Our main objectives in this video are
• to understand what the law of demand is
• 了解什么是需求定律
• learn how to draw the demand curve and
• 学习如何绘制需求曲线
• to master the intuition or reasoning behind it.
• 掌握其背后的直觉或推理。
To start, I want you to think of the market for petrol. From the previous screencast, we know
that the existence of petrol brands means that this market is not EXACTLY perfectly competitive,
but if we abstract from brands and think of petrol in a GENERAL sense, then the market comes
close enough to perfect competition.
This kind of simplification is frequently done in economics as a way to get a handle on reality.
Markets can be quite complex, but if we begin by making judicious assumptions, then we can try
to understand a simpler version of reality, and we can then become more confident in analysing a
more complicated version of it later on.
Now I want you to take the perspective of petrol buyers and think of the amount of petrol they
buy in a year. What are the factors that can lead them to buy more or less petrol?
Pause the video here while you think of as many factors as you can; otherwise, the discussion
will continue in 5 seconds.
将在 5 秒后继续。
(5-second pause)
(暂停 5 秒)
One factor that quickly comes to mind is the price of petrol. If petrol becomes cheaper, buyers
tend to buy more petrol, and if it becomes more expensive, they might economise and buy less.
There are other factors as well. If more cars are bought because they have become cheaper, then
more petrol would be bought, even though the price of petrol has not changed.
We can then split these factors into 2 columns.
然后我们可以将这些因素分为 2 列。
In the column here, we put the price of petrol, and in the column here we list all of the
factors that can cause more or less petrol to be bought even if the price of petrol has not
changed. To *this* column we add the price of natural gas, diesel, and electricity, which are
petrol substitutes: clearly, if these products, which can be used in place of petrol, become
cheaper, it might encourage petrol buyers to switch and buy less petrol. We also add population,
更便宜,它可能会鼓励汽油购买者改用并减少购买汽油。我们还添加了 population、
income, concerns about “clean” energy, and expectations about future petrol prices.
These two factors both involve prices but the difference is that this pertains to actual changes
in the price of petrol while this involves expected prices of petrol: people change how much
petrol they buy NOW not in response to a change in the price NOW but to a change in the price in
How many of these factors did you think of? I hope you identified most, if not all of them.
Now suppose that none of these factors on the right side changed, then all we have left is the
role of the price of petrol itself on the behavior of buyers. If none of these other factors
changed, then there is a negative or inverse relationship between the price of petrol and the
changed,则 Petrol 的价格与
quantity of petrol that consumers would like to buy.
This is none other than the “law of demand”: all else constant, the quantity demanded for a good
or service decreases when its price increases, and increases when its price falls.
或者 service 在价格上涨时减少,当价格下跌时增加。
“All else constant” in Latin is ceteris paribus,
拉丁语中的“所有其他不变”是 ceteris paribus,
and quantity demanded is the amount of a good or a service that buyers are willing and able to
purchase at a given price.
Since quantity demanded and price are inversely related, if we take a two-dimensional graph,
with quantity demanded plotted on the x-axis and price on the y-axis, the law of demand
需求数量在 x 轴上绘制,价格在 y 轴上绘制,需求定律
corresponds to a downward sloping curve which we call the demand curve.
The main thing to remember here is the ceteris paribus assumption: when quantity demanded
这里要记住的主要事情是 ceteris paribus 假设:当需求量
changes along a demand curve, it is due only to changes in the price of the good or service. We
are holding all other factors constant.
We can draw a demand curve for petrol for a single buyer, for a group of buyers, or for an
entire market.
*This* graph, which appears in the textbook, is for a single buyer, Chloe. So we see that as
*这张*图表出现在教科书中,是针对单个买家 Chloe 的。 所以我们看到
petrol becomes cheaper, Chloe’s quantity of petrol demanded increases.
汽油变得更便宜,Chloe 的汽油需求量增加。
*This* list of prices and corresponding quantities demanded on the right is the demand schedule
— a demand schedule is just a table of price-quantity demanded pairs.
- 需求明细表只是价格-数量需求对的表。
The price at which quantity demanded is zero is the “choke price” and the quantity demanded when
price is zero is called the “freebie quantity”. So we see here that Chloe’s choke price is 7
价格为零称为 “免费赠品数量”。 所以我们在这里看到 Chloe 的扼流圈价格是 7
dollars per gallon, and her freebie quantity is 350 gallons a year.
