This article guides you through the steps to target various deployment and debugging targets. 本文将指导你完成面向各种部署和调试目标的步骤。
Microsoft Visual Studio allows you to deploy and debug your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps on a variety of Windows 10 devices. Visual Studio will handle the process of building and registering the app on the target device. Microsoft Visual Studio 允许你在各种 Windows 10 设备上部署和调试通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 应用。Visual Studio 将处理在目标设备上生成和注册应用的过程。
Picking a deployment target 选择部署目标
To pick a target, go to the debug target drop-down next to the Start Debugging button and choose which target you want to deploy your app to. After the target is selected, select Start Debugging (F5) to deploy and debug on that target, or select Ctrl+F5 to just deploy to that target. 若要选择目标,请转到“开始调试”按钮旁边的“调试目标”下拉列表,然后选择要将应用部署到的目标。选择目标后,选择“开始调试”(F5) 以在该目标上进行部署和调试,或选择 Ctrl+F5 仅部署到该目标。
Simulator will deploy the app to a simulated environment on your current development machine. This option is only available if your app's Target Platform Min. Version is less than or equal to the operating system on your development machine. 模拟器会将应用部署到当前开发计算机上的模拟环境。仅当应用的目标平台最低版本小于或等于开发计算机上的操作系统时,此选项才可用。
Local Machine will deploy the app to your current development machine. This option is only available if your app's Target Platform Min. Version is less than or equal to the operating system on your development machine. 本地计算机会将应用部署到当前开发计算机。仅当应用的目标平台最低版本小于或等于开发计算机上的操作系统时,此选项才可用。
Remote Machine will let you specify a remote target to deploy the app. More information about deploying to a remote machine can be found in Specifying a remote device. 远程计算机将允许您指定用于部署应用的远程目标。有关部署到远程计算机的详细信息,请参阅指定远程设备。
Device will deploy the app to a USB connected device. The device must be developer unlocked and have the screen unlocked. 设备会将应用部署到 USB 连接的设备。设备必须已开发人员解锁并已解锁屏幕。
An Emulator target will boot up and deploy the app to an emulator with the configuration specified in the name. Emulators are only available on Hyper-V enabled machines running Windows 8.1 or beyond. 模拟器目标将启动应用,并使用名称中指定的配置将应用部署到模拟器。模拟器仅在运行 Windows 8.1 或更高版本的启用了 Hyper-V 的计算机上可用。
Debugging deployed apps 调试已部署的应用
Visual Studio can also attach to any running UWP app process by selecting Debug, and then Attach to Process. Attaching to a running process doesn’t require the original Visual Studio project, but loading the process's symbols will help significantly when debugging a process that you don't have the original code for. Visual Studio 还可以通过选择“调试”,然后选择“附加到进程”来附加到任何正在运行的 UWP 应用进程。附加到正在运行的进程不需要原始 Visual Studio 项目,但在调试没有原始代码的进程时,加载进程的符号将有很大帮助。
In addition, any installed app package can be attached and debugged by selecting Debug, Other, and then Debug Installed App Packages. 此外,可以通过选择“调试”、“其他”和“调试已安装的应用包”来附加和调试任何已安装的应用包。
Selecting Do not launch, but debug my code when it starts will cause the Visual Studio debugger to attach to your UWP app when you launch it at a custom time. This is an effective way to debug control paths from different launch methods, such as protocol activation with custom parameters. 选择“不启动,但在代码启动时调试我的代码”将导致 Visual Studio 调试器在自定义时间启动 UWP 应用时附加到它。这是从不同启动方法调试控制路径的有效方法,例如使用自定义参数激活协议。
UWP apps can be developed and compiled on Windows 8.1 or later, but require Windows 10 to run. If you are developing a UWP app on a Windows 8.1 PC, you can remotely debug a UWP app running on another Windows 10 device, provided that both the host and target computer are on the same LAN. To do this, download and install the Remote Tools for Visual Studio on both machines. The installed version must match the existing version of Visual Studio that you have installed, and the architecture you select (x86, x64) must also match that of your target app. 可以在 Windows 8.1 或更高版本上开发和编译 UWP 应用,但需要 Windows 10 才能运行。如果要在 Windows 8.1 电脑上开发 UWP 应用,则可以远程调试在另一台 Windows 10 设备上运行的 UWP 应用,前提是主机和目标计算机位于同一 LAN 上。为此,请在两台计算机上下载并安装 Remote Tools for Visual Studio。安装的版本必须与已安装的 Visual Studio 的现有版本匹配,并且所选的体系结构(x86、x64)也必须与目标应用的体系结构匹配。
Package layout 包布局
