and how they created and executed trading strategies and developed the emotional discipline required to follow their models. 接近市场,以及他们是如何创建和执行交易策略并培养遵循其模型所需的情绪纪律的。
Then something wonderful happened. My preparation intersected with opportunity. I had been honing my skills for years, and by 1990 I was fully equipped to take advantage of a new emerging bull market. With all the lessons I had learned from my trial-and-error days in the 1980s, the pitch was now coming across the plate, and I was staring at my chance to knock the ball out of the park. I was 100 percent prepared, like an Olympic athlete who has practiced and practiced and is now ready to perform with perfection. 然后发生了一件美妙的事情。我的准备与机会交汇在一起。我多年来一直在磨练我的技能,到 1990 年时,我已经完全准备好利用一个新兴的牛市。凭借我在 1980 年代的试错日子里学到的所有教训,现在机会正好摆在面前,我正盯着我的机会,准备将球打出场外。我百分之百地准备好了,就像一名经过反复练习的奥林匹克运动员,现在准备以完美的表现来展现自己。
Opportunities in the stock market can spring to life on short notice. To take advantage of them you must be prepared and ready to act. Right now, somewhere out in the world someone is tirelessly preparing for success. If you fail to prepare, that somebody probably will make big money while you only dream about what you could have been and should have done. So prepare, prepare, prepare, because when opportunity knocks, which it definitely will, you want to be there to answer the door. 股票市场中的机会可能会在短时间内出现。要利用这些机会,你必须做好准备并随时行动。现在,世界的某个地方,有人正在不懈地为成功做准备。如果你没有准备,那个人可能会赚大钱,而你只能梦想自己本可以成为什么,应该做些什么。所以,准备,准备,再准备,因为当机会敲门时,它绝对会来,你想要在那时回答门。
Seize Permanent Knowledge 抓住永久知识
In the following pages, I will share with you a plethora of information as well as specific tactics to help you succeed in stock trading, but there is no substitute for real-life experience. Just as you cannot learn to ride a bicycle from a book, the only way you can accumulate experience is by taking action and producing results and then learning from those results, good and bad. Unfortunately, experience cannot be force-fed; it must be acquired personally over time. However, as you go through trials and tribulations during your learning curve, keep in mind that once acquired, the skill of proficient stock trading can never be taken from you. No one can fire you from your craft the way a boss can from a job; it’s just you and the market. All you have learned and the experience you have gained can bear fruit for many years to come. Truly, this is what makes acquired knowledge and firsthand experience the greatest tool to succeed and build upon in stock trading and in life. 在接下来的页面中,我将与您分享大量信息以及具体策略,以帮助您在股票交易中取得成功,但没有什么能替代真实的经验。就像您无法仅通过书本学习骑自行车一样,您积累经验的唯一方法就是采取行动,产生结果,然后从这些结果中学习,无论是好是坏。不幸的是,经验无法被强迫灌输;它必须随着时间的推移而个人获得。然而,当您在学习过程中经历磨难时,请记住,一旦获得,熟练的股票交易技能将永远不会被剥夺。没有人能像老板从工作中解雇您那样解雇您从事的行业;只有您和市场。您所学到的一切以及您所获得的经验可以在未来的许多年里结出硕果。确实,这就是使获得的知识和亲身经验成为在股票交易和生活中成功和发展的最大工具。
Put Passion at the Wheel 将激情放在方向盘上
The best traders wake up every day excited about trading and speculation. They can’t wait to get to work each day and find their next superperformer. They are challenged by the markets and feel the same passion and excitement that drives athletes to greatness. Michael Jordan became the greatest basketball player in history because he had passion for the game, not because he was motivated by commercial endorsements. So it is with great traders. They are motivated not just by money but above all by their passion to become the best they can be. 最优秀的交易者每天醒来都对交易和投机感到兴奋。他们迫不及待想要开始工作,寻找下一个超级表现者。他们受到市场的挑战,感受到与运动员追求伟大相同的激情和兴奋。迈克尔·乔丹之所以成为历史上最伟大的篮球运动员,是因为他对比赛充满热情,而不是因为他受到商业代言的激励。优秀的交易者也是如此。他们的动力不仅仅是金钱,更重要的是他们对成为最好的渴望。
Passion is not something you can learn; it comes from within you. Passion transcends monetary reward. Don’t worry; if you are doing something you truly enjoy and you are great at it-whether you’re the best writer, lawyer, archaeologist, or basketball player or the world’s foremost authority on dung beetles-the money will come your way. For me, the greatest success came when I finally decided to forget about the money and concentrate on being the best trader I could be. Then the money followed. 激情不是你可以学习的东西;它来自你内心深处。激情超越金钱的回报。别担心;如果你在做你真正喜欢的事情,并且你在这方面很出色——无论你是最好的作家、律师、考古学家、篮球运动员,还是世界上最权威的粪金龟专家——钱会自然而然地来到你身边。对我来说,最大的成功是在我最终决定忘记金钱,专注于成为最好的交易者时到来的。然后,钱就跟着来了。
Those of you who enjoy investing and the art of speculation can learn the techniques and disciplines needed to succeed in the stock market. Concentrate on being the best you can be, and the money will follow. The main thing is to let your passion drive you. 那些喜欢投资和投机艺术的人可以学习成功于股市所需的技巧和纪律。专注于成为最好的自己,钱就会随之而来。最重要的是让你的激情驱动你。
The Best Time to Begin 最好的开始时机
You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. 你不必伟大才能开始,但你必须开始才能伟大。
-Les Brown -莱斯·布朗
Every day we have the opportunity to make choices and shape our future; every day is the first day of the rest of our lives. At some point, those days are gone. You can choose to learn from or regret your failures and also rejoice in your triumphs; however, the sooner you begin pursuing your dreams, the sooner you can achieve them. If you truly want success trading stocks, take 每天我们都有机会做出选择,塑造我们的未来;每一天都是我们余生的第一天。在某个时刻,这些日子就会过去。你可以选择从失败中学习或感到遗憾,也可以为自己的胜利而欢欣;然而,越早开始追求你的梦想,你就越能早日实现它们。如果你真的想在股票交易中获得成功,采取
action right away. You don’t need anyone’s permission or any reason other than you’ve decided to stop wasting valuable time that you will never get back. It all begins with beginning! You can dream, you can think positively, you can plan and set goals, but unless you take action, nothing will materialize. In his book Possibility Thinking, Robert Schuller said, “It’s better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.” An ounce of action is worth pounds of theory. In the stock market, you can make excuses or you can make money, but you can’t do both. 立即采取行动。你不需要任何人的许可或任何理由,只需你决定停止浪费那些你永远无法再得到的宝贵时间。一切都始于开始!你可以梦想,可以积极思考,可以计划和设定目标,但除非你采取行动,否则一切都不会实现。在他的书《可能性思维》中,罗伯特·舒勒说过:“做某事不完美总比完美地什么都不做要好。”一盎司的行动胜过一磅的理论。在股市中,你可以找借口,也可以赚钱,但你不能两者兼得。
It’s not enough to have knowledge, a dream, or passion; it’s what you do with what you know that counts. Even if you don’t become wealthy, by doing what you’re passionate about, you will at least be happy. The best chance you have to succeed in life is to do what you enjoy and give it everything you’ve got. When you get up each morning and do what you love, you never work a day in your life. Those days can begin today. The best time to begin is right now! 拥有知识、梦想或激情是不够的;关键在于你如何运用你所知道的。即使你没有变得富有,做你热爱的事情至少会让你快乐。你成功的最佳机会就是做你喜欢的事情,并全力以赴。当你每天早上起床去做你热爱的事情时,你就从未工作过一天。这些日子可以从今天开始。开始的最佳时机就是现在!
A Time to Share 分享的时刻
If you cannot-in the long run-tell everyone what you have been doing, your doing has been worthless. 如果你在长远来看不能告诉每个人你在做什么,那么你所做的事情就是毫无价值的。
—Erwin Schrödinger —厄尔温·薛定谔
You may wonder why I chose to write this book now. More than a decade ago, I was approached by several major publishers, but I decided not to proceed. Yes, authoring a book gives one credibility and prestige and maybe even boosts one’s ego. Although the offers were tempting, I hesitated. I thought to myself, Why should I give away all my hard work for a relatively small sum of money, especially since most people probably won’t apply it correctly? Admittedly, I was being a bit cynical. Then I realized that if even one individual put forth the effort that I did in my earlier years, perhaps my book could help that person achieve his or her dreams. Perhaps my work could make a real difference for someone else; perhaps that someone is you. 你可能会想,为什么我选择现在写这本书。十多年前,我曾受到几家主要出版社的接触,但我决定不继续。是的,写一本书确实能给人带来信誉和声望,甚至可能提升一个人的自尊心。尽管这些提议很诱人,但我犹豫了。我心想,为什么我要把我所有的辛勤工作白白奉献出去,换取相对少量的钱,尤其是因为大多数人可能不会正确应用它?诚然,我有些愤世嫉俗。然后我意识到,如果即使只有一个人付出我早年所付出的努力,也许我的书能帮助那个人实现他的梦想。也许我的工作能为别人带来真正的改变;也许那个人就是你。
Since my early twenties, I have been inspired by the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer, the internationally known motivational speaker and author. Not 自我二十出头以来,我一直受到国际知名的励志演讲者和作家韦恩·戴尔博士的话语的启发。没有
long ago, I reread his book 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, in which there is a chapter titled “Don’t Let the Music Die Inside You.” That chapter really struck a chord with me. My father died relatively young, in his fifties. Later, my mother became sick and recently passed after a long battle with an illness. This prompted me to think about my life. Over the years I have accumulated a treasure chest of knowledge and expertise. I came to the realization that it would be a waste to let it all just fade away. Books written by great traders provided me with a foundation to build on-a passing of the torch, one might say. Similarly, I would like others to benefit from and further advance my work. 多少前,我重读了他的书《成功与内心平静的 10 个秘密》,其中有一章标题为“不要让音乐在你心中消亡”。那一章真的让我感触颇深。我的父亲去世时相对年轻,五十多岁。后来,我的母亲生病,最近在与疾病的长期斗争中去世。这促使我思考我的生活。多年来,我积累了一笔知识和专业技能的宝藏。我意识到,让这一切就这样消逝是多么的浪费。伟大交易者所写的书为我提供了一个基础,可以在此基础上构建——可以说是火炬的传递。同样,我也希望其他人能从我的工作中受益并进一步发展。
The stock market provides the greatest opportunity on earth for financial reward. It also teaches great lessons to those who win and those who lose, an education that goes well beyond trading and investing. Without a doubt, the stock market gives you incredible exhilaration when you win and deep humility when you lose. It is the greatest game on earth, and for me it has proved to be the greatest business opportunity on earth. 股票市场为地球上获得财务回报提供了最大的机会。它也为那些赢得和失去的人提供了伟大的教训,这种教育远远超出了交易和投资。毫无疑问,当你赢的时候,股票市场会给你带来难以置信的兴奋,而当你输的时候则会带来深深的谦卑。它是地球上最伟大的游戏,对我来说,它证明了是地球上最伟大的商业机会。
To realize profits from investing in stocks, you must make three correct decisions: what to buy, when to buy, and when to sell. Not all of your decisions will turn out to be correct, but they can be intelligent. My goal is to assist you in making these decisions to the utmost of your ability so that you will make quality choices. I have spent most of my life perfecting my stock trading methodology, and now, in the following pages, I am going to share these principles with you in detail. Armed with this valuable knowledge, I trust you too will enjoy success in the stock market and pass the torch again. 要从股票投资中实现利润,您必须做出三个正确的决定:买什么、何时买以及何时卖。并不是所有的决定都会是正确的,但它们可以是明智的。我的目标是帮助您尽最大努力做出这些决定,以便您能够做出高质量的选择。我花了大部分时间来完善我的股票交易方法,现在,在接下来的页面中,我将详细与您分享这些原则。掌握了这些宝贵的知识,我相信您也会在股票市场上获得成功,并再次传递火炬。
Most of the examples in this book involve stocks that I traded for myself between 1984 and 2012. This is road-tested research that is very near and dear to me. I hope that you will gain useful insights from this hard-won knowledge and that my story of success will inspire you to accomplish superperformance in stocks and in life. If you’re willing to work and believe in yourself, anything is possible. 本书中的大多数例子涉及我在 1984 年至 2012 年间自己交易的股票。这是经过实践检验的研究,对我来说非常重要。我希望你能从这段艰苦获得的知识中获得有用的见解,并且我成功的故事能激励你在股票和生活中实现超常表现。如果你愿意努力并相信自己,任何事情都是可能的。
This page intentionally left blank 本页故意留空
There isn’t a person anywhere who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can. 没有人不具备超越自己想象的能力。
—Henry Ford —亨利·福特
MIANY PEOPLE HOPE to achieve great success in the stock market, but few actually do. Over time the average investor realizes only mediocre or inconsistent results at best. The reason for this lack of success is simply that most investors have not taken the time to study and understand what really works in the stock market and what actually accounts for superperformance. The vast majority of investors operate from faulty assumptions that are based on personal opinion or theory, not unbiased facts. Only a fraction of stock traders have made the effort to carefully study the characteristics and behavior patterns of superperformance stocks. Among those who acquire the necessary knowledge, many fail to develop the emotional discipline to execute a winning plan. 许多人希望在股市中取得巨大的成功,但实际上只有少数人能够做到。随着时间的推移,普通投资者的回报往往只是平庸或不一致。造成这种缺乏成功的原因很简单:大多数投资者没有花时间去研究和理解在股市中真正有效的策略,以及什么才是真正的超额表现。绝大多数投资者都是基于个人观点或理论,而非无偏见的事实,来进行投资。只有一小部分股票交易者努力仔细研究超额表现股票的特征和行为模式。在那些获得必要知识的人中,许多人未能培养出执行成功计划所需的情绪纪律。
What is the underlying reason so many people fall short of achieving their goals and fail to have big success in the stock market? Largely, it boils down to the fact that few individuals truly believe they can achieve superperformance in stocks. They’ve been told that a big return entails big risks or that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 为什么这么多人未能实现他们的目标,并在股市中取得重大成功?归根结底,这主要是因为很少有人真正相信自己能够在股票中实现超额表现。他们被告知高回报意味着高风险,或者如果听起来太好以至于不真实,那它可能就是不真实的。
Let me assure you that you can achieve superperformance in stocks if you so desire and that it does not have to be a high-risk endeavor. It’s not going to happen overnight, and you will most likely have to learn to do certain things that go against your natural instincts or perhaps relearn some ingrained investment beliefs. However, with the right tools and the right attitude, anyone can do it if he or she chooses. 让我向你保证,如果你愿意,你可以在股票中实现超常表现,而且这并不一定是高风险的冒险。这不会在一夜之间发生,你很可能需要学习做一些与你的自然本能相悖的事情,或者重新学习一些根深蒂固的投资信念。然而,凭借正确的工具和态度,任何人都可以做到这一点,只要他或她选择这样做。
No Luck Required 不需要运气
The more I practice, the luckier I get. 我越是练习,我就越幸运。
-Gary Player - 加里·普莱尔
Achieving superperformance in stocks is not a function of luck or even circumstance. Contrary to what many believe, it is not gambling either. As with any great achievement, superperformance is attained through knowledge, persistence, and skill, which is acquired over time through dedication and hard work. Most of all, long-term success in the stock market comes from discipline, the ability to consistently execute a sound plan and refrain from selfdefeating behavior. If you have these traits, the odds are that you will succeed. 在股票中实现超常表现并不是运气或环境的结果。与许多人所相信的相反,这也不是赌博。与任何伟大的成就一样,超常表现是通过知识、坚持和技能获得的,这些都是通过时间的投入和努力工作而获得的。最重要的是,股票市场的长期成功来自于纪律,能够持续执行一个合理的计划并避免自我破坏的行为。如果你具备这些特质,你成功的几率就会增加。
With gambling, in contrast, the odds are stacked against you. If you play enough, you will definitely lose. If you think stock trading is gambling, I suppose you could say the same thing about brain surgery (it certainly would be a gamble if I were performing the operation). To a trained surgeon with the necessary expertise, though, it is a job with risks that are offset by knowledge, training, and ultimately skill. Stock trading is no different. 相比之下,赌博的赔率是对你不利的。如果你玩得足够多,你肯定会输。如果你认为股票交易是赌博,我想你也可以这样说脑外科手术(如果我在进行手术,那肯定是一次赌博)。然而,对于一位具备必要专业知识的训练有素的外科医生来说,这是一项风险与知识、培训和最终技能相抵消的工作。股票交易也没有什么不同。
Success in the stock market has little to do with luck. On the contrary, the more you work a sound plan, the luckier you will become. 在股市中取得成功与运气关系不大。相反,你越是努力执行一个合理的计划,你就会变得越幸运。
You Can Start Small 你可以从小开始
A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man’s brow. 一个新想法是脆弱的。它可以被嘲笑或打哈欠所扼杀;它可以被一句俏皮话刺死,也可以被一个合适的人眉头上的皱眉所担忧致死。
With every new endeavor that you try, you will encounter naysayers. There are people out there who will tell you that you can’t do it. If you don’t have much money, they will say you don’t have enough trading capital, so don’t even bother trying. Nonsense! I’m here to tell you that you can get rich from the stock market even if you start small. Unless you’ve been successful in your professional life already, you may not have much money to devote to trading, and if you’re a young person just starting out, it may seem impossible to bankroll a trading operation. Don’t be discouraged. You can start out small, just as I did. 在你尝试的每一个新事业中,你都会遇到反对者。总会有人告诉你,你做不到。如果你没有很多钱,他们会说你没有足够的交易资本,所以根本不值得尝试。胡说八道!我在这里告诉你,即使你从小开始,也可以通过股市致富。除非你在职业生涯中已经取得成功,否则你可能没有太多钱可以投入交易,如果你是刚刚起步的年轻人,似乎更不可能为交易操作提供资金。不要气馁。你可以像我一样,从小开始。
A friend of mine ran into the naysayer syndrome not too long ago when he wanted to learn how to trade. Since he is a close friend, I let him come to my office each day and sit next to me to gain some hands-on experience. Trading his relatively small account, he started to understand how to make consistent trades and manage his risk. After he got the hang of it, my friend decided to trade on his own from his home. One day I heard that he had quit trading. I was surprised because he’d gotten off to a pretty good start. When I asked him why he gave up, he told me that another friend had told him he that couldn’t do it because his trading capital was too small and that he was wasting his time. Discouraged, my friend just gave up. 不久前,我的一个朋友在想学习交易时遇到了否定者综合症。由于他是我的密友,我让他每天来我的办公室,坐在我旁边以获得一些实践经验。用他相对较小的账户进行交易后,他开始理解如何进行持续的交易和管理风险。在他掌握了这些之后,我的朋友决定在家里独立交易。一天,我听说他已经放弃了交易。我很惊讶,因为他起步相当不错。当我问他为什么放弃时,他告诉我另一个朋友告诉他,他做不到,因为他的交易资金太少,浪费时间。我的朋友感到沮丧,最终选择了放弃。
Michael Dell started by selling computers out of his college dorm. Then, in 1984, he founded what became Dell Computer Corporation with only $1,000\$ 1,000. Dell went on to become the largest personal computer company in the world. I started with just a few thousand dollars, and within just few years it grew to more than $160,000\$ 160,000. A year later it was at half a million. With a decent bankroll at last, I was able to parlay my winnings into my personal fortune. The rest is history. 迈克尔·戴尔最初是在他的大学宿舍里出售电脑。然后,在 1984 年,他创立了后来成为戴尔电脑公司的公司,只有 $1,000\$ 1,000 。戴尔后来成为全球最大的个人电脑公司。我开始时只有几千美元,几年内它增长到超过 $160,000\$ 160,000 。一年后,它达到了五十万美元。终于有了不错的资金,我能够将我的 winnings 转化为我的个人财富。其余的就是历史了。
I am certainly not the only one who has accomplished superperformance. David Ryan won three consecutive U.S. Investing Championships, posting triple-digit returns every year. Reading about David in the mid1980s prompted me to embark on my own quest for superperformance and go on to win the U.S. Investing Championship myself. 我当然不是唯一一个取得超常表现的人。大卫·瑞安连续三次赢得美国投资锦标赛,每年都实现三位数的回报。阅读关于大卫的文章促使我在 1980 年代中期开始了自己的超常表现追求,并最终赢得了美国投资锦标赛。
There are many of us out there who started small and ended up rich. What we have in common is that we refused to let others convince us it couldn’t be done. Remember, people who say something can’t be done never 我们当中有很多人从小开始,最终变得富有。我们共同的特点是拒绝让别人说服我们这件事无法做到。记住,那些说某件事无法做到的人从来没有自己做到过。
did it themselves. Surround yourself with people who encourage you and don’t let the naysayers knock you off track. 让自己身边围绕着鼓励你的人,不要让那些唱反调的人把你打乱节奏。
No! It's Not Different This Time 不!这次并没有不同
During every bull and bear market for the last three decades I have heard the words “It’s different this time.” Surely, during the 1920s, the legendary stock trader Jesse Livermore heard these same words. In How to Trade in Stocks, Livermore said, “All through time, people have basically acted and reacted the same way in the market as a result of: greed, fear, ignorance, and hope. Wall Street never changes, the pockets change, the stocks change, but Wall Street never changes, because human nature never changes.” 在过去三十年的每一个牛市和熊市中,我都听到过“这次不同”的话。毫无疑问,在 1920 年代,传奇股票交易员杰西·利弗莫尔也听到了这些话。在《如何进行股票交易》中,利弗莫尔说:“在历史的长河中,人们在市场上的基本行为和反应始终是一样的,源于:贪婪、恐惧、无知和希望。华尔街从未改变,口袋变化,股票变化,但华尔街从未改变,因为人性从未改变。”
Of course, there are technological advancements along the way, and some styles work better than others during certain periods. However, stocks today rise and fall for the same basic reasons as they did before: people drive stock prices, and people are basically the same emotionally. Trading can get very emotional, and emotions can easily lead investors to false conclusions. On the basis of 30 years of personal experience and historical analysis of every market cycle going back to the early 1900s, I can assure you that nothing has changed very much. In fact, history repeats itself over and over. 当然,沿途有技术进步,有些风格在某些时期比其他风格更有效。然而,今天股票的涨跌与以前的基本原因是一样的:人们推动股票价格,而人们在情感上基本上是相同的。交易可能会变得非常情绪化,而情绪很容易导致投资者得出错误的结论。根据我 30 年的个人经验和对自 1900 年代早期以来每个市场周期的历史分析,我可以向你保证,变化并不大。事实上,历史一再重演。
Let the pundits clamor that it’s different this time. Meanwhile, new leaders in the stock market emerge, hit the new high list, and amaze all the so-called experts. Fortunes are made and lost time and time again for the same timeless reasons. One thing you can count on is that history will repeat itself. The only question is: How good a student are you? 让评论家们喧嚷这次不同。与此同时,股市中新领军者出现,进入新高榜单,令所有所谓的专家惊叹。财富一次又一次地因同样的永恒原因而得失。你可以相信的一件事是,历史将会重演。唯一的问题是:你是多么优秀的学生?
Your Greatest Challenge Is Not the Market 你最大的挑战不是市场
The world is full of people looking for a secret formula for success. They do not want to think on their own; they just want a recipe to follow. They are attracted to the idea of strategy for that very reason. 世界上充满了寻找成功秘密公式的人。他们不想自己思考;他们只想要一个可以遵循的食谱。他们正是因为这个原因而被策略的想法所吸引。
-Robert Greene -罗伯特·格林
The best computer with the fastest processor to crunch numbers won’t do anything to improve your psychology or mental preparedness. The road to 最好的计算机和最快的处理器来处理数字并不会改善你的心理状态或心理准备。通往
success in the stock market is not a system or strategy; it’s within you, and it will be realized only to the extent that you are able to control and direct your emotions as you encounter challenges, of which I assure you there will be many. You might as well know that at the start. Otherwise, you’ll only be chasing false hopes. 在股市中取得成功不是一个系统或策略;它在于你内心深处,只有当你能够控制和引导自己的情绪,面对挑战时,这种成功才能实现。我向你保证,挑战会有很多。你最好一开始就知道这一点。否则,你只是在追逐虚假的希望。
If you want a decent return, you can always put your money with a good mutual fund manager, in a hedge fund, or in an index fund. If you want superperformance, you are going to have to go the extra mile. But first you need to understand that your greatest challenge is not the stock market. It’s you. 如果你想获得不错的回报,你可以把钱交给一个好的共同基金经理、对冲基金或指数基金。如果你想要超额收益,你就必须付出额外的努力。但首先你需要明白,你最大的挑战不是股市,而是你自己。
No One Is Going to Do It for You 没有人会为你做这件事
My first experience investing in the stock market was with a full-service stockbroker in the early 1980s, and it wasn’t pleasant. In a few short months my entire account was wiped out. Although this was painful and a major setback financially, it turned out to be one of my most valuable lessons about investing. 我第一次投资股市是在 1980 年代初期,和一位全方位服务的股票经纪人合作,这段经历并不愉快。在短短几个月内,我的整个账户就被清空了。虽然这很痛苦,并且在财务上是一次重大挫折,但这却成为我关于投资的最宝贵的经验之一。
My broker at the time persuaded me to buy stock in a biotech company that supposedly had developed an AIDS cure. He said that he had a really good indication from some important industry “pros” that U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval was coming and the stock would rocket on the news. Being a novice to the market, I bought that line of BS. I was blinded by the potential reward and did not even think about the risk. 当时我的经纪人说服我购买一家生物技术公司的股票,该公司据说开发了一种艾滋病治疗药物。他说他从一些重要的行业“专家”那里得到了很好的迹象,认为美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)即将批准,这只股票会因这个消息而暴涨。作为市场的新手,我相信了这个胡说八道。我被潜在的回报所蒙蔽,甚至没有考虑风险。
Shortly after I purchased the stock, it sold off from $18\$ 18 to around $12\$ 12. I was extremely concerned, but when I called the broker, he assured me that this was “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” and that the stock was a “bargain.” He recommended that I double up my position because that would lower my average cost and give me even more profit when the stock finally took off. (Does this sound familiar?) Long story short: the stock kept sinking, and eventually I lost all my money as I watched in horror while it fell to less than $1\$ 1. Of course the broker still got his commissions. 在我购买股票后不久,它的价格从 $18\$ 18 下跌到大约 $12\$ 12 。我非常担心,但当我打电话给经纪人时,他向我保证这“是一次千载难逢的机会”,这只股票是“便宜货”。他建议我加倍我的持仓,因为这样可以降低我的平均成本,并在股票最终上涨时获得更多利润。(这听起来熟悉吗?)长话短说:股票继续下跌,最终我看着它跌到不到 $1\$ 1 时失去了所有的钱,感到无比恐惧。当然,经纪人仍然得到了他的佣金。
In hindsight, this broker did me a very big favor. It was precisely at that point that I decided to do my own research and trading; I vowed I would never again surrender my investment decisions to someone else. If you aren’t prepared to invest a good portion of your time before you invest 回想起来,这个经纪人帮了我一个大忙。正是在那个时候,我决定自己进行研究和交易;我发誓再也不会把我的投资决策交给别人。如果你不准备在投资之前花费大量时间
your money, you're just throwing darts. At some point, you will surely be taken to the cleaners. 投资你的钱,你只是在乱扔飞镖。到某个时候,你肯定会被人宰。
Have confidence in your ability. Learn to do your own research and think for yourself. Your own resources are far superior to outside research, tips, and so-called expert opinions because they’re yours and therefore you can keep tabs on them. No one cares about your money and your future as much as you do. Do the work, own your failures, and you will own your success. No one is going to make you rich except you. 对自己的能力要有信心。学会自己进行研究,独立思考。你自己的资源远比外部研究、建议和所谓的专家意见更可靠,因为它们是你的,因此你可以随时掌握它们。没有人会像你一样关心你的钱和未来。努力工作,承担自己的失败,你就会拥有成功。除了你自己,没有人会让你变得富有。
Do You Want to Be Right or Make Money? 你想要正确还是想赚钱?
After my biotech fiasco with the full-service broker, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I opened a trading account at a discount house where I met a broker named Ron. Over the course of a couple of years, Ron and I became pretty close friends; we had certain things in common, but it certainly wasn’t evident in our trading styles. He was sort of a value buyer who wasn’t concerned about supply and demand or price trends. My style, in contrast, was to buy new, relatively unknown companies on the rise. I demanded that they be in a price uptrend, and if they went down much below my purchase price, I would sell them. At least that was the plan. 在我与全方位服务经纪人的生物技术失败之后,我决定自己掌控局面。我在一家折扣券商开了一个交易账户,遇到了一个名叫罗恩的经纪人。在接下来的几年里,罗恩和我成为了相当亲密的朋友;我们有一些共同点,但在交易风格上显然并不一致。他是一种价值投资者,不太关心供需或价格趋势。相比之下,我的风格是购买那些新兴的、相对不知名的公司。我要求它们处于价格上升趋势中,如果它们的价格跌到我的购买价以下,我就会卖掉它们。至少这就是我的计划。
As Ron and I watched each other’s trades, our favorite sport became giving the other guy a hard time when one of his stocks tanked. Sometimes I’d hit a few losers in row, and Ron would razz me: “Hey, genius, what happened? That one sure went down the toilet!” The verbal jabs really got to me. Sometimes I held on to losing stocks because I couldn’t stand the thought of the ridicule awaiting me when I phoned in a sell order to Ron. 当罗恩和我观察彼此的交易时,我们最喜欢的运动就是在对方的股票暴跌时给对方找麻烦。有时我会连续遭遇几个亏损,罗恩会嘲笑我:“嘿,天才,发生了什么?那只股票可真是掉进了厕所!”这些口头攻击真的让我很受打击。有时我会坚持持有亏损的股票,因为我无法忍受打电话给罗恩下卖单时即将面临的嘲笑。
A stock would fall 5 percent and then 10 percent, and I knew I should sell. Then I’d think of Ron and hold on to that dog while it fell 15 percent and then 20 percent. The bigger the loss was, the harder it became to call Ron and place the sell order. Even if he didn’t say a word to me, I felt humiliated. Meanwhile, the stock continued to suck money out of my account like a rupture in the hull of a ship. 一只股票下跌了 5%,然后又下跌了 10%,我知道我应该卖掉它。然后我会想起罗恩,继续持有这只狗,直到它下跌了 15%和 20%。损失越大,打电话给罗恩并下卖单就变得越困难。即使他没有对我说一句话,我也感到羞愧。与此同时,这只股票像船体破裂一样不断从我的账户中抽走资金。
Both opportunities and perils surface suddenly in the market. It takes swift, resolute action to exploit one and elude the other. Nothing can 在市场中,机会和危险会突然出现。需要迅速果断的行动来利用一个并躲避另一个。没有什么可以
unravel a trader’s courage more than a huge loss in a stock trade. It wasn’t until I suffered enough big losses that I made the decision that turned my performance from mediocre to stellar: I decided it was time to make money and stop stressing about my ego. I began selling off losing stocks quickly, which meant taking small losses but preserving the lion’s share of my hard-earned capital. Almost overnight, I regained a feeling of control. 没有什么比在股票交易中遭受巨额损失更能揭示一个交易者的勇气。直到我经历了足够多的重大损失,我才做出了一个决定,这个决定将我的表现从平庸转变为卓越:我决定是时候赚钱了,停止对我的自我感到压力。我开始迅速抛售亏损的股票,这意味着承受小额损失,但保留了我辛苦赚来的大部分资本。几乎一夜之间,我重新获得了控制感。
That new approach also freed me to take an objective look at my performance. In the past, I’d tried to forget about my losing stocks. Now I was analyzing my losers and learning from them. I saw my portfolio with fresh eyes and finally began to understand that trading is not about picking highs and lows or proving how smart you are; trading is about making money. If you want to reap big gains in the market, make up your mind right now that you are going to separate trading from your ego. It’s more important to make money than it is to be right. 这种新方法也让我能够客观地审视我的表现。在过去,我试图忘记我的亏损股票。现在我在分析我的亏损者并从中学习。我用全新的视角看待我的投资组合,终于开始理解交易并不是关于选择高点和低点或证明你有多聪明;交易是关于赚钱。如果你想在市场上获得丰厚的收益,现在就下定决心将交易与自我分开。赚钱比证明自己正确更重要。
Practice Does Not Make Perfect 练习并不等于完美
I know people who have managed money on Wall Street for decades yet have only mediocre results to show for it. You would think that after all those years of practice their performance would be stellar or at least would improve over time. Not necessarily. Practice does not make perfect. In fact, practice can make performance worse if you are practicing the wrong things. When you repeat something over and over, your brain strengthens the neural pathways that reinforce the action. The problem is that these pathways will be reinforced for incorrect actions as well as correct actions. Any pattern of action repeated continuously will eventually become habit. Therefore, practice does not make perfect; practice only makes habitual. In other words, the fact that you’ve been doing something for a while doesn’t mean you are guaranteed success. It could be that you’re just reinforcing bad habits. I subscribe to the advice of the legendary football coach Vince Lombardi. As he said, “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” 我认识一些在华尔街管理资金几十年的人,但他们的业绩却只是平庸。你会认为经过这么多年的练习,他们的表现应该是卓越的,或者至少会随着时间的推移而改善。但事实并非如此。练习并不等于完美。实际上,如果你练习的是错误的东西,练习可能会使表现变得更糟。当你一遍又一遍地重复某件事时,你的大脑会加强那些强化该行为的神经通路。问题在于,这些通路会强化错误的行为和正确的行为。任何持续重复的行为模式最终都会变成习惯。因此,练习并不等于完美;练习只是让习惯化。换句话说,你做某件事的时间长并不意味着你一定会成功。可能你只是强化了坏习惯。我赞同传奇足球教练文斯·隆巴迪的建议。他曾说过:“练习并不等于完美。只有完美的练习才能达到完美。”
In the stock market, practicing wrong will bring you the occasional success even if you’re using flawed principles. After all, you could throw darts 在股市中,错误的实践偶尔会带来成功,即使你使用的是有缺陷的原则。毕竟,你可以向一份股票清单投掷飞镖,偶尔命中一个赢家,但你不会产生持续的回报,最终你会亏损。大多数投资者错误实践的原因是他们拒绝客观分析自己的结果,以发现他们的方法哪里出了问题。他们试图忘记损失,继续做他们一直以来做的事情。
at a list of stocks and hit a winner once in a while, but you will not generate consistent returns and eventually you will lose. The reason most investors practice incorrectly is that they refuse to objectively analyze their results to discover where their approach is going wrong. They try to forget the losses and keep doing what they’ve always done. 他们试图忘记损失,继续做他们一直以来做的事情。
The proliferation of cheap brokerage commissions, Internet trading, and web-based stock market data may have provided everyone with the same technology, but it did not grant investors an equal ability to use those resources. Just as picking up a five-iron doesn’t make you Tiger Woods, opening a brokerage account and sitting in front of a computer screen doesn’t make you Peter Lynch or Warren Buffett. That’s something you must work for, and it takes time and practice. What’s important is that you learn how to practice correctly. 便宜的经纪佣金、互联网交易和基于网络的股市数据的普及可能为每个人提供了相同的技术,但并没有赋予投资者平等使用这些资源的能力。就像拿起一根五号铁杆并不意味着你就是老虎·伍兹,开设一个经纪账户并坐在电脑屏幕前并不意味着你就是彼得·林奇或沃伦·巴菲特。这是你必须努力争取的,且需要时间和练习。重要的是你要学会如何正确地练习。
Why I Don't Like Paper Trading 我为什么不喜欢纸上交易
Do the thing and you will have the power. 做事情,你就会拥有力量。
—Ralph Waldo Emerson —拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生
As new investors learn the ropes, often they engage in paper trading to practice before putting real money at risk. Although this sounds reasonable, I am not a fan of paper trading, and I don’t recommend doing it any longer than absolutely necessary until you have some money to invest. To me, paper trading is the wrong type of practice. It’s like preparing for a professional boxing match by only shadowboxing; you won’t know what it’s like to get hit until you enter the ring with a real opponent. Paper trading does little to prepare you for when you are trading for real and the market delivers a real punch. Because you are not used to feeling the emotional as well as the financial pressure, it will be unlikely that you will make the same decisions you did in your practice sessions. Although paper trading may help you learn your way around the market, it can also create a false sense of security and impede your performance and learning process. 随着新投资者学习交易技巧,他们通常会进行纸上交易,以便在投入真实资金之前进行练习。虽然这听起来合理,但我并不喜欢纸上交易,也不建议在你有一些资金可以投资之前进行过长时间的纸上交易。对我来说,纸上交易是一种错误的练习方式。这就像是通过仅仅进行影子拳击来准备一场职业拳击比赛;你不会知道被击中的感觉,直到你与真正的对手进入擂台。纸上交易对你在真实交易中面对市场的真实冲击几乎没有帮助。因为你不习惯感受情感和财务压力,所以你在真实交易中做出的决策很可能与练习时的决策不同。虽然纸上交易可能帮助你熟悉市场,但它也可能造成一种虚假的安全感,阻碍你的表现和学习过程。
The psychologist Henry L. Roediger III, who is the principal investigator for the department of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, 心理学家亨利·L·罗迪格三世是圣路易斯华盛顿大学心理学系的首席研究员,
conducted an experiment in which students were divided into two groups to study a natural history text. Group A studied the text for four sessions. Group B studied only once but was tested on the subject three times. A week later the two groups were tested, and group B scored 50 percent higher than group AA. This demonstrates the power of actually doing the thing you’re trying to accomplish versus preparing for it in simulation. 进行了一项实验,学生被分为两组来学习自然历史文本。A 组学习了四次文本。B 组只学习了一次,但在该主题上进行了三次测试。一周后,两组进行了测试,B 组的得分比 A 组高出 50%。这证明了实际做你想要完成的事情的力量,而不是在模拟中准备它。
If you’re just starting out, you should trade with real money as soon as possible. If you’re a novice trader, a good way to gain experience is to trade with an amount of money that is small enough to lose without changing your life but large enough that losses are at least somewhat painful. Don’t fool yourself into a false sense of reality. Get accustomed to trading for real because that’s what you’re going to have to do to make real money. 如果你刚刚开始,你应该尽快用真钱进行交易。如果你是一个新手交易者,一个获得经验的好方法是用一笔足够小的金额进行交易,这样即使亏损也不会改变你的生活,但又足够大,以至于亏损至少会有些痛苦。不要自欺欺人,产生虚假的现实感。习惯于真实交易,因为这就是你将要做的事情,以赚取真正的钱。
Trading Is a Business 交易是一项业务
Many people have the misconception that stock trading is a mysterious endeavor that is governed by a set of laws different from those for an ordinary business. Trading stocks and running a business are virtually identical. In fact, to be successful, you must trade just as if you were running a business. As an investor, your merchandise is stocks. Your objective is to buy shares that are in strong demand and sell them at a higher price. How much of a profit margin you make will depend a lot on the type of business (portfolio) you are running. You may be like Walmart, which operates on very small margins but does a tremendous amount of volume with high inventory turnover. Or you may be like a boutique that offers unique and trendy merchandise and earns higher margins but does much lower volume. You may be making numerous trades for a small gain, but by sheer volume you turn in an impressive return at the end of the year. Or you may be a long-term investor with select merchandise that also produces a solid return. 许多人误以为股票交易是一项神秘的事业,受一套与普通商业不同的法律支配。交易股票和经营企业几乎是相同的。事实上,要想成功,你必须像经营企业一样进行交易。作为投资者,你的商品是股票。你的目标是购买需求强劲的股票,并以更高的价格出售。你获得的利润率在很大程度上取决于你所经营的业务(投资组合)类型。你可能像沃尔玛那样,运营非常小的利润率,但以高库存周转率进行大量交易。或者你可能像一家提供独特和时尚商品的精品店,赚取更高的利润率,但交易量要小得多。你可能会进行大量交易以获得小额收益,但通过庞大的交易量,你在年末获得了令人印象深刻的回报。或者你可能是一个长期投资者,拥有精选商品,也能产生稳定的回报。
In the end, it all comes down to having your gains on average be larger than your losses, nailing down a profit, and repeating the process. This is the basic objective of any business endeavor. Most investors treat trading as a hobby because they have a full-time job doing something else. However, if you treat trading like a business, it will pay you like a business. If you treat 最终,一切都归结为让你的收益平均大于损失,锁定利润,并重复这个过程。这是任何商业活动的基本目标。大多数投资者将交易视为一种爱好,因为他们有一份全职工作在做其他事情。然而,如果你把交易当作一项业务来对待,它就会像一项业务一样回报你。如果你把
trading like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby, and hobbies don’t pay; they cost you. 交易视为一种爱好,它就会像一种爱好一样回报你,而爱好不会带来收益;它们会让你付出代价。
Don’t Invest Like a Fund Manager 不要像基金经理那样投资
The amateur investor has many built in advantages that could result in outperforming the experts. Rule #1 is to stop listening to the professionals. 业余投资者有许多内在优势,这可能导致他们超越专家。规则 #1 是停止听专业人士的意见。
-Peter Lynch -彼得·林奇
As a stock trader in search of superperformance, not only should you not listen to most professionals, you should not invest the way they do. If you’re going to invest like a fund manager, why not just give your money to a fund manager? This will achieve essentially the same result without the work. Better yet, why not just invest in stock market index funds, which beat most fund managers? The fact is that to outpace their peers, most big fund managers need to learn how to invest less like fund managers and more like superperformance traders. Most big funds are doomed to mediocrity by design. Individuals, however, have a big advantage over these institutional investors. 作为一名寻求超额收益的股票交易者,你不仅不应该听从大多数专业人士的意见,还应该避免以他们的方式投资。如果你打算像基金经理一样投资,那为什么不把钱交给基金经理呢?这样做基本上可以达到相同的结果,而不需要付出额外的努力。更好的是,为什么不直接投资于股票市场指数基金呢?这些基金的表现通常超过大多数基金经理。事实上,为了超越同行,大多数大型基金经理需要学习如何少像基金经理那样投资,而更多地像超额收益交易者。大多数大型基金注定要平庸,这是设计使然。然而,个人投资者相对于这些机构投资者有很大的优势。
Contrary to what many believe, a professional money manager has no advantage over an individual investor. Many big institutions utilize flawed principles that are based on personal opinion, tradition, and ego as well as, in many cases, pure ignorance. The biggest handicap facing virtually every big fund manager is size. First and foremost, institutional investors need liquidity to handle the large blocks of shares they must buy to add positions that will have a meaningful impact on their portfolios. This forces big players to pick companies with relatively large amounts of shares outstanding. This is the exact opposite of what we know to be a key factor for superperformance: a relatively small number of shares in the float. 与许多人所相信的相反,专业的资金经理并不比个人投资者有优势。许多大型机构利用基于个人意见、传统和自我意识的错误原则,以及在许多情况下,纯粹的无知。几乎每个大型基金经理面临的最大障碍是规模。首先,机构投资者需要流动性来处理他们必须购买的大量股票,以增加对其投资组合有重大影响的头寸。这迫使大型投资者选择相对大量流通股的公司。这与我们所知道的超额表现的关键因素正好相反:相对较少的流通股数量。
Big institutions have a difficult time taking a position in a company with a small number of shares outstanding. Even if they can, the real problem comes later, when it’s time to sell the stock in a falling market. When forced to liquidate a large position, an institution risks precipitating a fur- 大型机构在一家流通股数量较少的公司中建立头寸时面临困难。即使他们能够这样做,真正的问题出现在稍后,当市场下跌时出售股票的时刻。当被迫清算大量头寸时,机构面临着引发市场崩溃的风险。
ther plunge in the stock’s share price as a result of the fund’s large block selling activity. An individual investor, however, can move quickly and respond in an instant during both entry and exit, taking advantage of the best highgrowth situations available early on and then stepping aside when necessary. 由于基金的大宗抛售活动,股票的股价急剧下跌。然而,个人投资者可以迅速行动,在进出时立即做出反应,利用早期可用的最佳高增长机会,然后在必要时退场。
Another drawback is that many big fund managers can invest only in shares from a committee-approved list. Managers meet with these committees to justify buy and sell decisions. A dreadful situation for a manager is having to explain a position gone disastrously wrong in a small, presumably risky situation even though the company showed great growth prospects. A safer bet with better job security is for that manager to buy larger, seemingly safe plays such as IBM and Apple. Then, if something goes wrong, the entire market most likely is suffering, and the losses can be attributed to the overall environment. At the very least, the manager’s reputation is insulated by the fact that he or she bought “quality.” As the old Wall Street saying goes, “You will never lose your job losing your clients’ money in IBM.” 另一个缺点是许多大型基金经理只能投资于委员会批准的股票清单中的股票。经理们与这些委员会会面,以证明买卖决策的合理性。对于经理来说,最糟糕的情况是不得不解释在一个小的、可能有风险的情况下出现灾难性错误的头寸,即使该公司显示出良好的增长前景。对于经理来说,更安全的选择是购买更大、看似安全的股票,如 IBM 和苹果。然后,如果出现问题,整个市场很可能也在遭受损失,这些损失可以归因于整体环境。至少,经理的声誉受到保护,因为他或她购买了“优质”股票。正如老华尔街的谚语所说:“在 IBM 中亏损客户的钱,你永远不会失去工作。”
Institutions generally need to stay invested in portfolios that are diversified across many individual stocks and industries. This is primarily a result of their need for liquidity and the belief that spreading risk over many names will reduce the risk in any one name. The vast majority of funds must stay at least partially invested even during dreadful market conditions. Moving to the safety of cash is frowned on. Most mutual funds never raise more than 5 or 10 percent cash. Managers are always being compared to benchmarks such as the S&P 500. If fund managers fall behind their benchmark averages for any length of time, investors will jump ship, and the managers could lose their jobs. 机构通常需要投资于在多个个股和行业中分散的投资组合。这主要是由于他们对流动性的需求以及相信在多个股票中分散风险会降低单一股票的风险。绝大多数基金即使在糟糕的市场条件下也必须至少部分投资。转向现金的安全性是不被赞成的。大多数共同基金的现金比例从未超过 5%或 10%。基金经理总是与标准普尔 500 等基准进行比较。如果基金经理在任何一段时间内落后于基准平均水平,投资者就会跳船,经理们可能会失去工作。
Individuals, in contrast, can react to surprises that create new price trends almost instantly. There is no committee approval process and no diversification mandate. With today’s technology, most traders-professional and individual alike—have nearly identical tools at their disposal. However, individual traders have a tremendous advantage over professionals mainly because they have greater liquidity and speed, enabling them to be more concentrated in a small list of well-selected names at even lower risk because an individual can utilize stop-loss protection with little or no slippage. An individual, with a faster response time, can be more patient 相比之下,个人可以几乎瞬间对创造新价格趋势的意外事件作出反应。没有委员会的批准过程,也没有多样化的任务。凭借今天的技术,大多数交易者——无论是专业的还是个人的——都拥有几乎相同的工具。然而,个人交易者相对于专业人士有着巨大的优势,主要是因为他们拥有更大的流动性和速度,使他们能够在一小部分精心挑选的股票上更加集中,甚至在风险更低的情况下,因为个人可以利用止损保护,几乎没有滑点。个人由于反应时间更快,可以更加耐心
and strike at only the most opportune moments, which is the best advantage of all. 并且只在最合适的时刻出手,这就是最大的优势。
Most big institutions would rather make what they regard as safe investments than pursue big capital gains. They will boast about success if the market is down 40 percent but their portfolio has lost only, say, 32 percent. That’s an example of what they claim is beating the market! If you think for a minute that the big institutional approach is safer or less risky, I suggest you take a look at your favorite mutual funds and study their performance during past major bear markets. 大多数大型机构宁愿进行他们认为安全的投资,而不是追求巨额资本收益。如果市场下跌 40%,但他们的投资组合仅损失了 32%,他们会为此感到自豪。这就是他们所称的超越市场的一个例子!如果你认为大型机构的方法更安全或风险更小,我建议你看看你最喜欢的共同基金,并研究它们在过去主要熊市中的表现。
For a big fund manager, size impairs precision: the ability to enter and exit stock positions without affecting price in a counterproductive way. This technical disadvantage forces the manager to seek informational superiority. Although tactics and techniques play a role for virtually every investor, the individual can utilize a tactical approach with far greater efficiency and effectiveness than can the large institutional player. 对于大型基金经理来说,规模会影响精确度:在不以反生产的方式影响价格的情况下进出股票头寸的能力。这一技术劣势迫使经理寻求信息上的优势。尽管战术和技术对几乎每个投资者都起着作用,但个人可以以远高于大型机构投资者的效率和效果利用战术方法。
The bottom line is that if you want mutual fund-like results, invest like a fund manager. If you want superperformance results, you must invest like a superperformance investor. 底线是,如果你想要像共同基金那样的结果,就要像基金经理一样投资。如果你想要超额表现的结果,就必须像超额表现的投资者一样投资。
A “sound” banker, alas! is not one who foresees danger, and avoids it, but one who, when he is ruined, is ruined in a conventional and orthodox way along with his fellows, so that no one can readily blame him. 可悲的是,一个“健全”的银行家并不是一个能够预见危险并避免它的人,而是一个在他破产时,和他的同伴们以一种传统和正统的方式一起破产,以至于没有人能轻易地指责他。
-John Maynard Keynes -约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯
Throughout this book you will read about findings and facts that debunk many widely accepted notions about how to succeed in the stock market. Many of these nostrums are taught by universities and fill weighty textbooks. Some of them hold up as standard references on investing. This should come as no surprise. Nothing in our society is more respectable than conventional wisdom. 在这本书中,您将阅读到许多发现和事实,这些发现和事实驳斥了许多关于如何在股市中取得成功的广泛接受的观念。这些疗法中的许多都是大学教授的内容,并填满了厚重的教科书。其中一些被视为投资的标准参考。这并不令人惊讶。在我们的社会中,没有什么比传统智慧更受尊重。
In my experience, attaining superperformance in stocks comes from doing things that are different from what is obvious or popular. This is often misinterpreted as risky. Applying conventional wisdom produces conventional returns, not superperformance. If success were as easy as acting like everyone else, we could become rich by mimicking the crowd. 根据我的经验,在股票中获得超额收益来自于做一些与明显或流行的做法不同的事情。这常常被误解为冒险。应用传统智慧会产生传统的回报,而不是超额收益。如果成功像模仿他人一样简单,我们就可以通过模仿人群而致富。
As you observe and analyze the market, be open-minded and willing to do things that most people won’t do. Growth comes at the expense of comfort. Learn to venture outside your comfort zone and always question conventional wisdom. If you wish to be exceptional, you must by definition be unconventional. 当你观察和分析市场时,要保持开放的心态,愿意做大多数人不愿意做的事情。成长是以舒适为代价的。学会走出你的舒适区,并始终质疑传统智慧。如果你希望成为卓越的人,你就必须在定义上是非传统的。
The Unavoidable Cost of Success 成功的不可避免代价
If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people are unwilling to do. 如果你想成为最优秀的,你必须做其他人不愿意做的事情。
—Michael Phelps, winner of 17 Olympic medals —迈克尔·菲尔普斯,17 枚奥运奖牌得主
Ask yourself, What are my goals? Even if you haven’t thought out a life plan, probably a few aspirations come to mind right away. Now ask yourself, What would I give up to achieve those goals? That’s another story, isn’t it? The choice to sacrifice is difficult, but it is one of the most important decisions you will make in the pursuit of success. Sacrifice means prioritizing, which could result in giving up certain activities to have the time to pursue trading. Admittedly, this is a tough step to take, but no champion has a completely balanced life when he or she is going for a gold medal. Champions are laserfocused on their goal; they understand the power of a narrow focus. This comes at a price; it’s called sacrifice. 问问自己,我的目标是什么?即使你还没有考虑出一个生活计划,可能会立刻想到几个愿望。现在问问自己,我愿意为了实现这些目标放弃什么?这又是另一个故事,不是吗?牺牲的选择是困难的,但这是你在追求成功过程中最重要的决定之一。牺牲意味着优先考虑,这可能导致放弃某些活动,以便有时间追求交易。诚然,这一步是很艰难的,但没有冠军在追求金牌时拥有完全平衡的生活。冠军们专注于他们的目标;他们理解狭窄焦点的力量。这是有代价的;这就是牺牲。
To Define Is to Sacrifice 定义就是牺牲
I fear not the man that has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man that has practiced one kick 10,000 times. 我不怕那个练习过 10,000 次踢的人,但我怕那个练习过 10,000 次同一个踢的人。
Because you are reading this book, I assume that one of your goals is to become the best stock trader you can be or at least to improve your investment results. To have any chance of real success, you will have to make some choices about how you are going to pursue that goal. Odds are that you won’t be the best value trader, the best growth trader, the best day trader, and the best long-term investor. If you try to do it all, you will most likely end up a mediocre jack-of-all-trades. You can’t say that a trader is a trader any more than you can say that a doctor is a doctor. Can a physician be the best brain surgeon, the best heart surgeon, the best psychiatrist, the best pediatrician, the best rheumatologist, and the best bone specialist? Of course not. 因为你正在阅读这本书,我假设你的目标之一是成为你能成为的最佳股票交易者,或者至少改善你的投资结果。要有任何真正成功的机会,你必须对如何追求这个目标做出一些选择。你很可能不会成为最佳价值交易者、最佳成长交易者、最佳日内交易者和最佳长期投资者。如果你试图做到这一切,你很可能最终会成为一个平庸的万事通。你不能说一个交易者就是一个交易者,就像你不能说一个医生就是一个医生一样。一个医生能否成为最佳脑外科医生、最佳心脏外科医生、最佳精神科医生、最佳儿科医生、最佳风湿病学家和最佳骨科专家?当然不行。
Consequently, you will enjoy market cycles when your trading style outperforms other styles, and you will also learn to accept periods less conducive to your style. I doubt you will overcome these less favorable phases by adopting a different style each time you run into difficulty. When it comes to stock trading, I know no one who, for example, can successfully trade value in one cycle and then switch to growth the next or be a long-term investor one day and then a day trader to suit the market du jour. To become great at anything, you must be focused and must specialize. 因此,当你的交易风格优于其他风格时,你将享受市场周期,同时你也会学会接受不太适合你风格的时期。我怀疑你能否通过每次遇到困难时采用不同的风格来克服这些不利阶段。在股票交易方面,我知道没有人能够在一个周期内成功地进行价值投资,然后在下一个周期切换到成长投资,或者一天是长期投资者,第二天又变成日内交易者,以适应当日市场。要在任何领域变得出色,你必须专注并且必须专业化。
Trader or Investor? 交易者还是投资者?
The average trader spends the majority of his or her time vacillating between two emotions: indecisiveness and regret. This stems from not clearly defining one’s style. The only way to combat paralyzing emotions is to have a set of rules that you operate from with clearly stated goals. You simply must make a decision: Are you a trader or an investor? Some people have a personality best suited for trading, and some prefer a longer-term investment approach. You will have to decide for yourself which is best for you. Keep in mind that if you fail to define your trading, you will almost certainly experience inner conflict at key decision-making moments. 平均交易者大部分时间在两种情绪之间摇摆不定:优柔寡断和后悔。这源于没有清晰地定义自己的风格。对抗这种瘫痪情绪的唯一方法是拥有一套明确的规则和目标。你必须做出决定:你是交易者还是投资者?有些人的个性更适合交易,而有些人则更喜欢长期投资的方法。你需要自己决定哪种方式最适合你。请记住,如果你未能定义自己的交易方式,你几乎肯定会在关键决策时刻经历内心的冲突。
Indecisiveness 优柔寡断
Should I buy? 我应该买入吗?
Should I sell? 我应该卖出吗?
Should I hold? 我应该持有吗?
Regret 后悔
I should have bought. 我应该买入。
I should have sold. 我应该卖出。
I should have held. 我应该持有。
If you are a short-term trader, recognize that selling a stock for a quick profit only to watch it go on to double in price is of no real concern to you. You operate in a particular zone of a stock’s price continuum, and someone else may operate in a totally different area of the curve. However, if you’re a longer-term investor, there will be many times when you make a decent short-term gain only to give it all back in the pursuit of a larger move. The key is to focus on a particular style, which means sacrificing other styles. Once you define your style and objectives, it becomes much easier to stick to a plan and attain success. In time, you will be rewarded for your sacrifice with your own specialty. 如果你是短期交易者,要认识到为了快速获利而卖出股票,然后看到它的价格翻倍,这对你来说并不是真正的担忧。你在股票价格连续体的特定区域内操作,而其他人可能在曲线的完全不同区域内操作。然而,如果你是长期投资者,很多时候你会获得不错的短期收益,却又在追求更大波动的过程中失去所有。关键是专注于特定的风格,这意味着要牺牲其他风格。一旦你定义了自己的风格和目标,遵循计划并取得成功就会变得容易得多。随着时间的推移,你将因自己的牺牲而获得回报,形成自己的专长。
Expect Some Rotten Days 期待一些糟糕的日子
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. 生活中的许多失败者并没有意识到他们离成功有多近,当他们放弃时。
-Thomas Edison -托马斯·爱迪生
The key to success is to become a successful thinker and then act on those thoughts. That doesn’t mean that all your ideas and actions will always produce the desired results. At times you will feel that success is unattainable. You may even feel like giving up. I know. I’ve been there. I went six consecutive years without making a penny while pursuing stock trading. Along the way I had days when I felt so demoralized by my unsatisfactory results that I almost threw in the towel and gave up. However, I knew the power of 成功的关键是成为一个成功的思考者,然后根据这些想法采取行动。这并不意味着你所有的想法和行动总是会产生预期的结果。有时你会觉得成功是无法实现的。你甚至可能会想要放弃。我知道,我经历过。我在追求股票交易的过程中连续六年没有赚到一分钱。在这段时间里,我有过几天感到对自己不满意的结果感到非常沮丧,以至于我几乎想要放弃。然而,我知道这种力量。
persistence. Then, after more than a decade of trial and error, I was making more money in a single week than I dreamed of making in a year. I experienced what the English poet and playwright Robert Browning meant when he wrote, “A minute’s success pays the failure of years.” 坚持不懈。然后,在经过十多年的反复试验后,我在一个星期内赚的钱比我梦想中一年能赚的钱还要多。我体会到了英国诗人和剧作家罗伯特·布朗宁所说的:“一分钟的成功弥补了多年的失败。”
Remember, if you choose not to take risks, to play it safe, you will never know what it feels like to accomplish your dreams. Go boldly after what you want and expect some setbacks, some disappointments, and some rotten days. Embrace them all as a valuable part of the process and learn to say, “Thank you, teacher.” Be happy, feel appreciative, and celebrate when you win. Don’t look back with regrets at failures. The past cannot be changed, only learned from. Most important, never let rotten days make you give up. 记住,如果你选择不冒险,选择安全行事,你将永远不知道实现梦想的感觉。勇敢地追求你想要的东西,并期待一些挫折、一些失望和一些糟糕的日子。将它们都视为过程中的宝贵一部分,并学会说:“谢谢你,老师。”要快乐,心怀感激,并在获胜时庆祝。不要对失败感到遗憾。过去无法改变,只能从中学习。最重要的是,永远不要让糟糕的日子让你放弃。
Records Are Made to Be Broken 记录是用来打破的
For many years, it was widely believed to be impossible for a human to run a mile ( 1,609 meters) in under four minutes. In fact, for many years, the thinking was that the four-minute mile was a physical barrier that no human could break without causing significant damage to the runner’s health. Then on May 6, 1954, during a meet between the British AAA and Oxford University, the English athlete Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds. Suddenly, the impossible was possible. Fifty-six days after Bannister broke through the four-minute barrier, the Australian champion runner John Landy ran a mile in 3 minutes and 57.9 seconds in Finland. Within three years, 16 other runners also cracked the four-minute mile. What happened to the physical barrier that had prevented humans from running a mile in less than four minutes? Was there a sudden leap in human evolution? No; the change in thinking made the difference. 多年来,人们普遍认为人类在四分钟内跑完一英里(1,609 米)是不可能的。事实上,多年来,人们认为四分钟的英里是一个物理障碍,没有人能够突破而不对跑者的健康造成重大损害。然后在 1954 年 5 月 6 日,在英国 AAA 与牛津大学之间的一场比赛中,英国运动员罗杰·班尼斯特以 3 分 59.4 秒的成绩跑完了一英里。突然间,不可能变成了可能。在班尼斯特突破四分钟障碍的五十六天后,澳大利亚冠军跑者约翰·兰迪在芬兰以 3 分 57.9 秒的成绩跑完了一英里。在三年内,另外 16 名跑者也突破了四分钟的英里。阻止人类在四分钟内跑完一英里的物理障碍发生了什么?人类的进化突然跃升了吗?不;思维的变化才是关键。
Often the barriers we perceive exist only in our minds. Beliefs influence what we attempt or choose not to attempt in life. In these pages, you will learn powerful lessons and proven techniques that will make an enormous difference in what you can attain with stock trading. Records are made to be broken, mine included. If you are willing to apply yourself and learn the lessons, how can you fail? Believe you can do it. That’s the first thing you need to know. 我们所感知的障碍往往只存在于我们的头脑中。信念影响我们在生活中尝试或选择不尝试的事情。在这些页面中,您将学习到强有力的课程和经过验证的技巧,这将对您在股票交易中能取得的成就产生巨大的影响。记录是用来打破的,包括我的。如果您愿意付出努力并学习这些课程,您怎么会失败呢?相信自己能做到。这是您需要知道的第一件事。
SPECIFIC ENTRY POINT ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 特定入场点 ^(®){ }^{\circledR}
ANALYSIS: THE SEPA ^(o+){ }^{\oplus} 分析:SEPA ^(o+){ }^{\oplus}
wyhen I began trading stocks in the early 1980s, my idea of a strategy consisted of nothing more than impulse buying of lowpriced stocks that had been beaten up. When stocks were trading near their historical lows, I figured they had to be bargains. I didn’t have much success with that approach. In fact, the results were downright dreadful. It wasn’t long before I realized that many of these stocks were low-priced for good reason and in most cases were on their way to lower lows. I did, however, see many stocks hit the 52-week-high list and then skyrocket even higher in price. The question became, What differentiates the highfliers from the duds, and is there a way to identify the big winners before they become big winners? 当我在 1980 年代初开始交易股票时,我的策略理念仅仅是冲动购买那些被打压的低价股票。当股票交易接近历史低点时,我认为它们一定是便宜货。然而,我在这种方法上并没有取得太大成功。事实上,结果简直糟糕透了。不久之后,我意识到许多这些股票低价是有充分理由的,在大多数情况下,它们正朝着更低的低点前进。然而,我确实看到许多股票进入 52 周高点名单,然后价格飙升得更高。问题变成了,是什么使得这些高飞的股票与那些失败的股票有所区别,是否有办法在它们成为大赢家之前识别出这些大赢家?
Over the next five years, 1983-1988, I embarked on a comprehensive research process, reading every book I could get my hands on and devouring the daily financial news. I bought books when I could afford them. What I couldn’t afford to buy and take home, I stood at the bookstore shelves reading, taking notes with a pad and pencil. I would even go to the local university libraries with a pocketful of change and photocopy entire books for a penny a page and then staple them together. Looking back, it must have been comical to see my collection of photocopied books held together by a few staples and me sitting at a fold-out card table that I used as a desk in the 在接下来的五年里,1983-1988 年,我开始了一项全面的研究过程,阅读我能找到的每一本书,并吞噬每日的财经新闻。我在能负担得起的时候买书。我买不起的书,我就在书店的书架前站着阅读,用笔记本和铅笔做笔记。我甚至会带着一口袋零钱去当地的大学图书馆,复印整本书,每页只需一分钱,然后把它们订在一起。回想起来,看到我用几根订书钉装订在一起的复印书籍,以及我坐在一个折叠卡桌上当作书桌的样子,肯定是很滑稽的。
corner of mother’s dining room. No one in my family had a clue about what I was doing with those makeshift books. It was a modest beginning, but in the long run, it got the job done. 在母亲餐厅的角落里。我的家人对我用这些临时书籍做什么毫无头绪。这是一个谦逊的开始,但从长远来看,它完成了任务。
The Beginning of a Turning Point 转折点的开始
The knowledge I have amassed has come not only from three decades of hands-on experience but also from the study of those who arrived before me. Although I have taken the information in, refined it, and retooled it into my own Specific Entry Point Analysis, or SEPA, to suit my own trading, I am indebted to the market masters whose groundbreaking works go back many decades. An eye-opening book for me was Richard Love’s Superperformance Stocks. Although much of the book was about the political cycle, I was intrigued by Chapter 7, which focused on the commonalities of big winning stocks. Love’s studies from 1962 to 1976 focused on the characteristics of stocks that went up a minimum of 300 percent in a two-year period; he called them superperformance stocks. 我所积累的知识不仅来自三十年的实践经验,还来自对那些在我之前到达的人们的研究。虽然我已经吸收了这些信息,进行了精炼,并将其重新调整为我自己的特定入场点分析(SEPA),以适应我自己的交易,但我对那些开创性作品的市场大师们心存感激,这些作品可以追溯到几十年前。对我来说一本开阔眼界的书是理查德·洛夫的《超绩效股票》。尽管这本书大部分内容是关于政治周期的,但我对第七章很感兴趣,该章专注于大赢家股票的共性。洛夫从 1962 年到 1976 年的研究集中在那些在两年内上涨至少 300%的股票特征上;他称之为超绩效股票。
Although Love’s approach caught my attention, initially I wasn’t sure exactly how to use it in my own trading, and so the information stayed tucked away in my mind unused while I continued my quest to learn more. In 1988, I read an article in the March-April issue of Financial Analyst Journal titled “The Anatomy of a Stock Market Winner.” The article discussed the findings from a study of superior securities: stocks that went up a minimum of 100 percent in a calendar year. The author, Marc R. Reinganum, had explored the 222 stock market winners from 1970 to 1983 to determine what contributed to their superior performance. 尽管 Love 的方法引起了我的注意,但最初我并不确定如何在自己的交易中使用它,因此这些信息在我心中被搁置,而我继续努力学习更多。1988 年,我在《金融分析师杂志》的三月-四月期读到了一篇题为“股市赢家的解剖”的文章。文章讨论了一项关于优质证券的研究结果:在一个日历年内上涨至少 100%的股票。作者 Marc R. Reinganum 探讨了 1970 年至 1983 年间的 222 只股市赢家,以确定是什么促成了它们的优异表现。
As I read the article, the proverbial bell went off in my head and I recalled Love’s book. For one thing, there was a partial overlap between the time frames studied by Love and Reinganum. Furthermore, the purposes of their studies were almost identical: focusing on stocks that had made the biggest gains to identify the characteristics that accounted for their stellar performance. Now all I needed was to get my hands on Love’s book again, which was out of print and pretty rare. Luckily, a friend of mine found a copy in Canada at a book fair for only a dollar, which he bought and mailed 当我阅读这篇文章时,脑海中响起了一个比喻的铃声,我想起了洛夫的书。首先,洛夫和雷根纳姆研究的时间框架之间有部分重叠。此外,他们研究的目的几乎是相同的:专注于那些获得最大收益的股票,以识别导致其卓越表现的特征。现在我所需要的就是再次找到洛夫的书,但这本书已经绝版且相当稀有。幸运的是,我的一个朋友在加拿大的一个书展上以仅一美元的价格找到了这本书,并寄给了我。
to me. With Love’s book and Reinganum’s results in hand, I compared the findings of both studies and focused on the similarities between them. As I cross-referenced the two, my confidence increased that this approach (known as reverse factor modeling) had merit and that there was a possibility I could use it in a methodical fashion to find big stock winners. It made intuitive sense to me: studying the best to find the best. 拿到洛夫的书和雷根纳姆的研究结果后,我比较了两项研究的发现,并专注于它们之间的相似之处。当我交叉参考这两项研究时,我的信心增加了,认为这种方法(称为反向因子建模)是有价值的,并且我有可能以一种系统的方式使用它来寻找大赢家股票。这对我来说是直观的:研究最佳以找到最佳。
Studying Love’s work set me on a course to learn what makes a stock move up dramatically in price to join the elite circle of superperformers. This ultimately became my life’s work. Love’s findings convinced me of three empowering points: 研究 Love 的工作让我走上了一条学习股票为何会大幅上涨以加入超级表现者精英圈的道路。这最终成为了我一生的工作。Love 的发现让我相信了三个赋权的观点:
There is a right time and a wrong time to buy stocks. 买入股票有正确的时机和错误的时机。
Stocks with superperformance potential are identifiable before they increase dramatically in price. 在价格大幅上涨之前,可以识别出具有超额表现潜力的股票。
By correctly investing in these stocks, it is possible to build a small amount of capital into a fortune in a relatively short period. 通过正确投资这些股票,可以在相对较短的时间内将少量资本积累成财富。
The Melting Pot 大熔炉
Over the course of my trading career, in addition to Richard Love’s book, the works of others have inspired me. Among them was The Relative Strength Concept of Common Stock Price Forecasting by Robert A. Levy, which helped me banish the “buy weakness” mentality and was instrumental in my new approach of focusing on strength. Then there was Edward S. Jensen’s Stock Market Blueprints, published in 1967. Jensen’s book included his blueprints for each type of stock, which were based on criteria such as income, growth, cyclical growth, and dynamic growth. What I liked about Jensen was that he, like Love, proceeded from an objective study of stocks to create templates from factor models. This rigorous approach inspired me to create my own Leadership Profile ^(". "){ }^{\text {. }} 在我的交易生涯中,除了理查德·洛夫的书籍,其他人的作品也激励了我。其中包括罗伯特·A·莱维的《普通股价格预测的相对强度概念》,这本书帮助我摆脱了“买入弱势”的心态,并对我专注于强势的新方法起到了重要作用。还有爱德华·S·詹森的《股票市场蓝图》,该书于 1967 年出版。詹森的书中包含了针对每种类型股票的蓝图,这些蓝图基于收入、增长、周期性增长和动态增长等标准。我喜欢詹森的原因在于,他和洛夫一样,从对股票的客观研究出发,创建了基于因子模型的模板。这种严谨的方法激励我创建了自己的领导力档案。
Another influence was Richard Donchian, who was born in Hartford, Connecticut; graduated from Yale with a degree in economics; and went to work on Wall Street in the 1930s. Donchian is considered the creator of 另一个影响是理查德·唐奇安,他出生在康涅狄格州的哈特福德;毕业于耶鲁大学,获得经济学学位;并在 20 世纪 30 年代开始在华尔街工作。唐奇安被认为是
the managed futures industry. He developed a rule-based trading approach that became known as trend following. Among his principles was the buying and selling of stocks when the 5-period moving average crossed above and below the 20-period moving average. It was Donchian’s work that influenced me to add certain trend elements to my model for qualifying trades and timing entries. 管理期货行业的创始人。他开发了一种基于规则的交易方法,称为趋势跟随。在他的原则中,当 5 期移动平均线穿越 20 期移动平均线时买入和卖出股票。正是唐奇安的工作影响了我在我的模型中添加某些趋势元素,以便对交易进行资格审查和时机把握。
Later I came across William L. Jiler, who did extensive work in chart patterns. In his book, Jiler acknowledged the contribution of Donchian, who at the time was director of commodity research at the securities firm Hayden Stone. These men became my professors as I meticulously studied the market. From Love, I learned historical precedent analysis and the commonalities of superperformance stocks; from Jensen, blueprinting and profiling; from Donchian, trend following; and from Jiler, chart patterns, including his famous saucer with platform, which is now known as the cup-and-handle pattern, popularized by William O’Neil, who also worked at Hayden Stone in the 1960s. 后来我遇到了威廉·L·吉勒,他在图表模式方面做了大量工作。在他的书中,吉勒承认了唐奇安的贡献,唐奇安当时是证券公司海登·斯通的商品研究主任。这些人成为了我的老师,我仔细研究市场。从洛夫那里,我学到了历史先例分析和超级表现股票的共性;从詹森那里,我学到了蓝图和轮廓;从唐奇安那里,我学到了趋势跟随;从吉勒那里,我学到了图表模式,包括他著名的带平台的碟形图,现在被称为杯柄形态,由威廉·欧尼尔推广,他在 1960 年代也曾在海登·斯通工作。
Of course, the master of them all was Jesse Livermore, the greatest trader ever. In 1907, he made $3\$ 3 million in a single day. While most investors were devastated during the great crash of 1929, Livermore made a whopping $100\$ 100 million shorting the market. For me, this was incredibly inspiring. Although most people associate Livermore with the book Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, I gravitated to his pragmatic work How to Trade in Stocks. Reading Livermore’s book crystallized my thoughts. Many of the principles that were starting to work for me seemed no different from those that had worked for Livermore back in the first decades of the twentieth century. 当然,所有交易者中最杰出的是杰西·利弗莫尔,他是有史以来最伟大的交易者。在 1907 年,他在一天之内赚了 $3\$ 3 百万。尽管大多数投资者在 1929 年的大崩盘中遭受重创,利弗莫尔却通过做空市场赚取了惊人的 $100\$ 100 百万。对我来说,这令人难以置信地鼓舞人心。虽然大多数人将利弗莫尔与《股票操盘手的回忆》这本书联系在一起,但我更倾向于他的实用著作《如何进行股票交易》。阅读利弗莫尔的书使我的思路更加清晰。许多开始对我有效的原则似乎与利弗莫尔在 20 世纪头几十年所使用的原则没有什么不同。
From one market professor to the next, the lessons were consistent and clear. The basics of what made a superperformance stock in the past had not changed appreciably. No matter how the economy evolved or which industries emerged, the basic criteria for superperformance were constant. Many people before me had come to the same conclusion. Although the names differed and each had his or her own tactics for exploiting this phenomenon, a collective body of knowledge existed and waited for new explorers to build on that foundation. 从一个市场教授到下一个,教训是一致且明确的。过去使超级表现股票的基本要素没有显著变化。无论经济如何演变,或是哪些行业出现,超级表现的基本标准始终不变。在我之前,许多人也得出了同样的结论。尽管名字不同,每个人都有自己利用这一现象的战术,但一个集体知识体系存在,并等待新的探索者在这个基础上进行构建。
At Last Technology 最后技术
By the late 1980s I bought my first “powerful” computer; by that I mean a machine I could use for something other than playing Tennis Pong on a monochrome green screen. In addition to putting real-time quotes right on my desk, the computer allowed me to create a database and gave me access to more information. Now I could conduct quantitative analysis: tracking and studying more big winners and observing stocks in real time to confirm historical findings in a modern time frame. The computer also allowed me to screen thousands of potential companies on the basis of superperformance characteristics. Before this, I was finding and tracking stocks manually, which as you might guess placed a severe limitation on how many I could cover. Early on, I even created my stock charts by hand on graph paper daily. What a chore! 到了 1980 年代末,我买了我的第一台“强大”的计算机;我的意思是这台机器可以用来做其他事情,而不仅仅是玩单色绿色屏幕上的乒乓球。除了可以在我的桌子上实时显示报价外,这台计算机还让我创建了一个数据库,并让我获取更多信息。现在我可以进行定量分析:跟踪和研究更多的大赢家,并实时观察股票,以确认历史发现的现代时间框架。计算机还让我能够根据超绩效特征筛选成千上万的潜在公司。在此之前,我是手动寻找和跟踪股票的,正如你可能猜到的那样,这对我能覆盖多少股票造成了严重限制。早期,我甚至每天在图表纸上手动创建我的股票图表。真是一项繁琐的工作!
