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欢迎来到常见问题解答! 📖

We hope the information below will address most of your questions! Simply click on a section and you'll hop down to that part of the FAQ!
我们希望下面的信息能回答您的大部分问题!只需点击一个部分,您就会跳到 FAQ 的该部分!
Can't find what you're looking for? Email our team at: support@researchrabbit.ai
找不到您要查找的内容?请通过 support@researchrabbit.ai 电子邮件我们的团队。
Click here to hop down to the Zotero Integration FAQ!
点击此处跳转到 Zotero 集成常见问题解答!






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What is ResearchRabbit? 什么是 ResearchRabbit?
ResearchRabbit is a research platform that enables you to discover and visualize relevant literature and scholars, create alerts for awesome newly-published papers, share collections with colleagues and the world, and so much more!
We are on a mission to empower researchers with powerful technologies. You can learn more about our mission here: www.rsrchrabbit.substack.com/p/mission
How do I get started in ResearchRabbit?
如何在 ResearchRabbit 中开始研究?
When you first log in, ResearchRabbit will create a default Collection titled “Untitled Collection” (you can rename this at any time!). To get started, click “Add Papers” and search for a paper you already know and love, or one that would be helpful for your project. Add that paper to your Collection, and ResearchRabbit will start generating recommendations! If your rabbit can’t figure out your interest based on a single paper, try adding a few more to help your rabbit!
首次登录时,ResearchRabbit 将创建一个名为“未命名收藏”的默认收藏(您随时可以重新命名!)。 开始使用时,请点击“添加论文”,搜索您已经了解并喜爱的论文,或者对您的项目有帮助的论文。 将该论文添加到您的收藏中,ResearchRabbit 将开始生成推荐! 如果您的兔子无法通过一篇论文来判断您的兴趣,尝试添加几篇以帮助您的兔子!
As you add more papers, ResearchRabbit better understands your interests and generates better recommendations – it’s like a “Spotify for Papers”! In Spotify, you add songs to a playlist and get personalized recommendations; in ResearchRabbit, you add papers to a collection and get personalized recommendations!
随着您添加更多论文,ResearchRabbit 更好地理解了您的兴趣并生成了更好的推荐——它就像“论文版 Spotify”!在 Spotify 中,您将歌曲添加到播放列表中以获取个性化推荐;在 ResearchRabbit 中,您将论文添加到收藏夹中以获取个性化推荐!
Additionally, based on your Collection, ResearchRabbit will also start monitoring all newly-published papers. If – and only if – your rabbit thinks it’s found something you’ll love, we’ll email those papers to you on Sunday night! If your rabbit didn’t find anything, we don’t email you to help keep your inbox clear!
此外,基于您的收藏,ResearchRabbit 还将开始监控所有新发布的论文。如果——也只有当——您的兔子认为它找到了您会喜欢的内容时,我们会在周日晚上将那些论文通过电子邮件发送给您!如果您的兔子没有找到任何内容,我们不会给您发送电子邮件,以帮助您保持收件箱清洁!
How can I add a paper?
To add a paper to ResearchRabbit, first, open a Collection. (If you’re logging in for the first time, the default “Untitled Collection” will already be open.) From there, you can add papers by clicking “Add Papers”. The “Add Papers” button allows you to search for papers you already know and love! Once you click “Add Papers”, a pop-up will appear, and you can search for:
要将论文添加到 ResearchRabbit,首先打开一个收藏夹。(如果您第一次登录,默认的“无标题收藏夹”已经打开。)从那里,您可以点击“添加论文”来添加论文。"添加论文"按钮允许您搜索您已经知道并喜爱的论文!一旦您点击“添加论文”,将弹出一个窗口,您可以搜索:
Keyword Search allows you to search for papers with a typical keyword search query. To start, select a search engine you’d like to use. You can choose the SemanticScholar search engine for all subject domains, or the PubMed search engine for biomedical researchers. Please note: the search results come from SemanticScholar and PubMed – we are constantly working with them to increase the quality of their results
关键词搜索允许您使用典型的关键词搜索查询来搜索论文。开始时,请选择您想要使用的搜索引擎。您可以选择 SemanticScholar 搜索引擎来搜索所有学科领域,或者选择 PubMed 搜索引擎来搜索生物医学研究论文。请注意:搜索结果来自 SemanticScholar 和 PubMed - 我们正在与他们不断合作,以提高其结果的质量。
Paper Title allows you to search for a specific title of a paper you already know. Please note: this is an “exact match” search, so you’ll want to enter the exact characters of the paper
DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier (“DOI”), which is a unique identifier for papers! Enter the DOI and hit “Enter”; if our database has this paper, it’ll be automatically added to your Collection! To find a paper's DOI, try looking around in the article itself. Alternatively, you can copy-paste a reference into this search box: https://doi.crossref.org/simpleTextQuery
数字对象标识符(DOI)是论文的唯一标识符!输入 DOI 并按下“回车键”;如果我们的数据库中有这篇论文,它将自动添加到您的收藏中!要找到论文的 DOI,可以尝试在文章本身附近寻找。另外,您还可以将参考文献复制粘贴到这个搜索框中:https://doi.crossref.org/simpleTextQuery
Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote BibTex and RIS files can also be uploaded into ResearchRabbit. From your citation manager, you can export batches of papers from your citation manager into a .bib or .ris file. Then, simply upload that .bib or .ris file into ResearchRabbit. For a more detailed step-by-step, please see instructions here: www.researchrabbit.ai/tipsandtricks
Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote BibTex 和 RIS 文件也可以上传到 ResearchRabbit。从您的引文管理器中,您可以将一批论文从引文管理器导出为.bib 或.ris 文件。然后,只需将该.bib 或.ris 文件上传到 ResearchRabbit 即可。有关更详细的逐步说明,请参阅此处:www.researchrabbit.ai/tipsandtricks
Adding papers you discover!
As you explore the research landscape in ResearchRabbit, you might come across a paper that you’d like to add to your Collection! When those come up, simply click “Add to Collection” to add those papers to your Collection!
在 ResearchRabbit 中探索研究景观时,您可能会遇到一篇想添加到您的收藏中的论文!当这些出现时,只需点击“添加到收藏”即可将那些论文添加到您的收藏中!
Zotero integration is now available!
Zotero 集成现在可用!
Learn more about it here
How do I get recommendations? How do I customize recommendations further?
