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Deliver courses directly to learners

SCORM Cloud Invitations are a simple way to deliver courses to learners and track results. After uploading a course to SCORM Cloud, choose from Public or Private Invitations to share your courses with learners. Public Invitations help you generate a public link that you can post anywhere. Private Invitations let you control access to training by sending your course directly to learners via email.
SCORM Cloud Invitations 是一种向学习者提供课程并跟踪结果的简单方法。将课程上传到 SCORM Cloud 后,从公共或私人邀请中进行选择,与学习者分享您的课程。公开邀请可帮助您生成可以发布到任何地方的公共链接。通过“私人邀请”,您可以通过电子邮件直接向学习者发送课程,从而控制对培训的访问。

Learn more about Invitations
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Share access to your courses with third-party LMSs
与第三方 LMS 共享对课程的访问权限

SCORM Cloud Dispatch helps you deliver your courses to other LMSs or learning systems while hosting your content in your SCORM Cloud account. Use Dispatch to ensure your course can play in any LMS, seamlessly update the new version of a course in multiple LMSs, disable course access when a license expires and consolidate data about content usage across learning platforms.
SCORM Cloud Dispatch 可帮助您将课程交付给其他 LMS 或学习系统,同时在您的 SCORM Cloud 帐户中托管您的内容。使用 Dispatch 确保您的课程可以在任何 LMS 中播放,在多个 LMS 中无缝更新课程的新版本,在许可证到期时禁用课程访问权限,并整合有关学习平台内容使用的数据。

Learn more about Dispatch
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Test how eLearning content will play in an LMS
测试电子学习内容在 LMS 中的播放方式

As the eLearning technology experts, we’ll make sure that any tool you use will support LTI, SCORM, xAPI, cmi5 and AICC so it works well with all other tools in your ecosystem. Just upload your course, preview your content in the sandbox and use the debug logs to troubleshoot any issues. SCORM Cloud doesn’t test for strict technical conformance. Instead, it gives you visibility into what’s actually happening while the course is importing and running.
作为在线学习技术专家,我们将确保您使用的任何工具都支持 LTI、SCORM、xAPI、cmi5 和 AICC,因此它可以与您生态系统中的所有其他工具很好地配合使用。只需上传您的课程,在沙盒中预览您的内容,并使用调试日志来解决任何问题。SCORM Cloud 不测试严格的技术一致性。相反,它使您可以了解在导入和运行课程时实际发生的情况。

Learn more about testing content
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Report on learners’ course results

SCORM Cloud includes out of the box reports to help you track course completions, see question-level details and more. All reports drill down to the course-level or learner-level, or can be viewed in aggregate. SCORM Cloud reports are also easy to export if you want to do further analysis.
SCORM Cloud 包含开箱即用的报告,可帮助您跟踪课程完成情况、查看问题级别的详细信息等。所有报告都向下钻取到课程级别或学习者级别,或者可以汇总查看。如果您想进行进一步的分析,SCORM Cloud 报告也很容易导出。

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Capture xAPI statements in Cloud’s LRS
在 Cloud 的 LRS 中捕获 xAPI 语句

Each SCORM Cloud account comes with a Learning Record Store (or LRS) so you can get started with xAPI. Set up multiple activity providers, forward statements to other LRSs and query xAPI statements from SCORM Cloud’s LRS. Whether your learners experience xAPI activities assigned to them online or initiate learning on their own outside of Cloud, SCORM Cloud can capture their experiences.
每个 SCORM Cloud 帐户都带有一个学习记录存储(或 LRS),因此您可以开始使用 xAPI。设置多个活动提供程序,将语句转发到其他 LRS,并从 SCORM Cloud 的 LRS 查询 xAPI 语句。无论您的学习者是体验在线分配给他们的 xAPI 活动,还是在云之外自行开始学习,SCORM Cloud 都可以捕捉他们的经验。

Learn more about the LRS

Rest easy with our delightful support

We take pride in delighting our customers. We even monitor the success of our support tickets with our Delight-O-Meter. After working with our support team, we dare to say that you’ll actually like working with SCORM. Our team doesn’t just fix things when they’re broken; they’ll teach you how things work (yes, the app and the standards) and make sure all of your questions are answered. You have a few ways to reach us: give us a call, shoot us an email or check out our Knowledge Base. We’re at your service.
我们以让客户满意而自豪。我们甚至使用我们的 Delight-O-Meter 监控我们的支持票的成功。在与我们的支持团队合作后,我们敢说您实际上会喜欢与 SCORM 合作。我们的团队不仅会在东西坏了时修理它们;他们会教你事情是如何运作的(是的,应用程序和标准),并确保你的所有问题都得到解答。您可以通过以下几种方式联系我们:给我们打电话、给我们发电子邮件或查看我们的知识库。我们竭诚为您服务。