As I studied and traded stocks in real time, the data I collected and the results I produced agreed with Love and Reinganum’s conclusions. Up to this point, I had not developed a specific formula for trading, but I was homing in on the characteristics of superperformance stocks and starting to have some meaningful success by trading on those insights for my own account. 当我实时研究和交易股票时,我收集的数据和产生的结果与 Love 和 Reinganum 的结论一致。到目前为止,我还没有制定出具体的交易公式,但我正在逐渐明确超绩效股票的特征,并开始通过这些洞察在自己的账户上取得一些有意义的成功。
Putting the Findings to Work 将发现付诸实践
The boom in technology, consumer retailing, and healthcare in the early 1990s transformed obscure companies into household names. Utilizing what I had learned during the 1980s, I was able to catch some big movers as stocks transitioned from the 1990 bear market into a new bull market. US Surgical, Amgen, American Power Conversion, Ballard Medical Products, US Healthcare, Surgical Care Affiliates, Medco Containment, Microsoft, Home Depot, Dell Computer, International Game Technology, and Cisco Systems were at that time relatively unknown names that displayed strong fundamental and technical characteristics. Many investors missed these great companies during their phenomenal growth phases because of their relatively high price/earnings (P/E) ratios. In 1991, the 40 top-performing stocks (starting at above $12\$ 12 a share) began the year with an average P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} of 29 , and by year end their P/E ratios had expanded to 83 . 1990 年代初期,科技、消费零售和医疗保健的繁荣使一些默默无闻的公司变成了家喻户晓的名字。利用我在 1980 年代学到的知识,我能够在股票从 1990 年的熊市过渡到新的牛市时抓住一些大牛股。US Surgical、Amgen、American Power Conversion、Ballard Medical Products、US Healthcare、Surgical Care Affiliates、Medco Containment、Microsoft、Home Depot、Dell Computer、International Game Technology 和 Cisco Systems 在当时都是相对不为人知的名字,但它们展现出了强大的基本面和技术特征。许多投资者在这些公司惊人的增长阶段错过了它们,因为它们的市盈率(P/E)相对较高。1991 年,40 只表现最好的股票(起始价在 $12\$ 12 以上)年初的平均市盈率为 29,到年底它们的市盈率扩展到了 83。
The Leadership Profile 领导力档案
By using almost three decades of actual trading and meticulous accumulation of historical data from as far back as the late 1800s, I’ve constructed a blueprint of the characteristics shared by superperformance stocks. I call this a Leadership Profile, which is an ongoing effort to identify in detail the qualities and attributes of the most successful stocks of the past to determine what makes a stock likely to dramatically outperform its peers in the future. The focus is not just on the magnitude of a price move-how much a stock goes up-but also on the time element of the equation: how fast it goes up and what accounts for the rapid rise. In the stock market, timing is crucial because time is money. When screening my database, I compare each stock candidate to how well it fits the optimal Leadership Profile and rank it accordingly. The result is a dramatic increase in the probability of finding the next superperformer. 通过利用近三十年的实际交易和从 19 世纪末开始的历史数据的细致积累,我构建了一个超表现股票所共有特征的蓝图。我称之为领导力档案,这是一个持续的努力,旨在详细识别过去最成功股票的品质和属性,以确定什么使一只股票在未来有可能显著超越其同行。重点不仅在于价格变动的幅度——一只股票上涨多少——还在于方程式的时间因素:它上涨的速度以及是什么导致了快速上涨。在股市中,时机至关重要,因为时间就是金钱。在筛选我的数据库时,我将每个股票候选者与最佳领导力档案的契合程度进行比较,并相应地对其进行排名。结果是显著提高了找到下一个超表现者的概率。
SEPA: A Strategy of Precision SEPA:一种精确的策略
Honing my timing for entries and exits has been a major focus for me. Over the years, my SEPA methodology evolved into a strategy that has been referred to by some as trading with surgical precision. The SEPA approach, which I will explain in detail, allows me to find those elite candidates that have the potential to become superperformers. The objective of SEPA is to take all the pertinent information available and pinpoint the precise spot at which to enter a high-probability trade in terms of risk versus reward. SEPA combines corporate fundamentals with the technical behavior of a stock. The underlying criteria of SEPA are derived from rigorous research, decades of application in the real world, and observed facts, not personal opinions or academic theories. 提高我的进出场时机一直是我关注的重点。多年来,我的 SEPA 方法论演变成了一种被一些人称为“外科手术般精准交易”的策略。SEPA 方法,我将详细解释,使我能够找到那些有潜力成为超级表现者的精英候选者。SEPA 的目标是利用所有可用的相关信息,准确找出在风险与回报方面进入高概率交易的确切时机。SEPA 将企业基本面与股票的技术行为相结合。SEPA 的基本标准源于严格的研究、数十年的实际应用和观察到的事实,而不是个人观点或学术理论。
The Five Key Elements of SEPA SEPA 的五个关键要素
The basic characteristics are broken down into five major categories, which make up the key foundational building blocks of the SEPA methodology: 基本特征被分解为五个主要类别,这些类别构成了 SEPA 方法论的关键基础构件:
Trend. Virtually every superperformance phase in big, winning stocks occurred while the stock price was in a definite price 趋势。几乎所有大赢家股票的超表现阶段都发生在股票价格处于明确的价格区间内。
uptrend. In almost every case, the trend was identifiable early in the superperformance advance. 上升趋势。在几乎所有情况下,趋势在超表现的推进早期就可以识别出来。
Fundamentals. Most superperformance phases are driven by an improvement in earnings, revenue, and margins. This typically materializes before the start of the superperformance phase. In most cases, earnings and sales are on the table and measurable early on. During a stock’s superperformance phase, a material improvement almost always occurs in the fundamental picture with regard to sales, margins, and, ultimately, earnings. 基本面。大多数超表现阶段是由盈利、收入和利润率的改善驱动的。这通常在超表现阶段开始之前就会显现出来。在大多数情况下,盈利和销售在早期都是可以量化和衡量的。在股票的超表现阶段,基本面情况几乎总是会在销售、利润率和最终的盈利方面发生实质性的改善。
Catalyst. Every stock that makes a huge gain has a catalyst behind it. The catalyst may not always be apparent upon a casual glance, but a little detective work on the company’s story could tip you off to a stock with superperformance potential. A new hot-selling product that accounts for a meaningful portion of a company’s sales may provide the spark to ignite a superperformance phase in that company’s stock price. Approval by the FDA, a newly awarded contract, or even a new CEO can bring life to a previously dormant stock. In dealing with small, lesser-known names, it often takes some event to attract attention to a stock. I like to see something that gets investors excited. Examples would include Apple (AAPL) reaching cult status with its Mac and “I” products, Research in Motion (RIMM) with its BlackBerry (so habitforming for Internet and e-mail junkies that it’s been nicknamed CrackBerry), and Google (GOOG), which became so synonymous with Internet search engines that it made it into the dictionary as a verb. Each situation may be somewhat different whether the stock is a classic growth company, a turnaround situation, a cyclical stock, or a biotech trading on the promise of a new drug. Whatever the reason, behind all superperformance there is always a catalyst driving institutional interest. 催化剂。每只大幅上涨的股票背后都有一个催化剂。这个催化剂可能在初看时并不明显,但对公司的故事进行一些侦查工作可能会让你发现一只具有超额表现潜力的股票。一个新热销的产品,如果占据了公司销售的相当一部分,可能会为该公司股票价格的超额表现阶段提供火花。FDA 的批准、新获得的合同,甚至是新任 CEO 都能为之前沉寂的股票带来生机。在处理小型、不太知名的公司时,通常需要一些事件来吸引人们对股票的关注。我喜欢看到一些能让投资者兴奋的事情。例子包括苹果(AAPL)凭借其 Mac 和“I”产品达到了崇拜的地位,研究在动(RIMM)凭借其黑莓手机(对互联网和电子邮件爱好者来说如此上瘾,以至于被称为 CrackBerry),以及谷歌(GOOG),它与互联网搜索引擎的关系如此密切,以至于成为了字典中的一个动词。 每种情况可能有所不同,无论股票是经典的成长型公司、转型情况、周期性股票,还是基于新药承诺的生物技术股票。无论原因是什么,所有超额表现背后总有一个催化剂推动机构投资者的兴趣。
Entry points. Most superperformance stocks give you at least one opportunity and sometimes multiple opportunities to catch a meteoric rise at a low-risk entry point. Timing the entry point is 进入点。大多数超额表现的股票至少会给你一次机会,有时会有多次机会,让你在低风险的进入点抓住一轮飞涨。时机的把握是
critical. Time your entry incorrectly and you will be stopped out unnecessarily or lose big if the stock turns around and you fail to sell. Time the entry correctly during a bull market and you could be at a profit right away and on your way to a big gain. 关键。若你的入场时机不正确,你将不必要地被止损,或者如果股票反转而你未能卖出,将会损失惨重。在牛市中正确地把握入场时机,你可能会立即获利,并朝着大幅盈利的方向前进。
Exit points. Not all stocks that display superperformance characteristics will result in gains. Many will not work out even if you place your buys at the correct point. This is why you must establish stop-loss points to force you out of losing positions to protect your account. Conversely, at some point your stock must be sold to realize a profit. The end of what once was a superperformance phase needs to be identified to keep what you’ve made. 退出点。并非所有显示出超额表现特征的股票都会带来收益。即使你在正确的时机买入,许多股票也可能不会成功。这就是为什么你必须设定止损点,以迫使自己退出亏损的头寸,以保护你的账户。相反,在某个时刻,你的股票必须被卖出以实现利润。需要识别曾经的超额表现阶段的结束,以保住你所获得的收益。
The SEPA ranking process can be summarized as follows: SEPA 排名过程可以总结如下:
Stocks must first meet my Trend Template (see Chapter 5) to be considered a potential SEPA candidate. 股票必须首先符合我的趋势模板(见第 5 章),才能被视为潜在的 SEPA 候选者。
Stocks that meet the Trend Template are then screened through a series of filters that are based on earnings, sales and margin growth, relative strength, and price volatility. Approximately 95 percent of all stocks that qualify under the Trend Template fail to pass through this screen. 符合趋势模板的股票会通过一系列基于收益、销售和利润增长、相对强度和价格波动的筛选器进行筛选。大约 95%的符合趋势模板的股票未能通过这一筛选。
The remaining stocks are scrutinized for similarities to my Leadership Profile to determine whether they are in line with specific fundamental and technical factors exhibited by historical models of past superperformers. This stage removes most of the remaining companies, leaving a much narrower list of investment ideas for an even closer review and evaluation. 剩下的股票会被仔细审查,以确定它们是否与我的领导力特征相似,以判断它们是否符合历史超级表现者所表现出的特定基本面和技术因素。这一阶段去除了大部分剩余公司,留下了更窄的投资想法列表,以便进行更仔细的审查和评估。
The final stage is a manual review. A narrowed list of candidates is examined individually and scored according to a “relative prioritizing” ranking process that takes into consideration the following characteristics: 最后阶段是手动审核。缩小后的候选人名单将逐个检查,并根据“相对优先级”排名过程进行评分,该过程考虑以下特征:
Reported earnings and sales 报告的收益和销售额
Earnings and sales surprise history 盈利和销售惊喜历史
Earnings per share (EPS) growth and acceleration 每股收益(EPS)增长和加速
Revenue growth and acceleration 收入增长和加速
Company-issued guidance 公司发布的指导意见
Revisions of analysts’ earnings estimates 分析师盈利预测的修订
Profit margins 利润率
Industry and market position 行业和市场地位
Potential catalysts (new products and services or industryor company-specific developments) 潜在催化剂(新产品和服务或行业或公司特定的发展)
Performance compared with other stocks in same sector 与同一行业其他股票的表现比较
Price and trading volume analysis 价格和交易量分析
Liquidity risk 流动性风险
The SEPA ranking process is focused on identifying the potential for the following: SEPA 排名过程专注于识别以下潜力:
Future earnings and sales surprises and positive estimate revisions 未来的收益和销售惊喜以及积极的估计修订
Institutional volume support (significant buying demand) 机构交易量支持(显著的购买需求)
Rapid price appreciation based on a supply/demand imbalance (lack of selling versus buying) 基于供需失衡(缺乏卖出与买入)导致的快速价格上涨
Probability Convergence 概率收敛
I developed SEPA to identify precisely the point at which I can place a trade to have the lowest risk and the highest potential for reward. My goal is to 我开发了 SEPA,以精确识别我可以下单的时机,以实现最低风险和最高潜在回报。我的目标是
purchase a stock and be at a profit immediately. To accomplish this, I take into account all the relevant fundamental, technical, and market factors and pinpoint the position at which there is a supportive convergence. I execute a trade only at the point of alignment across the spectrum with regard to company fundamentals, stock price, and volume activity as well as overall market conditions. I want to see these factors converge like four cars arriving at the same time at a four-way intersection. The SEPA method stacks supporting probabilities to produce that alignment. 立即盈利地购买一只股票。为了实现这一目标,我考虑所有相关的基本面、技术面和市场因素,并确定一个支持性汇聚的位置。我只在公司基本面、股价、成交量活动以及整体市场条件方面的对齐点执行交易。我希望看到这些因素像四辆车同时到达四岔路口一样汇聚。SEPA 方法堆叠支持概率,以产生这种对齐。
Virtually every big winning stock exhibits very specific and measurable criteria before making its big moves. In their superperformance days, these stocks have distinguishing characteristics-whether a new product, an innovative service, or some kind of fundamental change-that enables the company to make money at a superior or accelerated rate and in some cases for an extended period. As a result, the shares of these companies experience significant price appreciation by attracting institutional buying. You don’t have to know everything about a company or the market; however, you need to know the right things. By putting all these elements togetherfundamental, technical, qualitative, and market tone-and demanding that stocks be able to cross multiple hurdles, you will be far more likely to identify something exceptional. The collective value of these parameters is greater than the sum of their parts. 几乎每只大赢家股票在其大幅上涨之前都表现出非常具体和可衡量的标准。在它们的超表现阶段,这些股票具有显著的特征——无论是新产品、创新服务,还是某种根本性的变化——使得公司能够以优越或加速的速度赚钱,并且在某些情况下能够持续较长时间。因此,这些公司的股票通过吸引机构投资者而经历显著的价格上涨。你不需要了解关于公司或市场的所有信息;然而,你需要了解正确的信息。通过将所有这些要素结合起来——基本面、技术面、定性分析和市场情绪——并要求股票能够跨越多个障碍,你将更有可能识别出一些卓越的东西。这些参数的集体价值大于其部分之和。
Superperformance Traits 超表现特征
Over the years, I’ve concluded that most superperformance stocks have common identifiable characteristics. In the majority of cases, decent earnings were already on the table. In fact, the majority of superperformance stocks already had periods of outperformance in terms of fundamentals as well as technical action before they made their biggest gains. More than 90 percent of superperformance stocks began their phenomenal price surges as the general market came out of a correction or bear market. Interestingly, very few stocks had superperformance phases during a bear market. 多年来,我得出的结论是,大多数超表现股票具有共同的可识别特征。在大多数情况下,良好的收益已经摆在桌面上。事实上,大多数超表现股票在取得最大涨幅之前,已经在基本面和技术表现上经历了超表现的阶段。超过 90%的超表现股票在大盘从调整或熊市中走出时,开始了其惊人的价格飙升。有趣的是,在熊市期间,很少有股票经历超表现阶段。
Superperformers Are Youthful 超表现者是年轻的
Generally, a superperformance phase occurs when a stock is relatively young, for example, during the first 10 years after the initial public offering (IPO). Many superperformers were private companies for many years before going public, and when they finally did, they had a proven track record of earnings and growth. Some superperformance companies already established successful product lines and brands before coming public. 通常,超表现阶段发生在股票相对年轻的时候,例如在首次公开募股(IPO)后的前 10 年。许多超表现股票在上市前是私人公司,上市时已经有了良好的盈利和增长记录。一些超表现公司在上市前已经建立了成功的产品线和品牌。
During the bear market correction of the early 1990s, I focused on stocks that were holding up well and then moved into new high ground first off the market’s low. Most of the names I traded were relatively unknown at the time. These stocks were propelled by characteristics such as big earnings growth and strong product demand. One example was US Surgical, which pioneered products such as the surgical staple and laparoscopic surgery. Software, computer peripheral, and technology-related stocks also performed well during that period, fueled by the boom in personal computing. Most investors shy away from names they have never heard of. This is exactly the opposite of what you should do if your goal is to find big stock market winners. 在 1990 年代初的熊市修正期间,我专注于那些表现良好的股票,然后在市场低点后首先进入新的高点。我交易的大多数股票在当时相对不为人知。这些股票因大幅盈利增长和强劲的产品需求而受到推动。一个例子是美国外科公司,它开创了外科钉和腹腔镜手术等产品。在那段时间,软件、计算机外设和与技术相关的股票也表现良好,受益于个人计算机的繁荣。大多数投资者会避开他们从未听说过的股票。如果你的目标是找到大型股市赢家,这正好与之相反。
Size Matters 尺寸很重要
Most companies have their high-growth phase when they’re relatively small and nimble. As they grow older, larger, and more mature, their growth begins to slow, as does the rate at which their stock prices appreciate. Superperformance stocks are often small-cap companies, although occasionally a big-cap name could see a surge in price after a turnaround or a period of depressed stock prices resulting from a bear market. Most of the time, however, it is a small-cap or a mid-cap stock that hits a period of accelerated growth, which in turn creates a superperformance price phase. Investors interested in superperformance should keep a constant lookout for small to medium-size companies in the growth stage of their life cycle (accelerating earning and sales). On balance, the growth of earnings 大多数公司在相对较小和灵活的时候经历高增长阶段。随着它们变得更老、更大和更成熟,它们的增长开始放缓,股票价格上涨的速度也随之减慢。超级表现股票通常是小型股公司,尽管偶尔大型股在经历转机或因熊市导致的股票价格低迷后,价格可能会激增。然而,大多数情况下,正是小型股或中型股经历加速增长的时期,从而创造出超级表现的价格阶段。对超级表现感兴趣的投资者应时刻关注处于生命周期增长阶段(盈利和销售加速)的中小型公司。总体而言,盈利的增长
and sales and, more important, the stock price is usually more rapid for a small to medium-size company than for a larger, mature company. Large companies usually have proven track records of execution. With smaller companies it’s important in most cases to confirm that they’re already profitable and have proved that their business model can be scaled and duplicated. 销售和更重要的是,对于中小型公司,股票价格通常比大型成熟公司更快速。大型公司通常有经过验证的执行记录。对于小型公司,在大多数情况下,确认它们已经盈利并证明其商业模式可以扩展和复制是很重要的。
Look for candidates with a relatively small total market capitalization and amount of shares outstanding. All things being equal, a smallcap company will have the potential to appreciate more than a large-cap, based on the supply of stock available. It will take far less demand to move the stock of a small company with a comparatively small share float than a large-cap candidate. 寻找总市值和流通股数量相对较小的候选公司。在其他条件相同的情况下,小型公司的潜在增值能力通常会高于大型公司,因为可用股票的供应量较少。要推动一家小公司的股票,所需的需求远低于大型公司的候选股票。
This realization can also help you develop realistic expectations about the profit side of the equation. Large-cap companies are not going to make large-scale price advances the way a younger, smaller company will. There are times when a big-cap stock will be depressed because of a bear market or a temporary economic hardship, which may provide the opportunity to buy a company such as Coca-Cola or American Express or Walmart at the beginning of a decent price move as it recovers. Generally speaking, though, if a large-cap company advances rapidly in a short period, I’m inclined to take profits on it more quickly than I would with a smaller, faster-growing company that may have the potential to double or even triple in a number of months. 这种认识也可以帮助你对利润方面的期望进行现实的评估。大型公司的股价不会像年轻的小公司那样大幅上涨。有时,大型股可能会因为熊市或暂时的经济困难而被压低,这可能提供了在可口可乐、美国运通或沃尔玛等公司开始回升时买入的机会。一般来说,如果一家大型公司在短时间内迅速上涨,我倾向于比对一家较小、增长更快的公司更快地获利了结,因为后者可能在几个月内有翻倍甚至三倍的潜力。
Stock Screening 股票筛选
Since the 1980s, I have been using computer assisted screening as a way to narrow down a tremendous amount of information-as many as 10,000 stocks daily-to produce a manageable list of candidates that meet some minimum criteria to be studied further. Today, there are many screening tools available for the investor. Here are a few suggestions on screening. 自 1980 年代以来,我一直使用计算机辅助筛选作为缩小大量信息的方法——每天多达 10,000 只股票——以生成一个可管理的候选名单,这些候选人符合一些最低标准以供进一步研究。如今,投资者有许多筛选工具可供选择。以下是一些筛选的建议。
When you are conducting quantitative analysis (stock screening), keeping it simple will serve you better than using a complicated model. You 当你进行定量分析(股票筛选)时,保持简单会比使用复杂模型更有利。你
must be careful not to put too much into each screen. Otherwise, you may inadvertently eliminate good candidates that meet all your criteria except for one. For example, let’s say you want to select stocks that exhibit a certain level of earnings, market cap, estimate revisions, and so forth, until you have 12 lines of criteria. If a stock meets 11 but misses by a hair on the twelfth, you will never see that stock. Remember, if you have 100 items in your criteria, a stock needs to miss only 1 to be filtered out even though the other 99 are met. 必须小心不要在每个筛选中放入过多内容。否则,您可能会无意中排除符合您所有标准但有一个不符合的好候选者。例如,假设您想选择表现出某种水平的收益、市场资本、估计修正等的股票,直到您有 12 条标准。如果一只股票满足 11 条,但在第十二条上稍微不符合,您将永远看不到那只股票。请记住,如果您的标准中有 100 项,股票只需错过 1 项就会被过滤掉,即使其他 99 项都符合。
A better approach is to run separate screens that are based on smaller lists of compatible criteria, for example, one screen for relative price strength and trend and a separate fundamental screen that is based on earnings and sales. Often, as you run isolated screens, you will see some of the same names recurring, whereas a few names will appear on only one list. Remember, computers are great for weeding out noise and pointing your research in the right direction; however, if you want consistent superperformance, you will need to roll up your sleeves and do some old-fashioned manual analysis. That’s the interesting part of trading, and that’s what makes it fun and rewarding. 更好的方法是运行基于较小兼容标准列表的独立筛选,例如,一个用于相对价格强度和趋势的筛选,以及一个基于收益和销售的独立基本面筛选。通常,当你运行独立筛选时,你会看到一些相同的名字反复出现,而有些名字只会出现在一个列表中。请记住,计算机在剔除噪音和指引你的研究方向方面非常出色;然而,如果你想要持续的超额表现,你需要卷起袖子,进行一些传统的手动分析。这是交易中有趣的部分,也是让它变得有趣和有回报的原因。
Make a Commitment to an Approach 对一种方法做出承诺
You don’t need a PhD in math or physics to be successful in the stock market, just the right knowledge, a good work ethic, and discipline. The SEPA methodology was developed after decades of searching, testing, and going back to the drawing board countless times to uncover what actually works. It has been time-tested and proved effective in the real world with real results. You, too, will go through your own trial-and-error period: win-dow-shopping and trying various concepts and approaches to the stock market, whether value, growth, fundamental, technical, or some combination. In the end, to succeed, you will need to settle on an approach that makes sense to you. Most important, you must commit to perfecting and refining your understanding of that methodology and its execution. A stock trading strategy is like a marriage; if you’re not faithful, you probably 你不需要在数学或物理学方面拥有博士学位就能在股市中取得成功,只需具备正确的知识、良好的工作伦理和纪律。SEPA 方法论是在经过数十年的探索、测试和无数次回到起点的过程中发展而来的,旨在揭示什么真正有效。它经过时间的考验,并在现实世界中取得了真实的结果。你也将经历自己的试错期:浏览和尝试各种概念和方法,无论是价值投资、成长投资、基本面分析、技术分析,还是某种组合。最终,要想成功,你需要选择一种对你有意义的方法。最重要的是,你必须致力于完善和精炼对该方法论及其执行的理解。股票交易策略就像婚姻;如果你不忠诚,你可能不会有好的结果。
won’t have a good outcome. It takes time and dedication, but your objective should be to become a specialist in your approach to the market. 这需要时间和奉献,但你的目标应该是成为你所选择的市场方法的专家。
Although strategy is important, it’s not as critical as knowledge and the discipline to apply and adhere to your rules. A trader who really knows the strengths and weaknesses of his or her strategy can do significantly better than someone who knows only a little about a superior strategy. Of course, the ideal situation would be to know a lot about a great strategy. That should be your ultimate goal. 尽管策略很重要,但它并不像知识和遵循规则的纪律那样关键。一个真正了解自己策略优缺点的交易者,能够比仅仅了解一些优越策略的人表现得更好。当然,理想的情况是对一个优秀策略有深入的了解。这应该是你的终极目标。
It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. 以合理的价格购买一家优秀的公司,远胜于以优越的价格购买一家普通的公司。
—Warren Buffett —沃伦·巴菲特
VFHEN YOU THINK OF VALUE in the traditional sense, bargains immediately spring to mind: something once priced higher now is priced lower. It seems logical. Growth stock investing, however, can turn this definition on its head. In the stock market, what appears cheap could actually be expensive and what looks expensive or too high may turn out to be the next superperformance stock. The simple reality is that value comes at a price. 当你在传统意义上考虑价值时,便宜的东西立刻浮现在脑海中:曾经价格更高的东西现在价格更低。这似乎是合乎逻辑的。然而,成长股投资可以颠覆这个定义。在股市中,看似便宜的东西实际上可能很昂贵,而看似昂贵或过高的东西可能会成为下一个超级表现的股票。简单的现实是,价值是有代价的。
The P/ERatio: Overused and Misunderstood 市盈率:被过度使用和误解
Every day, armies of analysts and Wall Street pros churn out thousands of opinions about stock values. This stock is overvalued; that one is a bargain. What is the basis of many of these valuation calls? Often it’s the price/ earnings ratio ( P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ), a stock’s price expressed as a multiple of the company’s earnings. A great amount of incorrect information has been written about the P/E ratio. Many investors rely too heavily on this popular formula because of a misunderstanding or a lack of knowledge. Although it may come as a surprise to you, historical analyses of superperformance stocks suggest that by themselves P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratios rank among of the most useless statistics on Wall Street. 每天,成群的分析师和华尔街专业人士会产生数千条关于股票价值的意见。这只股票被高估了;那只股票是个便宜货。这些估值判断的基础是什么?通常是市盈率( P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ),即股票价格与公司收益的倍数。关于市盈率,已经写下了大量不正确的信息。许多投资者过于依赖这个流行的公式,因为误解或缺乏知识。尽管这可能让你感到惊讶,但对超绩效股票的历史分析表明,单独的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率在华尔街上排名最无用的统计数据之一。
The standard P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio reflects historical results and does not take into account the most important element for stock price appreciation: the future. Sure, it’s possible to use earnings estimates to calculate a forward-looking P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio, but if you do, you’re relying on estimates that are opinions and often turn out to be wrong. If a company reports disappointing earnings that fail to meet or beat the estimates, analysts will revise their earnings projections downward. As a result, the forward-looking denominator-the EE in P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E}-will shrink, and assuming the PP remains constant, the ratio will rise. This is why it’s important to concentrate on companies that are reporting strong earnings, which then trigger upward revisions in earnings estimates. Strong earnings growth will make a stock a better value. 标准 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率反映了历史结果,并未考虑股票价格上涨的最重要因素:未来。当然,可以使用收益预测来计算前瞻性 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率,但如果这样做,你就依赖于常常被证明是错误的意见估计。如果一家公司报告的收益令人失望,未能达到或超过预期,分析师将下调他们的收益预测。因此,前瞻性分母—— EE 在 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 中——将缩小,假设 PP 保持不变,比例将上升。这就是为什么集中关注报告强劲收益的公司很重要,这将触发收益预测的上调。强劲的收益增长将使股票更具价值。
Вотtom Fishers' Bliss 博特姆·费舍尔的幸福
Some analysts will recommend that you buy a stock that has had a severe decline. The justification may be that the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} is at or near the low end of its historical range. In many instances, however, such price adjustments antici- 一些分析师会建议你购买一只经历了严重下跌的股票。理由可能是该 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 处于或接近其历史范围的低端。然而,在许多情况下,这种价格调整预示着-
Figure 4.1 American Intl Group (AIG) 1999-2000 图 4.1 美国国际集团(AIG)1999-2000 年
pate poor earnings reports. When quarterly results are finally released and a company misses analysts’ estimates or reports a loss, the P/E moves back up (in some cases it skyrockets), which may cause the stock price to adjust downward even further. This was the case for Morgan Stanley (MS/NYSE) in late 2007. The stock price fell and drove the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} to a 10 -year low. Morgan later reported disappointing negative year-over-year earnings comparisons, and the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio promptly soared to more than 120 times earnings. With earnings deteriorating and the stock selling at a P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} of 120 , the stock was suddenly severely overvalued. The share price plunged even further to under $7\$ 7. The cause of Morgan Stanley’s decline was an industrywide financial crisis, and by 2008 the P/E ratios of Bank America, Citigroup, and AIG all hit 10 -year lows, along with those of many others in the banking and financial sector. Within 12 months, all three stocks plunged more than 90 percent. 当季度业绩报告最终发布时,如果一家公司未能达到分析师的预期或报告亏损,市盈率会回升(在某些情况下甚至会飙升),这可能导致股价进一步下调。这正是摩根士丹利(MS/NYSE)在 2007 年底的情况。股价下跌,使得 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 降至 10 年低点。摩根随后报告了令人失望的同比负增长, P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率迅速飙升至超过 120 倍的收益。随着收益恶化,股价以 120 的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 出售,股票突然严重高估。股价进一步暴跌至低于 $7\$ 7 。摩根士丹利下跌的原因是行业范围内的金融危机,到 2008 年,美国银行、花旗集团和 AIG 的市盈率都达到了 10 年低点,许多其他银行和金融行业的公司也是如此。在 12 个月内,这三只股票的跌幅均超过 90%。
The Cheap Trap 便宜陷阱
Buying a cheap stock is like a trap hand in poker; it’s hard to get away from. When you buy a stock solely because it’s cheap, it’s difficult to sell if it moves against you because then it’s even cheaper, which is the reason you bought it in the first place. The cheaper it gets, the more attractive it becomes based on the “it’s cheap” rationale. This is the type of thinking that gets investors in big trouble. Most investors look for bargains instead of looking for leaders, and more often than not they get what they pay for. 买便宜股票就像在扑克中陷入了一个陷阱;很难摆脱。当你仅仅因为股票便宜而购买时,如果股票走势不利于你,就很难卖出,因为那时它变得更便宜,而这正是你最初购买的原因。它越便宜,基于“它便宜”的理由就越吸引人。这种思维方式会让投资者陷入大麻烦。大多数投资者寻找便宜货,而不是寻找领头羊,往往他们得到的正是他们所付出的代价。
Don't Pass on High P/E Stocks 不要忽视高市盈率股票
It is normal for growth stocks to fetch a premium to the market; this is especially true if a company is increasing its earnings rapidly. Shares of fast-growing companies can trade at multiples of three or four times the overall market. In fact, high growth leaders can command even higher premiums in times when growth stocks are in favor relative to value stocks. Even during periods when growth is not in favor, they can sell at a significant premium to the market. 成长股通常会以高于市场的溢价交易;如果一家公司快速增长其收益,这种情况尤其明显。快速增长公司的股票可能以整体市场的三到四倍的倍数交易。事实上,在成长股相对于价值股受到青睐的时期,高增长领导者甚至可以要求更高的溢价。即使在成长股不受青睐的时期,它们也可以以显著高于市场的溢价出售。
In many cases, stocks with superperformance potential will sell at what appears to be an unreasonably high P/E ratio. This scares away many ama- 在许多情况下,具有超额表现潜力的股票会以看似不合理的高市盈率出售。这让许多投资者感到害怕。
teur investors. When the growth rate of a company is extremely high, traditional valuation measures based on the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} are of little help in determining overvaluation. However, stocks with high P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratios should be studied and considered as potential purchases, particularly if you find that something new and exciting is going on with the company and there’s a catalyst that can lead to explosive earnings growth. It’s even better is if the company or its business is misunderstood or underfollowed by analysts. 当一家公司的增长率极高时,基于传统估值指标的投资者很难判断是否存在高估。然而,具有高 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率的股票应该被研究并考虑作为潜在购买,特别是如果你发现公司正在发生一些新的令人兴奋的事情,并且有催化剂可以导致爆炸性的盈利增长。如果公司或其业务被分析师误解或关注不足,那就更好了。
Internet providers were a great example. When Yahoo! was at the forefront of one of the greatest technological changes since the telephone, I was asked in a television interview if I thought the Internet would survive. Can you imagine the Internet failing to exist? Not today. But in the early to middle 1990s you might have had a different view, as many did. That period was precisely when Internet technology stocks were making new 52-week highs and trading at what appeared to be absurd valuations. 互联网服务提供商就是一个很好的例子。当雅虎处于自电话以来最大的技术变革的前沿时,我在一次电视采访中被问到我是否认为互联网会生存下去。你能想象互联网会消失吗?今天是不能的。但在 1990 年代初到中期,你可能会有不同的看法,正如许多人所做的那样。那个时期正是互联网技术股票创下 52 周新高并以看似荒谬的估值交易的时候。
Most of the best growth stocks seldom trade at a low P/E ratio. In fact, many of the biggest winning stocks in history traded at more than 30 or 40 times earnings before they experienced their largest advance. It only makes sense that faster-growing companies sell at higher multiples than slower-growing companies. If you avoid stocks just because the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} or share price seems too high, you will miss out on many of the biggest market movers. The really exciting, fast-growing companies with big potential are not going to be found in the bargain bin. You don’t find top-notch merchandise at the dollar store. As a matter of fact, the really great companies are almost always going to appear expensive, and that’s precisely why most investors miss out. 大多数最佳成长股很少以低市盈率交易。事实上,历史上许多最大的赢家股票在经历其最大涨幅之前,市盈率都超过了 30 或 40 倍。快速增长的公司理应以比慢增长公司更高的倍数出售。如果你仅仅因为市盈率或股价似乎太高而回避股票,你将错过许多最大的市场动向。真正令人兴奋、快速增长且潜力巨大的公司不会在特价区找到。你不会在一元店找到顶级商品。事实上,真正优秀的公司几乎总是看起来很贵,这正是大多数投资者错过的原因。
High Growth Baffles the Analysts 高增长让分析师感到困惑
You might recall when Mark [Minervini] was here last in midOctober [1998] he recommended Yahoo!, which is up 100 percent since then. . . . 你可能还记得马克·米纳维尼在 1998 年 10 月中旬来这里时推荐了雅虎,自那时以来股价上涨了 100%。。。
Wall Street has little idea what P/E ratio to put on companies growing at huge rates. It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to predict how long a growth phase will last and what level of deceleration will occur over a particular time frame when one is dealing with a dynamic new leader or new industry. Many superperformance stocks tend to move to extreme valuations and leave analysts in awe as their prices continue to climb into the stratosphere in spite of what appears to be a ridiculous valuation. Missing out on these great companies is due to misunderstanding the way Wall Street works and therefore concentrating on the wrong price drivers. 华尔街对快速增长公司的市盈率几乎没有概念。预测一个增长阶段会持续多久以及在特定时间框架内会发生什么程度的减速是极其困难的,甚至是不可能的,尤其是在处理一个动态的新领导者或新行业时。许多超表现股票往往会达到极端估值,让分析师感到震惊,因为尽管看似荒谬的估值,它们的价格仍然继续飙升。错过这些伟大公司的机会是由于对华尔街运作方式的误解,因此集中在错误的价格驱动因素上。
In June 1997, I bought shares of Yahoo! when the stock was trading at 938 times earnings. Talk about a high P/E! Every institutional investor I mentioned the stock to said, “No way-Ya-WHO?” The company was virtually unknown at the time, but Yahoo! was leading a new technological revolution: the Internet. The potential for what was then a new industry was widely misunderstood at the time. Yahoo! shares advanced an amazing 7,800 percent in just 29 months, and the P/E expanded to more than 1,700 times earnings. Even if you got only a piece of that advance, you could have made a boatload. 在 1997 年 6 月,我以 938 倍的市盈率购买了雅虎的股票。谈谈这个高市盈率吧!我提到这只股票时,每个机构投资者都说:“不可能-雅谁?”当时这家公司几乎无人知晓,但雅虎正在引领一场新的技术革命:互联网。那时对这个新兴行业的潜力普遍被误解。雅虎的股票在短短 29 个月内上涨了惊人的 7800%,市盈率扩展到超过 1700 倍的收益。即使你只获得了这次上涨的一小部分,你也可以赚得盆满钵满。
Jan. 9 Minervini bought Taser (TASR/Nasdaq), a company that makes Taser guns-nonlethal weapons for police departments. He spotted its potential using his proprietary methodology, “Specific Entry Point Analysis” (SEPA). He then rode the stock up 121%121 \% in only six weeks. 1 月 9 日,Minervini 购买了 Taser(TASR/Nasdaq),这是一家为警察部门制造泰瑟枪的公司——非致命武器。他通过自己独特的方法“特定入场点分析”(SEPA)发现了它的潜力。然后,他在短短六周内将股票上涨了 121%121 \% 。
Everybody knows the old adage “buy low and sell high.” It makes senselike going to a store to find something on sale. However, buying low and selling high has little to do with the current stock price. How high or low the price is relative to where it was previously is not the determining factor in whether a stock will go higher still. A stock trading at $60\$ 60 can go to $260\$ 260, just as a stock trading at $2\$ 2 can go to $1\$ 1 or even to $0\$ 0. Was Yahoo! too high when it boasted a P/E ratio of 938 ? How about TASER (TASR/NASDAQ) in January 2004, just before it advanced 300 percent in three months; was it 每个人都知道“低买高卖”的老生常谈。这就像去商店寻找打折商品一样。然而,低买高卖与当前股票价格关系不大。价格相对于之前的高低并不是决定股票是否会继续上涨的因素。以 $60\$ 60 交易的股票可以涨到 $260\$ 260 ,就像以 $2\$ 2 交易的股票可以涨到 $1\$ 1 甚至 $0\$ 0 一样。雅虎在其市盈率达到 938 时是否太高了?那么在 2004 年 1 月,TASER(TASR/NASDAQ)在三个月内上涨 300%之前,它又如何呢?
Figure 4.4 TASER Intl. (TASR) 2004 图 4.4 TASER 国际公司 (TASR) 2004
TASER emerged from a tight four-week consolidation. TASER 从一个紧密的四周整合中出现。
too high trading at a P/E ratio of more than 200 times earnings? Conversely, AIG appeared to be a bargain when its P/E hit a 10 -year low in early 2008; the stock fell 99 percent before the year was finished. 以超过 200 倍的市盈率交易是否过高?相反,当 AIG 在 2008 年初市盈率跌至 10 年低点时,似乎是个便宜货;到年底,股票下跌了 99%。
There's a Reason a Ferrari Costs More Than a Hyundai 法拉利的价格高于现代汽车是有原因的。
If you want to buy a high-performance car such as a Ferrari, you’re going to pay a premium price. The same thing applies to high-performance stocks. The top 100 best-performing small- and mid-cap stocks of 1996 and 1997 had an average P/E of 40. Their P/Es grew further to an average of 87 and a median of 65 . Relatively speaking, their initially “expensive” P/Es turned out to be extremely cheap. These top stocks averaged a gain of 421 percent from buy point to peak. The P/E of the S&P 500 ranged from 18 to 20 during that period. 如果你想购买一辆高性能的汽车,比如法拉利,你将支付一个高昂的价格。高性能股票也是如此。1996 年和 1997 年表现最好的 100 只小型和中型股票的平均市盈率为 40。它们的市盈率进一步增长,平均达到 87,中位数为 65。相对而言,它们最初“昂贵”的市盈率最终被证明是极其便宜的。这些顶级股票从买入点到峰值的平均涨幅为 421%。在此期间,标准普尔 500 指数的市盈率在 18 到 20 之间波动。
Figure 4.5 CKE Restaurants (CKR) 1995 图 4.5 CKE 餐饮(CKR)1995 年
On October 13, 1995, CKR emerged into new high ground trading at a 55 x earnings. 1995 年 10 月 13 日,CKR 以 55 倍的收益率进入了新的高点。
Figure 4.6 CKE Restaurants (CKR) 1998 图 4.6 CKE 餐饮(CKR)1998 年
From the point CKR emerged into new high ground on October 13, 1995, the stock advanced more than 400%400 \% in 28 months, but the P/E ratio fell because earnings grew even faster. 从 1995 年 10 月 13 日 CKR 突破新高点开始,股票在 28 个月内上涨了超过 400%400 \% ,但市盈率下降,因为收益增长得更快。
Value investors often shy away from stocks with high price/earnings multiples. They won’t touch a stock whose P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} is much higher than, say, that of the S&P 500 index. Savvy growth players know that you often have to pay more for the best goods in the market. Consider the example of CKE Restaurants, which sported a relatively high P/E just before the stock price took off. CKE Restaurants emerged into new high ground in extremely fast trading on October 13, 1995. Right before its breakout, the stock had a P/E of 55, or 2.9 times the S&P’s P/E of 18.9. The company had scored triple-digit profit growth in the two most recent quarters. Analysts saw the operator of Carl’s Jr. burger shops increasing profit by a whopping 700 percent from year-ago levels in the upcoming quarter. The stock climbed for 103 weeks. It finally peaked near $41\$ 41 in October 1997 for a 412 percent gain. During its price advance, CKE averaged a spectacular 175 percent growth in earnings from 1995 to 1997. Its P/E fell to 47 , or 1.8 times the P/E of the S&P. 价值投资者通常会避开市盈率高的股票。他们不会碰市盈率远高于标准普尔 500 指数的股票。精明的成长型投资者知道,往往需要为市场上最好的商品支付更高的价格。以 CKE 餐饮公司为例,该公司在股票价格飙升之前的市盈率相对较高。CKE 餐饮公司在 1995 年 10 月 13 日以极快的交易速度突破了新高。在其突破之前,股票的市盈率为 55,约为标准普尔市盈率 18.9 的 2.9 倍。该公司在最近两个季度实现了三位数的利润增长。分析师预计,卡尔的初级汉堡店的运营商将在即将到来的季度中,利润将比去年同期增长惊人的 700%。该股票上涨了 103 周。它最终在 1997 年 10 月接近 $41\$ 41 ,实现了 412%的收益。在其价格上涨期间,CKE 在 1995 年至 1997 年间的平均收益增长达到了惊人的 175%。其市盈率降至 47,约为标准普尔市盈率的 1.8 倍。
Apollo Group (APOL) 阿波罗集团 (APOL)
Most of the time money in stocks is lost not because the P/E was too high but because earnings did not grow at a high enough rate to sustain expectations; the growth potential of the company was misjudged. The ideal situation is to find a company whose growth prospects warrant a high P/E: a company that can deliver the goods-and the longer it can maintain strong growth, the better. 大多数情况下,股票中的资金损失并不是因为市盈率过高,而是因为收益增长的速度不足以维持预期;公司的增长潜力被误判。理想的情况是找到一家其增长前景足以支撑高市盈率的公司:一家能够交付成果的公司——而且它能够维持强劲增长的时间越长,效果就越好。
Consider the example of Apollo Group. From mid-2001 through 2004, the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio for Apollo was virtually unchanged despite a 200 percent rally in the price of the stock. Why did the P/E remain at the same level as it was several years earlier even though the stock price soared? Because earnings kept pace with the stock’s price appreciation. If a company can deliver strong earnings as fast as or even faster than its stock price appreciates, an initial high valuation may prove to be very cheap. Apollo Group went public in December 1994 with a market value of only $112\$ 112 million. Apollo met or beat Wall Street estimates for 45 consecutive quarters. As you can probably imagine, this led the company’s stock price to superperformance status. 以阿波罗集团为例。从 2001 年中期到 2004 年,阿波罗的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率几乎没有变化,尽管股票价格上涨了 200%。为什么市盈率在股票价格飙升的情况下仍然保持在几年前的水平?因为收益与股票价格的上涨保持同步。如果一家公司能够以与其股票价格上涨相同或更快的速度交付强劲的收益,那么最初的高估值可能会被证明是非常便宜的。阿波罗集团于 1994 年 12 月上市,市值仅为 $112\$ 112 百万。阿波罗连续 45 个季度满足或超越华尔街的预期。可以想象,这使得公司的股票价格达到了超表现的状态。
APOL Heekly APOL 希克利
Figure 4.7 Apollo Group (APOL) 1999-2004 图 4.7 阿波罗集团 (APOL) 1999-2004
In 2001 APOL was trading at 60x earnings; by 2004 the price advanced 200 percent, but the P//EP / E ratio remained at 60 x60 x due to earnings growth keeping pace. 2001 年,APOL 的市盈率为 60 倍;到 2004 年,股价上涨了 200%,但 P//EP / E 比率仍保持在 60 x60 x ,因为盈利增长保持同步。
From 2000 to 2004, Apollo Group’s stock advanced more than 850 percent. During the same period, the Nasdaq Composite Index was down 60 percent. 从 2000 年到 2004 年,阿波罗集团的股票上涨了超过 850%。在同一时期,纳斯达克综合指数下跌了 60%。
Crocs Mania 脚蹼狂热
As the plastic clogs originally meant for gardeners and boaters became a fashion rage, everybody started wearing Crocs, and the popularity spilled over into the stock. Crocs (CROX/NASDAQ) shares boasted a P/E of more than 60 times earnings, before the price blasted higher. But fads come and fads go, and perhaps the world is finding that when it comes to Crocs, the shoe no longer fits. The P/E ratio for Crocs contracted from April 2006 to October 2007 as earnings grew faster than the stock’s price appreciation. If you had bought Crocs when shares were trading at more than 60x earn-ings-the most expensive P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} in its history-you could have reaped a return of 700 percent on your money in only 20 months. If you had waited for the stock to trade at a more reasonable valuation and bought when the stock traded near its historical low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E}, you would have lost 99 percent of your capital in less than a year. Regardless of one’s opinion, the market always has the last word. 随着最初为园丁和船员设计的塑料木屐成为时尚潮流,人人开始穿着 Crocs,Crocs 的受欢迎程度也蔓延到了股市。Crocs(CROX/NASDAQ)的股票在价格飙升之前,市盈率超过 60 倍。但潮流来来去去,也许世界发现,当谈到 Crocs 时,这双鞋不再合适。从 2006 年 4 月到 2007 年 10 月,Crocs 的市盈率收缩,因为收益增长速度超过了股票价格的升值。如果你在股票交易超过 60 倍收益时购买了 Crocs——这是其历史上最昂贵的时刻——你可能在短短 20 个月内获得了 700%的回报。如果你等到股票以更合理的估值交易,并在股票接近历史低点时购买,你将在不到一年的时间里损失 99%的资本。无论个人观点如何,市场总是有最后的发言权。
Value Doesn’t Move Stock Prices; People Do 价值并不影响股票价格;人们才会
Many people get confused: they think we are trading the actual companies themselves, that the pieces of paper we are trading, investing, owning, are some sort of redemptive right, a coupon that will give you certain cents off, or an ownership right that will allow you to have a chunk of the brick and mortar if not the cash in the treasury of the joint; untrue. These are, in the end, simply pieces of paper, to be bought, sold, or manipulated up and down by those with more capital than others . . . the fundamentals of the company play only a part in what moves the stock up or down. 许多人感到困惑:他们认为我们在交易实际的公司,认为我们交易、投资、拥有的那些纸张是一种赎回权,一种可以让你享受某种折扣的优惠券,或者是一种让你拥有砖瓦和水泥的一部分的所有权,甚至是公司国库中的现金;这都是不真实的。最终,这些只是纸张,可以被买卖,或者被那些拥有更多资本的人操纵上下……公司的基本面只在一定程度上影响股票的涨跌。
—Jim Cramer —吉姆·克莱默
Contrary to what many believe, the stock market doesn’t trade on the basis of objective, mathematical measures of “intrinsic value” such as P/E ratios or a stock’s price-to-book ratio. If that were the case, slavish devotion to computer models would consistently pump out winners and fund managers would regularly beat the market averages. If analyzing balance sheets were the Holy Grail for stock investing, accountants would be the world’s greatest traders. Neither is the case. There is no magic formula or mechanistic model that can reliably generate excess returns in perpetuity. Everything is relative, subjective, and dynamic. 与许多人所相信的相反,股市并不是基于“内在价值”的客观数学指标进行交易的,例如市盈率或股票的市净率。如果是这样,盲目依赖计算机模型就会持续产生赢家,基金经理也会定期超越市场平均水平。如果分析资产负债表是股票投资的圣杯,那么会计师将是世界上最伟大的交易者。但事实并非如此。没有任何魔法公式或机械模型能够可靠地持续产生超额回报。一切都是相对的、主观的和动态的。
Valuation methods that work wonderfully during certain market conditions will fail miserably during others. Every stock carries a growth assumption, which constantly changes. These assumptions are in large part constructed and based on personal opinion. Stock prices move on the basis of what people think. Whether it’s an opinion about a balance sheet, the company’s assets, a hot new product, an exciting new industry, the P/E ratio, the book value, future growth prospects, or whatever, ultimately it’s perception that motivates investors and creates price movement. Value doesn’t move stock prices; people do by placing buy orders. Value is only part of the equation. Ultimately, you need demand. 在某些市场条件下表现出色的估值方法在其他条件下会惨遭失败。每只股票都承载着一个不断变化的增长假设。这些假设在很大程度上是基于个人观点构建的。股票价格的波动基于人们的想法。无论是对资产负债表、公司的资产、热门新产品、令人兴奋的新行业、市盈率、账面价值、未来增长前景或其他任何事物的看法,最终推动投资者和价格波动的都是感知。价值并不会推动股票价格;人们通过下买单来推动。价值只是方程式的一部分。最终,你需要的是需求。
Only the perception of value can influence people to buy, not the mere reading of a valuation metric. Without a willing buyer, stocks of even the highest-quality companies are worthless pieces of paper. The sooner you realize this, the better off you will be as a speculator. 只有对价值的感知才能影响人们购买,而不是单纯阅读估值指标。没有愿意购买的买家,即使是最高质量公司的股票也只是毫无价值的纸张。越早意识到这一点,作为投机者你就会越好。
In Search of Value 寻找价值
In 1987, Irises, a painting by Vincent van Gogh, sold for $49\$ 49 million, a world record for a work of art. The painting changed hands at a price more than double what it had been expected to reach. The sale was also accomplished in what may have been record time in light of the figures involved; the bidding rose from a starting point of $15\$ 15 million to reach the final sale price in less than two minutes. 1987 年,文森特·梵高的画作《鸢尾花》以 $49\$ 49 百万的价格售出,创下了艺术品的世界纪录。这幅画的成交价超过了预期的两倍。考虑到涉及的数字,这笔交易可能是在创纪录的时间内完成的;竞标从 $15\$ 15 百万的起始价开始,在不到两分钟的时间内达到了最终成交价。
Analysts and investors search continually for some intrinsic value that differs from a stock’s current market price. Often that quest boils down to relating a stock’s price to its earnings. Concluding that a stock is overvalued because it sells for 65 times earnings is like saying that a van Gogh painting selling at $49\$ 49 million at auction is overvalued because the paint and canvas cost only 40 bucks. The price of a van Gogh has nothing to do with its intrinsic value; the painting sells on the basis of its perceived value, which is directly affected by the demand for a one-of-a-kind piece of art. 分析师和投资者不断寻找与股票当前市场价格不同的内在价值。通常,这种追求归结为将股票的价格与其收益相关联。得出一个股票被高估的结论,因为它的市盈率为 65 倍,就像说一幅以 $49\$ 49 百万美元在拍卖会上出售的梵高画作被高估,因为颜料和画布的成本仅为 40 美元。梵高的价格与其内在价值无关;这幅画的售价基于其感知价值,而这种价值直接受到对独一无二的艺术品需求的影响。
Wall Street commonly uses two measures for valuing stocks. One method involves comparing a stock’s P/E ratio with that of its respective industry group or that of the overall market (S&P 500 Index, etc.). Often this leads to mistaken conclusions that laggard stocks are a value and market leaders are overpriced. More often than not, the market leader that appears expensive actually turns out to be cheaper in the long run than the lowerP//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E}, poorer-performing stocks in the group. 华尔街通常使用两种衡量股票价值的方法。一种方法是将股票的市盈率与其所属行业组或整体市场(如标准普尔 500 指数等)的市盈率进行比较。通常,这会导致错误的结论,即滞后的股票被视为价值股,而市场领导者被认为是高估的。往往看似昂贵的市场领导者实际上在长期内比该组中表现较差的低 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 股票便宜。
The other method is to compare a stock’s P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} with its own historical range for a certain period. The argument goes that if the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} is near the low end of its range or below the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} of its industry group or the market in general, the stock must be cheap. The stock may look cheap, but the market may 另一种方法是将股票的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 与其在一定时期内的历史范围进行比较。论点是,如果 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 接近其范围的低端或低于其行业组或市场整体的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ,那么该股票一定便宜。股票可能看起来便宜,但市场可能
be marking down the merchandize for a good reason; indeed, that discount might presage wholesale write-offs. 正在以合理的理由降价商品;实际上,这种折扣可能预示着大规模的减记。
If tomorrow the price of a stock you own fell 25 percent from your purchase price, would you feel better knowing that the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} had fallen below its industry average? Of course not. You should be asking yourself: Do the sellers know something I don’t? Stocks adjust to new circumstances every day, yet many investors keep holding their declining shares because they consider the stock to be a bargain. Some advisors will even tell you to buy more shares, throwing good money after bad. Meanwhile, your stock continues to get clobbered, and you keep losing money. 如果明天你拥有的股票价格从购买价下跌了 25%,你会觉得知道 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 已经低于行业平均水平更好么?当然不会。你应该问自己:卖家知道我不知道的事情吗?股票每天都在适应新的情况,但许多投资者仍然持有他们下跌的股票,因为他们认为这只股票是个便宜货。一些顾问甚至会告诉你再买更多股票,把好钱扔到坏钱后面。与此同时,你的股票继续被打压,而你不断亏损。
Some of the best value investors were down 60 percent or more in the bear market that started in 2007. Their experience of buying and holding “solid” companies, which had worked so well for so long, led to complacent behavior that resulted in large losses. In 2008, the overall market suffered heavy losses, with the Value Line (Geometric) Index finishing the year down 48.7 percent. The Dow was down 34 percent for the year. However, the worst-performing Value Line categories were low price to sales, down 66.9 percent; low price to book value, down 68.8 percent; and low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio, down 70.9 percent. The bottom line: value investing does not protect you. 一些最优秀的价值投资者在 2007 年开始的熊市中下跌了 60%或更多。他们购买和持有“稳健”公司的经验,在过去的很长一段时间内效果很好,导致了自满行为,从而造成了巨大的损失。在 2008 年,整体市场遭受了严重损失,价值线(几何)指数在年底下跌了 48.7%。道琼斯指数全年下跌了 34%。然而,表现最差的价值线类别是低市销率,下跌了 66.9%;低市净率,下跌了 68.8%;以及低 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率,下跌了 70.9%。底线是:价值投资并不能保护你。
No Magic Number 没有魔法数字
As history has shown, there is no common denominator or appropriate level when it comes to a P/E ratio and superperformance stocks. The P/E can start out relatively low or high. My suggestion is to forget this metric and seek out companies with the greatest potential for earnings growth. Most of the time, a true market leader is a much better value than a laggard despite its higher P/E multiple. Crossing a stock off your list because its P/E seems too high will result in your missing out on what could be the next great stock market winner. 正如历史所示,市盈率和超绩效股票之间没有共同的标准或适当的水平。市盈率可以相对较低或较高。我的建议是忘记这个指标,寻找具有最大盈利增长潜力的公司。大多数情况下,真正的市场领导者比滞后者更具价值,尽管其市盈率更高。因为市盈率似乎过高而将某只股票从你的名单中划掉,将导致你错过可能成为下一个伟大股市赢家的机会。
The 25 top-performing stocks from 1995 to 2005 had an average P/E ratio of 33 x33 x, ranging from a low of 8.6 x8.6 x to a high of 223 x223 x. The three best performers in the group-American Eagle Outfitters, Penn National Gaming, 从 1995 年到 2005 年,表现最好的 25 只股票的平均市盈率为 33 x33 x ,范围从最低的 8.6 x8.6 x 到最高的 223 x223 x 。该组中表现最好的三只股票是美国鹰 Outfitters、Penn National Gaming,
Figure 4.9 CKE Restaurants (CKR) 1995-2000 图 4.9 CKE 餐饮(CKR)1995-2000
and Celgene-sported P/E ratios of 29x, 11x, and 223x, respectively, before they made their big price advances. All three saw their stock prices rise at a 40 percent or better compounded annual growth rate over the 10 -year period. In early 1995, CKE Restaurants traded at a relatively high P/E ratio before staging a massive rally and then at a relatively low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} before experiencing a major decline. 和 Celgene 支持的市盈率分别为 29 倍、11 倍和 223 倍,在它们大幅上涨之前。三者的股价在 10 年期间的年复合增长率均超过 40%。在 1995 年初,CKE 餐饮的市盈率相对较高,随后经历了一次大规模的反弹,然后在经历了一次重大下跌之前,市盈率相对较低。
Warning: The Superlow P/E 警告:超低市盈率
One of the worst trades I ever made was Bethlehem Steel trading at 2x2 x earnings. I said “How low can it go?” It went to zero. 我做过的最糟糕的交易之一是贝 ethlehem 钢铁,当时的市盈率为 2x2 x 。我说:“还能低到什么程度?”结果它跌到了零。
-Jim Cramer -吉姆·克雷默
Although I don’t concern myself too much with the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio in my search for superperformance stocks, there is one situation that gets my attention. As a rule of thumb, I’m very reluctant to buy shares of a company trading at an excessively low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E}, especially if the stock is at or near a 52 -week low in price. A stock with an exceptionally low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio can turn out to be real 虽然我在寻找超额表现股票时并不太关注 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率,但有一种情况引起了我的注意。作为一个经验法则,我非常不愿意购买交易价格过低的公司的股票,特别是当该股票的价格接近 52 周低点时。具有异常低 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率的股票可能会变得非常真实。
trouble. A stock trading at a multiple of three, four, or five times earnings or at a number far below the prevailing industry multiple could have a fundamental problem. The future prospects of the company may be questionable; earnings could be headed much lower. The company might even be headed toward bankruptcy. 问题。一只股票的市盈率为三、四或五倍,或者远低于行业普遍市盈率,可能存在基本面问题。公司的未来前景可能令人怀疑;收益可能会大幅下降。公司甚至可能面临破产。
Remember, the market is a discounting mechanism that trades on the future, not the past. Just as you can’t drive a car by looking only in the rearview mirror, you shouldn’t run a stock portfolio on backward-referencing valuation metrics. I would rather own a stock that’s reporting strong earnings trading at a relatively high P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio than a stock showing signs of trouble trading at a very low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E}. 记住,市场是一个折现机制,交易的是未来,而不是过去。就像你不能仅仅通过后视镜开车一样,你也不应该仅仅依靠回顾性估值指标来管理股票投资组合。我宁愿拥有一只报告强劲收益、交易市盈率相对较高的股票,也不愿意拥有一只显示出问题、交易市盈率非常低的股票。
P/E Deception 市盈率的误导
If you compare a stock’s share price with its P/E ratio, often you will see that a depressed P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} coincides with a depressed stock price and vice versa. The same could be said about an overbought/oversold technical indicator such as the stochastic oscillator. On the surface, both of these popular metrics appear to have a degree of accuracy at turning points because the eye is drawn to peaks and troughs. However, this 20//2020 / 20 vision is usually a gift of hindsight. In real time, the eye is not very good at filtering out all the noise and static between the upturns and downturns. In addition, what is mostly ignored or misunderstood is the varying time frames spent in the direction of the countertrend reading. For example, one stock can remain overvalued for months whereas another stock can remain at a similar valuation for years before a change in direction takes place. 如果你将一只股票的股价与其市盈率进行比较,通常会发现一个低迷的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 与低迷的股价相吻合,反之亦然。关于超买/超卖的技术指标,如随机振荡器,也可以说是如此。从表面上看,这两种流行的指标在转折点上似乎具有一定的准确性,因为眼睛被峰值和谷值所吸引。然而,这种 20//2020 / 20 的视角通常是事后诸葛亮。在实时情况下,眼睛并不擅长过滤出上涨和下跌之间的所有噪音和干扰。此外,通常被忽视或误解的是在反趋势读数方向上花费的不同时间框架。例如,一只股票可能在几个月内保持高估,而另一只股票可能在类似的估值下保持数年,才会发生方向的变化。
Trying to buy oversold conditions and sell overbought conditions as a trading strategy is risky business. Trading with disregard for a strong directional trend will ultimately lead to buying into a precipitous decline. Similarly, buying stocks simply because the P/E is relatively low and selling because the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} seems too high produces poor results time and time again. Although overbought and oversold conditions as well as high and low P//\mathrm{P} / Es can exist at turning points, stocks can also have extreme high and low readings in a directional fashion just before major advances and 作为一种交易策略,试图在超卖条件下买入并在超买条件下卖出是风险很大的。无视强烈的方向趋势进行交易最终会导致在急剧下跌中买入。同样,仅仅因为市盈率相对较低而买入股票,并因为 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 似乎过高而卖出,往往会产生糟糕的结果。尽管超买和超卖条件以及高低 P//\mathrm{P} / E 可以在转折点存在,但股票在主要上涨之前也可能在方向上出现极高和极低的读数。
declines. Major market declines always plunge to deeply oversold readings, and roaring bull markets storm through early overbought conditions while advancing much farther. 主要市场下跌总是会急剧下降到深度超卖的读数,而蓬勃的牛市则在早期超买条件下迅速前进,且上涨幅度更大。
The Broken Leader Syndrome 破碎的领导者综合症
A common affliction among many investors, including some professionals, is what I call the broken leader syndrome. Here’s how it works. Investors who refused to buy a dynamic new leader when it was emerging-before it sky-rocketed-become interested after that stock has topped and broken down in price. Usually this occurs during a stage 4 decline. These people buy stocks that were previously expensive, thinking they will go back up. 在许多投资者中,包括一些专业人士,常见的一种病症是我所称的破碎的领导者综合症。它是如何运作的呢?那些在新兴的动态领导者出现时拒绝购买的投资者——在股票飙升之前——在该股票达到顶峰并下跌后才开始感兴趣。通常,这发生在第四阶段的下跌期间。这些人购买之前价格昂贵的股票,认为它们会再次上涨。
The broken leader syndrome affects investors who weren’t able to spot stocks such as Yahoo!, Amazon, and Apollo Group before their biggest price moves. They weren’t on board when one of these incredible stocks made a huge run of several thousand percent. Then the stock gets slammed. Now these investors think they’re on to something. With a former highflier well off its peak, these latecomers to the party think the stock looks good and is now a bargain. 破碎的领导者综合症影响那些未能在雅虎、亚马逊和阿波罗集团等股票大幅上涨之前发现这些股票的投资者。他们没有在这些令人难以置信的股票大幅上涨几千个百分点时上车。然后股票被重创。现在这些投资者认为他们发现了什么。随着一只曾经的高飞股票远离其峰值,这些晚来的投资者认为这只股票看起来不错,现在是个便宜货。
They use all sorts of reasons, such as “it’s trading near the low end of its historic range” and “it’s trading at only 20 times earnings and has a growth rate of 40 percent.” Worse yet, they’ll say, “It’s down 70 percent. How low can it go?” 他们使用各种理由,比如“它的交易价格接近历史低点”和“它的市盈率只有 20 倍,增长率为 40%。”更糟糕的是,他们会说:“它下跌了 70%。还能跌到什么程度?”
With all their rationalizing, they ignore the supreme fundamental: the market’s judgment. They stayed away when the stock was a market leader (probably because it looked expensive), and now they fail to recognize a broken leader. When a leader tops, more often than not the stock price is discounting a future slowdown in growth, which makes it no bargain at all. 尽管他们进行了各种合理化,但他们忽视了一个至关重要的基本原则:市场的判断。当这只股票是市场领头羊时,他们选择了回避(可能是因为它看起来很贵),而现在他们却未能识别出一个破裂的领头羊。当一个领头羊达到顶峰时,股票价格往往在折现未来增长放缓,这使得它根本不是一个便宜的选择。
Sun Microsystems is a good example of a broken leader play. The stock had an incredible price advance during the 1990s and then topped out in late 2000. Investors who were waiting for this powerhouse to correct, or “come in,” so that they could buy it may have been elated to see the stock off 75 percent from its high in 2001. Unfortunately, the party was over, and a year later Sun’s stock fell a further 80 percent. Eight years later, investors 太阳微系统是一个破裂领头羊的好例子。这只股票在 1990 年代经历了惊人的价格上涨,然后在 2000 年底达到顶峰。那些等待这只强劲股票调整或“回调”以便购买的投资者,可能会对 2001 年股票从高点下跌 75%感到欣喜。然而,派对已经结束,一年后太阳的股票又下跌了 80%。八年后,投资者
Figure 4.10 Sun Microsystems 1994-2009 图 4.10 太阳微系统 1994-2009
who bought the stock at the discounted 75 percent off price not only didn’t make money, they actually lost 99 percent of their capital. 以 75%的折扣价格购买股票的人不仅没有赚钱,反而损失了 99%的资本。
Here’s a common misperception when a stock has a precipitous drop. A stock that falls from $100\$ 100 to $25\$ 25 has declined by 75 percent. Since a stock can drop only 100 percent, the thinking is that the risk is only an additional 25 percent, right? Wrong! If you buy the stock at $25\$ 25, you could lose another 75 percent if it falls to $6.26\$ 6.26. And if you buy it at $6.26\$ 6.26, you could lose yet another 75 percent if it falls to $1.56\$ 1.56. After all, your money in the stock is always 100 percent. 当一只股票急剧下跌时,常见的误解是:一只股票从 $100\$ 100 跌到 $25\$ 25 ,下降了 75%。由于股票最多只能下跌 100%,因此认为风险仅为额外的 25%,对吗?错了!如果你在 $25\$ 25 买入这只股票,如果它跌到 $6.26\$ 6.26 ,你可能会再损失 75%。如果你在 $6.26\$ 6.26 买入它,如果它跌到 $1.56\$ 1.56 ,你可能会再损失 75%。毕竟,你在这只股票上的资金始终是 100%。
P/ERatio Is a Barometer of Sentiment 市盈率是情绪的晴雨表
By themselves, P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratios aren’t very helpful in determining the potential direction of a stock’s price. The P/E ratio tells you what the market is willing to pay for a company’s earnings at the current time. Think of the P/E as a barometer that measures the level of expectation. This is why many growth stocks experience P/E expansion during the growth phase; expectations keep getting higher as the company’s performance expands. 单独来看, P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率在确定股票价格潜在方向方面并没有太大帮助。市盈率告诉你市场目前愿意为公司的收益支付多少。可以把市盈率看作是一个测量预期水平的晴雨表。这就是为什么许多成长型股票在成长阶段经历市盈率扩张的原因;随着公司业绩的扩展,预期不断提高。
Of course, there comes a time when the stock’s prospects darken and business conditions change. The company may then be considered overvalued. At that point, perceptions change and the stock price will adjust to reflect the new set of circumstances. I use the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio as a sentiment gauge that gives me some perspective about investor expectation. Generally speaking, a high P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} means there are high expectations and a low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} means there are lower expectations. 当然,总会有一个时刻,股票的前景变得暗淡,商业环境发生变化。此时,公司可能会被认为是高估的。此时,认知发生变化,股票价格将调整以反映新的情况。我使用 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率作为情绪指标,给我一些关于投资者预期的视角。一般来说,高 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 意味着高预期,而低 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 意味着低预期。
Seek out companies with the greatest potential for earnings growth. Companies growing revenues at a rapid pace are your best choice. Look for new emerging trends that can translate into mass expansion: trends that are scalable. Concentrate on entrepreneurially managed companies with exciting things going on (a catalyst), and you’ll eventually latch on to some big winners. The current P/E ratio at which a company trades is only a minor consideration compared with the potential for earnings growth. Growth stocks are driven by growth. 寻找具有最大盈利增长潜力的公司。快速增长收入的公司是你最好的选择。寻找可以转化为大规模扩展的新兴趋势:可扩展的趋势。专注于管理良好的企业,关注一些激动人心的事情(催化剂),你最终会找到一些大赢家。公司当前的市盈率只是一个小考虑,与盈利增长的潜力相比。成长股是由增长驱动的。
The PEG Ratio PEG 比率
The price/earnings to growth (PEG) ratio is calculated by dividing the P/E multiple by a company’s projected earnings per share growth rate over the next year. For example, if a stock is trading at 20 times earnings and has a growth rate of 40 percent, the PEG ratio will be 0.5(20-:40)0.5(20 \div 40). The company is trading at half its growth rate. 价格/收益增长(PEG)比率是通过将市盈率(P/E)倍数除以公司预计的每股收益增长率来计算的。例如,如果一只股票的市盈率为 20 倍,且其增长率为 40%,则 PEG 比率将为 0.5(20-:40)0.5(20 \div 40) 。该公司的交易价格为其增长率的一半。
The theory is that if the resulting value is less than 1 , the stock may be undervalued; if the PEG ratio is over 1 , the stock may be overvalued. The farther the value is from 1, the stronger the signal is. In general, if a company’s earnings growth rate matches or exceeds its P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} multiple, investors using the PEG ratio for valuation may consider the stock fairly valued or even undervalued. If the P/E multiple significantly exceeds its growth rate, however, the stock will be considered risky and overvalued according to this school of thought. Many analysts intent on buying growth at a reasonable price (GARP) use PEG ratios in various forms. 理论是,如果结果值小于 1,则该股票可能被低估;如果 PEG 比率超过 1,则该股票可能被高估。值离 1 越远,信号越强。一般来说,如果公司的收益增长率与其 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 倍数相匹配或超过,使用 PEG 比率进行估值的投资者可能会认为该股票的价值合理甚至被低估。然而,如果市盈率显著超过其增长率,根据这一学派的观点,该股票将被视为风险较大且被高估。许多意图以合理价格购买增长(GARP)的分析师在各种形式中使用 PEG 比率。
The point at which a stock is deemed undervalued or overvalued can vary, depending on the analyst. Some investors look to pare their holdings in a stock as soon as its price multiple exceeds its growth rate by any margin. 股票被认为低估或高估的点可能会有所不同,这取决于分析师。一些投资者在股票的价格倍数超过其增长率的任何幅度时,就会考虑减少其持股。
Like its P/E cousin, the PEG ratio can exclude some of the most dynamic and profitable companies from a candidate buy list. The PEG ratio is limiting on the two sides of the equation that are most valuable: when a stock has an exceptionally high or low P/E. Should a stock with a growth rate of 2 percent trade at two times earnings? Probably not. However, valuing a hightechnology stock such as Yahoo!, which traded at 938 times earnings, was nearly impossible using traditional valuation measures. Another drawback of the PEG ratio as I see it is that many of the broken leader plays are attractive with this method. This can entice you to buy into a stock that has put in a major top and headed for negative surprises. 与市盈率(P/E)类似,PEG 比率可能会将一些最具活力和盈利能力的公司排除在候选购买名单之外。PEG 比率在方程的两侧限制了最有价值的部分:当一只股票的市盈率异常高或低时。一个增长率为 2%的股票应该以两倍的收益交易吗?可能不应该。然而,像雅虎这样的高科技股票,其市盈率高达 938 倍,使用传统估值方法几乎不可能进行估值。根据我的看法,PEG 比率的另一个缺点是,许多破裂的领头羊股票在这种方法下看起来很有吸引力。这可能会诱使你购买一只已经达到重大顶部并面临负面惊喜的股票。
Gauging P/E Expansion 衡量市盈率扩张
Because P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} is a ratio, its value will be affected if either the numerator or the denominator changes. For example, the P/E will expand if a stock’s price (numerator) rises faster than the company’s earnings (denominator). Both numbers, however, can be moving targets, particularly when a company has good potential for increasing its earnings and also is attracting buyers who are accumulating the stock, which pushes the price higher. 因为 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 是一个比率,所以如果分子或分母发生变化,其值将受到影响。例如,如果股票价格(分子)上涨的速度快于公司的收益(分母),市盈率将会扩张。然而,这两个数字都可能是动态的,特别是当一家公司有良好的盈利增长潜力,并且吸引买家积累股票时,这会推动价格上涨。
To illustrate, let’s say Company A is trading at 25 times its earnings for a P/E of 25 . If it reports earnings that are 20 percent higher and the stock price remains essentially unchanged, the P/E will drop to 20.83 times earnings. If the stock price jumps 20 percent on the earnings news, the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} will remain the same at 25 times earnings. Over time, as a stock grows more and more popular and the price rises consistently, its P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio can expand as the stock’s price appreciates at a faster rate than its earnings growth. If the stock rises significantly over 12 to 24 months and the P/E expands by 100 to 200 percent, doubling or tripling from where it started near the beginning or from the bottom of the major price move, it’s possible that the price move is in its later stage and is getting too widely recognized. 举例来说,假设公司 A 的市盈率为 25,即每股收益的 25 倍。如果它报告的收益比预期高出 20%,而股价基本保持不变,那么市盈率将降至 20.83 倍。如果在收益消息发布后,股价上涨 20%,那么市盈率将保持在每股收益的 25 倍。随着时间的推移,随着一只股票越来越受欢迎,股价持续上涨,其市盈率可以扩展,因为股价的上涨速度超过了收益的增长。如果在 12 到 24 个月内,股价显著上涨,市盈率扩展了 100%到 200%,从开始时或主要价格走势的底部翻倍或三倍,那么价格走势可能处于后期阶段,并且变得过于广为人知。
Historical study of superperformance stocks shows that the average P/E increased between 100 and 200 percent on average (or two to three times) from the beginning until the end of major price moves. This information can be used in two ways. First, you can get an idea of a stock’s potential. You 对超级表现股票的历史研究表明,平均市盈率在主要价格走势的开始到结束之间增加了 100%到 200%(即两到三倍)。这些信息可以用两种方式。首先,您可以了解一只股票的潜力。
can estimate what it might sell for as an average best-case scenario within a year or two down the road from your initial purchase price, that is, if you’re buying a dynamic leader in a bull market. You could estimate future earnings and apply the expanded P/E number to get a rough idea of the stock’s theoretical potential. 可以估计在你初始购买价格的一年或两年后,它可能以最佳情况的平均价格出售,也就是说,如果你在牛市中购买一个动态领导者。你可以估计未来的收益,并应用扩展的市盈率数字,以大致了解该股票的理论潜力。
Second, you can gain some perspective on how much of the company’s good fortune has already been discounted by gauging how much P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} expansion has taken place already. Let’s say you buy a stock with a P/E of 20 at its initial breakout from a sound base. Multiply 20 by 2 to 3 to see what the ratio could rise to. That gives you 40 to 60 . You hope that the stock continues to rally. Though it’s always prudent to look for sell signals, pay extra attention once the P/E nears 2 and especially around 2.5 to 3 or greater. It could top soon afterward. If this occurs, look for signs of decelerating growth and signs of weakness in the stock price as your signal to reduce your position or sell it out. 第二,你可以通过评估公司好运气已经被折现了多少,来获得一些视角,看看已经发生了多少 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 扩张。假设你以 20 的市盈率在一个良好基础的初始突破时购买了一只股票。将 20 乘以 2 到 3,看看这个比率可能上升到什么水平。这给你 40 到 60。你希望这只股票继续上涨。尽管总是明智地寻找卖出信号,但在市盈率接近 2,尤其是在 2.5 到 3 或更高时要特别注意。它可能很快就会达到顶峰。如果发生这种情况,寻找增长减速和股价疲软的迹象,作为减少持仓或卖出信号。
In the 1990s, as Home Depot stock became an institutional favorite, rampant enthusiasm ran the stock price up well ahead of its earnings growth. Home Depot’s P/E expanded from the mid-20s to 70x earnings in just two years after the stock bottomed from its 1990 bear market low. A period of sideways consolidation took place for the next four years while the 在 1990 年代,随着家得宝股票成为机构投资者的最爱,过度的热情使得股票价格远远超过了其盈利增长。家得宝的市盈率在股票从 1990 年熊市低点反弹后的短短两年内,从 20 多倍扩展到 70 倍。接下来的四年里,股票经历了一段横盘整理期。
Figure 4.11 Home Depot (HD) 1988-2008 图 4.11 家得宝(HD)1988-2008
earnings played catch-up with the stock price. Then, in 2000, Home Depot’s P/E ratio expanded by from 25 x in 1997 to 75 x . The stock topped shortly afterward. 盈利与股价开始追赶。然后,在 2000 年,家得宝的市盈率从 1997 年的 25 倍扩展到 75 倍。股票在此后不久达到顶峰。
What Does All This Mean? 这意味着什么?