By adding a single paper to a Collection, ResearchRabbit will start generating recommendations. You can see the recommendations by clicking on “Similar Work”, “Earlier Work”, and “Later Work”. If ResearchRabbit doesn’t generate any recommendations just yet, it’s because your rabbit hasn’t figured out your interests just yet – try adding more papers!
通过向一个收藏中添加一篇论文,ResearchRabbit 将开始生成推荐。您可以通过点击“相似工作”、“先前工作”和“后续工作”来查看推荐。如果 ResearchRabbit 还没有生成任何推荐,那是因为您的兔子还没有弄清您的兴趣所在——试试添加更多论文!
As you add more papers, ResearchRabbit better understands your interests and generates better recommendations – like a “Spotify for Papers”! In Spotify, you add songs to a playlist and get personalized recommendations; in ResearchRabbit, you add papers to a collection and get personalized recommendations!
随着您添加更多论文,ResearchRabbit 更好地理解了您的兴趣,并生成了更好的推荐——就像“论文的 Spotify”一样!在 Spotify 中,您将歌曲添加到播放列表中以获取个性化推荐;在 ResearchRabbit 中,您将论文添加到收藏中以获取个性化推荐!
Note: you can customize your recommendations however you like! If you want to find recommendations for a specific subset of papers in your Collection, simply multi-select those papers, and Similar/Earlier/Later Work recommendations will appear (if your rabbit has found recommendations!). Additionally, you can also select a single paper from your Collection, and a new panel will appear, as well as the Similar Work button (if your rabbit has found something!).
Can I directly sync ResearchRabbit with my reference/citation manager?
我可以直接将 ResearchRabbit 与我的参考/引文管理器同步吗?
Direct sync with Zotero is now available through the integration!
直接与 Zotero 同步现在可通过集成实现!
Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote BibTex and RIS files can also be uploaded into ResearchRabbit. From your citation manager, you can export batches of papers from your citation manager into a .bib or .ris file. Then, simply upload that .bib or .ris file into ResearchRabbit. For a more detailed step-by-step, please see the instructions below here.
Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote BibTex 和 RIS 文件也可以上传到 ResearchRabbit。从您的引文管理器中,您可以将一批论文从引文管理器导出为.bib 或.ris 文件。然后,只需将该.bib 或.ris 文件上传到 ResearchRabbit 即可。更详细的逐步操作,请参阅下面的说明。
Can I export my work to a citation manager?
Definitely! We believe your data is yours, and we strive to integrate closely with your existing apps and workflows.
At the top of any panel of papers, you will see buttons for .bib and .ris (and .json). Clicking .bib and .ris will download the list of papers into that file format. From there, you can import that .bib and .ris file into your citation manager!
在任何纸张面板的顶部,您都会看到用于.bib 和.ris(以及.json)的按钮。点击.bib 和.ris 将下载论文列表到该文件格式。从那里,您可以将那个.bib 和.ris 文件导入到您的引文管理器中!
Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote BibTex and RIS files can also be uploaded into ResearchRabbit. From your citation manager, you can export batches of papers from your citation manager into a .bib or .ris file. Then, simply upload that .bib or .ris file into ResearchRabbit. For a more detailed step-by-step, please see below:
Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote BibTex 和 RIS 文件也可以上传到 ResearchRabbit。从您的引文管理器中,您可以将一批论文从引文管理器导出为.bib 或.ris 文件。然后,只需将该.bib 或.ris 文件上传到 ResearchRabbit 即可。更详细的逐步操作,请参见下方:
Step-by-step to import/export from Mendeley, EndNote
从 Mendeley、EndNote 导入/导出的逐步指南
Importing from Mendeley, EndNote:
从 Mendeley 导入,EndNote:
This import is currently limited to 50 papers as ResearchRabbit can struggle with larger collections.
当前此导入限制为 50 篇论文,因为 ResearchRabbit 可能难以处理更大的集合。
Open a collection of papers in your citation manager. From that collection, select a handful of papers (we recommend 5-10 papers to start) - you can do this by holding CTRL while clicking on a paper selection. Then, right-click the highlighted papers and select the option for Export.
在您的引文管理器中打开一组论文。从该集合中,选择几篇论文(我们建议从 5-10 篇论文开始)- 您可以按住 Ctrl 同时单击论文来完成选择。然后,右键点击选中的论文并选择导出选项。
You'll be prompted to save a file. Select BibTex for Mendeley or Zotero. Select RIS for EndNote. Name the file whatever you like!
您将被提示保存一个文件。为 Mendeley 选择 BibTex,为 Zotero 选择 BibTex。为 EndNote 选择 RIS。随意命名您喜欢的文件名!
Finally, open your Collection and click “Add Papers”. In the bottom-right, you’ll see options to “+BibTeX” and “+RIS”. Select the file, and you’re good to go! Papers that have clear DOIs will automatically be added to ResearchRabbit!
最后,打开您的收藏夹,然后点击“添加论文”。在右下角,您将看到“+BibTeX”和“+RIS”的选项。选择文件,您就可以开始了!具有明确 DOI 的论文将自动添加到 ResearchRabbit!
**CAUTION*** We encourage you to enter only a few papers at a time in this manner as 1) more targeted papers will enable ResearchRabbit to find more targeted recommendations and 2) too many papers will slow down ResearchRabbit for you and researchers around the world as our servers are a shared resource!
**警告**:我们鼓励您一次只以这种方式输入几篇论文,因为 1)更多的针对性论文将使 ResearchRabbit 能够找到更针对性的推荐,2)过多的论文将减慢 ResearchRabbit 为您以及世界各地的研究人员运行的速度,因为我们的服务器是共享资源!
The below screenshots shows Zotero, but it’s essentially the same process with Mendeley and EndNote!
下面的截图显示了 Zotero,但本质上这与 Mendeley 和 EndNote 的过程是一样的!
Exporting to Mendeley, EndNote:
导出到 Mendeley,EndNote:
For any list of papers, you’ll see an option to “Export Papers” in the panel to the right. You can export those papers in BibTeX and RIS (and CSV!) formats.
对于任何论文列表,您都会在右侧的面板中看到一个“导出论文”的选项。您可以将这些论文导出为 BibTeX 和 RIS(以及 CSV!)格式。
Once you’ve exported the papers, take your BibTeX or RIS file and drag-and-drop it into your citation manager. Once your papers are in there, select all of the papers, right-click and update the details. (In Mendeley, it’s called “Update Details”; in Zotero, it’s called “Find Available PDFs”; in EndNote, it’s called “Find Reference Update”). And voila! You did it!
一旦您导出了文件,请将您的 BibTeX 或 RIS 文件拖放到您的引文管理器中。一旦您的文件导入管理器,选择所有文件,右键点击并更新详细信息。(在 Mendeley 中,这称为“更新详细信息”;在 Zotero 中,这称为“查找可用 PDF”;在 EndNote 中,这称为“查找引用更新”)。就这样!您做到了!

