这是用户在 2024-12-17 17:35 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/89fb56bd-02c4-418f-9c3d-2697f7d50664 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


您的任务是设计一个 CMOS 逻辑门来实现以下逻辑功能(基于您的学号的最后一位数字,在 LTSPICE 中对其进行仿真并评估其性能)。

 甚至 Y = A . ( B ¯ + C D ) Y = A . ( B ¯ + C D ) Y=A.( bar(B)+C*D)Y=A .(\bar{B}+C \cdot D)
 奇怪 Y = B ¯ . ( A + C + D ) Y = B ¯ . ( A + C + D ) Y= bar(B).(A+C+D)Y=\bar{B} .(A+C+D)
Last Digit of Student Number Logic Function Even Y=A.( bar(B)+C*D) Odd Y= bar(B).(A+C+D)| Last Digit of Student Number | Logic Function | | :---: | :---: | | Even | $Y=A .(\bar{B}+C \cdot D)$ | | Odd | $Y=\bar{B} .(A+C+D)$ |

您应该在此作业随附的基本 SPICE 设计文件 (Digital Spice Design Template.asc) 中实现您的设计。这提供了一个您应该使用的框架,并且您应该将电路插入其中。它包含四个电压源,用于生成脉冲序列(用于生成电路的四个输入:A...这些电压源的输出通过两个最小尺寸的逆变器(因此输出更真实)。来自电压源的波形近似于二进制数 “DCBA”,并在 5 μ 5 μ 5mu5 \mu s 周期内从 0000 到 1111 等循环。每个波形之间有 5 ns 的小偏移,以使它们更有趣。您可以自由更改应用于 circuit 的值序列 (以允许您回答某些问题)。但是,在某些情况下,您使用的输入序列必须是模板中提供的输入序列。

四对逆变器的输出标记为 A、B、C、D。这些必须是您正在实现的功能驱动到 circuit 中的唯一 Inputs。您不能使用来自电压源的输出或每对中第一个逆变器的任何输出。

您实现的电路的函数 Y 的输出连接到一个 100fF 电容器(这也在基本 spice 设计模板文件中)。

重申一下,您应该只将电路连接到 VDD、GND、A、B、C、D 和 Y Y YY 基本设计文件模板。您会注意到 Vsupp 是指令集中的一个参数,目前设置为 3.3V。这用于生成 VDD (您将在电路中使用)、Vdriver (单独用于为产生 A , B , C A , B , C A,B,C\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}, \mathrm{C} 的逆变器供电 和 D )以及 V1、V2、V3 和 V4 中产生的脉冲电压。您可以在指令中更改 Vsupp,所有生成的电压将一起更改。您无需创建任何新的电压源即可完成此任务。

您 design 中的 transistors 应取自 5827_035 library。必须根据需要将逻辑功能分解为具有输入和/或输出逆变器的核心电路。将 logic function 分解为两个 input standard logic gates 的级联将获得 NO 标记。


  1. 面积本质上是您设计中所有晶体管的 W*L(不包括 M1...M16 在您对 Area 的估计中);

  2. 时间应测量为任何输入通过开关电压 (VDD/2) 上升或下降与输出电压通过相同 (VDD/2) 之间的最坏情况时间,这是输入电压变化的直接结果。

您需要提交一份报告(最多 5 页,11 pt 文本,标准页边距),以包含以下内容:

  • SPICE 电路设计的清晰标记图,以及简短的描述。您不需要包括电压发生器,但应该标记从实际设计进出的信号(请确保上面的任何文本都是可读的)。

  • 您的设计符合规范的理由。请确保您包括晶体管的尺寸。

  • 当电源电压 VDD 时,A 输入和 Y Y YY 输出之间的传播延迟(时间)图在 0.9 V 和 3.3 V 之间变化(以 100 mV 为步长)。提示:您需要确保 仅 Y Y YY 由于 A A AA .

  • 当电源电压 VDD 在仿真的 5us 周期内,电路消耗的能量图在 0.9 V 和 3.3 V 之间变化(以 100 mV 为步长)。您需要仔细考虑如何测量进入电路的能量。在本练习中,您必须使用提供的输入波形。

除了提交报告外,您还需要提交一个功能正常的 LTSpice 原理图文件(这不构成评估的一部分,但如果我认为有问题,我可能会模拟您的原理图)。

此外,请在报告中引用您的学生编号的最后 3 位数字。

提交报告和 LTSpice 原理图文件的截止日期为 2024 年 12 月星期五 2 0 th 2 0 th  20^("th ")\mathbf{2 0}^{\text {th }} 下午 17:00。


 技术内容  介绍
- 列出您的项目目标和规范。

- 解释您如何设计和优化电路,以便阅读报告的人可以重复您的工作 - 使用相关信息证明您的设计决策的合理性。
- Explain how you designed your circuit and optimized it, so that someone reading your report could repeat your work - Justify your design decisions with relevant information.| - Explain how you designed your circuit and optimized it, so that someone reading your report could repeat your work | | :--- | | - Justify your design decisions with relevant information. |

- 提供一组结果,使您能够根据项目目标和规范评估您的设计 - 为您的结果提供合乎逻辑的书面解释。
- Present a set of results that enable you to assess your design against the project aims and specification - Provide a logical written interpretation of your results.| - Present a set of results that enable you to assess your design against the project aims and specification | | :--- | | - Provide a logical written interpretation of your results. |


