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Designing for AI: beyond the chatbot

Guidelines and strategies for meaningfully leveraging AI in your applications

Ridhima Gupta
UX Collective
Published in
9 min readJul 10, 2023

With the recent advancements in AI, we as designers, builders, and creators, face big questions about the future of applications and how people will interact with digital experiences.

Generative AI has unleashed huge possibilities with what we can do with AI. People are now using it to write articles, generate marketing and customer outreach materials, build teaching assistants, summarize large amounts of information, generate insights, etc.

Given the lightning pace of innovation in this space, it’s not hard to imagine a future where instead of switching between various apps, users may interact with a central LLM operating system that acts as an orchestrator, where experiences will be much more ephemeral, personalized and contextual in nature.

The Mercury OS concept is a sneak peek into this possible future.

An image of a design concept called “Mercuty OS” which is an attempt at showing the future of operating systems using AI. Here, instead of using a traditional navitation system of apps, content in presented from various apps is presented to users in the form of cards and is more ephemeral in nature.
Mercury OS concept by Jason Yuan

Furthermore, we can anticipate the rise of multimodal experiences, including voice, gesture interfaces, and holographic interfaces, which will make technology more ubiquitous in our lives. Imran Chaudhri from HumaneAI recently demoed a possible screen-less future where humans interact with computers through natural language.
此外,我们可以预见多模态体验的兴起,包括语音、手势界面和全息界面,这将使技术在我们的生活中更加无处不在。HumaneAI 的 Imran Chaudhri 最近演示了一个可能的无屏幕未来,人类通过自然语言与计算机进行交互。

The possibilities for how people will interact with technology and AI in the coming years are boundless and exciting.

Imran Chaudhri presenting the Humane AI pin concept on the TED stage with the background slide showing an image of evoluation of computers from large size PCs, to laptops, to phones to a smartwatch now.
Imran Chaudhri presenting the Humane AI pin concept on the TED stage where he has a small device attached to his jacket (near the chest pocket). Here Imran is showing the device a small protein bar and asking it a question about it.
Imran Chaudhri presenting the Humane AI pin concept on the TED stage
伊姆兰·乔德里在 TED 舞台上展示人文人工智能徽章概念

But coming back to the reality of the current state of AI — most businesses are still trying to figure out the best way to leverage this technology to provide value for their customers and are playing with ideas around how to explore their first integrations.

Unfortunately, I see many products simply adding a free-form AI chat interface in their applications, with the hopes that people will be evoking the assistant when they need it, asking a question and hopefully getting a good response.

However, it still puts the onus on the user to switch their context, draft up a good prompt and figure out how to use the generated response (if useful) in their work.

An illustration of an AI chatbot that sits as a separate entity inside an application, in a right side panel and is not integrated with the rest of the application.
An AI chatbot that sits as a separate entity inside an application
一个作为独立实体存在于应用程序内的 AI 聊天机器人

There are still a lot of unexplored territories where AI can be helpful in meaningful ways in the current state of the world.

It involves going deeper into our user’s problems, understanding the job they are trying to do, and having a keen awareness of the current possibilities and limitations of AI.

Having designed for machine learning experiences for some time now, I’ve had the opportunity to gather some strategies and best practices for meaningfully trying to integrate AI into user workflows.

My hope is that these strategies are useful for designers and product folks as they think about accelerating their user's workflows with AI.

#1 Identifying the right use cases and user value
#1 确定正确的用例和用户价值

An image of a whiteboard with some sketches on it and two people holding markers near it and brainstorming.
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash
照片由 Unsplash 上的 Kaleidico 拍摄

Before taking on an AI project, it’s important to take note that not every project needs AI and that AI should not be the answer to the value proposition you’re providing to your users.