As we’ve seen, what constitutes a high or low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} is far less clear-or impor-tant-than you might have thought. What should you take away from this discussion? Should you ignore stocks that trade at relatively low P/Es and buy only those with high ratios? Not necessarily. The bigger point is that the P/E ratio doesn’t have much predictive value for finding elite superperformance stocks. There is no magic number when it comes to the P/E. In fact, the P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} is far less important than a company’s potential for earnings growth. 正如我们所看到的,什么构成高或低的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 远没有你想象的那么清晰或重要。你应该从这次讨论中得出什么结论?你应该忽视那些相对低 P/E 的股票,只购买那些高比率的股票吗?不一定。更重要的是,P/E 比率在寻找精英超表现股票时并没有太大的预测价值。关于 P/E 并没有魔法数字。事实上, P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 远没有公司的盈利增长潜力重要。
Stop worrying about the P/E ratio. If you have a company delivering the goods as Apollo Group did, earning 40 percent per annum for four or five consecutive years, whatever the initial P/E was is irrelevant; the P/E takes care of itself. Leave the overintellectualizing and complex theories to the professors and academicians and the valuation tactics to the Wall Street analysts. An oceanographer may be able to explain all the complexities of waves, tides, water currents, and undertows. When it comes to riding a wave, however, I’ll put my money on a 13 -year-old kid from Malibu, California, who knows none of those facts but has surfed all his life and has an intuitive feel for the water. As a superperformance trader, you learn to spot and ride trends to big profits and learn to detect when once-advantageous trends appear to be breaking down. Often, once the why becomes known, profits taken or losses incurred will already be a matter of history. Valuing a company on intrinsic value is not trading stocks; it’s buying assets. Your goal is to make money consistently, not accumulate a lockbox of assets that you really don’t own-just pieces of paper that were made for trade. 不要再担心市盈率。如果你有一家像阿波罗集团那样的公司,连续四五年每年盈利 40%,那么最初的市盈率就无关紧要;市盈率自会得到解决。把过于复杂的理论和分析留给教授和学者,把估值策略留给华尔街分析师。海洋学家可能能够解释波浪、潮汐、水流和暗流的所有复杂性。然而,当涉及到冲浪时,我宁愿把我的钱押在一个来自加利福尼亚马里布的 13 岁小孩身上,他对这些事实一无所知,但一生都在冲浪,对水有着直觉的感觉。作为一名超绩效交易者,你学会识别和把握趋势以获取丰厚利润,并学会察觉曾经有利的趋势何时开始崩溃。通常,一旦原因被揭示,利润被提取或损失发生,已经成为历史。根据内在价值来评估一家公司并不是交易股票;这是一种购买资产。你的目标是持续赚钱,而不是积累一个你实际上并不拥有的资产箱——只是一些为交易而制作的纸片。
I don’t set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them. 我不设定趋势。我只是找出它们是什么并加以利用。
—Dick Clark —迪克·克拉克
MY SUCCESS AS A STOCK TRADER relies on a combination of science and art. Mechanical signals backed by scientific research and intuitive feel are both important tools. In the stock market, few things are purely black or white. To succeed, an astute stock trader must learn to read between the lines and decipher and make decisions often on the basis of incomplete information. There are, however, certain characteristics that are not ambiguous or even open for interpretation. I call them nonnegotiable criteria. 我作为股票交易者的成功依赖于科学与艺术的结合。机械信号与科学研究和直觉感受都是重要的工具。在股市中,很少有事情是纯粹的黑与白。要成功,一个精明的股票交易者必须学会读懂潜台词,并在常常基于不完整信息的情况下解读和做出决策。然而,有一些特征是明确的,甚至不容解释。我称之为不可谈判的标准。
When I am screening for superperformance stocks, my initial filter is rooted in strict qualifying criteria that are based purely on a stock’s technical action and is designed to align my purchase with the prevailing primary trend. Once this initial criterion is met, I run “overlay screens” and look at the company’s fundamentals to narrow the remaining universe of candidates. Simply put, no matter how good a company looks fundamentally, certain technical standards must be met for it to qualify as a buy candidate. For example, I will never go long a stock that is trading below its declining 200-day moving average (assuming 200 days of trading exist). No matter how attractive the earnings per share, revenue growth, cash flow, or return on equity may be, I 当我筛选超表现股票时,我的初始筛选标准根植于严格的资格标准,这些标准纯粹基于股票的技术表现,并旨在使我的购买与当前的主要趋势保持一致。一旦满足这个初始标准,我会进行“叠加筛选”,并查看公司的基本面,以缩小剩余候选者的范围。简单来说,无论一家公司在基本面上看起来多么优秀,某些技术标准必须得到满足,才能使其符合买入候选的资格。例如,我绝不会买入一只交易价格低于其下跌的 200 日移动平均线的股票(假设存在 200 天的交易)。无论每股收益、收入增长、现金流或股本回报率看起来多么吸引人,我
won’t consider buying a stock that is in a long-term downtrend. Why? I want to see some interest in the stock, preferably from big institutional investors. I’m not interested in being the first one to the party, but I do want to make sure there’s a party going on. The goal is to eliminate stocks that are not worth my time so that I can focus on contenders that have the best chance of being the next superperformers. Buying stocks in long-term downtrends will significantly lower your odds of owning a big winner. However, if you want to increase the odds, you should focus on stocks that are in a confirmed uptrend. 我不会考虑购买处于长期下跌趋势的股票。为什么?我想看到这只股票有一些兴趣,最好是来自大型机构投资者。我对成为第一个到达派对的人不感兴趣,但我确实想确保有一个派对正在进行。目标是消除那些不值得我花时间的股票,以便我可以专注于那些有最佳机会成为下一个超级表现者的竞争者。购买处于长期下跌趋势的股票将显著降低你拥有大赢家的几率。然而,如果你想增加几率,你应该专注于那些处于确认上升趋势的股票。
Making Friends with the Trend 与趋势交朋友
Newton’s first law states that an object in motion continues in motion. Things in motion possess inertia. An analogous property characterizes the stock market: a trend in force tends to remain in force until something occurs to change it. In other words, the trend is your friend. Although this adage is familiar, some investors may not fully appreciate its wisdom. I remember when I first grasped this concept in a meaningful way. 牛顿的第一定律指出,运动中的物体会继续运动。运动中的事物具有惯性。股市也有类似的特性:一种趋势一旦形成,往往会持续下去,直到发生某种变化。换句话说,趋势是你的朋友。尽管这个谚语很常见,但一些投资者可能并没有完全理解它的智慧。我记得当我第一次以有意义的方式掌握这个概念时的情景。
In 1990, I attended an investment conference in New York City. On the roster of market gurus and prognosticators were Ned Davis, founder of the well-known institutional research firm Ned Davis Research, and Marty Zweig, publisher of the popular market newsletter The Zweig Forecast, Marty coined the phrase “the trend is your friend.” One of the speakers who caught my attention not only for his colorful personality but also for his approach to the stock market was Stan Weinstein, who at the time published the stock market newsletter The Professional Tape Reader. Over lunch we had a chance to chat, and as Stan explained his method, he left me with a core concept that has stayed with me ever since. 1990 年,我参加了在纽约市举行的一次投资会议。市场大师和预测者的名单上有著名的机构研究公司 Ned Davis Research 的创始人内德·戴维斯,以及流行市场通讯《Zweig 预测》的出版人马蒂·兹威格,马蒂创造了“趋势是你的朋友”这一短语。吸引我注意的演讲者之一不仅因为他多彩的个性,还因为他对股市的看法是斯坦·韦因斯坦,当时他出版了股市通讯《专业行情阅读者》。午餐时我们有机会聊天,斯坦在解释他的方法时,给我留下了一个核心概念,这个概念从此伴随我至今。
Stan’s approach was based on a timeless principle of the four stages that stocks go through, placing importance on knowing what stage a stock is in at any specific time. The ideal scenario, as Stan saw it, was to buy stocks when they are coming out of the first stage and beginning to make a run higher, which is the second stage. Then the objective is to sell them as they approach the peak of the cycle, which is the beginning of the third stage. The fourth stage, as you might guess, is a full-fledged decline that you want to avoid or 斯坦的方法基于股票经历的四个阶段这一永恒原则,强调在任何特定时间了解一只股票处于哪个阶段的重要性。斯坦认为,理想的情况是当股票刚刚走出第一个阶段并开始向上攀升,即第二个阶段时买入它们。然后目标是在它们接近周期的顶峰时卖出,即第三个阶段的开始。第四个阶段,正如你可能猜到的,是一个全面的下跌阶段,你想要避免或者
during which you go short. I had previously read about Stan’s approach in his book Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets (McGraw-Hill, 1988). Although Stan wasn’t the only one to use this type of four-stage approach, he was the first I heard speak about it. I went on to adopt this concept as part of my stock analysis. 在这个阶段你进行做空。我之前在斯坦的书《牛市和熊市获利的秘密》(麦格劳-希尔,1988 年)中读到过斯坦的方法。虽然斯坦并不是唯一使用这种四阶段方法的人,但他是我第一次听说这个概念的人。我随后将这个概念作为我的股票分析的一部分。
Superperformance and Stage Analysis 超级表现与阶段分析
Like all stocks, superperformance stocks go through stages. Over the course of my trading career, I’ve taken a keen interest in studying the cyclical and secular life cycles of stock prices. In particular, in examining the historical price performance of the most powerful market leaders over many market cycles, I could clearly see how they go through various stages. A stock would trade sideways for a while and then move up rapidly. Eventually, the rate of upward momentum would slow and become more erratic as the stock was under distribution and topping out. After a top came the decline. Sometimes, after the decline, the stock returned to a basing stage before eventually making another run upward. The succession of one stage to the next, through all four, could take several years. What I found through my study of the biggest price performers was that virtually every superperformance stock made its big gain while in stage 2 of its price cycle. 像所有股票一样,超级表现股票也会经历不同的阶段。在我的交易生涯中,我对研究股票价格的周期性和长期生命周期产生了浓厚的兴趣。特别是在研究历史上最强大的市场领导者在多个市场周期中的价格表现时,我清楚地看到它们经历了各种阶段。一只股票会在一段时间内横盘整理,然后迅速上涨。最终,向上的动能会减缓,并在股票处于分配和见顶时变得更加不稳定。在见顶之后,股票会下跌。有时,在下跌之后,股票会回到一个筑底阶段,然后最终再次向上突破。一个阶段到下一个阶段的连续过程,经过所有四个阶段,可能需要数年时间。我通过对最大价格表现者的研究发现,几乎每只超级表现股票在其价格周期的第二阶段时都实现了其大幅上涨。
As interesting as it was to study the stages of stocks’ price maturation in hindsight, that didn’t help me determine in real time when stocks on my radar were in the optimal stage 2 phase. Moreover, I asked, What created the profitable stage 2 advance? Hunting for a key to identifying the advent of second stages, I plotted and overlaid the underlying fundamentals of superperformance stocks to see how they correlated with price movement. My objective was to see whether there was any cause and effect in the movement from stage to stage and, if so, what it was. 尽管回顾股票价格成熟的阶段非常有趣,但这并没有帮助我实时确定我关注的股票何时处于最佳的第二阶段。此外,我还问,是什么导致了盈利的第二阶段上涨?为了寻找识别第二阶段到来的关键,我绘制并叠加了超级表现股票的基本面,以查看它们与价格走势的相关性。我的目标是看看在阶段之间的移动是否存在因果关系,如果有,那是什么。
Stock Price Maturation: The Four Stages 股票价格成熟:四个阶段
My studies of big market winners gave me an in-depth view of each of the four stages of a stock’s life cycle: from dormancy into growth to peak and then 我对大市场赢家的研究让我深入了解了股票生命周期的四个阶段:从休眠到增长,再到巅峰,然后
into decline. In addition to focusing on stock prices, I asked what was happening to trigger each of these phases. From a fundamental perspective, the cause almost always was linked to earnings: from lackluster performance to upside surprise and accelerating growth, eventually followed by decelerating growth and then disappointment. These underlying fundamental changes drove big institutional players into and out of stocks, phases that could readily be identified by the huge volume spikes that occurred during both the advancing stage and the subsequent decline. I identify these four stages on the basis of what is happening with the stock in terms of price action: 进入衰退。除了关注股票价格外,我还询问了触发这些阶段的原因。从基本面来看,原因几乎总是与收益相关:从表现平平到意外惊喜和加速增长,最终伴随着增长放缓和失望。这些基本面的变化驱动了大型机构投资者进出股票,这些阶段可以通过在上涨阶段和随后的衰退阶段发生的巨大成交量激增来轻易识别。我根据股票价格走势中发生的情况来识别这四个阶段:
Stage 1 is when nothing noteworthy is happening. The stock is in a period of neglect; few big players are paying attention to the stock, or at the very least, the market has not yet paid up for the company’s shares. During stage 1,a1, a company’s earnings, sales, and margins may be lackluster or erratic along with its share price. There may also be an uncertain outlook for the company or its industry. Nothing electrifying is happening to push the stock out of its doldrums and attract the needed institutional volume support to move it decisively into a stage 2 uptrend. 阶段 1 是指没有任何值得注意的事情发生。股票处于一种被忽视的时期;很少有大玩家关注这只股票,或者至少市场尚未为公司的股票支付足够的价格。在阶段 1,a1, a 期间,公司的收益、销售和利润率可能表现平平或不稳定,股价也可能如此。公司或其行业的前景也可能不确定。没有任何令人振奋的事情发生,无法推动股票走出低迷,吸引所需的机构交易量支持,使其果断进入阶段 2 的上升趋势。
Stage 1 can last for an extended period, from months to years. Stage 1 can also be caused by a poor overall market environment. During a bear market decline, even stocks with good fundamentals can mark time and do nothing or even decline along with the overall market. You should avoid buying during stage 1 no matter how tempting it may be; even if the company’s fundamentals look appealing, wait and buy only in stage 2. Remember Newton’s first law, the law of inertia. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and one at rest continues at rest. If your stock is dead in 第一阶段可以持续很长时间,从几个月到几年。第一阶段也可能是由于整体市场环境不佳造成的。在熊市下跌期间,即使是基本面良好的股票也可能停滞不前,甚至随着整体市场一起下跌。无论多么诱人,你都应该避免在第一阶段买入;即使公司的基本面看起来很有吸引力,也要等到第二阶段再买入。记住牛顿的第一定律,惯性定律。运动中的物体倾向于保持运动,而静止的物体则继续静止。如果你的股票停滞不前,
the water, guess where it’s most likely to stay until something significant changes. You’re not going to achieve superperformance by sitting with dead merchandise. To compound capital at a rapid rate and achieve superperformance, it is vital that you avoid stage 1 and learn to spot where momentum is strong during stage 2 . 猜猜它最有可能在什么地方停留,直到发生重大变化。通过持有停滞不前的商品,你无法实现超额收益。为了快速复合资本并实现超额收益,避免第一阶段并学会识别第二阶段中动量强劲的地方至关重要。
Stage 1 Characteristics 第一阶段特征
During stage 1 , the stock price will move in a sideways fashion with a lack of any sustained price movement up or down. 在第一阶段,股票价格将以横向方式波动,缺乏任何持续的价格上涨或下跌。
The stock price will oscillate around its 200-day (or 40 -week) moving average. During that oscillation, it lacks any real trend, upward or downward. This dead in the water phase can last for months or even years. 股票价格将在其 200 日(或 40 周)移动平均线附近波动。在这种波动期间,它没有任何真正的趋势,无论是向上还是向下。这种停滞不前的阶段可能持续数月甚至数年。
Often, this basing stage takes place after the stock price has declined during stage 4 for several months or more. 通常,这一筑底阶段发生在股票价格在第 4 阶段下降了几个月或更长时间之后。
Volume will generally contract and be relatively light compared with the previous volume during the stage 4 decline. 在第四阶段的下跌过程中,成交量通常会收缩,并且与之前的成交量相比相对较轻。
No Botтom Picking Required 不需要抄底
I can tell you from experience that attempting to bottom fish-trying to buy a stock at or near its bottom-will prove to be a frustrating and fruitless endeavor. Even if you are fortunate enough to pick the exact bottom, making significant headway usually requires sitting without much progress for months and in some cases years, because when you buy a stock near its bottom, it is in stage 4 or stage 1 and therefore by definition lacks upside momentum. 我可以从经验中告诉你,试图抄底——试图在股票接近底部时买入——将证明是一项令人沮丧且无果的努力。即使你足够幸运地选择了确切的底部,取得显著进展通常需要在几个月甚至几年内没有太大进展,因为当你在股票接近底部时买入,它处于第 4 阶段或第 1 阶段,因此根据定义缺乏上行动能。
My goal is not to buy at the lowest or cheapest price but at the “right” price, just as the stock is ready to move significantly higher. Trying to pick a bottom is unnecessary and a waste of time; it misses the whole point. To achieve superperformance, you need to maximize the effects of compounding; thus, it’s important to concentrate on stocks that move quickly after you buy them. You want to focus on stocks that are already moving in the direction of your trade. To accomplish this, you should wait for a stage 2 uptrend to develop before you invest. 我的目标不是在最低或最便宜的价格买入,而是在“正确”的价格买入,就在股票准备大幅上涨的时候。试图寻找底部是没有必要的,也是浪费时间;这完全错过了要点。要实现超额表现,您需要最大化复利的效果;因此,专注于在您购买后迅速上涨的股票是很重要的。您想要关注那些已经朝着您交易方向移动的股票。为此,您应该在投资之前等待第二阶段的上升趋势发展。
Transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2 从第一阶段过渡到第二阶段
A stage 2 advance may begin with little or no warning; there are no major announcements or news. One thing is certain, however: a proper stage 2 will show significant volume as the stock is in strong demand on big up days and up weeks, and volume will be relatively light during pullbacks. There should always be a previous rally with an escalation in price of at least 25 to 30 percent off the 52 -week low before you conclude that a stage 2 advance is under way and consider buying. 第二阶段的上涨可能在没有任何预警的情况下开始;没有重大公告或新闻。然而,有一点是确定的:一个合适的第二阶段将显示出显著的成交量,因为在大幅上涨的日子和周中,股票的需求强劲,而在回调期间成交量相对较轻。在你得出第二阶段上涨正在进行并考虑买入之前,应该始终有一次之前的反弹,价格从 52 周低点上涨至少 25%到 30%。
In the following figure, note that the 200-day moving average for Amgen has turned up and is in a definite uptrend. The 150-day moving average is above the 200-day moving average, and the stock is trading above both the 150-day and 200-day moving average during the markup phase. Note, too, the surging volume on the rallies, contrasted with lighter volume on pullbacks. For Amgen, by the time stage 2 was clearly under way, the 在下图中,请注意安进的 200 日移动平均线已经上升,并处于明显的上升趋势中。150 日移动平均线高于 200 日移动平均线,并且在标记阶段,股票的交易价格高于 150 日和 200 日移动平均线。还要注意,反弹时的成交量激增,而回调时的成交量较轻。对于安进来说,当第二阶段明显开始时,
Figure 5.2a Daily price bars of Amgen (AMGN) transitioning from stage 1 to stage 2: 1987-1989 图 5.2a 安进(AMGN)日价格条从阶段 1 过渡到阶段 2:1987-1989
stock price had already advanced more than 80 percent from its 52-week low. This would be the point at which I would start to consider a new purchase; any earlier lacks confirmation and is premature, meaning you run the risk of being stuck in dead money. Most amateurs would think the stock is too high and wish they had bought it when it was lower, using hindsight as a guide. That’s why most amateurs don’t make big money in stocks. 股票价格已经从其 52 周低点上涨了超过 80%。这将是我开始考虑新购买的时机;任何更早的购买都缺乏确认且为时已晚,这意味着你有可能被困在无收益的状态中。大多数业余投资者会认为股票价格太高,并希望他们在价格较低时买入,利用事后诸葛亮作为指导。这就是为什么大多数业余投资者在股票中赚不到大钱的原因。
Transition Criteria 转换标准
The stock price is above both the 150-day and the 200-day moving average. 股票价格高于 150 日和 200 日移动平均线。
The 150-day moving average is above the 200-day. 150 日移动平均线高于 200 日移动平均线。
The 200-day moving average has turned up. 200 日移动平均线已经上升。
A series of higher highs and higher lows has occurred. 一系列更高的高点和更低的低点已经出现。
Figure 5.2b Weekly price bars of Amgen (AMGN) transitioning from stage 1 to stage 2: 1987-1989 图 5.2b 安进(AMGN)每周价格条从阶段 1 过渡到阶段 2:1987-1989
5. Large up weeks on volume spikes are contrasted by low-volume pullbacks. 大量上涨周伴随成交量激增,而低成交量的回调则形成对比。
6. There are more up weeks on volume than down weeks on volume. 上涨周的成交量多于下跌周的成交量。
Stage 2-The Advancing Phase: Accumulation 第二阶段 - 上升阶段:积累
Although it may come without warning, a stage 2 advance can also be ignited by surprise news such as a beneficial regulatory change, a promising business outlook, or a new CEO whose vision could improve the company’s prospects. Or perhaps it’s a new company that suddenly attracts notice with a big earnings surprise that beat estimates. 尽管可能会毫无预警地出现,但第二阶段的上升也可能因意外消息而被点燃,例如有利的监管变化、良好的商业前景,或一位新任首席执行官的愿景可能改善公司的前景。或者,也可能是一家新公司突然因超出预期的大额盈利惊喜而引起关注。
As the proverbial wind shifts and is now clearly at your back, the stage 2 advance signals the potential for clear sailing ahead. With a buildup in earnings momentum (or in some instances earnings expectations), the stock price starts to escalate because of a surge in demand for shares as big institu- 随着风向的转变,现在显然对你有利,第二阶段的上涨信号着前方可能会有顺利的航行。随着盈利动能的积累(在某些情况下是盈利预期),由于对股票的需求激增,股价开始上升,因为大型机构大量购买该股票。
tions buy the stock in size. A daily and weekly price and volume chart will show big up bars representing abnormally large volume on rallies, contrasted with lower volume on price pullbacks. These signs of accumulation should appear during every stage 2 advance. 每日和每周的价格和成交量图表将显示出异常大的成交量在上涨时的巨大阳线,与价格回调时的较低成交量形成对比。这些积累的迹象应该出现在每一个第二阶段的上涨中。
By the time stage 2 is under way, the stock has been moving upward in a stair-step pattern of higher highs and higher lows. The share price may have doubled or even tripled at this point; however, this may be only the beginning. The stock could still move substantially higher. If the company continues to deliver strong earnings, the growth rate will soon attract widespread attention and subsequent buying, especially if the company has reported several quarters of impressive earnings gains. 到了第二阶段,股票已经以阶梯式的模式向上移动,形成了更高的高点和更高的低点。此时,股价可能已经翻倍甚至三倍;然而,这可能只是个开始。股票仍然可能大幅上涨。如果公司继续交出强劲的盈利,增长率将很快吸引广泛的关注和随之而来的买入,特别是如果公司报告了几个季度的令人印象深刻的盈利增长。
Stage 2 Characteristics 第二阶段特征
The stock price is above its 200-day ( 40 -week) moving average. 股票价格高于其 200 日(40 周)移动平均线。
The 200-day moving average itself is in an uptrend. 200 日移动平均线本身处于上升趋势。
The 150-day (30-week) moving average is above the 200-day (40-week) moving average. 150 日(30 周)移动平均线高于 200 日(40 周)移动平均线。
The stock price is in a clear uptrend, defined by higher highs and higher lows in a staircase pattern. 股票价格处于明显的上升趋势中,表现为阶梯式的更高高点和更高低点。
Short-term moving averages are above long-term moving averages (e.g., the 50-day moving average is above the 150-day moving average). 短期移动平均线高于长期移动平均线(例如,50 日移动平均线高于 150 日移动平均线)。
Volume spikes on big up days and big up weeks are contrasted by volume contractions during normal price pullbacks. 在大涨的日子和大涨的周中,成交量激增,而在正常的价格回调期间,成交量则收缩。
There are more up days and up weeks on above-average volume than down days and down weeks on above-average volume. 在高于平均水平的成交量中,上涨的日子和上涨的周数多于下跌的日子和下跌的周数。
Stage 3-The Topping Phase: Distribution 第三阶段 - 顶部阶段:分配
As the saying goes, all good things eventually come to an end. In the market, stocks cannot keep up the momentum indefinitely, churning out everincreasing percentages of earnings growth. At some point, earnings, though still increasing, are going to rise by a smaller percentage. The stock price may still be edging its way higher, although it may be experiencing more high volume pullbacks and increasing volatility. 正如谚语所说,所有美好的事物最终都会结束。在市场上,股票无法无限期地保持势头,持续产生不断增长的收益增长百分比。在某个时刻,尽管收益仍在增加,但增长的百分比将会减小。股票价格可能仍在缓慢上升,尽管它可能会经历更多的高成交量回调和增加的波动性。
During stage 3 , the stock is no longer under extreme accumulation; instead, it is changing hands from strong buyers to weaker ones. Smart money that bought early when the stock emerged onto the scene is now taking profits, selling into final signs of price strength. As that occurs, buyers on the other side of the transaction are weaker players who know about the stock because it has made such a dramatic run and captured headlines. In other words, the long trade in the stock has become crowded and too obvious. This distribution phase exhibits a topping pattern. Volatility increases markedly, and the stock becomes visibly more erratic relative to its previous stage 2 trading pattern. 在第三阶段,股票不再处于极端的积累状态;相反,它正在从强买家手中转移到较弱的买家手中。早期购买该股票的聪明资金现在正在获利,在价格强劲的最后迹象中卖出。当这种情况发生时,交易另一方的买家是较弱的参与者,他们之所以知道这只股票,是因为它经历了如此戏剧性的上涨并引起了头条新闻。换句话说,股票的多头交易变得拥挤且过于明显。这个分配阶段表现出顶部模式。波动性显著增加,股票相对于其之前的第二阶段交易模式变得明显更加不稳定。
Earnings estimates that have been continually ratcheted up on continued upside surprises will be too high to beat at some point. A company can- 随着持续的上行惊喜,盈利预期不断上调,最终会有一个点,这些预期将过高,无法超越。一家公司可以-
not keep beating estimates forever. At some point earnings per share (EPS) momentum will start to slow. Either the stock price will anticipate that change, trading lower than it did before the actual earnings event, or there will be several quarters of slowing earnings growth (deceleration) and then a breakdown in the stock price. 不可能永远超越预期。在某个时刻,每股收益(EPS)的动能将开始减缓。要么股价会预见到这一变化,在实际收益事件之前交易低于之前的水平,要么会经历几个季度的收益增长放缓(减速),然后股价会出现下跌。
Stage 3 Characteristics 第三阶段特征
Volatility increases, with the stock moving back and forth in wider, looser swings. Although the overall price pattern may look similar to stage 2 , with the stock moving higher, the price movement is much more erratic. 波动性增加,股票在更宽松的波动中来回移动。尽管整体价格模式可能看起来与第二阶段相似,股票在上涨,但价格波动要 erratic 得多。
There is usually a major price break in the stock on an increase in volume. Often, it’s the largest one-day decline since the beginning of the stage 2 advance. On a weekly chart, the stock may put in the 股票通常会在成交量增加时出现重大价格突破。通常,这是自第二阶段上涨开始以来最大的一天跌幅。在周线图上,股票可能会出现
Figure 5.4 Amgen (AMGN) in stage 3: 1993 图 5.4 安进(AMGN)在第三阶段:1993 年
largest weekly decline since the beginning of the move. These price breaks almost always occur on overwhelming volume. 自该走势开始以来最大的周度下跌。这些价格突破几乎总是在巨大的成交量下发生。
The stock price may undercut its 200-day moving average. Price volatility around the 200-day ( 40 -week) moving average line is common as many stocks in stage 3 bounce below and above the 200-day average several times while topping out. 股票价格可能会低于其 200 日移动平均线。在 200 日(40 周)移动平均线附近的价格波动是常见的,因为许多处于第三阶段的股票在达到顶部时会多次在 200 日平均线以下和以上反弹。
The 200-day moving average will lose upside momentum, flatten out, and then roll over into a downtrend. 200 日移动平均线将失去上行动能,变平,然后转入下行趋势。
As the company starts to lose its EPS momentum and earnings slow down, at some point there will be a negative surprise. The company will miss an earnings estimate or preannounce earnings and guide Wall Street analysts lower. For some stocks in certain industries, this may be foretold by inventories, with a buildup of finished product or retail goods that reflects declining demand or greater competition in the marketplace, which hurts the company’s growth prospects. What was once an uptrend that then transitioned into a topping phase has turned into a full-blown stage 4 downtrend. 当公司开始失去每股收益(EPS)动能,盈利放缓时,某个时刻将会出现负面惊喜。公司将未能达到盈利预期,或提前公布盈利并将华尔街分析师的预期下调。对于某些行业的某些股票,这可能会通过库存来预示,成品或零售商品的积压反映出需求下降或市场竞争加剧,这会影响公司的增长前景。曾经的上升趋势转变为顶部阶段,现已变成全面的第四阶段下跌趋势。
During stage 4 , earnings models are generally revised downward, which puts more selling pressure on the stock. The stage 4 selling may continue for an extended period until it’s finally exhausted, and the stock enters another period of neglect. As a stock languishes, it’s back to stage 1. It may take a while for the company to get back on the growth track and return to strong earnings, or the company may remain in stage 1 for many years. In some cases the company may go bankrupt. 在第 4 阶段,盈利模型通常会向下修订,这给股票带来了更大的卖压。第 4 阶段的卖出可能会持续一段时间,直到最终耗尽,股票进入另一个被忽视的时期。当一只股票停滞不前时,它又回到了第 1 阶段。公司可能需要一段时间才能重新回到增长轨道并恢复强劲的盈利,或者公司可能会在第 1 阶段停留多年。在某些情况下,公司可能会破产。
Stage 4 is essentially the opposite of stage 2 in terms of price and volume characteristics, with higher volume on down days and lower volume on up days. You should definitely avoid buying while a stock is in stage 4. 第 4 阶段在价格和成交量特征上基本上与第 2 阶段相反,下降日的成交量较高,上升日的成交量较低。在第 4 阶段时,你绝对应该避免买入股票。
Stage 4 Characteristics 第四阶段特征
The vast majority of the price action is below the 200-day (40-week) moving average. 大多数价格波动都在 200 日(40 周)移动平均线以下。
The 200-day moving average, which was flat or turning downward in stage 3 , is now in a definite downtrend. 200 日移动平均线在第三阶段时平坦或向下,现在处于明显的下行趋势中。
The stock price is near or hitting 52 -week new lows 股票价格接近或触及 52 周的新低。
The stock price pattern is characterized as a series of lower lows and lower highs, stair-stepping downward. 股票价格模式被描述为一系列更低的低点和更低的高点,呈阶梯式向下移动。
Short-term moving averages are below long-term moving averages. 短期移动平均线低于长期移动平均线。
Volume spikes on big down days and big down weeks are contrasted by low-volume rallies. 在大幅下跌的日子和周数中,成交量激增与低成交量的反弹形成对比。
There are more down days and weeks on above-average volume than up days and up weeks on above-average volume 在高于平均水平的成交量中,向下的交易日和交易周比向上的交易日和交易周要多。
The Price Maturation Cycle 价格成熟周期
Now that we have broken down the four stages individually, it’s important to understand that the study of the four stages of a stock’s life cycle is not meant for pinpoint timing purposes, which requires a more precise approach and tactics that I will discuss below. Rather, the four stages are most useful for gaining perspective on where a stock is in its life cycle pricewise and then to compare that with where the company is in its earnings cycle. A stock can go through the cycle many times. By studying the four stages, you will see clearly that you want to be involved in stage 2 . I’m not at all interested in getting in early when a stock is still in stage 1 , and I definitely don’t want to hang around for stage 3 , let alone stage 4 . 现在我们已经分别分析了四个阶段,重要的是要理解,研究股票生命周期的四个阶段并不是为了精确的时机把握,这需要更精确的方法和策略,我将在下面讨论。相反,这四个阶段最有助于了解一只股票在其生命周期中的价格位置,然后将其与公司在盈利周期中的位置进行比较。一只股票可以经历这个周期多次。通过研究这四个阶段,你会清楚地看到你想参与的是第二阶段。我对在股票仍处于第一阶段时提前介入一点兴趣都没有,我绝对不想在第三阶段逗留,更不用说第四阶段了。
Figure 5.6 Amgen (AMGN) 1989-1997 图 5.6 安进(AMGN)1989-1997
Using Amgen as an example of a stock cycling through the various stages, you can clearly see why you would want to be long during stage 2 and avoid the other stages. 以安进(Amgen)为例,您可以清楚地看到为什么在第二阶段时您会想要做多,而避免其他阶段。
Figure 5.7 F5 Networks 2007-2011 图 5.7 F5 Networks 2007-2011
F5 Networks transitioned quickly from stage 3 to stage 4 and declined more than 50 percent in only eight months. F5 Networks 迅速从第三阶段过渡到第四阶段,仅在八个月内下降了超过 50%。
Figure 5.8 Weight Watchers (WTW) 2009-2012 图 5.8 Weight Watchers (WTW) 2009-2012
Weight Watchers topped in May 2011 but took a year to build a stage 3 top before transitioning to stage 4. 体重观察者在 2011 年 5 月达到顶峰,但花了一年时间建立一个阶段 3 的顶部,然后过渡到阶段 4。
Figure 5.9 Novell (NOVL) 1989-1998 图 5.9 Novell (NOVL) 1989-1998
Novell topped in 1993. With the exception of a bear trap rally in 1995, the stock price spent the next five years in a stage 4 decline, falling more than 80 percent. 诺维尔在 1993 年达到顶峰。除了 1995 年的一次熊市陷阱反弹外,股价在接下来的五年里处于第四阶段的下跌中,跌幅超过 80%。
Figure 5.10 Novell (NOVL) 1994-1996 图 5.10 诺维尔(NOVL)1994-1996
Novell was unable to transition into stage 2 and set up constructively. Novell 未能顺利过渡到第二阶段。
How to Pinpoint Stage 2 如何确定第二阶段
As I’ve stated, history clearly shows that virtually every superperformance stock was in a definite uptrend before experiencing its big advances. In fact, 99 percent of superperformance stocks traded above their 200-day moving averages before their huge advance, and 96 percent traded above their 50-day moving averages. 正如我所说,历史清楚地表明,几乎每一只超绩效股票在经历其大幅上涨之前都处于明显的上升趋势。事实上,99%的超绩效股票在其大幅上涨之前都交易在其 200 日移动平均线之上,而 96%的股票在其 50 日移动平均线之上交易。
I apply the Trend Template criteria (see below) to every single stock I’m considering. The Trend Template is a qualifier. If a stock doesn’t meet the Trend Template criteria, I don’t consider it. Even if the fundamentals are compelling, the stock must be in a long-term uptrend-as defined by the Trend Template-for me to consider it as a candidate. Without identifying a stock’s trend, investors are at risk of going long when a stock is in a dangerous downtrend, going short during an explosive uptrend, or tying up capital in a stock lost in a sideways neglect phase. It’s important to point out that a stock must meet all eight of the Trend Template criteria to be considered in a confirmed stage 2 uptrend. 我对每一只我考虑的股票应用趋势模板标准(见下文)。趋势模板是一个资格标准。如果一只股票不符合趋势模板标准,我就不考虑它。即使基本面很有吸引力,这只股票也必须处于长期上升趋势中——根据趋势模板的定义——我才会将其视为候选股票。如果不识别股票的趋势,投资者就有可能在股票处于危险的下跌趋势时做多,在股票处于爆炸性上升趋势时做空,或者将资金锁定在一只处于横盘被忽视阶段的股票中。重要的是要指出,股票必须满足所有八个趋势模板标准,才能被视为确认的第二阶段上升趋势。
Trend Template 趋势模板
1. 当前股票价格高于 150 日(30 周)和 200 日(40 周)移动平均线。
1. The current stock price is above both the 150-day (30-week) and the 200-day
(40-week) moving average price lines.
1. The current stock price is above both the 150-day (30-week) and the 200-day
(40-week) moving average price lines.| 1. The current stock price is above both the 150-day (30-week) and the 200-day |
| :--- |
| (40-week) moving average price lines. |
2. The 150-day moving average is above the 200-day moving average. 2. 150 日移动平均线高于 200 日移动平均线。
3. The 200-day moving average line is trending up for at least 1 month (preferably
4-5 months minimum in most cases).
3. The 200-day moving average line is trending up for at least 1 month (preferably
4-5 months minimum in most cases).| 3. The 200-day moving average line is trending up for at least 1 month (preferably |
| :--- |
| 4-5 months minimum in most cases). |
4. 50 日(10 周)移动平均线高于 150 日和 200 日移动平均线。
4. The 50-day (10-week) moving average is above both the 150-day and 200-day
moving averages.
4. The 50-day (10-week) moving average is above both the 150-day and 200-day
moving averages.| 4. The 50-day (10-week) moving average is above both the 150-day and 200-day |
| :--- |
| moving averages. |
5. The current stock price is trading above the 50-day moving average. 5. 当前股票价格高于 50 日移动平均线。
6. The current stock price is at least 30 percent above its 52-week low. (Many of
the best selections will be 100 percent, 300 percent, or greater above their
52 -week low before they emerge from a solid consolidation period and mount
a large scale advance.)
6. The current stock price is at least 30 percent above its 52-week low. (Many of
the best selections will be 100 percent, 300 percent, or greater above their
52 -week low before they emerge from a solid consolidation period and mount
a large scale advance.)| 6. The current stock price is at least 30 percent above its 52-week low. (Many of |
| :--- |
| the best selections will be 100 percent, 300 percent, or greater above their |
| 52 -week low before they emerge from a solid consolidation period and mount |
| a large scale advance.) |
7. 当前股价至少在其 52 周高点的 25%以内(越接近新高越好)。
7. The current stock price is within at least 25 percent of its 52-week high (the
closer to a new high the better).
7. The current stock price is within at least 25 percent of its 52-week high (the
closer to a new high the better).| 7. The current stock price is within at least 25 percent of its 52-week high (the |
| :--- |
| closer to a new high the better). |
8. The relative strength ranking (as reported in Investor's Business Daily) is no
less than 70, and preferably in the 80 s or 90 s, which will generally be the case
with the better selections.
8. The relative strength ranking (as reported in Investor's Business Daily) is no
less than 70, and preferably in the 80 s or 90 s, which will generally be the case
with the better selections.| 8. The relative strength ranking (as reported in Investor's Business Daily) is no |
| :--- |
| less than 70, and preferably in the 80 s or 90 s, which will generally be the case |
| with the better selections. |
Trend Template
"1. The current stock price is above both the 150-day (30-week) and the 200-day
(40-week) moving average price lines."
2. The 150-day moving average is above the 200-day moving average.
"3. The 200-day moving average line is trending up for at least 1 month (preferably
4-5 months minimum in most cases)."
"4. The 50-day (10-week) moving average is above both the 150-day and 200-day
moving averages."
5. The current stock price is trading above the 50-day moving average.
"6. The current stock price is at least 30 percent above its 52-week low. (Many of
the best selections will be 100 percent, 300 percent, or greater above their
52 -week low before they emerge from a solid consolidation period and mount
a large scale advance.)"
"7. The current stock price is within at least 25 percent of its 52-week high (the
closer to a new high the better)."
"8. The relative strength ranking (as reported in Investor's Business Daily) is no
less than 70, and preferably in the 80 s or 90 s, which will generally be the case
with the better selections."| Trend Template |
| :--- | :--- |
| 1. The current stock price is above both the 150-day (30-week) and the 200-day <br> (40-week) moving average price lines. |
| 2. The 150-day moving average is above the 200-day moving average. |
| 3. The 200-day moving average line is trending up for at least 1 month (preferably <br> 4-5 months minimum in most cases). |
| 4. The 50-day (10-week) moving average is above both the 150-day and 200-day <br> moving averages. |
| 5. The current stock price is trading above the 50-day moving average. |
| 6. The current stock price is at least 30 percent above its 52-week low. (Many of <br> the best selections will be 100 percent, 300 percent, or greater above their <br> 52 -week low before they emerge from a solid consolidation period and mount <br> a large scale advance.) |
| 7. The current stock price is within at least 25 percent of its 52-week high (the <br> closer to a new high the better). |
| 8. The relative strength ranking (as reported in Investor's Business Daily) is no <br> less than 70, and preferably in the 80 s or 90 s, which will generally be the case <br> with the better selections. |
Riding the Tide; Timing the Waves 驾驭潮流;把握波动
By using the Trend Template criteria, you will be able to immediately identify companies that are in a stage 2 uptrend; there will be no guesswork involved. However, we are not buying a stock just because it happens to be in a stage 2 uptrend. Therefore, it’s important to consider what happens within the stage 2 acceleration. To illustrate, think of the upward movement during stage 2 as high tide coming in. As you know, the tide doesn’t come in all at once; it arrives on successive waves that take the water level steadily higher. The overall direction of the trend is upward, but within it there are pulses, or waves, of movement. 通过使用趋势模板标准,您将能够立即识别出处于第二阶段上升趋势的公司;这将不涉及任何猜测。然而,我们并不是仅仅因为一只股票恰好处于第二阶段上升趋势就去购买它。因此,考虑第二阶段加速期间发生的事情是很重要的。为了说明这一点,可以将第二阶段的上升运动视为潮水的涌入。正如您所知道的,潮水并不是一下子涌入的;它是通过连续的波浪逐渐将水位抬高。趋势的整体方向是向上的,但在其中有脉冲或波动的运动。
Within an overall long-term uptrend (the tide) there will be short- or intermediate-term price action (the waves) that consist of pullbacks and basing. These shorter-term moves may last from four or five weeks up to a year or more in many cases. Most commonly, base patterns forming within a stage 2 uptrend last anywhere from 5 to 26 weeks. During these basing periods, the stock will basically go sideways for a while, as if it’s catching its breath before making the next push higher. This sideways price is not to be confused with a stage 1 phase. The stock is now in a stage 2 uptrend, stairstepping higher from base to base. This will continue all along the stage 2 advance. 在整体长期上升趋势(潮流)中,会有短期或中期的价格波动(波浪),这些波动包括回调和盘整。这些短期波动可能持续四到五周,甚至在许多情况下超过一年。最常见的是,形成于阶段 2 上升趋势中的底部形态持续时间从 5 周到 26 周不等。在这些盘整期间,股票基本上会横盘一段时间,就像是在喘息,为下一次上涨做准备。这种横盘价格不应与阶段 1 阶段混淆。股票现在处于阶段 2 上升趋势中,从一个底部逐步上升到另一个底部。这种情况将在整个阶段 2 的上涨过程中持续。
Where Are We on This Mountain? The Base Count 我们在这座山上处于何处?底部计数
Switching metaphors, think of the movement of a stock’s price through the four stages of its life cycle as the outline of a mountain, from the flatlands to the summit and back to the flatlands again. As the mountain rises up the left side (stage 2), there are areas where the path or ascent plateaus for a bit. This is where mountain climbers would build a base camp, rest, and recharge, getting ready for the next phase of the climb to the summit. That’s exactly what happens with a stock. After a run upward, there is profit taking, causing a temporary pullback, during which the stock builds a base. If the stock is truly in the middle of something significant, the longer-term trend will 切换比喻,想象股票价格在其生命周期的四个阶段中的运动,就像一座山的轮廓,从平原到山顶再回到平原。当山在左侧上升(第二阶段)时,有些地方的路径或上升会暂时平稳。这就是登山者会建立营地、休息和充电的地方,为下一阶段的攀登山顶做好准备。这正是股票所经历的。在向上攀升后,会出现获利回吐,导致暂时回调,在此期间股票建立了一个基础。如果股票确实处于某种重要的中间阶段,长期趋势将会
resume. The short-term pauses allow the stock to digest its previous run-up so that it can move even higher as it emerges from a constructive consolidation period. 恢复。短期的暂停使股票能够消化之前的上涨,以便在经历一个建设性的整合期后能够更高地移动。
At some point, the upward momentum ceases; the stock tires, and the top is put in. This is like reaching the summit, and there is no more mountain left to climb; now comes the descent. Generally, this occurs after three to five bases have formed along the way in a stage 2 uptrend. The later-stage bases coincide with the point at which the stock’s accumulation phase has become too obvious, tapping out the last of the heavy institutional demand. 在某个时刻,上升的动能停止了;股票疲惫不堪,顶部形成。这就像到达了山顶,再也没有山可攀登;接下来就是下坡。通常,这发生在形成了三到五个底部之后,处于第二阶段的上升趋势中。后期的底部与股票的积累阶段变得过于明显的时刻相吻合,耗尽了最后的重型机构需求。
Bases 1 and 2 generally come off a market correction, which is the best time for jumping on board a new trend. As the stock makes a series of bases along the stage 2 uptrend, base 3 is a little more obvious but usually still tradable. By the time a fourth or fifth base occurs (if it gets that far), the trend is becoming extremely obvious and is definitely in its late stages. By this point, abrupt base failures occur more frequently. Some stocks, how- 底部 1 和 2 通常是在市场修正后形成的,这是跳上新趋势的最佳时机。当股票在第二阶段的上升趋势中形成一系列底部时,底部 3 变得更加明显,但通常仍然可以交易。到达第四或第五个底部时(如果能到达那一步),趋势变得极其明显,绝对处于晚期阶段。此时,突然的底部失败发生得更加频繁。一些股票,如何-
Figure 5.11 Amgen (AMGN) 1987-1994 图 5.11 安进(AMGN)1987-1994
In 1992, Amgen formed a double top before completing stage 3 and transitioning into a sharp stage 4 decline. 1992 年,安进形成了一个双顶,随后完成了第三阶段并过渡到急剧的第四阶段下跌。
Figure 5.12 Deckers Outdoor (DECK) 2006-2008 图 5.12 Deckers Outdoor (DECK) 2006-2008
In 2008, Deckers Outdoor formed a stage 3 top marked by a relatively wide fifth base. 2008 年,Deckers Outdoor 形成了一个阶段 3 顶部,标志着一个相对宽的第五个底部。
Figure 5.13 Stryker Corp. (SYK) 1990-1995 图 5.13 斯特赖克公司(SYK)1990-1995
In 1991, Stryker topped after a climax run. Five years later a new base developed during a renewed stage 2 uptrend. 1991 年,斯特赖克在高潮运行后达到顶峰。五年后,在重新进入第二阶段上升趋势期间,形成了一个新的底部。
ever, can turn up in a parabolic fashion and end in a climax run or blow-off top. By itself, base counting will not tell you if a stock has topped or is about to move substantially higher. It does, however, provide a great way to gain perspective on where you are within the stage 2 advance. Combined with specific price and volume analysis along with fundamental analysis, it can be a very powerful tool. Base counting was introduced to me by Bill O’Neil and David Ryan many years ago; it is a valuable way to ascertain where a stock is within its price maturation cycle. 股票可以以抛物线的方式上涨,并以高潮运行或暴涨顶部结束。单靠基础计数无法告诉你一只股票是否已经见顶或即将大幅上涨。然而,它确实提供了一个很好的方式来获得你在第二阶段上涨中的位置。结合具体的价格和成交量分析以及基本面分析,它可以成为一个非常强大的工具。基础计数是多年前由比尔·奥尼尔和大卫·瑞安介绍给我的;它是确定一只股票在其价格成熟周期中所处位置的宝贵方法。
Trust but Verify 信任但要验证
I never place much faith in my fundamental ideas about a particular company without confirmation from the market, namely, the price of the stock. The way I see it is simple: if a company’s management is so great and its products are so great, the stock should at some point reflect those fundamentals. If strong fundamentals are not confirmed by the stock’s price action, the future may not be as bright as it appears. Or perhaps investor perception of the company has not changed or has not materialized yet. You want to get on board when institutional money is pouring into a stock and lifting it significantly higher. To do that, you need confirmation that this inflow is starting to happen before you invest. 我从不在没有市场确认的情况下对某个公司的基本想法抱有太多信心,也就是说,股票的价格。我的看法很简单:如果一家公司的管理层如此出色,产品也如此优秀,那么股票在某个时刻应该会反映这些基本面。如果强劲的基本面没有通过股票的价格走势得到确认,未来可能并不像看起来那么光明。或者,投资者对公司的看法可能没有改变,或者尚未实现。在机构资金大量涌入股票并显著推高其价格时,你想要及时跟进。为此,你需要在投资之前确认这种资金流入已经开始发生。
Why is price action so important? Even if you’re correct in your fundamental analysis of the company, investor perception is what creates buy orders, and you are going to need big buy orders in your stock to move it up significantly. Keep in mind that if the institutional investment community doesn’t see what you see, your stock could sit dormant for an extended period. Why sit and wait when you can put your money in another stock that is already on the move higher and has attracted big institutional volume support? 为什么价格走势如此重要?即使你对公司的基本面分析是正确的,投资者的认知才是产生买单的关键,而你需要在你的股票中有大量的买单才能显著推动其上涨。请记住,如果机构投资者没有看到你所看到的,你的股票可能会在一段时间内处于沉寂状态。为什么要坐等,而不把你的资金投入到另一只已经在上涨并吸引了大量机构资金支持的股票中呢?
To compound your capital rapidly, you must be where the action is; you can’t afford to have your money tied up in a stock waiting for what you think is a great fundamental story to get noticed by the rest of the world. I’m willing to give the first leg up in a stock to someone else in exchange for confirmation that the trend is definitely in stage 2 with some momentum build- 要快速复利你的资本,你必须在行动的地方;你不能让你的资金被困在一只股票中,等待你认为的伟大基本面故事被世界其他人注意到。我愿意将股票的第一波上涨让给其他人,以换取确认趋势确实处于第二阶段,并且有一些动能的积累。
ing. The goal is not to buy at the cheapest price but to sell your stock for significantly more than the price you paid in the shortest period. That’s how superperformance is achieved. 目标不是以最低价格买入,而是在最短的时间内以远高于购买价格的价格卖出你的股票。这就是如何实现超额表现的。
Heed a Trend Reversal 注意趋势反转
At some point your stock will reach its highest price and top out. This can occur with or without warning. Regardless of your fondness for or attachment to a particular security, it’s important that you learn to detect and, more important, respect a change in trend. Stocks very often top out while earnings still look good. Investors who wait for the earnings picture to dim before hitting the bid in the face of a stage 3 top or stage 4 decline often end up with a huge loss or at the very least give back much if not all of 在某个时刻,你的股票将达到最高价格并达到顶峰。这可能会在有或没有警告的情况下发生。无论你对某个特定证券的喜爱或依恋如何,重要的是你要学会识别并更重要的是尊重趋势的变化。股票往往在收益仍然看好的情况下达到顶峰。那些在面对第三阶段顶部或第四阶段下跌时,等待收益情况恶化才出手的投资者,往往会遭受巨大的损失,或者至少会失去大部分甚至全部的收益。
Figure 5.14 Netflix (NFLX) 2008-2012 图 5.14 Netflix (NFLX) 2008-2012
In July 2011, Netflix plummented through its 40-week moving average on enormous volume as institutions ran for the exits. 2011 年 7 月,Netflix 在巨大的成交量下跌破了其 40 周移动平均线,机构投资者纷纷逃离。
what they made on the upside. When topping signs start to appear after a long, extended price run, it’s time to take your profit and head for the exit. Companies will announce record earnings and try to create hype to keep their stocks up. Carefully watch the stock’s price action for valuable clues to which way institutional investors are leaning and, like a tree, bend with them. If you are inflexible and fight the powerful force of institutional money flow, you risk being snapped like a brittle twig. 当顶部信号在长期、延续的价格上涨后开始出现时,是时候获利了结并离开了。公司会宣布创纪录的收益,并试图制造炒作以维持其股票价格。仔细观察股票的价格走势,以获取机构投资者倾向的有价值线索,像树一样随之弯曲。如果你不灵活,抵抗机构资金流动的强大力量,你就有可能像脆弱的树枝一样被折断。
Financial Stocks Warn of Impending Trouble 金融股票警告即将到来的麻烦
The news media would have you believe that the troubles in financials in 2008 came out of nowhere. The truth, however, is that the stock prices of financial companies were falling in a stage 4 decline for many months, warning of trouble ahead. All you had to do to avert a major disaster was heed the stage 4 decline and sell. Even if you bought near the all-time high price, 新闻媒体会让你相信,2008 年金融危机的麻烦是突如其来的。然而,事实是,金融公司的股票价格在经历了长达数月的第四阶段下跌,预示着前方的麻烦。你所需要做的就是注意第四阶段的下跌并卖出,以避免重大灾难。即使你在历史最高价附近买入,
Figure 5.16 Bank of America (BAC) 2004-2009 图 5.16 美国银行(BAC)2004-2009
In 2001, stage 3 warning signs should have caused you to sell Bank America stock. Even if you reduced your exposure gradually, you would have avoided the carnage that came in 2008. 在 2001 年,第三阶段的警告信号应该让你卖掉美国银行的股票。即使你逐渐减少你的持仓,你也会避免 2008 年带来的惨痛损失。
you could have taken a relatively small loss on many of the bank stocks that ended up being a total disaster, that is, if you had paid attention to the danger signs. For many of the financial stocks, such as Citigroup and Bank of America, there were clear-cut warnings. At the time, if you held those names, you should have sold or at least reduced your position progressively until you were in cash. 如果你注意到危险信号,你本可以在许多最终成为彻底灾难的银行股票上承受相对较小的损失。对于许多金融股票,如花旗集团和美国银行,明显有警告信号。当时,如果你持有这些股票,你应该卖出,或者至少逐步减少你的持仓,直到你变成现金。
Trust Your Eyes, Not Your Ears 相信你的眼睛,而不是你的耳朵
When a stock shows signs of topping or, even worse, enters a stage 4 decline, you should trust what you see, not what you hear. Tune out the analyst and discount company hype. The chart of Vicor shows that by the time the flat earnings were reported (which was a dramatic deceleration from the previ- 当一只股票显示出顶部迹象或更糟的是,进入第四阶段下跌时,你应该相信你所看到的,而不是你所听到的。忽略分析师的意见,打折公司宣传。Vicor 的图表显示,在报告平坦的收益(这与之前的收益大幅减速)之前,情况已经发生了变化。
Figure 5.17 Vicor (VICR) 1990-1993 图 5.17 Vicor (VICR) 1990-1993
By the time a material change in earnings was reported, Vicor’s stock price had already declined by almost 70 percent. 到报告出具重大盈利变化时,Vicor 的股价已经下降了近 70%。
ous trend of triple-digit growth), the stock had already suffered a vicious decline. This was the result of large institutional investors anticipating a loss of earnings momentum going forward and exiting the stock in anticipation. By the time a material change in earnings was reported, Vicor’s stock price had already declined by almost 70 percent. 尽管经历了三位数增长的趋势,但该股票已经遭受了剧烈的下跌。这是由于大型机构投资者预期未来盈利动能的丧失而提前退出该股票。到报告出具重大盈利变化时,Vicor 的股价已经下降了近 70%。
As you look at Crocs (next), note how the negative quarter ( -71 percent) was reported long after the stock topped and not until the price was already down 73 percent from its high. This demonstrates clearly why you cannot wait for a fundamental change when the price action of a stock turns volatile or hostile into stage 3 or, even worse, stage 4 . To be successful, you must respect the trend and the wisdom of the market. Crocs’ weekly chart shows the mass exit taking place as big institutions unwind positions as the stock quickly transitions from stage 2 to stage 4 . 当你查看 Crocs(下一个)时,请注意负季度(-71%)是在股票见顶后很久才被报告的,而此时价格已经从高点下跌了 73%。这清楚地表明了为什么当股票的价格走势变得不稳定或敌对,进入第 3 阶段,甚至更糟的第 4 阶段时,你不能等待基本面的变化。要想成功,你必须尊重趋势和市场的智慧。Crocs 的周线图显示了大型机构在股票迅速从第 2 阶段过渡到第 4 阶段时,进行大规模退出的情况。
Figure 5.18 Crocs (CROX) 2006-2009 图 5.18 Crocs(CROX)2006-2009
Crocs weekly chart shows the mass exit that took place as big institutions unwound positions and the stock quickly transitions from stage 2 to stage 4. Crocs 的周线图显示了大型机构平仓时发生的大规模撤退,股票迅速从第二阶段过渡到第四阶段。
Figure 5.19 Green Mountain Coffee, Inc. (GMCR) 2010-2012 图 5.19 绿山咖啡公司(GMCR)2010-2012 年
GMCR’s earnings didn’t show material earnings deceleration until after the stock price was already down close to 80 percent. GMCR 的收益直到股价已经下跌近 80%后才显示出实质性的收益减速。
Brokerage House Opinions 券商意见
Should you buy a stock on the basis of a brokerage house’s recommendation? If the stock is in a stage 4 downtrend, definitely not. Big brokerage houses love to recommend stocks that are down in price. Often these upgrades are based on valuation and completely ignore the fact that the stock price suffered a major price break. Often, stocks that are upgraded on the basis of valuation after a large price decline turn out to be good short candidates. Learn to do your own analysis and base your purchases on sound criteria, not because someone else says a broken stock is a good value. 你应该根据一家经纪公司的推荐来购买股票吗?如果股票处于第四阶段的下跌趋势,绝对不应该。大型经纪公司喜欢推荐价格下跌的股票。通常,这些升级是基于估值,完全忽视了股票价格经历了重大价格崩溃的事实。通常,在大幅价格下跌后,基于估值的升级股票最终会成为良好的卖空候选。学会自己分析,并根据合理的标准进行购买,而不是因为别人说一只破损的股票是个好价值。
We put CMG on our short alert list eight days before Citigroup raised its rating to buy. Three months later the stock was down 40 percent. 我们在花旗集团将 CMG 的评级提升为买入之前的八天就将其列入了我们的卖空警报名单。三个月后,该股票下跌了 40%。
A Material Change in Behavior Is a Major Warning 行为的重大变化是一个主要警告
Institutional investors can become wary of what had been a strong performer; they can suddenly send a stock plummeting as they get out. When that happens, take heed. Before it becomes apparent that the fundamentals have changed, a major break in the stock price often will occur on overwhelming volume. If your stock experiences its largest daily and/or weekly price decline since the beginning of the stage 2 advance, this is a sell signal in most cases even if it comes on the heels of a seemingly great earnings report. Don’t listen to the company or the media; listen to the stock. I have seen companies report earnings that were only a few cents better than expected on in-line revenues and skyrocket, and I have also seen companies report 机构投资者可能会对曾经表现强劲的股票产生警惕;当他们退出时,股票可能会突然暴跌。当这种情况发生时,请注意。在基本面变化变得明显之前,股票价格通常会在巨大的成交量下发生重大突破。如果你的股票经历了自第二阶段上涨开始以来最大的日常和/或每周价格下跌,这在大多数情况下是一个卖出信号,即使它是在看似良好的财报发布之后出现的。不要听公司的话或媒体的报道;要听股票的声音。我见过一些公司报告的收益仅比预期高出几美分,营收符合预期却暴涨,也见过一些公司报告的情况。
Figure 5.21 Crocs (CROX) 2007 图 5.21 Crocs (CROX) 2007
Crocs’ (CROX) stock price sold off an overwhelming volume after a “better than expected” earnings report. This was just the beginning of what turned out to be a 99 percent decline in the stock price over the next 12 months. Crocs(CROX)的股价在“好于预期”的财报发布后经历了巨量抛售。这只是接下来 12 个月股价下降 99%的开始。
earnings and sales much better than expected but the stocks sold off hard and could not recover. 盈利和销售远超预期,但股票却大幅下跌,无法恢复。
After the market close on October 31, 2007, Crocs reported quarterly earnings per share of $0.66\$ 0.66 versus a consensus of $0.63\$ 0.63. Although this report was 144 percent ahead of the previous year and even beat Street estimates, the stock’s reaction was less than enthusiastic, falling 36 percent in just one day on overwhelming volume after the earnings release. Notwithstanding a oneday 5 percent dead cat bounce (a short-term recovery from a selloff that did not resume the uptrend), the share price dropped another 29 percent over the next six trading days. On November 13, 2008, Crocs stock traded as a penny stock at $0.79\$ 0.79 per share, down 99 percent off a high of $75\$ 75 just a year earlier. 在 2007 年 10 月 31 日市场收盘后,Crocs 报告的季度每股收益为 $0.66\$ 0.66 ,而市场共识为 $0.63\$ 0.63 。尽管这一报告比去年增长了 144%,甚至超出了华尔街的预期,但股票的反应却不尽如人意,在财报发布后仅一天内就下跌了 36%,成交量巨大。尽管在一天内出现了 5%的“死猫反弹”(即短期内从抛售中恢复,但未能恢复上升趋势),但股价在接下来的六个交易日内又下跌了 29%。到 2008 年 11 月 13 日,Crocs 的股票以每股 $0.79\$ 0.79 的价格交易,较一年前的高点 $75\$ 75 下跌了 99%。
Many times before a fundamental problem is evident, there will be a hint in the form of a material change in price behavior. That change should always be respected even if you don’t see any reason for the sud- 在基本面问题明显之前,价格行为的重大变化往往会发出一些暗示。即使你看不到任何突发原因,这种变化也应该始终受到重视。
Figure 5.22 Crocs (CROX) 2006-2009 图 5.22 Crocs (CROX) 2006-2009
The largest daily decline for Crocs also came on the largest weekly decline on huge volume. Crocs 的最大日跌幅也发生在最大周跌幅上,且成交量巨大。
Figure 5.23 Opentable (OPEN) 2011 图 5.23 Opentable (OPEN) 2011
Opentable breaks down on huge volume after on an earnings report. Opentable 在财报发布后大幅下跌,成交量巨大。
Figure 5.24 Opentable (OPEN) 2011 图 5.24 Opentable (OPEN) 2011
The largest weekly price decline on the largest swell in volume indicated institutions were dumping the shares. 最大的周价格下跌伴随着最大的成交量,表明机构正在抛售股票。
den change in sentiment. Earnings may still look good. The story may still be intact. However, in most cases, you’ll be far better off getting out-shooting first and asking questions later-than waiting to learn the reason why. When a stock that had been in a strong stage 2 suddenly goes into a stage 3 topping pattern or transitions quickly into stage 4 , don’t sit there and assume that everything is fine. There is a reason for the adverse price move; you just don’t know it yet. Whatever you do, don’t think that a big break in the stock is now a buying opportunity. Many investors get caught in this trap: A stock they own suddenly declines sharply. Believing that the marketplace must be wrong and that the stock is still a good performer, they decide it’s time to buy more. They don’t realize that the stock price is down because the big players know (or at least suspect) something is wrong and are getting out. When you see that happen in the price action, regardless of what the fundamentals are saying, it’s time to exit. 情绪的变化。盈利可能仍然看起来不错。故事可能仍然完整。然而,在大多数情况下,你会发现提前出手、事后再问问题要比等待了解原因要好得多。当一只处于强劲的第二阶段的股票突然进入第三阶段的顶部形态或迅速过渡到第四阶段时,不要坐在那里假设一切都很好。价格下跌是有原因的;你只是不知道而已。无论你做什么,不要认为股票的大幅下跌现在是一个买入机会。许多投资者会陷入这个陷阱:他们拥有的股票突然大幅下跌。相信市场一定是错的,股票仍然表现良好,他们决定是时候再买入更多。他们没有意识到,股票价格下跌是因为大玩家知道(或至少怀疑)有什么问题并正在退出。当你在价格走势中看到这种情况时,无论基本面说什么,都是时候退出了。
Figure 5.25 Illumina Inc. (ILMN) 2011 图 5.25 Illumina Inc. (ILMN) 2011
Illumina sold off big on what appeared to be a decent earnings report. The stock declined 50 percent leading up to its next earnings report, which was negative in terms of both earnings and sales. Illumina 在看似不错的财报发布后大幅下跌。该股票在下一个财报发布前下跌了 50%,而这次财报在盈利和销售方面都是负面的。
Figure 5.26 Illimina Inc. (ILMN) 2011 图 5.26 Illumina Inc. (ILMN) 2011
A major trend break occurred after Illumina reported earnings. 在 Illumina 报告财报后,发生了重大趋势突破。
Let the Wind Fill Your Sails 让风填满你的帆。
As we’ve discussed in this chapter, to achieve superperformance, you need the powerful force of institutional buyers on your side to propel your stock’s price sharply higher. A proper stage 2 uptrend provides evidence that institutions are indeed stepping up to the plate, just as a stage 4 decline clearly demonstrates the opposite. Having the long-term trend on your side is like sailing with the wind at your back. If there’s no wind, you’re dead in the water (stage 1), and if the wind is against you, you have little chance of moving forward (stage 4). The proverbial wind in your sails is the longterm trend of big money that’s buying in sync with you. You should look to align yourself with this powerful force. Stick with stocks that are in a solid uptrend and you will be much more likely to own a stock that has the potential to skyrocket and become a superperformer. 正如我们在本章中讨论的,要实现超常表现,你需要强大的机构买家的支持,以推动你股票的价格大幅上涨。适当的第二阶段上升趋势提供了证据,表明机构确实在积极参与,就像第四阶段的下跌清楚地表明了相反的情况。拥有长期趋势的支持就像在顺风中航行。如果没有风,你就会停滞不前(第一阶段),而如果风向与你相反,你几乎没有前进的机会(第四阶段)。你航行中的风就是与您同步购买的大资金的长期趋势。你应该努力与这一强大力量保持一致。坚持选择处于稳固上升趋势的股票,你将更有可能拥有一只有潜力飙升并成为超常表现的股票。
wvhen I’m considering a stock for purchase, the first thing I do is determine the type of situation I’m dealing with. In the context of the nature of the business and the industry in which a company operates, I want to develop an expectation of its prospective earnings growth and find out whether those prospects are widely recognized and therefore discounted in the current stock price. Categorizing companies is a good way to gain perspective and organize your thoughts about a particular stock. It will help you establish the type of company you’re considering relative to others in the market so that you can make a judgment about where the stock is in its maturation cycle or curve. Companies don’t stay in the same part of the curve forever, and some spend more time than others in certain phases of the cycle; however, nearly all companies undergo a natural maturation. Over the years I have analyzed tens of thousands of publicly traded companies. What I’ve discovered is that they generally tend to fall into one of six categories: 当我考虑购买一只股票时,我首先要确定我所面对的情况类型。在公司的业务性质和行业背景下,我想要对其未来的盈利增长形成预期,并找出这些前景是否被广泛认可,因此在当前的股价中被折现。对公司进行分类是获得视角和组织对特定股票思考的好方法。这将帮助你确定你所考虑的公司相对于市场上其他公司的类型,以便你可以判断该股票在其成熟周期或曲线中的位置。公司不会永远停留在曲线的同一部分,有些公司在某些周期阶段花费的时间比其他公司更多;然而,几乎所有公司都会经历自然的成熟过程。多年来,我分析了成千上万的上市公司。我发现它们通常倾向于落入六个类别之一:
Market leaders 市场领导者
Top competitors 顶级竞争者
Institutional favorites 机构最爱
Turnaround situations 逆转情况
Cyclical stocks 周期性股票
Past leaders and laggards 过去的领袖和落后者
The Market Leader 市场领袖
My favorite type of stock to invest in-the area where I have made most of my money trading-is the market leader. These companies are able to grow their earnings the fastest. An industry’s strongest players are usually number one, two, or three in sales and earnings and are gaining market share. Market leaders are easy to spot, but most investors have psychological difficulty deciding to buy them. The share prices of market leaders power up the most percentagewise in the initial stages of a market rally. They move into new high ground first. That unbelievable price strength causes most investors to think these stocks have run up too far; hence, most investors are afraid to buy the very best stocks capable of superperformance. 我最喜欢投资的股票类型——我在交易中赚取最多资金的领域——是市场领导者。这些公司能够以最快的速度增长其收益。一个行业中最强的参与者通常在销售和收益方面排名第一、第二或第三,并且正在获得市场份额。市场领导者很容易识别,但大多数投资者在决定购买它们时会面临心理上的困难。在市场反弹的初期阶段,市场领导者的股价百分比上涨幅度最大。它们首先进入新的高点。这种令人难以置信的价格强度使大多数投资者认为这些股票已经涨得太高;因此,大多数投资者害怕购买那些能够实现超额表现的最佳股票。
What propels them even higher? Institutions that know enough about a company and its future prospects provide the buying power. They are not concerned about how far the stock has already advanced but about where it’s going and what the prospects are for future growth. The best type of growth situation is scalable growth: a company gaining market share in a rapidly growing industry. The market for the company’s products or services is extremely large in relation to the company’s size, and those products and services are in high enough demand that the company can grow at a high rate for an extended period. These companies have superior products and services, and they are often part of a growing industry; although it is not necessary that a market leader be in a fast-growing industry or sector, it is certainly an additional plus if it is. 是什么推动它们更高的?了解公司及其未来前景的机构提供了购买力。他们并不关心股票已经上涨了多少,而是关注股票的未来走向以及未来增长的前景。最佳的增长情况是可扩展的增长:在快速增长的行业中,公司的市场份额不断增加。公司的产品或服务的市场规模相对于公司的规模非常大,并且这些产品和服务的需求足够高,以至于公司可以在较长时间内以高速度增长。这些公司拥有优质的产品和服务,并且通常是一个增长行业的一部分;尽管市场领导者不一定要在快速增长的行业或部门,但如果是的话,当然是一个额外的优势。
A company that is taking market share in a slow-growth industry can also grow its earnings quite nicely. What’s most important is that the company can make substantial profits. A good balance sheet, expanding margins, high return on equity, and reasonable debt are all signs of good management. Some market leaders grow earnings at a very healthy rate for 在一个缓慢增长的行业中,正在夺取市场份额的公司也可以相当不错地增长其收益。最重要的是,公司能够获得可观的利润。良好的资产负债表、扩大的利润率、高回报率和合理的债务都是良好管理的迹象。一些市场领导者在低到中个位数的百分比增长率的行业中,能够以非常健康的速度增长收益。
extended periods in industries with percentage growth rates in the low to mid-single digits. However, a company that is taking market share or has a large portion of market share in a fast-growing industry can increase its earnings at a meteoric pace. 然而,在一个快速增长的行业中,正在夺取市场份额或拥有大量市场份额的公司可以以惊人的速度增加其收益。
The main questions should be: What is the company’s competitive advantage? and Is the business model scalable? Then it’s a matter of whether management is executing successfully and delivering the goods, namely, earnings. 主要问题应该是:公司的竞争优势是什么?商业模式是否可扩展?然后就是管理层是否成功执行并交付成果,即盈利。
Market leaders are capable of producing huge price appreciation during their high-growth phase. They generally grow earnings at a rate of 20 percent or higher. Many average 35 to 45 percent during their best 5- or 10-year stretch. During their greatest growth period, some increase their earnings at triple-digit rates. From March 1989 through May 1993, Cisco Systems averaged over 100 percent quarterly earnings growth. Cisco’s stock price advanced more than 13-fold in that period. During the early 1980s, when Walmart was a little-known company trading as few as 20,000 shares a day, earnings growth averaged 38 percent for 14 consecutive quarters. Walmart’s stock price appreciated 1,000 percent in that period. Today, Walmart trades more than 7 million shares a day on average. 市场领导者在其高增长阶段能够产生巨大的价格升值。它们通常以 20%或更高的速度增长盈利。在其最佳的 5 年或 10 年期间,许多公司的盈利平均增长率为 35%到 45%。在其最大的增长期,一些公司的盈利增长率达到三位数。从 1989 年 3 月到 1993 年 5 月,思科系统的季度盈利增长率平均超过 100%。在此期间,思科的股价上涨了超过 13 倍。在 1980 年代初,当沃尔玛还是一家鲜为人知的公司,每天交易量仅为 20,000 股时,盈利增长率在连续 14 个季度中平均为 38%。在此期间,沃尔玛的股价上涨了 1,000%。如今,沃尔玛的日均交易量超过 700 万股。
When Expensive Is Actually Cheap 当昂贵实际上是便宜的时候
Market leaders in the high-growth stage are almost always going to appear expensive. It only makes sense to value a rapidly growing company higher than a slower-growing one. Here’s the beauty about ultrafast growers: these companies grow so fast that Wall Street can’t value them very accurately. This can leave a stock inefficiently priced, providing a big opportunity. As long as a company can sustain significantly expanding sales and earnings, the stock price will follow-maybe not immediately, but stock prices do follow earnings growth over time. The faster a company can grow earnings, the more likely it is that its stock price will follow. 在高速增长阶段的市场领导者几乎总是看起来昂贵。对快速增长的公司进行更高的估值比对缓慢增长的公司更有意义。关于超快速增长者的美妙之处在于:这些公司增长得如此之快,以至于华尔街无法准确地对其进行估值。这可能导致股票价格低效,为投资者提供了巨大的机会。只要一家公司能够持续显著扩张销售和盈利,股票价格就会随之而来——也许不是立即,但股票价格确实会随着时间的推移跟随盈利增长。公司越快地增长盈利,其股票价格跟随的可能性就越大。
Don’t be misled; there’s plenty of risk in high-growth companies. Wall Street can punish a fast-growing company if earnings slow down even by the smallest amount in relation to expectations. High-growth companies live and die by earnings expectations. These companies have to constantly beat con- 不要被误导;高增长公司存在大量风险。如果一家快速增长的公司在盈利方面稍微低于预期,华尔街可能会惩罚它。高增长公司生死攸关于盈利预期。这些公司必须不断超越共识预测。
sensus forecasts. As a company reports better than expected earnings, the bar moves up for that company to beat them the next time. Eventually, the bar is too high and the company misses. However, as long as the company can deliver strong earnings and manage expectations well, the stock price can soar and experience P/E multiple expansion. The goal is to identify and invest in market leaders relatively early in the growth phase when profits are accelerating. 当一家公司报告的盈利好于预期时,该公司的标准就会提高,下一次必须超越这个标准。最终,标准变得过高,公司未能达标。然而,只要公司能够提供强劲的盈利并妥善管理预期,股价就可以飙升并经历市盈率的扩张。目标是在利润加速增长的阶段相对较早地识别并投资于市场领导者。
The Category Killer 类别杀手
Every so often a company comes along and totally dominates a category; the company has such a clear and sustainable competitive advantage that other firms in the same market or niche find it nearly impossible to compete. These market leaders are known as category killers. A category killer is a company whose brand and market position are so strong that it would be difficult to compete against it even if you had unlimited capital. A good example is eBay, with an online auction site that gives it an overwhelming advantage since buyers and sellers want to participate in the biggest market with the most players. Therefore, they come to eBay, which gobbles up the opportunity, leaving everybody else with the crumbs. Consider Apple, which dominates its space, setting the prevailing trend with innovative technologies and truly unique products. Disney’s theme parks certainly rank as a category killer with little formidable competition. So does a company such as Walmart, which has taken a toll on the retail sector, in which many stores find it hard to compete against the giant. 每隔一段时间,就会有一家公司出现并完全主导一个类别;这家公司拥有如此明确和可持续的竞争优势,以至于同一市场或细分市场中的其他公司几乎无法竞争。这些市场领导者被称为类别杀手。类别杀手是一家品牌和市场地位如此强大的公司,以至于即使你拥有无限的资本,也很难与之竞争。一个好的例子是 eBay,它的在线拍卖网站使其拥有压倒性的优势,因为买家和卖家希望参与最大的市场,拥有最多的参与者。因此,他们来到 eBay,eBay 吞噬了机会,让其他人只能捡到残羹冷炙。考虑一下苹果,它主导着自己的领域,以创新技术和真正独特的产品设定了主流趋势。迪士尼的主题公园无疑是一个类别杀手,几乎没有强大的竞争对手。沃尔玛这样的公司也是如此,它对零售行业造成了冲击,许多商店发现很难与这个巨头竞争。
The Cookie Cutter Concept 曲奇切割概念
When a firm produces a successful formula in one store and then replicates it over and over-in malls and in locations around the country or around the world-it’s a cookie cutter. Think of McDonald’s, Walmart, Starbucks, Taco Bell, The Gap, Home Depot, Starbucks, Chili’s, Cracker Barrel, The Limited, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Wendy’s, Outback Steakhouse, and Costco Wholesale, which are great examples of successful rollouts of the cookie cutter concept. 当一家公司在一家商店中生产出成功的公式,然后在全国或全球的购物中心和地点反复复制时,这就是曲奇切割。想想麦当劳、沃尔玛、星巴克、塔可钟、The Gap、家得宝、星巴克、Chili's、Cracker Barrel、The Limited、Dick's Sporting Goods、温迪、Outback Steakhouse 和好市多,这些都是曲奇切割概念成功推广的绝佳例子。
As you can see, many of the names that achieve success with the cookie cutter business model are in the retail area. With this concept, when a com- 正如你所看到的,许多成功采用标准化商业模式的公司都在零售领域。根据这个概念,当一家公司迅速扩展到新市场,快速开设新店(尤其是同店销售也很强劲时),收益可以以健康的可持续速度加速增长。这类公司在其高增长阶段是最容易被发现、监控和投资的。它们的收益上升周期持续的时间足够长,让你能够在它们仍然有大量未来增长的同时识别出“桌面上的收益增长”。
pany expands into new markets, bringing on new stores rapidly (especially if same-store sales are brisk as well), earnings can accelerate at a healthy sustained pace. These types of companies are some of the easiest to spot, monitor, and invest in during their high-growth phase. Their earnings up cycles last for a long enough time for you to identify earnings growth “on the table” while they still have plenty of growth in the future. 当这些类型的公司迅速扩展到新市场,快速开设新店(尤其是同店销售也很强劲时),收益可以以健康的可持续速度加速增长。这类公司在其高增长阶段是最容易被发现、监控和投资的。它们的收益上升周期持续的时间足够长,让你能够在它们仍然有大量未来增长的同时识别出“桌面上的收益增长”。
Points to Consider When Investing 投资时需要考虑的要点
in the Cookie Cutter Model 在模具模型中
Same-store sales, or what is also referred to as comparable store sales (comps), are a very important statistic used for analysis of the retail industry. This statistic compares sales of stores that have been open for a year or more. This allows investors to determine which portion of new sales has come from sales growth and which portion from the opening of new stores. This analysis is important because although new stores are a major part of a company’s expansion and earnings growth, a saturation point in which future sales growth is determined by same-store sales growth eventually occurs. With these comparisons, analysts can measure sales performance against other retailers that may not be as aggressive in opening new locations during the evaluated period. You want to see same-store sales increasing each quarter. High-single-digit to moderate-double-digit same-store sales growth is high enough to be considered robust but not so high that it’s unsustainable ( 25 to 30 percent or more same-store sales growth is definitely unsustainable over the long term). In general, samestore sales growth of 10 percent or more is considered healthy. 同店销售,或称为可比店销售(comps),是用于分析零售行业的一个非常重要的统计数据。该统计数据比较了开业一年或以上的商店的销售额。这使得投资者能够确定新销售中有多少来自销售增长,多少来自新店的开业。这种分析很重要,因为尽管新店是公司扩张和盈利增长的主要部分,但最终会出现一个饱和点,未来的销售增长将由同店销售增长决定。通过这些比较,分析师可以衡量销售表现与在评估期间可能没有那么积极开设新店的其他零售商的表现。你希望看到同店销售每个季度都在增长。高单位数到中等双位数的同店销售增长足够强劲,但又不至于高到不可持续(25%到 30%或更高的同店销售增长在长期内绝对不可持续)。一般来说,10%或以上的同店销售增长被认为是健康的。
What factors affect same-store sales? The two main factors are prices and customer volume. By measuring the sales increase or decrease in stores that have been open a year or more, you can get a better feel for how a company is really performing, because this measure-same-store sales-takes store closings and chain expansions out of the mix. Rising same-store sales means that more customers are buying product at the stores or are spending more than they did a year ago or some combination of the two. This is a sign that management’s marketing efforts are paying off and that the brand is popular with consumers. 什么因素影响同店销售?两个主要因素是价格和顾客数量。通过测量开业一年或以上的商店的销售增长或下降,您可以更好地了解公司的实际表现,因为这一指标——同店销售——将商店关闭和连锁扩张排除在外。同店销售的增长意味着更多的顾客在商店购买产品,或者他们的消费比去年更多,或者两者的结合。这表明管理层的营销努力正在取得成效,品牌在消费者中受欢迎。
Falling same-store sales obviously represents a problem. Weakening comps could mean one of a few things: 同店销售的下降显然代表了一个问题。疲软的比较可能意味着几种情况:
The brand is losing strength, and people aren’t shopping at the company’s stores. 该品牌正在失去实力,人们不再在公司的商店购物。
The economy is worsening, and people aren’t interested in shopping anywhere. 经济正在恶化,人们对任何地方的购物都不感兴趣。
The company has too many items at discount prices, and dollar volume per customer is less than usual. 该公司有太多折扣商品,每位顾客的销售额低于正常水平。
Some companies grow by franchising their business or through a combination of company-owned and franchised stores. Although franchise fees can lead to big profits for the franchisor, the earnings are considered lesser quality than a company-owned base with less earnings stability. If the company franchises a relatively high percentage of new store openings, the risk of store failures and an earnings disappointment is heightened. In 2007, McDonald’s, one of the best- run franchise cookie cutter models in history, had about 60 percent of its restaurants operated by franchisees. 一些公司通过特许经营其业务或通过公司自营和特许经营店的组合来实现增长。尽管特许经营费用可以为特许人带来丰厚的利润,但这些收益被认为质量较低,因为其收益稳定性较差。如果公司在新店开业中相对较高比例地进行特许经营,店铺失败和收益失望的风险就会增加。2007 年,麦当劳作为历史上最成功的特许经营模式之一,约有 60%的餐厅由特许经营者运营。
Another important consideration for the cookie cutter model (particularly if the business concept is relatively new) is a past track record of success in diverse geographic locations (Northeast, South, Midwest, international, etc.). You want to get evidence that the model is scalable. In addition, too much, too fast can be a red flag. For most companies, opening more than 100 stores per year is a number that is difficult to maintain. In 2006, Starbucks opened 1,102 more stores than it had the previous year; Starbucks’ stock price peaked and fell 82 percent over the next 24 months. By 2011, Starbucks had fewer stores open than it did in 2008. Other key metrics to consider include comparing sales per square foot and sales per dollar of capital invested per unit with other companies in the same business. 另一个重要的考虑因素是对于模版模型(特别是如果商业概念相对较新)来说,过去在不同地理位置(东北部、南部、中西部、国际等)的成功记录。你想要获得模型可扩展性的证据。此外,过快的扩张可能是一个警示信号。对于大多数公司来说,每年开设超过 100 家门店是一个难以维持的数字。在 2006 年,星巴克比前一年多开了 1,102 家门店;星巴克的股价在接下来的 24 个月内达到了峰值并下跌了 82%。到 2011 年,星巴克的门店数量比 2008 年还要少。其他需要考虑的关键指标包括与同行业其他公司比较每平方英尺的销售额和每单位投资资本的销售额。
The Top Competitor: Keep Your Eye on the Competition 顶级竞争者:关注竞争对手
Usually only one, two, or possibly three companies truly lead an industry group. If I asked you to name the number one and number two soft drink 通常只有一、两家或最多三家公司真正引领一个行业。如果我问你,第一和第二大软饮料公司是谁,你几乎肯定会说可口可乐和百事可乐。如果我问你第三名是谁,你能迅速回答吗?咖啡呢——也许是星巴克和邓肯甜甜圈?或者家居改善——家得宝和 Lowe's?请记住,我们在寻找下一个超级表现者,明天的星巴克、苹果和谷歌。1981 年,MCI 通讯挑战了市场主导者 AT&T。MCI 报告了强劲的收益,股票价格在经过 17 周的整合后突破,并在 1981 年 4 月 2 日创下新高,但这仅仅是个开始。在接下来的 22 个月里,MCI 的股票上涨了 500%。
companies, you would almost surely say Coca-Cola and Pepsi. If I asked you who was number three, could you give as quick an answer? How about coffee—Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts perhaps? Or home improve-ment-Home Depot and Lowe’s? Keep in mind that we’re looking for the next superperformers, the Starbucks, the Apple, the Google of tomorrow. In 1981, MCI Communications challenged the dominant market leader AT&T. MCI reported strong earnings as the stock price emerged from a 17-week consolidation and made a new high on April 2, 1981, but that was only the beginning. Over the ensuing 22 months MCI’s stock advanced 500 percent.
A top competitor may not be the superior company in an industry group or even have superior products compared with the true market leader; rather, it’s in the right place at the right time. Even though it may be in the same rapidly growing industry as the market leader, the company’s products or stores may be less popular or in some way inferior to those of the leader. These “competitor” companies can also produce high rates of earnings growth and enjoy large-scale price advances, albeit inferior to that of the leader. Even so, the number two company in an industry can eventually take market share from the leader and in some cases take over the number one spot. The stock prices of top competitors can reflect this phenomenon, performing relatively well while the market leader digests its previous stock gains. 一个顶级竞争者可能并不是行业组中最优秀的公司,甚至与真正的市场领导者相比,其产品也可能不具优势;相反,它是在正确的时间出现在正确的地方。尽管它可能与市场领导者处于同一个快速增长的行业,但该公司的产品或商店可能不如领导者受欢迎,或在某种程度上劣于领导者。这些“竞争者”公司也可以产生高额的盈利增长率,并享受大规模的价格上涨,尽管不如领导者的表现那么出色。即便如此,行业中的第二家公司最终可以从领导者那里夺取市场份额,在某些情况下甚至可以取代第一的位置。顶级竞争者的股票价格可以反映这一现象,在市场领导者消化其之前的股票收益时表现相对良好。
From 1990 through 2000, Home Depot’s stock price advanced 3,700 percent, more than a 40 percent compounded annual rate of return. During that period, Lowe’s stock advanced only 1,000 percent, amassing only about a quarter of Home Depot’s price advance. Then, from January 2000 through January 2004, Lowe’s stock price ran up more than 100 percent while Home Depot’s stock price actually fell, giving back more than 40 percent from its all-time high. This put the 14 -year track record for Lowe’s up 2,900 percent and for Home Depot up only 1,800 percent. Home Depot had been the leader for more than a decade, and for investors who saw its potential, it was just a matter of when they got on board. 从 1990 年到 2000 年,家得宝的股价上涨了 3700%,年复合回报率超过 40%。在此期间,Lowe's 的股价仅上涨了 1000%,仅占家得宝价格上涨的四分之一。然后,从 2000 年 1 月到 2004 年 1 月,Lowe's 的股价上涨了超过 100%,而家得宝的股价实际上下跌,回吐了超过 40%的历史最高点。这使得 Lowe's 的 14 年业绩记录达到了 2900%,而家得宝仅为 1800%。家得宝在十多年里一直是领导者,对于看到其潜力的投资者来说,问题只是他们何时上车。
Always track the top two or three stocks in an industry group. The online access provider America Online was the clear leader in the Internet market until the search engine Yahoo! moved into the top slot. Google, a 始终跟踪行业组中排名前两到三的股票。在线接入提供商美国在线在互联网市场中是明显的领导者,直到搜索引擎雅虎进入了顶尖位置。谷歌,一个
director competitor to Yahoo!, then went public and is now considered the number one powerhouse in search engines. A competitor of the market leader can offer a great investment opportunity, especially if it’s in a strong industry group. Like a NASCAR racer who follows in the leader’s draft, waiting to make a pass at the right moment, a top competitor can ride the heels of a market leader and eventually win market share. You should concentrate on the top two or three stocks in a group: the leaders in terms of earnings, sales, margins, and relative price strength. This is especially true if the industry group is a leading sector during a bull market. 作为雅虎的竞争对手,该公司随后上市,现在被认为是搜索引擎领域的第一强者。市场领导者的竞争对手可以提供很好的投资机会,尤其是在强劲的行业组中。就像一名纳斯卡赛车手在领跑者的尾流中跟随,等待在合适的时机超越,顶级竞争者可以紧随市场领导者的步伐,最终赢得市场份额。你应该集中关注一个行业中排名前两三的股票:在收益、销售、利润率和相对价格强度方面的领导者。如果该行业组在牛市期间是一个领先的行业,这一点尤其重要。
Netflix Goes Public; Blockbuster Tops Netflix 上市;Blockbuster 领先
It’s no coincidence that within only 15 trading days of Netflix going public, Blockbuster Video’s stock permanently topped out. It makes sense; competition rears its head, providing a more convenient solution to the movie rental business. Blockbuster’s stock price topped at the same time Netflix came on the scene, almost as if the dollars from its shares were rotating directly out and into its new competitor. I could see this story unfolding in my own neighborhood as the mom-and-pop video rental stores went out of business one by one. Then the small regional chains started closing their doors, and the writing on the wall was beginning to look crystal clear; brick-and-mortar video rental was on its way out. 这并不是巧合,在 Netflix 上市仅 15 个交易日内,Blockbuster Video 的股票就永久见顶。这是有道理的;竞争开始显现,为电影租赁业务提供了更便捷的解决方案。Blockbuster 的股价在 Netflix 出现的同时达到顶峰,几乎就像它的股票资金直接从 Blockbuster 转移到了这个新竞争对手身上。我可以在我自己的社区看到这个故事的发展,妈妈和爸爸经营的视频租赁店一个接一个地倒闭。然后,小型地区连锁店也开始关门,墙上的字迹开始变得清晰可见;实体视频租赁正在走向终结。
Coming off the market bottom in 2009, Blockbuster was plagued with declining sales as the stock traded as low as $0.13\$ 0.13. This was off a high of $18.00! Meanwhile, on March 18, 2009, just seven days after the Nasdaq Composite traded at its bear market low and only 10 days after the Dow traded at its bear market low of 6,469, Netflix hit an all-time high. Just 17 trading days later Netflix’s stock price was up an additional 20 percent. Sales had been brisk and accelerating over the previous three quarters from 11 percent to 16 percent and 19 percent, respectively. Earnings were even more impressive, up 36 percent, 38 percent, and 58 percent, respectively. In October 2009, I was buying Netflix shares. Netflix’s earnings, sales, margins, return on equity, and debt levels all were superior to those metrics at Blockbuster. Netflix was trading at 32x earnings while Blockbuster traded at just 2 x earnings. Which stock was really the “cheap” stock? From the 在 2009 年市场底部反弹后,Blockbuster 遭遇了销售下滑,股票价格低至 $0.13\$ 0.13 。而其最高曾达到 18.00 美元!与此同时,在 2009 年 3 月 18 日,仅在纳斯达克综合指数触及其熊市低点后的七天,以及道琼斯指数在 6469 的熊市低点后的十天,Netflix 达到了历史新高。仅仅 17 个交易日后,Netflix 的股价又上涨了 20%。在之前的三个季度中,销售额从 11%加速增长到 16%和 19%。盈利更为令人印象深刻,分别增长了 36%、38%和 58%。在 2009 年 10 月,我开始购买 Netflix 的股票。Netflix 的盈利、销售、利润率、股本回报率和债务水平都优于 Blockbuster 的这些指标。Netflix 的市盈率为 32 倍,而 Blockbuster 仅为 2 倍。哪只股票才是真正的“便宜”股票?从
Figure 6.1 Netflix (NFLX) vs. Blockbuster Video (BLOAQ) 2002-2011 Top competitor Netflix takes market share and claims the number one spot in video rental with a new business model as Blockbuster fails to evolve. 图 6.1 Netflix(NFLX)与 Blockbuster Video(BLOAQ)2002-2011 年 主要竞争对手 Netflix 通过新的商业模式占据市场份额,并在视频租赁中夺得第一的位置,而 Blockbuster 未能进化。
point at which Netflix when public, the stock increased more than 3,400 percent. During the same period Blockbuster’s stock price lost 99 percent of its value. Netflix 上市时,股票价格上涨了超过 3400%。在同一时期,Blockbuster 的股票价格损失了 99%的价值。
The Institutional Favorite 机构最爱
Institutional favorites are also referred to as quality companies or official growth stocks, but don’t let those titles impress you too much. These are mature companies, and they’re certainly no secret. They generally have a good track record of consistent sales and dividend growth, and they often attract conservative institutional capital because of their proven history of management’s ability to increase earnings, expand margins, and create shareholder value. Their earnings growth is generally in the low to middle teens. These companies are regarded as the ones that most likely won’t go out of business. Often they are referred to as blue chips or stalwarts. Examples include Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, and General Electric, to name a few. Although all that sounds good, there’s one problem: they’re usually big and sluggish by the time they reach institutional favorite status. Although their earnings are deemed to be consistent and of high quality, usually the growth is slow, and the companies are so widely followed that there’s little room for rapid price appreciation. 机构青睐的公司也被称为优质公司或官方成长股,但不要让这些称号过于打动你。这些是成熟的公司,显然并不是秘密。它们通常有着持续销售和股息增长的良好记录,并且由于管理层提高收益、扩大利润率和创造股东价值的证明历史,通常会吸引保守的机构资本。它们的收益增长通常在低到中等的十几个百分点。这些公司被视为最不可能倒闭的公司。它们通常被称为蓝筹股或稳健股。例子包括可口可乐、强生和通用电气等。尽管这一切听起来不错,但有一个问题:当它们达到机构青睐的地位时,通常已经很大且行动缓慢。尽管它们的收益被认为是一致且高质量的,但通常增长缓慢,并且这些公司受到广泛关注,几乎没有快速价格上涨的空间。
In certain markets these stocks can come into favor and do quite well. However, you’re not likely to get a superperformance move out of General Electric or Procter & Gamble. Sometimes mismanagement, some other misfortune, or a severe bear market correction will drive some of these companies down precipitously. As the stocks recover, they can make a nice advance coming out of the correction phase. 在某些市场中,这些股票可能会受到青睐并表现良好。然而,通用电气或宝洁公司不太可能出现超常表现的走势。有时,管理不善、其他不幸事件或严重的熊市修正会使这些公司股价急剧下跌。当股票恢复时,它们可以在修正阶段结束时实现不错的上涨。
The Turnaround Situation 逆转局面
Big profits can be made in troubled companies that turn around. In purchasing a turnaround situation, you should look for companies that have very strong results in the most recent two or three quarters. You should 在困境中的公司中可以获得丰厚的利润。购买转机情况时,您应该寻找最近两个或三个季度业绩非常强劲的公司。您应该
see at least two quarters of strong earnings increases or one quarter that is up enough to move the trailing 12 -month earnings per share to near or above its old peak. In looking at turnarounds, ask yourself: Are profit margins recovering, and are they at or close to the peak? Are the results based only on cost cutting? What is the company doing to increase earnings beyond cost cutting, productivity enhancements, and shedding losing operations? How much cash does the company have? Although a company can burn its cash, you can try to assess the burn rate and debt load to get an idea of how long it can last while running in the red. How much debt does the company have? Bank debt is the worst kind and is less favorable than bond debt. How long can the company operate while it works out its problems? 至少看到两个季度的强劲盈利增长,或者一个季度的增长足以将过去 12 个月的每股收益提升到接近或超过其旧高峰。在寻找转机时,问问自己:利润率是否在恢复,并且是否接近高峰?这些结果是否仅仅基于削减成本?公司在削减成本、提高生产力和剥离亏损业务之外还在做什么来增加收益?公司有多少现金?尽管公司可能会消耗现金,但您可以尝试评估消耗率和债务负担,以了解它在亏损状态下能持续多久。公司有多少债务?银行债务是最糟糕的类型,较债券债务更不利。公司在解决问题的过程中能运营多久?