可视化论文 ⏫

For a typical search process, you enter a keyword and then get a list of results back. There’s no way of knowing how those results are related to what you’re interested in, or how those results are related to each other! By contrast, ResearchRabbit helps to visualize all of the complex and nuanced relationships that exist in the literature. In our graphs, you’ll always be able to see the connections between papers in your Collection (Green Dots), paper recommendations (Blue Dots), and more.
对于一个典型的搜索过程,您输入一个关键词,然后得到一系列结果。没有办法知道这些结果与您感兴趣的内容有何关联,或者这些结果之间有何关联!相比之下,ResearchRabbit 有助于可视化文献中存在的所有复杂和细微的关系。在我们的图表中,您总是能够看到您收藏的论文(绿色圆点)、论文推荐(蓝色圆点)以及更多内容之间的联系。
And unlike a typical visualization, you can use our graph as a new jumping-off point – simply click on a dot and keep exploring from there! Finally, our graphs are interactive, so you can drag dots around to unclutter the graphs, create more space, separate out certain papers, and more.
Understanding Paper Graphs
What does a Dot mean? Each dot represents a paper!
Can I learn more about a Dot? Absolutely! Simply click on the dot to see all the information about that paper!
What does a Line represent? Each line represents a citation relationship between two papers. In other words, one of the dots cites the other dot. You’ll see arrows that indicate the direction of the citation.
Colors of Dots? Green dots are papers that come from your Collection (papers that you’ve added)! Blue dots are papers that come from the column immediately to the left of this graph!
Intensity of dot colors is based on recency! More recent papers are darker in color. Older papers are lighter in color. (edited)
When I click a dot, what do the arrows mean? The dot receiving the arrow is being cited by the dot sending the arrow!
Size of Dots? Great question! The Green Dots will always be the biggest size. The Blue Dots are sized based on the number of connections they have with the Green Dots (in order words, the “connectivity” a given set of papers has with your initial starting papers).
What does the “Graph” view mean?
Graph view helps you understand how papers cite each other in a network! Graph view is a great way to find very central and highly-connected papers in a domain!
Our graphs are interactive, so feel free to drag dots around to unclutter the graphs, create more space, separate out certain papers, and more.
What does the “Timeline” view mean?
Timeline view helps you understand how papers cite each other through time! Papers are organized by their publication date, with the most recent paper at the top of the graph. Timeline view is a great way to find earlier, influential, and seminal papers!
When you click on a dot, you can also see how papers cite each other through time! (Feel free to drag the dots around to look more specifically at a particular paper.)


One of the unique features of ResearchRabbit is the ability to seamlessly access information about authors! You can find all of an author’s publications, all of their collaborators, and visualize all of those things in our graphs! Simply click on an author’s name, and go from there!
ResearchRabbit 的独特功能之一就是能够无缝访问有关作者的信息!您可以找到一位作者的全部出版物、他们所有的合作者,并且在我们图表中可视化所有这些信息!只需点击作者的名字,然后就可以进行下一步了!
Author Graphs 作者图谱
What does a Dot mean? Each dot represents an author!
Can I learn more about a Dot? Absolutely! Simply click on the dot to see all the information about that author!
What does a Line represent? Each line represents a co-authorship relationship. In other words, if two dots are connected, then those two authors have co-authored at least 1 paper together.
一条线代表什么?每一条线代表一种合作作者关系。换句话说,如果两个点相连,那么这两位作者至少共同撰写过 1 篇论文。
To visualize the network of a single author:
Select an author 选择一个作者
Click “Collaborators” 点击“协作者”
Voila! Voila! 变成了: Voila!

新论文的警报 - "兔子雷达"

Based on your Collections, your rabbit will start monitoring all of the new literature that’s published! If your rabbit thinks it found papers you’ll love, we’ll email you those papers on Sunday (we call the email “Rabbit Radar”)! If your rabbit didn’t find anything, we don’t send you an email – we hate spam just as much as you do!
Papers will appear in your email, separated by Collection. That way, you can see which new papers are being suggested for which of your Collections!
Turning alerts On and Off
We know that you might not need Email Updates for all of your Collections, all of the time. As such, you can turn Email Updates for your Collections on or off! Simply click on a Collection. Then, next o that Collection you can click the Email Updates toggle to decide whether you’d like updates!


There’s so many ways to use our Sharing & Collaboration feature! And unlike other Sharing & Collaboration tools, ResearchRabbit enables all Collaborators of a Collection to explore based on the items in the Collection!
有许多方法可以利用我们的分享与协作功能!与其他分享与协作工具不同,ResearchRabbit 让一个集合中的所有协作者可以根据集合中的项目进行探索!
Some example use cases: 一些示例用例:
Instructors, senior researchers, librarians, and others can kick-off a Collection by adding a few papers!
Junior researchers can keep others updated on progress and share what’s been found!
Collaborators can stay organized on what papers are being used and relevant recommendations!
Journal clubs, working groups, and others can organize papers into a Collection and stay up to date on new papers for the group!
Inviting Collaborators! 邀请合作伙伴!
To invite someone to a Collection, first click the “…” button next to a Collection. From there, enter the email address of your colleague and select their permission level. You can also add a description to the Collection so your colleague will know what the Collection is about. Finally, click “Invite”!
Your colleague will receive an email with a “special link” to your Collection. This “special link” will be valid for 14 days. During these 14 days, your colleague can view the contents of your Collection and add comments. After the 14 days, your colleague will need to sign up to ResearchRabbit to continue collaborating on your Collection.
您的同事将收到一个带有“特殊链接”的电子邮件,该链接指向您的收藏。这个“特殊链接”有效期为 14 天。在这 14 天里,您的同事可以查看您收藏的内容并添加评论。14 天后,您的同事需要注册 ResearchRabbit 以继续参与您收藏的协作。
Permissions 权限
Curator: the original creator of a Collection is a “Curator”. Curators can add and remove papers from a Collection.
Can Add Papers: this permission allows your colleagues to comment on papers, and also add papers into your Collection.
Read-Only: this permission allows your colleagues
Please note: your colleagues will by default only have “Read-Only” permission until they signup (this is to protect your Collection).