AI is merely a way to enhance your application’s value proposition by providing one or more of these benefits:

1) Reducing the time to task
1) 减少任务时间

2) Making the task easier
2) 使任务变得更容易

3) Personalizing the experience to an individual
3) 为个人定制体验

It’s also important to have a lot of clarity on what are users trying to do with your product. What does the ideal experience look like for them? What are the current limiters to that ideal experience? You can then identify which parts of that journey can be enhanced with AI.

Are there any parts that can be automated or made easier?

E.g. setting up automated alerts on a business dashboard, auto-categorization of emails into buckets, without having to set up rules in Gmail, and automatically detecting if there’s any suspicious activity by the home security cameras, are some good examples of where AI helps enhance the value proposition to the customer and makes their job easier.
例如,在商业仪表板上设置自动警报、自动将电子邮件分类到桶中,而无需在 Gmail 中设置规则,以及自动检测家庭安全摄像头是否有任何可疑活动,这些都是 AI 帮助增强对客户的价值主张并使他们的工作更轻松的一些好例子。

#2 Providing contextual assistance
#2 提供情境帮助

Since AI models can now understand language, context, and user patterns, they can be leveraged to offer users much more contextual suggestions, guidance, and recommendations.

As an example, Grammarly Go does a good job of presenting relevant actions such as “shorten it”, “identify any gaps” etc. to users when they select a body of text. This is a great first step in providing contextual assistance.
例如,Grammarly Go 在用户选择一段文本时,很好地展示了相关操作,如“缩短它”,“识别任何空白”等。这是提供上下文帮助的重要第一步。

But we also need to take this further and think about how could we make these suggestions even more personalized and relevant for users.

E.g. in this case, if the user was sending out an email to their entire leadership chain vs a peer, what would they want to keep in mind? If a user was writing a research paper for a journal, what more information would be useful to them?

Or if a user is writing a piece for the NYT, what information would be useful?

An image of Grammarly’s assistant that shows up when you type text on your computer. The assistant has several buttons shown by default to make the text better such as “identify any gaps”, “give me ideas for improvement”, “Pick out my main points”, “add hashtags”, change the tone of the text etc. It helps people take quick action on the text rather than having to always tell the assistant what to do.
Grammarly’s contextual recommendations
Grammarly 的上下文建议

E.g. both Notion and Coda also do a good job of recommending common actions using AI in the flow of their work, without having to shift to different contexts altogether.
例如,Notion 和 Coda 在工作流程中使用人工智能推荐常见操作方面也做得很好,无需完全切换到不同的上下文。

It makes working with AI, feel like a part of the user’s natural workflow and nicely blends with the rest of the experience, without drawing too much attention to itself.

Image showing Coda AI, a newly released feature, where users can click a button while they are composing some text in coda and ask it to perform various tasks such as summarize the text, generate insights, create tags, create a table etc.
Contextual LLM assistant recently released at Coda
上下文LLM助手最近在 Coda 发布

Another great example of contextual integration is Github Co-pilot which again fits into the natural workflow of writing code and adds accelerators for users without interrupting their workflow and having them shift their attention to another window/part of the application to get reasonable results.
另一个上下文整合的绝佳例子是 Github Co-pilot,它再次融入了编写代码的自然工作流程,并为用户添加了加速器,而不会打断他们的工作流程,也不需要他们将注意力转移到另一个窗口/应用程序的另一部分以获得合理的结果。

An animated GIF of Github Co-pilot which is an AI assistant by Microsoft. Here the GIF shows a user typing in some instructions of writing code in a code editor and the code editor generates the code below in a matter of seconds.
Github Co-pilot experience. Source Techcrunch
Github Co-pilot 体验。来源 Techcrunch

That being said, it’s important to also recognize the nature of assistance the user might require since not all experiences need to be fully contextual in nature.

E.g. Khan Academy built out Khanmigo as an AI assistant for students to help them get unstuck and work as a teaching assistant being present in the background but available when you need it.
例如,可汗学院开发了 Khanmigo 作为学生的人工智能助手,帮助他们摆脱困境,并作为一个教学助手在后台存在,但在需要时可用。

In this case, a chatbot-like experience seems like a great start to help students, without interrupting their learning flow.

