Unit 11 The Art and Technology of Perfumery PROFESSIONAL COURSE
第 11 單元香水藝術與科技的專業課程
- You may not be a native English speaker (most students are not!)
您可能不是以英語為母語的人(大多數學生都不是!) - So there is a link at the BOTTOM of most pages to Google Translate
因此,大多數頁面底部都會有一個到 Google 翻譯的鏈接 - Click on the link and select your language
點擊鏈接並選擇您的語言 - In a few seconds most of the page will be translated
在幾秒鐘內,大部分頁面將被翻譯 - But, the service is sometimes not good
但服務有時不太好 - So, at the TOP of the page click Show Original to return to English
所以,在頁面的頂部點擊“顯示原文”返回英文 - Then click Translate at the TOP of the page again to return to your language
然後再次點擊頁面頂部的翻譯,以返回到您的語言 - Toggle backwards and forwards from original to translate as you read
在閱讀時,可以在原文和翻譯之間來回切換 - To translate single words click on Google
We have uploaded your first articles and assignments so you can get started. To start just click on the links below. You will find units 11-20 quite different in format as we will be building on basics from the Foundation Course Units 1-10.
我們已經上傳了你的第一篇文章和作業,讓你可以開始進行。只需點擊下面的連結即可開始。您會發現單元 11-20 的格式非常不同,因為我們將基於基礎課程單元 1-10 進行擴展。
In the Foundation Course you were led through the process, it didn't require that much interaction on your part. This means that much of the information that you have learnt may not yet be practical skills, you may not yet be the OWNER of the knowledge. The analogy, "Just because we read and understood Shakespeare does not mean we can write Shakespeare ourselves", applies here.
在基礎課程中,您被引導通過整個過程,這並不需要您太多的互動。這意味著您所學習的許多信息可能尚未轉化為實際技能,您可能尚未成為這些知識的所有者。類比說法"僅僅因為我們讀懂了莎士比亞並不代表我們也能夠自己寫出莎士比亞的作品" 在這裡也是適用的。
Now if you are to turn information, you have read, into your own knowledge and practical skills, then you must ACTUALLY USE, THINK and WORK with the information. So the next 10 units are very much practically oriented to hopefully gently and pleasantly push you into this process
現在,如果您要將已閱讀的資訊轉化為您自己的知識和實踐技能,那麼您必須實際使用、思考和運用這些資訊。因此,接下來的 10 個單元非常實用導向,希望可以溫和愉快地推動您進入這個過程。
As creative skills are subjective and very individualistic personal skills, some of the paths we take you down have no precedence. The inspiration and thought processes for Mozart's music are clearly different from Beethoven's or Stravinky's and we can only second guess them. In these units we will be trying to open your mind to many styles and ways of looking at the creative process from which you can develop or enhance your current skills. In later units 17-20 we will try to pull these together in practical business skills so that you can make a living out of your passion.
創造性技能是主觀的,非常個人化的技能,我們所走的一些路徑是前所未有的。莫札特音樂的靈感和思維過程顯然不同於貝多芬或史特拉汶斯基,我們只能猜測。在這些單元中,我們將試圖開拓您的思維,讓您瞭解許多風格和觀看創造過程的方式,從中您可以發展或增強您目前的技能。在接下來的單元 17-20 中,我們將嘗試將這些技能融入實際的商業技能,讓您可以靠自己的熱情謀生。
Whilst we cover general aspects of chemistry required to understand the materials you will be using we do it from the point of a perfumer rather than an analytical chemist so if you have a fear of chemistry we ask you to persevere with it. If you have a PhD in chemistry (some of our students do) then persevere with it too as it takes a less than academic view of the subject but a none-the-less practical and useful standpoint for creative perfumery.
During the course both via email and at our Workshops we welcome dissension and discussion so if an alternative or better way to approach something occurs to you let us know as we are here to learn too
首先要做的事情之一是完成入門級問卷。這是一個很好的方式,可以找出你目前的優點和弱點在哪裡。我們希望你每個問題僅給自己 1 分鐘的時間,不要參考其他參考資料、書籍、網絡、同事或朋友。整個問卷不會花費你超過 30 分鐘的時間。
Click to download and print out the questionnaire
Warning: Only do these exercises and assignments we set, if you want to get the most out of the course.
If you find the course becoming too much at any time you can slow down the submissions and we will extended the study time. Just tell us. (of course we can also speed it up but this case has never yet occurred yet). Remember - this is private coaching and you control how hard and fast you study. The harder you push us the harder we push back and the more you get out of the course. Most of our students are working in the industry in full time jobs already and we appreciate that time available for study is not always as much as they would like. Set your own schedule.
如果你覺得課程任何時候變得太多,你可以減緩提交速度,我們將延長學習時間。只要告訴我們。 (當然我們也可以加快速度,但這種情況還沒有發生過)。請記住 - 這是私人教練,你可以控制學習的難度和速度。你越用力推動我們,我們就越努力回應,你將獲得更多課程的收穫。我們大多數的學生已經在業內全職工作,我們理解學習的時間不一定和他們期望的一樣多。設定你自己的課程表。

Ask as many questions as you like relating to any perfumery subject as you go through the course but do not limit them to only the articles in the course. Think of us as the guardian angel perfumer looking over your shoulder or the Genie in the Magic Lantern that you can call upon whenever you need help.
We don't know all the answers and we may not always give you the simplistic answer we know you are looking for. But we will guide you to find the answer yourself so that you become more and more self reliant as your studies progress.
Regards, 問候,
Steve 史蒂夫