這是用戶在 2025-1-13 23:19 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/11c57c33-2f74-4f02-9be0-dbd5a15511c4 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?

(1) ACTION REQUIRED  (1) 需要採取的行動


(1) Please contact us or make a transaction on your account
(1) 請聯絡我們或在您的帳戶上進行交易

Your account may be blocked in 60 days.
您的帳戶可能會在 60 天后被阻止。
Hi , Feng Tai. We noticed that it’s been over 24 months since you’ve completed a transaction on your Citibank account or contacted us about it. If we don’t hear from you within 60 days of the date of this letter, your account will be considered inactive and may be blocked.
您好,馮台。我們注意到,您完成 Citibank 帳戶交易或就此事與我們聯繫已經過去了 24 個月。如果我們在此信函發佈之日起的 60 天內未收到您的回復,您的帳戶將被視為處於非活動狀態,並可能被凍結。
Please note that direct deposits or electronic transfers/debits cannot be used to keep an account active.
Here’s some ways you can prevent your account from becoming inactive:
  • Make a deposit through the mail, or with remote/mobile check deposit
  • Make a deposit or withdrawal at a U.S. Citibank branch or an ATM
    在美國花旗銀行分行或 ATM 進行存款或取款
  • Provide a valid ID or make a deposit/withdrawal with a teller at any U.S. Citibank branch.
  • Complete the Active Account Information Form with a Notarized Signature at the bottom of this letter. If you’re outside of the U.S., you can provide proof of signature verification from an embassy office or consulate general. If you received this notice in the mail, return it to us in the enclosed envelope-please be sure it’s completed by an authorized account signer.
    填寫 Active Account Information Form(活動帳戶資訊表),並在本信函底部簽字公證。如果您在美國境外,您可以提供大使館辦公室或總領事館的簽名驗證證明。如果您通過郵件收到了此通知,請將其裝在隨附的信封中寄回給我們 - 請確保它由授權的帳戶簽名者完成。

(1) ACTION REQUIRED  (1) 需要採取的行動

Date qquad\qquad  日期 qquad\qquad

Return Address:  退貨位址:

Citibank  花旗銀行
100 Citibank Drive  花旗銀行大道 100 號
San Antonio, TX 78245-9966
德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧 78245-9966
If you prefer to mail this form in, sign it before a notary and then mail the notarized form to the address above.
State of qquad\qquad   qquad\qquad 的狀態
County of qquad\qquad   qquad\qquad
Signed and sworn to before me this qquad\qquad day of qquad\qquad 20 qquad\qquad by
在20 qquad\qquad 歲的 qquad\qquad 這一 qquad\qquad 天在我面前簽名並宣誓

herself/himself to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and that he/she, has read the foregoing instrument and understands its contents and has executed the same for the purpose stated therein.

Notary Public

Your Citi Team  您的 Citi 團隊

Calls are randomly monitored and recorded to ensure quality service.

Citibank Client Services provides customer account services for Citibank, N.A. ©2024 Citibank, N.A. Member FDIC. Citi, Citi and Arc Design and other marks used herein are service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates, used and registered throughout the world. All rights reserved.
花旗銀行客戶服務為 Citibank, N.A. ©2024 Citibank, N.A. 成員 FDIC 提供客戶帳戶服務。Citi、Citi 和 Arc Design 以及此處使用的其他標誌是 Citigroup Inc. 或其附屬公司的服務標誌,在全球範圍內使用和註冊。保留所有權利。

(1) ACTION REQUIRED  (1) 需要採取的行動

If you have any interest-bearing accounts, they will continue to earn interest even if they’re considered inactive.
For more information about how we define inactive accounts, please refer to the documents you received when you opened your account, such as your Client Manual, Master Account Service and Terms Agreement or Account Opening Agreement which can be found at Citi Online at citi.com.
有關我們如何定義非活躍帳戶的更多資訊,請參閱您在開戶時收到的檔,例如您的客戶手冊、主帳戶服務及條款協定或開戶協定,這些檔可在花旗在線 citi.com 上找到。
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call us at 1-888-248-4226. For TTY: We accept 711 or other Relay Service.
如果您有任何疑問或需要進一步的説明,請致電 1-888-248-4226 聯繫我們。對於 TTY:我們接受 711 或其他中繼服務。
As mentioned above, please complete, sign and date the information below and return it to your local branch or mail it in order to avoid your account from becoming inactive. Be sure to have valid photo ID with you for the branch.

Active Account Information Form

4F, #7, ALLEY 78, LANE 208
4F, #7, 巷 78, 巷 208

TAIPEI, TAIWAN 10638  臺北, 中國臺灣 10638
By signing below, I hereby acknowledge ownership of this account and confirm my contact information.
Signature qquad\qquad  簽章 qquad\qquad
Address if different from above qquad\qquad
位址(如果與上述 qquad\qquad 位址不同)
Print Name  列印名稱
Phone Number qquad\qquad  電話號碼 qquad\qquad