It’s important to follow the story and ascertain whether the turnaround is running better than, worse than, or as expected. Worse than expected is usually a reason to consider selling. I look for acceleration in the growth rate in the most recent couple of quarters compared with the three- and five-year growth rate, which often is negative or reflects very slow growth. The most important questions to ask in purchasing a turnaround are: Is the stock acting well in market? and Are the fundamentals coming in strong? You want to see both. Turnaround stocks are up against relatively easy comparisons from earlier quarters, and so it’s important to see the most recent results up significantly: generally 100 percent growth or more in the most recent two or three quarters and a dramatic acceleration versus the past growth rate. 跟踪故事并确定转机是否比预期更好、更差或如预期一样重要。比预期更差通常是考虑卖出的理由。我会寻找最近几个季度的增长率加速,与三年和五年的增长率相比,后者通常是负数或反映非常缓慢的增长。在购买转机股时,最重要的问题是:股票在市场上的表现如何?基本面是否强劲?你希望看到这两者。转机股面临来自早期季度的相对容易的比较,因此看到最近的结果显著上升是重要的:通常在最近的两个或三个季度中增长 100%或更多,并且与过去的增长率相比有显著加速。
Remember, stocks don’t necessarily stay in one category forever. This is why it’s important to understand the dynamics that are taking place with regard to a company’s products and services and the potential for sales growth. Apple Computer was a turnaround situation that morphed into a growth stock and since then has reached institutional favorite status. From 2001 to 2003, revenue and margins were under severe pressure, which in turn led to lackluster earnings and a falling stock; the price of Apple’s shares was down more than 80 percent from its high. Things were so bleak that when Michael Dell, founder of rival computer maker Dell Inc., was asked 请记住,股票不一定会永远停留在一个类别中。这就是为什么了解与公司产品和服务相关的动态以及销售增长潜力是重要的。苹果电脑曾经是一个转型的案例,后来变成了成长型股票,从那时起它达到了机构青睐的地位。从 2001 年到 2003 年,收入和利润率承受着严重压力,这反过来导致了乏善可陈的收益和下跌的股票;苹果股票的价格比其高点下跌了超过 80%。情况如此严峻,以至于当戴尔公司创始人迈克尔·戴尔被问及时
Figure 6.2 Apple Computer (AAPL) 1985-2010 图 6.2 苹果电脑(AAPL)1985-2010
Apple Computer experiences a phenomenal turnaround on the heels of newly released products including the iPod, iTunes, and the iPhone. 苹果电脑在新发布的产品(包括 iPod、iTunes 和 iPhone)的推动下经历了惊人的转变。
Created by Max Olson/Max Capital Corporation. 由 Max Olson/Max Capital Corporation 创建。
what he would do if he ran Apple, he said he would “shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders.” 如果他管理苹果,他说他会“关闭它并把钱还给股东。”
However, a new product can bring new life to a dormant company, and the release of the iPod in 2001 and iTunes stores in 2003 was about to fuel what has been called the greatest turnaround in corporate history. From 2003 to 2011, Apple’s net profit margins increased every year from just 1.2 percent to an impressive 23.9 percent. During that period, revenue growth averaged 39 percent per year. With the rapid expansion of margins and strong sales, earnings soared, averaging 114 percent per year. From its 2003 low, Apple’s stock price increased in value by more than 10,000 percent; 73 percent of that phenomenal growth came from newly launched products. 然而,一款新产品可以为一个沉寂的公司带来新生,2001 年 iPod 的发布和 2003 年 iTunes 商店的推出即将推动被称为企业历史上最大逆转的事件。从 2003 年到 2011 年,苹果的净利润率每年都在增长,从仅 1.2%增加到令人印象深刻的 23.9%。在此期间,收入增长平均每年达到 39%。随着利润率的快速扩张和强劲的销售,收益飙升,平均每年增长 114%。从 2003 年的低点开始,苹果的股价价值增长超过 10,000%;其中 73%的惊人增长来自新推出的产品。
Cyclical Stocks 周期性股票
Buying a cyclical after several years of record earnings and when the P/E ratio has hit a low point is a proven method for losing half your money in a short period of time. 在经历了几年的创纪录收益后,购买周期性股票,并且当市盈率达到低点时,是一种在短时间内损失一半资金的可靠方法。
—Peter Lynch —彼得·林奇
A cyclical company is one that is sensitive to the economy or to commodity prices. Examples include auto manufacturers, steel producers, paper stocks, and chemical companies. Interestingly, cyclical stocks have an inverse P/E cycle, meaning they generally have a high P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio when they are poised to rally and a low P/E near the end of their cycle. This is due to the fact that Wall Street analysts try to anticipate the earnings-cycle dynamics of these companies, which are dependent on the business cycle. Growth investors may become confused when they attempt to apply an earnings model to the selection process for cyclical stocks, and their stock picks do not respond like a cookie cutter retailer or a high-growth technology company poised for many continued quarters or even years of growth after earnings are already on the table. This is the reason I put them into their own category and apply a slightly different approach from what I do with stock categories that have sustainable growth prospects. 周期性公司是对经济或商品价格敏感的公司。例子包括汽车制造商、钢铁生产商、纸业股票和化工公司。有趣的是,周期性股票具有反向市盈率周期,这意味着当它们准备反弹时,通常具有较高的市盈率,而在周期结束时则具有较低的市盈率。这是因为华尔街分析师试图预测这些公司的收益周期动态,而这些动态依赖于商业周期。当增长投资者试图将收益模型应用于周期性股票的选择过程时,可能会感到困惑,因为他们的股票选择并不像一个标准零售商或一个高增长的科技公司那样在收益已经公布后继续增长多个季度甚至多年的表现。这就是我将它们放入自己类别并采用与具有可持续增长前景的股票类别略有不同的方法的原因。
With cyclical stocks, the trick is to figure out whether the next cycle turn is going to happen earlier or later than usual. Inventories and supply and demand are important variables in analyzing the dynamics of cyclical stocks. When the P/E ratios of cyclical stocks are very low after earnings have been on the rise for many months or several years, it’s often a sign that they’re near the end of their up cycle. When P/Es are superhigh and you’ve heard nothing but doom and gloom about the company or industry for an extended period, the bottom may be near. 对于周期性股票,关键在于弄清楚下一个周期的转折点是会比平常早还是晚。库存和供需是分析周期性股票动态的重要变量。当周期性股票的市盈率在盈利持续上升了几个月或几年后非常低时,通常是它们接近上升周期结束的迹象。当市盈率非常高,而你听到的关于公司或行业的消息都是悲观和沮丧时,底部可能就近在咫尺。
At the bottom of a cyclical swing, the following things happen: 在周期性波动的底部,以下事情会发生:
Earnings are falling. 盈利正在下降。
Dividends may be cut or omitted. 股息可能会被削减或省略。
The P/E ratio is high. 市盈率很高。
News is generally bad. 新闻通常不好。
At the top of a cyclical swing: 在周期性波动的顶部:
Earnings are moving up. 盈利正在上升。
Dividends are being raised. 股息正在增加。
The P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} ratio is low. P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 比率很低。
News is generally good. 新闻通常是好的。
Stay Away from the Laggards 避免落后者
A laggard is a stock that belongs to the same group as the market leader but has inferior price performance and in most cases inferior earnings and sales growth. These stocks can have periods of decent performance, usually brief ones, as they try to catch up with the true leaders near the end of a cycle or during times when a sector is red hot and the real leader has run up rapidly. The price moves in laggard stocks, however, usually pale in comparison to those of the true market leader. 落后股是指与市场领头羊属于同一组的股票,但其价格表现较差,通常在收益和销售增长方面也较为逊色。这些股票可能会有短暂的良好表现,通常是在周期末期或某个行业火热时,试图追赶真正的领头羊。然而,落后股的价格波动通常与真正的市场领头羊相比显得微不足道。
Laggards usually appear to be relatively cheaper than market leaders, and that attracts unskilled investors. Don’t be tempted by a stock with a relatively low P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} or one that hasn’t appreciated as much as has the leader in its industry. There’s always a reason why one stock trades at a high multiple and another trades at a low multiple. More times than not, the expensive market leader is actually cheap and the laggard is really the more expensive choice. 落后股通常看起来比市场领头羊相对便宜,这吸引了不熟练的投资者。不要被相对低的 P//E\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E} 或那些没有像行业领头羊那样大幅上涨的股票所诱惑。总有一个原因导致一只股票的交易倍数较高,而另一只股票的交易倍数较低。往往情况下,昂贵的市场领头羊实际上是便宜的,而落后股实际上是更昂贵的选择。
Over the years, many people thought buying Wild Oats, the smaller rival to Whole Foods, was a better way to play the healthy food trend because of its lower P/E. There was a good reason for the low P/E: Wild Oats failed to generate much in the way of earnings growth. Investors who concentrated on earnings growth made a lot more money by owning Whole Foods even though it was popularly perceived to be more expensive than Wild Oats. 多年来,许多人认为购买 Wild Oats(野燕麦),这个较小的竞争对手于 Whole Foods(全食超市),是参与健康食品趋势的更好方式,因为它的市盈率较低。市盈率低是有原因的:Wild Oats 未能产生太多的盈利增长。专注于盈利增长的投资者通过持有 Whole Foods 赚了更多的钱,即使它在公众眼中被认为比 Wild Oats 更贵。
Figure 6.3 Whole Foods (WFMI) vs. Nasdaq Composite Index 1993-2005 图 6.3 Whole Foods(WFMI)与纳斯达克综合指数 1993-2005
From 2000 through 2005, the stock price for Whole Foods increased eightfold. In the same period, the Nasdaq Composite fell more than 50 percent. 从 2000 年到 2005 年,Whole Foods 的股价增长了八倍。在同一时期,纳斯达克综合指数下跌了超过 50%。
Whole Foods rarely traded below 30 times earnings during its dramatic growth phase. On the surface, it’s not surprising that many investors passed on a grocer with such a high P/E, but if they had understood the growth opportunity, the high P/E wouldn’t have mattered much. The key for Whole Foods was its ability to expand earnings at a high rate, growing by more than 20 percent on average. By doing that, the stock paid off big for its investors. 在其剧烈增长阶段,Whole Foods 的市盈率很少低于 30 倍。表面上看,许多投资者选择放弃这样一家市盈率如此高的杂货店并不令人惊讶,但如果他们理解了增长机会,高市盈率就不会显得那么重要。Whole Foods 的关键在于其以高速度扩展收益,平均增长超过 20%。通过这样做,股票为其投资者带来了丰厚的回报。
Specific Industry Groups Lead New Bull Markets 特定行业集团引领新牛市
The formation of a bear market bottom typically begins with signs of accumulation in certain market sectors or segments. In general, 3 or 4 to as many as 8 to 10 industry groups or subgroups lead a new bull market. The market can also have a broader theme such as growth, value, small-cap, large-cap, and so on. The leadership groups or categories can start to stage their bull market rallies before the broad benchmark’s bottom. For example, at the 1974 market bottom, mid-cap and small-cap stocks began to show noticeable signs of accumulation during September and October even though the major market indexes did not bottom until December. When a new bull market began in March 2003, it was already apparent that investors had been accumulating financial, energy, and basic materials stocks, as well as midcaps and small-caps, for several months. How do you find which groups are leading? Follow the individual stocks. I like to track the 52 -week new high list. The industry groups with a healthy number of stocks hitting new highs early in a bull market will often be the leaders. Your portfolio should consist of the best companies in the top four or five sectors. In a bull market, some sectors advance several hundred percent and others barely beat the average or even underperform. There are broad sectors that include a wide range of companies and subgroups. Healthcare/medical, technology, services, basic materials, consumer cyclical, consumer noncyclical, financial, transportation, capital goods, energy, and utilities are all broad sectors. 熊市底部的形成通常始于某些市场行业或细分领域的积累迹象。一般来说,3 到 4 个,甚至多达 8 到 10 个行业组或子组会引领新的牛市。市场也可以有更广泛的主题,如成长、价值、小盘股、大盘股等。领导性组别或类别可以在广泛基准的底部之前开始进行牛市反弹。例如,在 1974 年市场底部时,中型股和小型股在 9 月和 10 月开始显示出明显的积累迹象,即使主要市场指数直到 12 月才见底。当 2003 年 3 月新的牛市开始时,投资者已经明显在积累金融、能源和基础材料股票,以及中型股和小型股,持续了几个月。你如何找到哪些组别在领先?跟踪个股。我喜欢关注 52 周新高列表。在牛市初期,健康数量的股票创出新高的行业组通常会成为领导者。你的投资组合应该由前四或五个行业中最好的公司组成。 在牛市中,一些行业的涨幅达到几百个百分点,而其他行业则仅仅超过平均水平,甚至表现不佳。广泛的行业包括各种公司和子行业。医疗/医药、技术、服务、基础材料、消费周期性、消费非周期性、金融、运输、资本货物、能源和公用事业都是广泛的行业。
In each sector there are subsectors or industry groups. For example, in the healthcare/medical sector, subsectors include drugs, generic drugs, ethical drugs, biotechnology/genetics, HMOs, hospitals, nursing 在每个行业中都有子行业或行业组。例如,在医疗/医药行业中,子行业包括药品、仿制药、伦理药品、生物技术/基因、健康维护组织、医院、护理。
homes, outpatient/home care, medical equipment, medical services, and medical supplies. 住宅、门诊/居家护理、医疗设备、医疗服务和医疗用品。
Buying into the leading areas early in a bull market can lead to significant capital gains. Some groups start emerging late in a bull cycle and can lead during the next upturn after a bear market. It’s definitely worth investigating the industry groups in which the most stocks were resisting the decline and then subsequently broke into new highs while the market was coming off its lows or during the market’s initial few rallies. 在牛市初期买入领先领域可以带来显著的资本收益。一些行业在牛市周期的后期开始出现,并可能在熊市后的下一个上升周期中引领市场。确实值得调查那些在市场下跌时抵抗下滑并随后在市场从低点反弹或在市场初期几次反弹期间突破新高的行业组。
The top relative strength leaders in these groups typically lead their group’s advance from the beginning and are likely to show the greatest appreciation. When you see a growing number of names in a particular industry making new 52 -week highs (especially coming off a market low), this could be an indication that a group advance is under way. 这些组中的相对强势领导者通常在其组的上涨初期就会领先,并且可能会显示出最大的升值。当你看到某个特定行业中越来越多的股票创下 52 周新高(尤其是在市场低点之后),这可能表明该组的上涨正在进行中。
I tend to let individual stocks lead me into an industry group or sector, taking more of a bottom-up approach as opposed to top-down. I have found that more often than not, the best stocks in the leading groups advance before it’s obvious that the group or sector is hot. Therefore, I focus on stocks and let them point me to the group. Not always, though. I still stay in touch with what is happening on an industrywide level, and if I see something that attracts my interest, I look at the stocks that make up the industry and sort them according to my criteria. I look at the strongest stocks first: the ones that have the best earnings and sales, are closest to a new high, and show the greatest relative price strength versus the market. This is where you find the real market leaders. 我倾向于让个别股票引导我进入一个行业组或部门,采取更多的自下而上的方法,而不是自上而下。我发现,往往在该组或部门火热之前,领先组中的最佳股票会先行上涨。因此,我专注于股票,让它们指引我进入该组。不过并不总是如此。我仍然保持对行业整体情况的关注,如果我看到一些吸引我兴趣的东西,我会查看构成该行业的股票,并根据我的标准对它们进行排序。我首先查看最强的股票:那些拥有最佳收益和销售、最接近新高、并且相对于市场显示出最大的相对价格强度的股票。这就是你找到真正市场领导者的地方。
History shows that big winning stocks tend to favor certain industry groups. The groups that have produced the largest number of superperformance stocks include the following: 历史表明,表现优异的大型股票往往偏向某些行业组。产生最多超额表现股票的行业组包括以下几类:
Consumer/retail 消费/零售
Technology, computer, software, and related 技术、计算机、软件及相关
Drugs, medical, and biotech 药物、医疗和生物技术
Leisure/entertainment 休闲/娱乐
New Innovations Create New Opportunities 新创新创造新机会
Material changes in underlying conditions can have a dramatic effect on group performance. This doesn’t mean that a stock must belong to a strong group to make a big advance or imply that a strong tide will lift all the proverbial boats higher. Be on the lookout for new industries and companies with market niches, specialized expertise, proprietary technology, or a positive sector change such as deregulation. Look for new technologies or adaptations of old technologies that promise to help people work better, live longer, and enjoy life more or that help companies cut costs and improve productivity and efficiencies. Look for opportunities in companies undergoing positive changes. You can read industry trade magazines. You can call company representatives and ask which publications they recommend for keeping up with new industry events and happenings in their field. 基础条件的重大变化可以对集团表现产生显著影响。这并不意味着一只股票必须属于一个强大的集团才能取得大幅上涨,也不意味着强劲的潮流会将所有的船只都抬得更高。要关注新兴行业和具有市场细分、专业知识、专有技术或积极行业变化(如放松管制)的公司。寻找新技术或旧技术的改进,这些技术承诺帮助人们更好地工作、延长寿命和更好地享受生活,或者帮助公司降低成本、提高生产力和效率。寻找正在经历积极变化的公司的机会。你可以阅读行业贸易杂志。你可以联系公司代表,询问他们推荐哪些出版物以跟上他们领域内的新行业事件和动态。
When a new category is established or a company creates a new industry, often it’s an extension of a broader group category. For example, US Surgical was a medical products company. After it pioneered the surgical staple in 1987, a whole new medical approach became its own niche. In the early 1990s, US Surgical introduced the Endo Clip, which allowed laparoscopic gallbladder removal, and the market for those devices began to grow rapidly. Soon, laparoscopy was also being used for hernia operations, appendectomies, hysterectomies, and other types of abdominal surgery. With a virtual monopoly on sales of the equipment for these operations, US Surgical saw its sales grow by 50 percent in 1990 and 75 percent in the first half of 1991 . Earnings during that time grew by 78 percent, and by the end of the year they had nearly doubled. US Surgical sold more than $300\$ 300 million worth of laparoscopic equipment in 1991 to become one of the fastest-growing companies in the United States, with profits of $91\$ 91 million. Just a few years earlier US Surgical had sold only $10\$ 10 million worth of laparoscopic tools; by 1992 the company’s revenues for the year surpassed $1\$ 1 billion. 当一个新类别被建立或一家公司创造一个新行业时,通常是更广泛的组类别的延伸。例如,US Surgical 是一家医疗产品公司。在 1987 年它首创了外科钉后,一种全新的医疗方法成为了它自己的细分市场。在 1990 年代初,US Surgical 推出了 Endo Clip,这使得腹腔镜胆囊切除成为可能,这些设备的市场开始迅速增长。很快,腹腔镜也被用于疝气手术、阑尾切除术、子宫切除术和其他类型的腹部手术。凭借对这些手术设备销售的虚拟垄断,US Surgical 在 1990 年的销售额增长了 50%,1991 年上半年增长了 75%。在那段时间内,收益增长了 78%,到年底几乎翻了一番。US Surgical 在 1991 年销售了超过 $300\$ 300 百万美元的腹腔镜设备,成为美国增长最快的公司之一,利润为 $91\$ 91 百万美元。就在几年前,US Surgical 仅销售了 $10\$ 10 百万美元的腹腔镜工具;到 1992 年,该公司的年收入超过了 $1\$ 1 十亿。
Group Cycle Dynamics 群体周期动态
Events in one industry group can have an effect on other industry groups. For instance, the Iraq war and the 9//119 / 11 terrorist attacks had a dramatic effect on military and defense companies. This in turn had an effect on electronic parts manufacturers, in particular, companies that manufactured delicate measuring devices. In the 1990s, healthcare reform boosted HMOs, and that produced a need for cost-containment companies and software to help those companies deal with patients and logistics. The advent of the personal computer had a direct effect on semiconductors. The proliferation of small handheld devices produced demand for one-inch hard drives. High energy prices in the period 2006-2008 and ever-increasing worldwide energy use, as well as increased levels of pollution, have led to the proliferation of solar and alternative energy technology. Personal computing created the need for software and peripherals, which in turn led to the widespread use of the Internet, creating the need for faster speed and broadband access. Now we see social media and cloud computing as new frontiers. You can be assured that future growth areas will show up in leading stocks of leading industry groups. 一个行业组的事件可以对其他行业组产生影响。例如,伊拉克战争和 9//119 / 11 恐怖袭击对军事和国防公司产生了重大影响。这反过来又影响了电子零部件制造商,特别是那些制造精密测量设备的公司。在 1990 年代,医疗改革促进了健康维护组织(HMO)的发展,这产生了对成本控制公司和软件的需求,以帮助这些公司处理患者和物流。个人计算机的出现对半导体产生了直接影响。小型手持设备的普及产生了对一英寸硬盘的需求。2006-2008 年期间的高能源价格以及全球能源使用的不断增加,以及污染水平的上升,导致了太阳能和替代能源技术的普及。个人计算机的普及创造了对软件和外设的需求,这反过来又导致了互联网的广泛使用,创造了对更快速度和宽带接入的需求。现在我们看到社交媒体和云计算作为新的前沿。 你可以放心,未来的增长领域将在领先行业组的领先股票中显现出来。
When the Leader Sneezes, the Group Can Get a Cold 当领头羊打喷嚏时,整个行业可能会感冒。
Just as leading stocks can at times foretell a powerful group advance, keeping an eye on the top two or three companies in an industry group could provide a tip-off to when the group may be headed for trouble. It’s important to keep your eye on important leading names in the top-performing sectors. Often you’ll see an important stock in a group break badly, and the whole group will suffer. If one or more important stocks in an industry group top, that could be a warning that the whole group will soon run into trouble. Even stocks that are outside the group, such as suppliers and customers, may share in the suffering. Historically, more than 60 percent of superperformance stocks were part of an industry group advance. It pays to keep an eye on an industry’s top stocks to get a feel for that group’s potential 就像领先的股票有时可以预示一个强大的行业集团的上涨,关注行业组中排名前两三位的公司可能会提供一个提示,告诉你这个行业可能会面临麻烦。关注表现最好的行业中的重要领先股票是很重要的。通常你会看到一个重要的股票在一个组中表现不佳,而整个组都会受到影响。如果一个或多个重要股票在一个行业组中达到顶部,这可能是整个组即将遇到麻烦的警告。即使是行业外的股票,如供应商和客户,也可能会共同遭受损失。历史上,超过 60%的超表现股票都是行业组上涨的一部分。关注一个行业的顶尖股票可以帮助你了解该组的潜力。
strength. However, if a key leader breaks down after a big advance, beware. This is often the initial symptom that the entire group is about to get sick. 然而,如果一个关键的领头股票在大幅上涨后出现下跌,要小心。这通常是整个组即将出现问题的初步症状。
New Technologies Become Old Technologies 新技术变成旧技术
Every innovation eventually ceases to be an innovation; in doing so, it follows a path of market penetration and eventual saturation. This is a timeless truth. Initially, every new innovation (railroads, automobiles, radios, televisions, computers, the Internet, etc.) begins at a relatively high price point that only a small market segment can afford. Progress in technology and manufacturing gradually reduces the relative price of the new product. This leads to market penetration in which more and more potential users can acquire the new product or service. At some point market saturation is reached: all firms or households that will buy and use the new product have access to it; good examples are the automobile and the television. The market becomes largely a replacement market with overall unit growth bounded by the slow growth of the economy overall. 每项创新最终都会停止成为创新;在这个过程中,它遵循市场渗透和最终饱和的路径。这是一个永恒的真理。最初,每项新创新(铁路、汽车、收音机、电视、计算机、互联网等)都以相对较高的价格开始,只有一小部分市场细分能够负担得起。技术和制造的进步逐渐降低了新产品的相对价格。这导致市场渗透,越来越多的潜在用户能够获得新产品或服务。在某个时刻,市场饱和达成:所有会购买和使用新产品的公司或家庭都能获得它;汽车和电视就是很好的例子。市场在很大程度上变成了一个替代市场,整体单位增长受到整体经济缓慢增长的限制。
Once a market reaches saturation, little room remains for further penetration. Relative price declines have less and less of a positive impact on unit sales. The industry ceases to be a growth industry. In some cases, tech- 一旦市场达到饱和,进一步渗透的空间就很小。相对价格下降对单位销售的积极影响越来越小。该行业不再是一个增长行业。在某些情况下,科技-
Figure 6.4 Number of companies in the automobile industry (1890-1970) and television industry (1940-1990). 图 6.4 汽车行业(1890-1970 年)和电视行业(1940-1990 年)中的公司数量。
Source: James M. Utterback, “Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation.” 来源:詹姆斯·M·乌特巴克,《掌握创新的动态》。
Figure 6.5 Number of manufacturers of disk drives (1976-1998) and personal computers (1974-1992). 图 6.5 磁盘驱动器(1976-1998 年)和个人计算机(1974-1992 年)的制造商数量。
Source: DISK/TREND reports, Management Science, and CSFB estimates. 来源:DISK/TREND 报告、管理科学和 CSFB 估计。
nological and manufacturing progress may lead to price declines that exceed consequent increases in unit sales. During such periods of market saturation, competitive pressures usually lead to severe declines in profit margins. A former growth industry geared to rapid sales expansion enters a period of consolidation in which competition becomes unusually intense. Such periods of consolidation are usually characterized by profit rates well below the prior industry average, a decline in the number of companies in an industry, and bankruptcies. In the 1980s and 1990s, the PC-based high-tech industry underwent such a process of market penetration. This was no different from the experience of the automobile industry in the 1920s and the television industry in the 1950s; however, the cycle moved at a faster pace, probably as a result of the increase in information flow and access to world markets. 技术和制造进步可能导致价格下降超过单位销售的相应增加。在市场饱和的时期,竞争压力通常会导致利润率严重下降。一个曾经快速销售扩张的增长行业进入了一个整合期,在这个时期竞争变得异常激烈。这种整合期通常以利润率远低于行业平均水平、行业内公司数量减少和破产为特征。在 1980 年代和 1990 年代,基于 PC 的高科技行业经历了这样的市场渗透过程。这与 1920 年代的汽车行业和 1950 年代的电视行业的经历没有什么不同;然而,周期的变化速度更快,可能是由于信息流动和全球市场准入的增加。
This page intentionally left blank 此页故意留空
WYhen a stock suffers a major break in price, there’s a reason, and very often it’s the beginning of lower prices to come. In almost every case, something is fundamentally wrong with the company’s business or industry. Entering 2008, many of the big banks, including Citigroup, along with their broker-dealer and investing banking cousins such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, were overleveraged and held deteriorating balance sheets. This toxic cocktail would set up the financial sector for collapse as the overall economy was stunned into a severe recession. From 2007 to 2009, former Dow component American International Group (AIG) crashed from a high of $103\$ 103 down to a minuscule $0.33\$ 0.33. On September 22, 2008, AIG was removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Index. Citigroup was removed from the Dow on June 8, 2009. 当一只股票的价格出现重大下跌时,通常有原因,而且往往是未来价格进一步下跌的开始。在几乎所有情况下,公司的业务或行业都有根本性的问题。在 2008 年之前,包括花旗集团在内的许多大银行,以及像雷曼兄弟和贝尔斯登这样的经纪-交易商和投资银行的兄弟公司,都过度杠杆化,持有恶化的资产负债表。这种有毒的鸡尾酒将使金融部门面临崩溃,因为整体经济被震惊进入严重衰退。从 2007 年到 2009 年,前道琼斯成分股美国国际集团(AIG)从高点 $103\$ 103 崩溃到微不足道的 $0.33\$ 0.33 。在 2008 年 9 月 22 日,AIG 被移出道琼斯工业指数。花旗集团在 2009 年 6 月 8 日被移出道琼斯。
You’ve heard the old adage about buying low and selling high, so maybe you figure this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity-that is, to buy GE, Citigroup, or some other familiar company while it’s down in price. I bet those who bought the blue chip carmaker General Motors in 2008 felt they were getting a bargain, too. However, in just one year GM stock dropped to a level not seen since 1933, shedding almost 95 percent of its value. On June 8, 2009, General Motors was also removed from the Dow Jones Industrials Index. The fact is, no matter how big or prestigious a company is, when fundamentals deteriorate-namely, earnings-you never know how far the stock will fall. 你听过关于低买高卖的老话,所以也许你认为这是一个千载难逢的机会——也就是说,在通用电气、花旗集团或其他一些熟悉的公司股价下跌时买入。我敢打赌,那些在 2008 年购买蓝筹车制造商通用汽车的人也觉得自己得到了一个便宜货。然而,仅仅一年后,通用汽车的股票跌至自 1933 年以来未见的水平,几乎失去了 95%的价值。2009 年 6 月 8 日,通用汽车也被从道琼斯工业指数中剔除。事实是,无论一家公司多么大或多么有声望,当基本面恶化——即收益——时,你永远不知道股票会跌到什么程度。
The stock market cares little about the past, including the status of a company. What it cares about is the future, namely, growth. Keep in mind that our goal is to uncover superperformance stocks: shares that will far outpace the rest of the pack. These stocks are the ones with the strongest potential, and they seldom are found in the bargain bin. They are going strong because of a powerful force behind them: growth-real growth-in earnings and sales. Why buy damaged merchandise? 股票市场对过去几乎不在乎,包括公司的状态。它关心的是未来,即增长。请记住,我们的目标是发现超额表现的股票:那些将远远超过其他股票的股份。这些股票是潜力最强的,通常不会在特价区找到。它们之所以表现强劲,是因为背后有一个强大的力量:盈利和销售的真实增长。为什么要购买受损的商品呢?
If your goal is to achieve superperformance in stocks, each company must earn its place in your portfolio by being an outstanding business. Superperformance stocks show their strength through their ability to improve and grow earnings, sales, and margins. These powerhouse companies report quarterly results that are better than Wall Street anticipates, with upside surprises that propel the stock higher. Don’t become enamored with a stock selling down in price because it has a well-known name. Many 如果你的目标是在股票中实现超常表现,那么每家公司都必须通过出色的业务来赢得在你投资组合中的位置。超常表现的股票通过其改善和增长收益、销售和利润率的能力展现出其实力。这些强大的公司报告的季度业绩通常好于华尔街的预期,意外的好消息推动股票上涨。不要因为一只股票有一个知名的名字而对其价格下跌感到迷恋。许多
winning stocks may be companies that you never heard of before. Their best days lie ahead, not in the past. Regardless of a company’s size, status, or reputation, there is no intelligent reason for an investor to settle for an inferior track record in a marketplace filled with companies with outstanding fundamentals. 成功的股票可能是你之前从未听说过的公司。它们的最佳时光在未来,而不是过去。无论公司的规模、地位或声誉如何,投资者没有理由在充满优秀基本面的公司市场中满足于劣质的业绩记录。
Each quarter, earnings and sales reports provide a refreshed set of statistics with new names, as those with poorer prospects are often replaced with those with greater potential. The same release of quarterly results also brings fresh data with which to evaluate the companies already in one’s portfolio. In this way, the portfolio naturally evolves to achieve its performance goal through forced displacement. Stocks that continue to deliver the goods can remain in the portfolio, and the ones that fail to perform must go. 每个季度,收益和销售报告提供了一组更新的统计数据,新的名字出现,因为前景较差的公司往往被潜力更大的公司所取代。同样的季度业绩发布也带来了新的数据,可以用来评估已经在投资组合中的公司。通过这种方式,投资组合自然会随着强制性替换而演变,以实现其业绩目标。持续交付良好业绩的股票可以留在投资组合中,而未能表现的股票则必须被剔除。
Why Earnings? 为什么要关注收益?
In real estate, the mantra goes “location, location, location.” In the stock market, it’s earnings, earnings, earnings; after all, it’s the bottom line that counts. How much money can a company earn and for how long? This leads to three basic questions every investor should ask when it comes to earnings: How much? How long? and How certain? Profitability, sustainability, and visibility represent the most influential factors that move stock prices. 在房地产中,口号是“位置、位置、位置。”在股市中,则是“收益、收益、收益”;毕竟,最终的结果才是最重要的。一家公司能赚多少钱,能持续多久?这引出了每个投资者在考虑收益时应该问的三个基本问题:多少?多久?以及多确定?盈利能力、可持续性和可见性是影响股票价格的最重要因素。
To understand the impact of earnings on stock prices, let’s go behind the scenes and examine how Wall Street operates. Who moves stock prices? Big institutional investors such as mutual funds, hedge funds, pension funds, and insurance companies. Many institutional investors, encompassing a relatively large number of investment professionals, use investment models that identify earnings surprises, that is, reported earnings that beat analysts’ expectations. As soon as an earnings surprise is reported, these opportunists will jump onboard or at least put the stock on their radar screens as a potential buy candidate. 为了理解收益对股票价格的影响,让我们深入了解华尔街的运作方式。谁在推动股票价格?大型机构投资者,如共同基金、对冲基金、养老基金和保险公司。许多机构投资者,包括相对较多的投资专业人士,使用投资模型来识别收益惊喜,即报告的收益超出分析师的预期。一旦报告了收益惊喜,这些机会主义者就会迅速加入,或者至少将该股票列入潜在购买候选名单。
Most of the big institutional investors utilize valuation models that are based on earnings estimates to determine a stock’s current worth or value. When a company reports quarterly results that are meaningfully better than expected, analysts who follow the stock must reexamine and revise 大多数大型机构投资者利用基于收益预测的估值模型来确定股票的当前价值。当一家公司报告的季度业绩明显好于预期时,跟踪该股票的分析师必须重新审视并修订
their earnings estimates upward. This increases the attention paid to a stock. The upward estimate revision is going to raise institutional investors’ projected value of the company. When earnings estimates for a stock head up, shares, of course, become more attractive-and invite buying. 他们的收益预测。这增加了对该股票的关注。上调的收益预测将提高机构投资者对公司的预期价值。当股票的收益预测上升时,股票自然变得更具吸引力,并引发买入。
Anticipation and Surprise 预期与惊讶
Stocks move for two basic reasons: anticipation and surprise. Every price movement is rooted in one of these two elements: anticipation of news, an event, an important business change, or reaction to an unexpected event and a surprise, whether positive or negative. 股票价格波动的基本原因有两个:预期和惊讶。每一次价格变动都根植于这两个因素之一:对新闻、事件、重要商业变化的预期,或对意外事件的反应和惊讶,无论是积极的还是消极的。
Anticipation means expectation, for example, rumors that a large contract may be awarded to a contractor. In anticipation of an announcement, the stock price may advance. Once the deal is on the table and the contract is officially awarded, the stock could sell off. The same thing can happen with earnings that are in line with expectations; once the announcement is made, the stock declines because that event had already been priced into or discounted in the stock price. Stocks often move in anticipation of good and bad news and then after the fact may move in the opposite direction (i.e., rallying in anticipation of a favorable development and selling off when the announcement is made). This market phenomenon may baffle newbie investors. The reason for it is that the stock market prices in future events. That is what is meant when people say the stock market is a discounting mechanism. Although anticipation moves prices, once the expected event occurs, the market sells on the news. Hence the old adage “Buy the rumor; sell the fact.” 预期意味着期望,例如,有传言称可能会将一项大型合同授予某个承包商。为了迎接公告,股价可能会上涨。一旦交易达成并且合同正式授予,股票可能会下跌。与符合预期的收益情况相同;一旦公告发布,股票就会下跌,因为该事件已经在股价中被定价或折扣。股票通常会在好消息和坏消息的预期中波动,然后在事后可能会朝相反的方向移动(即,在预期有利发展的情况下上涨,而在公告发布时下跌)。这种市场现象可能会让新手投资者感到困惑。其原因在于股市会对未来事件进行定价。这就是人们所说的股市是一个折扣机制的含义。尽管预期会推动价格,但一旦预期事件发生,市场就会在消息发布时抛售。因此,有句老话“买入传闻;卖出事实。”
Surprises can take many forms, from earnings that were far above or below estimates to a sudden development that significantly changes a company’s business outlook. What surprises have in common, by definition, is that they are unexpected. Suddenly, the idea of deregulating an industry catches on in Congress or a drug that seemed unlikely to win U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval unexpectedly gets the green light. With earnings, results come in well above expectations for a positive surprise or well below for a negative surprise. 意外可以有多种形式,从远高于或低于预期的收益,到突然发生的重大事件,这些事件显著改变了公司的商业前景。意外的共同点在于,它们都是出乎意料的。突然间,放松对某个行业的监管的想法在国会中流行起来,或者一个看似不太可能获得美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的药物意外获得了批准。对于收益来说,结果远高于预期则是积极的意外,远低于预期则是消极的意外。
The Earnings Surprise 收益意外
Let’s define what Wall Street means by an earnings surprise: simply stated, a company’s earnings are better (or worse) than the consensus of analysts’ estimates. You can find out what the estimates are for a company’s earnings through news sources such as Yahoo! Finance, Zacks, and Briefing.com. If a dozen analysts follow XYZ Corp. and the consensus (average) for quarterly earnings is $0.53\$ 0.53 per share, if the company reports results of $0.60\$ 0.60 a share, that will be a $0.07\$ 0.07 positive surprise. If the company reports $0.48\$ 0.48 a share, that will be a $0.05\$ 0.05 negative surprise. 让我们定义一下华尔街所说的盈利意外:简单来说,一家公司的盈利好于(或差于)分析师预估的共识。你可以通过 Yahoo! Finance、Zacks 和 Briefing.com 等新闻来源找到一家公司的盈利预估。如果有十几位分析师关注 XYZ 公司,而季度盈利的共识(平均值)是 $0.53\$ 0.53 每股,如果公司报告的结果是 $0.60\$ 0.60 每股,那将是一个 $0.07\$ 0.07 的正面意外。如果公司报告的是 $0.48\$ 0.48 每股,那将是一个 $0.05\$ 0.05 的负面意外。
A surprise could set off a flurry of activity, including a wave of buying that, in the case of a positive surprise, raises the stock price. Studies have shown that the effects of the surprise and the postnews drift (movement in the direction of the surprise reaction) can last for months. Efficient market theory holds that the market reacts instantaneously and fully prices in new information completely. Experienced traders know that this theory is false for several reasons. For one thing, it’s impossible for everybody to respond at the exact same time. Liquidity is also a factor; only so many shares are available to be bought and sold. Large buyers must buy over time to avoid running a stock up too quickly, and if they sell too fast, they can crush the stock. This is what accounts for postearnings drift, a persistent bias in the direction of the surprise. Be on the lookout for companies that are beating earnings estimates; the bigger the earnings surprise, the better. 意外可能引发一阵活动,包括一波购买,在积极意外的情况下,推高股票价格。研究表明,意外的影响和新闻后的漂移(朝着意外反应的方向移动)可以持续数月。有效市场理论认为,市场会瞬间反应,并完全将新信息定价。经验丰富的交易者知道,这一理论因多种原因是错误的。首先,所有人不可能在同一时间做出反应。流动性也是一个因素;可供买卖的股票数量有限。大型买家必须分时间段购买,以避免过快推高股票价格,如果他们卖得太快,可能会压垮股票。这就是后收益漂移的原因,一种持续的偏向于意外方向的偏见。要留意那些超出收益预期的公司;收益意外越大,越好。
The Cockroach Effect 蟑螂效应
They call it the cockroach effect because as with cockroaches, if you see one, you can bet there are others. The same thinking applies to companies reporting earnings surprises. If a company has posted very good quarterly results that are much better than were anticipated by analysts, there are probably more good quarters ahead. If a company is performing well with earnings surprises, other companies in the same industry or sector may post some upside surprises as well. 他们称之为蟑螂效应,因为就像蟑螂一样,如果你看到一只,你可以肯定还有其他的。相同的思维适用于公司报告盈利惊喜。如果一家公司发布的季度业绩远远好于分析师的预期,那么未来可能还有更多的好季度。如果一家公司在盈利惊喜方面表现良好,那么同一行业或部门的其他公司也可能会发布一些上行惊喜。
Figure 7.2 Urban Outfitter (URBN) 2003-2007 图 7.2 城市服装商(URBN)2003-2007
Fueled by persistent positive earnings surprises, the price of Urban Outfitter rose dramatically from 2003-2005. In contrast, from 2006-2007, a period dominated by negative surprises, the stock was essentially unchanged. 由于持续的正收益惊喜,Urban Outfitter 的股价在 2003 年至 2005 年间大幅上涨。相比之下,在 2006 年至 2007 年这一以负收益惊喜为主的时期,股票基本保持不变。
Chart courtesy of Zacks Research Wizard. 图表由 Zacks Research Wizard 提供。
The prospect of further surprises may lead to speculation by institutional investors in some stocks even before the earnings come out. Such a strategy can be profitable. An authentic earnings surprise for the quarter probably portends higher earnings in the next quarter as well. The mirror effect often holds true for negative surprises. Companies that miss earnings estimates often disappoint again in subsequent quarters. Because earnings surprises have a lingering effect, we want to focus on companies that beat estimates and avoid firms that have negative earnings surprises. One way to find candidates is to check to see if earnings reported in the last couple of quarters were better than expected. 进一步的意外可能会导致机构投资者在某些股票上进行投机,即使在财报公布之前。这种策略可能是有利可图的。一个真实的季度盈利意外可能预示着下个季度的盈利也会更高。负面意外通常也会产生镜像效应。错过盈利预期的公司往往在随后的季度中再次令人失望。由于盈利意外具有持久的影响,我们希望关注那些超出预期的公司,并避免那些出现负面盈利意外的公司。找到候选公司的一个方法是检查过去几个季度报告的盈利是否好于预期。
Not All Surprises Are Created Equal 并非所有意外都是平等的
Not all surprises are really surprises. Sometimes a company will beat the published consensus number; for example, Company XYZ reports earnings of $1.23\$ 1.23 a share versus the Street estimate of $1.20\$ 1.20. Although that’s a $0.03\$ 0.03 upside surprise, don’t be unduly impressed with companies that beat analysts’ estimates. News reports often emphasize that companies’ announced earnings beat analysts’ estimates by a penny or two a share; this isn’t any- 并非所有的惊喜都是真正的惊喜。有时一家公司会超出公布的共识数字;例如,XYZ 公司报告每股收益为 $1.23\$ 1.23 ,而华尔街的预估为 $1.20\$ 1.20 。尽管这是一个 $0.03\$ 0.03 的上行惊喜,但不要对那些超出分析师预估的公司过于印象深刻。新闻报道常常强调公司宣布的收益超出分析师预估一两美分;这并不是什么新鲜事。
thing new. Companies more often than not beat their estimates. This happens because they’re careful to guide expectations in their public statements during the quarter, ensuring that analysts’ estimates converge around a number slightly below what management knows the company will deliver. It’s also partly due to a herd effect among analysts who don’t want their quarterly forecasts to be too far above or below the average of their peers. 这并不是什么新鲜事。公司往往会超出他们的预估。这是因为他们在季度期间的公开声明中小心翼翼地引导预期,确保分析师的预估集中在一个略低于管理层知道公司将交付的数字上。这也部分是由于分析师之间的从众效应,他们不希望自己的季度预测远高于或低于同行的平均水平。
Analysts are typically conservative in making earnings estimates. Since the market likes upside surprises and Wall Street firms are in the business of selling stocks to consumers, you can see how this happens. When it comes to estimates, there is no benefit to being aggressive. If the majority of analysts are between, say, $0.25\$ 0.25 and $0.30\$ 0.30 a share in their earnings estimates and the consensus is $0.27\$ 0.27, who would want to crank up the earnings model to project $0.40\$ 0.40 a share? Even a better than expected earnings report could look like an earnings disappointment; the stock could get clobbered, and as a result, the analyst could be out of a job. Being conservative and safe within a reasonable range of the consensus number makes everybody happy, especially if the company beats the estimates. Although it may look good on the surface, don’t be fooled into thinking this is a true upside surprise. You are looking for a significant event with results that beat estimates by a meaningful margin. 分析师在做出盈利预测时通常比较保守。由于市场喜欢上行惊喜,而华尔街公司则专注于向消费者销售股票,因此你可以理解这种情况。当涉及到预测时,采取激进的态度没有好处。如果大多数分析师的盈利预测在,比如说, $0.25\$ 0.25 到 $0.30\$ 0.30 美元之间,而共识是 $0.27\$ 0.27 ,那么谁会想要提高盈利模型来预测 $0.40\$ 0.40 美元呢?即使是好于预期的盈利报告也可能看起来像是盈利失望;股票可能会遭受重创,因此分析师可能会失业。在合理范围内保持保守和安全的态度使每个人都满意,特别是如果公司超出预期。尽管表面上看起来不错,但不要被误导以为这是真正的上行惊喜。你要寻找的是一个显著事件,其结果超出预期的幅度是有意义的。
Years ago, it was popular to discern the whisper number on the Street, a shadowy figure that was more realistic than the published estimate or consensus. The whisper number existed because company management once could legally share information within a closed circle of certain analysts; those analysts in turn would share that information with their biggest clients. 多年前,识别街头的“耳语数字”很流行,这个模糊的数字比公布的估计或共识更为现实。耳语数字的存在是因为公司管理层曾经可以合法地在某些分析师的封闭圈子内分享信息;这些分析师又会将这些信息分享给他们最大的客户。
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 silenced the whisper number with stricter rules that required companies to disseminate information in a more restricted fashion, with stiff penalties for violations. Even earlier, the Securities and Exchange Commission in August 2000 adopted Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure) to address “non-public information” (information that had not yet been announced) that could be disclosed by publicly traded companies. In general, the rule states that if a company releases certain information to certain individuals, such as analysts, it also has to make a 2002 年的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》通过更严格的规则使耳语数字沉寂,要求公司以更受限制的方式传播信息,并对违规行为处以严厉的处罚。更早之前,证券交易委员会在 2000 年 8 月通过了 FD(公平披露)规则,以解决“非公开信息”(尚未公布的信息),这些信息可以由上市公司披露。一般来说,该规则规定,如果公司向某些个人(如分析师)发布某些信息,它也必须向公众发布相同的信息。
public disclosure of that information. The purpose of the rule is to promote “full and fair disclosure,” according to the SEC. 该信息的公开披露。根据美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的说法,该规则的目的是促进“全面和公平的披露”。
Analysts' Revisions of Estimates 分析师对估计的修订
When a company reports a meaningful earnings surprise, analysts who follow that stock are likely to revise their earnings estimates. I like to see estimates raised not only for the current quarter but also for the current fiscal year. Studies have shown that when estimates are revised upward by 5 percent or more, stocks tend to show better-than-average performance. Conversely, with downward revisions of 5 percent or more, stocks exhibit lower than average performance. 当一家公司报告出一个有意义的盈利惊喜时,跟踪该股票的分析师很可能会修订他们的盈利预期。我喜欢看到不仅是当前季度的预期被上调,还有当前财政年度的预期。研究表明,当预期上调 5%或更多时,股票往往会表现出优于平均水平的表现。相反,当预期下调 5%或更多时,股票的表现则低于平均水平。
Generally, adjustments to estimates following an earnings surprise are made shortly after the announcement. Sometimes, however, estimates are raised before an earnings report, for example, in the middle of the quarter. This reflects the expectation of good results. It may be that a product is selling better than expected or business conditions have improved. Analysts who follow companies very carefully revise their estimates not only based on historical data but also because of what they learn by talking with customers and suppliers. 通常,在盈利惊喜之后,预期的调整会在公告后不久进行。然而,有时预期会在盈利报告之前上调,例如在季度中间。这反映了对良好结果的预期。可能是某个产品的销售情况好于预期,或者商业环境有所改善。非常仔细跟踪公司的分析师不仅基于历史数据修订他们的预期,还因为他们通过与客户和供应商的交流所获得的信息。
As the reporting period approaches, estimates probably will start to converge around the consensus estimate. It’s your job to watch a stock to get an idea of whether the price is already anticipating these expected results. Also note that when analysts raise their earnings estimates on the basis of the latest results, this lowers the price/earnings (P/E) ratio of a stock because the denominator-earnings-is larger. 随着报告期的临近,估计值可能会开始围绕共识估计趋于一致。你的工作是观察一只股票,以了解其价格是否已经在预期这些结果。还要注意,当分析师根据最新结果提高他们的盈利预期时,这会降低股票的市盈率(P/E),因为分母——盈利——变得更大。
To calculate future earnings, analysts start with a revenue projection, such as all the contracts that a company has or says it will have. Then they apply the company’s expected profit margin and subtract a certain percentage for taxes. The result is the earnings per share for the quarter or the year. Most of the inputs for an estimate come from company guidance in the form of press releases, conference calls, and personal one-on-one discussions with executives. The analyst may adjust the numbers in the earnings forecast on the basis of conversations with customers who may indicate that 为了计算未来的盈利,分析师从收入预测开始,例如公司拥有或声称将拥有的所有合同。然后,他们应用公司的预期利润率,并减去一定比例的税费。结果就是该季度或该年的每股盈利。大多数估计的输入来自公司指导,包括新闻稿、电话会议和与高管的一对一讨论。分析师可能会根据与客户的对话调整盈利预测中的数字,这些客户可能会表明
This Quarter Next Quarter This Year Next Year
Current 0.34 0.66 1.32 1.94
7 Days Ago 0.32 0.65 1.28 1.94
30 Days Ago 0.29 0.65 1.18 1.92
60 Days Ago 0.29 0.65 1.18 1.92
90 Days Ago 0.29 0.63 1.09 1.88| | This Quarter | Next Quarter | This Year | Next Year |
| ---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Current | 0.34 | 0.66 | 1.32 | 1.94 |
| 7 Days Ago | 0.32 | 0.65 | 1.28 | 1.94 |
| 30 Days Ago | 0.29 | 0.65 | 1.18 | 1.92 |
| 60 Days Ago | 0.29 | 0.65 | 1.18 | 1.92 |
| 90 Days Ago | 0.29 | 0.63 | 1.09 | 1.88 |
Figure 7.3 Earnings estimate revisions 图 7.3 盈利预测修订
sales are not as good as projected or, conversely, better than the company has stated. Or the analyst may determine that the company is going to qualify for a lower tax rate. A competitor may be about to announce lower pricing, which will lead to a price war that will grind down profit margins. 销售额不如预期,或者相反,超出了公司所声明的。分析师可能会判断公司将有资格享受更低的税率。竞争对手可能即将宣布降价,这将导致价格战,从而压缩利润率。
Look for companies for which analysts are raising estimates. Quarterly as well as current fiscal year estimates should be trending higher; the bigger the estimate revisions, the better. At the very least, I like to see the current fiscal year or the next year’s estimates trending higher from 30 days earlier; if both are trending higher, that is even better. Although I won’t necessarily disqualify a stock as a buy candidate if it lacks upward earnings revisions, large downward estimate revisions are definitely a red flag. 寻找分析师正在上调预期的公司。季度以及当前财年的预期应该呈上升趋势;预期修正越大,越好。至少,我希望看到当前财年或下一年的预期比 30 天前有所上升;如果两者都在上升,那就更好了。尽管如果一只股票缺乏向上的盈利修正,我不会一定将其排除在买入候选之外,但大幅向下的预期修正绝对是一个警示信号。
Big Earnings Attract Big Attention 大盈利吸引大关注
When a company delivers several quarters of strong earnings, this not only prompts more upward revisions of analysts’ earnings estimates and brokerage upgrades but also results in more coverage of the stock as additional investment houses assign analysts to follow the company. More upbeat analysis can lead to more buying. The stock, which was hardly noticed just a few quarters ago, is starting to attract attention and bask in the limelight. 当一家公司连续几个季度交出强劲的盈利时,这不仅会促使分析师的盈利预期和券商评级上调,还会导致更多的股票报道,因为更多的投资公司指派分析师跟踪该公司。更乐观的分析可能会导致更多的买入。几季度前几乎无人问津的股票,开始吸引关注并沐浴在聚光灯下。
If earnings accelerate quarter by quarter at a strengthening pace, earnings per share (EPS) momentum can propel the share price even higher. As 如果每季度的收益以加速的速度增长,每股收益(EPS)的动能可以推动股价更高。
EPS momentum builds-for example, 10 percent earnings growth, then 30 percent, 50 percent, and so on-the earnings momentum buyers will jump on the bandwagon. A feeding frenzy is now under way, all of it fueled by EPS growth and expectations of future growth. 当 EPS 动能积累时——例如,10%的收益增长,然后是 30%、50%等等——收益动能的买家将会加入这个潮流。现在正在进行一场狂热的追逐,所有这一切都由 EPS 增长和对未来增长的预期所推动。
As the stock’s price rises quickly because of the prospects of improving fundamentals from institutional buying, additional quantitative models kick in and price momentum players start to buy the stock purely on the basis of a strong price trend and price momentum. Some of these investors will buy stocks that show strong price action regardless of the fundamentals. They believe that a stock that is rising strongly will continue to rise over the short to intermediate term purely as a result of momentum. 随着股票价格因机构买入的基本面改善前景而迅速上涨,额外的量化模型开始生效,价格动量投资者开始仅基于强劲的价格趋势和价格动量购买该股票。这些投资者中的一些人会购买那些显示出强劲价格走势的股票,而不考虑基本面。他们相信,强劲上涨的股票在短期到中期内会继续上涨,纯粹是由于动量的结果。
At some point, the growth becomes obvious and essentially everybody knows about it. The stock is officially termed a growth stock. The smart money that got in early is getting out with a hefty profit, and naive investors step in to buy what they’ve been reading about in the financial pages or hearing about on TV. Then the momentum stalls. What follows is the loss of EPS momentum, an eventual negative earnings surprise, and downward revisions, all of which puts considerable pressure on the stock price. This earnings maturation cycle happens time and time again, market cycle after 在某个时刻,增长变得显而易见,几乎每个人都知道它。该股票被正式称为成长股。早期入场的聪明资金正在以丰厚的利润退出,而天真的投资者则开始购买他们在财经页面上阅读或在电视上听到的内容。然后,动量停滞。接下来是每股收益动量的丧失,最终的负收益惊喜,以及向下修正,这些都对股票价格施加了相当大的压力。这种收益成熟周期一次又一次地发生,市场周期接踵而至。
Figure 7.4 Earnings maturation cycle 图 7.4 收益成熟周期
In order to find your next superperformer, look for stocks that are in stage 2 with strong earnings, positive surprises, and upward revised estimates. 为了找到下一个超级表现者,寻找处于第二阶段的股票,这些股票具有强劲的收益、积极的意外惊喜和上调的预期。
market cycle. The key is to understand where you are in the cycle and take advantage of its effect. 市场周期。关键是要理解你处于周期的哪个阶段,并利用其影响。
Get It on the Table 把它放在桌子上
Big earnings will eventually attract the big players and create the conditions for big price performance. The length of time a stock remains in stage 2 depends on the company’s fundamentals, specifically, how long it’s able to continue its pattern of strong earnings growth. Some companies can keep this up for quite a stretch. To take advantage of this phenomenon, you don’t need to guess or predict, and you don’t have to settle for less than stellar performance in terms of fundamentals. Look for stage 2 uptrends supported by strong earnings growth, and you will dramatically increase your chances for attaining big success in stocks. 大额收益最终会吸引大玩家,并创造出大幅价格表现的条件。一只股票在第二阶段停留的时间取决于公司的基本面,特别是它能够持续强劲收益增长的时间。有些公司可以维持这种状态相当长的时间。为了利用这一现象,你不需要猜测或预测,也不必满足于基本面表现不佳的情况。寻找由强劲收益增长支持的第二阶段上升趋势,你将大大增加在股票中获得巨大成功的机会。
Sometimes a company with a rocketing stock price may not be making much money, but the rising price means that investors are hoping that it will be profitable in the future. However, three out of four times, the very best performers will show meaningful earnings increases in the most recent quarter from the same quarter a year earlier. You should demand not only that the most recent quarter be up by a meaningful amount but that the past two or three quarters also show good gains. 有时候,一家公司的股票价格飞涨,但它可能并没有赚很多钱,但上涨的价格意味着投资者希望它未来会盈利。然而,四分之三的情况下,表现最好的股票在最近一个季度的盈利增长与去年同季度相比会有显著增加。你应该要求最近一个季度的盈利不仅要有显著的增长,而且过去两到三个季度也要显示出良好的增长。
In fact, it’s even better if the earnings are getting stronger sequentially each quarter. In our study of past superperformance stocks, as well as in the Love and Reinganum studies, current quarterly earnings showed the highest correlation with big stock price performance. 实际上,如果每个季度的盈利逐渐增强,那就更好了。在我们对过去超级表现股票的研究中,以及在 Love 和 Reinganum 的研究中,当前季度的盈利与股票价格的大幅表现之间的相关性最高。
To ensure that your stock is attractive to institutional investors, demand that a minimum level of current quarterly earnings performance be met before investing. Many successful growth managers require a minimum of 20 to 25 percent year-over-year increases in the most recent one, two, or three quarters. The greater the percentage increases, the better. Really successful companies generally report earnings increases of 30 to 40 percent or more during their superperformance phase. In a bull market you can set your minimum even higher; look to find companies delivering increases in earnings of 40 to 100 percent or more in the most recent two to three quar- 为了确保您的股票对机构投资者具有吸引力,要求在投资之前满足当前季度收益表现的最低水平。许多成功的成长型管理者要求最近一个、两个或三个季度的年增长率至少达到 20%到 25%。增长百分比越大,越好。真正成功的公司在其超表现阶段通常报告收益增长 30%到 40%或更多。在牛市中,您可以将最低要求设定得更高;寻找最近两个到三个季度收益增长 40%到 100%或更多的公司。
ters. Companies that report four, five, or six strong quarters in a row provide even more assurance that they are on the right track. 连续报告四、五或六个强劲季度的公司提供了更大的保证,表明它们走在正确的轨道上。
It’s important to know when the companies in your portfolio and the ones on your watch list will report quarterly earnings. It’s not uncommon for a company to issue a preannouncement about its results before the actual earnings date. You should, in addition, be aware of earnings reports and news from companies that are in the same industry group as the stocks you hold. 了解您投资组合中的公司以及观察名单上的公司何时发布季度财报是很重要的。公司在实际财报日期之前发布业绩预告并不罕见。此外,您还应该关注与您持有的股票在同一行业组中的公司的财报和新闻。
The following are some examples of big winners that had their earnings on the table when they made a large-scale advance in price: 以下是一些在价格大幅上涨时其财报在桌面上的大赢家的例子:
March 1989 through May 1993: Cisco Systems (CSCO) reported 15 out of 17 quarters of earnings increases of 100 percent or more, with the other two quarters at 92 percent and 71 percent, respectively. Cisco’s stock price advanced more than 13 -fold during this period. 1989 年 3 月至 1993 年 5 月:思科系统公司(CSCO)报告了 17 个季度中有 15 个季度的收益增长超过 100%,另外两个季度分别为 92%和 71%。在此期间,思科的股价上涨了超过 13 倍。
September 1989 through December 1992: Home Depot (HD) reported 14 consecutive quarters of earnings in excess of 29 percent; Home Depot’s stock price advanced more than 500 percent. 1989 年 9 月至 1992 年 12 月:家得宝(HD)报告了连续 14 个季度的收益超过 29%;家得宝的股价上涨了超过 500%。
From 1987 through 1991, Microsoft (MSFT) reported only one quarter below 36 percent for 16 straight quarters. The stock price advanced more than 1,200 percent. 从 1987 年到 1991 年,微软(MSFT)在连续 16 个季度中仅报告了一个季度低于 36%。股价上涨超过 1200%。
Apollo Group (APOL) reported 45 consecutive quarters at or above Wall Street’s estimates. Apollo’s stellar price performance qualifies it as one of the greatest stock market winners of all time. 阿波罗集团(APOL)连续 45 个季度的业绩均高于华尔街的预期。阿波罗的卓越价格表现使其成为历史上最伟大的股市赢家之一。
From 2009 through 2011, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) averaged quarterly earnings increases of 112 percent and quarterly sales increases of 67 percent. The stock price advanced more than 650 percent in 24 months. 从 2009 年到 2011 年,绿山咖啡烘焙公司(GMCR)平均季度收益增长 112%,季度销售增长 67%。在 24 个月内,股价上涨超过 650%。
Amgen (AMGN) averaged quarterly earnings increases of 288 percent during its phenomenal run in the early 1990s. 安进公司(AMGN)在 1990 年代初期的辉煌时期,平均季度收益增长 288%。
Crocs: Getting In and Getting Out at the Right Time Crocs Inc. (CROX) was a flash-in-the-pan retail fad, similar to a sneaker company I traded in the 1980s called LA Gear. Both had meteoric price surges in a relatively short period because of rapid sales of their trendy shoes. Initially priced at $9.90\$ 9.90, Crocs opened up 200 percent at $30\$ 30 per share on February 8, 2006. Crocs boasted triple-digit earnings per share every quarter from June 2006 until September 2007. From its initial public offering through October 2007, quarterly earnings per share averaged 229 percent. The stock advanced a whopping 400 percent during that period. Crocs:在正确的时间进出 Crocs Inc.(CROX)曾是一种短暂的零售时尚,类似于我在 1980 年代交易的一家运动鞋公司 LA Gear。由于其时尚鞋款的快速销售,两者在相对较短的时间内都经历了迅猛的价格飙升。Crocs 的初始定价为 $9.90\$ 9.90 ,在 2006 年 2 月 8 日以每股 $30\$ 30 的价格开盘,涨幅达 200%。从 2006 年 6 月到 2007 年 9 月,Crocs 每季度的每股收益都达到了三位数。从首次公开募股到 2007 年 10 月,季度每股收益平均增长了 229%。在此期间,股票上涨了惊人的 400%。
Hot one-product stocks that go from unknown to all the rage overnight can be great investments if you get in and get out at the right time. Crocs skyrocketed while business was booming, albeit briefly. There are countless examples of companies that produced huge earnings growth as a result of a cyclical fad. While a product is selling rapidly, there can be a great deal 热门单一产品股票如果在正确的时间进出,可以成为很好的投资。尽管短暂,Crocs 在业务繁荣时迅速上涨。许多公司因周期性时尚而产生巨大的收益增长的例子不胜枚举。当一种产品快速销售时,可能会有大量的...
Figure 7.5 Crocs 2006-2009 图 7.5 Crocs 2006-2009
Crocs Inc. (CROX) benefited from rapid sales of its trendy shoes, which translated into six consecutive quarters of triple-digit earnings growth and a very profitable stage 2 price advance. Crocs Inc. (CROX) 受益于其时尚鞋子的快速销售,这转化为连续六个季度的三位数盈利增长和非常有利可图的第二阶段价格上涨。
of enthusiasm over the company’s shares. Whatever the reason, some sort of positive development in the company is accelerating the growth rate and the share price. Although this rate of growth is not sustainable forever-no company can do it indefinitely-it may last for 6,9 , or 12 quarters or even longer with strong EPS momentum. If you get onboard during this period of strong earnings growth, the stock can rally 100 percent or even rise by 300,500 , or in some rare instances 1,000 percent over a year or two. 对于公司股票的热情。无论原因是什么,公司的某种积极发展正在加速增长率和股价。尽管这种增长率并不是永远可持续的——没有公司可以无限期地做到这一点——但它可能会持续 6、9 或 12 个季度,甚至在强劲的每股收益动能下更久。如果你在这个强劲盈利增长的时期入场,股票可能会在一年或两年内上涨 100%,甚至上涨 300%、500%,或者在一些罕见的情况下上涨 1000%。
Vicor: Triple-Digit Earnings Propels Stock Vicor:三位数的盈利推动股票上涨
The earnings cycle phenomenon is not a one-time event or something unusual. It happens time and time again, market cycle after market cycle. The only thing that changes are the names. In 1991, I purchased shares of the electronic equipment manufacturer Vicor Corporation (VICR), which advanced more than 400 percent in less than a year. This was due to a rapid 盈利周期现象并不是一次性事件或不寻常的事情。它一次又一次地发生,市场周期接着市场周期。唯一改变的是名字。1991 年,我购买了电子设备制造商 Vicor Corporation(VICR)的股票,该股票在不到一年的时间里上涨了超过 400%。这归因于快速
Figure 7.6 Vicor (VICR) 1990-1993 图 7.6 Vicor(VICR)1990-1993
Vicor (VICR) sported five quarters of triple-digit EPS growth, which fueled a 460 percent share price advance in 14 months. Vicor (VICR) 在五个季度内实现了三位数的每股收益增长,这推动了 14 个月内股价上涨 460%。
earnings spurt from sales of a patented approach to providing the electricity used for sensitive electronic equipment called a zero current switch. From September 1990 through September 1991, Vicor reported triple-digit percentage growth in its quarterly earnings. This was a tremendous performance that accelerated the stock price 460 percent, from a split-adjusted $4\$ 4 a share to over $22\$ 22. 由于销售一种名为零电流开关的专利方法,Vicor 的收益激增,该方法用于为敏感电子设备提供电力。从 1990 年 9 月到 1991 年 9 月,Vicor 报告了季度收益的三位数百分比增长。这是一个巨大的表现,推动股价从拆分调整后的 $4\$ 4 美元上涨到超过 $22\$ 22 美元。
As you can see, big profits can be made while earnings growth is strong; some price moves are meteoric. The key is to focus on the stage 2 portion of the cycle while the company is delivering strong quarterly EPS growth. 正如你所看到的,当盈利增长强劲时,可以获得巨额利润;一些价格波动是迅猛的。关键是要专注于周期的第二阶段,同时公司在提供强劲的季度每股收益增长。
Earnings Acceleration 盈利加速
In addition to large earnings increases that are better than analysts expect, I’m looking for earnings acceleration, meaning that the growth in earnings is larger than it was in a previous period. More than 90 percent of the biggest stock market winners showed some form of earnings acceleration before or during their huge price moves. 除了大于分析师预期的盈利大幅增长外,我还在寻找盈利加速,这意味着盈利的增长比之前的某个时期更大。超过 90%的最大股票市场赢家在其巨大的价格波动之前或期间显示出某种形式的盈利加速。
For instance, let’s say that four quarters ago the company reported a $0.05\$ 0.05 decline year over year in quarterly earnings. Three quarters ago, earnings were up 10 percent year over year. Then, two quarters ago, earnings were up 28 percent, and in the most recent quarter, results are up 56 percent. That’s three quarters of earnings accelerations. Year-over-year earnings are growing by an increased rate sequentially, quarter to quarter. This characteristic is very positive and has been shown to exist in most of the best performing stocks. 例如,假设四个季度前该公司报告的季度盈利同比下降。三季度前,盈利同比增长 10%。然后,两季度前,盈利同比增长 28%,而在最近一个季度,结果同比增长 56%。这就是三个季度的盈利加速。同比盈利以逐季度增加的速度增长。这一特征非常积极,并已在大多数表现最佳的股票中得到证明。
Figure 7.7 Example of quarterly earnings acceleration 图 7.7 季度收益加速示例
Figure 7.8 Elan PLC (ELN) 1990 图 7.8 Elan PLC (ELN) 1990
In 1990, earnings accelerated for three consecutive quarters prior to emerging as a market leader. Elan rose 152 percent in 12 months. 1990 年,收益在连续三个季度加速增长,随后成为市场领导者。Elan 在 12 个月内上涨了 152%。
In addition to strong, accelerating earnings per share growth, you want to see sales exhibit the same characteristics: strong quarterly growth and acceleration. It’s not uncommon for new market leaders to show triple-digit sales growth in the most recent two, three, or more quarters. In fact, some great stock market successes deliver large quarterly sales increases consistently for several years. For example, from March 2009 through December 2010, Netflix reported eight consecutive quarters of sales increases that accelerated from 21 percent to 34 percent; during that period, quarterly earnings averaged 45 percent. Netflix’s stock price advanced more than 500 percent. Home Depot made a 698 percent move from June 1982 to June 1983. Its sales grew 104 percent, 158 percent, 191 percent, and 220 percent, respectively, over the four quarters leading up to this major stock-price 除了强劲、加速的每股收益增长外,您还希望看到销售额表现出相同的特征:强劲的季度增长和加速。新市场领导者在最近的两个、三个或更多季度中显示三位数的销售增长并不罕见。事实上,一些伟大的股市成功案例在几年的时间里持续交付大幅的季度销售增长。例如,从 2009 年 3 月到 2010 年 12 月,Netflix 报告了八个连续季度的销售增长,增长率从 21%加速到 34%;在此期间,季度收益平均增长 45%。Netflix 的股价上涨了超过 500%。家得宝在 1982 年 6 月至 1983 年 6 月期间上涨了 698%。在这四个季度中,其销售额分别增长了 104%、158%、191%和 220%,为这一重大股价上涨奠定了基础。
Figure 7.9 F5 Networks (FFIV) 2007-2011 图 7.9 F5 Networks (FFIV) 2007-2011
F5 Networks displayed both accelerating earnings and sales during its powerful stage 2 advance. F5 Networks 在其强劲的第二阶段上涨期间显示了加速的收益和销售。
jump. In 2010, accelerating sales bolstered earnings and propelled shares of F5 Networks more than 500 percent. This is what really accounts for superior stock performance: strong earnings growth backed by brisk sales, not accounting gimmickry. If you demand that your stock selections not only show strong earnings but also show strong sales, you will increase your chances of latching on to a superperformer. 在 2010 年,加速的销售推动了收益,并使 F5 Networks 的股票上涨超过 500%。这才是真正决定优越股票表现的因素:强劲的收益增长得到了快速销售的支持,而不是会计花招。如果你要求你的股票选择不仅要显示强劲的收益,还要显示强劲的销售,你将增加抓住超级表现者的机会。
Check the Trend 检查趋势
Generally, I look back one to two years to see if there has been some form of earnings and sales acceleration. Life is not perfect, and so if one quarter here or there doesn’t accelerate, it may not be a big deal. You can smooth out quarterly results by using a two-quarter rolling average over the past four, six, or eight quarters. Ideally, you want to see a steadily improving trend. 通常,我会回顾一到两年,以查看是否有某种形式的盈利和销售加速。生活并不完美,因此如果某个季度没有加速,这可能不是大问题。您可以通过使用过去四个、六个或八个季度的两季度滚动平均值来平滑季度结果。理想情况下,您希望看到一个持续改善的趋势。
Figure 7.10 Example of smoothing earnings and sales using a two-quarter rolling average 图 7.10 使用两季度滚动平均法平滑收益和销售的示例
In contrast, a trend of a material deceleration, with results trending sharply lower for several quarters or longer, should raise suspicion. 相比之下,若出现明显减速的趋势,且结果在几个季度或更长时间内急剧下降,则应引起怀疑。
Annual Earnings 年度收益
If a company is truly doing well, its success is unlikely to end overnight. A surprisingly good earnings report could be the beginning of a string of successful quarters. Strong quarterly results should translate into strong annual results. Just one or two quarters of good earning isn’t going to be enough to drive a stock’s price significantly higher for an extended period. 如果一家公司真的表现良好,它的成功不太可能在一夜之间结束。一份意外的好收益报告可能是一系列成功季度的开始。强劲的季度业绩应该转化为强劲的年度业绩。仅仅一两个季度的良好收益不足以在较长时间内显著推动股票价格上涨。
One of the most successful stocks of the last several decades was Apollo Group. From 2000 to 2004, Apollo’s stock price accelerated from $10\$ 10 a share to $96\$ 96. During that period, annual EPS growth averaged almost 40 percent, accelerating from 28 percent in 2000 to 55 percent in 2003. This is the type of growth that fuels superperformance. In addition to quarterly growth, look for strong annual growth. 在过去几十年中,最成功的股票之一是阿波罗集团。从 2000 年到 2004 年,阿波罗的股价从 $10\$ 10 每股加速上涨至 $96\$ 96 。在此期间,年每股收益增长平均接近 40%,从 2000 年的 28%加速至 2003 年的 55%。这就是推动超额表现的增长类型。除了季度增长外,还要寻找强劲的年度增长。
Figure 7.11 Apollo Group (APOL) vs. Nasdaq with annual earnings per share percent change: 1999-2004 图 7.11 阿波罗集团(APOL)与纳斯达克的年度每股收益百分比变化:1999-2004 年
From 2000 through 2003 Apollo’s earnings accelerated annually. 从 2000 年到 2003 年,阿波罗的收益每年加速增长。
Look for a Breakout Year 寻找突破年
You can go back two to four years or more to a record year and see if current earnings are breaking out above the previous trend. It can be a fairly significant event if earnings suddenly break out to the upside from a range that was established over several years. Finally, check the upcoming one or two quarters as well as the next fiscal year to see if earnings acceleration is expected to continue. 你可以回顾两到四年或更久的记录年份,看看当前的收益是否突破了之前的趋势。如果收益突然从几年来建立的区间向上突破,这可能是一个相当重要的事件。最后,检查即将到来的一个或两个季度以及下一个财政年度,看看收益加速是否有望继续。
Figure 7.12 Example of an earnings breakout 图 7.12 收益突破示例
In this example, 2010 earnings not only break above the previous four-year trend, but also take out the high set in 2003. This is a significant development. 在这个例子中,2010 年的收益不仅突破了之前四年的趋势,还超过了 2003 年设定的高点。这是一个重要的发展。
How to Spot a Turnaround Situation 如何识别转机情况
Another form of earnings acceleration to look for is a turnaround situation. A stock had been doing well but then fell on hard times. During the difficult period, the company probably had some negative earnings surprises, for example, growing at a slower rate than expected, growing by only a singledigit percentage, or perhaps reporting negative results. In some quarters, earnings may have declined compared with the year-ago period. Then, all of a sudden, earnings growth explodes. The company reports quarterly earnings that are up 50 percent from the prior-year period, and the next quarter it shows a greater than 100 percent year-over-year gain; in the subsequent 另一种需要关注的收益加速形式是转机情况。一只股票曾经表现良好,但随后遭遇了困难。在这段艰难时期,公司可能经历了一些负面的收益意外,例如,增长速度低于预期,仅以个位数百分比增长,或者可能报告了负面结果。在某些季度,收益可能与去年同期相比有所下降。然后,突然间,收益增长爆发。公司报告的季度收益比去年同期增长了 50%,而下一个季度则显示出超过 100%的同比增长;在随后的季度中
quarter, results are up 150 percent. Amplifying this performance are the easy comparisons from the prior year when the company was struggling. Now, as things start to turn around, not only is the company able to post higher earnings, the gains on a percentage basis look dramatically better. 本季度,业绩增长了 150%。这种表现的放大得益于与去年同期的轻松比较,当时公司正处于困境中。现在,随着情况开始好转,公司不仅能够发布更高的收益,按百分比计算的增长看起来也显得极为可观。
With turnaround situations, investors should insist that the current earnings be very strong ( +100 percent or better in the most recent one or two quarters). If the previous results were dismal, the company should be doing significantly better percentagewise in light of easy comparisons. You could also insist that earnings and margins be at or close to a new high for added confirmation that the company is back on track. 在转型情况下,投资者应该坚持要求当前的收益非常强劲(最近一两个季度增长 100%或更高)。如果之前的业绩惨淡,那么考虑到轻松的比较,公司在百分比上应该有显著的改善。你还可以坚持要求收益和利润率达到或接近新高,以进一步确认公司已经回到正轨。
In some cases, you can spot turnarounds and earnings acceleration by comparing the current annual growth rate or current quarterly results with the three- or five-year growth rate. A company that has been growing 12 percent a year and suddenly starts to show growth of 40 percent and then 100 percent could be a hot prospect. 在某些情况下,通过将当前的年增长率或当前的季度业绩与三年或五年的增长率进行比较,可以发现转机和盈利加速。一家年增长率为 12%的公司,如果突然开始显示 40%和 100%的增长,可能会成为一个热门前景。
Figure 7.13 Example of earnings acceleration versus the three- and five-year growth rate 图 7.13 盈利加速与三年和五年增长率的示例
Q2 and Q3 show significant acceleration compared with the three- and five-year growth rates with a triple-digit gain in Q3. 第二季度和第三季度与三年和五年的增长率相比显示出显著加速,第三季度实现了三位数的增长。
Deceleration Is a Red Flag 减速是一个红旗。
A company can be doing great with high-double-digit percentage growth and then “deteriorate” to mid-double-digit growth. For another company, growing by 20 or 30 percent may be a big improvement. However, for a company that had been growing at upward of 50 to 60 percent or more, a growth rate of 20 to 30 percent would be a material deterioration. Consider what happened with Dell Computer, which from 1995 to 1997 had grown its earnings per share at 80 percent annually and then declined to around 65 percent in 1998 and 28 percent in 1999. Although this was still decent growth, it was a material change and marked the end of the tremendous move in Dell’s stock price. The stock peaked in 2000. Ten years later Dell’s stock price was considerably lower, down more than 80 percent from its high. 一家公司可能在高双位数百分比增长的情况下表现良好,然后“恶化”为中双位数增长。对于另一家公司,增长 20%或 30%可能是一个很大的改善。然而,对于一家曾经以 50%到 60%或更高的速度增长的公司来说,20%到 30%的增长率将是一个实质性的恶化。考虑一下戴尔电脑的情况,从 1995 年到 1997 年,其每股收益年增长率达到了 80%,然后在 1998 年下降到约 65%,1999 年降至 28%。尽管这仍然是不错的增长,但这是一个实质性的变化,标志着戴尔股票价格巨大上涨的结束。该股票在 2000 年达到顶峰。十年后,戴尔的股价大幅下跌,比其高点低了超过 80%。
After a five-year period of stagnation that began in 1994, when Home Depot was clearly in a sideways stage 1 pattern, the stock entered an acceleration phase in 1997. Earnings (shown on an annual basis) rose by 21 percent that year, followed by an increase of 37 percent in 1998 and 41 percent in 1999. This demonstrates how a stock performs best when earnings have the strongest rate of growth. Home Depot’s stock advanced from $10\$ 10 a share to a peak of over $70\$ 70 a share. What fueled Home Depot’s price growth was an average annual EPS growth rate of 27 percent, which accelerated in 1998 and 1999. 在经历了 1994 年开始的五年停滞期后,当时家得宝显然处于横盘的第一阶段,股票在 1997 年进入了加速阶段。那一年,收益(按年度计算)增长了 21%,1998 年增长了 37%,1999 年增长了 41%。这表明,当收益增长率最强时,股票表现最佳。家得宝的股票从 $10\$ 10 美元上涨到超过 $70\$ 70 美元的峰值。推动家得宝价格增长的是平均每年 27%的每股收益增长率,这一增长率在 1998 年和 1999 年加速。
The peak for Home Depot’s stock was in 2000. After a strong earnings performance in 1999 with a 41 percent growth rate, EPS momentum slowed dramatically. In 2000, EPS growth was only 11 percent. The deceleration 家得宝股票的高峰出现在 2000 年。在 1999 年强劲的盈利表现下,增长率达到了 41%,每股收益(EPS)的动能急剧放缓。2000 年,EPS 增长仅为 11%。这种减速
Figure 7.15 Home Depot (HD) 1992-2008 图 7.15 家得宝(HD)1992-2008
Chart of Home Depot (HD) shows that strong, accelerating annual earnings triggered a rapid rise in the stock price, followed by a long, precipitous decline as the earnings growth rate slowed considerably. 家得宝(HD)的图表显示,强劲、加速的年度收益促使股价迅速上涨,随后由于收益增长率显著放缓,股价经历了长时间的急剧下跌。
brought the stock down from its lofty levels as average annual EPS growth from 2000 to 2007 was 15 percent, almost half of what it had been during the upward momentum phase. Home Depot shares performed poorly during the slower-growth period. This was due to the stock price running up ahead of its earnings and then eventually falling victim to earnings deceleration, which can happen when a growth stock becomes too popular. 这使得股价从其高位下跌,因为 2000 年至 2007 年间的平均年度每股收益增长率为 15%,几乎是其在上升势头阶段的一半。家得宝的股票在增长放缓期间表现不佳。这是因为股价在收益之前上涨,最终受到收益减速的影响,这种情况可能发生在成长型股票变得过于受欢迎时。
In summary, institutions like to see the following: 总结来说,机构喜欢看到以下内容:
Earnings surprises 盈利意外
Accelerating earnings per share (EPS) and revenues 加速每股收益(EPS)和收入
Expanding margins 扩大利润率
EPS breakout 每股收益突破
Strong annual EPS change 年度每股收益强劲变化
Signs that acceleration will continue 加速将继续的迹象
ACOMPANY CAN GENERATE EARNINGS in various ways, some not so trustworthy; I prefer high-quality earnings. In other words, where did the earnings come from? Did the company post better results because of stronger sales? If sales were strong, was it only because of a single product or one major customer? In that case, the growth is vulnerable. Or are the surprisingly strong results due to an industrywide phenomenon or an influx of orders from numerous buyers? Maybe the company is slashing costs and cutting back. Earnings improvement from cost cutting, plant closures, and other so-called productivity enhancements walks on short legs. Such improvements can show up from time to time, but sustainable earnings growth requires revenue growth. Examining earnings quality gives you perspective and rationale before you commit your hard-earned money to a stock. 一家公司可以通过多种方式产生收益,有些方式并不那么可靠;我更喜欢高质量的收益。换句话说,收益来自哪里?公司是因为销售强劲而发布了更好的业绩吗?如果销售强劲,是否仅仅是因为一款产品或一个主要客户?在这种情况下,增长是脆弱的。还是这些意外强劲的业绩是由于行业普遍现象或来自众多买家的订单激增?也许公司正在削减成本和缩减开支。通过削减成本、关闭工厂和其他所谓的生产力提升来改善收益是短期的。这种改善可能会时不时出现,但可持续的收益增长需要收入增长。审查盈利质量可以在你将辛苦赚来的钱投入股票之前,给你提供视角和理由。
Nonoperating or Nonrecurring Income 非经营性或非经常性收入
Depending on how you examine a company’s quarterly report, it can look like a roaring success or a sagging sloth; it’s all a matter of perspective. Here’s how this can happen. XYZ Corp. reports $3.01\$ 3.01 per share versus $2.40\$ 2.40 the year before. This shows a hefty earnings gain of 25 percent. Looks great, right? On closer examination you notice that XYZ Corp. reported an “unusual gain” related to the sale of nonstrategic assets. This one-time event 根据你如何审视公司的季度报告,它可能看起来像是一个蓬勃发展的成功,或者像是一只萎靡的树懒;这完全是一个视角的问题。以下是这种情况如何发生的。XYZ 公司报告每股 $3.01\$ 3.01 ,而去年为 $2.40\$ 2.40 。这显示出 25%的可观收益增长。看起来不错,对吧?但仔细观察你会注意到,XYZ 公司报告了一项与非战略性资产出售相关的“异常收益”。这是一次性事件。
accounted for $0.84\$ 0.84 per share of income and is considered nonrecurring. Therefore, this gain should be excluded from XYZ Corp’s earnings. Doing this will result in an adjusted number of $2.17\$ 2.17 a share, which is down 7 percent from the year before. Big difference! 计入每股收入的 $0.84\$ 0.84 ,并被视为非经常性收益。因此,这一收益应从 XYZ 公司收益中排除。这样做将导致每股调整后的数字为 $2.17\$ 2.17 ,比去年下降了 7%。差别很大!