美元/加仑,她的免费赠品数量为每年 350 加仑。
Let’s have a quick exercise in drawing a demand curve. Here is the first problem in the
exercises for Chapter 4.
第 4 章的练习。
This is the hypothetical demand schedule of a country for laundry detergent. I want you to take
pen and paper and use the data in the table to draw the demand curve.
Pause the video here while you work; otherwise, the answer will be displayed in 5 seconds.
在工作时在此处暂停视频;否则,答案将在 5 秒后显示。
(5-second pause)
(暂停 5 秒)
Let’s look at the answer.
Your demand curve should look like *this*. We will do quite a bit of graphing in economics, and
although this exercise is simple, it reminds us to pay attention to some important details.
First, in graphing a demand curve, price goes on the y axis and quantity demanded goes on the x
首先,在绘制需求曲线时,价格位于 y 轴上,需求数量位于 x 轴上
axis. It’s also good to indicate the units in which you are measuring quantity: here we say that
it is in million ounces.
Another point is to make sure that your intervals are evenly spaced. In this graph here, price
is in 2-dollar increments while quantity is in increments of 10 million. Depending on the
以 2 美元为增量,而数量以 1000 万为增量。根据
increments you use, your own demand curve can be flatter or steeper than the curve we have here,
but it should be linear.
You might be wondering whether demand curves have to be linear. And the answer is, they don’t
have to be. For example, they can be curved inward, like Figure 4.3 in the textbook, or a bit
必须如此。例如,它们可以向内弯曲,如教科书中的图 4.3,或者一点
less tidy, like *this* one.
This demand curve is based on one of my previous classes’ responses to *this* question. I called
out prices in descending order and asked the students to raise their hand when I called out the
price that corresponds to the maximum price that they were willing to pay.
price 对应的 price 的 x 的 z 值。
I started from 5 dollars and called out numbers in descending order in 10-cent increments. When
我从 5 美元开始,以 10 美分的增量按降序叫出数字。什么时候
I got to $4.10, my student Rhea raised her hand.
我拿到了 4.10 美元,我的学生 Rhea 举起了手。
Four students then raised their hand when I reached $4, bringing the total number of people
当我达到 4 美元时,四名学生举起了手,使总人数达到
willing to buy a pack of KitKats at that price to 5. “Five” consists of the four new people who
愿意以 5 到 5 的价格购买一包 KitKats。“五”由四个新人组成,他们
raised their hands, PLUS Rhea — since Rhea was willing to pay as much as $4.10, she would also
举起了手,PLUS Rhea — 因为 Rhea 愿意支付高达 4.10 美元的费用,她也会
have been willing to pay less than $4.10. This is why Rhea is also included in the quantity
愿意支付不到 4.10 美元的费用。这就是为什么 Rhea 也包含在数量中的原因
demanded at $4, although she raised her hand before that.
要价 4 美元,尽管她在此之前举起了手。
None of the remaining students raised their hands UNTIL the price fell to $3.50: at this point,
剩下的学生都没有举手,直到价格跌至 3.50 美元:此时,
5 new people indicated their willingness to buy, for a quantity demanded of 10.
5 个新人表示愿意购买,需求量为 10 人。
All in all, I was able to collect 5 data points, as shown here in the demand schedule, which I
总而言之,我能够收集 5 个数据点,如需求计划所示,我
plot over here. Connecting these five points resulted in the demand curve in green.
这边的情节。将这 5 个点连接起来,需求曲线变为绿色。
Unlike the demand curve in Figure 4.1 which is linear throughout, this demand curve is not as
与图 4.1 中贯穿始终线性的需求曲线不同,这条需求曲线不是
smooth. But there’s nothing wrong with it. The way the demand curve looks depends on the
behaviour of buyers. That said, we will frequently use linear demand curves in our analysis
because they are easier to work with without really changing the main predictions or results of
the models we will be looking at.
Let me point out a couple of things, and you might want to take note:
It might be that buyers would like to buy multiple units, buying more when the price falls. In
买家可能想购买多个单位,当价格下跌时购买更多。 在
contrast, the KitKat example is a case of “unit demand”: this is when consumers are interested
相比之下,KitKat 示例是 “单位需求” 的一个案例:这是消费者感兴趣的时候
in buying only one unit of the good. In such a case, quantity demanded is equal to the number of
Next, let me use the KitKat example to illustrate the two ways of “interpreting” a demand curve.