- 将您的结果与项目目标和规范进行批判性比较 - 评论您的设计的任何缺点和理论差异 - 总结您的项目并突出主要成就。
- Critically compare your results against the project aims and specification - Comment on any shortcomings of your design, and discrepancies from theory - Summarise your project and highlight the key achievements.| - Critically compare your results against the project aims and specification | | :--- | | - Comment on any shortcomings of your design, and discrepancies from theory | | - Summarise your project and highlight the key achievements. |
 风格  结构和格式

- 遵循合乎逻辑的叙述结构 - 专业,适当使用字体、内容和标题页、段落、部分、子部分等。
- Follow a logical, narrative structure - Be professional, with appropriate use of fonts, contents and title pages, paragraphs, sections, sub-sections etc.| - Follow a logical, narrative structure | | :--- | | - Be professional, with appropriate use of fonts, contents and title pages, paragraphs, sections, sub-sections etc. |

- 使用大小正确、清晰、标记良好且有标题的图形和绘图 - 巧妙地使用图表,每个图表都添加了难以或不可能以书面形式传达的细节和信息。
- Use figures and plots that are correctly sized, clear, well-labelled, and captioned - Make intelligent use of figures, with each figure adding detail and information that would be difficult or impossible to convey in writing.| - Use figures and plots that are correctly sized, clear, well-labelled, and captioned | | :--- | | - Make intelligent use of figures, with each figure adding detail and information that would be difficult or impossible to convey in writing. |
- 善用英语,易于阅读。

- 提供适当的 IEEE 格式参考文献 - 仅当没有书籍或期刊参考资料时,才使用对网站的参考资料。
- Provide appropriate, IEEE-formatted references - Use references to websites only when book or journal references are not available.| - Provide appropriate, IEEE-formatted references | | :--- | | - Use references to websites only when book or journal references are not available. |
Category An excellent report will... Weighting Technical content Introduction - Set out your project's aims and specification. 15% Design and methodology "- Explain how you designed your circuit and optimized it, so that someone reading your report could repeat your work - Justify your design decisions with relevant information." 25% Results "- Present a set of results that enable you to assess your design against the project aims and specification - Provide a logical written interpretation of your results." 20% Discussion and conclusions "- Critically compare your results against the project aims and specification - Comment on any shortcomings of your design, and discrepancies from theory - Summarise your project and highlight the key achievements." 15% Style Structure and formatting "- Follow a logical, narrative structure - Be professional, with appropriate use of fonts, contents and title pages, paragraphs, sections, sub-sections etc." 5% Figures and plots "- Use figures and plots that are correctly sized, clear, well-labelled, and captioned - Make intelligent use of figures, with each figure adding detail and information that would be difficult or impossible to convey in writing." 10% Writing clarity - Make good use of English and be easy to read. 5% Referencing "- Provide appropriate, IEEE-formatted references - Use references to websites only when book or journal references are not available." 5%| Category | | An excellent report will... | Weighting | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Technical content | Introduction | - Set out your project's aims and specification. | 15% | | | Design and methodology | - Explain how you designed your circuit and optimized it, so that someone reading your report could repeat your work <br> - Justify your design decisions with relevant information. | 25% | | | Results | - Present a set of results that enable you to assess your design against the project aims and specification <br> - Provide a logical written interpretation of your results. | 20% | | | Discussion and conclusions | - Critically compare your results against the project aims and specification <br> - Comment on any shortcomings of your design, and discrepancies from theory <br> - Summarise your project and highlight the key achievements. | 15% | | Style | Structure and formatting | - Follow a logical, narrative structure <br> - Be professional, with appropriate use of fonts, contents and title pages, paragraphs, sections, sub-sections etc. | 5% | | | Figures and plots | - Use figures and plots that are correctly sized, clear, well-labelled, and captioned <br> - Make intelligent use of figures, with each figure adding detail and information that would be difficult or impossible to convey in writing. | 10% | | | Writing clarity | - Make good use of English and be easy to read. | 5% | | | Referencing | - Provide appropriate, IEEE-formatted references <br> - Use references to websites only when book or journal references are not available. | 5% |

请记住: 这是 EEE335(以及 EEE348 的前半部分)的分级评估,其中分数 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 等于该模块的 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 等级分数。您需要证明对材料的真正理解才能获得更高的分数。

在此上下文中(假设您通过了阈值评估),EEE335 的总体模块分数为:

CW 标志 (/100)
CW Mark (/100)| CW Mark | | :--- | | (/100) |

模块成果 ( % ) ( % ) (%)(\%)
Module Outcome (%)| Module Outcome | | :--- | | $(\%)$ |
0 40 % 40 % 40%40 \%
17 50 % 50 % 50%50 \%
33 60 % 60 % 60%60 \%
50 70 % 70 % 70%70 \%
67 80 % 80 % 80%80 \%
"CW Mark (/100)" "Module Outcome (%)" 0 40% 17 50% 33 60% 50 70% 67 80%| CW Mark <br> (/100) | Module Outcome <br> $(\%)$ | | :--- | :--- | | 0 | $40 \%$ | | 17 | $50 \%$ | | 33 | $60 \%$ | | 50 | $70 \%$ | | 67 | $80 \%$ |

对于 EEE348,左列中的标记是您需要在 CW 和第 2 学期 GA 中平均的分数。

 路加·西德 (4/11/24)