I’m looking for earnings that come from core operations, not from a one-time gain or an extraordinary event. Most of the time the difference between operating income and nonoperating income is clear-cut. Consider a company that sells coffee; some of its stores are on company-owned real estate, and management decides to divest some of the properties in the belief that commercial real estate prices are high. These property transactions and the profits they generate are clearly outside of selling coffee. Therefore, any gain on the property sale would be a nonrecurring event or extraordinary gain that should be stripped away so that earnings reflect income from operations derived for the company’s core business. 我在寻找来自核心业务的收益,而不是来自一次性收益或非凡事件的收益。大多数情况下,营业收入和非营业收入之间的差异是明确的。考虑一家销售咖啡的公司;它的一些门店位于公司拥有的房地产上,管理层决定出售一些物业,因为他们认为商业房地产价格很高。这些物业交易及其产生的利润显然与销售咖啡无关。因此,物业销售的任何收益都将是非经常性事件或非凡收益,应当剔除,以便收益反映出来自公司核心业务的运营收入。
Beware Massaged Numbers 注意被修饰的数据
Management has become adept at managing expectations and massaging numbers in an effort to underpromise and overdeliver. The game players may even underdeliver by dropping an earnings bomb in an effort to have the estimate bar temporarily lowered for easy comparisons in the future. 管理层已经变得擅长于管理预期和修饰数据,以便在承诺不足的情况下实现超额交付。游戏参与者甚至可能通过发布盈利炸弹来低于预期,以便在未来进行轻松比较时暂时降低估计标准。
One gimmick is to warn the public of a potential earnings problem, which will cause analysts to lower their earnings estimates. Then the company reports earnings that are better than the lowered estimate. This will result in an earnings surprise; however, it will be a surprise in the context of a lower consensus comparison. If you see that estimate revisions were recently lowered due to downside guidance, and then the company beat expectations, this should raise a red flag; the report may not be as good as it looks on the surface. 一种伎俩是警告公众潜在的盈利问题,这将导致分析师下调他们的盈利预期。然后公司报告的盈利好于下调后的预期。这将导致盈利惊喜;然而,这将在较低的共识比较的背景下成为惊喜。如果你看到由于下行指引而最近下调的预期修订,然后公司超出预期,这应该引起警惕;报告可能并不像表面上看起来那么好。
One-Time Charge 一次性费用
Another smoke-and-mirrors trick is to utilize a one-time charge or a nonrecurring charge. A company that would otherwise report weak earnings may 另一个烟雾和镜子把戏是利用一次性费用或非经常性费用。一个本来会报告疲弱收益的公司可能
in fact report a nonrecurring one-time charge that will account for a portion of the earnings. It’s just a one-time expense, and business will be back to usual, right? Wrong! Not if this practice forms a pattern. Some companies are habitual abusers of the one-time charge. If the one-time charge is showing up over and over, you should seriously question the earnings quality of even the largest and most respected corporations engaging in this practice. 实际上会报告一个非经常性的一次性费用,这将占据部分收益。这只是一次性支出,业务会恢复正常,对吧?错了!如果这种做法形成模式的话就不行。一些公司是一次性费用的惯常滥用者。如果一次性费用一次又一次地出现,你应该认真质疑即使是参与这种做法的最大和最受尊敬的公司的收益质量。
Write-Downs and Revenue Shifting 减值和收入转移
Inventories write-downs and ongoing expenses are also items to look out for. Some companies will bottle up and store write-downs for a later date when they’ll need them. They may choose to recognize or shift revenues or expenses into the future or a different accounting period, which allows them to control in which quarter they will realize charges or recognize sales. Some companies will record revenues and accounts receivable at the time they ship product and estimate losses only for returned merchandise. If returns run higher than is accounted for, it could affect future earnings. 存货减值和持续费用也是需要关注的项目。一些公司会将减值存储起来,以便在未来需要时使用。他们可能会选择将收入或费用转移到未来或不同的会计期间,这使他们能够控制在哪个季度实现费用或确认销售。一些公司在发货时记录收入和应收账款,并仅对退货商品估计损失。如果退货率高于预期,可能会影响未来的收益。
Management may also choose to shift earnings so that a hit can be absorbed in a single disappointing quarter. By shifting earnings to have one big down quarter, the company can beat estimates in the next quarter because the previous report prompted analysts to lower their estimates, making it easier for the company to beat the Street. You want to see earnings coming from robust top-line sales, not from accounting tricks and gimmicks. 管理层也可能选择调整收益,以便在一个令人失望的季度中吸收损失。通过将收益转移到一个大幅下滑的季度,公司可以在下一个季度超出预期,因为之前的报告促使分析师下调了他们的预期,从而使公司更容易超越市场预期。你希望看到的收益来自强劲的销售额,而不是会计技巧和花招。
Bemare Profitability via Cost Cutting 通过削减成本来提高盈利能力
With an understanding of the three major drivers of earnings (higher volume, higher prices, and lower costs), it pays to be cautious if a company is delivering only on cutting costs. A company can increase profits by cutting jobs, closing plants, or shedding its losing operations. However, these measures have a limited life span. Eventually, a company will have to do something else to grow its business and increase its top line. Therefore, check the story behind earnings growth. Make sure that it’s not because of a 了解盈利的三个主要驱动因素(更高的销量、更高的价格和更低的成本)后,如果一家公司仅仅通过削减成本来实现盈利,就需要保持谨慎。一家公司可以通过裁员、关闭工厂或剥离亏损业务来增加利润。然而,这些措施的有效期是有限的。最终,一家公司必须采取其他措施来发展业务并增加收入。因此,检查盈利增长背后的故事。确保这不是因为
Figure 8.1 Three ways a company can increase profits 图 8.1 一家公司可以增加利润的三种方式
Higher sales and expanding margins can lead to higher earnings and P/E multiple expansion. 更高的销售额和扩大的利润率可以导致更高的收益和市盈率的扩张。
one-time event, because sales jumped as a result of some extraordinary gain, or because profits improved only as a result of cost cutting. 一次性事件,因为销售额因某些非凡收益而激增,或者因为利润仅仅是由于削减成本而改善。
Companies with good potential for stock price appreciation show evidence that earnings growth is sustainable and will continue over some length of time. The ideal situation is when a company has higher sales volume with new and current products in new and existing markets as well as higher prices and reduced costs. That’s a winning combination. 具有良好股票价格上涨潜力的公司显示出盈利增长是可持续的,并将在一段时间内继续。理想的情况是,公司在新产品和现有产品的销售量上都有所增加,同时在新市场和现有市场中也有更高的销售额,以及更高的价格和降低的成本。这是一个成功的组合。
In general, the best growth candidates have the ability to expand, introduce new products and services, and enter new markets. They have the power to raise prices, and they can improve productivity and cut costs. The combination of revenue acceleration and margin expansion will have a dramatic effect on the bottom line. 一般来说,最佳的增长候选者具有扩展、推出新产品和服务以及进入新市场的能力。他们有能力提高价格,并且可以提高生产力和降低成本。收入加速和利润率扩张的结合将对底线产生显著影响。
The worst situation is when a company has limited pricing power, its business is capital-intensive, margins are low or under pressure, and it’s faced with heavy regulation, intense competition, or both. An example would be the airline industry, which doesn’t have much pricing power, faces government regulatory pressures, is very capital intensive, and is highly commodity-sensitive because of fuel costs. 最糟糕的情况是,当一家公司定价能力有限,业务资本密集,利润率低或受到压力,并且面临严格的监管、激烈的竞争或两者兼而有之时。一个例子是航空业,它的定价能力不强,面临政府监管压力,资本密集,并且由于燃料成本高度敏感于商品价格。
When strong earnings are reported, check the story behind the results to make sure the good news is not due to a one-time event but is the product of conditions that probably will continue. Your questions should include the following: 当强劲的收益报告出来时,检查结果背后的故事,以确保好消息不是由于一次性事件,而是由于可能会持续的条件所产生的。你的问题应包括以下内容:
Are there any new products or services or positive industry changes? 是否有新的产品或服务或积极的行业变化?
Is the company gaining market share? A market is ultimately dominated by just a few companies. 公司是否在获得市场份额?一个市场最终由少数几家公司主导。
What is the company doing to increase revenue and expand margins? 公司正在做些什么来增加收入和扩大利润率?
What is the company doing to decrease costs and increase productivity? 公司正在做些什么来降低成本和提高生产力?
Measuring Margins 衡量利润率
The objective for any company is to retain as much money as it can from the revenue it generates, meaning that it has the highest profit margin possible. When margins expand, the company is getting a higher price for its products or has found a way to improve productivity or cut expenses, sometimes both. Increasing margins show that more profits are being made for each dollar of sales the company makes. 任何公司的目标都是尽可能多地保留其产生的收入,这意味着它拥有尽可能高的利润率。当利润率扩大时,公司为其产品获得了更高的价格,或者找到了提高生产力或削减开支的方法,有时两者兼而有之。利润率的增加表明公司每销售一美元的产品所获得的利润更多。
Margin metrics come in different varieties. Gross margin reflects how much more customers pay for a product compared with the company’s costs. It shows investors how well a company is doing in keeping its costs in line and pricing its products. Gross margins depend on quite a few variables, some of which may be beyond the company’s control, for example, if raw material costs were lower one quarter or if a competitor had a delivery problem that gave the company an unexpected advantage that could be a short-lived phenomenon. The best kind of margin improvement comes from pricing power because of strong demand for a company’s products. 利润指标有不同的种类。毛利率反映了客户为产品支付的金额与公司成本之间的差额。它向投资者展示了公司在控制成本和定价产品方面的表现。毛利率依赖于许多变量,其中一些可能超出公司的控制范围,例如,如果某个季度原材料成本较低,或者如果竞争对手出现了交付问题,从而给公司带来了意想不到的优势,这可能是一个短暂的现象。最好的利润改善来自于由于对公司产品的强劲需求而产生的定价能力。
Net margin is based on a company’s net income divided by sales and reflects all the variables that influence profitability. A falling net margin indicates that the company is making a smaller profit on its sales. This could be due to rising costs, inefficiencies, or taxation. Margin pressure can cause serious profit erosion. The cause of a decline in net margins could be temporary in nature, such as a short-term rise in raw material costs or temporary inefficiency in the production system. Far more worrisome is when the net margin declines because prices are dropping as a result of declining customer interest. 净利润率是基于公司的净收入与销售额的比率,反映了影响盈利能力的所有变量。净利润率下降表明公司在销售中获得的利润减少。这可能是由于成本上升、效率低下或税收增加。利润压力可能导致严重的利润侵蚀。净利润率下降的原因可能是暂时性的,例如原材料成本的短期上升或生产系统的暂时低效。更令人担忧的是,当净利润率下降是由于客户兴趣下降导致价格下跌时。
Figure 8.2 Apple Computer (AAPL) 2003-2011 图 8.2 苹果公司(AAPL)2003-2011 年
From 2003 to 2011 Apple Computer’s stock price advanced more than 6,000 percent. During that period, net profit margins expanded from just 1.2 percent in 2003 to 23.9 percent in 2011. 从 2003 年到 2011 年,苹果公司的股票价格上涨了超过 6000%。在此期间,净利润率从 2003 年的 1.2%扩大到 2011 年的 23.9%。
Figure 8.3 Apollo Group (APOL) 1999-2004 图 8.3 阿波罗集团(APOL)1999-2004
Apollo Group expanded net profit margins from 11.7 percent in 2000 to 18.4 percent in 2003. 阿波罗集团的净利润率从 2000 年的 11.7%提高到 2003 年的 18.4%。
A company with a strong net margin compared with the average in the industry has a competitive advantage. A comparison of net margin across companies in an industry can be used to gauge the quality of management. A well-run growth company should show consistent improvement in operating margins and net profit margins. 与行业平均水平相比,净利润率较高的公司具有竞争优势。对行业内各公司净利润率的比较可以用来评估管理质量。一个管理良好的成长型公司应该在营业利润率和净利润率上表现出持续的改善。
Where the Rubber Meets the Road 橡胶与道路的交汇处
No matter how good an earnings report appears to be on the surface, you want to pay close attention to the stock’s price reaction to determine how good the report really was or was perceived to be. One way to do this is simply to watch how the stock trades initially and over subsequent days after the earnings release. If the report really was great, you should see a strong stock price reaction that holds up and is supported by additional buying on reasonable pullbacks. I like to see the stock price react strongly to the report and hold its gains. 无论财报表面看起来多么好,您都需要密切关注股票的价格反应,以确定报告的实际好坏或被认为的好坏。一个简单的方法是观察股票在财报发布后的初始交易情况以及随后的几天。如果报告确实很好,您应该看到股票价格有强烈的反应,并且在合理的回调中得到额外的买入支持。我喜欢看到股票价格对报告做出强烈反应并保持其涨幅。
To determine whether the market is looking favorably on a company’s earnings, I watch for three specific reactions: 为了判断市场对公司的盈利是否持积极态度,我关注三个特定的反应:
Initial response. Did the stock rally or experience a sell-off? If it sold off, does it resume its slide after a dead cat bounce? Or, does the stock price come roaring back? 初始反应。股票是上涨还是出现抛售?如果抛售,是否在“死猫反弹”后继续下滑?或者,股票价格是否强势回升?
Subsequent resistance. How well did it hold its gains and resist profit taking? 随后的阻力。它在保持收益和抵御获利回吐方面表现得如何?
Resilience. Did the stock recover quickly and powerfully? Or did it fail to rally after a pullback or, worse, sell off? 韧性。股票是否迅速而有力地恢复?还是在回调后未能反弹,甚至更糟,出现抛售?
As an investor, you won’t know for sure what Wall Street is looking for in an earnings report until you see the stock’s reaction to the report. When an upside surprise is announced, I expect the stock price to do pretty well. 作为投资者,您无法确切知道华尔街在财报中寻找什么,直到您看到股票对报告的反应。当出现上行惊喜时,我预计股价会表现得相当不错。
If that doesn’t happen-say, the stock goes up briefly but then sells off and is down 15 percent and can’t rally-that’s a big problem. This type of reaction tells me that something may be wrong. Although it’s not uncom- 如果没有发生这种情况——比如,股票短暂上涨但随后下跌 15%,并且无法反弹——那就是一个大问题。这种反应告诉我可能有什么问题。虽然这并不是不常见的情况。
mon for stocks to sell off on profit taking after a big rally and decline on news, a superperformance stock will come back and resume its advance. For a true superperformer, there should definitely not be a huge sell-off that breaks the whole leg of the stock’s upward move. 在大幅反弹后和因新闻而下跌时,股票会因获利了结而抛售,超级表现的股票会回升并恢复其上升趋势。对于真正的超级表现者,绝对不应该出现大规模抛售,这会打破股票上升走势的整个阶段。
After a company reports its earnings, my focus turns to the postearnings drift (PED), which suggests that it may not be too late to buy a stock after it has reported better than expected earnings. Even if you miss the first upward reaction after results are reported, the postearnings drift after a significant surprise can last for some time. Stock price movements from significant earnings surprises not only are felt right way but can have a longer-term effect beyond the immediate price adjustments. Many studies have shown that the effect can persist for months after an earnings announcement. 在公司报告其收益后,我的关注点转向收益后的漂移(PED),这表明在公司报告出超出预期的收益后,买入股票可能还不算太晚。即使你错过了在结果公布后首次上涨的反应,收益惊喜后的漂移可能会持续一段时间。由于重大收益惊喜引起的股票价格波动不仅会立即感受到,而且可能在即时价格调整之外产生长期影响。许多研究表明,这种影响在收益公告后可以持续数月。
Sometimes earnings are largely discounted, meaning that expectations for an earnings surprise were already priced in. Because such high expecta- 有时收益被大幅折扣,这意味着对收益意外的预期已经被计入价格。因为如此高的预期-
Figure 8.4 Lululemon Athetica Inc. (LULU) 2011-2011 图 8.4 Lululemon Athetica Inc. (LULU) 2011-2011
Lululemon experienced post earnings drift (PED) after reporting earnings in September and December 2010. Lululemon 在 2010 年 9 月和 12 月报告财报后经历了收益漂移(PED)。
tions had been discounted in the stock price, even an earnings surprise will not satisfy the market. If earnings came in at, say, $0.05\$ 0.05 a share over expectations but that level of outperformance was already anticipated, this will be a disappointment to the market, which had hoped for an even bigger surprise, say, $0.07\$ 0.07 or $0.10\$ 0.10 a share. Even if the consensus was $0.50\$ 0.50 and the company reported $0.55\$ 0.55 a share, the stock could sell off because earnings did not come in even higher. 即使市场已经对股票价格进行了折扣,任何盈利惊喜也无法满足市场。如果盈利超出预期,比如说每股 $0.05\$ 0.05 ,但这种超出表现已经被预期,那么这将让市场失望,市场原本希望能有更大的惊喜,比如每股 $0.07\$ 0.07 或 $0.10\$ 0.10 。即使共识是 $0.50\$ 0.50 ,而公司报告了每股 $0.55\$ 0.55 ,股票也可能会下跌,因为盈利没有更高。
How do you know what the market wants other than the published estimates? Study how the stock price responds. Was the stock rewarded or punished when the results came in? Was an upside surprise big enough to move share prices higher, or did the stock sell off? Even if an earnings report appears to be a surprise, you can judge the true perception only from the response of the share price. Unexpected surprises can have a dramatic effect. 除了发布的估计外,您如何知道市场想要什么?研究股票价格的反应。当结果公布时,股票是受到奖励还是惩罚?意外的好消息是否足够大以推动股价上涨,还是股票下跌了?即使财报看似是个惊喜,您也只能通过股价的反应来判断真实的看法。意外的惊喜可能会产生戏剧性的影响。
Figure 8.5 Netflix (NFLX) 2009-2010 图 8.5 Netflix (NFLX) 2009-2010
In January 2010, Netflix shares gapped up big on its earnings report. After a brief and shallow pullback, the stock was back in new high ground. 2010 年 1 月,Netflix 的股票在其财报发布后大幅上涨。在一次短暂而轻微的回调后,股票再次创下新高。
Company-Issued Guidance 公司发布的指导意见
Company-issued guidance is simply comments that management provides publicly about what it expects in the future. These comments are also known as forward-looking statements and generally focus on earnings, sales, and margin expectations. Company guidance is given so that investors can evaluate the company’s growth potential. Under current regulations, it is the only legal way a company can communicate its expectations to the market. Analysts use this information in combination with their own research to develop earnings forecasts. 公司发布的指导意见仅仅是管理层对未来预期的公开评论。这些评论也被称为前瞻性陈述,通常集中在收益、销售和利润率预期上。公司指导的目的是让投资者能够评估公司的增长潜力。在当前的法规下,这是公司向市场传达其预期的唯一合法方式。分析师将这些信息与他们自己的研究结合起来,以制定收益预测。
Company-issued guidance plays an important role in the investment decision process because management knows its business better than anyone else and has firsthand information on which to base its expectations. Be aware, however, that management can use guidance to sway investors. For example, in a bull market some companies have given optimistic forecasts because the market wants momentum stocks with fast-growing earnings per share. In bear markets, companies have tried to guide expectations lower so that they can beat the earnings projections. 公司发布的指导意见在投资决策过程中扮演着重要角色,因为管理层对其业务的了解超过任何其他人,并且拥有可以作为其预期基础的第一手信息。然而,请注意,管理层可以利用指导意见来影响投资者。例如,在牛市中,一些公司给出了乐观的预测,因为市场希望有快速增长的每股收益的动量股票。在熊市中,公司则试图降低预期,以便能够超越收益预测。
Companies generally issue guidance at or near the time a quarterly earnings report is released. Let’s say that along with reporting stronger than expected earnings, the company issues guidance for the upcoming quarter and the rest of the year, projecting much better earnings ahead. For example, the company may say that for the next quarter it expects to earn $0.10\$ 0.10 to $0.12\$ 0.12 a share more than it previously predicted, and it also increases the expectation for year-end results by $0.30\$ 0.30 to $0.35\$ 0.35 a share. Not only has the company beaten the expectations for this quarter, it feels confident enough that it will have good results the next quarter to go public with a statement to that effect. Because companies are conservative about their earnings guidance, we know that a statement like this won’t be issued unless management thinks the results will not only meet these higher expectations but also beat them. This is exactly what I’m looking for: better than expected earnings along with positive earnings guidance. A company should not only be doing well but be doing better than analysts anticipate. 公司通常在发布季度财报时或接近该时间发布指引。假设公司在报告出乎意料的强劲收益的同时,发布了对下一个季度和全年业绩的指引,预计未来的收益将大幅改善。例如,公司可能会说,下个季度它预计每股收益将比之前预测的多出 $0.10\$ 0.10 到 $0.12\$ 0.12 ,并且还将年终业绩的预期提高了 $0.30\$ 0.30 到 $0.35\$ 0.35 每股。公司不仅超出了本季度的预期,而且对下个季度将有良好业绩的信心足以公开发表这样的声明。由于公司对其收益指引持保守态度,我们知道,除非管理层认为业绩不仅会达到这些更高的预期,而且还会超出这些预期,否则不会发布这样的声明。这正是我所寻找的:超出预期的收益以及积极的收益指引。一家公司不仅应该表现良好,还应该表现得比分析师预期的更好。
Depending on what a company says about its business prospects going forward, positive or negative, the response of the stock price could be dra- 根据公司对其未来商业前景的看法,无论是积极还是消极,股价的反应可能会非常剧烈。
matic. In some cases, the reaction to earnings guidance is stronger than the reaction to the actual earnings report when it is announced. By tracking what a company says and then what develops later on, you can ascertain the quality and tendencies of the company’s guidance. 在某些情况下,对盈利指引的反应比实际盈利报告公布时的反应更强烈。通过跟踪公司所说的话以及后续的发展,您可以判断公司指引的质量和趋势。
If you think earnings expectations don’t drive stock prices, watch what happens when a company announces earnings that fall short of expectations even by just a few pennies or when it issues downside guidance. Rosetta Stone Inc. (RST) raised its guidance for third-quarter and fiscal 2009 results in July 2009. After a brief pullback, four days after guidance was raised, the stock sold off and could not rally and recover. This was abnormal considering the rosy guidance. Just days later the company flip-flopped and issued lower guidance, and the stock got blasted. It simply did not make sense that the stock broke down and couldn’t rally after what should have been perceived as great news. This was telling of the future. The fact that the com- 如果你认为盈利预期不会影响股价,那就看看当一家公司宣布的盈利低于预期,即使只是几分钱,或者当它发布下调指引时会发生什么。罗塞塔石(Rosetta Stone Inc.,RST)在 2009 年 7 月提高了其 2009 年第三季度和财政年度的业绩指引。在短暂回调后,指引提高四天后,股票下跌并无法反弹恢复。这在考虑到乐观的指引时显得不正常。就在几天后,公司又反转并发布了更低的指引,股票遭到重创。显然,在本应被视为好消息的情况下,股票却下跌并无法反弹,这一点毫无道理。这预示着未来。事实上,公司的-
Figure 8.6 Rosetta Stone (RST) 2009-2010 图 8.6 罗塞塔石(RST)2009-2010
Rosetta Stone shares were propelled higher when the company raised its earnings outlook. Eleven trading days later, the stock sold off sharply when the company unexpectedly lowered its guidance. 罗塞塔石头公司的股票在公司提高盈利预期时大幅上涨。十一天后,当公司意外下调指引时,股票急剧下跌。
Figure 8.7 Dick’s Sporting Goods (DKS) 2003 图 8.7 迪克体育用品(DKS)2003
On the heels of positive company issued guidance Dick’s Sporting Goods exploded off its lows on the second highest volume since going public. 在公司发布积极的指导后,迪克体育用品在上市以来的第二高交易量中从低点反弹。
pany lowered guidance just 11 trading days after it had raised guidance was a bewildering red flag. 公司在提高指导仅 11 个交易日后又下调指导,这令人困惑的红旗。
As you can see from the previous Rosetta Stone example, company issued guidance can send a stock soaring or plummeting depending on how it is perceived by investors. In February of 2003, Dick’s Sporting Goods (DKS) gapped up big after the company issued positive forward guidance. The overwhelming volume was revealing; a telltale sign that institutions took comfort from the news. 正如您从之前的罗塞塔石碑示例中看到的,公司发布的指导意见可以根据投资者的看法使股票飙升或暴跌。在 2003 年 2 月,迪克体育用品公司(DKS)在公司发布积极的前瞻性指导后大幅上涨。压倒性的交易量揭示了这一点;这是机构对这一消息感到安心的明显迹象。
Long-Term Projections 长期预测
When obliged to fess up to bad news, a publicly traded company will often try to spin the message. It may announce a stock buyback or some other “positive” news at the same time it reports a disappointing quarter in an effort to soften the blow and offset any potential negative effects. This gener- 当被迫承认坏消息时,上市公司通常会试图对消息进行美化。它可能会在报告令人失望的季度业绩的同时宣布股票回购或其他一些“积极”的消息,以努力减轻冲击并抵消任何潜在的负面影响。这种做法通常效果不佳。
ally doesn’t work. One feeble tactic is to issue an upbeat long-term projection at the same time they deliver bad news about an upcoming or current quarter. In dealing with future earnings, it’s important not to look too far out. Growth investors tend to have a “what have you done for me lately” mentality. Therefore, focus on what the company is saying about the upcoming quarter and the current fiscal year. My rule of thumb is to take long-term forecasts with a grain of salt. No one, not even management, can accurately forecast what a company will earn or what its rate of growth will be a year or two down the road. If they say, “Business conditions will be tough this year, but we see improvement coming next year,” that’s not positive guidance. That’s spin. 一种无力的策略是在发布坏消息的同时发布乐观的长期预测。在处理未来收益时,重要的是不要看得太远。成长型投资者往往有“你最近做了什么”的心态。因此,关注公司对即将到来的季度和当前财政年度的表述。我的经验法则是对长期预测持保留态度。没有人,甚至管理层,也无法准确预测公司在一年或两年后将赚取多少或其增长率会是多少。如果他们说:“今年的商业环境将会很艰难,但我们看到明年会有所改善,”那并不是积极的指导。那是粉饰。
Analyzing Inventories 分析库存
Back when I first started trading stocks in the early 1980s, public companies were not required to report inventory figures; now those figures are readily available. Inventory figures can be found in the published balance sheets of a corporation, which are available in 10-Q10-\mathrm{Q} (quarterly) and 10-K10-\mathrm{K} (annual) filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Companies post the filings on their websites; corporate filings also are available on the SEC’s EDGAR database. 在我 1980 年代初期刚开始交易股票时,上市公司并不需要报告库存数据;现在这些数据随时可得。库存数据可以在公司的资产负债表中找到,这些表格在向证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的 10-Q10-\mathrm{Q} (季度)和 10-K10-\mathrm{K} (年度)文件中可用。公司会在其网站上发布这些文件;企业文件也可以在 SEC 的 EDGAR 数据库中找到。
With a manufacturer or retailer, inventory and accounts receivable analyses can provide a heads-up as to whether business conditions are likely to improve or if the good times are coming to an end. In late 2003-2004, the price of copper was going through the roof. This rapid escalation in the price of a raw material, I knew, would enable manufacturers of copper products to pass along a price increase to customers. 对于制造商或零售商来说,库存和应收账款分析可以提供一个预警,告诉我们商业环境是否可能改善,或者好时光是否即将结束。在 2003 年末到 2004 年期间,铜价飙升。我知道这种原材料价格的快速上涨将使铜产品制造商能够将价格上涨转嫁给客户。
By examining the inventory figures in the quarterly reports of several manufacturers, I found my candidate: Encore Wire (WIRE). Encore possessed significant copper inventories and met the criteria of my SEPA stock analysis. I knew I had a potential big winner in sight. Encore had a stockpile of copper it had bought at lower prices. With the price of copper significantly higher, Encore could charge its customers significantly higher prices than it paid, which accounted for expanding profit margins. 通过检查几家制造商的季度报告中的库存数据,我找到了我的候选者:Encore Wire(WIRE)。Encore 拥有大量的铜库存,并符合我的 SEPA 股票分析标准。我知道我看到了一个潜在的大赢家。Encore 拥有一批以较低价格购买的铜。随着铜价显著上涨,Encore 可以向客户收取比其支付的价格高得多的费用,这导致了利润率的扩大。
Figure 8.8 Price of copper and Encore Wire (WIRE) 2003-2006 图 8.8 铜和 Encore Wire(WIRE)2003-2006 年的价格
A stockpile of copper bought at lower prices allowed Encore Wire significant margin expansion. 以较低价格购买的铜库存使 Encore Wire 实现了显著的利润扩张。
Compare Inventory with Sales 比较库存与销售
For certain industries, such as manufacturing, the comparison of inventory and sales is crucial. Specifically, I look at the breakdown of inventory (i.e., finished goods, work in progress, and raw materials) and how each segment relates to the others. The inventory breakdown also helps put sales in perspective. For example, a strong gain in sales may look impressive; however, the company could be pushing on a string if in fact inventories are growing much faster than sales. If the finished goods portion of inventories is rising much more rapidly than the raw materials or work-in-progress segments, this could mean that product is piling up. Therefore, production will slow because the company already has a stockpile of finished goods. 对于某些行业,如制造业,库存与销售的比较至关重要。具体来说,我关注库存的细分(即成品、在制品和原材料)以及每个部分之间的关系。库存细分也有助于将销售放在一个更广阔的视角中。例如,销售的强劲增长可能看起来令人印象深刻;然而,如果库存的增长速度远远超过销售,那么公司可能会陷入困境。如果成品库存的部分增长速度远远超过原材料或在制品部分,这可能意味着产品正在堆积。因此,生产将会放缓,因为公司已经有了一堆成品库存。
If that inventory of finished products is highly depreciable-such as computers and certain retail goods-this could spell trouble ahead. A company sitting on a large stock of depreciating merchandise will have to slash prices to get rid of it. Also, that aging inventory will compete in the marketplace with newer product lines. Higher-trending inventories can lead to markdowns and write-offs, a scenario ripe for a hit on future earnings, causing the company to report a disappointing quarter. 如果这些成品库存高度贬值——例如计算机和某些零售商品——这可能预示着未来的麻烦。一个坐拥大量贬值商品的公司将不得不降价以清理库存。此外,这些老旧的库存将在市场上与更新的产品线竞争。库存上升可能导致降价和减记,这种情况可能对未来的收益造成打击,使公司报告出令人失望的季度业绩。
Keep in mind that the amount of inventory by itself is not that meaningful to your analysis. It’s the trend in inventories versus sales and the percentage increase or decrease within the inventory chain that yield valuable information. 请记住,库存的数量本身对您的分析并没有太大意义。重要的是库存与销售之间的趋势,以及库存链中百分比的增加或减少,这些才提供了有价值的信息。
Think of inventory as merchandise waiting to be sold. Under most conditions, inventories should rise and fall in a pattern similar to that for sales. Management tries to anticipate future sales and stocks inventory to meet demand or expected demand. When inventory grows much faster than sales, it can indicate weakening sales, misjudgment by management of future demand, or both. These scenarios are likely to undermine earnings. The more rapidly inventory depreciates, the more excess inventory will be detrimental. 将库存视为等待销售的商品。在大多数情况下,库存的增减应与销售的模式相似。管理层试图预测未来的销售,并储备库存以满足需求或预期需求。当库存增长速度远快于销售时,这可能表明销售疲软、管理层对未来需求的误判,或两者兼而有之。这些情况可能会削弱收益。库存贬值越快,过剩库存的影响就越大。
Dell's Solution for Inventory Buildup 戴尔的库存积压解决方案
Companies that control their inventory the best in an environment of falling prices have the potential to hold up best and outperform the others, especially during an economic downturn. Dell Computer responded to this problem with its revolutionary “build-to-order” business model. The model transformed the manufacturing business by lowering inventory stockpiles and decreasing the risk of holding depreciating computers. Other companies have since adopted this simple concept even in industries outside the computer business. Dell’s model is based on orders taken over the phone and on its website. Computers are not put into production until an order is placed. This dramatically reduced the number of days inventory was held and increased the company’s inventory turnover ratio to more than three times that of its rivals. 在价格下跌的环境中,能够最好地控制库存的公司有潜力在经济衰退期间表现最佳并超越其他公司。戴尔电脑通过其革命性的“按订单生产”商业模式应对了这一问题。该模式通过降低库存积压和减少持有贬值电脑的风险,改变了制造业。其他公司也在计算机行业之外采纳了这一简单概念。戴尔的模式基于通过电话和其网站接收订单。计算机在下订单之前不会投入生产。这大大减少了库存持有天数,并将公司的库存周转率提高到其竞争对手的三倍以上。
This unique new business model allowed Dell to capture higher profit margins than its competitors, gain market share, and dominate the com- 这一独特的新商业模式使戴尔能够获得比竞争对手更高的利润率,获得市场份额,并主导市场。
puter market during the 1990s. The reason this concept worked so well in the computer business is that the product was highly depreciable. Virtually all of Dell’s competitors relied on a business model that involved stocking retail stores with merchandise. When business turned down, Dell’s competitors were holding large inventories of merchandise, the value of which was eroding with time and advances in computer performance and capabilities. To keep their merchandise from spoiling like fruit in the sun, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Gateway were forced to cut prices to unload their stockpiles. This condition will often show up in inventories, with finished goods usually rising and trending upward faster than sales and raw materials. 1990 年代的计算机市场。这个概念在计算机行业如此成功的原因是,产品的折旧率很高。几乎所有戴尔的竞争对手都依赖于一种商业模式,即在零售店中储备商品。当业务下滑时,戴尔的竞争对手们手中持有大量商品库存,这些库存的价值随着时间的推移以及计算机性能和能力的提升而不断贬值。为了防止他们的商品像阳光下的水果一样腐烂,康柏、惠普和网关被迫降价以清理他们的库存。这种情况通常会在库存中显现出来,成品库存通常上升并且上升速度快于销售和原材料。
Not all inventory buildups are bad. Maybe a company has to fill the shelves of 20 new stores it just opened. The real red flag arises when an inventory buildup is unexplained or the explanation isn’t a good one. If you spot an unexplained inventory buildup, you can call the company or go on an investor conference call to ask for an explanation. 并非所有的库存积压都是坏事。也许一家公司需要填满它刚开设的 20 家新店的货架。当库存积压没有解释或解释不合理时,真正的警示信号就出现了。如果你发现了无法解释的库存积压,你可以打电话给公司或参加投资者电话会议以询问解释。
On the flip side, if raw materials are suddenly building up, this could be an indication that the company believes business will be picking up. If that’s the case, sales should show signs of acceleration shortly afterward to confirm that the raw material buildup was indeed in anticipation of stronger demand. 另一方面,如果原材料突然积累,这可能表明公司相信业务将会好转。如果是这样,销售应该很快显示出加速的迹象,以确认原材料的积累确实是为了预期更强的需求。
Analyzing Receivables 分析应收账款
In addition to inventories, a part of a company’s balance sheet that merits attention is receivables. Accounts receivable are what the company is owed for sales it has already made. Some receivables are to be expected in the course of doing business; it’s normal to have a reasonable delay between delivery of products or services and receipt of payment. However, if receivables are increasing at a far greater rate than sales or if the trend is accelerating, this could be a warning that the company is having trouble collecting from its customers. 除了库存外,公司的资产负债表中值得关注的部分是应收账款。应收账款是公司因已完成的销售而应收的款项。在正常的商业活动中,某些应收账款是可以预期的;在交付产品或服务与收到付款之间通常会有合理的延迟。然而,如果应收账款的增长速度远远超过销售额,或者这一趋势正在加速,这可能是公司在收款方面遇到困难的警告信号。
If receivables and inventories are both increasing at a greater rate than sales (twice or more without explanation), this could be double trouble. 如果应收账款和库存的增长速度都超过销售额(没有解释的情况下达到两倍或更多),这可能是双重麻烦。
Think about it. We know from the previous discussion that when invento-ries-particularly of finished goods-rise faster than sales, that means product is building up. The company has made more than it can sell in current market conditions, assuming that there isn’t a good reason for the buildup, such as the need to stock new retail outlets. This is even a bigger problem if the inventory stockpile is of highly depreciable goods. When receivables are also rising, the company hasn’t been paid for what it has sold to its customers. This is a double whammy that often forecasts trouble ahead: Consumers aren’t buying, and retailers aren’t selling and therefore aren’t able to pay for the product they’ve got. The manufacturer isn’t collecting on what it sold, and its warehouses are full of more product than it can ship. 想想看。我们从之前的讨论中知道,当库存——特别是成品——的增长速度超过销售时,这意味着产品正在积压。公司生产的产品超过了当前市场条件下的销售能力,假设没有好的理由导致这种积压,比如需要为新的零售店备货。如果库存积压的是高度贬值的商品,这个问题就更严重了。当应收账款也在上升时,公司尚未收到客户的付款。这是一个双重打击,通常预示着前方的麻烦:消费者不在购买,零售商不在销售,因此无法支付他们所拥有的产品。制造商没有收回销售款,仓库里堆满了无法发货的产品。
There could be a reasonable explanation for the rising receivables, such as a new product line or new customers in a different industry that have been given longer credit terms. Maybe orders have not shipped as expected because of a production delay. Whatever the reason, it’s worth investigating to see if this is a red flag or a situation that’s easily explained. 应收账款上升可能有合理的解释,比如新产品线或在不同行业的新客户被给予了更长的信用期限。也许由于生产延迟,订单没有按预期发货。无论原因是什么,值得调查一下,以确定这是否是一个红旗,或者是一个容易解释的情况。
In the example below, the rate of increase in total inventories is four times that of sales and receivables are up three times the rate of sales. More troubling is the fact that finished goods and work in progress are up big relative to raw materials. This could indicate an unusually large stockpile of goods. To the extent that those goods are depreciable, the product on hand will be worth less and less as time goes by, eroding margins and ultimately earnings. This type of scenario should raise a red flag. 在下面的例子中,总库存的增长率是销售额的四倍,而应收账款的增长率是销售额的三倍。更令人担忧的是,成品和在制品相对于原材料的增长幅度很大。这可能表明存在异常庞大的库存。如果这些商品是可折旧的,那么手头的产品随着时间的推移将会越来越不值钱,从而侵蚀利润和最终的收益。这种情况应该引起警惕。
Figure 8.9 Red flag scenario 图 8.9 警示信号场景
Example of an inventory buildup with finished goods and receivables growing at a rate faster than sales. 成品和应收账款的库存积累示例,其增长速度超过销售额。
Differential Disclosure 差异披露
When a company says one thing in one document and something quite different in another, you have differential disclosure. This happens far more often than most people think. The reason is simple. Guidelines for reports to shareholders are far less restricted than those for reports submitted to the SEC. An example is shareholder reporting versus tax reporting. Make a point to compare footnotes and other disclosures related to taxes under the cash-basis accounting rules required for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with the earnings reported to shareholders under accrual accounting. If you spot a big difference, this is a red flag. In a similar vein, if a company is reporting great earnings but is not paying much in taxes, be skeptical. 当一家公司在一份文件中说一件事,而在另一份文件中说出截然不同的事情时,就出现了差异性披露。这种情况发生的频率远高于大多数人的想象。原因很简单。向股东报告的指南远没有向证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的报告那么严格。一个例子是股东报告与税务报告。请务必比较根据国税局(IRS)要求的现金基础会计规则下的税务相关脚注和其他披露与根据权责发生制会计报告给股东的收益。如果你发现了很大的差异,这就是一个红旗。同样,如果一家公司报告了很好的收益但缴纳的税却不多,那就要保持怀疑态度。
Hitting on All Cylinders: The Code 33 全面发力:代码 33
When a company grows its sales at an accelerating rate ( 25 percent, then 35 percent, then 45 percent, and so on), this is great. Better still, though, is a company that accelerates its sales and expands its profit margins at the same time. This powerful combination can ignite earnings and fuel explosive stock price appreciation. The result is a condition in which the company can grow its earnings at a much faster rate than it could if sales or margins were accelerating only by themselves or if neither were accelerating. The best situation for rapid earnings growth is to be hitting on all cylinders as sales accelerate and profit margins expand simultaneously. 当一家公司以加速的速度增长销售额(25%,然后是 35%,然后是 45%,依此类推)时,这是很好的。然而,更好的是,一家公司在加速销售的同时扩大其利润率。这种强大的组合可以点燃收益并推动股票价格的爆炸性上涨。结果是公司能够以比仅仅销售或利润率单独加速时更快的速度增长其收益。快速收益增长的最佳情况是销售加速和利润率同时扩张,全面发力。
Look for what I call a Code 33 situation, three quarters of acceleration in earnings, sales, and profit margins. That’s a potent recipe. If a company has 寻找我所称之为“代码 33”情况,即连续三个季度的收益、销售和利润率加速。这是一个强有力的配方。如果一家公司有
Figure 8.10 The Code 33 图 8.10 代码 33
Earnings per share, sales, and margins accelerating for three consecutive quarters. 每股收益、销售额和利润率连续三个季度加速增长。
Figure 8.11 Monster Beverage (MNST) 2003-2006 图 8.11 怪兽饮料(MNST)2003-2006
Monster Beverage (MNST) (previously Hansen Natural Beverage) displayed classic Code 33 annual acceleration. From 2003 to 2005, earnings, sales, and margins accelerated dramatically, creating the condition necessary for superperformance. 怪兽饮料(MNST)(之前的汉森天然饮料)显示出经典的 33 号代码年度加速。从 2003 年到 2005 年,收益、销售和利润率急剧加速,创造了超额表现所需的条件。
hot-selling products or services and a management team that’s on the ball, the proof should show up in the sales and margins. Profit margins should improve as the company improves productivity. Sales should increase as the company expands into new markets. If these things aren’t happening, it may not be the optimum time to buy the stock. 热销的产品或服务以及高效的管理团队,证明应该体现在销售和利润率上。随着公司提高生产力,利润率应该改善。随着公司扩展到新市场,销售应该增加。如果这些事情没有发生,可能不是购买该股票的最佳时机。
This page intentionally left blank 此页故意留空
N\mathbb{N}ost of the big money made in bull markets comes in the early stages, during the first 12 to 18 months. However, by the time a big advance asserts itself in the broad market indexes, many of the best stocks may have been running up for weeks in advance. The question then becomes how you know when to jump on board before an emerging rally gets away from you and the very best stocks leave you in the dust. The answer: follow the leaders. 在牛市中,大部分大钱是在早期阶段赚取的,通常是在前 12 到 18 个月。然而,当大幅上涨在广泛的市场指数中显现出来时,许多最佳股票可能已经提前上涨了几周。问题是,如何在新兴反弹开始之前知道何时加入,以免被抛在后面,错过最好的股票。答案是:跟随领头羊。
Top-performing stocks will lead the broader market averages at important turning points. As a bear market is bottoming, leading stocks, the ones that best resisted the decline, will turn up first and then sprint ahead-days, weeks, or even months before the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq indexes put on their running shoes. These leading names will break into new high ground while the major indexes are just starting to come off their respective lows. At this point, overall market conditions still look bleak to most investors and the news is still for the most part negative and cautionary. Later, the rally broadens, pushing up the indexes, which propels the front-runners even higher. Then sentiment begins to shift from fear to optimism. By paying close attention to the market’s leading names, you can be in the best stocks before they are obvious to the public. This is nothing new to astute stock investors who know what to look for. The legendary Jesse Livermore built his fortune by trading in leading stocks in the 1920s and 1930s. I made 99 percent of my profits in the stock market by trading in leading names. 表现最好的股票将在重要的转折点引领更广泛的市场平均水平。当熊市触底时,领先股票,即那些在下跌中表现最好的股票,将首先反弹,然后迅速领先——在道琼斯、标准普尔和纳斯达克指数开始反弹之前,可能会提前几天、几周甚至几个月。这些领先的股票将在主要指数刚开始走出各自的低点时突破新高。在这一点上,整体市场状况对大多数投资者来说仍然显得黯淡,新闻大多仍然是负面和谨慎的。随后,反弹扩大,推动指数上涨,从而使领先者更进一步。然后,市场情绪开始从恐惧转向乐观。通过密切关注市场的领先股票,你可以在它们对公众显而易见之前就进入最佳股票。这对那些知道该寻找什么的精明股票投资者来说并不新鲜。传奇人物杰西·利弗莫尔在 1920 年代和 1930 年代通过交易领先股票积累了财富。我在股市中 99%的利润都是通过交易领先股票获得的。
Market leaders tend to foretell turns to the downside as well. As a bull market enters its later stages (generally after one or two years), many of the 市场领袖往往也预示着下行的转折点。当牛市进入后期阶段(通常在一到两年后),许多引领市场上涨的领导股票将开始动摇,而广泛的市场平均水平则继续向其高点前进。通常,第二波后领导股票开始相对表现良好,因为资金从真正的领导者转向该组的某些成分股、滞后跟进股票或被认为对经济下滑敏感性较低的防御性行业,如制药、烟草、公用事业和食品股票。然而,跟进股票和滞后股票很少经历真正市场领袖所取得的价格变动的长度或更重要的幅度。当你看到这种轮换发生时,这是一种警告,表明市场反弹可能正在进入后期阶段。最终的市场高点可能仍然需要几周甚至几个月的时间,但这种内部市场行为无疑是一个警告信号,应该引起你的注意。
leadership stocks that led the market advance will start to buckle while the broad market averages march on toward their tops. Typically, a second wave of postleadership stocks start to perform relatively well as money rotates out of the true leaders and into some of the group’s constituents, laggard follow-up stocks, or defensive groups such as drugs, tobacco, utilities, and food stocks that are thought to be less sensitive to an economic downturn. Follow-on stocks and laggards, however, rarely experience the length or, more important, the magnitude of the price move that true market leaders accomplish. When you see this rotation occurring, it’s a warning that the market rally may be entering its later stage. The ultimate market top may still be weeks or even months away, but this internal market action is a proverbial shot across the bow that should get your attention. 领导股票在市场上涨期间的表现将开始减弱,而广泛的市场平均水平则继续向其高点前进。通常,第二波后领导股票开始相对表现良好,因为资金从真正的领导者转向该组的某些成分股、滞后跟进股票或被认为对经济下滑敏感性较低的防御性行业,如制药、烟草、公用事业和食品股票。然而,跟进股票和滞后股票很少经历真正市场领袖所取得的价格变动的长度或更重要的幅度。当你看到这种轮换发生时,这是一种警告,表明市场反弹可能正在进入后期阶段。最终的市场高点可能仍然需要几周甚至几个月的时间,但这种内部市场行为无疑是一个警告信号,应该引起你的注意。
Getting in Sync 同步
The problem for most investors is that they fail to notice the important nuances and clues from leading stocks near turning points, and that causes them to lose perspective. Why? Investors are gun-shy after the market has been declining steadily. Just about the time the market is bottoming, most investors have already suffered large losses in their portfolios because they refused to cut their losses short. After a market correction, many investors are busy hoping to break even on the open losses they hold or are convinced that the end of the world is coming because they got crushed during the previous decline and refuse to acknowledge the buy signals individual leading stocks are offering. 大多数投资者面临的问题是,他们未能注意到领先股票在转折点附近的重要细微差别和线索,这导致他们失去视角。为什么?在市场持续下跌后,投资者变得谨慎。就在市场触底的时候,大多数投资者已经在他们的投资组合中遭受了巨大的损失,因为他们拒绝及时止损。在市场调整后,许多投资者忙于希望能在他们持有的未实现损失上回本,或者坚信世界末日即将来临,因为他们在之前的下跌中遭受了重创,拒绝承认个别领先股票所提供的买入信号。
Making it even more difficult is the fact that leading stocks always appear to be too high or too expensive to most investors. Market leaders are the stocks that emerge first and hit the 52 -week-high list just as the market is starting to turn up. Few investors buy stocks near new highs, and fewer buy them at the correct time. They focus on the market instead of the individual market leaders and often end up buying late and owning laggards. Adding to the distraction is the fact that the news media are usually wrong at major turning points. At a market bottom they’ll predict the end of the world, and at a top the same people will say you can’t go wrong investing in stocks. It can be very confusing if you listen to what people are saying instead of pay- 使事情变得更加困难的是,领先股票对大多数投资者来说总是显得过高或过于昂贵。市场领袖是那些首先出现并在市场开始回升时进入 52 周高点名单的股票。很少有投资者在新高附近买入股票,更少有人在正确的时间买入。他们关注市场而不是个别市场领袖,往往在买入时已为时已晚,拥有的是滞后股。更令人分心的是,新闻媒体在重大转折点上通常是错误的。在市场底部,他们会预测世界末日,而在市场顶部,同样的人会说投资股票绝对不会错。如果你听信人们所说的话而不是专注于市场,可能会感到非常困惑。
Figure 9.1 Pharmacyclics, Inc. (PCYC) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 2009-2010 图 9.1 Pharmacyclics, Inc. (PCYC) 与纳斯达克综合指数,2009-2010
Market leader Pharmacyclics emerges into new high ground the same day the Nasdaq Composite hit a correction low. It then rose 1,500 percent in 33 months. 市场领导者 Pharmacyclics 在纳斯达克综合指数达到修正低点的同一天进入了新的高地。随后在 33 个月内上涨了 1500%。
ing attention to what the stocks are telling you. More than 90 percent of superperformance stocks emerge from bear markets and general market corrections. The key is to do your homework while the market is down; then you will be prepared to make big profits when it turns up. 注意股票所传达的信息。超过 90%的超表现股票出现在熊市和整体市场修正中。关键是在市场下跌时做好功课;这样当市场回升时,你就能准备好获得丰厚的利润。
On February 4, 2010, I purchased Pharmacyclics Inc. (PCYC), and also recommended it to our Minervini Private Access clients; this was a day when the Nasdaq Composite Index was hitting a new low. Over the next 48 trading days, PCYC advanced 90 percent, during which time the Nasdaq rallied only about 18 percent. The 90 percent advance proved to be only the beginning; PCYC advanced 1,500 percent in 33 months, a clear example of market leadership. 2010 年 2 月 4 日,我购买了 Pharmacyclics Inc.(PCYC),并向我们的 Minervini 私人客户推荐了它;那天纳斯达克综合指数创下新低。在接下来的 48 个交易日中,PCYC 上涨了 90%,而此期间纳斯达克仅上涨了约 18%。这 90%的上涨证明只是个开始;PCYC 在 33 个月内上涨了 1500%,是市场领导力的明确例证。
The Lockout 锁定期
During the first few months of a new bull market you should see multiple waves of stocks emerging into new high ground; general market pullbacks will be minimal and probably will be contained to 3 to 5 percent from peak to trough. Many inexperienced investors will be looking to buy a pullback that rarely materializes during the initial leg of a new powerful bull market, which from the onset will appear to be overbought. 在新牛市的头几个月,你应该会看到多波股票进入新的高位;整体市场的回调将是最小的,可能会限制在从峰值到谷值的 3%到 5%之间。许多经验不足的投资者会试图在初期强劲牛市的第一阶段买入回调,但这种回调很少会出现,从一开始就会显得被高估。
Typically, the early phase of a move off an important bottom has the characteristics of a lockout rally. During this lockout period, investors wait for an opportunity to enter the market on a pullback, but that pullback never comes. Instead, demand is so strong that the market moves steadily higher, ignoring overbought readings. As a result, investors are essentially locked out of the market. If the major market indexes ignore an extremely overbought condition after a bear market decline and your list of leaders expands, this should be viewed as a sign of strength. To determine if the rally is real, up days should be accompanied by increased volume whereas down days or pullbacks have lower overall market volume. More important, the price action of leading stocks should be studied to determine if there are stocks emerging from sound, buyable bases. 通常,从重要底部开始的早期阶段具有锁定反弹的特征。在这个锁定期内,投资者等待在回调时进入市场的机会,但这种回调从未出现。相反,需求如此强劲,以至于市场稳步上涨,忽视了超买信号。因此,投资者实际上被锁定在市场之外。如果主要市场指数在熊市下跌后忽视了极度超买的情况,并且你的领头股票名单扩大,这应该被视为一种强势信号。要确定反弹是否真实,上涨日应伴随增加的成交量,而下跌日或回调则应有较低的整体市场成交量。更重要的是,应该研究领头股票的价格走势,以确定是否有股票从稳健、可买入的基础中出现。
Additional confirmation is given when the list of stocks making new 52-week highs outpaces the new 52-week low list and starts to expand significantly. At this point, you should raise your exposure in accordance with 当创出新 52 周高点的股票数量超过创出新 52 周低点的股票数量并开始显著扩大时,额外的确认就会出现。在这一点上,你应该根据情况提高你的投资暴露。
your trading criteria on a stock-by-stock basis. As the adage goes, “It’s a market of stocks, not a stock market.” In the early stages of a market-bottom rally it’s absolutely critical to focus on leading stocks if your goal is to latch on to big winners. Sometimes you will be early. Stick with a stop-loss discipline, and if the rally is for real, the majority of the leading stocks will hold up well and you will have to make only a few adjustments. However, if you get stopped out repeatedly, you may be too early. 你在每只股票上制定的交易标准。正如谚语所说,“这是一个股票的市场,而不是一个股市。”在市场底部反弹的早期阶段,如果你的目标是抓住大赢家,专注于领先股票是绝对关键的。有时你可能会过早入场。坚持止损纪律,如果反弹是真实的,大多数领先股票会表现良好,你只需做少量调整。然而,如果你反复被止损,可能是你入场过早。
The Best Stocks Make Their Lows First 最好的股票首先会创出低点
To make big money in the stock market, you’re going to need to have the overall stock market’s primary trend on your side. A strong market trend is not something you want to go against. However, if you concentrate on the general market solely for timing your individual stock purchases, you’re likely to miss many of the really great selections as they emerge at or close to a market bottom. 要在股市中赚大钱,你需要让整体股市的主要趋势站在你这一边。强劲的市场趋势不是你想要对抗的。然而,如果你仅仅为了时机而专注于整体市场,你可能会错过许多在市场底部或接近底部时出现的真正优秀的股票选择。
The true market leaders will show strong relative price strength before they advance. Such stocks have low correlation with the general market averages and very often act as lone wolves during their biggest advancing stage. The search for these stocks runs contrary to the thinking of most investors, who often take a top-down approach, examining first the economy and the stock market, then market sectors, and finally companies in a specific industry group. As I’ll show you in several examples in this chapter, many of the very best leading stocks tend to bottom and top ahead of their respective sectors, whereas specific industry groups can lead a general market turn. Although it’s true that many of the market’s biggest winners are part of industry group moves, in my experience, often by the time it’s obvious that the underlying sector is hot, the real industry leaders-the very best of the breed-have already moved up dramatically in price. 真正的市场领袖在上涨之前会显示出强劲的相对价格强度。这些股票与整体市场平均水平的相关性较低,并且在其最大上涨阶段往往表现得像孤狼。寻找这些股票与大多数投资者的思维方式相悖,他们通常采取自上而下的方法,首先考察经济和股市,然后是市场行业,最后是特定行业组中的公司。正如我将在本章中的几个例子中向您展示的,许多最优秀的领先股票往往在各自行业之前见底和见顶,而特定行业组可以引领整体市场的转变。虽然许多市场上最大的赢家确实是行业组运动的一部分,但根据我的经验,通常在底层行业明显火热时,真正的行业领袖——最优秀的品种——已经在价格上大幅上涨。
In the early stage of a relative strength leader’s uptrend, there may or may not be much confirming price strength from its group overall. This is normal. Often there will be only one or two other stocks in the group displaying strong relative strength. Therefore, it requires additional skill to pin- 在相对强势领头股的上升阶段,其整体组别可能没有太多确认的价格强度。这是正常的。通常,组别中只有一两只其他股票显示出强劲的相对强度。因此,需要额外的技能来确定-
Figure 9.2 Leading stocks versus respective sector and lagged “follow-up effect” 图 9.2 领先股票与各自行业及滞后“跟进效应”
Theoretical cycle dynamics shows the leaders, the overall sector, and the laggards during a bull market and then entering a bear market phase. 理论周期动态显示了在牛市期间的领头羊、整体行业和滞后者,然后进入熊市阶段。
point these stocks early on. As the leader’s trend continues to advance and eventually its industry group and sector begin to show signs of strength, the price advance of the market leader will do one of two things: it will continue its advance while the group propels it even higher, or it will consolidate in a sideways fashion and digest its previous gains while the group and other stocks in the group play catch-up. This does not necessarily mean that the leader’s price advance has ended, because leaders can zig while the market zags; this is typical of high alpha stocks. You should look for definite signs that the stock has topped before concluding that the move is over. 早期指出这些股票。当领头羊的趋势继续上升,并最终其行业组和部门开始显示出强劲迹象时,市场领头羊的价格上涨将会有两种情况:它将继续上涨,而该组将推动其更高,或者它将以横向方式整合并消化之前的收益,而该组和该组中的其他股票则追赶。这并不一定意味着领头羊的价格上涨已经结束,因为领头羊可以在市场波动时 zigzag;这在高阿尔法股票中是典型的。您应该寻找明确的迹象表明股票已经见顶,然后再得出该走势结束的结论。
Your Window of Opportunity 你的机会窗口
Market leaders are the stocks that can increase the value of a portfolio significantly and rapidly, the types of stocks that can produce superperformance. By applying a bottom-up approach to find the best relative performers in the early stages of a bull market, you will put yourself in a position to latch 市场领袖是那些能够显著且快速增加投资组合价值的股票,这些股票能够产生超常表现。通过采用自下而上的方法,在牛市初期找到最佳相对表现者,你将使自己处于一个能够抓住机会的位置。
on to some really big winners. The stocks that hold up the best and rally into new high ground off the market low during the first 4 to 8 weeks of a new bull market are the true market leaders, capable of advancing significantly. You can’t afford to ignore these golden opportunities. 在一些真正的大赢家上。那些在新牛市的前 4 到 8 周内从市场低点反弹并冲向新高的股票是真正的市场领袖,能够显著上涨。你不能忽视这些黄金机会。
There are countless examples of market leaders that displayed obvious signs of strength before there was a widespread indication of overall market or industry group strength. It’s a matter of knowing what to look for. For example, in 2001, Amazon bottomed well ahead of the market and gave investors a year to prepare for the eventual buy point that propelled the stock 240 percent in 12 months. 有无数市场领袖在整体市场或行业组强劲的广泛迹象出现之前就显示出明显的强势。这是一个知道该寻找什么的问题。例如,在 2001 年,亚马逊在市场之前就触底,为投资者提供了一年的时间来准备最终的买入点,推动该股票在 12 个月内上涨 240%。
Figure 9.3 Amazon (AMZN) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 2001-2003 Amazon (AMZN) turned into a stage 2 uptrend well in advance of the general market, giving investors ample time to prepare for the buy point, which preceded a 240 percent advance in only 12 months. 图 9.3 亚马逊(AMZN)与纳斯达克综合指数,2001-2003 亚马逊(AMZN)在整体市场之前很早就进入了第二阶段的上升趋势,为投资者提供了充足的时间来准备买入点,这在短短 12 个月内带来了 240%的涨幅。
Market leaders tend to stand out best during an intermediate market correction or in the later stages of a bear market. Look for resilient stocks that hold up the best, rebound the fastest, and gain the most percentagewise off the general market bottom. This, too, will identify potential leading names. After an extended bear market correction, look for stocks that hold their ground or, even better, work their way higher while the general market averages trend lower. A series of higher lows during lower lows in the general averages is a tip-off that a potential market leader is in the making. The relative strength line of the stock should show steady improvement as the market declines. It’s important to study carefully the price action of individual companies with new positive developments and strong earnings per share during major market declines. Many of the most strongly rebounding stocks and the ones that hold up the best are likely to become the next up cycle’s superperformers. 市场领袖往往在中期市场修正或熊市的后期阶段表现得最为突出。寻找那些表现出色、反弹最快、从整体市场底部涨幅最大的韧性股票。这也将帮助识别潜在的领先股票。在经历了较长时间的熊市修正后,寻找那些能够稳住阵脚,甚至更好的是,在整体市场平均水平下滑时仍能上涨的股票。在整体平均水平下跌时出现一系列更高的低点,预示着潜在市场领袖的形成。股票的相对强度线应在市场下跌时显示出稳定的改善。在主要市场下跌期间,仔细研究个别公司在新积极发展和强劲每股收益方面的价格走势是很重要的。许多反弹最强劲的股票以及那些表现最好的股票很可能会成为下一个上升周期的超级表现者。
Superperformance can be triggered by several factors, including a positive earnings surprise, industrywide regulatory change, governmental policy change, newly awarded contracts, better than anticipated results from a new product launch, and the planned introduction of a unique new product. For a pharmaceutical or biotech company, U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for a promising new drug or medical device can have an enormously positive effect. On July 20, 2009, shares of the small biopharma company Human Genome Sciences (HGSI) soared, closing up more than 270 percent in just one day, but that was only the beginning. The company unveiled test results on a drug that could become the first new treatment for lupus in 50 years, a drug with truly revolutionary potential. Seven months later, HGSI’s stock price was up an additional 165 percent. Similarly, on April 14, 2009, shares of Dendreon Corp soared almost 200 percent after the company said its prostate cancer vaccine Provenge significantly prolonged the overall survival of patients compared with a placebo. Eleven months later, the stock price was up an additional 117 percent. 超额表现可以由多个因素触发,包括积极的盈利惊喜、行业范围内的监管变化、政府政策变化、新获得的合同、新产品发布的结果好于预期,以及计划推出独特的新产品。对于制药或生物技术公司来说,美国食品和药物管理局对一种有前景的新药或医疗设备的批准可以产生极其积极的影响。2009 年 7 月 20 日,小型生物制药公司 Human Genome Sciences (HGSI)的股票飙升,单日收盘上涨超过 270%,但这仅仅是个开始。该公司公布了一种可能成为 50 年来首个狼疮新治疗的药物的测试结果,这是一种具有真正革命性潜力的药物。七个月后,HGSI 的股价又上涨了 165%。同样,在 2009 年 4 月 14 日,Dendreon Corp 的股票在公司表示其前列腺癌疫苗 Provenge 显著延长了患者的整体生存期与安慰剂相比后,飙升了近 200%。十一个月后,股价又上涨了 117%。
There was a stark contrast between Humana’s stock price trend and the general market price action from June 1977 to August 1978. Humana’s stock had been in a stage 2 uptrend and was hitting a new high while the Dow had not even turned the corner yet. Then Humana emerged into new 从 1977 年 6 月到 1978 年 8 月,Humana 的股价趋势与整体市场价格走势形成了鲜明对比。Humana 的股票处于第二阶段的上升趋势,并且达到了新高,而道琼斯指数甚至还没有转折。然后,Humana 进入了新的阶段。
Figure 9.4 Humana (HUM) vs. the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1978 Humana (data from 1978, adjusted for splits) provides a classic example of an emerging leader, rising 1,000 percent in 38 months. 图 9.4 Humana(HUM)与道琼斯工业平均指数,1978 年 Humana(1978 年的数据,经过拆分调整)提供了一个经典的崛起领导者的例子,在 38 个月内上涨了 1000%。
high ground as the overall market initially came off its lows. Humana’s stock price advanced 1,000 percent over the subsequent 38 months. 整体市场最初从低点反弹时的高地。Humana 的股价在接下来的 38 个月内上涨了 1000%。
Humana’s action provided the type of subtle sign that few can detect during a bear market bottom. What you are looking for as a sign of a bottoming market is the following: Humana 的行动提供了在熊市底部很少有人能察觉的微妙迹象。您要寻找的底部市场迹象如下:
A first wave of market leaders emerge and build bases in a stairstep fashion, as in the Humana example. 第一波市场领袖出现,并以阶梯式的方式建立基础,就像 Humana 的例子一样。
Stock set-ups proliferate while the original leaders give up relatively little ground and rebound fairly quickly from any selloff. Leading stocks will generally advance 15 to 20 percent and then rest, during which time they may pull back 5 to 10 percent. 股票设置大量涌现,而原始领袖相对保持较小的失地,并在任何抛售后迅速反弹。领先股票通常会上涨 15%到 20%,然后休整,在此期间可能回调 5%到 10%。
The majority of leaders should hold their ground. Even though there are bound to be some stocks that emerge and then fail, you don’t want to see most of the leaders that broke out come crashing down and not able to rally. 大多数领导者应该坚守阵地。尽管肯定会有一些股票出现然后失败,但你不希望大多数突破的领导者崩溃而无法反弹。
Volume on the major averages should also be watched for signs of distribution. If this is accompanied by increasing volume on down days versus up days, it may be too early, and you may need to revert back to cash for protection. 主要平均指数的成交量也应该关注分配的迹象。如果这伴随着下跌日的成交量增加而不是上涨日的成交量增加,可能还为时已早,你可能需要回归现金以保护自己。
In 2001, I bought shares of Emulex (EMEX). The stock attracted my attention for several reasons. First, as the general market was near a new low, Emulex shot up 100 percent in only one week. This impressive strength was the initial tip-off that something big was about to happen with the stock. Such a surge in demand is often a reaction to a positive development that has recently surprised the Street or an indication that something is being anticipated. Next, the stock pulled back sharply, but it recovered very quickly in only a few days. The stock gave up little ground afterward. The price then moved into new high ground as the general market rallied off its lows. This was the green light to buy. 在 2001 年,我购买了 Emulex(EMEX)的股票。该股票吸引了我的注意,原因有几个。首先,当大盘接近新低时,Emulex 在短短一周内上涨了 100%。这种令人印象深刻的强劲表现是一个初步的信号,表明该股票即将发生重大变化。这样的需求激增通常是对最近让市场感到惊讶的积极发展的一种反应,或者表明市场在预期某些事情。接下来,股票急剧回调,但在短短几天内迅速恢复。此后,股票几乎没有失去任何地面。随后,随着大盘从低点反弹,价格进入了新的高位。这是买入的绿灯。
Figure 9.6 Emulex (EMEX) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 2001 图 9.6 Emulex (EMEX) 与纳斯达克综合指数,2001
From the point at which Emulex made a new high, the stock gained 161 percent in only 17 days. The Nasdaq, meanwhile, eked out only a small fractional gain in the same time frame. 从 Emulex 创下新高的那一刻起,该股票在仅 17 天内上涨了 161%。与此同时,纳斯达克在同一时间框架内仅微幅上涨。
W.R. Grace & Co.
I bought W.R. Grace & Co. (GRA) on August 26, 2004, while the Nasdaq Composite was just starting to rally off its correction low on the ninth day. The stock ran up more than 40 percent in 13 days. Forty-four days later, GRA was up 110 percent. The Nasdaq Composite Index during that period was up only 10 percent. 我在 2004 年 8 月 26 日购买了 W.R. Grace & Co.(GRA),当时纳斯达克综合指数刚刚开始从第九天的修正低点反弹。该股票在 13 天内上涨了超过 40%。44 天后,GRA 上涨了 110%。在此期间,纳斯达克综合指数仅上涨了 10%。
Figure 9.7 WR Grace & Co. (GRA) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 2004 图 9.7 W.R. Grace & Co.(GRA)与纳斯达克综合指数,2004 年
Secular Growth Cycles 世俗增长周期
Often, stocks that hold up well during bear market corrections are in their own earnings up cycle. These stocks may benefit from strong earnings and sales, new products or services, or industry changes that positively affect the company. However, a stock’s price trend may be temporarily held back or muted by the weight of the bearish primary trend of the general market. This causes a stock’s price to decline, but not as severely as the prices of other stocks. These stocks are generally very resilient and bounce back into new high ground quickly off their lows. When the bearish market exhausts itself and turns up, stocks in their own earnings up cycle will blast off and advance significantly, in some cases for an extended period. On the flip side, stocks that are in their own bearish cycle may resist even a strong market and go nowhere. Often this is an indication of an unfavorable outlook, and these stocks should be avoided. 通常,在熊市调整期间表现良好的股票处于自身的盈利上升周期。这些股票可能受益于强劲的盈利和销售、新产品或服务,或对公司产生积极影响的行业变化。然而,股票的价格趋势可能会因整体市场的熊市主趋势而暂时受到抑制或减弱。这导致股票价格下跌,但跌幅通常不如其他股票严重。这些股票通常非常有韧性,能够迅速从低点反弹并重新达到新高。当熊市耗尽并转向上涨时,处于自身盈利上升周期的股票将会迅速上涨并显著上升,在某些情况下会持续较长时间。相反,处于自身熊市周期的股票即使在强劲市场中也可能无所作为。这通常表明前景不佳,这些股票应当避免。
Panera Bread (PNRA) advanced an incredible 1,100 percent over 26 months during one of the most devastating bear markets in U.S. stock market history. The Nasdaq Composite, meanwhile, declined approximately 80 percent in that period. This does not mean that you should focus on buying stocks during major declines in the overall market; Panera Bread is clearly not the norm. However, Panera vividly illustrates the power of the earnings cycle when timed correctly. Panera Bread(PNRA)在美国股市历史上最严重的熊市之一中,经过 26 个月的时间,股价上涨了惊人的 1100%。与此同时,纳斯达克综合指数在此期间大约下跌了 80%。这并不意味着你应该在整体市场大幅下跌时专注于购买股票;Panera Bread 显然不是常态。然而,Panera 生动地展示了在正确时机把握盈利周期的力量。
Figure 9.8 Panera Bread (PNRA) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 2000-2002 图 9.8 Panera Bread(PNRA)与纳斯达克综合指数,2000-2002 年
Panera Bread made a meteoric 1,100 percent rise while the Nasdaq Composite fell by 80 percent. Panera Bread 在纳斯达克综合指数下跌 80% 的情况下,飙升了 1,100%。
A Classic Case of Market Leadership 市场领导力的经典案例
During the entire 1990 bear market, I observed that Amgen’s stock price barely dropped below its 50 -day moving average for any length of time. As the market continued in a precipitous downtrend, Amgen moved sideways and marked time. This is how a stock can improve its relative strength ranking during a market correction even without the stock rallying very much. 在整个 1990 年的熊市中,我观察到安进(Amgen)的股价几乎没有在其 50 日移动平均线以下停留太长时间。随着市场继续急剧下跌,安进的股价横盘整理,保持不变。这就是一只股票在市场修正期间如何提高其相对强度排名,即使该股票并没有大幅反弹。
Figure 9.9 Amgen (AMGN) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 1990 图 9.9 安进(AMGN)与纳斯达克综合指数,1990 年
Amgen held up exceptionally well and displayed strong relative strength while the overall market was declining. 安进在整体市场下跌时表现得异常强劲,显示出强大的相对强度。
Every time the Dow rallied off its lower lows, Amgen would edge its way into new high ground; this got my attention. Finally, in October 1990, the market reached a bottom. Only 22 days later Amgen hit an all-time price high. The Nasdaq Composite and other popular averages were still 25 percent off their highs. The market indexes, however, did not discourage me. I started to buy stocks in the healthcare group that were displaying the best earnings and price strength. The broader market had been sitting on the stock throughout its correction; however, once the market took off the pressure, Amgen took off. It was one of the first stocks to emerge in the 1990 bull market and gained 360 percent in just 14 months,. 每当道琼斯指数从低点反弹时,安进就会逐渐进入新的高位;这引起了我的注意。最终,在 1990 年 10 月,市场达到了底部。仅仅 22 天后,安进达到了历史最高价。纳斯达克综合指数和其他热门指数仍然比其高点低 25%。然而,市场指数并没有让我气馁。我开始购买在医疗保健领域中显示出最佳收益和价格强度的股票。更广泛的市场在整个调整过程中一直对这只股票施加压力;然而,一旦市场解除压力,安进就开始腾飞。它是 1990 年牛市中最早出现的股票之一,在短短 14 个月内上涨了 360%。
Look for a Technical Theme 寻找技术主题
Each market cycle has a unique signature in the form of the price and volume action in leading names. Often a similar technical theme will be present. A growing number of stocks displaying positive, divergent price behavior during a general market decline can tip you off to where the next group of market leaders may emerge or what stocks are likely to blast off first when the market starts to rally. When you see this type of price action, it’s time to tune out the media and the gurus and concentrate on the facts: price, volume, earnings, sales, profit margins, new products, and positive industry changes. Look for the evidence stock by stock and employ the best criteria. Most of the time there will be more than just one stock in a particular industry group displaying this type of behavior. You should try to own the top one, two, or three names in the industry in terms of relative performance and earnings power. Look for the types of patterns and price action that are proliferating in the marketplace. This can help you understand what type of tactic will work best in the current cycle. 每个市场周期都有其独特的特征,表现为领先股票的价格和成交量行为。通常会出现类似的技术主题。在一般市场下跌期间,越来越多的股票显示出积极的、背离的价格行为,这可以提示你下一个市场领袖群体可能出现的地方,或者在市场开始反弹时,哪些股票可能会首先大幅上涨。当你看到这种价格行为时,是时候屏蔽媒体和专家的声音,专注于事实:价格、成交量、收益、销售、利润率、新产品和积极的行业变化。逐个股票寻找证据,并采用最佳标准。大多数时候,在特定行业组中,会有不止一只股票显示出这种行为。你应该尽量拥有该行业中相对表现和盈利能力最强的前一、两或三只股票。寻找在市场上普遍存在的模式和价格行为。这可以帮助你理解在当前周期中哪种策略最有效。
In 1990, medical-related stocks were emerging as market leaders one after the other. Stocks such as US Surgical, United Healthcare, Amgen, Ballard Medical Products, and Stryker, among others, were leading the market. For many of these stocks, their relative price strength during the 1990 bear market proved to be a valuable tip-off that they were about to lead the next bull run and score huge returns for investors. I know. I was there at the time, buying them as they emerged. 在 1990 年,医疗相关股票一个接一个地崭露头角,成为市场领袖。像 US Surgical、United Healthcare、Amgen、Ballard Medical Products 和 Stryker 等股票在市场上处于领先地位。对于许多这些股票来说,它们在 1990 年熊市期间的相对价格强度证明了它们即将引领下一轮牛市,并为投资者带来巨额回报。我知道。我当时就在那儿,随着它们的崛起而购买。
Also emerging from the 1990 bear market bottom was the market leader American Power Conversion (APCC). Like Amgen, this company caught my attention, and for similar reasons: a stock that was starting to go higher as soon as the market took off the brake. Founded by a group of engineers from MIT, APCC had set out to develop solar power products, but after sharp declines in oil prices and muted government support for solar power, the company quickly shifted to developing uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for computers and workstations. The timing was perfect. APCC introduced its first UPS models in 1984 just as the microcomputer market began to blast off. In 1991, APCC introduced models that sold for under $200\$ 200, which opened up the home PC market for the first time. The rest is history. 1990 年熊市底部浮现出的市场领袖是美国电源转换公司(APCC)。与安进(Amgen)一样,这家公司引起了我的注意,原因也类似:这是一只在市场开始复苏时就开始上涨的股票。APCC 由一群麻省理工学院的工程师创立,最初致力于开发太阳能产品,但由于油价急剧下跌和政府对太阳能的支持有限,该公司迅速转向开发计算机和工作站的不间断电源(UPS)系统。时机恰到好处。APCC 在 1984 年推出了其首款 UPS 型号,恰逢微型计算机市场开始蓬勃发展。1991 年,APCC 推出了售价低于 $200\$ 200 的型号,这首次打开了家用 PC 市场。其余的就是历史了。
It was no coincidence that APCC’s stock price emerged off the 1990 bear market low into new high ground on the exact day that Amgen did (22 days into the rally). The two stocks displayed nearly identical price APCC 的股价在 1990 年熊市低点上升至新高的那一天,恰好与安进的股价同步(在反弹的第 22 天)。这两只股票的价格走势几乎完全相同。
Figure 9.10 American Power Conversion (APCC) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 1990 图 9.10 美国电源转换(APCC)与纳斯达克综合指数,1990 年
American Power Conversion emerged as the market was bottoming and then gained 4,100 percent in 50 months. 美国电源转换在市场触底时出现,并在 50 个月内增长了 4100%。
strength, indicating that their up cycles were being suppressed temporarily by the weight of the overall market correction. Selling for its highest price ever on November 12, 1990, proved to be only the tip of the iceberg. APCC advanced a whopping 4,100 percent over the subsequent 50 months. 强劲的表现,表明它们的上升周期暂时受到整体市场调整的压制。1990 年 11 月 12 日以历史最高价出售,证明只是冰山一角。APCC 在随后的 50 个月内上涨了惊人的 4100%。
Which Leaders Should I Buy First? 我应该首先购买哪些领头羊?
As you shift into buying gear, the question becomes, Which stocks should I buy first? It’s simple. Buy the strongest first. Coming off a market low, I like to buy in order of breakout. The best selections in your lineup will be the first to burst forth and emerge from a proper buy point and into new high ground. The ones that act the strongest are generally the best choices at this point. Let the strength of the market tell you where to put your money, not your personal opinion, which rarely is a good substitute for the wisdom of the market. Ultimately, opinions mean nothing compared with the verdict of the market. The stocks that emerge first in the early stage of a new bull market with the greatest power are generally the best candidates for superperformance. 当你开始购买股票时,问题变成了,我应该先买哪些股票?这很简单。首先买最强的股票。在市场低点反弹时,我喜欢按突破的顺序购买。你阵容中的最佳选择将是第一个从适当的买入点突破并进入新高地的股票。表现最强的股票通常是此时的最佳选择。让市场的强度告诉你把钱放在哪里,而不是你的个人意见,因为个人意见通常无法替代市场的智慧。最终,意见与市场的裁决相比毫无意义。在新牛市的早期阶段,首先出现并具有最大力量的股票通常是超表现的最佳候选者。
At the August 2007 low, oversold conditions dominated many markettiming indicators, which were down to levels equivalent to the 2002 and 2004 market bottoms. Most important and what caught my attention was the fact that an increasing number of fundamentally strong companies were emerging from sound consolidation patterns. New stock breakouts were boosting some industry sectors out of oversold levels. 在 2007 年 8 月的低点,超卖条件主导了许多市场时机指标,这些指标降至与 2002 年和 2004 年市场底部相当的水平。最重要的是,引起我注意的是,越来越多的基本面强劲的公司正在从良好的整合模式中出现。新的股票突破正在将一些行业部门从超卖水平中提升出来。
Adding to my bullish view was the fact that the previous weeks included positive key reversals in the major averages, an improvement in advisory sentiment and put/call ratios, and very impressive up/down volume ratios on the Nasdaq of 9 to 1 and on the New York Stock Exchange of 21 to 1 . 我看涨的一个原因是,前几周主要平均指数出现了积极的关键反转,顾问情绪和认沽/认购比率有所改善,纳斯达克的上涨/下跌成交量比率为 9 比 1,而纽约证券交易所的比率为 21 比 1。
There was still a distinct possibility that the market could be hit with an additional wave of selling, which would force another leg down in the major averages. Nonetheless, I started adding many of the best names to my buy list and covered all my short positions. My thinking was that even if the market did sell off again, many of my stops on my longs would probably not be violated. If they were, I would simply sell and cut my losses. 市场仍然有可能遭遇额外的抛售潮,这将迫使主要平均指数再次下跌。尽管如此,我开始将许多最佳股票加入我的买入名单,并平掉了我所有的空头头寸。我认为,即使市场再次下跌,我的多头止损可能不会被触发。如果触发了,我会简单地卖出并止损。
When a market is bottoming, the best stocks make their lows ahead of the absolute low in the market averages. As the broader market averages make lower lows during the last leg down, the leaders diverge and make higher lows. It’s important to watch very carefully at this juncture and stand ready to cut your losses if volatility widens too much in your individual holdings. If more leaders emerge and the overall market strengthens, be ready move to an even more aggressive long bias. 当市场触底时,最好的股票会在市场平均水平的绝对低点之前创出低点。当更广泛的市场平均水平在最后一轮下跌中创出更低的低点时,领头羊则会出现背离,创出更高的低点。在这个关键时刻,仔细观察非常重要,并准备好在个别持股的波动性过大时及时止损。如果更多的领头羊出现,整体市场走强,准备好转向更积极的多头偏向。
As the following examples show, your objective is to look for the stocks that hold up the best-either declining the least or even moving somewhat higher-during bear markets. 如下例所示,您的目标是寻找在熊市中表现最好的股票——要么下跌幅度最小,要么甚至有所上涨。
Figure 9.11 Lumber Liquidators (LL) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 2012 Lumber Liquidators emerged into new high ground off the market low and rallied 90 percent. During the same period the Nasdaq was actually down. Note the divergence that took place from late April to early June. 图 9.11 木材清算公司(LL)与纳斯达克综合指数,2012 年 木材清算公司在市场低点后进入新高地,并上涨了 90%。在同一时期,纳斯达克实际上是下跌的。注意从 4 月底到 6 月初发生的背离。
Figure 9.12 Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) vs. the S&P 500 Large Cap Index, 2012 图 9.12 奇波特尔墨西哥烤肉(CMG)与标准普尔 500 大型股指数,2012 年
In September 2010, Chipotle Mexican Grill made an all-time high and then advanced 186 percent in 20 months. 2010 年 9 月,Chipotle Mexican Grill 创下历史新高,随后在 20 个月内上涨了 186%。
Figure 9.13 Apple Computer (AAPL) vs. the Nasdaq Composite Index, 2003-2004 图 9.13 苹果公司(AAPL)与纳斯达克综合指数,2003-2004 年
I purchased Apple Computer in March 2004. Shortly afterward, the stock set two follow-up buy points before more than doubling in price. 我在 2004 年 3 月购买了苹果电脑。随后,该股票设定了两个后续买入点,价格翻了一番以上。
Figure 9.14 Wal-Mart (WMT) vs. the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1982 图 9.14 沃尔玛(WMT)与道琼斯工业平均指数,1982 年
Walmart gave investors two spots to buy before the 1982 market bottom. It rose 360 percent in 21 months. 沃尔玛在 1982 年市场底部之前给投资者提供了两个买入点。它在 21 个月内上涨了 360%。
A Double-Edged Sword 双刃剑
Just as the leaders lead on the upside, they also lead on the downside. Why? After an extended rally or bull market, the market’s true leaders have already made their big moves. The smart money that moved into those stocks ahead of the curve will move out swiftly at the first hint of slowing growth. When the leading names in leading industry groups start to falter after an extended market run, this is a danger signal that should heighten your attention to the more specific signs of market trouble or possible trouble in a particular sector. 正如领头羊在上涨时引领市场,他们在下跌时也会引领市场。为什么?在一轮持续的反弹或牛市之后,市场的真正领头羊已经完成了他们的大动作。那些在市场之前提前进入这些股票的聪明资金会在首次出现增长放缓的迹象时迅速撤出。当领先行业组中的领军企业在经历了一段时间的市场上涨后开始动摇时,这就是一个危险信号,应该引起你对市场麻烦或特定行业可能出现麻烦的更具体迹象的关注。
Most stocks experience a relatively severe decline in price after a superperformance phase has run its course. This is due to profit taking and the anticipation of slower growth ahead. Scientific evidence and my personal experience indicate that the chances of a superperformer giving back most or all of its gains are high. You must have a plan to sell and nail down profits when you have them. History shows that one-third of superpeformers give back all or more of their entire advance. On average, their subsequent price declines are 50 to 70 percent, depending on the period measured. In a post-bubble-type market such as 1929-1930s and 2000-2003, many leading stocks declined as much as 80 to 90 percent. This is not the type of decline from which a stock investor can recover. For those who do recover, it generally takes 5 to 10 years or more. 大多数股票在经历了超常表现阶段后,价格会相对严重下跌。这是由于获利了结和对未来增长放缓的预期。科学证据和我的个人经验表明,超常表现者回吐大部分或全部收益的可能性很高。你必须有一个计划,在获得利润时及时卖出并锁定收益。历史表明,三分之一的超常表现者会回吐其全部或更多的涨幅。平均而言,它们随后的价格下跌幅度为 50%到 70%,具体取决于测量的时间段。在像 1929-1930 年代和 2000-2003 年这样的后泡沫市场中,许多领先股票的下跌幅度高达 80%到 90%。这不是股票投资者能够恢复的下跌类型。对于那些能够恢复的人,通常需要 5 到 10 年或更长时间。
Leaders Can Forecast Trouble Ahead 领导者可以预测未来的麻烦
In the later stage of the general market’s advance, the same leaders will alert you to weakness in their underlying sectors as well as potential upcoming weakness in the broader market. Your portfolio will be your best barometer. Your watch list of potential stock candidates should bring you into the market early in the bullish phase as leading stocks set up and emerge into new high ground. Later, you will be forced out of the market—stock by stockas many of the same issues start to churn, buckle, or accelerate their advance over a number of weeks in a parabolic fashion ahead of the inevitable bear phase or market correction. Leaders tend to top around the same time the 在大盘上涨的后期阶段,同样的领头股会提醒你它们所在行业的弱点,以及更广泛市场潜在的即将到来的弱点。你的投资组合将是你最好的晴雨表。你的潜在股票候选名单应该在牛市初期将你带入市场,因为领先股票开始建立并进入新的高点。后来,你将被迫逐步退出市场——一只接一只,因为许多相同的股票开始波动、动摇,或在几周内以抛物线的方式加速上涨,预示着不可避免的熊市阶段或市场修正。领头股往往在大盘开始显示出分配迹象时达到顶部。
general market starts to show signs of distribution. It’s important to keep your sights on the trees rather than on the forest. 重要的是要关注树木而不是森林。
Bull markets sometimes roll over gradually, whereas bottoms often end with a sudden sell-off, followed by a strong rally. As the leaders start to buckle, the indexes can move up farther or start to churn, moving sideways. That occurs because cash stays in the market and rotates into laggard stocks. The indexes hold up or even track higher on the backs of the stragglers. Watch out! When this happens, the end is near and the really great opportunities may have already passed. 牛市有时会逐渐回落,而底部往往以突然的抛售结束,随后出现强劲的反弹。当领头羊开始动摇时,指数可能会进一步上升或开始盘整,横向移动。这是因为现金留在市场中,并转向滞后股票。指数保持稳定,甚至在落后者的推动下走高。小心!当这种情况发生时,结束就近在眼前,真正的好机会可能已经过去。
Most investors miss these subtle signs, mainly because they become conditioned by the market’s uptrend during the bullish phases. What’s the big deal if a few stocks start to crack, they tell themselves, as long as the Dow keeps heading higher, right? Wrong! 大多数投资者错过了这些微妙的迹象,主要是因为他们在牛市阶段被市场的上升趋势所影响。他们告诉自己,如果几只股票开始下跌又有什么大不了的,只要道琼斯指数继续上涨,对吧?错了!
