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Elastollan® B 98 A
艾拉斯托兰® B 98 A

registered trademark of BASF Polyurethanes
巴斯夫聚氨酯 注册商标

Characteristic: 特征:

Thermoplastic Polyester-Polyurethane with excellent mechanical properties, outstanding wear resistance, high tear and tensile strength, good damping characteristic, high resilience performance and superior low temperature flexibility.
Processable by injection moulding and extrusion.
Property 财产 Unit 单位 Value 价值

Test method
according to
Hardness 硬度 Shore D 邵氏 D 50 DIN ISO 7619-1 DIN ISO 7619-1 标准
Density 密度 1,22 DIN EN ISO 1183-1-A
DIN EN ISO 1183-1-A 认证
Tensile strength 抗张强度 55 DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37
DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37 标准
Elongation at break 断裂伸长率 500 DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37
DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37 标准
Stress at elongation
MPa 8 DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37
DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37 标准
Stress at elongation
12 DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37
DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37 标准
Stress at elongation
30 DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37
DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37 标准
Modulus of elasticity - tensile test
弹性模量 - 拉伸试验
140 DIN EN ISO 527
DIN EN ISO 527认证
Tear strength 撕裂强度 130 DIN ISO 34-1Bb DIN ISO 34-1Bb 标准
Abrasion loss 磨损损失 25 DIN ISO 4649-A DIN ISO 4649-A 标准
Compression set at room temperature
35 DIN ISO 815-B DIN ISO 815-B 标准
Compression set at
45 DIN ISO 815-B DIN ISO 815-B 标准

在水中 储存 21 天后的抗拉强度
Tensile strength after storage in water at
for 21 days
MPa 40 DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37
DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37 标准

在水中 储存 21 天后断裂伸长率
Elongation at break after storage in water at
for 21 days
500 DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37
DIN 53504-S2 / ISO 37 标准

Notched impact strength (Charpy)
 没有休息 18
no break
DIN EN ISO 179-1
DIN EN ISO 179-1 认证
Test plaques are manufactured by injection moulding from pre-dried granules (water content of ). Test plaques are aged 20 hrs at . Specimens are cut from test plaques. Test conditions: and rel. humidity.
测试牌匾由预干燥的颗粒(含水量为 ) 通过注塑成型制造。测试斑块在 20 小时时老 化。从测试斑块上切下标本。测试条件: 相对湿度。
These are general guidance data. No statement regarding specific properties. All supplies are subject to detailed specifications to be agreed-up in each individual case and containing, among others, the tolerances to be specified therein.

Elastollan® B 98 A
艾拉斯托兰® B 98 A

registered trademark of BASF Polyurethanes
巴斯夫聚氨酯 注册商标

Storage and handling: 储存和处理:

Elastollan is hygroscopic, therefore storage in dry conditions and original container is recommended. Additional information about drying, processing temperatures and post-treatment are given in our product brochure „Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) Elastollan®- Processing Recommendations“.
Elastollan 具有吸湿性,因此建议储存在干燥条件和原始容器中。有关干燥、加工温度和后处理的更多信息,请参阅我们的产品手册“热塑性聚氨酯弹性体 (TPU) 弹性®体 - 加工建议”。

Chemical Characteristics:

Polymer based on: polyurethane, stabilizing agents and additives

Delivery form and packing:

Lentil shaped pellets 扁豆形状的颗粒
Packaging dependent upon grade and agreement.

Processing: 加工:

Processable at least for 6 months from delivery date in original sealed containers with cool dry storage.
自交货之日起至少可在原密封容器中加工 6 个月,并可冷干储存。

Hazard indication: 危险指示:

No particular hazards known.
Please have a look at the Material Safety Data Sheet before handling.

Waste Disposal: 废物处理:

More detailed information is provided in our country-specific pamphlet and the Material Safety Data Sheet.

Important Information: 重要信息:

There are national and international laws and regulations to consider if it is intended to produce consumer articles (e.g. articles that necessitate food or skin contact, toys etc.) or medical objects from BASF Polyurethanes products. Where specific regulations do not exist, the current legal requirements of the European Union for consumer articles as well as medical products should be used as reference. Consultation with the BASF Polyurethanes GmbH Sales Office and our Ecology and Product Safety Department is strongly recommended.
如果打算用巴斯夫聚氨酯 产品生产消费品(例如需要食品或皮肤接触的物品、玩具等)或医疗用品,则需要考虑国家和国际法律法规。在没有具体法规的情况下,应以欧盟目前对消费品和医疗产品的法律要求为参考。强烈建议咨询巴斯夫聚氨酯有限公司销售办事处以及我们的生态和产品安全部门。
The data contained in this document as well as advice or other support services are based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of many factors that may affect processing and application of our products, this data does not relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests, particularly with regards to the suitability of the goods supplied for the processes and purposes they intend to use them for; neither does this data imply any guarantee of certain properties, or the suitability of the product for a specific purpose. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights measured values etc. given herein may change without prior notice and do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is the responsibility of the recipient of our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed.
For additional information please contact our Sales Office:

BASF Polyurethanes GmbH 巴斯夫聚氨酯有限公司
Tel. 电话。

(0)  (0)
Elastogranstraße 60
Fax: 传真:
D- 49448 Lemförde