公共收藏 ⏫

What are Public Collections and how can they help?
With ResearchRabbit, you can share knowledge with folks around the world. Here are some ways you and your community can use Public Collections!
用 ResearchRabbit,您可以与世界各地的人分享知识。以下是一些您和您的社区可以使用公开收藏的方法!
Instructors can share Collections with all your students at once
Researchers can launch “meta journals” that others can follow! As you add papers, followers will receive updates in their weekly digest! (Coming soon!)
Communities and affinity groups can amplify works by, and relevant for, their members!
Users can aggregate suggestions from around the world!
How can I create and share a Public Collection?
While our Sharing & Collaboration feature enables you to share Collections with specific people, our Public Collections feature allows you to share a URL with anyone in the world!
虽然我们的共享与协作功能可以让您与特定人员分享收藏,但我们的公开收藏功能可以让您与世界上的任何人分享 URL!
Creating and sharing a Public Collection is easy! Next to each Collection you own, you’ll see a toggle called Public Collection. By clicking on the toggle, you’ll create a URL that can be used by anyone in the world to access your Collection. To copy the URL, look for “Shareable Link” and click “Copy” – once complete, you’ll be able to paste that link wherever you like!
创建并分享一个公开收藏是很容易的!在您拥有的每个收藏旁边,您都会看到一个名为“公开收藏”的切换按钮。点击该按钮,您将创建一个 URL,世界上任何人都可使用该 URL 访问您的收藏。要复制 URL,请寻找“可分享链接”并点击“复制” - 完成后,您就可以将该链接粘贴到您喜欢的地方了!


What is Linked Content and how do I find it?
There’s lots of relevant content out there, and not all of it is papers! Linked Content helps you to discover content that mentions your papers; those mentions might come from websites, Wikipedia, patents, and more!
You can find Linked Content for an individual paper clicking on the paper you’re interested in, or a set of papers (by holding Shift and clicking on multiple papers).
您可以点击您感兴趣的论文来查找单个论文的关联内容,或者按住 Shift 并点击多个论文来查找一组论文。


What’s with the panels? 这些面板是怎么回事?
[Coming Soon] [即将推出]
Can I add notes? 我可以添加注释吗?
For papers that are in your Collection, you can add notes to help remember why you thought they were Highly Relevant in the first place! Just hover over a paper in your Collection and “+Note” will appear. Click that button, type something, and you’re good to go!
To edit a note, simply click on the note and type whatever you’d like!
How can I see abstracts?
At the top of a panel of papers, there’s a button that says “Abstracts”. By clicking on the box, you’ll be able to see the abstracts for all of the papers (if the abstract is publicly available).
How to download papers / get the PDF?
如何下载论文/获取 PDF?
Select the paper you’re interested in downloading. If the paper is freely available, a PDF icon will appear at the top of the panel!
选择您感兴趣下载的论文。如果论文可以免费获取,PDF 图标将出现在面板顶部!
Can I use my institutional access to download papers?
Not yet. Our user base is global, and some researchers have different levels of access through their institutions. As such, we currently offer downloads for freely available PDFs so that the experience is equally accessible to everyone worldwide.
还没有。我们的用户基础是全球的,一些研究人员通过他们的机构有不同的访问级别。因此,我们目前提供可供免费下载的 PDF 的下载,以便全球每个人都能平等地获得这种体验。
Can I get references / citations for a given paper?
Yes! Just click on a paper you’d like to learn more about, and you’ll see:
“All References” "所有参考资料"
“All Citations” "所有引用"
Whenever you see a grey square with a number, you can click that to shortcut directly to that paper’s citations.
Can I sort items in a panel?
Yes! You can sort items in a panel by the options menu in the top-right!
“Relevance” which is determined by your rabbit
"相关性" 由你的兔子决定
“# of Citations” "引用次数"
“Recency” "近期"
“First Author (A-Z)” “第一作者(A-Z)”
“Last Author (A-Z)” "最后作者(A-Z)"
Can I organize my Collections into “folders” or “categories”?
We encourage you to create as many Collections as you like! The more targeted your Collections are, the more targeted the recommendations will be!
To help you stay organized across many Collections, you can create Categories! Create a Category by clicking the “New Category” button in the top-left. Once a Category has been created, simply drag and drop Collections into that Category. Categories can also be collapsed or expanded so you can decide how much space they occupy on the screen!
Can I filter items in a panel, or the in graphs?
Yes! In the text box with the words “Filter these items”, you can enter any keyword. Based on what you enter, ResearchRabbit will look through the title, abstract, and other meta-data!
是的!在带有“筛选这些项目”字样的文本框中,您可以输入任何关键词。根据您的输入,ResearchRabbit 将搜索标题,摘要和其他元数据!
Can I get to the full text?
Yes! By clicking any paper’s title, you’ll be brought to the full text page for that paper!
How can I find seminal papers?
Once you’ve added a few papers in your Collection, ResearchRabbit will have a good sense of what you’re interested in. At that point, you will have probably unlocked recommendations called “Earlier Work”. In many cases, these recommendations will include seminal papers! There are likely to be important papers in the field!
一旦您在收藏中添加了几篇论文,ResearchRabbit 就会对您的兴趣有较好的了解。在此时,您可能已经解锁了名为“早期工作”的推荐。在许多情况下,这些推荐将包括开创性的论文!很可能包括该领域的重要论文!