A bull market is always dominated by at least one sector and several subsectors. Within the top sectors leading a new bull market, the relatively few leading names that dominate the leadership during that market eventually attract the attention of institutional money. Buying enthusiasm for those leaders can push their prices far above realistic valuations. As a result, those issues tend to decline the most during the subsequent bear market. For investors who hold on to the former leaders for too long, the results can be devastating. 牛市总是由至少一个行业和几个子行业主导。在引领新牛市的顶级行业中,相对较少的领先股票在该市场期间主导领导地位,最终吸引机构资金的关注。对这些领导者的购买热情可以将其价格推高到远超现实估值的水平。因此,这些股票在随后的熊市中往往会大幅下跌。对于那些过长时间持有前期领导者的投资者来说,结果可能是毁灭性的。
Investing in leading stocks is indeed very risky if it is timed incorrectly. The highfliers are great when they’re going up; however, the downside can be disastrous. If you don’t have a sensible exit plan to minimize losses, it is certain that you will experience a major setback at some point. Big profits can be made during periods of optimism. However, if you’re late to the party, look out below. The same stocks that have been going up could be due for a major correction. 如果时机不对,投资于领先股票确实非常危险。高飞股票在上涨时表现出色;然而,向下的风险可能是灾难性的。如果没有合理的退出计划来最小化损失,您肯定会在某个时刻经历重大挫折。在乐观时期可以获得丰厚的利润。然而,如果您来得太晚,请小心。那些一直在上涨的股票可能会面临重大调整。
For example, the technology stocks that led the 1998-2000 bull market were the biggest losers during the 2000-2002 bear market and recovered at best only about half of their losses during the entire 2003-2007 bull market. History is littered with examples showing that the leaders of one bull market are rarely the leaders of the next. Financials and housing stocks were market leaders in the 2003-2007 bull market and then took the biggest losses dur- 例如,1998-2000 年牛市中领先的科技股在 2000-2002 年熊市中成为最大的输家,并且在整个 2003-2007 年牛市中最多只恢复了大约一半的损失。历史上有很多例子表明,一个牛市的领头羊很少会成为下一个牛市的领头羊。金融股和房地产股在 2003-2007 年牛市中是市场领头羊,随后在熊市中遭受了最大的损失。
ing the bear decline in 2008. Therefore, if history is any guide, the leaders of one cycle should generally be abandoned as buy candidates both for bear market recovery rallies and for the next bull market. There is one caveat to this: if the leadership stocks or sectors started to emerge near the end of the bull market cycle preceding the subsequent bear market, in some cases they can lead during the bull market. One thing for certain is that very often the leaders of the next bull market will emerge from the most unlikely areas but quickly reveal themselves through the application of the price analysis techniques discussed in this chapter. Follow the leaders and you will participate in and profit from many of the most exciting entrepreneurial companies this country has to offer. 在 2008 年的熊市下跌中。因此,如果历史可以作为指导,某一周期的领导者通常应该被放弃作为熊市恢复反弹和下一个牛市的买入候选者。唯一的例外是:如果领导股票或行业在前一个牛市周期结束时开始出现,在某些情况下它们可以在牛市中领先。可以肯定的是,下一轮牛市的领导者往往会出现在最不可能的领域,但通过本章讨论的价格分析技术,它们会迅速显现出来。跟随领导者,你将参与并从这个国家提供的许多最令人兴奋的创业公司中获利。
Learn to Buy Leaders and Avoid Laggards 学会购买领导者,避免滞后者
As a general rule, I buy strength, not weakness. True market leaders will always show improving relative strength, in particular during a market correction. You should update your watch list on a frequent basis, weeding out issues that give up too much price and adding through forced displacement new potential buy candidates that show divergence and resilience. In addition to keeping your lineup of candidate buys current, this practice will sharpen your feel for the overall health and quality of the market and keep you focused on the very best companies. Things begin to get exciting as the broader market indexes start to bottom and begin the first leg up in a new bull market. 一般来说,我买入强势股,而不是弱势股。真正的市场领袖在市场调整期间总会显示出相对强度的改善。你应该经常更新你的观察名单,剔除那些价格下跌过多的股票,并通过强制位移添加新的潜在买入候选股,这些股票显示出背离和韧性。除了保持你的候选买入名单的最新状态,这种做法还会提高你对市场整体健康和质量的感觉,并让你专注于最优秀的公司。当更广泛的市场指数开始触底并在新的牛市中开始第一波上涨时,事情就会变得令人兴奋。
At this point, you should concentrate on the new 52 -week-high list. Many of the market’s biggest winners will be on the list in the early stages of a new bull market. You should also keep an eye on stocks that held up well during the market’s decline and are within striking distance ( 5 to 15 percent) of a new 52 -week high. Conversely, every day there is a list of stocks to avoid printed in the financial newspapers: the 52 -week-low list. I suggest that you stay away from this list and all of its components. 在这个时候,你应该集中关注新的 52 周高点列表。在新牛市的早期阶段,许多市场上最大的赢家将会出现在这个列表中。你还应该关注那些在市场下跌期间表现良好并且距离新的 52 周高点(5%到 15%)很近的股票。相反,每天都有一份在金融报纸上印刷的股票回避名单:52 周低点列表。我建议你远离这个列表及其所有成分。
The 95 best-performing stocks of 1996 and 1997 took just five weeks to surge 20 percent. On average, those stocks gained 421 percent. Among those 95 stocks, 21 jumped 20 percent within a mere week. Those stocks went on 1996 年和 1997 年表现最好的 95 只股票在短短五周内上涨了 20%。这些股票的平均涨幅达 421%。在这 95 只股票中,有 21 只在短短一周内上涨了 20%。这些股票继续上涨
to surge on average 484 percent. In 1999, many of the best stocks took just one week to run up 20 percent; some did it in only three days. All of them displayed superior relative strength before they advanced significantly. 平均上涨了 484%。在 1999 年,许多表现最好的股票仅用一周时间就上涨了 20%;有些甚至只用了三天。所有这些股票在显著上涨之前都显示出了优越的相对强度。
If the market is indeed bottoming, a growing number of stocks will display improving relative price strength while they go through a comparatively tight price correction. Generally, the correction for a healthy stock from peak to low will be contained within 25 to 35 percent and during severe bear market declines could be as much as 50 percent, but the less, the better. A correction of more than 50 percent is generally too much, and a stock could fail as it reaches or slightly surpasses a new high. This is due to excessive overhead supply created by the steep price decline. 如果市场确实在触底,越来越多的股票将在经历相对紧凑的价格修正时显示出改善的相对价格强度。一般来说,健康股票从高点到低点的修正幅度会控制在 25%到 35%之间,而在严重的熊市下跌中,修正幅度可能高达 50%,但越少越好。超过 50%的修正通常太多,股票在达到或略微超过新高时可能会失败。这是由于陡峭的价格下跌造成的过剩供应。
As the overall market is bottoming, your watch list should multiply over a number of weeks. The better stocks start moving into new high ground as the market rallies off its lows. This is a good sign that the market has bottomed or is getting close to a bottom. This is a critical juncture. Each emerging bull market tends to send up its unique set of leaders. The leaders of the past bull market rarely lead the next rally, so expect to see unfamiliar names. Fewer than 25 percent of market leaders in one cycle generally lead the next cycle. It’s important to recognize the new crop of top-performing companies and industries as early as possible. Remember to listen to what the stocks are telling you, not the pundits. This will be your best early-alert system. 随着整体市场触底,你的观察名单应该在几周内增加。随着市场从低点反弹,表现更好的股票开始进入新的高位。这是市场已经触底或接近触底的好兆头。这是一个关键时刻。每个新兴的牛市往往会产生一组独特的领头羊。过去牛市的领头羊很少会在下一个反弹中继续领先,因此要期待看到不熟悉的名字。在一个周期中,少于 25%的市场领头羊通常会在下一个周期中继续领先。尽早识别出新一批表现优异的公司和行业是很重要的。记住,要倾听股票所传达的信息,而不是专家的意见。这将是你最好的早期警报系统。
Tune Out the Media 远离媒体
During a market decline the news is always filled with market gurus predicting the end of the world. Pessimism abounds. Inevitably, another group of so-called experts chime in that the bottom may be near. But they’ll announce that a real rally cannot take place without getting the nod from their pet technical indicators. There is no shortage of elaborate theories and technical indicators that people use to time the market. This deluge of fear and conflicting advice can paralyze you on the cusp of a powerful rally. Worse still, the media barrage could divert your attention from doing your homework and concentrating on the facts if you let it. 在市场下跌期间,新闻总是充满了市场专家预测世界末日的言论。悲观情绪弥漫。不可避免地,另一群所谓的专家会插嘴说底部可能就在附近。但他们会宣布,真正的反弹必须得到他们宠爱的技术指标的认可。人们用来把握市场时机的复杂理论和技术指标层出不穷。这种恐惧和相互矛盾的建议的洪流可能会在强劲反弹的边缘让你瘫痪。更糟糕的是,如果你让它,媒体的轰炸可能会分散你做功课和专注于事实的注意力。
Shut off the TV, close out the media, and start looking for the next wave of market leadership, which is certain to emerge eventually. Concentrate on facts and follow the leaders. I assure you that new companies with new products and new technologies will continue to emerge for as long as the United States operates as a free enterprise system. History shows that with each bull market, new leaders emerge and old ones step aside. Be ready to act quickly; be prepared. Most important, tune out the media and tune in the leaders. 关掉电视,关闭媒体,开始寻找下一波市场领导者,这些领导者最终肯定会出现。专注于事实,跟随领导者。我向你保证,只要美国作为一个自由企业系统运作,新的公司、新的产品和新的技术将继续涌现。历史表明,在每个牛市中,新的领导者会出现,而旧的领导者会退位。准备迅速行动;做好准备。最重要的是,屏蔽媒体,关注领导者。
This page intentionally left blank 此页故意留空
Although the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world and can catch any animal on the plains, it will wait until it is absolutely sure it can catch its prey. It may hide in the bush for a week, waiting for just the right moment. It will wait for a baby antelope, and not just any baby antelope, but preferably one that is also sick or lame; only then, when there is no chance it can lose its prey, does it attack. That, to me, is the epitome of professional trading. 尽管猎豹是世界上最快的动物,可以捕捉到草原上的任何动物,但它会等到绝对确定能够捕捉到猎物时才会行动。它可能会在灌木丛中隐藏一周,等待恰到好处的时刻。它会等待一只小羚羊,而不是任何小羚羊,而是最好是那种生病或跛脚的小羚羊;只有在没有机会失去猎物时,它才会攻击。对我来说,这就是专业交易的典范。
-Mark Weinstein -马克·温斯坦
Proponents of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), which was developed by Professor Eugene Fama at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in the early 1960s, consider the stock market to be perfectly priced-or at least nearly perfectly priced-to the extent that the market is “informationally efficient.” In other words, it is theorized that stock prices already reflect all known information and that the markets adjust so rapidly to reflect new information that there is no advantage in having it. Therefore, according to EMH, it is impossible to outperform the market by using data that the “market” already knows about except through luck. Defenders of this theory scoff at the notion that price and volume analysis can give an investor a winning edge. Needless to say, I 效率市场假说(EMH)的支持者认为,股票市场是完美定价的——或者至少是近乎完美定价的——因为市场是“信息有效的”。换句话说,理论上股票价格已经反映了所有已知信息,市场对新信息的反应速度如此之快,以至于拥有这些信息并没有优势。因此,根据 EMH,利用“市场”已经知道的数据来超越市场是不可能的,除非是运气使然。捍卫这一理论的人嘲笑价格和成交量分析能够为投资者提供获胜优势的观点。无需多言,我
disagree; my career and those of many other traders I know have demonstrated that EMH is a flawed theory. Most of those who subscribe to EMH have never made a living from stock trading, let alone achieved superperformance. Perhaps EMH makes sense to those who cannot outperform the market; since they cannot do it, they believe it’s impossible. Highly successful traders know otherwise. 不同意;我和我认识的许多其他交易者的职业生涯证明了 EMH 是一个有缺陷的理论。大多数信奉 EMH 的人从未靠股票交易谋生,更不用说实现超额收益了。也许 EMH 对那些无法超越市场的人来说是有意义的;因为他们无法做到这一点,所以他们相信这是不可能的。高度成功的交易者对此有不同的看法。
Ultimately, it’s people-emotional, imperfect, even illogical-who make buy and sell decisions. Ego, fear, greed, hope, ignorance, incompetence, overreaction, and a host of other human errors in reasoning and judgment create all sorts of discrepancies and in turn opportunity. An invaluable tool to use to discern those opportunities is charting the fundamental battle between supply and demand. Charts enable us to see what’s going on in a particular stock as buyers and sellers come together in an auction marketplace. They distill the clash for emotional, logical, and even manipulative decisions into a clear visual display; the verdict of supply and demand. If you look at charts in this way, you will appreciate how these images depict all the choices people are making, whether to buy or to sell. In one glance you can see precisely what took place in a particular time frame. 最终,做出买卖决策的是人——情感的、不完美的,甚至是不合逻辑的。自我、恐惧、贪婪、希望、无知、无能、过度反应以及其他各种人类推理和判断中的错误造成了各种差异,从而创造了机会。一个用来识别这些机会的宝贵工具是绘制供需之间的基本斗争图表。图表使我们能够看到在拍卖市场中买家和卖家聚集时,特定股票发生了什么。它们将情感、逻辑甚至操控决策的冲突提炼成清晰的视觉展示;供需的裁决。如果你以这种方式看待图表,你会欣赏这些图像如何描绘人们所做的所有选择,无论是买入还是卖出。只需一眼,你就可以准确看到特定时间段内发生的事情。
There is nothing new under the sun in regard to charting and using graphs. People have been using charts for centuries. Think of the ship captains who charted the stars for navigation. In a similar way, we use charts to navigate the market. Many investors try to read charts, but few know how to do it correctly. As I pointed out earlier, the argument some people make against charts is that past information cannot be predictive. If you were to utilize that philosophy in life, however, you would never be able to judge a current event by using the evidence of the past: what a drop in barometric pressure signals about the weather or that a 103-degree fever and body aches are symptoms of the flu. 关于图表和使用图形,太阳底下没有新鲜事。人们已经使用图表几个世纪了。想想那些为导航而绘制星图的船长。以类似的方式,我们使用图表来导航市场。许多投资者试图阅读图表,但很少有人知道如何正确地做到这一点。正如我之前指出的,有些人反对图表的论点是,过去的信息无法预测。然而,如果你在生活中采用这种哲学,你将永远无法通过使用过去的证据来判断当前事件:例如,气压下降对天气的信号,或者 103 度的发烧和身体疼痛是流感的症状。
Some people believe that you cannot time the market or time stock trades very effectively, that attempting to do so is a fruitless endeavor regardless of your techniques or available information. I can tell you from experience that I owe much of my success to the precision of my timing, which would be virtually impossible without the use of charts. Many of the 有些人认为你无法有效地把握市场时机或股票交易时机,认为尝试这样做是徒劳的,无论你的技术或可用信息如何。我可以告诉你,从经验来看,我的成功很大程度上归功于我的时机把握的精准,而这在没有图表的帮助下几乎是不可能的。许多的
best money managers use charts. My own trading relies on charting to the extent that I would never bet on my fundamental ideas alone without confirmation from the actual price action of the underlying stock. First, I utilize charts to establish the prevailing trend of a stock’s price. In other words, technical analysis enables me to qualify candidates for my watch list. Then I use charts to time the entry of my trades. 最优秀的资金管理者使用图表。我的交易在很大程度上依赖于图表,我绝不会仅仅依靠我的基本面观点而不通过相关股票的实际价格走势来确认。首先,我利用图表来确定股票价格的主流趋势。换句话说,技术分析使我能够筛选出我的观察名单中的候选股票。然后,我使用图表来把握交易的入场时机。
Can Charts Help You Achieve Superperformance? 图表能帮助你实现超额收益吗?
Can charts empower you to predict the market? Of course not. You can’t predict the market any more than you can predict where the ball will drop during the next spin of a roulette wheel. Fortunately, to succeed at stock trading, you don’t have to predict the market any more than a casino needs to know in advance the outcome of each individual spin of its roulette wheel or each hand at its blackjack tables to make money from its gaming operations. Those who think it’s necessary to predict stock prices to be successful are missing the whole point. Savvy traders use price and volume analysis as a mechanism to time their trades, manage risk, and increase the probabilities for profit. Many of the most successful traders know firsthand the value of charting stocks. Their success has nothing to do with prediction or forecasting; rather, they rely on the acquired skill of reading the footprints of the market and then expose their capital to high reward-torisk opportunities. 图表能否让你预测市场?当然不能。你无法预测市场,就像你无法预测轮盘赌下一次旋转时球会落在哪里一样。幸运的是,要在股票交易中取得成功,你并不需要预测市场,就像赌场不需要提前知道每次轮盘赌的结果或每手黑杰克的结果就能从其博彩业务中获利一样。那些认为成功必须预测股票价格的人错过了整个要点。精明的交易者使用价格和成交量分析作为时机交易、管理风险和提高盈利概率的机制。许多最成功的交易者亲身体验了图表分析股票的价值。他们的成功与预测或预报无关;相反,他们依赖于阅读市场足迹的技能,然后将资本暴露于高回报与风险的机会中。
Use Charts as a Tool 将图表作为工具
Broadly speaking, there are three schools of thought about the art of charting stocks, also referred to as technical analysis. The first is the purest method, relying only on the price and volume action. Pure stock market technicians believe that everything you need to know is in the chart; they essentially regard fundamentals as unnecessary information that is ultimately “discounted,” that is, reflected in a stock’s share price. At the other 广义而言,关于股票图表艺术(也称为技术分析)有三种主要观点。第一种是最纯粹的方法,仅依赖于价格和成交量的变化。纯粹的股票市场技术分析师相信,您需要知道的一切都在图表中;他们基本上认为基本面是多余的信息,最终被“折现”,即反映在股票的股价中。在另一端
end of the spectrum is the second group: pure fundamentalists who believe that everything you need to know lies in a company’s fundamentals. To them, squiggly lines, candlesticks, and point-and-figure boxes are irrelevant. These number crunchers disdain chart analysis as something akin to reading tea leaves. 是第二组:纯粹的基本面分析师,他们认为您需要知道的一切都在公司的基本面中。对他们来说,曲线、蜡烛图和点数图都是无关紧要的。这些数字分析师鄙视图表分析,认为这就像是在读茶叶。
The third group consists of techno-fundamentalists. As the name suggests, these traders exploit both technical analysis and fundamental analysis. If I had to pick, I would put myself in this group. I rely on price and volume as well as fundamentals. In making the decision whether to purchase a stock, there are important characteristics to consider, both fundamental and technical. A healthy hybrid approach exploits charts as well as fundamentals to increase the trader’s odds of success. 第三组由技术基本面分析师组成。顾名思义,这些交易者同时利用技术分析和基本面分析。如果让我选择,我会把自己放在这一组。我依赖于价格和成交量以及基本面。在决定是否购买一只股票时,有一些重要特征需要考虑,包括基本面和技术面。健康的混合方法利用图表和基本面来提高交易者成功的几率。
The Effect, Not the Cause 结果,而不是原因
Many of the basic chart patterns were discovered in the pre-Depression era, in the early 1900s. You might well ask, Assuming that these trading patterns were effective in the remote past, might they have become so popular or readily available that they should have ceased to bestow an edge many years ago? The answer is simple: Chart patterns are not the cause; they’re the effect. The supply and demand picture does not dictate to the market; human behavior does, and human behavior hasn’t changed and isn’t likely to change much in the future. Thus, chart patterns remain powerful tools in timing trade entries and exits. 许多基本的图表模式是在大萧条前的 1900 年代早期发现的。你可能会问,假设这些交易模式在遥远的过去是有效的,它们是否已经变得如此流行或容易获得,以至于多年前就不再具有优势?答案很简单:图表模式不是原因;它们是结果。供需状况并不主导市场;人类行为才是,而人类行为没有改变,并且在未来也不太可能发生很大变化。因此,图表模式仍然是时机交易进出强有力的工具。
Today, more information moves faster than ever and trades can be placed in an instant with a click of a mouse. However, that has not changed basic human nature. The charting techniques I explain in this chapter, like everything in this book, are based on what I do in my own trading: my daily work, the product of 30 years of learning, application, refinement, and personal success in the stock market. Not only are these techniques applicable today, historical studies have shown that the techniques I used during my own career would have been effective many decades before my lifetime. For example, let’s time-travel back to 1927, when RCA was the AOL of its era, advancing 721 percent in 18 months, or to 1934, when Coca-Cola emerged 今天,信息的传播速度比以往任何时候都快,交易可以通过鼠标点击瞬间完成。然而,这并没有改变基本的人性。我在本章中解释的图表技术,和本书中的一切一样,都是基于我自己交易的经验:我每天的工作,经过 30 年的学习、应用、完善和在股市上的个人成功所形成的。这些技术不仅在今天适用,历史研究表明,我在自己职业生涯中使用的技术在我出生之前的几十年里也会有效。例如,让我们回到 1927 年,当时 RCA 是那个时代的 AOL,在 18 个月内上涨了 721%,或者回到 1934 年,当可口可乐在大盘见底几个月前成为市场领导者,并随后上涨了 580%。
as a market leader several months before the general market bottomed and then advanced 580 percent. The clues leading up to their phenomenal performance were no different from what occurs in a modern time frame. So, then, are price patterns timeless? 导致它们惊人表现的线索与现代时间框架内发生的情况没有什么不同。那么,价格模式是永恒的吗?
I have dedicated most of my life to the study of superperformance investing, and I can tell you that the same elementary forces of hope and greed, exuberance and panic, that formed the observable price behavior of Microsoft and America Online in the 1990s showed up in the price movements of market leaders decades before that period. Stock prices move in virtually the same fashion today that they followed in the past. That’s observed fact, not opinion. For an investor who is willing to commit the time to become educated, charts are a valuable tool, along with fundamen- 我一生的大部分时间都致力于超绩效投资的研究,我可以告诉你,形成微软和美国在线在 1990 年代可观察价格行为的希望和贪婪、兴奋和恐慌等基本力量,在那个时期之前的几十年里也出现在市场领导者的价格波动中。股票价格今天的波动方式几乎与过去相同。这是观察到的事实,而不是意见。对于愿意花时间学习的投资者来说,图表是一个有价值的工具,连同基本面分析一起使用。
Over the years, people would walk into my office, look at my computer monitors, and ask, “How do you know what all those lines mean? They look so confusing.” The answer is that you have to know what you’re looking for. When I go into the doctor’s office and get an EKG, I have no idea what the lines bouncing up and down on the little strip of paper printouts mean. But to a trained professional, this simple procedure of charting the activity and rhythm of a person’s heart can provide valuable information on whether the heart is acting normally or abnormally. Similarly, in examining a graph of a stock’s price and volume, we are looking to see if it is acting normally or giving us reason for concern. Therefore, charts provide valuable clues as well as specific information. 多年来,人们走进我的办公室,看着我的电脑显示器,问道:“你怎么知道那些线条是什么意思?它们看起来如此混乱。”答案是你必须知道自己在寻找什么。当我去医生办公室做心电图时,我对那张小纸条上上下下的线条毫无头绪。但对一个受过训练的专业人士来说,这个简单的记录一个人心脏活动和节律的过程可以提供关于心脏是否正常运作的宝贵信息。同样,在检查股票价格和成交量的图表时,我们要看看它是否正常运作,或者是否给我们带来担忧。因此,图表提供了宝贵的线索以及具体的信息。
Price and volume analysis can help you determine whether a stock is under accumulation or distribution (being bought or sold in size). It can alert an astute chart reader to extreme danger, and it can also indicate when the odds of a potentially profitable situation are relatively high. But only a small number of people who look at charts use them effectively, and only a small percentage know what to focus on to produce really outstanding results. The ultimate fundamental in any auction marketplace is the law of supply and demand. If you learn how to differentiate constructive from faulty price action, you can use charts as a filter to screen your investment candidates to find the best possible selections and improve your odds of success. The key is not knowing for sure what a stock is going to do next but knowing what it should do. Then it’s a matter of determining whether the proverbial train is on schedule. 价格和成交量分析可以帮助你判断一只股票是处于积累还是分配(被大量买入或卖出)。它可以提醒敏锐的图表阅读者极端的危险,也可以指示潜在盈利情况的概率相对较高。但只有少数查看图表的人能有效地使用它们,只有少数人知道该关注什么以产生真正卓越的结果。任何拍卖市场的最终基本原则是供求法则。如果你学会如何区分建设性和错误的价格行为,你可以将图表作为筛选投资候选者的过滤器,以找到最佳选择并提高成功的几率。关键不在于确切知道一只股票接下来会做什么,而在于知道它应该做什么。然后就是判断所谓的火车是否按时到达。
Suppose you take the 6:05 train to work each morning. It generally arrives at the station somewhere between 6:00 and 6:10. But today, you look down at your watch and see that it is 6:15 and the train has still not arrived. You don’t think much about it and probably say to yourself that the train is just running a little late. What happens at seven o’clock if the train has still 假设你每天早上乘坐 6:05 的火车上班。它通常在 6:00 到 6:10 之间到达车站。但今天,你低头看了看手表,发现已经 6:15 了,火车仍然没有到达。你可能不会太在意,心里想火车只是晚了一点。如果到七点火车仍然没有进站,会发生什么呢?
not pulled into the station? You are most likely going to think that maybe something is wrong with the train; the more time that elapses, the higher the probability that something has gone wrong. The only reason you can make this educated guess is that you have knowledge of what is normal and what should happen. 你很可能会想,也许火车出了什么问题;时间越久,出问题的可能性就越高。你之所以能做出这个有根据的猜测,是因为你知道什么是正常的,什么应该发生。
When one identifies the proper characteristics for a superperformance candidate, the risks become unambiguous. If a stock doesn’t act as expected, that’s a major red flag. After all, the stock has already met very elite criteria and has been deemed a strong prospect. If such a stock behaves poorly, that suggests a problem. Learning what to expect allows you to detect when a stock is acting correctly or incorrectly in the prevailing conditions. Because you know how something is supposed to perform, when it doesn’t perform that way, it makes the exit decision much easier. 当一个人识别出超绩效候选者的适当特征时,风险变得清晰明了。如果一只股票的表现与预期不符,那就是一个重大警告。毕竟,这只股票已经满足了非常严格的标准,并被认为是一个强有力的前景。如果这样的股票表现不佳,那就表明存在问题。了解预期的表现可以让你在当前条件下识别出股票的表现是否正确。因为你知道某个股票应该如何表现,当它没有按照预期表现时,做出退出决策就变得容易得多。
First Things First 首先要做的事情
The first mistake I see amateurs make time and again when using charts is ignoring the first step: the big picture. The first and most basic information that charts show us is the prevailing trend of a stock. We can see if it’s trending up or down or is moving in a sideways pattern (i.e., stage 1,2,31,2,3, or 4 ). Once we have established that the longer-term trend is up (stage 2) and see some evidence that a particular name is a candidate deserving of our attention, whether it’s a market leader, a turnaround situation, or even a cyclical, it’s time to concern ourselves with the best time to purchase the stock. At that point, we want to determine when the moment is right to pull the trigger and make our commitment to the position. Therefore, charting can play an important role in selection and timing. 我看到业余交易者在使用图表时反复犯的第一个错误是忽视第一步:大局观。图表向我们展示的第一条也是最基本的信息是股票的主导趋势。我们可以看到它是上涨、下跌还是在横盘整理(即阶段 1,2,31,2,3 或 4)。一旦我们确定长期趋势是向上(阶段 2),并看到一些证据表明某个特定股票值得我们关注,无论它是市场领头羊、转机情况,还是周期性股票,接下来就该关注购买该股票的最佳时机。在那时,我们想要确定何时是出手的最佳时机,并对该头寸做出承诺。因此,图表在选择和时机上可以发挥重要作用。
My first advice about charting stocks is that you should not look at things in a vacuum. Most of the chart work I rely on is based on the continuation of an existing trend. This concept is fundamental to my approach. If you want to maximize compounding, you want to be where the action is and take advantage of momentum. You should limit your selections to those stocks displaying evidence of being supported by institutional buying. You’re not trying to be the first one on board; rather, you’re 我对股票图表的第一条建议是,不要孤立地看待事物。我依赖的大部分图表工作是基于现有趋势的延续。这个概念是我方法的基础。如果你想最大化复利,你需要在行动的地方,并利用动量。你应该将选择限制在那些显示出受到机构买入支持的股票上。你并不是想成为第一个上车的人;相反,你是在寻找动量正在加速且失败风险相对较低的地方。
looking for where momentum is picking up and the risk of failure is relatively low. To time my entry, I look for price consolidations, which are momentary pauses or periods of rest within the context of a prior uptrend. However, too often an investor will buy a stock because it has a “great” chart base but will overlook the fact that the base is within the context of a long-term downtrend. 为了把握我的入场时机,我寻找价格整合,这是在先前上升趋势的背景下,短暂的暂停或休息期。然而,投资者往往会因为一只股票有一个“很棒”的图表基础而买入,却忽视了这个基础是在长期下跌趋势的背景下。
Going long a “great base” in a long-term downtrend is like saying you’re in good health by focusing on your low cholesterol reading when you have pneumonia. Although the cholesterol reading is good, you face a much more serious problem. The current chart pattern is only as good as where it resides within the context of its longer-term trend. If you are too early, you run the risk of the stock resuming its downtrend. If you’re too late, you run the risk of buying a late-stage base that is obvious to everyone and prone to failure. Time the trade correctly, though, and you could be on the way to a very sizable gain. 在长期下跌趋势中,长期持有一个“良好基础”就像在肺炎时仅关注你的低胆固醇水平来判断你身体健康一样。尽管胆固醇水平良好,但你面临着一个更严重的问题。当前的图表模式仅在其长期趋势的背景下才有意义。如果你出手太早,你就有可能面临股票恢复下跌趋势的风险。如果你出手太晚,你就有可能买入一个明显的晚期基础,而这个基础容易失败。然而,如果你能正确把握交易时机,你可能会获得相当可观的收益。
I never go against the long-term trend. I look to go long a stage 2 uptrend and go short a stage 4 downtrend, plain and simple. To be consistent and stack the probabilities in your favor, you need to operate in a systematic fashion. The step-by-step approach I’m showing you here is a process. The first part of that process is to qualify the current chart pattern by filtering stocks on the basis of the prevailing trend and then buying them as they emerge from their consolidation periods before they become too widely followed and obvious. However, the current chart pattern must be put into context. If the long-term trend is not up, the stock simply doesn’t qualify as a candidate for purchase. Therefore, don’t forget the big picture. As the saying goes, the trend is your friend. If you try to trade against it, the trend becomes your worst enemy. To increase your odds of success, stick to stocks moving in a definite uptrend. If a stock’s price is in a long-term downtrend, don’t even consider buying it. 我从不逆势而行。我会在第二阶段的上升趋势中做多,在第四阶段的下降趋势中做空,简单明了。为了保持一致性并将概率堆叠在你有利的一方,你需要以系统化的方式操作。我在这里展示的逐步方法是一个过程。这个过程的第一部分是通过根据当前趋势过滤股票来确认当前的图表模式,然后在它们从整合期中出现时购买它们,避免在它们变得过于被广泛关注和明显之前。然而,当前的图表模式必须放在上下文中考虑。如果长期趋势不是向上的,这只股票就不符合购买的条件。因此,不要忘记大局。正如谚语所说,趋势是你的朋友。如果你试图逆势交易,趋势就会成为你最糟糕的敌人。为了提高成功的几率,坚守那些在明确上升趋势中的股票。如果一只股票的价格处于长期下降趋势中,甚至不要考虑购买它。
Look for Consolidation Periods 寻找整合期
Once you have identified a stage 2 uptrend, the next step is to look for the conditions that facilitate a sustainable move higher: a proper base. Notice 一旦你确定了第二阶段的上升趋势,下一步就是寻找促进可持续上涨的条件:一个合适的基础。注意
Figure 10.2 Insist that a stock be in a stage 2 uptrend before you consider buying. The proper time to begin buying is as the price emerges from a proper consolidation. 图 10.2 在考虑购买之前,务必确保股票处于第二阶段的上升趋势中。开始购买的合适时机是当价格从适当的整合中突破时。
that I said a proper base, not just any base. Anyone can look at a chart and identify a stock that is moving sideways. It takes more than that; you need to know precisely what to look for. A constructive price consolidation phase starts as a period of rest or digestion during which the previous movement in the stock is met with temporary profit taking, which leads to an equilibrium or correction mode. The better stock selections generally will correct the least amount percentagewise from absolute peak to trough during their correction phase. Stocks that are under accumulation will rest and consolidate within the context of a long-term uptrend and then continue higher. Most of these situations will show telltale signs. Depending on the particular footprint of the price action over 3 to as many as 60 weeks of price history, there are various nuances that will allow you to make an educated decision about whether the stock should be bought or sold. 我所说的是真正的基础,而不仅仅是任何基础。任何人都可以查看图表并识别出一只横盘的股票。但这远不止于此;你需要确切知道要寻找什么。建设性的价格整合阶段开始于一个休息或消化的时期,在此期间,股票的先前走势会遇到暂时的获利了结,这导致了平衡或修正模式。一般来说,表现更好的股票在其修正阶段从绝对高点到低点的百分比修正幅度会最小。处于积累状态的股票将在长期上升趋势的背景下休息和整合,然后继续上涨。这些情况大多数会显示出明显的迹象。根据价格行为在 3 到多达 60 周的价格历史中的特定足迹,有各种细微差别可以让你做出明智的决定,判断该股票是买入还是卖出。
The Volatility Contraction Pattern 波动收缩模式
Most investors cannot resist the urge to buy stocks at the wrong time, usually when the price is declining. I’m constantly asked whether I like this stock or that stock, and 99 percent of the time my reply is, “I wouldn’t buy it here.” The reason for this is that I have a strict discipline that only allows me to buy at a very specific point: the point at which reward outweighs risk. How do I identify this point? 大多数投资者无法抵挡在错误时间买入股票的冲动,通常是在价格下跌时。我经常被问到我是否喜欢这只股票或那只股票,而 99%的时间我的回答是:“我不会在这里买。”原因是我有严格的纪律,只允许我在一个非常特定的时点买入:即回报超过风险的时点。我如何识别这个时点呢?
If there is any one commonality or Holy Grail that I follow and practice regularly, it is the concept of volatility contraction. This is a key distinction that I look for in almost every trade. A common characteristic of virtually all constructive price structures (those under accumulation) is a contraction of volatility accompanied by specific areas in the base structure where volume contracts significantly. I use the volatility contraction pattern (VCP) concept to illustrate this. 如果说我遵循并定期实践的有一个共同点或圣杯,那就是波动收缩的概念。这是我在几乎每一笔交易中寻找的关键区别。几乎所有建设性价格结构(那些处于积累中的结构)的一个共同特征是波动性的收缩,伴随着基底结构中特定区域的成交量显著收缩。我使用波动收缩模式(VCP)概念来说明这一点。
For our purposes here, VCP is part of the supply and demand setup. The main role that VCP plays is establishing a precise entry point at the line of least resistance. In virtually all the chart patterns I rely on, I’m looking for volatility to contract from left to right. I want to see the stock move from greater volatility on the left side of the price base to lesser volatility on the right side. 对于我们这里的目的,VCP 是供需设置的一部分。VCP 的主要作用是在最小阻力线建立一个精确的入场点。在我依赖的几乎所有图表模式中,我都在寻找从左到右的波动性收缩。我希望看到股票在价格基础的左侧从更大的波动性移动到右侧的较小波动性。
The Contraction Count 收缩计数
In February 1995, I purchased FSI International (FSII), which was emerging out of a cup-with-handle pattern. The stock displayed perfect VCP characteristics in a clear stage 2 uptrend. The consolidation period lasted 10 weeks, corrected 18 percent in the cup, and contracted to just 5 percent in the handle area. Note the volume contraction during the tightest portion of the setup on the far right side of the base. I bought the stock as it broke above the high in the handle during week 11. The stock advanced 130 percent from that point. 在 1995 年 2 月,我购买了 FSI 国际(FSII),当时它正从一个杯柄形态中走出。该股票在明显的第二阶段上升趋势中显示出完美的 VCP 特征。整合期持续了 10 周,在杯中修正了 18%,而在柄区收缩至仅 5%。请注意在底部最右侧的设置中,最紧凑部分的成交量收缩。我在第 11 周当股票突破柄中的高点时买入了该股票。从那时起,股票上涨了 130%。
During a VCP, you will generally see a succession of anywhere from two to six contractions, with the stock coming off initially by, say, 25 percent from its absolute high to its low. Then the stock rallies a bit, and then it sells 在 VCP 期间,您通常会看到从两个到六个收缩的连续出现,股票最初从其绝对高点下跌约 25%到其低点。然后股票稍微反弹,接着又下跌。
Figure 10.3 FSI International (FSII) 1995 图 10.3 FSI 国际(FSII)1995
In February 1995, I purchased FSI International just as it was emerging from a classic VCP pattern. It rose 130 percent in seven months. 1995 年 2 月,我购买了 FSI 国际,正当它从经典的 VCP 模式中浮现出来。它在七个月内上涨了 130%。
off 15 percent. Then buyers come back in, and the price goes up some more, and finally it retreats 8 percent. The progressive reduction in price volatility, which will be accompanied by a reduction in volume at particular points, eventually signifies that the base has been completed. 下跌 15%。然后买家再次进入,价格再上涨一些,最后回落 8%。价格波动的逐步减少,伴随着在特定点的成交量减少,最终意味着底部已经形成。
As a rule of thumb, I like to see each successive contraction contained to about half (plus or minus a reasonable amount) of the previous pullback or contraction. The volatility, measured from high to low, will be greatest when sellers rush to take profits. When sellers become scarcer, the price correction will not be as dramatic, and volatility will decrease. Typically, most VCP setups will be formed by two to four contractions, although sometimes there can be as many as five or six. This action will produce a pattern, which also reveals the symmetry of the contractions being formed. I call these contractions Ts. 一般来说,我喜欢看到每一次收缩都控制在前一次回调或收缩的大约一半(加减一个合理的范围)。从高到低测量的波动性在卖家急于获利时会最大。当卖家变得稀少时,价格修正不会那么剧烈,波动性会减少。通常,大多数 VCP 形态将由两到四次收缩形成,尽管有时可能会有多达五或六次。这种动作将产生一个模式,也揭示了形成的收缩的对称性。我称这些收缩为 T。
Not all price patterns display VCP characteristics. There are some variations, such as the square-shaped Darvas box pattern, or a flat base structure 不是所有的价格模式都显示出 VCP 特征。有一些变体,例如方形的达瓦斯箱形模式或平坦的基础结构。 ^(1T)^(1T)^(2T)V^(3T)^(3T)^(4T)N^(2T)V^(5T){ }^{1 T}{ }^{1 T}{ }^{2 T} V^{3 T}{ }^{3 T}{ }^{4 T} N^{2 T} V^{5 T}
Figure 10.4 Example of volatility contraction “Ts” 图 10.4 波动收缩“Ts”的示例。
that is four to seven weeks in duration. With this type of base, there is no real volatility contraction as it remains a tight and narrow pattern or box, moving in a sideways range with about a 10 to 15 percent correction from high point to low point. Or a stock could undergo successive consolidations, with varying degrees of volatility to produce contractions, for example, from a 25 percent correction, to a 10 percent, to a 5 percent, and so forth, which would be indicative of a classic VCP progression. 这种基础持续四到七周。在这种类型的基础中,没有真正的波动收缩,因为它保持紧凑和狭窄的模式或箱体,在一个横向范围内移动,从高点到低点大约有 10%到 15%的修正。或者一只股票可能经历连续的整合,具有不同程度的波动性以产生收缩,例如,从 25%的修正,到 10%,再到 5%,等等,这将表明经典的 VCP 进程。
Figure 10.5 WR Grace (GRA) 2004 图 10.5 WR Grace (GRA) 2004
In 2004, WR Grace & Co. contracted three times (3 Ts) and set the stage for a powerful advance. It rose 147 percent in 55 days. 2004 年,WR Grace & Co. 签订了三次合同(3 Ts),为强劲的上涨奠定了基础。它在 55 天内上涨了 147%。
The Technical Footprint 技术足迹
Each stock makes its own unique mark as it goes through a consolidation period. Similar to a fingerprint, they look alike from afar, but when you zoom in, no two are identical. The resulting signature is what I call the stock’s technical footprint. The immediate distinguishing features of the VCP will be the number of contractions that are formed (typically between two and four), their relative depths throughout the base, and the level of trading volume associated with specific points within the structure. Because I track hundreds of names each week, I created a quick way to capture a visual of a stock by quickly reviewing my nightly notes and each stock’s footprint abbreviation. This quick reference is made up of three components: 每只股票在经历整合期时都会留下独特的印记。就像指纹一样,从远处看它们相似,但放大后没有两者是完全相同的。由此产生的特征我称之为股票的技术足迹。VCP 的直接区分特征将是形成的收缩次数(通常在两到四次之间)、整个基础的相对深度,以及与结构内特定点相关的交易量水平。因为我每周跟踪数百个股票名称,所以我创建了一种快速捕捉股票视觉的方法,通过快速查看我的每晚笔记和每只股票的足迹缩写。这种快速参考由三个组成部分构成:
Time. How many days or weeks have passed since the base started? 时间。从基础开始已经过去了多少天或周?
Price. How deep was the largest correction, and how narrow was the smallest pullback at the very right of the price base? 价格。最大的回调有多深,而价格基础最右侧的最小回撤有多窄?
Symmetry. How many contractions (Ts) did the stock go through during the basing process? 对称性。在基础过程中,股票经历了多少次收缩(T)?
In the same way you could get a mental picture of a man if I told you he was 6 feet tall, weighed 230 pounds, and had a 43 -inch waist, knowing a stock’s “measurements” gives me a visual of its footprint and helps me understand certain key aspects of the price base even without looking at the chart. Let’s take a look at Meridian Bioscience (VIVO), which in the middle of a stage 2 uptrend built a series of volatility contractions as it consolidated before continuing its upward run. Meridian Bioscience contracted four times (a 4T) before it emerged out of its 40 -week ( 40 W ) consolidation and advanced more than 100 percent over the next 15 months. 同样,如果我告诉你一个人身高 6 英尺,体重 230 磅,腰围 43 英寸,你可以想象出他的样子,了解一只股票的“测量”也能让我对其足迹有一个直观的了解,并帮助我理解价格基础的某些关键方面,即使不看图表。让我们来看一下 Meridian Bioscience(VIVO),在一个阶段 2 的上升趋势中,它在继续向上运行之前,构建了一系列的波动收缩。Meridian Bioscience 在其 40 周(40 W)整合之前收缩了四次(4T),在接下来的 15 个月中上涨了超过 100%。
The following chart shows four periods of volatility contraction within the base that are framed by the dotted lines. The first period started in April 2006 , when the stock declined from $19\$ 19 a share to $13\$ 13, correcting 31 percent from high to low. The stock then moved higher and consolidated again, falling from just under $17\$ 17 to below $14\$ 14 a share for a 17 percent pullback. This is the first sign of contracting volatility. After the second pullback, the stock 下图显示了在基础内的四个波动收缩期,这些期被虚线框住。第一个时期始于 2006 年 4 月,当时股票从 $19\$ 19 美元下跌到 $13\$ 13 美元,从高到低修正了 31%。然后股票再次上涨并再次整合,从略低于 $17\$ 17 美元下跌到低于 $14\$ 14 美元,回调了 17%。这是波动收缩的第一个迹象。在第二次回调后,股票
The VCP Footprint VCP 足迹
40W 31/3 4T
Meridian Bioscience Inc. (VIVO) - Jan 2007 美利坚生物科学公司 (VIVO) - 2007 年 1 月
+118% in 15 Months 15 个月内增长 118%
Figure 10.6 The VCP footprint with abbreviation: 40W 31/3 4T 图 10.6 VCP 足迹,缩写:40W 31/3 4T
rallied once again, this time to just above $17\$ 17 a share, and then it pulled back to below $16\$ 16, a much tighter price range of about 8 percent. At this point, I began getting interested in the stock. 再次上涨,这次股价刚刚超过 $17\$ 17 ,然后回落到低于 $16\$ 16 ,价格区间收窄至约 8%。在这一点上,我开始对这只股票产生兴趣。
Finally, a short and narrow pullback of just 3 percent over two weeks on very low volume formed the pivot buy point. This told me that selling 最终,经过两周仅 3%的短暂回调,成交量非常低,形成了买入的支点。这告诉我,卖出
activity had dried up. Profit taking had exhausted itself as incremental supply coming to market had abated. After putting in four Ts with successive decreases in price volatility and volume, the stock price was primed to spike if buyers came demanding inventory. In January 2007, I jumped on board as Median Bioscience cracked above the pivot buy point at $18\$ 18 a share on a noticeable increase in volume; it proceeded to advance 118 percent over the next 15 months. 活动已经枯竭。获利回吐已经耗尽,因为市场上增量供应减少。在经历了四个价格波动和成交量逐渐减少的“T”形态后,股票价格如果有买家来要求库存,就准备好飙升了。在 2007 年 1 月,当 Median Bioscience 的股价在明显增加的成交量下突破了 $18\$ 18 美元的买入点时,我立刻加入了,接下来的 15 个月内股价上涨了 118%。
What Does Volatility Contraction Tell Us? 波动收缩告诉我们什么?
If a stock is under accumulation, a price consolidation represents a period when strong investors ultimately absorb weak traders. Once the “weak hands” have been eliminated, the lack of supply allows the stock to move higher because even a small amount of demand will overwhelm the negligible inventory. This is referred to as the line of least resistance. Tightness in price from absolute highs to lows and tight closes with little change in price from one day to the next and also from one week to the next are generally constructive. These tight areas should be accompanied by a significant decrease in trading volume. In some instances, volume dries up at or near the lowest levels established since the beginning of the stock’s advance. This is a very positive development, especially if it takes place after a period of correction and consolidation, and is a telltale sign that the amount of stock coming to market has diminished. A stock that is under accumulation will almost always show these characteristics (tightness in price with volume contracting). This is what you want to see before you initiate your purchase on the right side of the base, which forms what we call the pivot buy point. Specifically, the point at which you want to buy is when the stock moves above the pivot point on expanding volume. 如果一只股票正在被积累,价格的整合代表了一个强大的投资者最终吸收弱小交易者的时期。一旦“弱手”被淘汰,供应的缺乏使得股票能够上涨,因为即使是少量的需求也会压倒微不足道的库存。这被称为最小阻力线。从绝对高点到低点的价格紧缩,以及从一天到另一天、从一周到另一周价格变化很小的紧密收盘,通常是建设性的。这些紧密区域应该伴随着交易量的显著减少。在某些情况下,交易量在股票上涨开始以来建立的最低水平附近或达到最低水平时会干涸。这是一个非常积极的发展,特别是如果它发生在修正和整合期之后,并且是一个明显的迹象,表明进入市场的股票数量已经减少。处于积累状态的股票几乎总是会显示出这些特征(价格紧缩且交易量收缩)。 这是您在基底右侧发起购买之前想要看到的内容,这形成了我们所称的支点买入点。具体来说,您想要购买的点是当股票在扩大成交量的情况下突破支点时。
This is a vital concept for successfully timing the continuation of an existing trend. For the best situations, during this contraction in volatility, volume will also contract during specific points that can be identified time and again. 这是成功把握现有趋势延续的一个重要概念。在最佳情况下,在这种波动性收缩期间,成交量也会在特定时点收缩,这些时点可以一次又一次地被识别出来。
I came up with the VCP concept because I saw so many people rely on patterns that seemed to trace out the general appearance of a constructive 我提出 VCP 概念是因为我看到很多人依赖于看似描绘出建设性一般外观的模式
Figure 10.7 USG Corp. (USG) 图 10.7 USG 公司(USG)
In 2006, USG Corp. consolidated its previous run-up and formed a VCP pattern before rising 85 percent in four months. 2006 年,USG 公司巩固了之前的上涨,并形成了 VCP 模式,随后在四个月内上涨了 85%。
price base, but those people missed some of the most important elements of the structure, which can make it invalid and prone to failure. I can assure you that almost every failed base structure that you experience can be traced back to some faulty characteristic that was overlooked. Many books superficially describe technical patterns. Pattern recognition exercises will often lead you astray if you lack an understanding of the supply and demand forces that give rise to high-probability setups as opposed to head fakes. Let’s look a little more deeply at the nature and forces of supply and demand to understand what is actually taking place. 价格基础,但那些人错过了一些结构中最重要的元素,这可能使其无效并容易失败。我可以向你保证,几乎每一个失败的基础结构都可以追溯到某个被忽视的缺陷特征。许多书籍肤浅地描述了技术模式。如果你缺乏对供需力量的理解,模式识别练习往往会误导你,这些力量产生了高概率的设置,而不是假信号。让我们更深入地了解供需的性质和力量,以理解实际发生了什么。
Detecting Overhead Supply 检测上方供应
As a stock corrects and heads lower, inevitably there are trapped buyers who bought around the stock’s previous high point and are now sitting with a loss; trapped buyers agonize over their deepening paper losses and, sweating bullets, look for a rally to sell. As their losses grow and more time passes, 当一只股票修正并下跌时,必然会有被困的买家,他们在股票之前的高点附近买入,现在面临亏损;被困的买家因其不断加深的账面亏损而痛苦不堪,满头大汗,期待反弹以便卖出。随着他们的亏损加剧和时间的推移,
many of these buyers would be delighted just to get even. This is what creates overhead supply: investors who want out around their breakeven point; they can’t wait to sell and assuage their egos by thinking that despite the roller-coaster ordeal, they “got out even.” 许多这些买家只希望能够回本。这就是造成过剩供应的原因:投资者希望在他们的盈亏平衡点附近退出;他们迫不及待地想要出售,以安抚他们的自尊心,认为尽管经历了过山车般的折磨,他们“还是回本了”。
Adding to the supply issue is another group of buyers who, unlike the trapped buyers sitting at a loss and waiting to break even, were fortunate enough to bottom fish the stock and now are accumulating very nice profits. As the stock trades back up near its old high, as the trapped buyers are getting even, the profit takers also feel the urge to sell and nail down a quick buck. All this selling creates a price pullback on the right side of the base. If the stock is indeed being accumulated by institutions, the contractions will be smaller from left to right as supply is absorbed by the bigger players. When a stock traces out a VCP and undergoes a series of contractions, it is simply the law of supply and demand at work, an indication that the stock is changing hands in an orderly manner. You should wait until the stock goes 另一个买家群体加剧了供应问题,他们与那些被困的、坐在亏损中等待回本的买家不同,他们幸运地在底部买入该股票,现在正在积累可观的利润。随着股票回升至其旧高点,被困的买家开始回本,获利者也感到出售并锁定快速收益的冲动。所有这些抛售在底部的右侧造成了价格回调。如果该股票确实被机构吸纳,那么从左到右的收缩将会更小,因为供应被更大的参与者吸收。当一只股票描绘出 VCP 并经历一系列收缩时,这只是供需法则在起作用,表明该股票正在以有序的方式易手。你应该等到股票上涨。
Figure 10.8 Theoretical example of supply/demand dynamics A significant contraction in volume associated with tightness in price signals supply has stopped coming to market and the line of least resistance has been established. 图 10.8 供需动态的理论示例 与价格紧张相关的显著成交量收缩表明供应已停止进入市场,最小阻力线已建立。
through a normal process of shares changing hands from weak holders to strong ones. As a trader using a stop loss, you are a weak holder. The key is to be the last weak holder; you want the other weak holders to exit the stock before you buy. 通过正常的过程,股票从弱持有者转移到强持有者。作为使用止损的交易者,你是一个弱持有者。关键是成为最后一个弱持有者;你希望其他弱持有者在你买入之前退出股票。
Evidence that supply has stopped coming to market is revealed as the trading volume contracts significantly and price action quiets down noticeably. Demanding this attribute will help you avoid a crowded trade, improving the likelihood that the stock is off the public’s radar, which increases the odds of success. If the stock’s price and volume don’t quiet down on the right side of the consolidation, chances are that supply is still coming to market and the stock is too risky. 供应停止进入市场的证据体现在交易量显著收缩和价格走势明显平静。要求具备这一特征将帮助你避免拥挤的交易,提高股票不在公众视野中的可能性,从而增加成功的几率。如果股票的价格和交易量在整合的右侧没有平静下来,那么供应很可能仍在进入市场,股票的风险就太大了。
Why Buy Near a New High? 为什么在新高附近买入?
One of the most common phrases you hear in the stock market is “buy low and sell high.” These words have become synonymous with the way most people think about how to make money in stocks. Of course, it’s obvious that you have to buy at a price lower than the price at which you sell to make a profit. However, this does not mean that you have to buy at or near the lowest price at which a stock has traded historically. Markets are far more often correct than are personal opinions or even expert forecasts. A stock making a new 52-week high during the early stages of a fresh bull market could be a stellar performer in its infancy. In contrast, a stock near its 52-week low at best has overhead supply to work through and lacks upside momentum; worse still, such a stock may be headed for a series of lower lows. A stock hitting a new high has no overhead supply to contend with. The stock is saying, “Hey, I have something going on here, and people are taking notice,” whereas a stock hitting a new low is clearly a laggard that lacks investor interest or is being dumped in size by institutions. 在股市中,你最常听到的短语之一是“低买高卖”。这些话已经成为大多数人思考如何在股票中赚钱的代名词。当然,显而易见的是,你必须以低于你出售价格的价格买入才能获利。然而,这并不意味着你必须在股票历史上交易的最低价格附近买入。市场的正确性远远超过个人观点甚至专家预测。在新牛市的早期阶段,创下 52 周新高的股票可能在其初期表现出色。相反,接近 52 周低点的股票充其量只是面临上方供应的压力,并且缺乏上涨动能;更糟的是,这样的股票可能正朝着一系列更低的低点前进。创下新高的股票没有上方供应的压力。股票在说:“嘿,我这里有事情发生,人们正在关注,”而创下新低的股票显然是一个落后者,缺乏投资者的兴趣,或者被机构大量抛售。
There are those of you who say, “I don’t want to wait until the stage 2 criteria are confirmed.” You want to try to get in early, when the stock is moving off its lows. The problem here is that there is no confirmation in the early stages. How do you know that the stock is attracting institutions? Even 有些人会说:“我不想等到第二阶段的标准被确认。”你想在股票从低点反弹时尽早介入。问题在于,在早期阶段没有确认。你怎么知道这只股票正在吸引机构投资者呢?甚至
a good start can get derailed if the fundamentals aren’t really there, and you end up buying a bounce that fizzles and the stock stays in stage 1 limbo or, worse, breaks down and declines. 如果基本面不够好,即使是一个好的开局也可能会脱轨,你最终可能会买入一个无效的反弹,而股票仍然停留在第一阶段的边缘,或者更糟糕的是,崩溃并下跌。
When a stock reaches a new high in a confirmed stage 2 uptrend supported by big volume clues, it has been propelled upward by institutions taking positions because they believe that the fundamentals are solid and the prospects for the future are even better. In the following examples you can see how the real excitement doesn’t even start until these stocks are hitting all-time price highs. 当一只股票在确认的第二阶段上升趋势中达到新高,并且有大成交量的线索支持时,它是由机构投资者推动向上,因为他们相信基本面是稳固的,未来的前景更好。在以下示例中,您可以看到真正的兴奋甚至在这些股票达到历史价格新高之前并没有开始。
Figure 10.9 TASER (TASR) 图 10.9 TASER (TASR)
TASER advanced 540 percent to reach an all-time high, then from that point advanced an additional 1800 percent. TASER 上涨了 540%,达到了历史最高点,然后从那个点又上涨了 1800%。
Figure 10.10 Yahoo (YHOO) 图 10.10 雅虎 (YHOO)
Yahoo advanced 170 percent to reach an all-time high in price, then advanced an additional 4,300 percent. 雅虎股价上涨了 170%,达到了历史最高点,然后又上涨了 4300%。
Chart courtesy of Longboard Asset Management. 图表由 Longboard 资产管理公司提供。
The only way a stock can become a superperformer, moving from, say, $20\$ 20 to $80\$ 80, is for that stock to make a series of new highs repeatedly, all the way up. The same thing applies to a stock that’s at $50\$ 50 and doubles to $100\$ 100 on its way to $300\$ 300. Monster Beverage (MNST) registered an all-time high in late 2003. If you were afraid to buy the stock because it appeared too high, you would have missed a huge opportunity; the stock price advanced 8,000 percent by early 2006. 一只股票要成为超级表现者,从 $20\$ 20 到 $80\$ 80 ,唯一的方法就是这只股票不断创出新高,一路向上。同样的道理适用于一只股票从 $50\$ 50 翻倍到 $100\$ 100 ,再一路走向 $300\$ 300 。Monster Beverage(MNST)在 2003 年底创下了历史新高。如果你因为这只股票看起来太高而不敢买入,你将错过一个巨大的机会;到 2006 年初,股价上涨了 8000%。
Figure 10.11 Microsoft (MSFT) 图 10.11 微软(MSFT)
From the point Microsoft hit an all-time high in 1989, it advanced 54-fold. 从微软在 1989 年达到历史最高点开始,它的股价上涨了 54 倍。
Chart courtesy of Longboard Asset Management. 图表由 Longboard 资产管理公司提供。
Figure 10.12 Monster Beverage (MNST) 图 10.12 怪兽饮料 (MNST)
Monster Beverage rallied more than 8,000 percent from its all-time high registered in August 2003. 怪兽饮料自 2003 年 8 月创下历史最高点以来上涨了超过 8000%。
Chart courtesy of Longboard Asset Management. 图表由 Longboard 资产管理公司提供。
Deep Correction Patterns 深度修正模式
Are Failure-Prone 易失败
When a stock declines precipitously, it is likely that there is a serious problem in the company, its industry, or perhaps a bear market is unfolding. You shouldn’t conclude that a stock is a bargain just because it’s trading down 50 or 60 percent off its high. First, such a decline could indicate that a serious fundamental problem is undermining the share price. Second, even if the fundamentals are not problematic yet, a stock that has experienced a deep sell-off must contend with a large amount of overhead supply: the more a stock drops, the more it is burdened by trapped buyers. Finally, the more a stock declines, the more potential profit takers will be waiting to sell if the stock rallies and intersects overhead supply; the larger the profit is, the more likely it is that bottom feeders will sell. During major bear market correc- 当一只股票急剧下跌时,可能表明公司、行业或市场正在出现严重问题。你不应该仅仅因为一只股票从高点下跌了 50%或 60%就认为它是个便宜货。首先,这样的下跌可能表明有严重的基本面问题正在削弱股价。其次,即使基本面尚未出现问题,经历了深度抛售的股票也必须面对大量的抛压:股票下跌越多,被套牢的买家就越多。最后,股票下跌越多,潜在的获利了结者在股票反弹并与抛压交汇时就越可能出售;利润越大,底部买家出售的可能性就越高。在主要的熊市修正期间,
Figure 10.13 Mankind (MNKD) 2009-2012 图 10.13 人类(MNKD)2009-2012
Mankind (MNKD) rallied back near its old highs into overhead supply where selling took the stock down precipitously. The following year the same scenario repeated. 人类(MNKD)回升至其旧高点附近,进入了上方供应区,导致股票急剧下跌。接下来的一年,同样的情况再次发生。
Figure 10.14 Travelzoo (TZOO) 2011 图 10.14 Travelzoo (TZOO) 2011
Large correction leaves Travelzoo vulnerable to overhead supply and the stock plummets 80 percent over the next 12 weeks. 大幅修正使 Travelzoo 面临上方供应的脆弱性,股票在接下来的 12 周内暴跌 80%。
tions, some names can decline by as much as 50 percent and still work out. I rarely buy a stock that has corrected 60 percent or more; a stock that is down that much often signals a serious problem. Most constructive setups correct between 10 percent and 35 percent. You will have more success if you concentrate on stocks that correct the least versus the ones that correct the most. Under most conditions, stocks that correct more than two or three times the decline of the general market should be avoided. 在某些情况下,一些股票的价格可能会下跌多达 50%,但仍然能够成功。我很少购买下跌 60%或更多的股票;下跌如此之多的股票通常意味着存在严重问题。大多数有建设性的形态回调在 10%到 35%之间。如果你专注于那些回调最少的股票,而不是那些回调最多的股票,你会更成功。在大多数情况下,回调超过大盘两到三倍的股票应该避免。
Time Compression 时间压缩
If a stock advances too quickly up the right side, this forms a hazardous time compression, and in most cases the stock should be avoided, at least temporarily. Time compression will show up as VV-shaped price action or the absence of proper right-side development. Constructive price consoli- 如果一只股票在右侧上涨得太快,这会形成一个危险的时间压缩,在大多数情况下,这只股票应该被避免,至少暂时如此。时间压缩将表现为 VV 形状的价格走势或缺乏适当的右侧发展。建设性的价格整合
dations tend to have a degree of symmetry; a buildup of supply takes time to digest and work through. A quick up-and-down gyration doesn’t give the stock enough time to weed out the weak holders; it takes time for the strong hands to relieve the weaker players. You want to give your stock enough time to undergo a constructive consolidation period, which will allow it to continue its primary advance unencumbered by the chains of immediate sellers. 通常具有一定的对称性;供应的积累需要时间来消化和处理。快速的上下波动没有给股票足够的时间来剔除弱持有者;强势持有者需要时间来减轻弱势玩家的压力。你希望给你的股票足够的时间经历一个建设性的整合期,这将使它能够在不受立即卖家的束缚下继续其主要上涨。
Depending on the depth of the correction, a proper basing period can last anywhere from 3 weeks to as long as 65 weeks. By demanding that the price action display VCP characteristics, you will increase your chances of identifying a stock in which supply is diminishing and a sound point for entry is developing, which will lead to an immediate and sustained advance. 根据修正的深度,适当的筑底期可以持续从 3 周到长达 65 周。通过要求价格走势显示 VCP 特征,您将增加识别供应正在减少的股票的机会,并形成一个良好的入场点,这将导致立即和持续的上涨。
Figure 10.15 Magna Intl. Inc. (MGA) 2010 图 10.15 Magna Intl. Inc. (MGA) 2010
In November 2010, Magna Intl. Inc. ran up the right side too quickly and required more time to set a low-risk buy point. It rose 140 percent in three months. 2010 年 11 月,马格纳国际公司(Magna Intl. Inc.)的股价上涨过快,需要更多时间来设定一个低风险的买入点。它在三个月内上涨了 140%。
Figure 10.16 Troy Group Inc. (TROY) 2000 图 10.16 特洛伊集团公司(TROY)2000 年
Troy Group needed time to forge a proper VCP consolidation that set the stage for a very powerful advance. It then rose 146 percent in 14 days. 特洛伊集团需要时间来锻造一个合适的 VCP 整合,为强劲的上涨奠定基础。随后它在 14 天内上涨了 146%。
Shakeouts 摇晃
In addition to contracting volatility and the absence of time compression, we are looking for price shakeouts within the base structure. Most of us have been on the wrong side of a shakeout at one time or another. Let’s say you bought a stock at $40\$ 40 a share. You noticed that over the past several months it had traded several times as low as $35\$ 35 a share before bouncing higher. It stood to reason that this was an area of support and that placing a protective stop just below that level would be logical. The problem, however, is that you were not the only one who made that observation. Always include in your thinking that whatever you’re seeing in the marketplace is also visible to everyone else. Most likely, other traders thought it was obvious to put a stop somewhere under $35\$ 35 a share. In the stock market, what is too obvious seldom works. Shortly after you purchased the stock at $40\$ 40, it sold off, and this time it dropped below $35\$ 35. Sell stops were hit, and that sent the 除了收缩波动性和缺乏时间压缩外,我们还在寻找基础结构中的价格震荡。我们大多数人曾在某个时候处于震荡的错误一方。假设你以每股 $40\$ 40 的价格购买了一只股票。你注意到在过去几个月中,它曾多次交易至每股 $35\$ 35 的低点,然后反弹回升。可以推测这是一个支撑区域,因此在该水平下方设置一个保护性止损是合乎逻辑的。然而,问题在于你并不是唯一一个做出这个观察的人。始终要考虑到你在市场上看到的任何东西对其他人来说也是可见的。很可能,其他交易者认为在每股 $35\$ 35 下方设置止损是显而易见的。在股市中,过于显而易见的事情往往行不通。在你以每股 $40\$ 40 购买股票后不久,它开始下跌,这次跌破了 $35\$ 35 。止损被触发,这导致了
price even lower. You were knocked out of your position, as was everyone else who had a stop just below $35\$ 35. Once that selling was exhausted, the stock turned around and rallied higher, only you weren’t on board. Sound familiar? You were the victim of a price shakeout. 价格甚至更低。你被迫退出了你的头寸,和所有在 $35\$ 35 下面设置止损的其他人一样。一旦卖压耗尽,股票就反弹上涨,但你却没有参与。听起来很熟悉吗?你是价格震荡的受害者。
To improve your odds, you want to see one or more price shakeouts at certain key points during the base-building period. This will also allow for the elimination of weak holders and allow a sustained move higher. Remember, as a disciplined stock trader using stop losses to control risk, you, too, are a weak holder. In other words, you will sell during a relatively minor price pullback to protect yourself against the possibility of a larger loss. This is not to delegitimize your stop-loss discipline. A stop-loss regime is essential. Inevitably, however, good stop-loss practice will shake you out of some winning stocks. To the extent that you identify base formations that have exhibited and digested shakeouts before your entry, you are less likely to be thrown from the saddle. 为了提高你的成功几率,你希望在基础构建期间的某些关键点看到一个或多个价格震荡。这也将有助于消除弱势持有者,并允许持续的上涨。请记住,作为一个有纪律的股票交易者,使用止损来控制风险,你自己也是一个弱势持有者。换句话说,你会在相对较小的价格回调中卖出,以保护自己免受更大损失的可能性。这并不是要否定你的止损纪律。止损制度是必不可少的。然而,良好的止损实践不可避免地会让你退出一些盈利的股票。在你进入之前,如果你能识别出已经经历并消化过震荡的基础形态,你就不太可能被抛下马 saddle。
Figure 10.17 Dick’s Sporting Goods (DKS) 2003 图 10.17 迪克体育用品(DKS)2003
In February 2003, Dick’s Sporting Goods undercut its December 2002 Iow creating a shakeout. 2003 年 2 月,迪克体育用品低于 2002 年 12 月的低点,造成了一次震荡。
Informed investors who understand price action are on the lookout for evidence of price shakeouts within the base before they buy. Price shakeouts will strengthen the setup at the completion of the base. Major support areas are obvious to amateurs and therefore should be obvious traps to professionals. Like a minefield, they’re filled with stops, ready to blow when the share price brushes the trip wire. It’s beyond the purview of this book, but there are professional traders who are expert at picking off the amateurs when obvious support areas are breached and trigger the amateurs’ standing orders. 理解价格行为的知情投资者在购买之前会寻找基础内价格震荡的证据。价格震荡将在基础完成时增强设置。主要支撑区域对业余投资者来说显而易见,因此对专业人士来说应该是明显的陷阱。就像一个雷区,那里布满了止损单,当股价触及触发线时就会爆炸。这超出了本书的范围,但有些专业交易者擅长在明显的支撑区域被突破并触发业余投资者的挂单时将他们一一击破。
Don’t get confused; what you may think is just a shakeout is not the time to buy a declining stock. We are not forecasters; we are interpreters. When a stock that is seemingly in the process of building a base undercuts a support floor, it may be a price shakeout, or the stock could be entering a precipitous or sustained decline. This is why you wait to see if it results in a shakeout. Ideally, you want to see this occur one, two, or three times, 不要搞混;你可能认为的只是一次震荡,并不是购买下跌股票的时机。我们不是预测者;我们是解读者。当一只股票似乎正在建立基础时,如果跌破支撑底线,这可能是价格震荡,或者股票可能正在进入急剧或持续的下跌。这就是为什么你要等着看看它是否会导致震荡。理想情况下,你希望看到这种情况发生一到三次。
Figure 10.18 Meridian Bioscience (VIVO) 2007 图 10.18 美利坚生物科学(VIVO)2007
Meridian Bioscience had several key points where the stock price undercut previous lows creating constructive shakeouts. 美利坚生物科学在几个关键点上,股价突破了之前的低点,形成了建设性的震荡。
Figure 10.19 Deckers Outdoor (DECK) 2006 图 10.19 Deckers Outdoor (DECK) 2006
Deckers Outdoor drifted below previous lows in the bottom of its base and during the handle phase on the right. Deckers Outdoor 在其底部的基础和右侧的把手阶段漂移低于之前的低点。
depending on the size and magnitude of the price base, before you enter the trade. Shakeouts can occur at the lows of a base, on the right side, and in the handle or pivot area. 根据价格基础的大小和幅度,在您进入交易之前,可能会发生震荡。在基础的低点、右侧以及把手或支点区域都可能出现震荡。
Look for Evidence of Demand 寻找需求的证据
So far we have taken an aerial view to identify candidates that meet our criteria on the basis of the footprint formed by their price action. At this point in our analysis, we have already determined that a stock is in a stage 2 uptrend. 到目前为止,我们已经从空中视角识别出符合我们标准的候选股票,基于它们的价格行为形成的足迹。在我们分析的这一阶段,我们已经确定一只股票处于第二阶段的上升趋势中。
As that previous uptrend is digested, people will sell and take profits; therefore, we will look for some correction to occur. When that selling occurs, there will be some people who wish they had taken a profit but did not. When the stock moves up again, they will seize the next opportunity to get out. What we want to see is what comes next. After the selling has slowed, is 随着之前的上升趋势被消化,人们会卖出并获利;因此,我们将寻找一些修正的发生。当这种卖出发生时,会有一些人希望自己已经获利但却没有。当股票再次上涨时,他们会抓住下一个机会退出。我们想要看到的是接下来会发生什么。在卖出减缓之后,
there still an appetite for the stock? Will big demand come in after a sell-off to propel the stock even higher? Or is the move over? By closely observing price and volume action, we can gain this insight. 股票仍然有需求吗?在抛售后会有大量需求涌入,推动股票更高吗?还是这次上涨已经结束?通过密切观察价格和成交量的变化,我们可以获得这些洞察。
At this point, we want to zoom in and look for signs of institutional accumulation. A sign of accumulation is a spike up in price. Price spikes generally occur off the lows of a correction within the base and on the right side of the base; this kind of price action gains credence if it is accompanied by outsized volume. A spike in price on overwhelming volume often indicates institutional buying, which is exactly what we’re looking for. After a price shakeout, it’s a good sign if the stock rallies back on big volume. 在这一点上,我们想要放大视角,寻找机构积累的迹象。积累的一个迹象是价格的急剧上涨。价格急剧上涨通常发生在修正的低点附近,并且在底部的右侧;如果这种价格行为伴随着超大成交量,则更具可信度。价格在巨量成交下的急剧上涨通常表明机构在买入,这正是我们所寻找的。在价格震荡后,如果股票在大成交量下反弹,那是一个好迹象。
A stock may experience big price spikes in the form of gaps. A price gap occurs when the share price prints at a wide increment above or below the previous print; this is most easily observable at the open, but in thinly traded stocks it can also occur intraday. Gaps often occur on big volume. Upward price gaps may result from positive news such as better than expected earnings, a favorable industry development, or a brokerage house upgrade. Ideally, the gap will result from a fundamental change that creates a positive shift in perception and generates buying demand. In many cases, a price gap will show up on a weekly graph as well. What you’re trying to determine is whether the stock is under accumulation by large institutional buyers. 股票可能会以缺口的形式经历大幅价格波动。价格缺口发生在股票价格在前一个价格之上或之下以较大幅度打印时;这在开盘时最容易观察到,但在交易量较少的股票中,它也可能在盘中发生。缺口通常发生在大成交量时。向上的价格缺口可能是由于积极的消息,例如超出预期的收益、行业的有利发展或券商的评级上调。理想情况下,缺口将源于基本面的变化,创造出积极的认知转变并产生购买需求。在许多情况下,价格缺口也会在周线图上显示出来。你要确定的是,股票是否正在被大型机构买家积累。
The next chart shows Meridian Bioscience (VIVO) as the stock price initially came down and put in a low in May, a level that was undercut in July; after that, the stock came roaring back, followed by a short-term pullback and then a big gap to the upside. Accompanying that gap was a surge of volume, reflecting strong demand. A sideways pattern developed during October, with a sell-off that took out the September low, triggering another price shakeout. Notice how the overall price structure is beginning to tighten up. The combination of the big demand (gap) days, low-volume pullbacks, several price shakeouts within the base, and a contraction in price provided sufficient evidence that this stock was under accumulation. Even as the stock tightened up and formed the handle area in December, it underwent two minor price shakeouts, adding even more strength to the setup. Keep in mind that one aspect alone did not make for a great trade setup. Rather, it was a combination of all these factors. 下一张图表显示了梅里迪恩生物科学公司(VIVO)的股票价格,最初在五月下跌并形成了一个低点,这一水平在七月被突破;之后,股票强势反弹,随后出现短期回调,然后是一个大幅向上的缺口。伴随这一缺口的是成交量的激增,反映出强劲的需求。十月期间形成了一个横盘整理的形态,随后出现了一次抛售,突破了九月的低点,触发了另一次价格震荡。注意整体价格结构开始收紧。大需求(缺口)日、低成交量回调、基底内的几次价格震荡以及价格的收缩共同提供了足够的证据,表明这只股票正在被积累。即使在股票收紧并在十二月形成把手区域时,它也经历了两次小幅价格震荡,进一步增强了这一形态。请记住,单一因素并不能构成一个优秀的交易形态,而是所有这些因素的结合。
Figure 10.20 Meridian Bioscience (VIVO) 2007 图 10.20 梅里迪恩生物科学公司(VIVO)2007 年
Meridian Bioscience displayed strong demand off the lows before tightening up constructively on the right side. 美利坚生物科学在低点显示出强劲的需求,然后在右侧稳步收紧。
A big price spike on a surge of volume indicates that institutions are buying in size. At the same time, you’ll want to see a dearth of down spikes. In other words, the volume must be much bigger on up days than on down days, and a few of the price spikes to the upside should be large, dwarfing the contractions that have occurred on relatively lower volume. 在大量成交量的激增中,价格大幅上涨表明机构正在大量买入。同时,你会希望看到下跌的波动很少。换句话说,上涨日的成交量必须远大于下跌日的成交量,并且向上的价格波动中应该有几个大幅上涨,远远超过在相对较低成交量下发生的收缩。
After undercutting the December low, the stock price of Dick’s Sporting Goods came roaring back on big volume. Note the price gap that occurred in February with the biggest volume since the company’s initial public offering (IPO). In and of itself, this action was an insufficient reason to buy because the stock had yet to go through the process of putting in a VCP. Later, however, once the VCP was completed, the stock was set up properly as a buy candidate; it soon broke out and went on to advance 525 percent in 54 months. 在突破 12 月低点后,迪克体育用品公司的股价在大成交量下迅速反弹。请注意,2 月份出现的价格缺口是自公司首次公开募股(IPO)以来最大的成交量。单凭这一行为并不足以成为买入的理由,因为该股票尚未经历形成 VCP 的过程。然而,后来一旦 VCP 完成,该股票就适当地设定为买入候选;它很快突破并在 54 个月内上涨了 525%。
Figure 10.21 Dick’s Sporting goods (DKS) 2003 图 10.21 迪克体育用品(DKS)2003 年
After undercutting its December low, Dick’s Sporting Goods came roaring back on big volume; a sign of institutional support. It rose 525 percent in 54 months. 在突破 12 月低点后,迪克体育用品公司强势反弹,成交量大幅增加;这表明有机构支持。它在 54 个月内上涨了 525%。
Look for significant, above-average increases in volume on upward moves coming off the lows and up the right side of the base. It’s not uncommon to see a surge of several hundred percent or even as much as 1,000 percent compared with the average volume. Look for big up days that are larger and occur more frequently than big down days. Avoid a stock that follows a big demand day with even bigger down days on volume. Large up days and weeks on increased overall volume, contrasted with lower-volume pullbacks, are another constructive sign that the stock you are considering is under institutional accumulation. Look for these traits before you buy. 寻找在低点反弹和基底右侧上升时,成交量显著高于平均水平的情况。看到成交量激增几百个百分点,甚至高达 1000%是很常见的。寻找那些大涨日的成交量大于且出现频率高于大跌日的股票。避免在大需求日后,出现更大成交量的下跌日。大涨日和周的成交量增加,与低成交量的回调形成对比,是你考虑的股票正在被机构吸纳的另一个积极信号。在购买之前寻找这些特征。
Figure 10.22 Deckers Outdoor (DECK) 2006 图 10.22 Deckers Outdoor (DECK) 2006
After shaking out two lows in the bottom of the base, the price ran up the right side on a surge in volume. 在底部的两个低点被震荡后,价格在成交量激增的情况下沿右侧上涨。
Figure 10.23 Magna Intl. Inc. (MGA) 2010 图 10.23 玛格纳国际公司(MGA)2010 年
After a shakeout occurred in November 2006, a price surge on overwhelming volume was the tip off that Magna Intl. Inc. was under institutional accumulation. It rose 140 percent in three months. 在 2006 年 11 月发生震荡后,价格在巨量成交下的激增表明玛格纳国际公司正在被机构大量收购。它在三个月内上涨了 140%。
Figure 10.24 Valassis Communications (VCI) 2010 图 10.24 Valassis Communications (VCI) 2010
Valassis Communications experienced a surge up the right side on a big spike in volume. It rose 80 percent in five months. Valassis Communications 在交易量大幅激增的情况下,右侧出现了急剧上升。在五个月内上涨了 80%。
Price Spikes Preceding a Consolidation 价格在整合前的剧烈波动
Often a price spike will occur on the left side just before a price correction or consolidation begins. This may come on news and cause the stock to become extended and prone to a pullback, particularly if the overall market begins correcting. Cirrus Logic raised its earnings guidance by forecasting better than expected numbers for the upcoming quarter. This caused the stock to shoot up dramatically. Within days of the price spike, the overall market started correcting. This put temporary pressure on Cirrus’s stock price, causing it to correct 23 percent off its high, which was an acceptable 2.3 times the market correction. Once the market bottomed, the stock price moved up the right side and set up constructively. Cirrus advanced +162 percent in just four months from the point at which it made a new 52 -week high. 通常,在价格修正或整合开始之前,左侧会出现价格尖峰。这可能是由于新闻引发的,导致股票变得过度扩张,容易出现回调,特别是当整体市场开始修正时。Cirrus Logic 通过预测即将到来的季度的业绩好于预期,提升了其盈利指引。这导致股票价格急剧上涨。在价格尖峰后的几天内,整体市场开始修正。这对 Cirrus 的股价造成了暂时压力,使其从高点回调了 23%,这在市场修正的情况下是可以接受的 2.3 倍。一旦市场触底,股价便开始向右侧移动并构建出良好的形态。Cirrus 在创下新的 52 周高点后,仅用四个月的时间便上涨了 162%。
Figure 10.26 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010 图 10.26 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010
Cirrus Logic rallied on earnings guidance, leaving the stock price extended and vulnerable to a pullback. After pulling in during an intermediate general market correction, the stock emerged as a market leader. Cirrus Logic 因盈利指引上涨,使得股价延伸并容易回调。在一次中期市场普遍修正后,该股票作为市场领头羊重新崛起。
Figure 10.27 American Superconductor (AMSC) 图 10.27 美国超导公司(AMSC)
American Superconductor digest news and sets up for a powerfull rally by developing a classic VCP pattern from mid-August through mid-December 2003. 美国超导公司消化新闻,并通过从 2003 年 8 月中旬到 12 月中旬发展经典的 VCP 模式,为强劲反弹做好准备。
The Pivot Point 支点
A proper pivot point represents the completion of a stock’s consolidation and the cusp of its next advance. In other words, after a base pattern has been established, the pivot point is where the stock establishes a price level that will act as the trigger to enter that trade. Now the stock has moved into position for purchase. As the stock’s price trades above the high of the pivot, this often represents the start of the next advancing phase. A pivot point is a “call to action” price level. It is often referred to as the optimal buy point. A pivot point can occur in connection with a stock breaking into new high territory or below the stock’s high. 一个合适的支点代表了一只股票整合的完成和下一次上涨的临界点。换句话说,在建立了基础形态之后,支点是股票建立一个价格水平的地方,这个价格水平将作为进入交易的触发点。现在股票已经进入了购买的位置。当股票的价格交易超过支点的高点时,这通常代表着下一个上涨阶段的开始。支点是一个“行动呼吁”的价格水平。它通常被称为最佳买入点。支点可以发生在股票突破新高区域或低于股票的高点时。
In the context of a stock’s consolidation, a temporary pause allows you to set a price trigger to enter a trade. For example, a trader might put in a limit order to buy 1,000 shares if the price breaks the upper level of the pivot 在股票整合的背景下,暂时的停顿允许你设定一个价格触发点以进入交易。例如,交易者可能会设置一个限价单,如果价格突破支点的上限,就买入 1,000 股。
point. You want to buy as close to the pivot point as possible without chasing the stock up more than a few percentage points. 你想要尽可能接近支点买入,而不是在股票上涨超过几个百分点后追涨。
Jesse Livermore described the pivot point as the line of least resistance. A stock can move very fast once it crosses this threshold. When a stock breaks through the line of least resistance, the chances are the greatest that it will move higher in a short period of time. This is the case because this point represents an area where supply is low; therefore, even a small amount of demand can move the stock higher. Rarely does a correct pivot point fail coming out of a sound consolidation. 杰西·利弗莫尔将支点描述为最小阻力线。一旦股票突破这个阈值,它可以非常快速地移动。当股票突破最小阻力线时,短时间内上涨的可能性最大。这是因为这个点代表了供应较低的区域;因此,即使是少量的需求也能推动股票上涨。正确的支点在良好的整合后很少会失败。
The next chart shows Mercadolibre (MELI), which has a technical footprint of 6W32//63T6 \mathrm{~W} 32 / 63 \mathrm{~T}, meaning that the basing period occurred over six weeks, with corrections that began at 32 percent and concluded at 6 percent at the pivot. In November, the stock underwent a price shakeout and proceeded to tighten up in a constructive fashion. Notice, too, how the last contraction was accompanied with little volume as a dearth of stock changed 下一张图表显示了 Mercadolibre(MELI),其技术特征为 6W32//63T6 \mathrm{~W} 32 / 63 \mathrm{~T} ,这意味着基础期持续了六周,修正从 32%开始,在支点处结束于 6%。在 11 月,该股票经历了一次价格震荡,并以建设性的方式收紧。注意,最后一次收缩伴随着很少的成交量,因为股票的稀缺性发生了变化。
Figure 10.28 Mercadolibre Inc. (MELI) 2007 图 10.28 Mercadolibre Inc.(MELI)2007 年
In early December 2007, Mercadolibre Inc. emerges from a proper pivot point. It rose 75 percent in 13 days. 2007 年 12 月初,Mercadolibre Inc. 从一个合适的支点中崛起。它在 13 天内上涨了 75%。
AMSC Daily AMSC 每日报告
Figure 10.29 American Superconductor (AMSC) 2004 图 10.29 美国超导公司(AMSC)2004
American Superconductor breaks through the line of least resistence from a classic VCP pattern. It rose 60 percent in 17 days. 美国超导公司突破了经典 VCP 模式的最低阻力线。在 17 天内上涨了 60%。
IPXL Daily IPXL 日线
Figure 10.30 Impax Labs (IPXL) 2003-2004 图 10.30 Impax Labs (IPXL) 2003-2004
In January 2004, Impax Labs broke out above a well-defined pivot point. It rose 70 percent in three months. 2004 年 1 月,Impax Labs 突破了一个明确的支点。在三个月内上涨了 70%。
Figure 10.31 Netflix (NFLX) 2009 图 10.31 Netflix (NFLX) 2009
In October 2009, Netfiix emerged into new high ground from a classic VCP consolidation period. It rose 525 percent in 21 months. 2009 年 10 月,Netflix 从经典的 VCP 整合期中突破,进入了新的高点。在 21 个月内上涨了 525%。
hands during the last ( T ) pivot point. After charging through the pivot point, Mercadolibre’s stock price rose 75 percent in just 13 days. This is the type of rapid price escalation I’m interested in being part of. 在最后的(T)支点期间。经过支点后,Mercadolibre 的股价在短短 13 天内上涨了 75%。这就是我希望参与的快速价格上涨类型。
Volume at the Pivot Point 关键点的成交量
Every correct pivot point will develop with a contraction in volume, often to a level well below average with at least one day when volume contracts very significantly, in many cases to almost nothing or near the lowest volume level in the entire base structure. In fact, we want to see volume on the final contraction that is below the 50-day average, with one or two days when volume is extremely low. This may not always occur in the largest-cap stocks, but in some of the smaller issues, volume will dry up to a trickle; viewed as a lack of liquidity, this worries many investors. However, this is precisely what occurs right before a stock is ready to make a big move. Why? Because the 每个正确的关键点都会伴随着成交量的收缩,通常降到远低于平均水平,并且至少有一天成交量显著收缩,在许多情况下几乎降到零或接近整个基础结构中的最低成交量水平。事实上,我们希望看到最后一次收缩的成交量低于 50 日平均水平,并且有一两天的成交量极低。这在大型股票中可能并不总是发生,但在一些小型股票中,成交量会干涸到涓涓细流;被视为流动性不足,这让许多投资者感到担忧。然而,这正是股票准备大幅波动之前所发生的情况。为什么?因为
During the tightest section of the consolidation (the pivot point), volume should contract significantly. Consider the example of New Oriental Education. First, take note of the footprint: 8W22//23T8 \mathrm{~W} 22 / 23 \mathrm{~T}, indicating an eight-week base with successively tighter pullbacks of 22 percent, 8 percent, and then 2 percent. Not only is the last contraction tight in terms of price (a 2 percent fluctuation), volume dries up considerably as well. The pivot point that forms is very tight with volume that is dramatically lower than the average. This is a very constructive sign. Now, just as the price breaks above the pivot on increasing volume, that’s where you want to place your buy order. New Oriental Education advanced 105 percent in seven months from the pivot point. 在整合的最紧密部分(支点),成交量应该显著收缩。以新东方教育为例。首先,注意足迹: 8W22//23T8 \mathrm{~W} 22 / 23 \mathrm{~T} ,表示一个八周的基础,成功地收缩了 22%、8%和 2%。最后一次收缩在价格上非常紧凑(波动 2%),成交量也大幅减少。形成的支点非常紧凑,成交量明显低于平均水平。这是一个非常积极的信号。现在,就在价格突破支点并伴随成交量增加时,这就是你下买单的时机。新东方教育从支点开始在七个月内上涨了 105%。
Figure 10.34 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010 图 10.34 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010
Prior to the breakout, Cirrus Logic experiences extreme tightness in price on exceptionally low volume. On March 30, 2010, I bought the stock and also recommended it to our Minervini Private Access members at $8.09. It rose 163 percent in four months. 在突破之前,Cirrus Logic 的价格在极低的成交量下经历了极端的紧缩。2010 年 3 月 30 日,我以 8.09 美元的价格购买了该股票,并向我们的 Minervini 私人会员推荐。四个月内上涨了 163%。
Extrapolating Volume Intraday 日内成交量外推
After the last narrow contraction in a VCP pattern on light volume, ideally you want to see an upward move in the making on stronger than usual volume. Let’s say that a stock normally trades 1 million shares. Two hours into the trading day, 500,000 shares-half the usual volume-has already exchanged hands and the stock is moving up. You still have four and a half hours to go. Therefore, you can comfortably extrapolate that on the basis of the intraday volume thus far, the volume for the day could easily be 300 to 400 percent (or more) of the average daily volume. Now, when the price goes through the pivot point, you can place your trade. 在 VCP 模式最后一次狭窄收缩后,理想情况下你希望看到在比平常更强的成交量下,股价向上移动。假设一只股票通常交易 100 万股。在交易日的两个小时后,已经成交了 50 万股——一半的正常成交量——而股票正在上涨。你还有四个半小时的时间。因此,你可以根据到目前为止的日内成交量,舒适地推测当天的成交量可能轻松达到平均日成交量的 300%到 400%(或更多)。现在,当价格突破支点时,你可以下单交易。
Always Wait for the Stock to Pivot 始终等待股票反转
Some investors will try to get in before the breach of the pivot point to save a few pennies on the trade. Assuming that a stock will break out is dangerous. If the pivot point is tight, there is no material advantage in getting in early; you will accomplish little except to take on unnecessary risk. Let the stock break above the pivot and prove itself. The pivot point is only one part of the overall setup, but it’s the most important piece of the puzzle before I buy a stock, because it is the final determinant of when I’m going to pull the trigger and risk my capital. 一些投资者会试图在突破支点之前入场,以节省交易中的几分钱。假设一只股票会突破是危险的。如果支点很紧,就没有提前入场的实质性优势;你所做的只是承担不必要的风险。让股票突破支点并证明自己。支点只是整体设置的一部分,但在我买入股票之前,它是最重要的部分,因为它是我决定何时出手和冒险投入资本的最终决定因素。
Not all consolidations have tight pivot points. When a flat base occurs with no real pivot other than the high of the base, an investor can look to buy as the stock moves above the highest price at the top of the base provided that the base corrects no more than 10 or 15 percent. Other price patterns, such as a cup completion cheat (3-C), or a cup with handle, can form pivot points below the high of the overall structure. 并非所有的整合都有紧密的支点。当一个平坦的基础出现时,除了基础的高点之外没有真正的支点,投资者可以在股票价格超过基础顶部的最高价时进行买入,前提是基础的回调不超过 10%或 15%。其他价格模式,如杯形完成作弊(3-C)或带把手的杯形,可以在整体结构的高点以下形成支点。
This step-by-step approach will help you time your trades with accuracy as you determine the optimal place for a low-risk and potentially high-reward trade. If you use the techniques I just described, you will have more precision and a better rationale for placing your trades. This does not mean that you will never have a loss or that the stock will not pull back, hit your stop, and leave you on the sidelines. If your analysis is faulty, or you’re attempting to trade on the long side during a bear market, the 这种逐步的方法将帮助您准确地把握交易时机,因为您可以确定低风险和潜在高回报交易的最佳位置。如果您使用我刚才描述的技术,您将拥有更高的精确度和更好的交易理由。这并不意味着您永远不会亏损,或者股票不会回调、触及您的止损并让您在场外。如果您的分析有误,或者您试图在熊市中进行多头交易,
search for a pivot may result in frustration instead of a significant entry point or possibly an abrupt failure soon after your purchase. The success of the pivot point is related to how well the setup has been established. 寻找支点可能会导致挫折,而不是一个显著的入场点,或者在购买后可能会很快出现突然的失败。支点的成功与设置的建立程度有关。
Squats and Reversal Recoveries 深蹲和反转恢复
Sometimes a stock will break out from a pivot point only to fall back into its range and close off the day’s high. This is what I refer to as a squat. When this happens, I don’t always jump ship right away; I try to wait at least a day or two to see if the stock can stage a reversal recovery. This accommodation makes sense especially in a bull market. In some cases it can take up to ten days or longer for a recovery to occur. This is not a hard-and-fast rule; some may take a little longer, and some fail and stop you out. 有时候,一只股票会从支点突破后又回落到其区间,并在当天收盘时低于最高点。我称之为“蹲下”。当这种情况发生时,我并不总是立刻放弃;我会尽量等上一两天,看看股票是否能进行反转恢复。这种做法在牛市中特别有意义。在某些情况下,恢复可能需要长达十天或更长时间。这不是一个死规矩;有些可能需要更长时间,有些则会失败并止损。
Of course, if the reversal is large enough to trigger my stop, I sell. If the reversal causes the price to close below its 20-day moving average, it lowers the probability of success and it becomes a judgment call; sometimes I sell if this happens. However, as long as the price holds above my stop loss, I try to give the stock some room. 当然,如果反转幅度足够大以触发我的止损,我就会卖出。如果反转导致价格收盘低于其 20 日移动平均线,这会降低成功的概率,这就变成了一个判断问题;有时我会在这种情况下卖出。然而,只要价格保持在我的止损之上,我会尽量给股票一些空间。
If the price action tightens and volume subsides, the setup could be improving, and it could be that you’ve just entered the trade a bit early. That is precisely what happened with Affymax, Inc. I bought the stock on August 20, 2012. It closed off the day’s high and even pulled in a bit the very next day. Over the course of the next few days, the price action tightened up and volume contracted. I stayed with the stock and held to my original stop. Ten days after my purchase, the price recovered into new high ground, and I added to my position. Affymax, Inc., then advanced 61 percent in 42 days. 如果价格走势收紧而成交量减少,设置可能在改善,可能是你刚刚提前进入了交易。这正是 Affymax, Inc.发生的情况。我在 2012 年 8 月 20 日购买了该股票。它在当天的高点下收盘,甚至在第二天稍微回落。在接下来的几天里,价格走势收紧,成交量收缩。我坚持持有该股票,并保持我的原始止损。在我购买后的十天,价格恢复到新的高点,我增加了我的持仓。Affymax, Inc.在 42 天内上涨了 61%。
Figure 10.35 Affymax, Inc. (AFFY) 2012 图 10.35 Affymax, Inc. (AFFY) 2012
Affymax, Inc. held my stop and staged a reversal recovery 10 days after squatting on the breakout. It rose 61 percent in 42 days. Affymax, Inc. 在突破后停滞了 10 天,然后进行了反转恢复。它在 42 天内上涨了 61%。
Figure 10.36 Magna Intl. (MGA) 2010 图 10.36 Magna Intl. (MGA) 2010
Magna Intl. Inc. recovered a squat in three days. It rose 140 percent in three months. 玛格纳国际公司在三天内恢复了一个低点。它在三个月内上涨了 140%。
Figure 10.37 Amazon (AMZN) 1997 图 10.37 亚马逊(AMZN)1997 年
Amazon displayed a series of reversal recoveries as it emerged into new high ground after going public less than four months earlier. It rose 1,700 percent in 16 months. 亚马逊在上市不到四个月后,经历了一系列反转恢复,成功进入新的高点。它在 16 个月内上涨了 1700%。
How Do You Know a Breakout Has Failed? 如何判断突破是否失败?