Image showing Khan Academy’s AI assistant which is a chatbot that a user can evoke anytime and ask questions about the lesson e.g. a student can ask “give me a hint to answer this question” or “why should I care about learning this” or “can you explain this answer”?

One thing to note when designing contextual experiences is that they are only useful if the AI model is aware of the user's current context and what they are working on right now or have previously worked on.

Without this contextual understanding, we can only get so far in providing meaningful suggestions, recommendations, or guidance to the user.

#3 Optimizing for creativity and control
#3 优化创造力和控制

Another important thing to keep in mind when designing for creation experiences (i.e. when users are creating something like a blog, image, website, etc.) is considering the level of creativity and control users need, so they still feel control of the task the outcome.

While tools like Midjorney and Dall-E provide an incredible amount of creative expression to users, they can be limiting in terms of making edits to the generated image.
虽然像 Midjourney 和 Dall-E 这样的工具为用户提供了难以置信的创意表达能力,但在对生成的图像进行编辑方面可能会有所限制。

AI integrations for creation experiences should help users create a great starting point for their work, and give them all the tools they need to feel in control and make changes whenever needed.

E.g. when creating a visualization using natural language, it’s important to optimize for creating a useful visualization by default, but also equally important to give users all the tools for editing/manipulating the visualization when they need it.

Recent releases such as Adobe Firefly, show a promising step in this direction where the tool still gives users control over the various aspects of the image to manipulate after the image is generated.
近期发布的 Adobe Firefly 等工具,展示了这一方向上一个有希望的步骤,其中该工具在生成图像后仍然允许用户控制图像的各个方面进行操作。

An animated GIF showing Adobe Firefly, which allows users to edit the image generated by Adobe’s AI model. It gives users options to change the style, lighting, size, colors scheme etc., of the image, without having the user to prompt again.
Adobe Firefly gives users some controls over the final image
Adobe Firefly 为用户提供了一些对最终图像的控制

#4 Helping build good prompts
#4 帮助构建好的提示

Another barrier people face to getting helpful responses and making the best use of LLMs and other natural language AI models, is figuring out the right prompts to use.
人们在获得有益回应和充分利用LLMs及其他自然语言 AI 模型时面临的另一个障碍是,找出正确的提示来使用。

I see many posts and courses spring up on prompt engineering and “cheat sheets” on how to build out good prompts. There’s a need for education and awareness of what are the right ways to engage with these models to get better results, especially if the tasks are more specialized.

Some tools like Adobe Firefly present a great library of generated images and prompts when you first land on the tool. It encourages exploration of what’s possible and helps users get more ideas on building useful prompts.
一些工具,如 Adobe Firefly,在您首次使用该工具时提供了大量的生成图像和提示库。它鼓励探索可能性,并帮助用户获得更多关于构建有用提示的想法。

An animated GIF of Adobe Firefly showing the first landing page for users where they can browse through a number of images and can hover over each image to see what was the prompt used to generate the image.
Prompt and output examples in Adobe Firefly
Adobe Firefly 中的提示和输出示例

Instead of showing various examples upfront, you can also consider leading with just a few to help people get started and later showing tips or suggestions progressively.

E.g. when working on generating an image, DALL-E presents some prompts and tips to users to encourage learning, while they’re waiting for the result to show up.
例如,在生成图像时,DALL-E 会向用户提供一些提示和建议,以鼓励学习,同时他们正在等待结果出现。

An image of DALL-E’s web interface showing a loading indicator for when DALL-E is generating an image. Below the loading indicator is also a small image, along with the prompt used to generate that image and some tips to construct better prompts in DALL-E.
Tips and prompt inspiration in DALL-E
在 DALL-E 中的提示和灵感提示

Notion too, gives suggestions to users on how they can leverage the contextual assistant for language tasks, which can help spark user’s creativity for creating good prompts.
Notion 也为用户提供了如何利用上下文助手进行语言任务的建议,这可以帮助激发用户在创建良好提示方面的创造力。