数据、建议 & 搜索 ⏫

Where does the data come from? What kinds of materials and subjects are included?
ResearchRabbit consolidates multiple databases to provide one of the most comprehensive scholarly databases in the world! Our database contains 100s of millions of academic articles and covers more than 90%+ of materials that can be found in major databases used by academic institutions (such as Scopus, Web of Science, and others), and has even more materials NOT found in these academic databases.
ResearchRabbit 整合了多个数据库,为世界各地提供最全面的学术数据库之一!我们的数据库包含数亿篇学术文章,覆盖了学术机构所用主要数据库(如 Scopus、Web of Science 等)中超过 90%的材料,甚至还有这些学术数据库中找不到的更多材料。
We primarily ingest OpenAlex as a data source on a go-forward basis, and we get additional data from Semantic Scholar for the search function.
我们主要将 OpenAlex 作为数据源进行摄入,并且为搜索功能获取额外的数据来自 Semantic Scholar。
The only larger database is Google Scholar, which includes non-academic materials, “predatory” journals, and other specific situations. Google Scholar, unfortunately, does not enable third parties or apps like ours to access their database.
How does the recommendation engine work? How do you determine “Earlier Work”, “Later Work”, and “Similar Work”?
We offer 3 kinds of recommendations: Earlier Work, Later Work, and Similar Work. We believe researchers should be in the driver’s seat when it comes to generating and evaluating recommendations! (By contrast, search engines will simply generate a list of papers based on black box algorithms and ranking systems.)
我们提供 3 种推荐:早期工作、晚期工作和类似工作。我们相信,在生成和评估推荐时,研究人员应该掌握主导权!(相比之下,搜索引擎只会基于黑盒算法和排名系统生成一份论文列表。)
While our algorithms remain proprietary at this time (we’re an early-stage project, after all!), below are some notes on how they work!
虽然我们的算法目前仍然是 proprietary(毕竟我们是一个早期阶段的项目!),但以下是一些关于它们如何工作的说明!
Earlier Work and Later Work recommendations rely more on citation network relationships because of the temporal component (e.g. by definition, Wayne 2020 cannot be cited by Kent 2016.) To visualize this effect, you can compare the Earlier Work Timeline View vs. the Later Work Timeline View. On average, you’ll see that the blue dots for Earlier Works are lower on the Timeline View. Similarly, on average, you’ll see that the blue dots for the Later Works are higher on the Timeline View.
早期工作和后期工作建议更依赖于引用网络关系,原因是时间因素(例如,根据定义,Wayne 在 2020 年的作品不能被 Kent 在 2016 年的作品引用。)为了可视化这种效果,您可以比较早期工作时间线视图与后期工作时间线视图。平均而言,您会看到早期工作在时间线视图中的蓝色圆点较低。同样,平均而言,您会看到后期工作在时间线视图中的蓝色圆点较高。
Similar Work recommendations rely on citation networks as well as some additional magic! In the visualizations, you’ll see that the blue nodes are more broadly distributed, have more complex relationships, and might not even be connected to items in your Collection.
Please note: recommendations from Earlier Work, Later Work, and Similar Work should rarely overlap. This is because of how our algorithms are defined.
For each of these algorithms, we load 50 papers at a time - this helps keep the load on our servers down and also helps the researcher focus on the most relevant results.
对于这些算法中的每一个,我们一次性加载 50 篇论文——这有助于降低我们服务器的负载,同时也帮助研究者专注于最相关的结果。
How does the search engine work? Which search algorithm should I use?
We need a search engine to search through our massive database of 100s of millions of academic articles! However, ResearchRabbit does not build search engine algorithms. Instead, we borrow search algorithms from our friends at the NIH and Semantic Scholar. When you enter your keyword search, you use search algorithms developed by the NIH and Semantic Scholar.
我们需要一个搜索引擎来搜索我们庞大的数百万篇学术文章数据库!然而,ResearchRabbit 并不构建搜索引擎算法。相反,我们从 NIH 和 Semantic Scholar 的朋友们那里借用了搜索算法。当你输入关键词搜索时,你使用的是 NIH 和 Semantic Scholar 开发搜索算法。
For general keyword search that works for all subjects, we encourage you to use Semantic Scholar’s search algorithm. For anything that could be found on PubMed (e.g. biomedical, psychology, etc.), the PubMed search engine is the best!
对于适用于所有主题的一般关键词搜索,我们鼓励您使用 Semantic Scholar 的搜索算法。对于可能在 PubMed 上找到的任何内容(例如生物医学,心理学等),PubMed 搜索引擎是最佳选择!

可持续性与资金 ⏫

Is ResearchRabbit free? Will ResearchRabbit remain free?
ResearchRabbit 免费吗?ResearchRabbit 是否会保持免费?
ResearchRabbit will be free forever for researchers!
研究人员将永远免费使用 ResearchRabbit!
Why? It’s simple, really. Researchers commit years of time, energy, and more to advance human knowledge. Our job is to help you discover work that is relevant, not to sell your work back to you.
Makes sense, right? Being a mission-first team makes these kinds of decisions easy. Stay tuned as we continue to build tech that empowers researchers in new ways!
是有道理的,对吧?作为一个以任务为先的团队,做出这类决定是很容易的。敬请期待,我们将继续构建 empowering researchers in new ways!
Learn more about our mission here!
How is ResearchRabbit currently funded?
Our founding team currently supports the infrastructure for ResearchRabbit. We’re proud to remain independent and are committed to keeping researchers our first, and only, priority.
我们的创始团队目前支持 ResearchRabbit 的基础设施。我们自豪地保持独立,并致力于将研究人员作为我们首要的、唯一的优先考虑对象。
Learn more about our mission here!
Where will funding come from in the future?
We’re working on “reversing the academic business model” so that researchers are empowered. You’ll see more from us on this in the future!
Learn more about our mission here!


