这是用户在 2024-8-21 11:40 为 https://www.image-map.net/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
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How Does it Work? 它是如何运作的?

With the help of our generator creating html imagemaps is free and easy. Simply start by selecting an image from your pc, or load one directly from an external website. Next up create your hot areas using either rectangle, circle or polygon shapes. Creating these shapes is as easy as pointing and clicking on your image. Don't forget to enter a link, title and target for each of them. Then once you're finished simply click Show Me The Code!With the help of our generator creating html imagemaps is free and easy. Simply start by selecting an image from your pc, or load one directly from an external website. Next up create your hot areas using either rectangle, circle or polygon shapes. Creating these shapes is as easy as pointing and clicking on your image. Don't forget to enter a link, title and target for each of them. Then once you're finished simply click Show Me The Code!
借助我们的生成器,制作 HTML 图像地图是免费且轻松的。首先从您的电脑选择一张图像,或者直接从外部网站加载一张。接下来使用矩形、圆形或多边形形状创建热区,只需在图像上点击即可轻松完成。记得为每个热区输入链接、标题和目标。完成后,只需点击"显示代码!" 请记得为每个链接添加链接、标题和目标。完成后,只需点击"显示我的代码!"即可。

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What is an Image Map?

Originally introduced in HTML 3.2 as a replacement for server side imagemaps. Server side image maps were clunky requiring a round trip to the web server to determine where to go based on the coordinates clicked in the image. Thus client side image-maps were born!
最初在 HTML 3.2 中作为服务器端图像映射的替代品引入。服务器端图像映射繁琐,需要往返网络服务器才能根据点击图像的坐标确定去向。于是诞生了客户端图像映射!

An imagemap is a graphic image where a user can click on different parts of the image and be directed to different destinations. imagemaps are made by defining each of the hot areas in terms of their x and y coordinates (relative to the top left hand corner). With each set of coordinates, you specify a link that users will be directed to when they click within the area.
图像映射是一种图形图像,用户可以点击图像的不同部分并跳转至不同的目标。制作图像映射的方式是定义每个热区的 x 和 y 坐标(相对于左上角),并为每个坐标集指定一个用户点击该区域时将跳转至的链接。

As an example, say you have a map of the World that you wish to act as an image map. Each country could have their hot areas defined on the map to take you to different pages.

About 关于

We make it extremely easy to create free HTML based image maps. Our tool was build from the ground up with the modern browsers in mind, and sadly in turn doesn't support older browsers (sorry IE8 and lower!). All operations are completely client side in your browser using the power of HTML5, SVG and JavaScript.
我们提供了一款简单易用的工具,可以轻松创建免费的 HTML 图像地图。该工具专为现代浏览器设计,因此无法支持较旧的浏览器(如 IE8 及以下版本)。所有操作都在您的浏览器中进行,完全基于客户端,利用了 HTML5、SVG 和 JavaScript 的强大功能。

Disclaimer: No image from your PC are ever transferred out of your browser. All files loaded from your PC are read using the FileReader JavaScript API directly off your hard drive in to your browser.
您电脑上的任何图像都不会被传输到您的浏览器之外。所有从您的电脑上加载的文件都是直接通过 FileReader JavaScript API 从您的硬盘读取到浏览器中的。