接下来,让我使用 KitKat 示例来说明“解释”需求曲线的两种方法。
One way is to read it horizontally, where the demand curve indicates the quantity demanded at a
given price.
The other way is to read it vertically, in which case the demand curve indicates the most that
somebody in the market is willing to pay for a particular unit. The height of the demand curve
at that unit is called the market’s “willingness to pay” for that unit.
So we see that on the 7th of January 2020 at around 9 am, Rhea was willing to pay as much as
所以我们看到,在 2020 年 1 月 7 日上午 9 点左右,Rhea 愿意支付
$4.10 for a KitKat. $4.10 is the market’s willingness to pay for the first unit.
KitKat 售价 4.10 美元。4.10 美元是市场为第一个单位支付的意愿。
Now think about this question: What is the market’s willingness to pay for the fifth pack of
KitKats? Pause the video here while you think about this; otherwise, the answer will be
displayed in 5 seconds.
在 5 秒后显示。
(5-second pause) – (View screencast for the answer to the concept check.)
(5 秒暂停)-(查看截屏视频以获取概念检查的答案。
We can say more – for example, that the most that somebody was willing to pay for the 6th pack
我们可以说得更多——例如,某人愿意为第 6 个包装支付的最高金额
of KitKats, according to the demand curve, was $3.50. You can also verify this from the demand
的 KitKat 为 3.50 美元。您也可以从需求中验证这一点
Now, this brings us to this question: Why were some students willing to pay more than others?
It could be that some students were not hungry when I asked, or didn’t like chocolate (unlike
Rhea, who said that Kitkats were her favourite), or didn’t have the cash to pay for it. The
Rhea 说 Kitkats 是她的最爱),或者没有现金支付。这
benefits from a Kitkat were different for different students, and a demand curve reflects the
Kitkat 的好处 因不同的学生而异,需求曲线反映了
benefit of the good. Also, some didn’t have cash on them, so willingness to pay is influenced
by incomes and budgets.
The point is that demand is not simply a matter of what consumers want, it’s also about their
ability to pay and what they can afford.
A buyer will compare her willingness to pay with the actual market price to decide whether to
buy the good or not. If her willingness to pay is greater than the market price, she will buy
the good; but if the market price is greater than her willingness to pay, she will not buy the
Suppose that the price of a pack of Kitkats was 3 dollars and 25 cents. How many packs would
假设一包 Kitkats 的价格是 3 美元 25 美分。多少包会
have been bought?
If you said 10, you’re correct. Remember, a buyer purchases a product if her willingness to pay
如果你说 10 个,那你是对的。请记住,如果买家愿意付款,则买家会购买产品
for it is no lower than the market price. There are only 10 students for whom that is true if
因为它不低于市场价格。只有 10 名学生是正确的,如果
the market price is 3 dollars and 25 cents.
市场价格为 3 美元 25 美分。
Now suppose that a pack of Kitkats was 4 dollars and 10 cents. How many packs would have been
现在假设一包 Kitkats 是 4 美元 10 美分。本来会有多少包
If you said 1, you’re correct. At that price, only Rhea would have considered it worthwhile to
如果你说 1,那你是对的。以这个价格,只有 Rhea 会认为值得
buy Kitkats.
购买 Kitkats。
Let’s recap:
First, we talked about the Law of demand, which says that there is an inverse relationship
between price and quantity demanded. We also learned the importance of keeping all other factors
that can influence demand constant when thinking about this relationship.
在考虑这种关系时,这可能会影响 Demand Constant。
The law of demand corresponds to a downward sloping demand curve. Because the shape of the
demand curve depends on the behaviour of buyers, it may not necessarily be linear.
需求曲线取决于 买家的行为,不一定是线性的。
Finally, we learned how to interpret the demand curve. The height of the demand curve indicates
willingness to pay.
Figure 4.1 shows the demand curve for gasoline of one buyer — Chloe. In the next video, we will
图 4.1 显示了一个买家 Chloe 的汽油需求曲线。在下一个视频中,我们将
look at how to aggregate individual buyers’ demand curves to get the market demand curve.