As of Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, we have added the option for developers to specify the layout path for their UWP apps. This determines where the package layout is copied to on disk when you build your app. By default, this property is set relative to the project’s root directory. If you do not modify this property, the behavior will remain the same as it has for previous versions of Visual Studio. 从 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 开始,我们添加了供开发人员指定其 UWP 应用布局路径的选项。这决定了在生成应用时将包布局复制到磁盘上的位置。默认情况下,此属性是相对于项目的根目录设置的。如果不修改此属性,则行为将与以前版本的 Visual Studio 相同。
This property can be modified in the project's Debug properties. 可以在项目的 Debug 属性中修改此属性。
If you want to include all layout files in your package when you create a package for your app, you must add the project property <IncludeLayoutFilesInPackage>true</IncludeLayoutFilesInPackage>. 如果要在为应用创建包时将所有布局文件包含在包中,则必须添加 project 属性 <IncludeLayoutFilesInPackage>true</IncludeLayoutFilesInPackage> 。
To add this property: 若要添加此属性,请执行以下操作:
Right-click the project, and then select Unload Project. 右键单击该项目,然后选择“卸载项目”。
Right-click the project, and then select Edit [projectname].xxproj (.xxproj will change depending on project language). 右键单击项目,然后选择“编辑 [projectname].xxproj”(.xxproj 将根据项目语言而更改)。
Add the property, and then reload the project.
Specifying a remote device
C# and Microsoft Visual Basic
To specify a remote machine for C# or Microsoft Visual Basic apps, select Remote Machine in the debug target drop-down. The Remote Connections dialog will appear, which will let you specify an IP address or select a discovered device. By default, the Universal authentication mode is selected. To determine which authentication mode to use, see Authentication modes.
To return to this dialog, you can open project properties and go to the Debug tab. From there, select Find next to Remote machine:
To deploy an app to a pre-Creators Update remote PC, you will also need to download and install the Visual Studio Remote Tools on the target PC. For full instructions, see Remote PC instructions. However, as of the Creators Update PC also supports remote deployment.
C++ and JavaScript
To specify a remote machine target for a C++ or JavaScript UWP app:
In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and then click Properties.
Go to Debugging settings, and under Debugger to launch, select Remote Machine.
Enter the Machine Name (or click Locate to find one), and then set the Authentication Type property.
After the machine is specified, you can select Remote Machine in the debug target drop-down to return to that specified machine. Only one remote machine can be selected at a time.
Remote PC instructions
These instructions are only required for older versions of Windows 10. As of the Creators Update, a PC can be treated like an Xbox. That is, by enabling Device Discovery in the PC's Developer Mode menu and using Universal Authentication to PIN pair and connect with the PC.
To deploy to a pre-Creators Update remote PC, the target PC must have the Visual Studio Remote Tools installed. The remote PC must also be running a version of Windows that is greater than or equal to your apps Target Platform Min. Version property. After you have installed the remote tools, you must launch the remote debugger on the target PC.
To do this, search for Remote Debugger in the Start menu, open it, and if prompted, allow the debugger to configure your firewall settings. By default, the debugger launches with Windows authentication. This will require user credentials if the signed-in user is not the same on both PCs.
To change it to no authentication, in the Remote Debugger, go to Tools -> Options, and then set it to No Authentication. After the remote debugger is set up, you must also ensure that you have set the host device to Developer Mode. After that, you can deploy from your development machine.
In Visual Studio 2019, you can pass command line debug arguments when you start debugging UWP applications. You can access the command line debug arguments from the args parameter in the OnLaunched method of the Application class. To specify command line debug arguments, open the project's properties and navigate to the Debug tab.
This is available in Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.1) for C#, VB, and C++. JavaScript is available in later versions. Command line debug arguments are available for all deployment types except for the Simulator.
For C# and VB UWP projects, you will see a Command line arguments: field under Start options.