Once a stock breaks out of its pivot area, watch for signs of failure; a failed breakout can quickly lead to a base failure. Once the stock successfully breaks out, the stock price should hold its 20-day moving average and in most cases should not close below it. The pattern should not get wider (meaning up and down movements). Up is good, but wild swings back and forth are not. Although the price may pull back or even squat, don’t automatically conclude that the trade is going to fail. You want to give the stock a chance to recover. If it pulls in, holds above the 20-day average, and squats, often the stock will recover the next day or within a few days. However, if it hits your stop, get out and reevaluate. 一旦股票突破其支点区域,注意失败的迹象;失败的突破可能迅速导致基础失败。一旦股票成功突破,股价应保持在其 20 日移动平均线之上,并且在大多数情况下不应低于该线。该模式不应变得更宽(意味着上下波动)。上涨是好的,但剧烈的来回波动则不好。尽管价格可能回调甚至下跌,但不要自动得出交易将失败的结论。你要给股票一个恢复的机会。如果它回调,保持在 20 日平均线之上,并且下跌,通常股票会在第二天或几天内恢复。然而,如果它触及你的止损,立即退出并重新评估。
Dealing with an Early Day Reversal 处理早期日反转
Another rule of thumb regarding a reversal on the breakout day is the early day reversal. This occurs when a stock moves up in the morning and then comes back down to the breakout before noon or 1:00 p.m. Try to give the stock until the end of the day unless the reversal is so severe that it triggers your protective stop. You should not panic and conclude that the breakout has failed just because the early morning rally lost steam and the stock pulled in. This often happens. The stock may even undercut your purchase price. Stick to your game plan and hold to your original stop loss. In a healthy market, often stocks that do this will recover later in the day and close strong. 关于突破日反转的另一个经验法则是早盘反转。这发生在股票在早上上涨,然后在中午或下午 1 点之前回落到突破点。除非反转非常严重,以至于触发了你的保护止损,否则应该给股票直到当天结束的时间。仅仅因为早晨的反弹失去动力,股票回落,就不应该惊慌并得出突破失败的结论。这种情况经常发生。股票甚至可能会跌破你的购买价格。坚持你的计划,保持原来的止损。在健康的市场中,通常会有这样的股票在当天晚些时候恢复并强劲收盘。
Putting It All Together 将所有内容整合在一起
In March 1995, I purchased Kenneth Cole Productions (KCP) because of characteristics that were classic in every sense: a perfect VCP setup. Kenneth 在 1995 年 3 月,我购买了肯尼斯·科尔制作公司(KCP),因为它具有经典的特征:一个完美的 VCP 设置。肯尼斯
Cole attracted my attention when it displayed healthy earnings and sales. The price and volume action looked great, and the market was starting to recover after a period of correction. 当它显示出健康的收益和销售时,Cole 吸引了我的注意。价格和成交量的表现看起来很不错,市场在经历了一段调整后开始复苏。
Note how volatility contracts from left to right; the stock corrects and progressively tightens within ranges of 32 percent, 14 percent, 7 percent, and 3 percent. The VCP leads right to an entry point and a successful breakout. This provides an excellent example of constructive volatility contraction. The stock emerged and advanced more than 100 percent in just eight months. 注意波动性从左到右的收缩;股票修正并逐渐在 32%、14%、7%和 3%的区间内收紧。VCP 直接引导到一个入场点和成功的突破。这提供了一个关于建设性波动收缩的优秀例子。该股票在短短八个月内上涨了超过 100%。
Figure 10.39 Foster Wheeler (FWLT) 2007 图 10.39 福斯特·惠勒(FWLT)2007
In April 2007, I purchased Foster Wheeler on a gap fueld by a great earnings report announced in the morning. Note the huge breakout volume and the close right at the high of the day. It then rose 180 percent in nine months from this point. 2007 年 4 月,我在一个因早晨发布的优秀财报而引发的缺口上购买了福斯特·惠勒。请注意巨大的突破成交量和当天收盘时接近最高点。从这一点起,它在九个月内上涨了 180%。
Figure 10.40 Lululemon Athetica (LULU) 2010 图 10.40 Lululemon Athetica (LULU) 2010 年
In November 2010, I bought Lululemon and recommended it to our Minervini Private Access members as it emerged from a double bottom. It rose 245 percent in 18 months. 2010 年 11 月,我购买了 Lululemon,并在其从双底形态中走出时推荐给我们的 Minervini 私人会员。它在 18 个月内上涨了 245%。
An important element for success is how well you can organize your thoughts and analysis. Many traders go through routines, but most of them lack consistency. Planning your trades in advance allows you to conduct research when there are no distractions such as level II systems or blinking quote screens. I conduct my research at around the same time each evening. By the time the opening bell rings at 9:30 a.m., I already know which stocks show the most potential and at what price level. I use a kind of shorthand to indicate the footprint of a stock. I use this shorthand system to get a visual of the stock at a glance. On September 9, 2012, I was interested in a handful of names. 成功的一个重要因素是你能多好地组织你的思维和分析。许多交易者都有自己的例行程序,但大多数缺乏一致性。提前规划交易可以让你在没有干扰的情况下进行研究,比如没有二级市场系统或闪烁的报价屏幕。我通常在每晚的同一时间进行研究。当早上 9:30 开盘铃声响起时,我已经知道哪些股票显示出最大的潜力以及在什么价格水平。我使用一种速记方式来表示股票的足迹。我用这个速记系统快速获取股票的视觉信息。2012 年 9 月 9 日,我对一些股票感兴趣。
You’ll notice that some stocks are circled, one is underlined, some have asterisks after them, and one has a “pb” notation. You can use whatever symbols you like, but here is what this all means to me. Circles, asterisks, and 你会注意到一些股票被圈起来,一个被下划线标记,一些后面有星号,还有一个有“pb”标记。你可以使用任何你喜欢的符号,但对我来说,这一切的意思是:圈、星号和
Figure 10.42 My notepad from September 9, 2012 2012 年 9 月 9 日我的笔记本
“pb” are part of my ranking that allows me at a glance to see how the stocks on my watch list are setting up: which ones appear to be ready for action and which ones need more time to mature. “pb”是我排名的一部分,使我能够一目了然地看到我的观察列表上的股票是如何设置的:哪些股票似乎准备好行动,哪些股票需要更多时间来成熟。
If I really like a stock, I circle it. If a stock shows potential, I underline it. If a stock has formed a pivot point, I put in an asterisk after the symbol. If the pivot point is immediately buyable, I circle the asterisk. If a stock is setting up in such a way that I would be interested on a pullback, I write “pb” next to it. You will also notice that on the right I use the technical footprint abbreviation for the names I’m most interested in. 如果我真的喜欢一只股票,我会把它圈起来。如果一只股票显示出潜力,我会把它划线。如果一只股票形成了支点,我会在符号后面加上一个星号。如果支点是可以立即买入的,我会圈出星号。如果一只股票的设置方式让我在回调时感兴趣,我会在旁边写上“pb”。你还会注意到,在右侧我使用了我最感兴趣的名称的技术足迹缩写。
Here’s how this translates into my trading system. Stocks that have been circled or have asterisks will go on my quote screen for close attention. Those that are underlined do not have setups that are mature enough at this point, but they bear watching. The rest will stay on the watch list to see what develops. I rank them as watch, buy alert, and buy ready. As time progresses, some stocks may become actionable. Some on the watch list will move up (from watch to buy alert and then to buy ready), and some will fall off entirely. Once I have my list of stocks, I can watch how they trade intraday. When a stock hits my predetermined price as it moves through its pivot point, I put on the position. 这如何转化为我的交易系统。被圈起来或带有星号的股票将进入我的报价屏幕以便密切关注。那些被划线的股票目前没有成熟的设置,但值得关注。其余的将留在观察名单上,看看会有什么发展。我将它们分为观察、买入警报和准备买入。随着时间的推移,一些股票可能会变得可操作。观察名单上的一些股票将上升(从观察到买入警报,然后到准备买入),而一些将完全消失。一旦我有了我的股票列表,我可以观察它们在日内的交易。当一只股票在穿过其支点时达到我预定的价格时,我会建立头寸。
The Natural Reaction and Tennis Ball Action 自然反应和网球动作
In the 1980 s, I became intrigued by the methods of the late William M. B. Berger, a fifth-generation money manager and founder of the Berger Funds. Bill Berger was a great money manager. His Berger Fund had a very impressive track record and consistently included some of the market’s most dynamic leaders. Bill had a saying about price pullbacks that has stuck with me for decades. He said that price reactions and pullbacks allow you to determine whether your stock is a tennis ball or an egg. He wanted to own tennis balls. This has turned out to be a golden nugget that I am now passing on to you. 在 1980 年代,我对已故的威廉·M·B·伯杰的方法产生了兴趣,他是一位第五代资金经理和伯杰基金的创始人。比尔·伯杰是一位出色的资金经理。他的伯杰基金有着非常令人印象深刻的业绩记录,并且始终包括一些市场上最具活力的领军企业。比尔有一句关于价格回调的名言,这句话我已经铭记了几十年。他说,价格反应和回调可以让你判断你的股票是网球还是鸡蛋。他想拥有网球。这已经成为我现在传递给你的一个金玉良言。
Once a stock has penetrated a proper pivot point emerging from a constructive price consolidation, it’s time to watch the stock to see how it acts. This will tell you whether to continue holding it. The stock price will experi- 一旦一只股票突破了一个适当的支点,并从一个良好的价格整合中出现,就该观察这只股票的表现。这将告诉你是否继续持有它。股票价格会经历短期回调,随着其向上攀升。如果这只股票健康且在被积累,回调将是短暂的,并会得到支撑,推动股票在短短几天内创出新高,就像网球一样反弹。这就是你判断股票是经历自然反应还是异常活动的方式,这种异常活动应该引起关注。
ence short-term pullbacks as it makes its way higher. If the stock is healthy and under accumulation, the pullbacks will be brief and will be met with support that pushes the stock to new highs within just days, bouncing back like a tennis ball. This is how you determine whether the stock is experiencing a natural reaction or abnormal activity that should raise concern. 这就是你判断股票是经历自然反应还是异常活动的方式,这种异常活动应该引起关注。
Netflix illustrates a successful breakout coming out of a 27W 27/7 3T VCP setup. You can see the pullbacks are five and seven days, respectively, and the stock subsequently moves right back into new high ground. Volume expanded dramatically on the initial breakout and on the subsequent rally after the first normal reaction. Often, a stock will emerge through a pivot point and then pull back to or slightly below that initial breakout point. This is normal as long as the stock recovers fairly quickly within a number of days or perhaps within one to two weeks. Volume should contract during the pullback and then expand as the stock moves back into new highs. Netflix 展示了一个成功的突破,来自于 27 周 27/7 3T VCP 设置。你可以看到回调分别是五天和七天,随后股票又回到了新的高点。初始突破和第一次正常反应后的后续反弹时,成交量大幅增加。通常,一只股票会通过一个支点突破,然后回调到或略低于那个初始突破点。这是正常的,只要股票在几天内或一到两周内迅速恢复。回调期间成交量应该收缩,然后在股票重新回到新高时扩大。
Figure 10.43 Netflix (NFLX) 2009 图 10.43 Netflix (NFLX) 2009
Netfix pulled back to the breakout point but came roaring back on huge followthrough volume just five days later: classic tennis ball action. Netflix 回调到突破点,但在仅仅五天后又在巨大的跟进成交量中强势反弹:经典的网球反弹动作。
There should not be much volatility during the initial rally phase and during the first one or two normal reactions. Minor reactions or pullbacks in price are natural and are bound to occur as the advance runs its course. The best stocks rebound quickly. This is how you know you’re on to something worth holding. 在初始反弹阶段和前一两个正常反应期间,波动性不应太大。价格的小幅反应或回调是自然的,随着上涨的进行必然会发生。最好的股票会迅速反弹。这就是你知道你抓住了值得持有的东西的方式。
Once you have bought a stock emerging from a VCP, look for the following signs: 一旦你购买了一只从 VCP 中崛起的股票,寻找以下迹象:
At the beginning of the move, volume should expand over a number of days. 在运动开始时,成交量应该在几天内扩大。
Prices generally should move upward for a few days with little resistance. 价格通常应该在几天内小幅上涨,几乎没有阻力。
Figure 10.44 Stryker Corp. (SYK) 1995 图 10.44 斯特赖克公司(SYK)1995 年
In January 1995, I bought Stryker as it emerged from a VCP consolidation. 1995 年 1 月,我在 Stryker 从 VCP 整合中走出时买入了它。
Over the next couple of months every pullback recovered quickly back to new high ground. 在接下来的几个月里,每次回调都迅速恢复到新的高点。
A normal reaction will occur: volume should decrease compared with the volumes observed during the initial trend, and the price may move against the trend somewhat. 正常反应将会发生:与初始趋势期间观察到的成交量相比,成交量应该减少,价格可能会稍微逆趋势移动。
Within a few days or perhaps a week or two of the normal reaction, volume should increase again and the price trend should be resumed. 在正常反应后的几天或一两周内,成交量应该再次增加,价格趋势应该恢复。
Figure 10.45 Lululemon Athletica (LULU) 2010 图 10.45 Lululemon Athletica (LULU) 2010
After a strong breakout in November 2010, Lululemon stair-stepped higher providing only brief pullbacks. 在 2010 年 11 月强劲突破后,Lululemon 逐步上涨,仅提供了短暂的回调。
Figure 10.46 Meridian Bioscience (VIVO) 2007 图 10.46 美利坚生物科学(VIVO)2007
After a successful breakout and two days of follow-through, Meridian Bioscience only pulled in 3.5 percent over the course of three days before rallying back into new high ground. 在成功突破并经过两天的跟进后,美利坚生物科学在三天内仅上涨了 3.5%,然后再次反弹至新高点。
Figure 10.47 Valassis Communications (VCI) 2010 图 10.47 Valassis Communications (VCI) 2010
Valassis gapped up on earnings but gave little back before moving higher into new high ground. Valassis 在财报发布后跳空上涨,但在继续向新高区域移动之前几乎没有回调。
Figure 10.48 Bebe Stores (BEBE) 1998 图 10.48 Bebe Stores (BEBE) 1998
After breaking out in November 1998, each pullback was met with support and subsequently rallied quickly to new highs. Very powerful price action. 1998 年 11 月突破后,每次回调都得到了支撑,并迅速反弹至新高。非常强劲的价格走势。
In the 1960s, William L. Jiler wrote a book titled How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market. In my opinion, Jiler’s work on chart patterns was way ahead of its time and to this day still has valuable findings. I would put it on the must-read list for anyone interested in using charts to improve his or her performance in the stock market. Jiler was the first to highlight the saucer-with-platform pattern, which later became popularized as the cup-with-handle pattern. This pattern without a doubt is the most repeatable and reliable price structure among all the variations that superperformance stocks trace out before they advance dramatically in price. Jiler refers to the saucer pattern as a “dream pattern,” citing its ease of recognition and reliability. Although I agree with Jiler, the pattern is prone to misinterpretation. The VCP concept and some education about volume and certain specific nuances to look for can quickly clear up poor analysis and lead you to find the next big superperformer. As was mentioned above, 在 1960 年代,威廉·L·吉勒写了一本名为《图表如何帮助你在股市中获利》的书。在我看来,吉勒在图表模式方面的研究远远超出了当时的水平,至今仍然有着宝贵的发现。我会将其列入任何希望利用图表提高股市表现的人的必读书单。吉勒是第一个强调“碟形底”模式的人,这一模式后来被普及为“杯柄形”模式。毫无疑问,这种模式是所有超级表现股票在价格大幅上涨之前所描绘的最可重复和可靠的价格结构。吉勒将碟形底模式称为“梦幻模式”,因为它易于识别且可靠。尽管我同意吉勒的看法,但这种模式容易被误解。VCP 概念以及关于成交量和某些特定细微差别的一些教育可以迅速澄清糟糕的分析,并引导你找到下一个大超级表现者。正如上面提到的,
Figure 10.49 Elan PLC (ELN) 1991 图 10.49 Elan PLC (ELN) 1991
Elan forms a cup with handle pattern. Elan 形成了一个杯柄形态。
Chart courtesy of Interactive Data. 图表由互动数据提供。
volatility contraction is a key characteristic of constructive price behavior within all patterns. 波动收缩是所有模式中建设性价格行为的一个关键特征。
The 3C Pattern 3C 模式
The cup completion cheat, or 3C, is a continuation pattern; it is the earliest point at which you should attempt to buy a stock. Some stocks form a low cheat, and some form the cheat area, near the middle of the cup or saucer that precedes it. The key is to recognize when the stock has bottomed and identify when the start of a new uptrend is under way, back in sync with the primary stage 2 . The cheat trade gives you an actionable pivot point to time a stock’s upturn while increasing your odds of success. 杯形完成作弊,或称 3C,是一种延续形态;这是你应该尝试购买股票的最早时机。一些股票形成低位作弊,一些则在杯子或碟子的中间区域形成作弊区。关键是要识别股票何时触底,并确定新上升趋势的开始,重新与主要的第二阶段同步。作弊交易为你提供了一个可操作的支点,以便在股票上涨时把握时机,同时提高成功的几率。
When a handle forms, it usually occurs in the upper third of the cup. If it forms in the middle third of the cup or just below the halfway point, you could get more than one buy point. 当把手形成时,通常发生在杯子的上三分之一。如果它在杯子的中间三分之一或刚好在中点以下形成,你可能会获得多个买入点。
Figure 10.50 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010 图 10.50 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010
In February 2010, Cirrus Logic formed a 3C pivot point (cheat area) and then a handle in March. 2010 年 2 月,Cirrus Logic 形成了一个 3C 支点(作弊区),然后在 3 月形成了一个把手。
Figure 10.51 Valassis Communications (VCI) 2010 图 10.51 Valassis Communications (VCI) 2010
In January 2010, a handle formed just above the cheat area; both provided viable pivot points for entry. 2010 年 1 月,手柄在突破区域上方形成;两者都提供了有效的入场枢轴点。
The cheat area is the earliest point at which I attempt to trade a cup pattern. You don’t want to be involved any earlier than this point. Like the handle, a valid cheat area should exhibit a contraction in volume as well as tightness in the range of price. This pause presents an opportunity to enter the trade at the earliest point, perhaps not always with your entire position, but you can lower your average cost basis by exploiting cheat areas to scale into trades. Once the stock trades above the high in the pause area, it has made the turn; it probably has made its low and will resume the longer-term stage 2 primary trend. 骗局区域是我尝试交易杯形图案的最早时点。你不想在这个时点之前参与交易。像把手一样,一个有效的骗局区域应该表现出成交量的收缩以及价格范围的紧缩。这个暂停提供了在最早时点进入交易的机会,也许并不总是用你全部的头寸,但你可以通过利用骗局区域逐步进入交易来降低你的平均成本基础。一旦股票在暂停区域的高点之上交易,它就已经转向;它可能已经触及低点,并将恢复长期的第二阶段主要趋势。
The cheat setup has the same qualifications as the classic cup with handle because it’s simply the cup portion being completed. To qualify, the stock should have already moved up by at least 25 to 100 percent-and in some cases by 200 or 300 percent-during the previous 3 to 36 months of trading. The stock should also be trading above its upwardly trending 200-day moving average (provided that 200 days of trading in the stock has occurred). The pattern can form in as few as 3 weeks to as many as 45 weeks 骗局设置与经典的带把杯形图案具有相同的资格,因为它只是杯形部分的完成。要符合资格,股票在过去 3 到 36 个月的交易中应该已经上涨至少 25%到 100%,在某些情况下甚至达到 200%或 300%。股票还应该在其向上趋势的 200 日移动平均线之上交易(前提是该股票已经进行了 200 天的交易)。该图案可以在短至 3 周到长达 45 周内形成。
Figure 10.52 Google (GOOG) 2004 图 10.52 谷歌 (GOOG) 2004
In September 2004, Google formed a rare low cheat pivot point. It rose 600 percent in 38 weeks. 2004 年 9 月,谷歌形成了一个罕见的低位作弊支点。在 38 周内上涨了 600%。
(most are 7 to 25 weeks in duration). The correction from peak to low point varies from 15 or 20 percent to 35 or 40 percent in some cases and as much as 50 percent, depending on the general market conditions. Corrections in excess of 60 percent are too deep and are extremely prone to failure. It is common for a cheat setup to develop during a general market correction. The most powerful stocks will rally off this pattern just as the general market averages turn up from a correction or at least close to the same time. (大多数持续时间为 7 到 25 周)。从峰值到低点的修正幅度在 15%或 20%到 35%或 40%之间,在某些情况下甚至高达 50%,这取决于整体市场状况。超过 60%的修正幅度过深,极易导致失败。在一般市场修正期间,出现作弊形态是很常见的。最强劲的股票将在这一形态上反弹,就像整体市场平均值在修正后反弹或至少在同一时间接近反弹一样。
Making the Turn 转折点
A. Downtrend. The stock will experience an intermediate-term price correction that takes place within the context of a longerterm stage 2 uptrend. This leg down can happen over a number of weeks or months, and it is normal to experience large price spikes along the downtrend on increased volume. A. 下行趋势。股票将在长期的第二阶段上升趋势中经历一次中期价格修正。这一波下跌可能会持续数周或数月,并且在下行趋势中,通常会伴随大量价格波动和成交量的增加。
B. Uptrend. The price will attempt to rally and break its downtrend. You do not want to buy just yet; it’s too early. At this point, the price and volume action lacks the necessary confirmation that the stock has bottomed and entered a new uptrend. The price will start to run up the right side, usually recouping about onethird to one-half its previous decline; however, overhead supply created during the intermediate downtrend will typically be strong enough to stall the price advance and create a pause or pullback. B. 上行趋势。价格将尝试反弹并打破下行趋势。此时你不想立即买入;时机还不成熟。在这一阶段,价格和成交量的表现缺乏必要的确认,无法证明股票已经触底并进入新的上行趋势。价格将开始在右侧上涨,通常会收复之前下跌的约三分之一到一半;然而,在中期下行趋势中形成的上方供应通常会足够强大,以阻碍价格的上涨并造成暂停或回调。
C. Pause. The stock will pause over a number of days or weeks and form a plateau area (the cheat), which should be contained within 5 percent to 10 percent from high point to low point. The optimum situation is to have the cheat drift down to where the price drops below a prior low point, creating a shakeout, exactly the same thing you would want to see during the formation of a handle in a cup-with-handle pattern. At this point, the stock is set up and ready to be purchased as it moves above the high of the pause. A typical sign that indicates that the stock is ready to break out is when volume dries up dramatically, accompanied by tightness in price. C. 暂停。股票将在数天或数周内暂停,并形成一个平台区域(作弊),该区域的高点和低点之间应保持在 5%到 10%之内。最佳情况是作弊逐渐下滑,价格跌破之前的低点,形成一次洗盘,这正是你希望在杯柄形态形成时看到的情况。在这一点上,股票已经准备好,可以在其价格突破暂停的高点时进行购买。一个典型的迹象表明股票准备突破是当成交量显著减少,同时价格紧缩。
Figure 10.53 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010 图 10.53 Cirrus Logic (CRUS) 2010
In March 2010, Cirrus Logic makes the turn as it rallies above the cheat area. 2010 年 3 月,Cirrus Logic 在突破作弊区后开始反弹。
D. Breakout. As the stock rallies above the high of the plateau area, you place your buy order. The stock is now deemed to have made the turn, meaning that it probably has made its low and the intermediate-term trend is now up and back in sync with the longer-term stage 2 primary trend. D. 突破。当股票突破平台区域的高点时,您下达买入订单。股票现在被认为已经转向,这意味着它可能已经触及低点,中期趋势现在向上,并且与长期的第二阶段主要趋势重新同步。
Why Wait for the Turn? 为什么要等待转折?
When a stock has been moving in one direction, a trendline can be drawn by connecting significant highs or lows. The typical rationale is that as long as the stock price doesn’t break through the trendline—rising above it during a downtrend or breaking below it during an uptrend-the trend continues. Then, when the trendline is “broken” because of a change in direction, a new trend is thought to be in place. Why not just buy when the stock breaks its trendline? Doesn’t that mean that a new trend has begun? The problem is that although the trendline has been broken, this could be a temporary phe- 当一只股票一直朝一个方向移动时,可以通过连接显著的高点或低点来绘制趋势线。通常的理由是,只要股票价格没有突破趋势线——在下跌趋势中上涨超过它,或在上涨趋势中跌破它——趋势就会持续。然后,当趋势线因为方向的变化而“被打破”时,就认为新的趋势已经形成。为什么不在股票突破趋势线时就买入呢?这难道不意味着新的趋势已经开始吗?问题在于,尽管趋势线已经被打破,这可能只是一个暂时的现象。
nomenon. Instead of starting a new trend, the stock could just have made a momentary move in the other direction until the prevailing trend resumes, sometimes with even wider volatility, which often happens. 现象。股票可能并没有开启一个新趋势,而只是暂时向相反方向移动,直到主导趋势恢复,有时甚至伴随着更大的波动,这种情况经常发生。
Countertrend volatility is common. This raises the question: How can you tell when a new trend is in force? The answer is to wait for the stock to turn. The most dangerous time to trade is when a stock is trying to bottom. This tends to be a very volatile period for stocks. When a stock is searching for a bottom, it can whip back and forth violently. Trying to pick a low can be very frustrating and costly. Repeated triggers of your stop-loss protection during a whipsaw environment inflict repeated small losses that can add up over time. Often a stock will appear as if it is bottoming by breaking its downtrend, only to reverse and then take out the previous low, defining a new downtrend. As volatility widens, this can occur over and over. We want to avoid this. You can increase the odds of success by waiting for the stock to turn, which will lessen the chance of failure (although it won’t eliminate it). The odds increase dramatically in your favor if you wait for the stock not only to rally and break its downtrend but for the price to pause and then follow through before you place a trade. This also gives the stock more time to bottom and complete an orderly correction. Don’t buy just because a trendline is breached; wait for the stock to turn. The spot to begin buying is just as the high of the pause is taken out. This could occur at the cheat area or the handle. 反趋势波动是常见的。这引发了一个问题:你如何判断一个新趋势是否已经形成?答案是等待股票反转。交易的最危险时刻是当一只股票试图触底时。这通常是股票非常波动的时期。当一只股票在寻找底部时,它可能会剧烈地上下波动。试图抄底可能会非常令人沮丧且代价高昂。在波动环境中,止损保护的重复触发会造成反复的小损失,这些损失随着时间的推移会累积。通常,一只股票看似通过打破下行趋势而触底,结果却反转并突破之前的低点,定义了一个新的下行趋势。随着波动性的加大,这种情况可能会一再发生。我们希望避免这种情况。通过等待股票反转,你可以增加成功的几率,这将减少失败的可能性(尽管不会消除它)。如果你等待股票不仅反弹并打破下行趋势,而且价格暂停后再继续上涨再进行交易,你的成功几率会大幅增加。这也给股票更多的时间来触底并完成有序的修正。 不要仅仅因为趋势线被突破就买入;要等到股票反转。开始买入的时机是当暂停的高点被突破时。这可能发生在作弊区或把手处。
The Livermore System 利弗莫尔系统
The legendary trader Jesse Livermore had a system of buying and selling when a stock changed direction, but only if the stock followed through. Livermore only took positions in the direction of his trade. By waiting for a stock’s price to confirm a new uptrend, he avoided being whipsawed on every minor countertrend rally. Instead, Livermore waited for the trend to be broken and two reactionary pullbacks to take place; then, as the stock traded above the second reaction high, he would enter a trade. This was Livermore’s version of the turn. Livermore used this technique to make more money than any other trader ever. 传奇交易员杰西·利弗莫尔有一个在股票方向变化时买入和卖出的系统,但前提是股票必须跟随其方向。利弗莫尔只在其交易方向上持有头寸。通过等待股票价格确认新的上升趋势,他避免了在每次小幅反趋势反弹时被震荡。相反,利弗莫尔等待趋势被打破并发生两次反应性回调;然后,当股票交易超过第二个反应高点时,他会进入交易。这是利弗莫尔的转折版本。利弗莫尔利用这一技术赚的钱比其他任何交易员都多。
Figure 10.54 Example of the Livermore trading system 图 10.54 利弗莫尔交易系统示例
Jesse Livermore used pivot points (PP) for entry levels. Livermore never bought at the low; he waited for a change in trend and then starting buying on evidence that the trend was continuing (i.e., waiting for the high to be taken out after a natural reaction). 杰西·利弗莫尔使用支点(PP)作为入场水平。利弗莫尔从不在最低点买入;他等待趋势的变化,然后在趋势继续的证据出现后开始买入(即,等待高点被突破后自然反弹)。
The Failure Reset 失败重置
The fact that you get stopped out of a stock doesn’t necessarily mean the underlying fundamentals are bad or the trade has soured; you may just be the victim of a shakeout. If I am knocked out of a stock, I keep the stock on my radar to see if it resets technically. At times the subsequent setup is actually better than the first chart pattern, with an even higher probability of success than what triggered my first entry. The fact that it had a shakeout could turn out to be constructive for the stock going forward. This is what I call a failure reset, which comes in two forms: a base failure, which requires building a whole new base before it can be purchased again, and a pivot failure, which can reset and recover within a small number of days. 你被止损出局并不一定意味着基本面不好或交易已经恶化;你可能只是遭遇了洗盘。如果我被止损出局,我会继续关注这只股票,看看它是否在技术上重新调整。有时,后续的形态实际上比第一次的图表模式更好,成功的概率甚至更高。这次洗盘可能会对股票未来的发展产生积极影响。这就是我所称的失败重置,分为两种形式:基础失败,需要重新建立一个全新的基础才能再次购买;而枢轴失败,则可以在短短几天内重置和恢复。
Some of my biggest winners were stocks that stopped me out and then reset. Of course, not all failed setups will reset. 我的一些最大赢家是那些让我止损出局然后重新调整的股票。当然,并不是所有失败的形态都会重新调整。
In October 2010, MELI emerged into new high ground, coming out of a primary base (the first buyable base after an IPO). Nine days later the stock was down 15 percent, enough to stop out most traders. However, if you kept this name on your watch list, you would have watched it reset in December 2010, and you could have made a very nice profit, as I did. Don’t discard a stock just because it stops you out; if the fundamentals remain intact, stay on the lookout for a failure reset. 在 2010 年 10 月,MELI 突破了新高,走出了一个主要的底部(IPO 后的第一个可买入底部)。九天后,股票下跌了 15%,足以让大多数交易者止损。然而,如果你将这个股票保持在观察名单上,你会看到它在 2010 年 12 月重新调整,并且你可以像我一样获得非常不错的利润。不要因为股票止损就抛弃它;如果基本面保持不变,继续关注失败的重置。
The Failure (Pivot) Reset 失败(支点)重置
The failure pivot reset is similar to the base reset, except that it occurs during the formation of the entry point over a shorter period of time than the base reset. A pivot failure doesn’t necessarily cause an outright base failure, instead, it can reset a new entry point usually within a number of days or weeks. 失败支点重置类似于基础重置,只是它发生在形成入场点的过程中,时间比基础重置短。支点失败并不一定导致基础失败,相反,它可以在通常几天或几周内重置一个新的入场点。
Figure 10.58 Southwestern Energy Co. (SWN) 2004 图 10.58 西南能源公司(SWN)2004 年
In March 2004, Southwestern Energy attempted to break out from a handle, squatted, and then undercut the low in the handle creating a shakeout; five trading days later the stock reset and reemerged. 2004 年 3 月,西南能源试图从一个把手突破,随后下探并突破把手的低点,造成了震荡;五个交易日后,股票重置并重新出现。
One of the most important setups you can learn to distinguish is the power play, which is also referred to as a high tight flag. This is without a doubt the most misinterpreted price setup among all the technical patterns. However, it is also one of the most profitable. The power play is what I call a velocity pattern for two reasons. First, it takes a great deal of momentum to qualify; in fact, the first requirement is a sharp price thrust upward. Second, these setups can move the fastest in the shortest period of time; velocity begets more velocity. This pattern often signals a dramatic shift in the prospects of a company. The rapid price run-up could be induced by a major news development such as an FDA drug approval, litigation resolution, a new product or service announcement, or even an earnings report; it can also occur 你可以学习区分的最重要的设置之一是力量形态,这也被称为高紧旗形。这无疑是所有技术模式中最被误解的价格设置。然而,它也是最有利可图的之一。力量形态是我所称的速度模式,原因有两个。首先,它需要大量的动量来符合条件;事实上,第一个要求是价格迅速向上冲击。其次,这些设置可以在最短的时间内移动得最快;速度产生更多的速度。这个模式通常预示着公司前景的戏剧性转变。快速的价格上涨可能是由于重大新闻发展引起的,例如 FDA 药物批准、诉讼解决、新产品或服务公告,甚至是财报;它也可能发生。
Figure 10.60 TASER Intl. Inc.(TASR) 2004 图 10.60 TASER 国际公司(TASR)2004
A strong prior uptrend, tight price action, and extreme volume contraction formed the perfect setup for an imminent explosion to the upside. Most investors probably thought this stock looked too high and risky. It rose 329 percent in 16 weeks. 强劲的先前上升趋势、紧凑的价格走势和极端的成交量收缩形成了即将向上爆发的完美设置。大多数投资者可能认为这只股票看起来太高且风险太大。它在 16 周内上涨了 329%。
on no news at all. Some of the best trades from this setup can develop as unexplained strength. Therefore, this is the only situation I will enter with a dearth of fundamentals. It doesn’t mean that improving fundamentals don’t exist; very often they do. However, with the power play, the stock is exhibiting so much strength that it’s telling you that something is going on regardless of what the current earnings and sales are showing you. The stock is discounting something major. Although I don’t demand that a power play have fundamentals on the table, I do require it to display VCP characteristics just as I do with all the other setups. Even the power play must go through a proper digestion of supply and demand. 完全没有任何消息。有些最佳交易可以在这种情况下发展为无法解释的强势。因此,这将是我在缺乏基本面时唯一会进入的情况。这并不意味着改善的基本面不存在;通常情况下,它们确实存在。然而,在强势交易中,股票表现出如此强劲的势头,告诉你无论当前的收益和销售数据如何,都有一些事情正在发生。股票正在折现一些重大事件。尽管我不要求强势交易必须有基本面,但我确实要求它展示 VCP 特征,就像我对所有其他交易设置一样。即使是强势交易也必须经历适当的供需消化。
Figure 10.61 Quality Systems, Inc. (QSII) 1995 图 10.61 质量系统公司(QSII)1995 年
In September 1995, Quality Systems setup as a power play with classic VCP characteristics and strong accelerating earnings leading up to a successful breakout. It rose 127 percent in 66 days. 1995 年 9 月,Quality Systems 作为一个强势股的典型 VCP 特征和强劲的加速收益而成立,成功突破后上涨了 127%,在 66 天内实现。
To qualify as a power play, the following criteria must be met: 要符合强势股的标准,必须满足以下条件:
An explosive price move commences on huge volume that shoots the stock price up 100 percent or more in less than eight weeks. This generally occurs after a period of relative dormancy. 一次爆炸性的价格波动在巨大的成交量下开始,股票价格在不到八周的时间内上涨 100%或更多。这通常发生在相对沉寂的时期之后。
The stock price then moves sideways in a relatively tight range, not correcting more than 20 to 25 percent over a period of three to six weeks (some can emerge after only 12 days). 股票价格随后在相对狭窄的区间内横盘整理,期间回调不超过 20%到 25%,持续三到六周(有些可能在仅仅 12 天后出现)。
There is very tight price action that doesn’t correct the stock more than 10 percent, or the stock must display VCP characteristics. 股票的价格波动非常紧凑,回调不超过 10%,或者股票必须显示 VCP 特征。
Figure 10.62 In December 1997, I purchased shares of Best Buy Co. 图 10.62 在 1997 年 12 月,我购买了 Best Buy Co.的股票。
Note the lowest volume and super tight price action the day before the stock breaks out. It rose 947 percent in 19 months. 注意在股票突破前一天的最低成交量和极其紧凑的价格走势。它在 19 个月内上涨了 947%。
Figure 10.63 Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ARNA) 2012 图 10.63 Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ARNA) 2012
Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. offered two viable buy points; first at the turn and then emerging from the handle. It rose 70 percent in nine days. 阿瑞纳制药公司提供了两个可行的买入点;首先是在转折点,然后是从把手中突破。它在九天内上涨了 70%。
Fundamentally Sound versus Price-Ready 基本面良好与价格准备就绪
The fact that a company has met all of your fundamental criteria does not mean that you should necessarily run out and buy it right away. Even if your fundamental analysis of the company is spot on, to make big money, your analysis of investor perception also needs to be accurate and timed correctly. Often a company will deliver one or two great quarterly earnings reports while the stock is still in a correction or consolidation. The stock price may have already run up in anticipation, and it simply needs time to digest the advance while earnings catch up, or perhaps the overall market is in a correction, holding it back. Be patient. Keep the stock on your radar and wait for its price and volume characteristics to set up properly. The key to making big money in stocks is to align supporting fundamentals with constructive price action during a healthy overall market environment. You want all the forces behind you: fundamental, technical, and market tone. A 一家公司满足了你所有的基本面标准,并不意味着你应该立刻去买它。即使你对公司的基本面分析非常准确,要赚大钱,你对投资者认知的分析也需要准确并且时机得当。通常,一家公司会在股票仍处于调整或整合阶段时发布一两个优秀的季度财报。股票价格可能已经在预期中上涨,而它只是需要时间来消化这一涨幅,同时财报也需要跟上,或者整体市场可能正在调整,导致其受阻。要有耐心。将这只股票保持在你的关注列表上,等待其价格和成交量特征适当地形成。赚取股票大钱的关键是将支持的基本面与健康整体市场环境中的建设性价格行动对齐。你希望所有的力量都在你这边:基本面、技术面和市场氛围。
stock can be fundamentally sound but not price-ready, meaning that supply and demand dynamics have not yet established the line of least resistance. A good company is not always a good stock. It’s important that you learn to differentiate between the two. 股票可能在基本面上是健康的,但并不一定在价格上准备好,这意味着供需动态尚未建立出最小阻力线。一个好的公司不一定是一个好的股票。重要的是你要学会区分二者。
It doesn’t really matter what you think about a stock. What matters is what big institutions think, because they are the ones that can move a stock’s price dramatically. Therefore, it’s your job to find the companies that institutions perceive as valuable. 你对一只股票的看法并不重要。重要的是大型机构的看法,因为他们才是能够大幅度影响股票价格的人。因此,你的工作是找到那些机构认为有价值的公司。
After Dick’s Sporting Goods (DKS) issued positive guidance, a strong response in its stock price put the stock on my watch list. Once it delivered the strong earnings promised and the stock held up technically, I moved its status up to buy alert. A few weeks later, constructive price action forged the setup I was waiting for, and I purchased the stock as it emerged from a proper consolidation. 在迪克体育用品公司(DKS)发布积极的指引后,其股价的强劲反应使该股票进入了我的观察名单。一旦它实现了强劲的收益承诺,并且股票在技术上保持稳定,我就将其状态提升为买入警报。几周后,建设性的价格走势形成了我所等待的设置,我在股票从适当的整合中突破时购买了该股票。
Let us say that a new stock has been listed in the last two or three years and its high was 20 , or any other figure, and that such a price was made two or three years ago. If something favorable happens in connection with the company, and the stock starts upward, usually it is a safe play to buy the minute it touches a brand new high. 假设一只新股票在过去两三年内上市,其最高价为 20,或其他任何数字,并且这个价格是在两三年前达到的。如果与公司有关的事情发生了有利的变化,股票开始上涨,通常在它触及全新高点的那一刻买入是一个安全的选择。
-Jesse Livermore, 1930 -杰西·利弗莫尔,1930 年
AS A DISCIPLINED TRADER, you must chart a narrow course in your quest to score the richest return in the shortest amount of time. You should buy a stock only when you believe that enough factors have converged into an optimal setup for an imminent explosion in share price. A vital ingredient in my entry setups is youth. Some of the most exciting trading opportunities reside in newly public entrepreneurial companies: firms that have gone public within the past few months to a year or two. As a matter of fact, history shows that most superperformers go public within 8 to 10 years before the start of their superperformance phase. But youth alone doesn’t cut it; I want youth with character! Along with sound fundamentals, the type of character I’m referring to becomes evident with a price setup termed the primary base. 作为一名有纪律的交易者,你必须在追求在最短时间内获得最高回报的过程中保持狭窄的航向。你应该仅在相信足够的因素汇聚成一个即将爆发股价的最佳设置时才买入股票。我进入设置中的一个重要成分是年轻。最令人兴奋的交易机会往往存在于新上市的创业公司中:那些在过去几个月到一两年内上市的公司。事实上,历史表明,大多数超级表现者在其超级表现阶段开始前的 8 到 10 年内上市。但仅有年轻是不够的;我想要的是有个性的年轻!除了良好的基本面外,我所指的那种个性在一种称为“主要底部”的价格设置中变得显而易见。
The Primary Base 主要基础
Every bull market is represented by a handful of leadership stocks that were recent IPOs. Generally, a stock will go public, rally strongly on the initial offering, and maybe even rally for several weeks or months. What usually follows is profit taking by those who made some quick and relatively easy money. This will cause the stock to correct. To attract my interest, a new issue must prove its mettle in the market with at least a couple of months of trading activity. Proof comes in the form of a primary base: the first buyable base after a company has gone public. The base forms during a corrective period of three weeks or longer that is followed by the emergence to an all-time high or from a constructive consolidation near the stock’s all-time high. 每个牛市都由一小部分领导股票代表,这些股票通常是最近的首次公开募股(IPO)。一般来说,一只股票会公开上市,在首次发行时强劲上涨,甚至可能在接下来的几周或几个月内继续上涨。通常随之而来的是那些快速且相对轻松赚钱的投资者的获利了结。这将导致股票回调。为了引起我的兴趣,一只新发行的股票必须在市场上证明其实力,至少要有几个月的交易活动。证明的形式是主要基础:公司上市后的第一个可买入的基础。该基础是在三周或更长的修正期内形成的,随后是达到历史新高或从接近股票历史新高的建设性整合中出现。
During the recovery phase in which it recoups lost ground, the stock breaks into new high territory. Over the course of a long advance, a leading stock will form many such bases or consolidations. It will weather the ensuing profit taking and sell-offs and then proceed to new price highs. The primary base is simply the first occurrence of this bullish chart pattern in a stock’s trading history. Stocks that began phenomenal advances from primary bases include Yahoo!, eBay, Google, Starbucks, Reebok, Microsoft, and Intel, as well as Amazon.com and Research in Motion, to name a few. 在恢复阶段,股票重新夺回失去的地盘,突破新的高点。在漫长的上涨过程中,领先股票将形成许多这样的底部或整合。它将经受随之而来的获利了结和抛售,然后继续达到新的价格高点。主要底部只是股票交易历史中首次出现这种看涨图表形态。那些从主要底部开始显著上涨的股票包括 Yahoo!、eBay、Google、Starbucks、Reebok、Microsoft 和 Intel,以及 Amazon.com 和 Research in Motion 等。
The primary base points to the possible future direction of a stock from its price and volume history, but the primary base has deep roots in so-called corporate fundamentals as well as the stock’s market action. The biggest part of a company’s growth usually occurs in the first 5 to 10 years after the company issues common stock and goes public. That’s when the company’s products or services are expanding into new, untapped markets fueled by the cash raised in the public offering. This crucial period is when management tends to be at its entrepreneurial best. As sales expand and economies of scale improve, margins are boosted and profit growth accelerates. 股票未来可能方向的主要基点来自其价格和成交量历史,但主要基点深深根植于所谓的公司基本面以及股票的市场行为。公司的增长通常在公司发行普通股并上市后的前 5 到 10 年内发生最大部分。这段时间是公司产品或服务扩展到新的、未开发市场的时期,这一切都得益于在公开募股中筹集的资金。这一关键时期是管理层表现出其创业精神的最佳时机。随着销售的扩大和规模经济的改善,利润率提高,利润增长加速。
Remember, the fact that a company has recently gone public doesn’t necessarily mean that it has been in business only for a short period. Some companies operate successfully as private organizations for many decades before they go public, whereas others are brand new start-ups in new industries. Eighty percent of the stock market winners that drove the tech boom during the 1990s were IPOs within the prior eight years. Amazon went 请记住,一家公司最近上市并不一定意味着它只经营了短时间。有些公司在上市前作为私营组织成功运营了几十年,而另一些则是在新行业中的全新初创公司。在 1990 年代推动科技繁荣的股票市场赢家中,有 80%是在过去八年内上市的公司。亚马逊上市了。
Figure 11.1 Amazon.com (AMZN) 1997 图 11.1 亚马逊公司(AMZN)1997 年
In September of 1997, Amazon emerged from a primary base and rose 2,500 percent in 16 months. 1997 年 9 月,亚马逊从一个主要的基础中崛起,在 16 个月内上涨了 2500%。
public in May 1997, formed a primary base, and emerged into new high ground less than four months later in September 1997. Sixteen months later, Amazon’s stock was 2,500 percent higher than its highest price coming out of its primary base. 1997 年 5 月公开上市,形成了一个主要的基础,并在 1997 年 9 月不到四个月后突破了新高。十六个月后,亚马逊的股票比其从主要基础中突破时的最高价高出 2500%。
Allow a Primary Base to Develop 允许主要基础发展
Once a stock goes public, it may shoot straight up 25 percent, 50 percent, 100 percent, or even more, sometimes during its very first trading day. Or the new issue may sell off sharply soon after its debut. This was the case for the much anticipated Facebook IPO in 2012. On its first day of public trading Facebook’s stock traded as high as $45\$ 45 a share, but by the end of the day’s session the stock closed at $38.23\$ 38.23; 12 days later it was trading 43 percent off its high at $25.52\$ 25.52. Facebook never set up properly and then corrected excessively, rendering it unbuyable. 一旦一只股票上市,它可能在其首次交易日内直线上涨 25%、50%、100%或更多。有时新发行的股票在首次亮相后会迅速下跌。这就是 2012 年备受期待的 Facebook IPO 的情况。在公开交易的第一天,Facebook 的股票交易价格高达 $45\$ 45 美元,但到当天交易结束时,股票收盘价为 $38.23\$ 38.23 ;12 天后,它的交易价格比最高点低了 43%,为 $25.52\$ 25.52 。Facebook 从未正确建立基础,随后又过度修正,导致无法购买。
Before I buy a recent new issue, a stock must have a minimum trading history: a primary base. Some IPOs can take up to a year or more to form a proper base. In most cases, you should insist that the stock put in a base of at 在我购买最近的新发行股票之前,这只股票必须有最低的交易历史:一个主要的基础。一些 IPO 可能需要一年或更长时间才能形成一个合适的基础。在大多数情况下,你应该坚持要求这只股票建立一个基础。
Figure 11.2 Facebook (FB) 2012 图 11.2 Facebook (FB) 2012
After its IPO, Facebook failed to set up properly and corrected excessively, rendering it unbuyable. 在首次公开募股后,Facebook 未能正确建立,并且过度修正,使其无法购买。
least three to five weeks and not correct more than 25 to 35 percent to be reliable. Corrections that last longer (usually around one year) sometimes result in a decline of as much as 50 percent, yet the setup can still be sound. Shorter three-week consolidations should not correct more than 25 percent. Let’s say you spot a promising new issue. The company has an exciting new product or service. Sales growth and earnings growth are accelerating. Now you must wait for the market to confirm your fundamental belief. Your opinion about a company is worthless unless it is verified by the price action of the stock. As the technical pioneer Jesse Livermore wrote: “Apply strict attention to the action of the market itself. Markets are never wrong-opinions often are.” That confirmation will display itself in the stock’s successful emergence to new high ground from its first viable consolidation: the primary base. 至少三到五周,并且修正幅度不超过 25%到 35%才算可靠。持续时间更长的修正(通常约为一年)有时会导致高达 50%的下跌,但这种形态仍然可以是合理的。较短的三周整合不应修正超过 25%。假设你发现了一个有前景的新问题。该公司有一款令人兴奋的新产品或服务。销售增长和盈利增长正在加速。现在你必须等待市场确认你的基本信念。你对一家公司的看法是毫无价值的,除非它通过股票的价格走势得到验证。正如技术先驱杰西·利弗莫尔所写:“严格关注市场本身的行动。市场从不错误——意见往往是错误的。”这种确认将在股票成功突破其第一个有效整合的高点时显现出来:主要基础。
A Primary Base Few Would Consider 很少有人会考虑的主要基础
In 1997, I couldn’t get anyone to even consider, let alone buy, Yahoo!. However, after the stock went up tenfold in 1999, I couldn’t get the same 在 1997 年,我无法让任何人考虑,更不用说购买雅虎了。然而,在 1999 年股票上涨十倍后,我却无法得到同样的关注。
Figure 11.3 Yahoo (YHOO) 1997 图 11.3 雅虎(YHOO)1997 年
Yahoo emerged as a market leader in a relatively new industry group called Internet providers. It rose 7,800 percent in 29 months. 雅虎在一个相对较新的行业组——互联网服务提供商中崭露头角。它在 29 个月内上涨了 7800%。
people to sell the stock after they bought late and the story had become obvious to everyone. Suddenly everyone had to own Yahoo!, America Online, Qualcomm, Nokia, Oracle, and a host of other names that a year or two earlier had fallen on deaf ears. When the timing was perfect, no one wanted to hear about them because the names weren’t familiar and they were trading at what looked like high multiples. Many of these stocks were emerging when the market had just suffered a bear market decline and the world was focused on the Asian crisis. In July 1997, I bought Yahoo!. The stock emerged from a primary base and rocketed 7,800 percent in 29 months. Yahoo! emerged as a market leader in a relatively new industry group called Internet providers. 人们在买入后卖出股票,因为故事对每个人来说变得显而易见。突然间,每个人都必须拥有雅虎、美国在线、高通、诺基亚、甲骨文以及其他许多一两年前还鲜有人问津的名字。当时机完美时,没有人想听到这些名字,因为这些名字并不熟悉,而且它们的交易倍数看起来很高。许多这些股票是在市场刚经历熊市下跌、世界关注亚洲危机时出现的。1997 年 7 月,我买入了雅虎。这只股票从一个主要底部崛起,在 29 个月内飙升了 7800%。雅虎在一个相对较新的行业组——互联网服务提供商中崭露头角。
California-based Rambus Inc. invented a new design that allowed computer memory chips to speed the flow of instructions to microprocessors. The technology got a powerful boost from the chip titan Intel, which needed faster memory chips to keep up with the increasing speeds of microproces- 加利福尼亚州的 Rambus 公司发明了一种新设计,使计算机内存芯片能够加快指令流向微处理器的速度。这项技术得到了芯片巨头英特尔的强力支持,后者需要更快的内存芯片以跟上微处理器速度的不断提升。
Figure 11.4 Rambus, Inc. 1997 图 11.4 Rambus, Inc. 1997
Rambus rose 150 percent in nine weeks and 1,450 percent in 37 months. Rambus 在九周内上涨了 150%,在 37 个月内上涨了 1450%。
sors. Rambus went public on May 14, 1997 (point A). The stock made a huge advance the day of the IPO, closing strong. The price then traded sideways for about five weeks. Rambus broke to a new high emerging from a primary base on June 16, 1997 (point B). The stock blasted off over the next four days. It peaked on June 19 (point C) before settling into a second sideways consolidation, which lasted about six weeks. On July 29, the stock cleared another new high, emerging from a second stage base (point D) which set the stage for another powerful run that sent the price up dramatically once again. Rambus is a classic example of a primary base that provided a stellar investment opportunity for a watchful investor as well as several trading opportunities. Rambus 于 1997 年 5 月 14 日上市(A 点)。在 IPO 当天,股票大幅上涨,收盘强劲。随后价格横盘交易了大约五周。Rambus 在 1997 年 6 月 16 日突破新高,走出一个主要底部(B 点)。接下来的四天里,股票大幅上涨。它在 6 月 19 日达到了峰值(C 点),然后进入了第二次横盘整理,持续了大约六周。7 月 29 日,股票突破了另一个新高,走出第二阶段底部(D 点),为另一次强劲上涨奠定了基础,再次将价格大幅推高。Rambus 是一个经典的主要底部示例,为警觉的投资者提供了绝佳的投资机会,以及多个交易机会。
Body Central Corp.
In December 2011, while Christmas shopping in a mall, I spotted the retailer Body Central (BODY/Nasdaq). The trendy store caught my attention as a cookie cutter retailing model. Upon further investigation, I learned it had a solid Internet business as well. Most important, it was delivering the goods; the company reported huge earnings increases in the most recent quarters. Even more interesting was the fact that the stock had gone public only a couple of months earlier. To me, this smelled like opportunity. When I 2011 年 12 月,在购物中心圣诞购物时,我发现了零售商 Body Central(BODY/Nasdaq)。这家时尚商店吸引了我的注意,因为它是一种千篇一律的零售模式。经过进一步调查,我了解到它也有一个稳固的互联网业务。最重要的是,它的业绩表现出色;公司在最近几个季度报告了巨大的盈利增长。更有趣的是,这只股票仅在几个月前上市。对我来说,这闻起来像是一个机会。当我
Figure 11.5 Body Central (BODY) 2011 图 11.5 Body Central(BODY)2011
In January 2011, Body Central emerged from a primary base and rose 105 percent in 15 months. 2011 年 1 月,Body Central 从一个主要底部出现,15 个月内上涨了 105%。
looked at a chart of the stock’s price action, I immediately got excited. The stock was setting up perfectly in a primary base. I watched it for a couple of weeks, and on January 5, 2011, the stock started moving up on good vol- 看着这只股票的价格走势图,我立刻感到兴奋。这只股票在一个主要底部完美地设置。我观察了几周,2011 年 1 月 5 日,这只股票在良好的成交量下开始上涨。
Figure 11.6 Dick’s Sporting goods (DKS) 2003 图 11.6 迪克体育用品(DKS)2003
In April 2003, Dick’s Sporting Goods emerged from a primary base and rose 200 percent in 15 months. 2003 年 4 月,迪克体育用品从一个主要底部突破,15 个月内上涨了 200%。
Figure 11.7 Juniper Networks (JNPR) 1999 图 11.7 Juniper Networks (JNPR) 1999
In July 1999, Juniper Networks emerged from a primary base and rose 500 percent in 8 months. 1999 年 7 月,Juniper Networks 从一个主要的基础中崛起,在 8 个月内上涨了 500%。
ume. The price consolidation was sound, the earnings were strong, the company was relatively small with a scalable business, and management seemed to be doing the right things, and so I took my position. The stock advanced more than 100 percent over the next 15 months. During the same period, the Nasdaq Composite Index was up less than 10 percent. 价格整合良好,收益强劲,公司相对较小,具有可扩展的业务,管理层似乎在做正确的事情,因此我决定入场。在接下来的 15 个月里,股票上涨了超过 100%。在同一时期,纳斯达克综合指数上涨不到 10%。
Not Every Frog Becomes a Prince 不是每只青蛙都能变成王子
Not every stock that makes a new high from a primary base turns out to be a big winner, and although a proper primary base affords an investor some of the best odds to participate during the majority of a big move, there is no guarantee of catching a stock as it begins a large-scale advance. Therefore, you must always be prepared with an exit plan to cut your losses if a primary base turns against you. 并不是每只从主要底部创出新高的股票都会成为大赢家,尽管适当的主要底部为投资者提供了在大幅上涨期间参与的最佳机会之一,但并不能保证能在股票开始大规模上涨时抓住它。因此,您必须始终准备好退出计划,以便在主要底部对您不利时止损。
In January 2006, I bought shares of iRobot as the stock was emerging from a primary base. Shortly after that purchase, the stock came off, couldn’t rally, and then began to sell off even more. I sold the stock at a small 在 2006 年 1 月,我购买了 iRobot 的股票,当时该股票正从一个主要底部中走出。就在那次购买后不久,股票下跌,无法反弹,然后开始进一步下跌。我以小幅亏损卖出了这只股票。
Figure 11.8 iRobot (IRBT) 2005-2007 图 11.8 iRobot(IRBT)2005-2007
iRobot’s primary base failed and the stock sold off 65 percent from its peak. iRobot 的主要基础失败,股票从峰值下跌了 65%。
loss. Good thing I did, IRBT went into a precipitous slide that took the stock from a peak above $37\$ 37 a share to just $7\$ 7. I was able to cut my loss short and avoid a big loss because I followed rules and didn’t allow my judgment to become clouded by personal opinions or emotions. 损失。好在我及时采取了行动,IRBT 的股价急剧下滑,从每股超过 $37\$ 37 跌至仅 $7\$ 7 。我能够及时止损,避免了重大损失,因为我遵循了规则,没有让个人意见或情绪影响我的判断。
From Innovator to Respirator 从创新者到呼吸器
Just as styles in women’s gowns and hats and costume jewelry are forever changing with time, the old leaders of the stock market are dropped and new ones rise up to take their places. In the course of time new leaders will come to the front: some of the old leaders will be dropped. It will always be that way as long as there is a stock market. Keep mentally flexible. Remember the leaders of today may not be the leaders two years from now. 就像女性的礼服、帽子和饰品的风格随着时间不断变化一样,股市的老领导者被淘汰,新的领导者崛起,取而代之。随着时间的推移,新的领导者将会出现:一些老领导者将被淘汰。这种情况将一直存在,只要股市存在。保持心理灵活。记住,今天的领导者可能在两年后就不再是领导者了。
-Jesse Livermore -杰西·利弗莫尔
The Richmond, Virginia-based big-box retailer Circuit City filed for bankruptcy in 2008. Circuit City was a pioneer among superstores, and its stock 位于弗吉尼亚州里士满的大型零售商电路城于 2008 年申请破产。电路城是超级商店的先驱,其股票
price soared during the 1980s and 1990s, up over 6,000 percent during a 10-year run. In fact, from 1981 through 2000, Circuit City’s stock price advanced more than 63,000 percent. Although Circuit City was one of the nation’s strongest retailers in the 1980s, it made a series of critical missteps that accumulated over time. Its best growth came during the period when the company was relatively small, and its problems accelerated as it grew much larger. In 2008, Circuit City was still the nation’s second largest dedicated consumer electronics retailer after Best Buy, with more than 700 stores. The company planned to close 155 existing stores, open fewer new ones, renegotiate some leases, and cut staff members at its headquarters. This is the opposite of what you see during a company’s expansion phase, when the future for growth is promising. Those who held shares of Circuit City watched the stock price go to zero in 2008. 价格在 1980 年代和 1990 年代飙升,在 10 年的时间里上涨超过 6000%。事实上,从 1981 年到 2000 年,电路城的股价上涨了超过 63000%。尽管电路城在 1980 年代是全国最强大的零售商之一,但它犯了一系列关键错误,这些错误随着时间的推移而累积。它的最佳增长发生在公司相对较小的时候,而随着公司规模的扩大,其问题加速出现。到 2008 年,电路城仍然是仅次于百思买的全国第二大专门消费电子零售商,拥有 700 多家门店。公司计划关闭 155 家现有门店,开设更少的新门店,重新谈判一些租约,并裁减总部员工。这与公司扩张阶段的情况正好相反,那时增长的前景是乐观的。持有电路城股票的人在 2008 年目睹股价归零。
Beware of well-known companies that everyone regards as “official growth stocks.” Like Circuit City, these institutional favorites generally have already experienced their best earnings growth and are too obvious once they are officially termed growth stocks. At some point they are so overowned that the amount of supply that comes to market once a material problem is noticed can bring down the house. Instead, buy the new market leaders; don’t be afraid of companies that are unfamiliar to you. Do some detective work and get familiar with stocks that are forming a primary base. This is where many of the next big winners will be found. 警惕那些大家都认为是“官方成长股”的知名公司。像 Circuit City 这样的机构宠儿通常已经经历了最佳的盈利增长,一旦被正式称为成长股,就显得过于明显。在某个时刻,它们的持有量过高,一旦出现重大问题,市场上涌现的供应量可能会导致股价暴跌。相反,购买新的市场领导者;不要害怕那些你不熟悉的公司。做一些侦查工作,熟悉那些正在形成主要底部的股票。这是许多下一个大赢家将被发现的地方。
Ifn Virtually every competitive endeavor, there's a championship. In American sports, it's the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the NBA Finals. In entertainment, there's the Academy Awards, the Emmy Awards, and the Tony Awards. Trading is no different. For many years, the best of the best tested their mettle against a host of competitors, from amateurs to professionals, in the U.S. Investing Championship (USIC).
The USIC competition was started in 1983 by Norman Zadeh and quickly became a proving ground for stock, options, and futures traders. Zadeh's career encompassed mathematics, market speculation, and gambling; he authored Winning Poker Systems in 1974 and taught mathematics at Stanford University and UCLA. Although a gifted theoretical mathematician, Zadeh understood the inability of static academic theory to grasp the reality of real-life auction markets. His consuming goal was to disprove the efficient markets theory, a point he particularly wanted to bring home to the academic crowd. He would do this by demonstrating that certain individuals could indeed outperform the market. The USIC was just the vehicle to prove it while earning a personal profit!
The U.S. Investing Championship quickly became a prestigious contest, and many of the traders who won it went on to big investment careers. In its early years, the USIC was divided into four divisions: stocks, options, stocks and options, and futures. Through the contest, Zadeh was able to scout trading talent and then sign up a diverse list of individuals to manage money for his clients.
I can remember reading about the winners in the Wall Street Journal in the 1980s. A young trader by the name of David Ryan won the contest three years in a row between 1984 and 1986, a magnificent achievement. Another well-known champ was S\&P futures trader Martin "Buzzy" Schwartz. Both Ryan and Schwartz would later be profiled by Jack Schwager in his first Market Wizards book. To me, it was clear that to win the USIC and join the ranks of these champions was to join an elite circle.
In 1996, at age 31, I decided to enter the contest. I felt confident that my skills had reached the point where I could win. Whoever made the most money during a one-year period was the champion; pretty simple. The account size required for entry was \(\$ 25,000\). I posted the \(\$ 25,000\) and traded in my usual style: aggressively with supertight risk control. Each day, I combed my watch list to determine the best possible moment for executing a trade. Although I was confident of victory, I kept my focus on sticking to my trading plan. My goal, as always, was to make as much money as possible, but only by executing the best trades at the optimal time, never by taking impulsive actions that deviated from my trading regime.
At the end of the first quarter, I was up 49.72 percent and had run the \(\$ 25,000\) account up to \(\$ 37,430\). Quarterly results were not being published publicly at the time, and so I had no idea how well my performance stacked up against those of the other traders. By the end of the second quarter, I really hit my stride. My account was up an additional 93.75 percent, bringing my total return for the first six months to +190.08 percent. My contest trading account was at \(\$ 72,521\), and I had the feeling I was pretty well positioned in the field of competitors.
Shortly after that day I got an unexpected phone call from one of the contest coordinators. He told me that the championship was being suspended because of an inquiry by the Securities and Exchange Commission about an advertisement issue relating to previously published performance results. I couldn't believe it. I had finally decided to enter the USIC, and the SEC was closing it down! "Can you at least tell me where I stand, what place I'm in?" I asked. If nothing else, I would have the satisfaction of knowing how I ranked among the other competitors.
"Mark, you're way in the lead by more than 100 percent," he told me.
I thanked him for the opportunity and hung up the phone very disappointed. Here I was, way out in front so that it would be very difficult for anyone to catch me, and now the contest was closed, probably forever. But as with a bad trade, when disappointment comes, you deal with it and move on.
Later that year, I received another call from the contest organizer, who explained that the issues with the SEC had been resolved and the contest was back on. The competition would resume on January 1, 1997. However, the results of 1996 would not carry over. It was a new contest. If I wanted to enter, I had to start all over again. My 190 percent performance in the first six months would be for my own edification alone. It wasn't official, and although it might make a nice story, nobody would ever see it or care.
New rules were set for the 1997 championship: two divisions, one designed for personal trading accounts ranging from \(\$ 200,000\) to \(\$ 999,000\) and one for combined managed accounts of \(\$ 1\) million and higher, with no restrictions on what could be traded in either division; the contestants were free to trade in stocks, options, futures, or any mixture. Although this seemed incredibly unfair-a pure stock guy like me going up against options and futures traders who could use massive leverage-I decided to enter the first division, putting up \(\$ 250,000\) of my own money.
In the first quarter, I was up just a little over 8 percent; that was not nearly enough to qualify for the top spot, but it was the final tally I was concerned with. This time the contest results were published quarterly in Investor's Business Daily and Barron's. Quarter by quarter, the world could track the performance of the top competitors. During the first two quarters I was in the top 20, but there were opponents who were far ahead of me. I knew that I must not let being behind affect my trading or cloud my judgment. I had to play the game my way, which meant taking only the best trades according to my criteria and exercising tight control over each execution. There was real money on the line, and so doing something stupid and risky just to win the contest was not an option. I made a commitment to stay with my game plan through the entire year, knowing it was sound.
By the third quarter, things had changed quite a bit. I was now neck and neck with my closest competitor, separated by a mere tenth of a per-
centage point. I was in first place, up 110.10 percent, and the trader in second place stood at an even +110.00 percent. Then, in the fourth quarter, the market corrected; it was a very tough trading environment. The Dow peaked in October and corrected 10 percent. This was just the scenario I had hoped for. I knew that during a difficult period not only would my discipline avert giving back my profits, I could actually make money trading. This was something that I felt confident few could achieve. Over the next several months I traded fiercely and pulled away from the pack. My final tally was a total return of 155 percent, almost double that of the nearest competitor. I was grateful to be named the 1997 U.S. Investing Champion by Money Manager Verified Ratings.
The point of this story is simple. The uneven playing field of highly leveraged options and futures traders trading against straight stock guys could have pressured me to take on too much risk or overtrade. I also could have gotten flustered when I was significantly behind and tried to make an adjustment, breaking my own rules. But I didn't. Instead, I focused on my trading plan and the two elements that were absolutely critical to winning over the long haul: consistency and risk management.
\section*{What Champions Have in Common}
People buy stocks in hopes of making money and increasing their wealth. They dream of the great returns that their carefully chosen investments will yield in the future. Before investing your hard-earned cash, however, you'd better think about how you will avoid losing it. If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that risk management is the most important building block for achieving consistent success in the stock market. Notice that I said "consistent."
Anyone can have short-term success by being in the right place at the right time, but consistency is what differentiates the pros from the amateurs, the timeless legends from the one-hit wonders. I once bowled a 259 during my very first year playing in a Wednesday night league. It was a bizarre aberration. My average was only 129, and I would never break 200 again. During
my career, I've witnessed many people make millions of dollars during good times, only to give it all back and even go broke. I'm going to tell you how to avoid that fate.
\section*{It’s Your Money Only as Long as You Protect It}
Whether you are dealing in millions or in thousands the same principle lesson applies. It is your money. It will remain with you just so long as you guard it. Faulty speculation is one of the most certain ways of losing it.
—Jesse L. Livermore
To achieve consistent profitability, you must protect your profits and principal. As a matter of fact, I don't differentiate between the two. A big mistake I see many traders make is to consider trading profits as house money, acting as if that money somehow were less their own to lose than their original starting capital is. If you have fallen into this mental habit, you need to change your perception immediately to achieve superperformance.
Let's say I make \(\$ 5,000\) on Monday. I don't consider myself \(\$ 5,000\) "ahead of the game," free to risk that amount shooting for the moon. My account simply has a new starting balance, subject to the same set of rules as before. Once I make a profit, that money belongs to me. Yesterday's profit is part of today's principal.
Don't fall into the faulty reasoning of amateur gamblers. Through consistent play and conservative wagering, a player picks up \(\$ 1,500\) at the blackjack table. Then he starts to make big, reckless bets. In his eyes, he now is playing with house money. This happens all the time in the stock market. Amateur investors treat their gains like the market's money instead of their money, and in due time the market takes it back. Let's say someone buys a stock at \(\$ 20\) a share. It climbs to \(\$ 27\). Then the investor decides he can "give it room" because he has a seven-point cushion. Wrong! Once a stock moves up a decent amount from my purchase price, I usually give it
less room on the downside. I go into a profit-protection mode. At the very least, I protect my breakeven point. I'm certainly not going to let a good gain turn into a loss.
At the end of each trading session, when you review your portfolio, ask yourself this: Am I bullish on this position today? If not, why am I holding it? Does your original reason for going long remain valid? End every trading day with a frank appraisal of all your positions.
I'm not suggesting that you not allow a stock to go through a normal reaction or pullback in price if you believe the stock can go much higher. Of course, you should give stocks some room to fluctuate, but that leeway has little to do with your past gain. Evaluate your stocks on the basis of the return you expect from them in the future versus what you're risking. Each day, a stock must justify your confidence in holding it for a greater profit.
\section*{Sound Principles Provide Clarity}
My biggest losses have always come after I have had a great period and I started to think that I knew something.
—Paul Tudor Jones
There are certainly times when money can be made very easily in the stock market. Often this leads to carelessness, which in turn can lead to disaster. At the end of the day, success is not decided by your winnings from any particular day, month, or quarter; it's what you keep year in and year out. Adherence to sound risk-management principles will not only allow you keep the profits you've acquired but will also keep your feet on the ground when your head is in the sky because you've become overly ambitious after a period of success.
You've undoubtedly heard the phrase "cut your losses and let your winners ride." When I was interviewed by Jack Schwager for his book Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America's Top Stock Traders (HarperBusiness 2001, 2003), I spent a lot of time talking about loss cutting
as the key to my success. At one point during the interview, Jack stopped the tape recorder and said, "Mark, this stuff is great, but it's a cliché; it's what all the successful traders say."
"Jack, of course that's what they say," I told him. "That's why they're successful, and that's why I'm successful."
When you have been trading for a long time, you can easily lose perspective as you cultivate new techniques. If you're not careful, the basic fundamentals may come in your mind or, more subtly, in your subconscious to seem remedial. Far from being training wheels to be cast off with maturity, the basics of risk management must be continually refreshed in your mind and perfected. Maybe that sounds unexciting, but as the legendary quarterback Roger Staubach said, "It takes a lot of unspectacular practice to get spectacular results."
\section*{A Lesson from Master Jack}
Part of my obsession with perfecting the basics goes back to my days as a kid in karate school. I was somewhat gifted as far as being able to do gymnastictype maneuvers, and after only a short time I could do all sorts of complex karate moves and even a backward no-hand flip. They gave me the nickname Movie Man because of my ability to do the types of moves you saw in kung fu films. Even so, I was still a novice, and my teacher, Master Jack Moscato, knew I needed humbling.
One day, Master Jack told me to assume the basic front stance, which is one of the very first things you learn. He walked around me quietly and then suddenly kicked out my front leg. I fell crashing to the ground. When I looked up in surprise, Master Jack stared down at me and said, "Maybe you should learn to stand before you learn to flip." That lesson has stayed with me ever since. Master the basics. My karate instructor was a stickler for perfecting the basics. Every day, remind yourself that the key building blocks for success include executing the basics better than the other guy and doing it over and over again. Greatness is built on a solid foundation of fundamental principles.
\section*{Losses Make You Work Harder}
When you lose money on a stock trade, you will need a greater percentage gain to get back to even because losses work against you geometrically. For example, if a stock declines 50 percent in price, let's say from \(\$ 28\) to \(\$ 14\), that stock will have to rise by 100 percent (from \(\$ 14\) to \(\$ 28\) ) to get back to even. That's worth repeating: a 50 percent decline in price requires a double to break even.