View the SCORM Cloud Knowledge Base

Technical Details 技术细节


    The SCORM Cloud API lets you bring all of the functionality of Cloud into your application. Our customizable, fully responsive player helps you import and launch SCORM, xAPI, AICC and cmi5 packages, or LTI Tools, along with PDFs and MP4 files. By using the SCORM Cloud API, you can seamlessly integrate standards support in your platform, while enjoying a fully hosted, reliable service.
    SCORM Cloud API 允许您将 Cloud 的所有功能引入您的应用程序。我们可定制的、完全响应式的播放器可帮助您导入和启动 SCORM、xAPI、AICC 和 cmi5 包或 LTI 工具,以及 PDF 和 MP4 文件。通过使用SCORM Cloud API,您可以在平台中无缝集成标准支持,同时享受完全托管的可靠服务。

    Learn more
  • SCORM Cloud Infrastructure
    SCORM 云基础设施

    We have set up SCORM Cloud’s infrastructure to ensure it’s safe, secure, and available. SCORM Cloud is ISO-27001-certified, uses Amazon Web Services for infrastructure and CDN support, and utilizes the SANS 20 Critical Controls (20 CC) framework as our set of guiding principles for infrastructure and network security management. The SCORM Cloud Infrastructure page includes all the fine details regarding data access, privacy, availability and more.
    我们已经建立了 SCORM Cloud 的基础设施,以确保其安全、可靠和可用。SCORM Cloud 已通过 ISO-27001 认证,使用 Amazon Web Services 提供基础设施和 CDN 支持,并利用 SANS 20 关键控制 (20 CC) 框架作为我们基础设施和网络安全管理的指导原则集。SCORM 云基础设施页面包含有关数据访问、隐私、可用性等的所有详细信息。

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Sign up for a monthly SCORM Cloud account
注册每月 SCORM 云帐户

Get started testing, delivering and tracking courses today. No matter which monthly pricing plan you choose, you can scale up or down whenever you’d like. If you want to learn the nitty gritty of SCORM Cloud pricing, our dedicated SCORM Cloud pricing page is just for you.
立即开始测试、交付和跟踪课程。无论您选择哪种月度定价计划,您都可以随时扩大或缩小规模。如果您想了解 SCORM Cloud 定价的细节,我们专门的 SCORM Cloud 定价页面专为您准备。

Testing? 测试Upload and test your eLearning content. Unlimited use is included in all plans. Storage limit? 存储限制The amount of content storage available per account. Registrations? 注册Registrations refer to the record of a learner being associated with a course (we view a course as a pre-packaged .zip file). If you have one learner taking four courses, that’s counted as four registrations. Once the learner accesses the course, they can revisit it as often as they wish, without creating additional registrations. It’s important to note that a registration is not the same as a learner or user; it simply associates a learner with a course. Overage cost? 超额成本The cost to create a registration if you exceed your 30-day limit.
超过 30 天限制时创建注册的费用。
Price 价格
per month? 每月The charge for each plan incurred every 30 days. State sales tax may apply.
Trial 试验 3 courses & up to 5GB
3 门课程和高达 5GB
10 resettable 10 可重置 Free 自由
Tester 测试 仪 Unlimited 无限 10 resettable 10 可重置 $40
Little  Unlimited 无限 50/month 50/月 $3.60 $90
Medium 中等 Unlimited 无限 100/month 100/月 $3.60 $180
Big  Unlimited 无限 300/month 300/月 $0.40 $360
Bigger  Unlimited 无限 4,000/month 4,000/月 $0.25 $1,100
Mega 巨型 Unlimited 无限 10,000/month 10,000/月 $0.12 $2,000
Ultra  Unlimited 无限 50,000/month 50,000/月 $0.10 $5,000
Prices displayed do not include sales taxes and are in USD.
Learn more about the latest plan and pricing changes here.

Not sure how many registrations you need?

SCORM Cloud pricing is based on the number of registrations you need each month. Registrations refer to the record of a learner being associated with a course. Uncertain which plan you need? Our monthly pricing calculator will help you identify the number of registrations you’ll need a month so you can choose the plan that is right for you.
SCORM Cloud 定价基于您每月需要的注册数量。注册是指学习者与课程相关联的记录。不确定您需要哪个计划?我们的月度定价计算器将帮助您确定每月需要的注册数量,以便您选择适合您的计划。

Monthly pricing calculator