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Wharton’s Olivia S. Mitchell talks with Wharton Business Daily on SiriusXM about how Americans can better plan for retirement.
沃顿商学院的奥利维亚·米切尔(Olivia S. Mitchell)在SiriusXM上与沃顿商业日报(Wharton Business Daily)就美国人如何更好地规划退休生活进行了交谈。

Many Americans head into their retirement years with little rigor in their planning, and then they find themselves nursing a bundle of regrets. Those regrets are about not saving more earlier in life, not investing in long-term care or annuities, and dipping into their social security payments much too early.

How widespread are those regrets, and how can people plan more smartly for their retirement? That is the focus of a new paper titled “Financial Regret at Older Ages and Longevity Awareness” by Olivia S. Mitchell, Wharton professor of business economics and public policy, and Abigail Hurwitz, a professor in the department of environmental economics and management at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
这些遗憾有多普遍,人们如何才能更明智地规划自己的退休生活?这是沃顿商学院商业经济学和公共政策教授奥利维亚·米切尔(Olivia S. Mitchell)和耶路撒冷希伯来大学环境经济与管理系教授阿比盖尔·赫维茨(Abigail Hurwitz)发表的一篇题为“老年和长寿意识的财务遗憾”的新论文的重点。

“There’s a widespread belief that many Americans have not saved enough for retirement,” Mitchell said in a recent episode of the Wharton Business Daily radio show that airs on SiriusXM. (Listen to the full podcast above.) “Despite that, they’re still retiring too early, and then they’re living a very long time. Our hypothesis was that people might be undersaving for retirement because they really don’t understand how likely they are to live a long time in retirement.” Mitchell is also executive director of Wharton’s Pension Research Council.

The research was based on a controlled randomized experiment conducted in 2020 on 1,764 respondents aged 50-plus. While earlier researchers explored people’s expressed regret for not saving more earlier in life, Mitchell and Hurwitz went further and covered other areas relating to the financial decisions people make. They examined whether older Americans also regret not insuring better, claiming benefits and quitting working too early, and becoming financially dependent on others.
该研究基于 2020 年对 1,764 名 50 岁以上受访者进行的一项对照随机实验。虽然早期的研究人员探讨了人们对没有在生命早期储蓄更多的遗憾,但米切尔和赫维茨走得更远,涵盖了与人们做出的财务决策有关的其他领域。他们研究了美国老年人是否也后悔没有更好地投保,申请福利和过早辞职,以及在经济上依赖他人。

The study found that 57% of participants regretted not saving more, 40% regretted not buying Long Term Care (LTC) insurance, 23% regretted that they did not delay claiming social security benefits, 33% regretted not having purchased lifetime income payments, 10% expressed regret for having to depend financially on others, and 37% regretted not working longer.

“People might be undersaving for retirement because they really don’t understand how likely they are to live a long time in retirement.”
— Olivia S. Mitchell — 奥利维亚·米切尔

Preparing for Retirement 为退休做准备

The study showed that providing people objective data on their likely longevity does alter their self-reported financial regret. Giving people information about objective survival probabilities more than doubled the regret expressed about not purchasing long-term care, and it also boosted their regret by 2.4 times for not purchasing lifetime income, the paper stated. “We conclude that information provision can be a potent, as well as cost-effective, method of alerting people to retirement risk,” the authors added.

A major reason older people end up with financial regret is because they had “inaccurate perceptions of longevity when they made key saving, benefit claiming, and insurance decisions,” the authors stated. An important policy takeaway is that providing people with objective longevity information when they make key financial decisions could help them avoid making mistakes and hence avoid regret in later life. The authors also concluded that older adults could use such information to revisit their purchase of long-term care insurance and annuities. “Better understanding of these risk management tools could substantially strengthen financial resilience in old age,” they added.

Mitchell said it is important to start saving young for a variety of reasons. “If people don’t start saving for retirement when they’re young, they don’t get to benefit from compound interest and the ability to diversify their investments across a whole variety of different assets,” she explained. “And then they’ll find it very difficult to retire at any reasonable age if they don’t start saving as young as possible. They need to save 20% or more of their income every year.”

“It’s very important to save as much as you can,” Mitchell continued. “What you don’t see, you won’t spend. Therefore, when your money is socked away in your retirement account, you will adjust your consumption naturally to the amount of money you see.”

“We must educate our children and grandchildren on budgeting, planning and uncertainty, and risk management, not only for the work-life, but for retirement as well.”
— Olivia S. Mitchell — 奥利维亚·米切尔

Investing in Financial Literacy

According to Mitchell, there is “huge misinformation and financial illiteracy about the way Social Security works.” People have “only a vague idea” that the longer they wait to claim their Social Security benefits, the more they will receive – but the information that is available on that could be more helpful, she added. “The rulebook for Social Security is over 2,000 pages long. No wonder mere mortals cannot necessarily get it perfectly right. Not only do we need more financial literacy in the population, but we also need to slim down the rulebook and make it clearer and cleaner so that people can make the right decisions.”
根据米切尔的说法,“关于社会保障的运作方式存在巨大的错误信息和金融文盲”。她补充说,人们“只有一个模糊的想法”,即他们等待领取社会保障福利的时间越长,他们收到的就越多 - 但可用的信息可能会更有帮助。“社会保障的规则手册长达2000多页。难怪凡人不一定能完全正确。我们不仅需要更多的金融知识,而且我们还需要精简规则手册,使其更清晰、更干净,以便人们能够做出正确的决定。

One easy way to prepare people for retirement is to impart more financial literacy at the workplace. “Employers are increasingly finding it in their best interest to educate their employees, so that the employees don’t have debt collectors calling them at work, hounding them about credit cards and so on,” she said. “In terms of the longevity risk, giving people more information about how long they might live is absolutely essential to making the right decisions over your lifetime, so that when you get to be in your 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s, you have a decent nest egg to live on.”

In addition, Mitchell said it is important to prepare the younger generation – from high school or earlier – for the realities of retirement planning. “We must educate our children and grandchildren on budgeting, planning and uncertainty, and risk management, not only for the work-life, but for retirement as well.”