For C++ and JS UWP projects, you will see Command Line Arguments as a field in the Debugging Properties.
Once you specify the command line arguments, you can access the value of the argument in the App's OnLaunched method. The LaunchActivatedEventArgs object args will have an Arguments property with the value set to the text in the Command Line Arguments field.
Authentication modes
There are three authentication modes for remote machine deployment:
Universal (Unencrypted Protocol): Use this authentication mode whenever you are deploying to a remote device. Currently, this is for IoT devices, Xbox devices, and HoloLens devices, as well as PCs with Windows Version 1703 (Creators Update) or later. Universal (Unencrypted Protocol) should only be used on trusted networks. The debugging connection is vulnerable to malicious users who could intercept and change data being passed between the development and remote machine.
Windows: This authentication mode is only intended to be used for a remote PC (desktop or laptop) running the Visual Studio Remote Tools. Use this authentication mode when you have access to the credentials of the signed-in user of the target machine. This is the most secure channel for remote deployment.
None: This authentication mode is only intended to be used for a remote PC (desktop or laptop) running the Visual Studio Remote Tools. Use this authentication mode when you have a test machine set up in an environment that has a test account signed in and you cannot enter the credentials. Ensure that the remote debugger settings are set to accept no authentication.
Advanced remote deployment options
As of the release of Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, and the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, there are new advanced remote deployment options for certain Windows 10 devices. The advanced remote deployment options can be found on the Debug menu for project properties.
The new properties include:
Deployment type
Package registration path
Keep all files on device – even those that are no longer a part of your layout
To utilize the advanced remote deployment options, you must satisfy the following requirements:
Have Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or some later Visual Studio release installed with Windows 10 Tools 1.4.1 or later(which includes the Windows 10 Anniversary Update SDK) We recommend that you use the latest version of Visual Studio with updates to ensure you get all the newest development and security features.
Target a Windows 10 Anniversary Update Xbox remote device or Windows 10 Creators Update PC
Use Universal Authentication mode
Properties pages
For a C# or Visual Basic UWP app, the properties page will look like the following.
For a C++ UWP app, the properties page will look like the following.
Copy files to device
Copy files to device will physically transfer the files over the network to the remote device. It will copy and register the package layout that is built to the Layout folder path. Visual Studio will keep the files that are copied to the device in sync with the files in your Visual Studio project; however, there is an option to keep all files on device – even those that are no longer a part of your layout. Selecting this option means that any files that were previously copied to the remote device, but are no longer a part of your project, will remain on the remote device.
The package registration path specified when you copy files to device is the physical location on the remote device where the files are copied. This path can be specified as any relative path. The location where the files are deployed will be relative to a development files root that will vary depending on the target device. Specifying this path is useful for multiple developers sharing the same device and working on packages with some build variance.
Copy files to device is currently supported on Xbox running Windows 10 Anniversary Update and PCs running Windows 10 Creators Update .
On the remote device, the layout gets copied to the following default location:
Register layout from network
When you choose to register the layout from the network, you can build your package layout to a network share and then register the layout on the remote device directly from the network. This requires that you specify a layout folder path (a network share) that is accessible from the remote device. The Layout folder path property is the path set relative to the PC running Visual Studio, while the Package registration path property is the same path, but specified relative to the remote device.
To successfully register the layout from the network, you must first make Layout folder path a shared network folder. To do this, right-click the folder in File Explorer, select Share with > Specific people, and then choose the users you would like to share the folder with. When you try to register the layout from the network, you will be prompted for credentials to ensure that you are registering as a user with access to the share.
For help with this, see the following examples:
Example 1 (local layout folder, accessible as a network share):
When you first register the layout from the network, your credentials will be cached on the target device so you do not need to repeatedly sign in. To remove cached credentials, you can use the WinAppDeployCmd.exe tool from the Windows 10 SDK with the deletecreds command.
You cannot select keep all files on device when you register the layout from the network because no files are physically copied to the remote device.
Register layout from network is currently supported on Xbox running Windows 10 Anniversary Update and PCs running Windows 10 Creators Update.