We’re an unconventional team with backgrounds in various fields – both inside and outside of academia! See our team here: www.researchrabbit.ai/team
我们是一个具有各种领域背景的非常规团队 - 包括学术界内和学术界外!查看我们的团队在这里:www.researchrabbit.ai/team
Sharing feedback! 分享反馈!
We take feedback incredibly seriously! In fact, the current version of the app was completely rebuilt from scratch after hundreds of researchers shared feedback on the prior version!
How to reach us? 如何联系我们?
We’re available 24/7 unless we are sleeping! Occasionally, we’ll also be a bit swamped, so we appreciate your patience!
Email: team@researchrabbit.ai
Twitter: @RsrchRabbit
In-App Feedback Button 应用内反馈按钮
I forgot my password / how can I change my password?
Have no fear! If you can’t log in because you’ve forgotten your password, just click “Forgot Password” and enter your username (the email address you signed up with). You’ll get an email enabling you to reset your password.
I get a “This field may not be null” error when resetting my password!
This issue is usually caused by inconsistent escaping from email providers.
Typically, password reset links should look like the link below: http://researchrabbitapp.com/confirm_password?uid=FOO&token=...
通常,密码重置链接应看起来像下面的链接: http://researchrabbitapp.com/confirm_password?uid=FOO&token=...
However, some email servers escape the & symbol in the link, turning it into
This can cause the "This field may not be null" error.
As a potential fix, you can try:
1. Click on the link to reset your password.
1. 点击链接重置您的密码。
2. In your browser, check the link to see if there is an & in the URL and replace it with & if there is.
在您的浏览器中,检查链接以查看 URL 中是否有一个&,如果有,则将其替换为&。
3. Refresh the page with the new URL.
3. 使用新 URL 刷新页面。
Change my password! 换我的密码!
To change your password for logging into ResearchRabbit, simply click “Settings” and enter a new password!
要更改用于登录 ResearchRabbit 的密码,只需点击“设置”并输入新密码!
Change my login email / username!
To change your email for logging into ResearchRabbit and receiving email updates, simply click “Settings” and enter a new email!
要更改用于登录 ResearchRabbit 和接收电子邮件更新的电子邮件地址,只需点击“设置”并输入新电子邮件!