Image of Notion’s user interface showing a dropdown of suggested actions when users click on Notion AI. The options are meant to give users a starting point for using the AI. The actions listed in the dropdown include options like “brainstorm ideas…”, “Draft blog post…”, “Draft outline…”, “Draft social media post…” etc.
Suggestions of AI tasks in Notion
在 Notion 中的 AI 任务建议

#5 Focusing on getting quality results
#5 专注于获得高质量的结果

It’s needless to say that an AI model is only so useful if it’s able to provide good and meaningful results to users. To achieve that, it’s important to train models on datasets that are close representations of the users' actual workflows.
不言而喻,一个 AI 模型只有在能够为用户提供良好且有意义的结果时才有用。为了实现这一点,重要的是在与用户实际工作流程紧密相关的数据集上训练模型。

It’s also important that the training data covers a wide variety of use cases that are likely to occur in the real world and not just a few happy paths.

Designers can help product teams by not only creating prototypes and demos of what’s possible with AI but also being involved in the data conversations to help identity and sometimes even gather the right training data for that use case.

Designers can also help define what good quality results would look like for users which can influence the model development process. How to handle cases when bad results are generated?

And the types of feedback mechanisms that need to be built to understand the model performance and for improving it over time.

#6 Clarifying the use of AI and its limitations
#6 阐明人工智能的使用及其局限性

The challenge with AI models like LLMs is that the results can seem so trustworthy, even though they might not always be accurate.
像LLMs这样的 AI 模型的挑战在于,结果可能看起来非常可信,尽管它们可能并不总是准确的。

It’s really important to build various mechanisms to remind users of the limitations of these AI models, especially if these results could influence very important decisions for users.

For E.g. interacting with AI-generated recommendations might have lower consequences in a user’s life compared to using AI to detect cancer from a medical examination result.

At a high level, AI will play a huge role in shaping the future of how people interact with technology.

However, as more and more businesses continue to integrate AI into their businesses, it’s important to consider how AI can be seamlessly integrated into a user's workflow, rather than it being a separate agent, living in its own separate space.

While designing for AI was something that only a small number of design or product folks has the opportunity to work on previously, we’re now seeing an exponential rise of teams incorporating AI into their products.

And so it’s become even more important for us to have conversations about how to build AI products responsibly.

This is certainly a rapidly evolving space and we’ll continue to discover more of these strategies and guidelines for meaningfully interacting with AI. I’d love to know your thoughts and any other examples or guidelines that would be useful to append to this list.

If you’re interested in exploring this topic in more detail, here are some resources for further reading:

  • How to not add AI to your product” — a startup’s journey of trying to integrate AI into an online form builder.
    “如何不在你的产品中添加 AI”——一家初创公司尝试将 AI 整合到在线表单构建器的旅程。
  • Decoding The Future: The Evolution Of Intelligent Interfaces” — an article by Rachel Kobetz on the future of digital experiences with AI.
    “解码未来:智能界面的演变” —— 瑞秋·科贝茨关于人工智能数字体验未来的文章。
  • The Essential Guide to Creating an AI Product” — a comprehensive guide by Rahul Parundekar on creating an AI product, all the way from planning to implementation.
  • Language Model Sketchbook, or Why I Hate Chatbots” — A brilliant collection of ideas by Maggie Appleton on approaches to explore with LLMs.
    “语言模型素描本,或为什么我讨厌聊天机器人” —— 麦琪·阿普尔顿关于探索LLMs方法的杰出思想集。
  • What is the role of an AI Designer ”— article by Amanda Linden on how designers will play a role in AI design
  • The People + AI guidebook by the People+AI Research (PAIR) team at Google
    谷歌 People+AI 研究(PAIR)团队编写的《人+人工智能指南》

Ridhima Gupta
UX Collective

Design @Databricks. Previously @Tableau, Amazon and Juniper

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