On the remote device, the layout gets registered to the following default location depending on the device family:
Xbox: \\MY-DEVKIT\DevelopmentFiles\XrfsFiles - this is a symlink to the package registration path
PC does not use a symlink and instead directly registers the package registration path
Debugging options
On Windows 10, the startup performance of UWP apps is improved by proactively launching and then suspending apps in a technique called prelaunch. Many apps will not need to do anything special to work in this mode, but some apps may need to adjust their behavior. To help debug any issues in these code paths, you can start debugging the app from Visual Studio in prelaunch mode.
Debugging is supported both from a Visual Studio project (Debug -> Other Debug Targets -> Debug Universal Windows App Prelaunch), and for apps already installed on the machine (Debug -> Other Debug Targets -> Debug Installed App Package by selecting the Activate app with Prelaunch check box). For more information, see Debug UWP Prelaunch.
You can set the following deployment options on the Debug property page of the startup project:
Allow local network loopback
For security reasons, a UWP app that is installed in the standard manner is not allowed to make network calls to the device it is installed on. By default, Visual Studio deployment creates an exemption from this rule for the deployed app. This exemption allows you to test communication procedures on a single machine. Before submitting your app to the Microsoft Store, you should test your app without the exemption.
To remove the network loopback exemption from the app:
On the C# and Visual Basic Debug property page, clear the Allow local network loopback check box.
On the JavaScript and C++ Debugging property page, set the Allow Local Network Loopback value to No.
Do not launch, but debug my code when it starts / Launch Application
To configure the deployment to automatically start a debugging session when the app is launched:
On the C# and Visual Basic Debug property page, select the Do not launch, but debug my code when it starts check box.
On the JavaScript and C++ Debugging property page, set the Launch Application value to Yes.
Symbol files contain a variety of very useful data when debugging code, such as variables, function names, and entry point addresses, allowing you to better understand exceptions and callstack execution order. Symbols for most variants of Windows are available through the Microsoft Symbol Server or can be downloaded for faster, offline lookups at Download Windows Symbol Packages.
To set symbol options for Visual Studio, select Tools > Options, and then go to Debugging > Symbols in the dialog window.
To load symbols in a debugging session with WinDbg, set the sympath variable to the symbol package location. For example, running the following command will load symbols from the Microsoft Symbol Server, and then cache them in the C:\Symbols directory:
You can add more paths by using the ‘;’ delimiter, or use the .sympath+ command. For more advanced symbol operations that use WinDbg, see Public and Private Symbols.
WinDbg is a powerful debugger that is shipped as part of the Debugging Tools for Windows suite, which is included in the Windows SDK. The Windows SDK installation allows you to install Debugging Tools for Windows as a standalone product. While highly useful for debugging native code, we don’t recommend WinDbg for apps written in managed code or HTML5.
plmdebug /enableDebug [PackageFullName] ""C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\WinDbg.exe\" -server npipe:pipe=test"
In contrast to Visual Studio, most of the core functionality of WinDbg relies on providing commands to the command window. The provided commands allow you to view execution state, investigate user mode crash dumps, and debug in a variety of modes.
One of the most popular commands in WinDbg is !analyze -v, which is used to retrieve a verbose amount of information about the current exception, including:
FAULTING_IP: instruction pointer at the time of fault
EXCEPTION_RECORD: address, code, and flags of the current exception
Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues as the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it with a new feedback system. For more information see:
Learn how to use Visual Studio in GitHub to create, debug, and deploy Windows 10 applications with themes, refactoring, and code snippets. 了解如何在 GitHub 中使用 Visual Studio 创建、调试和部署具有主题、重构和代码片段的 Windows 10 应用程序。
Use Microsoft Visual Studio and other tools to debug and test your app and prepare it for the Microsoft Store certification process. 使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 和其他工具调试和测试应用,并为 Microsoft Store 认证过程做好准备。
Learn about Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps that can run across a wide variety of devices that run Windows. 了解可在运行 Windows 的各种设备上运行的通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 应用。
When writing a UWP app in Microsoft Visual Studio, you can choose which version to target. Learn about the difference between different UWP versions, and how to configure your choices in new and existing projects.
Some kinds of apps (multilingual dictionaries, translation tools, etc.) need to override the default behavior of an app bundle, and build resources into the app package instead of having them in separate resource packages. This topic explains how to do that.
Learn how to use the Application page to specify the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) project's assembly and package information, and target Windows 10 and later.