Get more from your Zotero folders! By importing a Zotero Folder to ResearchRabbit, you’ll be able to explore papers and authors surrounding that folder, discover gaps, update your citations, and get alerts!
从您的 Zotero 文件夹中获得更多!通过将 Zotero 文件夹导入 ResearchRabbit,您将能够探索围绕该文件夹的论文和作者,发现空白,更新您的引用,并获取警报!
Conversely, ready to cite papers in your ResearchRabbit Collection? Simply export to a Zotero Folder and get writing!
相反,准备好在你的 ResearchRabbit 收藏中引用论文了吗?只需导出到 Zotero 文件夹,开始写作吧!
For more resources: 更多资源:
Video tutorial of how it all works:
Book a setup / help session with our team:
For a detailed list of potential issues / troubleshooting / and FAQ, please jump down to “Zotero FAQ / Troubleshooting” section!
请跳转到“Zotero 常见问题/故障排除”部分,以获取潜在问题/故障排除/常见问题的详细列表!
Connecting Zotero with ResearchRabbit
When you log into ResearchRabbit, the button “Connect to Zotero” will appear on the left-hand side of the screen. Upon clicking that link, a new tab will open, taking you to Zotero. Please note: your pop-up blocker may have blocked the new tab!
当你登录到 ResearchRabbit 时,屏幕左侧将出现“连接到 Zotero”的按钮。点击该链接后,将打开一个新标签页,带你进入 Zotero。请注意:你的弹窗拦截器可能已经拦截了新的标签页!
Once complete, you’ll be re-directed to a page confirming that your sync is complete! You can now close this tab and return back to ResearchRabbit.
完成后,您将被重定向到确认您的同步已完成的页面!现在您可以关闭这个标签页并返回到 ResearchRabbit。
All done! Your ResearchRabbit account and Zotero account are now connected!
已完成!您的 ResearchRabbit 账户和 Zotero 账户现在已连接!
Importing from Zotero? 从 Zotero 导入?
Once you’ve successfully connected your Zotero, you’ll see that the “Connect to Zotero” button has changed to “Import Zotero Collection” on the left-hand side of the screen.
成功连接您的 Zotero 后,您将看到屏幕左侧的“连接到 Zotero”按钮已改为“导入 Zotero 收藏夹”。
Clicking this button will bring up all of your folders in Zotero. They should appear in the same order which you have in your Zotero. (Please be patient – you may have quite a few folders for ResearchRabbit to go through!)
点击此按钮将在 Zotero 中显示所有文件夹。它们应该以您在 Zotero 中的相同顺序出现。(请耐心等待——您可能有相当多的文件夹需要 ResearchRabbit 处理!)
Select the Zotero Folder you would like to sync and set the name of the new ResearchRabbit Collection!
选择您想要同步的 Zotero 文件夹,并设置新研究兔收藏的名称!
Once complete, you’ll see your new Collection, along with a “Z” icon!
Please note: ResearchRabbit recommendations are most relevant when the items in your ResearchRabbit Collection are highly-targeted papers! If you Zotero folder has a large number of papers across a large number of topics, this may lower the quality of ResearchRabbit’s recommendations.
请注意:ResearchRabbit 的推荐在您的 ResearchRabbit 收藏中的项目是高度针对性的论文时最为相关!如果您 Zotero 文件夹中有大量跨越众多主题的论文,这可能会降低 ResearchRabbit 推荐的质量。
Importing from Zotero: the pop-up window for papers:
从 Zotero 导入:论文的弹出窗口:
To import items from Zotero, ResearchRabbit tries to find identifiers for those papers (for example, a DOI). In situations where an identifier is not available, ResearchRabbit searches for papers that share the same title!
为了从 Zotero 导入项目,ResearchRabbit 试图为这些论文找到标识符(例如,DOI)。在标识符不可用的情况下,ResearchRabbit 会搜索具有相同标题的论文!
The pop-up that appears shows you papers which ResearchRabbit matched via title.
出现的弹窗会显示 ResearchRabbit 通过标题匹配给您的论文。
[More information coming!]
Exporting to Zotero 导出到 Zotero
To export a ResearchRabbit Collection to Zotero, first open a Collection. At the top of the Collection, click the button “”Sync to Zotero”.
要将 ResearchRabbit 集合导出到 Zotero,首先打开一个集合。在集合的顶部,点击“同步到 Zotero”按钮。
Name the new Zotero Folder that you’ll create. The new folder will appear in Zotero!
为新建立的 Zotero 文件夹命名。新的文件夹将在 Zotero 中出现!
Items in my Zotero Folder are not appearing in my ResearchRabbit Collection? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
我的 Zotero 文件夹中的项目没有出现在我的 ResearchRabbit 收藏中?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
As a reminder, ResearchRabbit Collections can only consist of academic literature found in our database. To learn more about our database, read our “DATA, RECOMMENDATIONS, & SEARCH” section.
作为提醒,ResearchRabbit 收藏只能包含我们数据库中找到的学术文献。要了解更多关于我们的数据库信息,请阅读我们的“数据、推荐与搜索”部分。
That said, here are common reasons this occurs:
Item from local Zotero instance has not been synced to Zotero servers
本地 Zotero 实例中的项目尚未与 Zotero 服务器同步
ResearchRabbit can only sync items from Zotero servers at the moment. You can automatically or manually sync papers from your local Zotero instance to Zotero servers.
目前 ResearchRabbit 只能从 Zotero 服务器同步项目。您可以自动或手动将本地 Zotero 实例中的论文同步到 Zotero 服务器。
Item in Zotero is not a paper
Zotero 中的项目不是一篇论文
Zotero allows users to save a variety of items including URLs, PowerPoint presentations, and more. Generally speaking, ResearchRabbit is unable to recognize these types of items.
Zotero 允许用户保存各种项目,包括 URL、PowerPoint 演示文稿等。总的来说,ResearchRabbit 通常无法识别这些类型的项目。
Issues with the meta-data
ResearchRabbit tries its best to look through an item’s meta-data to figure out what paper you are trying to import. In some cases, the meta-data may be incorrect, or simply missing.
ResearchRabbit 竭力查看项目的元数据,以确定您试图导入的是哪篇论文。在某些情况下,元数据可能不正确,或者干脆缺失。
Item in Zotero is not in the ResearchRabbit database
Zotero 中的项目不在 ResearchRabbit 数据库中
ResearchRabbit may not have the paper in our database. To learn more about our database, read our “DATA, RECOMMENDATIONS, & SEARCH” section.
“My Library” doesn’t appear as an option? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
“我的图书馆”没有作为选项出现?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
Zotero does not allow ResearchRabbit to sync “My Library”. As such, please select or create Zotero Folders which ResearchRabbit will be able to sync!
Zotero 不允许 ResearchRabbit 同步“我的图书馆”。因此,请选择或创建 Zotero 文件夹,ResearchRabbit 可以进行同步!
Please note: ResearchRabbit recommendations are most relevant when the items in your ResearchRabbit Collection are highly-targeted papers! If you Zotero folder has a large number of papers across a large number of topics, this may lower the quality of ResearchRabbit’s recommendations.
请注意:ResearchRabbit 的推荐在您的 ResearchRabbit 收藏中的项目是高度针对性的论文时最为相关!如果您 Zotero 文件夹中有大量跨越众多主题的论文,这可能会降低 ResearchRabbit 推荐的质量。
What does “sync” mean? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
"sync"是什么意思?( ⏫ 回到 Zotero 常见问题解答)
Once a ResearchRabbit Collection and a Zotero Folder are connected, they can now be sync’ed!
一旦 ResearchRabbit 收藏和一个 Zotero 文件夹连接,它们现在可以同步了!
For example, once you’ve made changes in a connected ResearchRabbit Collection, simply click “Re-Sync with Zotero” at the top of the Collection. This will send any changes over to your Zotero folder as well! (e.g. if you’ve added a paper in a ResearchRabbit Collection, that paper will now appear in Zotero!)
例如,一旦您在连接的研究兔收藏中进行了更改,只需在收藏顶部点击“与 Zotero 重新同步”即可。这将把任何更改发送到您的 Zotero 文件夹!(例如,如果您在研究兔收藏中添加了一篇论文,那么这篇论文现在将出现在 Zotero 中!)
Conversely, let’s say you’ve made changes in your Zotero folder since the last time you used your ResearchRabbit Collection. Open up the sync’ed ResearchRabbit Collection and click “Re-Sync with Zotero”! Changes you’ve made in your Zotero Folder will be reflected in the ResearchRabbit Collection!
相反,假设您自从上次使用 ResearchRabbit 收藏以来已经在 Zotero 文件夹中做了更改。打开同步的 ResearchRabbit 收藏,点击“与 Zotero 重新同步”!您在 Zotero 文件夹中所做的更改将反映在 ResearchRabbit 收藏中!
My sync isn’t working? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
我的同步不工作?( ⏫ 回到 Zotero 常见问题解答)