What happens if you keep your losses relatively small? A 10 percent loss requires an 11 percent gain to return to even, and a 5 percent loss needs only a 5.26 percent gain. This is why you never want to let your losses get too large. Also, if you lose a big portion of your account, you lose your buying power. Your account will be much smaller when you finally latch on to a big winner. The last thing you want to do is put yourself in a position of losing when your account is large and a position of gaining when it's small; this will accomplish little. By keeping your losses small, you preserve your hardearned capital for future investments.
The lesson here is never to permit yourself to lose an amount of money that would jeopardize your account. The larger the loss is, the more difficult it is to recover from it. Set an absolute maximum line in the sand of no more than 10 percent on the downside. Your average loss should be much less, maybe 6 or 7 percent. If you can't be correct on your purchase with a 10 percent cushion for normal price fluctuation, you have a different
\hline \(5 \%\) & \(5.26 \%\) \\
\hline \(10 \%\) & \(11 \%\) \\
\hline \(20 \%\) & \(25 \%\) \\
\hline \(30 \%\) & \(43 \%\) \\
\hline \(40 \%\) & \(67 \%\) \\
\hline \(50 \%\) & \(100 \%\) \\
\hline \(60 \%\) & \(150 \%\) \\
\hline \(70 \%\) & \(233 \%\) \\
\hline \(80 \%\) & \(400 \%\) \\
\hline \(90 \%\) & \(900 \%\) \\
Figure 12.1 Gain needed to break even from loss
problem to address. Either your selection criteria and timing are flawed or the overall market is hostile and you should be out of stocks.
\section*{Two Upand One Down}
If I guaranteed you a three year compounded return consisting of two 50 percent up years and one 50 percent down year, that may sound like a pretty good deal, but think again. Regardless of the order, you would have a threeyear total return of 12.5 percent, or about 4 percent per year. That's not exactly the type of return you hope for when investing in stocks, especially taking into consideration all the risks you have to take. Actually, there's no good "two up, one down" deal. About the best you can hope for is two 30 percent gains and one 30 percent loss, which results in a return of about 5.75 percent per year; still not very impressive. This demonstrates how losses work geometrically against you. To achieve big results, your gains must eclipse your losses on a risk/reward basis—period!
Year 1 & Year 2 & Year 3 & 3-Yr Tot. Ret. & Per Year \\
\(10 \%\) & \(10 \%\) & \(-10 \%\) & \(8.9 \%\) & \(2.9 \%\) \\
\(20 \%\) & \(20 \%\) & \(-20 \%\) & \(15.2 \%\) & \(4.9 \%\) \\
\(30 \%\) & \(30 \%\) & \(-30 \%\) & \(18.3 \%\) & \(5.8 \%\) \\
\(40 \%\) & \(40 \%\) & \(-40 \%\) & \(17.6 \%\) & \(5.6 \%\) \\
\(50 \%\) & \(50 \%\) & \(-50 \%\) & \(12.5 \%\) & \(4.0 \%\) \\
\(60 \%\) & \(60 \%\) & \(-60 \%\) & \(2.4 \%\) & \(0.8 \%\) \\
\(70 \%\) & \(70 \%\) & \(-70 \%\) & \(-13.3 \%\) & \(-4.7 \%\) \\
\(80 \%\) & \(80 \%\) & \(-80 \%\) & \(-35.2 \%\) & \(-13.5 \%\) \\
\(90 \%\) & \(90 \%\) & \(-90 \%\) & \(-63.9 \%\) & \(-28.8 \%\)
Figure 12.2 Various returns based on three-year compounding
\section*{Convincing Myself: \\ The Loss Adjustment Exercise}
The definition of a great investor is someone who starts by understanding the downside.
Early in my career, I did not understood the dramatic effect of losses and the importance of cutting them short. Like most traders, I had periods of success followed by some fairly drastic drawdowns because of a few trades gone wrong. I thought loss cutting sounded logical and tried to apply it to my trading, but every now and then I would break the rule, hoping that things would turn around, sometimes holding on to my favorite position for dear life. It got to the point where I was confused, and so I decided to test the effects of cutting my losses on all my trades.
I decided to adjust all of my past losses to an arbitrary level of 10 percent to see what the effect of capping the downside would be. This included adjusting the losses that were smaller up to 10 percent as well as adjusting the ones that were larger down. As I said, occasionally I would hold on to a stock that had fallen, and from time to time I would take 20 percent and even 30 percent losses. When I adjusted those losses and capped them at 10 percent, the effect on my performance was amazing. Capping the losses would have knocked me out of a few of my winners; however, this consequence was overwhelmed by the loss-cutting effect. The hypothetical improvement in the overall portfolio performance seemed too dramatic to be believed. I rechecked the math two or three times, and the numbers were correct. Instead of having a double-digit percentage loss in my portfolio, I would have had a gain of more than 70 percent.
Is it possible that such a small alteration could have such a dramatic impact on performance? Absolutely! This revelation was a pivotal point in my trading. I was convinced that risk management was the key to success. From that point on, I grew very risk adverse, and my results improved dramatically. I religiously cut my losses and as a result attained a whole new level of performance. I call this the Loss Adjustment Exercise. Try it; it's an eye-opener.
Back in the 1980s, my trading account's distribution of gains and losses looked like this:
- Gains: \((6,8,10,12,15,17,18,20,28,50\) percent) \(\mathbf{1 8 . 4 0}\) percent average gain
Original Account Results After Losses Adjusted
\hline Trade & \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\% G/L} & \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{Cum. Bal.} & Tot. Ret \% & \% & G/L & C & um. Bal & Tot. Ret. \% \\
\hline & & & \$ & 100.00 & & & & \$ & 100.00 & \\
\hline 1 & & 6\% & & 106.00 & 6.00\% & & 6\% & \$ & 106.00 & 6.00\% \\
\hline 2 & & 8\% & & 114.48 & 14.48\% & & 8\% & \$ & 114.48 & 14.48\% \\
\hline 3 & & 10\% & & 125.93 & 25.93\% & & 10\% & \$ & 125.93 & 25.93\% \\
\hline 4 & \(\sim\) & 12\% & & 141.04 & 41.04\% & & 12\% & \$ & 141.04 & 41.04\% \\
\hline 5 & .들 & 15\% & & 162.20 & 62.20\% & ㄷ & 15\% & \$ & 162.20 & 62.20\% \\
\hline 6 & -180 & 17\% & & 189.77 & 89.77\% & \[
& \pi \\
& 0 \\
& \hline
\] & 17\% & \$ & 189.77 & 89.77\% \\
\hline 7 & & 18\% & \$ & 223.93 & 123.93\% & & 18\% & \$ & 223.93 & 123.93\% \\
\hline 8 & & 20\% & & 268.71 & 168.71\% & & 20\% & \$ & 268.71 & 168.71\% \\
\hline 9 & & 28\% & \$ & 343.95 & 243.95\% & & 28\% & \$ & 343.95 & 243.95\% \\
\hline 10 & & 50\% & \$ & 515.93 & 415.93\% & & 50\% & \$ & 515.93 & 415.93\% \\
\hline 11 & & -7\% & & 479.81 & 379.81\% & & -10\% & \$ & 464.34 & 364.34\% \\
\hline 12 & & -8\% & & 441.43 & 341.43\% & & -10\% & \$ & 417.90 & 317.90\% \\
\hline 13 & & -10\% & & 397.28 & 297.28\% & & -10\% & \$ & 376.11 & 276.11\% \\
\hline 14 & \(n\) & -12\% & \$ & 349.61 & 249.61\% & \(\omega\) & -10\% & \$ & 338.50 & 238.50\% \\
\hline 15 & 0 & -13\% & & 304.16 & 204.16\% & 0 & -10\% & \$ & 304.65 & 204.65\% \\
\hline 16 & 0 & -15\% & & 258.54 & 158.54\% & \[
\] & -10\% & \$ & 274.19 & 174.19\% \\
\hline 17 & - & -19\% & \$ & 290.41 & 190.41\% & - & -10\% & \$ & 246.77 & 146.77\% \\
\hline 18 & & -20\% & & 167.53 & 67.53\% & & -10\% & \$ & 222.21 & 122.21\% \\
\hline 19 & & -25\% & & 125.64 & 25.64\% & & -10\% & \$ & 199.88 & 99.88\% \\
\hline 20 & & -30\% & \$ & 87.95 & -12.05\% & & -10\% & \$ & 179.89 & 79.89\% \\
\hline \begin{tabular}{l}
Bat. \\
Avg. \\
\end{tabular} & & \begin{tabular}{l}
Avera \\
\end{tabular} & \[
& \text { age } \\
& \text { age }
\] & \begin{tabular}{l}
Gain: 18 \\
Loss: -15
\end{tabular} & . \(40 \%\) & & \begin{tabular}{l}
Avera \\
\end{tabular} & & \begin{tabular}{l}
Gain: 18 \\
Loss: -10
\end{tabular} & \[
& .40 \% \\
& .00 \%
\] \\
Figure 12.3 Loss adjustment chart.
- Losses: \((7,8,10,12,13,15,19,20,25,30\) percent \(\mathbf{1 5 . 9 0}\) percent average loss
- Compounded return: - \(\mathbf{1 2} .05\) percent
- Adjust losses to \(\mathbf{- 1 0}\) percent (including the ones that are smaller up to -10 percent)
- Compounded return: +79.89 percent
Note: The order in which the trades are compounded doesn't matter; the result is the same.
\section*{Accepting the Market's Judgments}
Nothing can drag you down if you're not holding on to it.
-Tony Robbins
The stock market offers tremendous potential rewards and opportunities for virtually anyone. As a disciplined investor, you have good reason to be optimistic about your chances for success. But the stock market can strike without notice, transforming your lofty dreams into a financial nightmare, a lesson learned by the tens of millions of investors who suffered huge losses during the bear market that began in March 2000 and those who attempted to ride out the storm in the bear market of 2007-2008. Whether you're investing in blue chip stocks or trading pork bellies, any seasoned pro will tell you that there is no room for ego. The market can and will break anyone who ignores the risks and dangers. With each bear market a new group of investors learn this lesson the hard way.
The first discipline you need to learn to be a successful stock trader is simple to comprehend mentally, but for the majority of traders it's the most difficult to perform regularly: the best way to stay clear of the market's wrath is to accept its judgment.
\section*{Knowing When You’re Wrong}
Good trading is a peculiar balance between the conviction to follow your ideas and the flexibility to recognize when you have made a mistake.
—Michael Steinhardt
I've been asked, "How do you know when you're wrong?" My answer is always, "The stock goes down." It's that simple. As a matter of fact, I will often sell a stock if it doesn't go up shortly after I buy it. Even though it has not gone down, if the stock doesn't do what I expected it to do, that's reason enough to step aside and reevaluate. When a stock you have bought falls below your purchase price, it is telling you have made an error-at a minimum in timing. Make no mistake, whether you're a short-term trader
or a long-term investor, timing is everything. Just as much money is lost on great companies bought at the wrong time as on investments that were poor choices in the first place. Regardless of your methodology or approach to stock investing, there is only one way to protect your portfolio from a large loss, and that is to sell when you have a small loss before it snowballs into a huge one. In three decades of trading, I have not found a better way.
Amazingly, no matter how many successful investors advocate this commonsense approach, this advice is followed only by an extremely small group of people even among professionals. Consequently, only a very small number of investors (including pros) achieve outstanding results in the stock market. Without a doubt, the hardest discipline for investors to follow consistently is to cut their losses short because it involves admitting that one's original purchase was a mistake, and no one likes to be wrong.
\section*{Avoid the Big Errors}
> What vulnerabilities do we have and what can we do to minimize them, to get around them, to survive them-and give ourselves a better chance to win"
—Bobby Knight
Recently I had a chance to speak with Itzhak Ben-David, coauthor of the study Are Investors Really Reluctant to Realize Their Losses? Trading Responses to Past Returns and the Disposition Effect. The tendency to sell winners too soon and to keep losers too long has been called the disposition effect by economists.
Mr. Ben-David and David Hirshleifer studied stock transactions from more than 77,000 accounts at a large discount broker from 1990 through 1996 and did a variety of analyses that had never been done before. They examined when investors bought individual stocks, when they sold them, and how much they earned or lost with each sale. They also examined when investors were more likely to buy additional shares of a stock they had previously purchased. Their results were published in the August 2012 issue of the Review of Financial Studies.
The study highlights several interesting conclusions:
- Investors are more likely to allow a stock to reach a large loss than they are to allow a stock to attain a large gain; they hold losers too long and sell winners too quickly.
- The probability of buying additional shares is greater for shares that have lost value than it is for shares that have gained value; investors may readily double down on their bets when stocks decline in value.
- Investors are more likely to take a small gain than a small loss.
Most investors are simply too slow in closing out losing positions. As a result, they hold on until they can't take the pain anymore, and that eats up precious capital and valuable time. To be successful, you must keep in mind that the only way you can continue to operate is to protect your account from a major setback or, worse, devastation. Avoiding large losses is the single most important factor for winning big as a speculator. You can't control how much a stock rises, but in most cases, whether you take a small loss or a big loss is entirely your choice. There is one thing I can guarantee: if you can't learn to accept small losses, sooner or later you will take big losses. It's inevitable.
To master the craft of speculation, you must face your destructive capacity; once you understand and acknowledge this capacity, you can control your destiny and achieve consistency. You should focus a significant amount of time and effort on learning how to lose the smallest amount possible when you're wrong. You must learn to avoid the big errors.
\section*{Don't Become an Involuntary Investor}
Because investors hate to admit mistakes, they rationalize. They fluctuate from being "traders" when they're right—getting in and out of profitable stock positions in the short term-to becoming "investors" when they are wrong. When their trades move against them and start to rack up losses, all of a sudden they decide to hold on for the long term. They become what Jesse Livermore called
an "involuntary investor," a person who harvests a bitter crop of small profits and large losses, the exact opposite of what you want to achieve.
Every major correction begins as a minor reaction. You can't tell when a 10 percent decline is the beginning of a 50 percent decline until after the fact, when it's too late. No one can know for sure that a stock will decline only a certain amount and then move higher. If you had known that your stock was going to drop 15 percent or 20 percent, would you have bought it in the first place? Of course not. The fact that the stock is below your purchase price means you made a mistake in timing, which happens 50 to 60 percent of the time on average. The best traders may pick winning stocks about 60 or 70 percent of the time in a healthy market, which means 30 to 40 percent of their stock picks lose money.
In fact, you can be correct on only 50 percent of your stock selections and still enjoy huge success, but only if you keep your losses in check. You can make money by picking winning stocks only one time out of two or even three trades, but only if you sell your losers before they inflict an insurmountable toll on your account. Every dollar saved is a dollar earned, and every dollar saved is more money that can be compounded when you latch on to your next big winner. Don't become an involuntary investor.
\section*{How Low Can It Go?}
It would be simple to run down the list of hundreds of stocks which, in my time, have been considered gilt-edge investments, and which today are worth little or nothing. Thus, great investments tumble, and with them the fortunes of so-called conservative investors in the continuous distribution of wealth.
-Jesse Livermore
Some investors feel they don't need to trade with a stop loss because they buy only quality stocks. There's no such thing as a safe stock. Many "conservative investors" have gone broke owning and holding on to so-called blue chip companies for a long-term investment with the philosophy that patience is prudence by way of quality. If this is your strategy, I'm afraid you
will eventually be in for an unpleasant surprise. This is simply a lazy person's strategy, or lack of strategy.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard "They're not going to go out of business" because it's Coke or Apple or some other well-known name. Maybe they won't go out of business and maybe they will, or maybe the stock will correct 70 percent or more and take a decade to recover. Coke topped in 1973, declined 70 percent from its high, and then took 11 years to get back to even. Sure, investors received a dividend of a few percent per year, but that doesn't even beat inflation, and they were still sitting with a big fat loss. In 1998, Coca-Cola topped again; the stock declined for five years and took an almost 50 percent haircut.
Vast numbers of "high-quality" companies had periods when their stock prices were decimated. After topping out in 1973, shares in Eastman Kodak took 14 years to break even, just in time for the crash of 1987, which tanked the stock again, and then it took another 8 years to reach its 1973 high.
Xerox also topped in 1973, and it took 24 years to break even; during that period the S\&P 500 advanced more than 500 percent. In the 1960s, Avon Products became so popular that the stock price ran up way ahead of its earnings, resulting in a price advance that took the stock from \$3 in 1958 to \(\$ 140\) per share in 1972 . Then the stock topped out and plunged from \(\$ 140\) to \(\$ 19\), an 86 percent drop in only one year. Fourteen years later the stock was still at \(\$ 19\) a share.
In the 32 month period from December 1999 through February 2002, McDonald's fell 72 percent. In August 2000, AT\&T began a slide that took its shares down 80 percent in less than four years. Starting in April 2000, Cisco Systems plunged 90 percent in 30 months. In 2000, institutional favorite Lucent Technologies topped and fell 99 percent in 35 months.
No stock can be held forever. Few stocks can be held unattended for even a few months without risk. Good companies can be terrible stock investments if they are bought at the wrong time. Many so-called investment-grade companies today will face new challenges, deteriorating business conditions, or regulatory changes that can materially affect their future earnings potential. Often, before problems become apparent,
the price of a stock declines precipitously in anticipation of such developments. But management said everything is great, right? When fundamental problems arise in a public company, management is probably your worst source of information. The executives will try everything in their power legally, and in some cases illegally, to bamboozle the shareholders in an effort to protect the stock price. In 2008, General Motors went to zero. How about AIG and Lehman Brothers, or before them Enron and WorldCom? These are just a few of the market's casualties that were once high-quality names.
How low can it go? To zero!
\section*{A Trip to the Casino}
Consistent winners raise their bet as their position strengthens, and they exit the game when the odds are against them, while consistent losers hang on until the bitter end of every expensive pot, hoping for miracles and enjoying the thrill of defeat. In stud poker and on Wall Street, miracles happen just often enough to keep the losers losing.
-Peter Lynch, One Up on Wall Street
The first time I saw seven-card stud being played at a casino, it didn't take me more than a few minutes to see the similarities to trading stocks. The ante (the initial bet to see the first three cards of the deal) was \(\$ 0.50\). However, the pot (what the winner pulled in for a winning hand) averaged about \(\$ 50\). Thus, for half a buck, players could get a fair idea of their chances of winning 100 times the ante.
After a night at the table, I was ahead about \(\$ 1,400\). My secret? I played cards the way I trade stocks: immediately folding the ones that didn't work out as expected. If I didn't receive a decent playable hand on the deal, I didn't continue betting against the other players. I tossed in my cards and accepted the small loss of \(\$ 0.50\) as the cost of doing business. I knew that when I had a winning hand, I could make back the amount of my loss many times over. I probably folded 30 hands in a row at times, which at \(\$ 0.50\) an
ante meant a \(\$ 15\) loss. But the average winning pot was \(\$ 50\). If I folded 50 times and won only once, I would still win twice as much as I lost.
Why didn't the other players fold when I played a hand after realizing that I went forward only when I had solid cards? Ego! Big ego equals small discipline. Undisciplined players looking for "action" always show up at the poker tables. The stock market is no different except that most stock market investors are even less disciplined than most poker players. The Achilles' heel of most gamblers and speculators is the desire to play every hand, a common human weakness that allows impatience to override good judgment.
Folding mediocre cards at the poker table is the same as selling off stocks soon after they fall below your purchase price to protect your account. Losing trades are inevitable. By limiting your losses, you will put yourself way ahead of the majority of investors because most investors lack discipline. The best traders are the ones who recognize mistakes, dispassionately cut their losses, and move on, preserving capital for the next opportunity.
\section*{One in a Million}
As a trader, which is the better deal, \(\$ 1,000\) guaranteed or \(\$ 1\) million with a 1 percent chance of losing everything? It's really not an either-or answer. Notice the key words "as a trader." Now think about something: If you were a lawyer, would you go to trial just once? If you were a surgeon, would you conduct just one operation? As a stock trader, are your decisions based on a one-time event? Of course not. As a stock trader, you probably will make hundreds if not thousands of stock transactions over your lifetime.
The answer to the question is that if it's a one-time event, take the million. However, if it involves many trades, say, 100 or more transactions, the 1 percent probability will definitely leave you broke; hence, take the sure thing: the \(\$ 1,000\).
If you're going to become a stock trader, you will be trading for years, maybe even decades. If you regard each trade as just one out of a million over time, it becomes much easier to take a small loss and move on to the next trade. If you stay disciplined, apply good judgment, and play the high-probability situations, the odds will distribute over time and you will be profitable.
In poker and in the stock market, you're playing probabilities, not certainties; that means you cannot be correct all the time. If you make more on your winners than you lose on your losers over time, that's all you need to accomplish to be successful. I regard each trade as just one of many in a long continuous trading session: one in a million.
\section*{What's the Difference?}
You buy a stock at \(\$ 30\) because you think it looks good, the fundamentals look great, the future appears bright, and the stock price is acting well. Suddenly, the company announces that earnings per share will come in well below estimates as a result of a manufacturing plant not opening up as scheduled. The next day the stock falls 10 percent below your purchase price right at the open. You're faced with the decision to sell and take a loss or wait it out.
My question is this: What's the difference if you continue to hold the stock that has declined by 10 percent, waiting for it to come back and overcome the negative news, or buy a fresh new name that looks good from the start? The answer is: nothing but your ego. Successful investors can shift gears and accept change. They don't fall in love with a stock and ignore when circumstances take a turn for the worse; the goal is to make money, not to prove you're right and the stock market is wrong. Move on and find another stock. What's the difference whether you make money with stock A or stock B? If your original stock was at \(\$ 30\) and it's now at \(\$ 27\), it has to go up about 11 percent to get you back to even. It's no different if you buy a new stock at, say, \(\$ 50\) and it goes to \(\$ 56\) than if you hold on to your current position and wait for it to go back to \(\$ 30\), except maybe the new company will open its plant on time.
\section*{What a Deal}
When you play poker, it costs money to see your cards from the deal; you must pay an ante, or post blinds, as well as pay the house "time" to participate in the game. Now imagine you could see every poker hand for free and place your bets only when the cards were stacked in your favor. How could
you lose over time? One of the great things about the stock market is that all comers compete in the same ring: skilled and unskilled, professionals and amateurs. This is one of the reasons the market is not purely random. In the stock market, you have the luxury of being able to stay on the sidelines, free of charge, observing and waiting for the most opportune moment to wager. You get to see the market's "cards" before you bet, free of charge. This is a wonderful advantage, yet few exploit it.
You don't have to involve yourself in every market movement. In fact, you should not attempt to. Be an exacting opportunist. Be selective and pick your entry spots very carefully. Wait until the probabilities are stacked in your favor before you act. With patience and discipline, you can profit from market opponents who are less disciplined and less capable than you are. While you do nothing, less skilled opponents are laying the groundwork for your success, and you get to wait and watch for free. What a deal!
\section*{When a Mistake Becomes a Mistake}
> The difference between successful investors and unsuccessful investors is how they react to being invested in a losing stock. There is absolutely no reason to allow a mistake to become an ego shattering experience. Being wrong is not the problem. Making a mistake is not the problem. The problem is being unwilling to accept the mistake. The problem is staying wrong.
-Dan Sullivan
No matter how smart you think you are, I guarantee you will make an abundance of mistakes over time. We all do. Many of your failed trades may not even be mistakes on your part, just changes in circumstances that were impossible to forecast. The real mistake comes when you refuse to make an adjustment after things change. No one will ever be so good that he or she will never take a loss. Being wrong is unavoidable, but staying wrong is a choice. Staying wrong can be deadly; it can take both a physical and a psychological toll on your health. When you deny reality, you are no longer trading: you've sacrificed your principal to the fates. The linkages between
stress and effects such as heart disease and ulcers are well known. To protect your health, your confidence, and your money, you must learn to release a bad hand and move on.
\section*{If You're Not Feeling Stupid, You're Not Managing Risk}
Sometimes after you sell a stock to cut short a loss, the stock will turn around and move up in price. This has happened to me thousands of times. Do I feel dumb or get angry? No. Investing and trading stocks is a business of playing probabilities so that the profit from winners outweighs the losses over time. It is completely unrealistic to think you're going to be right all the time or think that you can hold losses and they will never leave you broke. Making you feel stupid is the market's way of pressuring you to act foolish. Don't succumb. Remain disciplined and cut your losses. The alternative to managing risk is not managing risk, and that never turns out well.
This concept should be obvious, but in fact it is too often overlooked. Although it's certainly not a secret (it's the most frequently mentioned subject in most books written by successful speculators), it's difficult to do because it goes against human nature and requires strict discipline and a divorce from one's ego. I can't make you cut your losses any more than I can make you diet and exercise to lose weight; that's a personal choice. All I can do is share with you what I know from my own success and tell you that the stock market is no place for someone who is easily discouraged by mistakes. Mistakes are lessons, in other words, opportunities to improve. These experiences are the greatest part of the learning process. Although cutting your losses won't guarantee that you will win in the stock market, it will help ensure your survival.
\section*{Why Most Investors Fail to Cut Their Losses}
Investors usually become emotionally attached to their stock holdings. They may put in many hours of careful research building a case for a company, scouring financial reports, and maybe even trying the company's products. Then, when their proud pick takes a dive, they can't believe it. They make
excuses for the stock's decline; they call their broker and search the Internet looking for favorable opinions to back up their faith in the company. They ignore the only opinion that counts: the verdict of the market.
As the stock keeps sliding, their losses mount. Usually, what happens is that the stock's decline becomes so huge and unbearable that they finally throw in the towel and feel completely demoralized. Don't allow yourself to get caught in this lethal trap. To have lasting success in the stock market, you must decide once and for all that it's more important to make money than to be right. Your ego must take a backseat.
Sounds like a simple decision to make, but think again. Many people speculate in stocks without getting this one straight. Their self-image rides on the success or failure of their trades. As a result, they make excuses for obvious losers rather than admit mistakes. Ultimately, the success of cutting losses rests on your ability to remove emotion-hope, fear, pride, excitement, and the like-from your investment decisions, at least to the point where it doesn't override good judgment.
Most investors fall into psychological traps. Feelings of hope and greed confuse their decisions to sell their stock holdings at a loss or, for that matter, at a profit. They find it difficult to sell, and so they rationalize a losing position. They convince themselves that they haven't taken the loss until they sell it. Losses are a part of trading and investing; if you are not prepared to deal with them, then prepare to eventually lose a lot of money.
As you can see, I devoted two chapters to risk management. That's because in trading and in life, how you deal with losing is the difference between mediocrity and greatness. Individual stocks are not like mutual funds, they don't have a manager and they don't manage themselves; you're the manager. When investing in stocks, everything is not necessarily going to be "OK" if you just hang in there and wait it out. For a speculator, small losses are simply the cost of doing business, just as marked-down merchandise is to a retail store operator. A good retail merchant doesn't hang on to dead merchandise, hoping a particular style or product will come back in vogue a year later. If he's smart, he marks it down, gets it off the shelf as quickly as possible, and then looks to restock the shelves with something that everyone wants to buy.
I have two basic rules about winning in trading as well as in life:
(1) If you don't bet, you can't win. (2) If you lose all your chips, you can't bet.
—Larry Hite
For three decades, enjoying eight bull markets and enduring eight bear markets, I have traded stocks; I have accumulated my personal wealth almost exclusively through stock speculation. After learning the hard lessons of experience, I have been fortunate to relish consistent success, preserving not only my original starting capital but the bulk of the gains. How will you do the same thing? In other words, how will you endure the test of time, not only winning during bull markets but preserving your gains in bear markets? The secret is neither hidden nor really a secret. The key is risk management.
Risk is the possibility of loss. When you own a stock, there is always the possibility of a price decline; as long as you are invested in the stock market, you are at risk. The goal with stock trading is to make money consistently by taking trades that have more reward potential than risk. The problem for most investors, however, is that they focus too much on the reward side and
not enough on the risk side. Simple as this sounds, few will follow the advice I'm about to impart to you.
In the stock market, everyone's goal is to make money. To win in an environment where everyone has the same objective, you must do the things that most investors are consciously unwilling or subconsciously unable to do. If you succeed, when you look back on your career, you will see that an instrumental difference between you and them was discipline. Over time I have learned that investors don't lose money or fail to achieve superperformance because of bear markets or economic hazards but because of mental hazards, the types of personal failings that cause you to say to yourself in retrospect, why didn't I sell that stock when I was only down 10 percent? As you're sitting there down 30 or 40 percent, suddenly a 10 percent loss doesn't look so bad.
Does the following sound familiar? You bought a stock at \(\$ 35\) a share and were reluctant to sell it at \(\$ 32\); the stock then sank to \(\$ 26\), and you would have been delighted to sell it at the original price of \(\$ 35\). When the stock then sank to \(\$ 16\), you asked yourself, Why didn't I sell it at \(\$ 26\) or even \(\$ 32\) when I had the chance to get out with a small loss? The reason investors get into this situation is that they lack a sound plan for dealing with risk and allow their egos to get involved. A sound plan takes implementation, which takes discipline. That part I cannot do for you, but what I can do is teach you how to do it.
\section*{Develop Lifestyle Habits}
The difference between mediocrity and greatness lies in the fundamental belief that discipline is not merely a principle of trading but a principle of greatness. Managing risk requires discipline. Sticking to your strategy requires discipline. Even if you have a sensible plan, if you lack discipline, emotions will creep into your trading and wreak havoc. Discipline leads to habit. They can be good habits or bad ones; it's a matter of what you discipline yourself to do over time. Like most people, when you get up each morning, you brush your teeth, right? You don't say to yourself, I'm tired of
brushing my teeth over and over, so this month I'm taking a vacation from dental hygiene. To the contrary, brushing your teeth has become automatic and ingrained from years of repetition and the belief that it's worth taking the time to do. This same type of psychological conditioning applies to such things as exercising and eating healthy, which are lifestyle habits that some people choose to make priorities in their daily lives.
If you manage your portfolio with your emotions and without discipline, prepare for a volatile, exhausting ride, probably without anything worthwhile to show for your efforts in the end. Good trading is boring; bad trading is exciting and makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You can be a bored rich trader or a thrill-seeking gambler. It's entirely your choice. With intelligent repetitive work, you can cultivate successful trading habits. Making a habit of doing the things that produce positive results is worthwhile, but it requires the principle of greatness: discipline.
\section*{Contingency Planning}
Success is never final.
—Winston Churchill
In the stock market and in life, risk is unavoidable. The best anyone can do is to manage risk through sensible planning. The only way to control risk when investing in stocks is through how much we buy and sell, when we buy and sell, and how we prepare for as many potential events as possible. As a stock market investor, you must learn to sell for your own protection because you have no control over the forces that move stock prices. Your goal is not risk avoidance but risk management: to mitigate risk and have a significant degree of control over the possibility and amount of loss.
I don't like to leave anything to chance in my trading. If I go into a casino and play blackjack, I know what the odds are, and if I feel like taking a chance, that's the best I can hope for. But I don't gamble with stock trading, which would be rolling the dice with my livelihood and my security. The best way to ensure stock market success is to have contingency plans
and continuously update them as you learn and encounter new scenarios. Your goal should be to trade without hassles and surprises. To do that, you need to develop a dependable way to handle virtually every situation that is thrown at you. Having things thought out in advance is paramount to managing risk effectively.
The mark of a professional is proper preparation. To execute, you must be prepared. Before I invest, I have already worked out in advance responses to virtually any conceivable development that may take place. I can't think of an event that I'm not prepared for. If and when new circumstances present themselves, I add them to my contingency plans; as new unexpected issues present themselves, the contingency plan playbook is expanded.
By implementing contingency planning in advance, you can take swift, decisive action the instant one of your positions changes its behavior or is hit with an unexpected event. You should also be prepared to deal with profits when they come to fruition. Before the open of each trading day, mentally rehearse how you will handle each position based on whatever could potentially unfold during that day. Then, when the market opens for trading, there will be no surprises; you already know how you will respond.
You should run your portfolio the way an airline pilot operates a 747 jumbo jet. To ensure the safe passage of the flight, the pilot has advance plans for every possible contingency: engine failure, severe weather conditions, hydraulic malfunction, and hundreds of other mechanical or electronic problems. The pilot has considered possibilities ranging from an electrical storm to trouble with one of the passengers. When a problem occurs, there is no debate or delay. For every eventuality, the pilot has a procedure or countermeasure. This comes from training and preparation. When we're not prepared, we're vulnerable. September 11, 2001, was a grim reminder of the importance of proper preparation. As a result, cockpit doors are now fortified, and the sky marshal program put into place during the 1960s has been expanded. Some pilots are even armed. Learning from our past mistakes and being properly prepared allow for safer travel and for safer investing as well.
I have the following four basic contingency plans for my stock trading.
The Initial Stop-Loss
Before buying a stock, I establish in advance a maximum stop loss: the price at which I will exit the position if it moves against me. The moment the price hits the stop loss, I sell the position without hesitation. Once I'm out of the stock, I can evaluate the situation with a clear head. The initial stop loss is most relevant in the early stages of a position. Once a stock advances, the sell point should be raised to protect your profit with the use of a trailing stop or back stop.
\section*{The Reentry}
Some stocks set up constructively and may even emerge from a promising base and attract buyers but then quickly undergo a correction or sharp pullback that stops you out. This tends to occur when the market is experiencing general weakness or high volatility. However, a stock with strong fundamentals can reset after such a correction or pullback, forming a new base or a proper setup. This show of strength is a favorable sign. Often, the second setup is stronger than the first. The stock has fought its way back and along the way shaken out another batch of weak holders. If it breaks out of the second base on high volume, it can really take off.
You shouldn't assume that a stock will reset if it moves against you. You should always protect yourself and cut your loss. However, if a stock knocks you out of your position, don't automatically discard it as a future buy candidate. If the stock still has all the characteristics of a potential winner, look for a reentry point. Your timing may have been off. It could take two or even three tries to catch a big winner. This is a trait of professional traders. Amateurs are scared of positions that stop them out once or twice or just weary of the struggle; professionals are objective and dispassionate. They assess each trade on its merits of risk versus reward; they look at each trade setup as a new risk or a new opportunity. Some believe that selling a stock and then reentering the same stock soon afterward is amateurish. I believe missing opportunity because of emotion is as amateurish. Managing risk with the use of stop losses, particularly in a whipsaw market, can sometimes give a trader the feeling of chasing one's tail. Recognize the feelings of frustration and then remind yourself not
to let ego override good risk management. So you got it wrong the first time-big deal. So you got it wrong the second time—clever fish! Laugh and keep your rod and reel ready. It's the long-term results that count. Some of my best trades were in stocks that previously stopped me out several times and then reset.
\section*{Selling at a Profit}
Once a stock amasses a percentage gain that is a multiple of your stop loss, you should rarely allow that position to turn into a loss. For instance, let's say your stop loss is set at 7 percent. If you have a 20 percent gain in a stock, you shouldn't allow that position to give up all that profit and produce a loss. To guard against that, you could move up your stop loss to breakeven or trail a stop to lock in the majority of the gain. You may feel foolish breaking even on a position that was previously a decent gain; however, you will feel even worse if you let a nice gain turn into a loss.
At some point you have to close out a trade. There are two ways you can sell:
- Into strength, which means cashing out shares while the share price is rising
- Into weakness, which means selling while the share price is declining
Selling into strength is a learned practice of professional traders. It's important to recognize when a stock is running up rapidly and may be exhausting itself. You can unload your position easily when buyers are plentiful. Or you could sell into the first signs of weakness immediately after such a price run has broken down. You need to have a plan for both selling into strength and selling into weakness.
\section*{The Disaster Plan}
The fourth contingency may not be one you run into often; however, it's one that can save your portfolio and protect all your hard work. It would be a shame to see years of work building up your account trade by trade com-
promised by a random black swan simply because you were ill prepared. The disaster plan could turn out to be the most important part of your contingency planning. In fact, that's probably a safe bet; the disaster plan deals with such issues as what to do if your Internet connection goes down or your power fails. Do you have a backup system? What will your response be if you wake up and learn that the stock you bought yesterday is set to gap down huge because the company is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the CEO has skipped the country with embezzled funds? What will you do?
The importance contingency planning plays is that it enables you to make good decisions when you're under fire, when you need it the most. To survive in the stock market over the long term, I run my portfolio as if something really bad were going to happen every day. I am always prepared for the worst-case scenario.
Contingency planning allows you to have a psychological strategy that is as robust as your trading strategy as well as a trading strategy that has builtin responses to potential situations that could, if you are not prepared, lead to competing thoughts at the precise time you need to implement instant unbiased action. Contingency planning is an ongoing process. As you experience new problems, a procedure should be created to deal with them, which then becomes part of your contingency plans. You're never going to have all the answers, but you can cover most of the bases to the point where your reward outweighs your risk, and that's the key.
\section*{Losses Are a Function of Expected Gain}
Speculation is nothing more than anticipating coming movements. In order to anticipate correctly, one must have a definite basis for that anticipation.
- Jesse Livermore
Life insurance companies run their operations in accordance with mortality tables that are based on population samples, showing the percentage of people who are likely to die by a certain age. From these tables,
insurance companies can predict with a high degree of accuracy the number of people at any particular age who probably will be alive a certain number of years in the future. Although they cannot tell a particular person how long he or she will live (just as we don't know if the next trade will be successful), the average can be estimated with enough accuracy to set premium levels accurately. By setting premiums correctly, insurance companies can assure themselves of having enough money in any year to cover the payments to beneficiaries and the cost of doing business and secure a decent profit.
Just as an insurance company utilizes mortality tables, you can use a similar method for your trading as I have done for for mine for many years. You have no control over how much a stock goes up, but you can, however, control the amount you lose on each trade. You should base that amount of loss on the average mortality of your gains. This is similar to the insurance company having control over how much it charges in premiums, which are a direct function of the mortality tables. Similarly, your losses are a direct function of the mortality tables of your gains and where they tend to expire on average.
To make money consistently, you need a positive mathematical expectation for return; you need an edge. That is, your reward/risk ratio must be greater than one to one (net of costs). To achieve this, your losses obviously need to be contained on average to a level lower than that of your gains.
During my 30 years trading tens of thousands of stocks, I have been correct on winning trades only about 50 percent of the time. I'm wrong just as often as I'm right as far as wins and losses go; however, though the losses may be the same or at times even greater in number, the dollar amounts the profitable trades have been much larger than the losses on average. Imagine: being wrong just as often as being right allowed me to amass a fortune. This is because I follow a very important rule: always keep your risk at a level that is less than that of your average gain.
\section*{At What Point Should You Cut a Loss?}
As I've just discussed, the level at which a trader should cut his losses is not arbitrary. Loss cutting is a function of expected gain. The more accu-
rately you can predict the level of gain and the frequency at which you can expect it to occur, the easier it is to arrive at where you should be cutting your losses.Your maximum stop loss depends both on your batting average (percentage of profitable trades) and on your average profit per trade (expected gain).
Let's assume that a trader is profitable on 50 percent of his trades. Therefore, he must on average make at least as much as he loses to break even over time. Although going forward these numbers can only be based on assumption, it's the average gain from your actual trades that's the key number. After you have calculated these numbers, you will be able to get a much clearer picture of where you should be cutting your losses. A rule of thumb could be to cut your losses at a level of one-half of your average gain.
In the words of Warren Buffett, "Take the probability of loss times the amount of possible loss from the probability of gain times the amount of possible gain. ... It's imperfect, but that's what it's all about."
\section*{Avoid the Trader’s Cardinal Sin}
Allowing your loss on a trade to exceed your average gain is what I call the trader's cardinal sin. You must make more on your winners than you lose on your losers, remember? How can you possibly make money over time unless your winners return more dollars than your losers lose? The fact is that most traders don't even know what their average gain is. When setting a stop loss, I have a rule of thumb that the amount of loss should be no more than one-half the amount of expected gain based on one's real-life trading results. For example, if your winning trades produce a gain of 15 percent on average, you should sell any declining stock at no more than 7.5 percent off the purchase price. If you buy a stock at \(\$ 30\) a share, you would set your initial stop loss at \$27.75.
I also suggest that most investors, no matter how large their average gains, not allow any stock to fall more than 10 percent before selling. If you can't time a purchase well enough that you need more than 10 percent fluctuation from your point of purchase, something is wrong with your timing and selection criteria. Let's say that you sell your winners for an average gain
of 30 percent. I would not recommend allowing losses of 15 percent even though that would be half of your expected gain. In my experience, a 10 percent decline signals that something is wrong with the trade, assuming that you purchased it correctly in the first place.
Over time your average gain will improve as you learn how to trade more effectively. You should monitor your average gain on a regular basis and make adjustments to your stop loss accordingly. However, keep in mind that there's also an absolute level at which you need to cut your loss: the "uncle point." When you were a kid, someone would twist your arm until you couldn't take it anymore and said "uncle," meaning, "Okay, I've had enough; I surrender." Next time you allow a loss to grow larger than your average gain, ask yourself how you can you be profitable if your losses are bigger than your gains.
The best thing you can do is to keep your losses small in relation to your gains. With more experience, you will become a more effective trader. You'll realize larger gains on average and have more money to reinvest. Improved trading skills will compound your trading account, but only if you keep your losses small and avoid the trader's cardinal sin. Never let a loss grow larger than your average gain.
\section*{Building in Failure}
I have always lived by the following philosophy: expect the best and plan for the worst. Systems that rely on a high percentage of profitable trades never impressed me very much; they expect the best and plan for the best. I always felt that they were too risky if something went wrong and they lost their edge. The end result may be the same during periods when things are going along normally. However, if a trader has to be right on 70 or 80 percent of his trades and that's his edge, what happens if he's right only 40 or 50 percent of the time during a difficult period? What about during a really difficult period? The problem with relying on a high percentage of profitable trades is that no adjustment can be made; you can't control the number of wins and losses. What you can control is your stop loss; you can tighten it up as your gains get squeezed during difficult periods.
I like to keep my risk/reward ratio intact so that I can have a relatively low batting average and still not get into serious trouble. It's a concept that I call building in failure. My goal is to maintain at least a \(2: 1\) win/loss ratio with an absolute maximum stop loss of no more than 10 percent. I shoot for 3:1, and I'm elated if I can attain this ratio with even a 50 percent batting average. This means I'm making money three times faster on my wins than I'm losing when I'm wrong. At a \(2: 1\) ratio, I can be right only one-third of the time and still not get into real trouble. At a 3:1 ratio, even a 40 percent batting average could yield a fortune. If I'm able to be profitable with such a low percentage of winning trades, I've built a lot of failure into the system.
\section*{Always Determine Your Risk in Advance}
The time to think most clearly about where you will exit a position is before you get in. By the time you purchase a stock, the price at which you will sell at a loss should already be determined. When a stock drops to your defensive sell line, there is no time for vacillating or second-guessing. There is no decision to be made; it's been decided ahead of time. You just carry out your plan; you should write down your sell price before you buy each stock. Put it on a Post-it and attach it to your computer screen. If you don't write it down, it's very likely that you will forget about it or start rationalizing why you should hold on. Not defining and committing to a predetermined level of risk cost traders and investors more money than any other mistake.
\section*{Honor Thy Stop}
Letting losses run out of control is the most common and fatal mistake made by virtually every investor, including professionals. Trading without a stop loss is like driving a car without brakes, it's just a matter of time before you crash. As far as I'm concerned, if you aren't willing to cut losses, you should not be managing your investments or anyone else's. Most investors can't stand to take losses. Unfortunately, as a result, they suffer much bigger losses that do lasting damage to their portfolios. This is ironic; they won't
take a small loss because their egos won't let them accept that they have made a mistake, but in the long run they take larger losses.
My trading results went from mediocre to outstanding once I finally made the decision to draw a line in the sand and vowed never again to let a loss get out of control. I suggest that you make that same commitment right now.
You should handle a falling stock in your portfolio the way a doctor treats an incoming patient in the emergency room. If an accident victim just got rushed into the ER and had lost a great amount of blood, the doctor would act quickly to stop the loss because the more the patient bleeds, the more likely it is that he will not recover. As with stocks, the larger the loss is, the more difficult it is to recover because losses work against you geometrically.
Your predetermined stop-loss point should be used as an absolute maximum. Once the stock has declined to your stop, sell it immediately without exception or hesitation. Nothing must prevent you from getting out of the position. Unfortunately, most investors don't have a stop, even fewer write it down, and many do not sell when the stop is triggered. Typically, a stock declines and the investor says, "On the next rally I'll get out." Then one of two things happens. The stock rallies and in many cases these investors still don't sell because they feel comfortable that the stock is fine again, or the stock never rallies but keeps falling and becomes even more difficult to sell.
If you want to achieve superperformance in stocks, praying and hoping for a stock to recover from a loss has no place in your psychology. The market doesn't care about what you hope will happen. Inevitably, traders who think this way continually repeat the error of holding losses "just this once" and end up with mediocre or losing records of performance in the market. In fact, such traders frequently go bust. Concentrate on your plan and stick to your rules; the money will come as a result of sticking to your discipline and maintaining a positive reward/risk ratio.
\section*{Handling Stop-Loss Slippage}
At the time you purchase a stock, the price at which you expect to sell at a loss should be written down and then executed as soon as the stock trades
at that price. At this decisive moment, you execute the trade as quickly as you can. Sooner or later, however, one of your stocks will dive under your sell price before you can react; this is called slippage. My advice is to get out immediately. Take whatever the next bid price is. Such a hard-falling stock is sending a warning.
One money manager I know badly mishandled this type of scenario with a large position. A stock dropped quickly on news and shot well below her predetermined sell price; she was quickly down 15 percent on the position. She called me and asked my opinion. Of course, I told her I would have already sold if the stock had gone through my stop loss. She instructed her portfolio manager to wait for the stock to come back and then sell when they were down only 5 percent. The stock never came back. In fact, it fell further, and they ended up taking a 60 percent thrashing before they finally threw in the towel. Does this sound familiar?
Sure, there are going to be many times when you sell a stock that's down and it comes right back up. So what! Stop-loss protection is about protecting yourself from a major setback or, worse, devastation. It has nothing to do with being right all the time or getting the high or low price. Success in the stock market has nothing to do with hope or luck. Winning stock traders have rules and a well-thought-out plan. Conversely, losers lack rules, and if they have rules, they don't stick to them for very long; they deviate. The old adage holds true: your first loss is your best loss.
\section*{How to Handle a Losing Streak}
A losing streak usually means it's time for an assessment. If you find yourself getting stopped out of your positions over and over, there can only be two things wrong:
1. Your stock selection criteria are flawed.
2. The general market environment is hostile.
Broad losses across your portfolio after a winning record could signal an approaching correction in a bull market or the advent of a bear mar-
ket. Leading stocks often break down before the general market declines. If you're using sound criteria with regard to fundamentals and timing, your stock picks should work for you, but if the market is entering a correction or a bear market, even good selection criteria can show poor results. It's not time to buy; it's time to sell or even possibly go short. Keep yourself in tune with your portfolio, and when you start experiencing abnormal behavior, watch out. Jeese Livermore said, "I'm never afraid of normal behavior but abnormal behavior."
If you're experiencing a heavy number of losses in a strong market, maybe your timing is off. Perhaps your stock-selection criteria are missing a key factor. If you experience an abnormal losing streak, first scale down your exposure. Don't try to trade larger to recoup your losses fast; that can lead to much bigger losses. Instead, cut down your position sizes; for example, if you normally trade 5,000-share lots, trade 2,000 shares. If you continue to have trouble, cut back again, maybe to 1,000 shares. If it continues, cut back again. When your trading plan is working well, do the opposite and pyramid back up.
Following this strategy will help keep you from trading yourself into the ground when things turn sour, which they definitely will at some point. When you take a large loss or get hit repeatedly, there's a tendency to get angry and try to get it back quickly by trading larger. This is a major mistake many traders make and is the complete opposite of what should be done. Don't do it; trade smaller, not bigger. If you keep trading the same size over and over, even making small mistakes can lead to a death by a thousand cuts. Instead, scale back your trading size and raise the cash position in your portfolio.
\section*{A Practice That Will Guarantee Disaster}
It would be bad enough to sit and watch your wealth disappear and do nothing to protect yourself by not using a stop loss, but it is even worse to put more money into a losing investment. Throwing good money after bad is one of the quickest ways to the poorhouse. This is called averaging down.
Brokers often talk their clients into buying more shares of a stock that shows a loss in an effort to sell more stock or rationalize the poor recommendations they made in the first place. They tell the client that it will lower their cost basis. If you liked it at \(\$ 50\), you're going to love it at \(\$ 40\), right? Double up at \(\$ 40\) and your average price is now \(\$ 45\). Wow, what a deal! You now own twice the amount of stock, and you've doubled your risk. Your loss is still the same; you didn't gain anything except maybe a double-size loss if the stock keeps sliding. How about buying at \(\$ 30\), then \(\$ 20\), and then \(\$ 10\) ? How ridiculous! There is no shame in losing money on a stock trade, but to hold on to a loss and let it get bigger and bigger or, even worse, to buy more is amateurish and self destructive.
High-growth stocks that fall in value after you purchase them at a correct buy point do not become more attractive; they become less attractive. The more they fall, the less attractive they are. The fact that a stock is not responding positively is a red flag that the market is ignoring the stock; perception is not going in your direction. Maybe the general market is headed into a correction or, even worse, a major bear market.
For many investors, it's tempting to buy a pullback because you feel you're getting a bargain compared with where the stock was trading previously. However, averaging down is for losers, plain and simple. If this is the type of advice you're getting, I suggest you get a new broker or advisor. This is simply the worst possible advice you can receive. Remember that only losers average losers.
\section*{Learn to Pace Yourself}
When I come out of a 100 percent cash position, generally after a bear market or intermediate-term correction, I rarely jump right in with both feet. I think of each trading year as the opener of a twelve-inning game. There's plenty of time to reach my goal. Early on, I take it slow with my main focus on avoiding major errors and finding the market's theme. This is like an athlete warming up and assessing the competitive environment. Themes can come in the form of how prices are acting in general, industry group
leadership, overall market tone, and economic and political influences. I try to establish a rhythm and set my pace during this time. Like a golfer who has found his swing groove, once I find a theme and establish my trading rhythm, then and only then do I step up my exposure significantly. I wait patiently for the right opportunity while guarding my account. When the opportunity presents itself with the least chance of loss, I'm ready to strike. Patience is the key. My goal is to trade effortlessly. If your trading is causing you difficulty or stress, something is wrong with your criteria or timing or you're trading too large. To trade with ease, you must learn to wait patiently until the wind is at your back. If you were going sailing, you wouldn't go out on a dead calm and sit there floating in the water all day waiting for the wind to pick up. Why not just wait for a breezy day to set sail?
\section*{Build on Success}
I view the objectives in trading as a three-tiered hierarchy. First and foremost is the preservation of capital. When I first look at a trade, I don't ask, "What is the potential profit I can realize?" but rather, "What is the potential loss I could suffer?" Second, I strive for consistent profitability by balancing my risk relative to the accumulated profits or losses. Consistency is far more important than making lots of money. Third, insofar as I'm successful in the first two goals, I attempt to achieve superior returns. I do this by increasing my bet size after, and only after, periods of high profitability. In other words, if I have had a particularly profitable recent period, I may try to pyramid my gains by placing a larger bet size assuming, of course, the right situation presents itself. The key to building wealth is to preserve capital and wait patiently for the right opportunity to make extraordinary gains.
—Victor Sperandeo
To make big money in the stock market you do not have to make all-ornothing decisions. Stock trading is not an on-off business; moving from cash into equities should be incremental. As emerging stocks multiply on
your watch list and the market tries to rally off its apparent lows, the time will come to test the water with real money. Prudence is the order of the day here. You should start off with "pilot buys" by initiating smaller positions than normal; if they work out, larger positions should be added to the portfolio soon thereafter. This toe-in-the-water approach helps keep you out of trouble and building on your successes. If you're not profitable at 25 percent or 50 percent invested, why move up to 75 percent or 100 percent invested or use margin? Wait for confirmation and require that at least a few trades work out before getting more aggressive.
Conversely, if your trades are not working as expected, cut back. There's no intelligent reason to increase your trading size if your positions are showing losses. By pyramiding up when you're trading well and tapering off when you're trading poorly, you trade your largest when trading your best and trade your smallest when trading your worst. This is how you make big money as well as protect yourself from disaster. Before stepping up my exposure aggressively, I look to my portfolio for confirmation. If the market is indeed healthy, I should be experiencing success with my trading. In addition, you should see additional stocks setting up behind the first wave of emerging leaders. Be incremental in your decision-making process. Build on success. Subtract on setbacks. Let your portfolio guide you.
\section*{Scaling In versus Averaging Down}
A key difference between professionals and amateurs is that professionals scale into positions whereas amateurs average down. What do I mean by this? Let's assume that both the professional and the amateur decide to risk 5 percent of their capital on a trade. The pro may scale in with 2 percent on the first buy, 2 percent on the second, and maybe an additional 1 percent on the third. He then might put his stop at 10 percent from the average cost of his three buys, risking 0.50 percent of the total account capital.
The amateur buys his position, usually at one price, and if the trade goes against him, he may decide to average down, doubling up on a losing position. Often amateurs double up several times. Do this three times and you've gone from what started out as a 5 percent position to a 20 percent
position. If the stock keeps sinking, it becomes even more difficult to sell because you kept committing to the stock with additional buys. In my trading, I try to buy or add to a position in the direction of the trade only after it has shown me a profit; even if I'm buying a pullback, I generally wait for the stock to turn up before going long. The lesson: never trust the first price unless the position shows you a profit.
\section*{When to Move Up Your Stop}
I have some basic general guidelines: Any stock that rises to a multiple of my stop loss should never be allowed to go into the loss column. When the price of a stock I own rises by three times my risk, I almost always move my stop up to at least breakeven. Suppose I buy a stock at \(\$ 50\) and decide that I'm willing to risk 5 percent on the trade ( \(\$ 47.50\) stop loss for a \(\$ 2.50\) risk). If the stock advances to \(\$ 57.50(3 \times \$ 2.50)\), I move my stop to at least \(\$ 50\). If the stock continues to rise, I start to look for an opportunity to sell on the way up and nail down my profit. If I get stopped out at breakeven, I still have my capital; nothing gained but nothing lost. You may feel dumb breaking even on a trade that was once at a profit; however, you'll feel a lot worse if you turn a good-size gain into a loser. Move your stop up when your stock rises by two or three times your risk, especially if that number is above your historical average gain. This will help guard you against losses and protect your profits and your confidence.
\section*{Not All Ratios Are Created Equal}
You may have heard that in setting a stop loss you should allow more room for volatile price action; you should widen your stops on the basis of the volatility of the underlying stock. I strongly disagree. Most often, high volatility is experienced during a tough market environment. During difficult periods, your gains will be smaller than normal and your percentage of profitable trades (your batting average) will definitely be lower than usual, and so your losses must be cut shorter to compensate. It would be fair to assume that in difficult trading periods your batting average is likely to fall below
50 percent. Once your batting average drops below 50 percent, increasing your risk proportionately to compensate for a higher expected gain based on higher volatility will eventually cause you to hit negative expectancy; the more your batting average drops, the sooner negative expectancy will be achieved.
As the next figure illustrates, at a 40 percent batting average your optimal gain/loss ratio is 20 percent/ 10 percent; at this ratio your return on investment (ROI) over 10 trades is 10.2 percent. Note that the expected return rises from left to right and peaks at this ratio. Thereafter, with increasing losses in proportion to your gains, the return actually declines. Armed with this knowledge, you can understand which ratio at a particular batting average will yield the best expected return. This illustrates the power of finding the optimal ratio. Any less and you make less money; however, any more and you also make less money.
If your winning trades were to more than double from 20 percent to 42 percent and you maintained a 2:1 gain/loss ratio by cutting your losses at 21
\hline \multicolumn{6}{c|}{\begin{tabular}{c}
G/L \\
\% Gain
\end{tabular}} \\
\hline \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\begin{tabular}{c}
\% Loss
\end{tabular}} & Ratio & @ 30\% Bat. Avg. & @ 40\% Bat. Avg. & @ 50\% Bat. Avg. \\
\hline \(4.00 \%\) & \(2.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-2.35 \%\) & \(3.63 \%\) & \(10.00 \%\) \\
\(6.00 \%\) & \(3.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-3.77 \%\) & \(5.16 \%\) & \(14.92 \%\) \\
\(8.00 \%\) & \(4.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-5.34 \%\) & \(6.49 \%\) & \(19.80 \%\) \\
\(12.00 \%\) & \(6.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-8.89 \%\) & \(8.55 \%\) & \(29.34 \%\) \\
\(14.00 \%\) & \(7.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-10.86 \%\) & \(9.27 \%\) & \(33.95 \%\) \\
\(16.00 \%\) & \(8.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-12.93 \%\) & \(9.79 \%\) & \(38.43 \%\) \\
\(20.00 \%\) & \(10.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-17.35 \%\) & \(\mathbf{1 0 . 2 0 \%}\) & \(46.93 \%\) \\
\(24.00 \%\) & \(12.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-22.08 \%\) & \(9.80 \%\) & \(54.71 \%\) \\
\(30.00 \%\) & \(15.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-29.57 \%\) & \(7.71 \%\) & \(64.75 \%\) \\
\(36.00 \%\) & \(18.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-37.23 \%\) & \(4.00 \%\) & \(72.49 \%\) \\
\(42.00 \%\) & \(21.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-45.01 \%\) & \(-1.16 \%\) & \(77.66 \%\) \\
\(48.00 \%\) & \(24.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-52.52 \%\) & \(-7.55 \%\) & \(\mathbf{8 0 . 0 4 \%}\) \\
\(54.00 \%\) & \(27.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-59.65 \%\) & \(-14.88 \%\) & \(79.56 \%\) \\
\(60.00 \%\) & \(30.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-66.27 \%\) & \(-22.90 \%\) & \(76.23 \%\) \\
\(70.00 \%\) & \(35.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-75.92 \%\) & \(-37.01 \%\) & \(64.75 \%\) \\
\(80.00 \%\) & \(40.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-83.67 \%\) & \(-51.02 \%\) & \(46.93 \%\) \\
\(90.00 \%\) & \(45.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-89.56 \%\) & \(-63.93 \%\) & \(24.62 \%\) \\
\(100.00 \%\) & \(50.00 \%\) & \(2: 1\) & \(-93.75 \%\) & \(-75.00 \%\) & \(0.00 \%\) \\
Figure 13.1 Total compounded return per 10 trades at various batting averages
percent instead of 10 percent, you would actually lose money. You're still maintaining the same ratio, so how could you be losing? This is the dangerous nature of losses; they work geometrically against you. At a 50 percent batting average, if you made 100 percent on your winners and lost 50 percent on your losers, you would do nothing but break even; you would make more money taking profits at 4 percent and cutting your losses at 2 percent. Not surprisingly, as your batting average drops, it gets much worse. At a 30 percent batting average, profiting 100 percent on your winners and giving back 50 percent on your losers, you would have a whopping 93 percent loss in just 10 trades.
If the optimal result is achieved by having a 48 percent/24 percent win/ loss ratio at a 50 percent batting average, what do you think happens when your percentage of profitable trades drops to only 40 percent? The following figure may surprise you by showing that the optimal level drops to 20 percent/10 percent.
If you're trading poorly and your batting average is dropping off below the \(50 \%\) level, the last thing you want to do is increase the room you give your stocks on the downside. This is not an opinion; it's a mathematical fact. Many investors give their losing positions more freedom to inflict

Figure 13.2 Total compounded return per 10 trades at 40 percent batting average
deeper losses. Their results begin to slip, and they get knocked out of a handful of trades; then they watch the stocks they sold at a loss turn around and go back up. What do they say to themselves? "Maybe I should have given the stock more room to fluctuate; I'd still be in it." This is just the opposite of what you should do.
In a difficult market environment, profits will be smaller than normal and losses will be larger; downside gaps will be more common, and you will most likely experience greater slippage. The smart way to handle this is to do the following:
- Tighten up stop losses. If you normally cut losses at 7 to 8 percent, cut them at 5 to 6 percent.
- Settle for smaller profits. If you normally take profits of 15 to 20 percent on average, take profits at 10 to 12 percent.
- If you're trading with the use of leverage, get off margin immediately.
- Reduce your exposure with regard to your position sizes as well as your overall capital commitment.
- Once you see your batting average and risk/reward profile improve, you can start to extend your parameters gradually back to normal levels.
\section*{Diversification Does Not Protect You}
I've always felt that if I was enthusiastic about an industry or a company, then I would concentrate in it. It causes commentators to consider me risky. I never thought that was risk; I thought that was opportunity.
—Kenneth Heebner
Diversification is a tactic used to distribute investments among different securities to limit losses in the event of a decline in a particular security
or industry. The strategy relies on the average security having a profitable expected value. Diversification also provides some psychological benefits to single-instrument trading since some of the short-term variation in one instrument may cancel out that from another instrument, resulting in an overall smoothing of short-term portfolio volatility. You will never achieve superperformance if you overly diversify and rely on diversification for protection. During a bear market, almost all stocks will go down. By having your money spread all over the place, you accomplish three things:
1. Inability to follow each company closely and know everything you should know about the investments
2. Inability to reduce your portfolio exposure quickly when needed
3. A smoothing effect that will ensure average results
Depending on the size of your portfolio and your risk tolerance, you should typically have between 4 and 6 stocks, and for large portfolios maybe as many as 10 or 12 stocks. This will provide sufficient diversification but not too much. You should not hold more than 20 positions, which would represent a 5 percent position size if they were equally weighted. All during my trading career I've heard over and over, "You have to be diversified." If Ken Heebner of CGM Funds can move around billions of dollars in just 20 names and still manage to beat the market, a personal portfolio can surely be managed sufficiently with a maximum of 10 to 20 stocks. If you're a true 2:1 trader, mathematically your optimal position size should be 25 percent (four stocks divided equally). As a result, a stock that is a big winner will make a real contribution to your portfolio. In keeping track of 4, 5, or 6 companies, it is much easier to know a lot about each name than it is to follow and track 15 or 20 companies. If you're holding many positions, it's going to be difficult to raise cash and move quickly when the market turns against you. Instead of spreading yourself all over the place in a feeble attempt to mitigate risk through diversification, concentrate your capital in the very
best stocks-a relatively small group-that have exciting things going on. Watch your stocks carefully and be prepared to move if things take a turn for the worse.
In my career, I have had many periods in which I put my entire account in just four names. This of course corresponds with some of my most profitable periods. Yes, there is risk, but you can mitigate that risk with the use of a sound methodology. In the words of Warren Buffett, "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing." If you are strict with your selection criteria and demand the best for your portfolio, it should be difficult to find a lot of names that are worthy to be included among your elite group. Bottom line: diversification does not protect you from losses.
\section*{My Walking Barefoot in Four Feet of Snow Story}
At some time in your life, you've heard a story like this, probably from your parents or grandparents: how they had to walk barefoot six miles uphill each way to school in four feet of snow, carrying their brother on their back. Well, I'm going to leave you with my own "in my day" story.
When I started trading in the 1980s, I had no quotes, no charts, and no research tools to speak of. There was no such thing as an Internet connection (at least one that I could connect to), no online trading, and no level II system for the average trader to find out where the market was. All I had was closing prices printed in the newspaper each day and some graph paper to hand plot charts.
Making matters worse, stock commissions were extremely high: more than \(\$ 100\) per trade versus \(\$ 5\) or \(\$ 10\) today. Even when discount commissions were introduced, they were still around \(\$ 60\) per side. At the time, however, that seemed like quite a bargain. Finding out where the market was at any particular moment was just about impossible for a small-time trader like me in those days. I had to be resourceful and a little audacious to make up for the tools I didn't have.
When commissions finally came down to a reasonable level, I opened a trading account at a local discount brokerage house. That brokerage office offered a very useful feature: a stock quote machine in the lobby. These were not streaming real-time quotes but rather snap quotes that you could pull up static one stock at a time.
The machine was meant to be a courtesy for customers who stopped by the brokerage office and didn't invite frequent use. The computer terminal sat on a table without a chair. The message was clear: look once and move on. That, however, did not discourage me. I stood outside that branch office every trading day, rain or shine, reading the newspaper. Then I'd go in every 10 minutes or so to check the quotes. Sometimes I'd take a break across the street for a hot dog or a soda. Otherwise, I didn't leave my spot for the entire six-and-a-half-hour trading day. How else could I know where the market was?
Eventually, I purchased a computer to get market data, but there was no Internet trading in those days, no point-and-click two-second execution the way there is today. In those days, I made my money by picking up the phone and paying hefty commissions.
When people tell me that trading today is too difficult, that the market is too complex and the pros have all the edge, it makes me chuckle. It's a much more level playing field today between the amateurs and the professionals. Even casual investors have tools at their disposal-from online trade execution to free charts-that I couldn't imagine in the old days. Today you have the equivalent of a fully equipped F-16 fighter jet at your fingertips.
Don't say the deck is stacked against you, retail players can't win, or only the professionals make money in the market. These are simply excuses. I dropped out of school at age 15 with virtually no money and no education. If I could make big money in the stock market, think about how well you can do. There is no reason you shouldn't be able to achieve far more than I have.
I've always felt that smart people learn from their mistakes but really smart people learn from other people's mistakes. I have tried to follow this philosophy by carefully studying the great traders and innovative thinkers of
our time. I have made my share of mistakes and have learned the hard lessons. In this book I have presented to you a sound plan that is based on my experience. It's now up to you to execute it and stick to the discipline. If you do, it will be well worth it.
Best wishes!
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Special thanks to the following people:
Patricia Crisafulli for your valuable guidance and unconditional patience. Loren Fleckenstein for your editorial advice, your friendship, and your unwavering confidence in my abilities over the years. Bob Weissman for your dedication, loyalty, and most important your friendship. Mary Glenn and her team at McGraw-Hill for total professionalism and integrity; thank you for allowing me to write this book the way I envisioned. My literary agent, Jeffery Krames (even though we yell at each other from time to time); Jeffery is a great agent. David Ryan for taking the time out of his busy schedule to write a foreword, as well as being a great inspiration for me early in my career. Linda Ludy for your editorial suggestions, friendship, and support. Patricia Wallenburg for doing a wonderful job with the book layout and getting it in "under the wire"; thank you. Dennis Maggi who early in my life exposed me to great classic books like Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Positive Thinking, and many others that were instrumental in my growth in business and in life. To all my friends and family who supported my efforts over the years.
Thank you all.
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References to figures are in italics.
10 Secrets for Success and Inner
Peace (Dyer), 9
3C pattern, 243-247
acceleration, Code 33 situation, 158-159
accumulation, 70-72
signs of, 217
advancing phase, 70-72
how to pinpoint, 79
Affymax, Inc., 230-231
age of company, 37
AIG, 42, 47, 117
Amazon, 167, 232, 261
America Online, 101, 193
American Power Conversion, 177-178
American Superconductor, 223, 225
Amgen, 76, 81, 128
as a market leader, 175-176
in stage 1,67
in stage 2,71
in stage 3, 73
in stage 4,75
transitioning from stage 1 to stage 2, 68-69, 70
analysts, tuning out, 86-87
"The Anatomy of a Stock Market
Winner" (Reinganum),
annual earnings, 134-135
anticipation, 120
Apollo Group, 49-50, 62, 128, 134-135, 173
net margins, 146
Apple Computers, 98, 105-106, 181
net margins, 146
Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc., 256
averaging down, 305
vs. scaling in, 307-308
Avon Products, 284
Bank of America, 86
Bannister, Roger, 26
base counts, 80-83
base failure, 249
Bebe Stores, 242
Ben-David, Itzhak, 281
Berger, William "Bill" M. B., 237
Best Buy Co., 255
Blockbuster, vs. Netflix, 102-104
Body Central Corp., primary base, 264-266
bottom picking, 68
breakout years, 136
breakouts, 247
failure of, 232
broken leader syndrome, 57-58
brokerage houses, opinions, 89
building on success, 306-307
bull markets, 184
"buy weakness" mentality, 29
capitulation, 74-76
catalysts, 33
cyclical stocks, 107-108
institutional favorite, 104
laggards, 108-110
market leader, 96-100
overview, 95-96
top competitor, 100-104
turnaround situation, 104-106
category killers, 98
chart patterns, 30, 192
3C pattern, 243-247
deep correction patterns, 210-211
pivot points, 223-226
saucer-with-platform pattern, 242-243
shakeouts, 213-216
velocity pattern, 253
charts, 190-191, 192-194
contraction count, 198-200
detecting overhead supply, 204-206
identifying consolidation periods, 196-197
showing prevailing trends, 195-196
technical footprints, 201-203
time compression, 211-213
using as a filter to screen investment candidates, 194-195
using as a tool, 191-192
volatility contraction pattern, 198
cheap stock, 43
cheat area, 245
Chipotle Mexican Grill, 89, 180
Circuit City, 267-268
Cirrus Logic, 222, 228, 244, 247
Cisco Systems, 97, 128, 284
Citigroup, 85, 117, 118
CKE restaurants, 48, 49, 55
Coca-Cola, 284
cockroach effect, 121-122
Code 33, 158-159
commitment, 5
to an approach, 39-40
company-issued guidance, 150-152
consistent success, 272-273
consolidation, 66-70
identifying consolidation periods, 196-197
price spikes preceding, 222-223
technical footprints, 201-203
contingency planning, 293-297
contraction count, 198-200
conventional wisdom, 22-23
cookie cutter concept, 98-99
considerations when investing
in cookie cutter model, 99-100
cost cutting, 143-145
countertrend volatility, 248
Craft Brewers Alliance Inc., 251
Crocs, 51-52, 87-88, 90, 91, 129-130
cup-and-handle pattern, 30, 198, 242-243
cyclical stocks, 107-108
Davis, Ned, 64
deceleration, 138-140
Deckers Outdoor, 82, 216, 220
declining phase, 74-76
declining stocks, 42-43
market leaders, 183
deep correction patterns, 210-211
Dell, Michael, 13, 105-106
Dell Computer Corporation, 13, 138
build-to-order business model, 155-156
demand, evidence of, 216-221
Dendreon Corp, 168
Dick's Sporting Goods, 152, 214, 218-219, 257
primary base, 265
differential disclosure, 158
disaster plan, 296-297
discipline, 292-293
Disney, 98
distribution, 72-74
diversification, 311-313
Donchian, Richard, 29-30
downtrends, 246
Dyer, Wayne, 8-9
early day reversals, 233
earnings, 119-120
acceleration, 131-132
annual, 134-135
attracting attention, 125-127
breakout years, 136
deceleration, 138-140
getting on the table, 127-131
major drivers of, 143-145
supported by revenue, 132-133
earnings estimates
analysts' revisions of, 124-125
beating, 122-124
earnings per share (EPS),
momentum, 125-126
earnings quality, 141
analyzing inventories, 153-154
analyzing receivables, 156-157
Code 33, 158-159
company-issued guidance, 150-152
comparing inventory with sales, 154-156
cost cutting, 143-145
differential disclosure, 158
long-term projections, 152-153
massaged numbers, 142
measuring margins, 145-147
nonoperating or nonrecurring income, 141-142
one-time charges, 142-143
stock price reaction, 147-149
write-downs and revenue shifting, 143
earnings surprise, 121, 148-149
Eastman Kodak, 284
eBay, 98
efficient market hypothesis, 189-190
ego, 16-17, 287, 290
Elan PLC, 221, 235, 243
EMH. See efficient market hypothesis
emotional attachment to stocks, 290
Emulex, 170-171
Encore Wire, 153-154
entry points, 33-34
exit points, 34
F5 Networks, 77, 133
Facebook, 261, 262
failure, building into the system, 300-301
failure reset, 249-250
fair disclosure, 123-124
Fama, Eugene, 189
financial stocks, 85-86, 184-185
collapse of, 117
FLIR Systems, 167
Foster Wheeler, 234
FSI International, 198, 199
fund managers, investing like, 20-22
fundamentally sound, vs. priceready, 256-257
fundamentals, 33
annual earnings, 134-135
anticipation, 120
beating earnings estimates, 122-124
big earnings attracting attention, 125-127
breakout years, 136
checking the trend, 133-134
cockroach effect, 121-122
earnings, 119-120
earnings acceleration, 131-132
earnings supported by revenue, 132-133
earnings surprise, 121
getting earnings on the table, 127-131
growth, 118-119
revisions of estimates, 124-125
spotting a turnaround situation, 136-137
surprise, 120, 121
GARP. See growth at a reasonable price (GARP)
General Motors, 117, 285
goals, 23
Google, 101-102, 245
Green Mountain Coffee, Inc., 88, 128
gross margins, 145
group cycle dynamics, 113
growth, 59, 118-119
cycles, secular, 173-174
high, 44-45
scalable, 96-97
See also PEG ratio
growth at a reasonable price (GARP), 60
habit, 17-18
high growth, 44-45
high P/E stocks, 43-44
See also P/E ratio
high-price stocks, 47-49
highs and lows, 46-47
Hirshleifer, David, 281
Home Depot, 61, 62, 101, 128, 132
deceleration, 139-140
housing stocks, 184-185
How to Trade in Stocks
(Livermore), 14, 30
Human Genome Sciences, 168
Humana, 168-169
hype, tuning out, 86-87
Illumina Inc., 93, 94
Impax Labs, 225
indecisiveness, 24-25
individual investors, vs. fund managers, 20-22
industry groups, 110-111
group cycle dynamics, 113
group leaders as indicators, 113-114
See also technical themes
innovations, 112
institutional favorites, 104
analyzing, 153-154
comparing with sales, 154-156
write-downs, 143
involuntary investors, 282-283
Irises (Van Gogh), 53
iRobot, 266-267
Jensen, Edward S., 29
Jiler, William L., 30
Juniper Networks, 266
Kenneth Cole Productions, 233
laggards, 108-110, 162
Landy, John, 26
large-cap companies, 38
Leadership Profile, 29, 34
defined, 32
Levy, Robert A., 29
lifestyle habits, 292-293
line of least resistance, 203, 224
liquidity, 121
Livermore, Jesse, 14, 30, 161, 224, 262
Livermore System, 248-249
lockout, 164-165
long-term projections, 152-153
long-term trends, 195-196
losing streaks, 303-304
See also losses
Loss Adjustment Exercise, 277-279
allowing loss to exceed average gain, 299-300
as a function of expected gain, 297-298
limiting, 276-277
losing streaks, 303-304
when to cut losses, 299
Love, Richard, 28-29
Lowe's, 101
Lucent Technologies, 284
luck, 12
Lululemon Athletica Inc., 148, 235, 240
Lumber Liquidators, 179
Magna Intl. Inc., 212, 220, 231
Mankind, 210
margin metrics, 145-147
market corrections
and market leaders, 168
secular growth cycles, 173-174
market leaders, 96-100
Amgen, 175-176
declining, 183
as forecasters of trouble, 183-185
identifying, 185-186
lockout period, 164-165
and market corrections, 168
as opportunities, 166-172
overview, 161-162
price strength before advance, 165-166
secular growth cycles, 173-174
spotting turning points, 162-164
technical themes, 176-178
which to buy first, 178-182
market saturation, 114-115
massaged numbers, 142
McDonald's, 100, 284
MCI Communications, 101
media, tuning out, 186-187
Mercadolibre, 224-226, 228, 250
Meridian Bioscience, 201, 215, 217-218, 241
Microsoft, 128, 209
Monster Beverage, 159, 209
Morgan Stanley, 43
Moscato, Jack, 275
natural reaction, 237-242
naysayers, 13-14
neglect phase, 66-70
net margins, 145
Netflix, 84, 132, 148, 226, 238
vs. Blockbuster, 102-104
new highs, 206-209
New Oriental Education, 227
newly public stock. See primary base
nonnegotiable criteria, 63-64
nonoperating income, 141-142
nonrecurring charges, 142-143
nonrecurring income, 141-142
Novell, 78
O'Neil, William, 30, 83
one-time charges, 142-143
Opentable, 92
created by new innovations, 112
market leaders as, 166-172
opportunity, and preparation, 5-6
overhead supply, detecting, 204-206
pacing yourself, 305-306
Panera Bread, 173-174
paper trading, 18-19
See also trading
passion, 7
pauses, 246
\(\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E}\) ratio
as a barometer of sentiment, 58-59
conclusions, 61-62
deception, 56-57
gauging P/E expansion, 60-61
no common denominator, 54-55
overuse of, 41-42
superlow P/E, 55-56
PED. See postearnings drift
PEG ratio, 59-60
perception of value, 53-54
persistence, 5, 25-26
Pharmacyclics, Inc., 163, 164
pivot failure, 249
pivot points, 223-226
volume at, 226-228
waiting for the stock to pivot, 229-230
Possibility Thinking (Schuller), 8
postearnings drift, 121, 148
power play, 253-256
practice, 17-18
preparation, and opportunity, 5-6
price action, 83-84
price maturation cycle, 76
price shakeouts, 213-216
price spikes, 217, 218
preceding a consolidation, 222-223
price strength, 165-166
price/earnings to growth. See PEG ratio
price-ready, vs. fundamentally sound, 256-257
primary base
overview, 259-261
time to develop, 261-262
probability convergence, 35-36
protecting profits and principal, 273-274
Quality Systems, Inc., 254
quantitative analysis, 38-39
and technology, 31
Rambus, primary base, 263-264
receivables, analyzing, 156-157
records, breaking, 26
red flags. See warning signs
re-entry, 295-296
regret, 24-25
Regulation FD, 123-124
Reinganum, Marc R., 28-29
relative prioritizing, 34-35
The Relative Strength Concept of Common Stock Price
Forecasting (Levy), 29
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
(Livermore), 30
research, doing your own, 15-16
revenue-shifting, 143
reversal recoveries, 230-232
reverse factor modeling, 29
risk management
accepting the market's
judgments, 280
allowing loss to exceed average gain, 299-300
averaging down, 305
avoiding big errors, 281-282
being selective, 288
building in failure, 300-301
building on success, 306-307
determining risk in advance, 301
disaster plan, 296-297
discipline, 292-293
diversification, 311-313
ego, 287, 290
emotional attachment to stocks, 290
feeling stupid, 289
fundamental principles, 275
handling volatility, 308-311
involuntary investors, 282-283
knowing when you're wrong, 280-281
limiting losses, 276-277
losing streaks, 303-304
Loss Adjustment Exercise, 277-279
losses as a function of expected gain, 297-298
mistakes, 288-289
pacing yourself, 305-306
protecting profits and principal, 273-274
re-entry, 295-296
scaling in vs. averaging down, 307-308
selling at a profit, 296
so-called safe stock, 283-285
sound principles, 274-275
stop-loss, 295, 301-302
stop-loss slippage, 303
when to cut losses, 299
when to move up your stop, 308
risk-first approach, 4
Roediger, Henry L., III, 18-19
Rosetta Stone Inc., 151-152
Ryan, David, 13, 83, 270
sacrifice, 23
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 123-124
saucer-with-platform pattern, 242-243
See also cup-and-handle pattern
scalable growth, 96-97
scaling in, vs. averaging down, 307-308
Schuller, Robert, 8
Schwager, Jack, 274-275
Schwartz, Martin "Buzzy," 270
Secrets for Profiting in Bull and
Bear Markets (Weinstein), 65
secular growth cycles, 173-174
selling into strength, 296
SEPA strategy, 28
commitment to, 39-40
key elements of, 32-34
objective of, 32
ranking process, 34-35
shakeouts, 213-216
size of company, 37-38
small-cap companies, 38
Southwestern Energy Co., 252
Specific Entry Point Analysis. See SEPA strategy
squats, 230-232
stage analysis, 65
stages of stocks, 65-66
advancing phase, 70-72
declining phase, 74-76
neglect phase, 66-70
topping phase, 72-74
Starbucks, 100
stochastic oscillator, 56
Stock Market Blueprints (Jensen), 29
Stock Market Wizards (Schwager), 274-275
stock price reaction, 147-149
stock screening, 38-39
See also quantitative analysis
stop-loss, 295, 301-302
slippage, 303
when to move up your stop, 308
Stryker Corp., 82, 239
success, building on, 306-307
Sun Microsystems, 57-58
superlow \(\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{E}, 55-56\)
superperformance, 2, 11-12
age of company, 37
and luck, 12
and P/E ratios, 54-55
size of company, 37-38
and stage analysis, 65
traits, 36
Superperformance Stocks (Love), 28-29
surprise, 120
earnings surprise, 121
TASER, 46-47, 207, 253
technical analysis, 191
See also charts
technical footprints, 201-203
technical themes, 176-178
technology stocks, 184
tennis ball action, 237-242
time compression, 211-213
timing uptrends, 80
top competitors, 100-104
topping phase, 72-74
vs. investors, 24-25
short-term vs. long term, 25
trader's cardinal sin, avoiding, 299-300
as a business, 19-20
See also paper trading
Travelzoo, 211
trend following, 30
trend reversal, 84-85
Trend Template, 34, 79
trends, 32-33
and charts, 195-196
checking the, 133-134
countertrend volatility, 248
downtrends, 246
stage analysis, 65
stages of stocks, 65-66
timing uptrends, 80
the trend is your friend, 64-65
uptrends, 246
uptrends supported by strong earnings growth, 127-131
waiting for the turn, 247-248
Troy Group Inc., 213
turnaround situations, 104-106
spotting, 136-137
uptrends, 246
timing, 80
Urban Outfitter, 122
U.S. Investing Championship (USIC), 269-272
US Surgical, 112
USG Corp., 204
Valassis Communications, 221, 241, 244
value, 52-54
Value Line, 54
Van Gogh, Vincent, 53
VCP. See volatility contraction pattern
velocity pattern, 253
Vicor, 86-87, 130-131
volatility, handling, 308-311
volatility contraction pattern, 198
and contraction counts, 198-200
technical footprints, 201-203
what volatility contraction tells us, 203-204
intraday, extrapolating, 229
at pivot points, 226-228
Walmart, 97, 182
warning signs, 90-94
of a bottoming market, 169-170
deceleration, 138-140
inventory and receivables growing faster than sales, 156-157
watch lists, organization of, 236-237
Weight Watchers, 77
Weinstein, Stan, 64
whisper number, 123
Whole Foods, 108-110
Wild Oats, 108
W.R. Grace \& Co., 172, 200
write-downs, 143
Xerox, 284
Yahoo, 45, 101, 208
primary base, 262-263
Zadeh, Norman, 269
Zweig, Marty, 64
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Starting with only a few thousand dollars, Mark Minervini turned his personal trading account into millions. To demonstrate the effectiveness of his SEPA \({ }^{\circledR}\) trading methodology, in 1997 Minervini entered the U.S. Investing Championship posting \(\$ 250,000\) of his own money; he won with a 155 percent return, a performance that was nearly double the next nearest competing money manager.
Using his SEPA trading strategy, in a five-year period Minervini generated a towering 220 percent average annual return with only one losing quarter. To put that in perspective, a \(\$ 100,000\) account would explode to over \(\$ 30\) million with those returns.
Mark Minervini is a 30-year veteran of Wall Street. He is featured in Jack Schwager's Stock Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Stock Traders. Schwager wrote: "Minervini's performance has been nothing short of astounding. Most traders and money managers would be delighted to have Minervini's worst year-a 128 percent gain-as their best."
Currently, Minervini educates traders about his SEPA trading methodology through a service called Minervini Private Access, a streaming communication platform that allows users the unique experience of trading side-by-side with Minervini in real time. He also conducts a live Master Trader Program, which is an investment workshop where he spends two days teaching his SEPA strategy and techniques.
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