In the top-right of your Zotero, there is a green “Refresh” icon. Click that “Refresh” icon and wait for the button to finish spinning.
在您的 Zotero 界面的右上角,有一个绿色的“刷新”图标。点击这个“刷新”图标,等待按钮停止旋转。
Once complete, head to ResearchRabbit, open the sync’ed Collection, and click “Re-Sync with Zotero”.
完成后,前往 ResearchRabbit,打开同步的收藏夹,然后点击“与 Zotero 重新同步”。
If this doesn’t work, please wait 10 seconds and try again.
如果这不起作用,请等待 10 秒并再次尝试。
Should the issue persist, please email us at team@researchrabbit.ai and include as much detail as possible! We’ll absolutely take a look and try our best to help!
如果问题仍然存在,请通过电子邮件向我们反馈,邮箱地址为 team@researchrabbit.ai。请尽可能提供详细信息!我们会绝对查看并尽我们最大努力帮助您!
Can I sync notes with ResearchRabbit? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
我能用 ResearchRabbit 同步笔记吗?(返回 Zotero 常见问题解答 ⏫
Yes! Just like papers, notes you add in ResearchRabbit will appear in Zotero, and vice-versa.
是的!就像论文、笔记一样,您在 ResearchRabbit 中添加的内容将出现在 Zotero 中,反之亦然。
Notes from Zotero look weird in ResearchRabbit? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
Zotero 的注释在 ResearchRabbit 中看起来很奇怪?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
Unfortunately, Zotero stores notes in HTML format. By contrast, ResearchRabbit’s notes are stored in Plaintext. Because of this difference, notes imported from Zotero lose their formatting and include various HTML-related text.
不幸的是,Zotero 以 HTML 格式存储笔记。相比之下,ResearchRabbit 的笔记以纯文本格式存储。由于这个差异,从 Zotero 导入的笔记会失去其格式,并包含各种与 HTML 相关的文本。
At this time, there is no way to reconcile the two note-taking formats. However, you can hide notes in ResearchRabbit by clicking “Comments” at the top of a Collection.
Can I un-sync a collection? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
我可以取消一个集合的同步吗?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
Yes! To un-sync a ResearchRabbit Collection from a Zotero Folder, first open the connected ResearchRabbit Collection. At the top of the panel, you’ll see “Disable Sync”. Click on this to disable the sync!
是的!要从 Zotero 文件夹中取消同步一个 ResearchRabbit 收藏,首先打开连接的 ResearchRabbit 收藏。在面板顶部,你会看到“禁用同步”。点击这个来禁用同步!
Can I sync a Zotero collection from a Group Library into ResearchRabbit? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
我可以将 Zotero 集合从群组库同步到 ResearchRabbit 吗?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
This integration currently allows for importing collections from your personal Zotero library, not shared libraries or group libraries.
当前整合允许您从您的个人 Zotero 库导入收藏,但不支持从共享库或群组库导入。
ResearchRabbit Collections that are shared can only be synced to the Collection owner’s Zotero account. Collaborators will not be able to sync ResearchRabbit Collections that are shared with them.
共享的研究兔子收藏只能同步到收藏所有者的 Zotero 账户。协作者将无法同步与他们共享的研究兔子收藏。
Author names are formatted differently? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
作者名字的格式有何不同?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
For papers exported to Zotero (from ResearchRabbit), authors will appear in [Full Name] format rather than [Last Name, First Name] format. For example, [Albert Einstein] rather than [Einstein, Albert].
对于从 ResearchRabbit 导出到 Zotero 的论文,作者将按[全名]格式显示,而不是[姓,名]格式。例如,[阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦],而不是[爱因斯坦,阿尔伯特]。
To change this convention in Zotero, you can manually click on a paper, and click this button to change the convention:
要在 Zotero 中更改此约定,您可以手动点击一篇论文,然后点击此按钮来更改约定:
In some cases, this can’t be changed because ResearchRabbit’s data provider cannot determine the First Names and Last Names. For example, in the name [Jane Gloriana Villanueva], our data provider is unable to determine whether “Gloriana” is part of the First Name, a Middle Name, or part of the Last Name.
在某些情况下,这无法更改,因为 ResearchRabbit 的数据提供者无法确定名字和姓氏。例如,在名字[Jane Gloriana Villanueva]中,我们的数据提供者无法确定“Gloriana”是名字的一部分、中间名还是姓氏的一部分。
Titles are formatted differently? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
标题格式不同吗?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
If this comes up, please reach out to team@researchrabbit.ai. And please share as much detail as possible so we can help troubleshoot!
如果出现此类问题,请联系 team@researchrabbit.ai。并且请尽可能分享详细信息,以便我们可以帮助您排查问题!
Can I transfer PDFs between the two apps? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
我可以在两个应用程序之间传输 PDF 文件吗?(返回 Zotero 常见问题解答 ⏫ )
PDFs cannot be stored in ResearchRabbit today. Additionally, the Zotero integration does not support the transfer of PDFs between our apps. However, PDFs already in your Zotero, as well as associated annotations, will not be lost when you sync with ResearchRabbit.
PDFs 目前无法存储在 ResearchRabbit 中。此外,Zotero 集成不支持在我们应用程序之间传输 PDFs。但是,当您与 ResearchRabbit 同步时,您 Zotero 中现有的 PDF 以及相关的注释将不会丢失。
My Zotero storage is full! (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
我的 Zotero 存储已满!( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
If there are files and PDFs stored in your Zotero instance and you sync them to Zotero Storage, you may run out of space in your Zotero Storage account. If you don’t need to sync these PDFs to Zotero Storage, you can uncheck the two options for syncing files as highlighted in the below image.
如果您在 Zotero 实例中存储了文件和 PDF,并将它们同步到 Zotero 存储,您可能会耗尽 Zotero 存储账户的空间。如果您不需要将这些 PDF 同步到 Zotero 存储,您可以取消勾选下面图片中突出显示的两个文件同步选项。
Why are there duplicates in my Zotero? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
为什么我的 Zotero 中存在重复项?( ⏫ 回到 Zotero 常见问题解答)
We know this can be a bit confusing – academic meta-data is honestly a mess – but below are some initial guesses. We’re happy to try and help you troubleshoot via email at team@researchrabbit.ai. Or, if you’d like to show us the problem over Zoom, feel free to book time with us here: https://calendly.com/researchrabbit/zoterosetup
我们知道这可能会有些令人困惑——学术元数据坦白来说是一团糟——但下面是一些初步的猜测。我们很乐意通过电子邮件 team@researchrabbit.ai 帮助您解决问题。或者,如果您想通过 Zoom 向我们展示问题,请随时在这里预订时间:https://calendly.com/researchrabbit/zoterosetup
Guess 1: this might happen when you sync’ed a paper to a Zotero Folder, but that same paper already existed in a different Zotero Folder.
猜测 1:这可能发生在您将论文同步到 Zotero 文件夹时,但同一篇论文已经存在于另一个不同的 Zotero 文件夹中。
Guess 2: this might happen if you were unable to sync an item in a Zotero Folder with a ResearchRabbit Collection, but ended up adding the same paper in ResearchRabbit via different means (e.g. adding it from the search bar) and sync’ing it back into Zotero.
猜测 2:这可能发生在您无法将 Zotero 文件夹中的项目与 ResearchRabbit 集合同步,但最终通过不同方式(例如,从搜索栏添加)在 ResearchRabbit 中添加了同一篇论文,并将其同步回 Zotero 的情况下。
What about the 15 paper import cap? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
关于 15 份纸张进口配额,如何?( ⏫ 返回 Zotero 常见问题解答)
We heard you loud and clear – we’ve increased the cap to 100 papers to allow for more flexibility! However, we still recommend keeping collections small and targeted to improve recommendation quality.
我们听得很清楚——我们将上限提高到 100 篇,以提供更多灵活性!然而,我们仍然建议保持收藏夹小而精,以提高推荐质量。
Something else not working? (⏫ back to Zotero FAQ)
还有其他什么不工作吗?( ⏫ 回到 Zotero 常见问题解答)
Feel free to email us at team@researchrabbit.ai and include as much detail as possible! Or, if you’d like to show us the problem over Zoom, feel free to book time with us here: https://calendly.com/researchrabbit/zoterosetup
请随时通过电子邮件向我们反馈,邮箱地址是 team@researchrabbit.ai。请尽可能提供详细信息!如果您想通过 Zoom 向我们展示问题,请随时在此预订时间:https://calendly.com/researchrabbit/zoterosetup
We’re eager to help however we can!