Cryptocurrency trading means taking a financial position on the price direction of individual cryptocurrencies against the dollar (in crypto/dollar pairs) or against another crypto, via crypto to crypto pairs. 加密货币交易是指通过加密货币对加密货币对,对单个加密货币兑美元(以加密货币/美元对)或另一种加密货币的价格方向采取财务头寸。
How to Trade Cryptocurrency? 如何交易加密货币?
Step 1: Make a cryptoexchange account. 第 1 步:创建一个加密交换帐户。
Step 5: Store your cryptocurrency. 第 5 步:存储您的加密货币。
Book chapters 书籍章节
1. Psychology 1. 心理学
Candle Stick Patterns 烛台形态
Trading Strategies 交易策略
Chart Patterns 图表模式
Simple Trading Book 简单交易手册
Page. 8-9 页。8-9
How to Avoid FOMO 如何避免FOMO
Page. 10-25 页。10-25
Candle Stick Patterns 烛台形态
Page. 26-34 页。26-34
Trading Strategies 交易策略
Page. 35-56 页。35-56
Chart Patterns 图表模式
Page. 57-64 页。57-64
Printable Sheets 可打印的纸张
Psychology 心理学
Chapter. 1 章。1
Fear of missing out (FOMO) 害怕错过 (FOMO)
How to Deal with Crypto FOMO? 如何处理加密FOMO?
"Hey, Max, did you know you missed out on Dogecoin?" “嘿,麦克斯,你知道你错过了狗狗币吗?”
"Everyone made a fortune off it." “每个人都从中发了财。”
Many investors are terrified by questions like these. So much so that there is even a term for it: FOMO (fear of missing out). Research has found FOMO is more predominant in people ages 18 to 35. 许多投资者对这样的问题感到恐惧。如此之多,以至于甚至有一个术语:FOMO(害怕错过)。研究发现,FOMO在18至35岁的人群中更为普遍。
FOMO is a term that's popular in the cryptocurrency community, a market that has become associated with irrational and sometimes unsubstantiated trading decisions. FOMO是一个在加密货币社区中流行的术语,这个市场已经与非理性的、有时是未经证实的交易决策联系在一起。
What Is FOMO in Cryptocurrency Investing? 什么是加密货币投资中的FOMO?
FOMO in the crypto world occurs when a person makes an irrational decision to trade or invest in a crypto asset based on some piece of information received without properly verifying the source and or accuracy of it. 当一个人根据收到的某些信息做出非理性的决定来交易或投资加密资产时,就会发生加密世界中的 FOMO,而没有正确验证其来源和/或准确性。
FOMO in cryptocurrency leads people to buy assets at their highest prices or even sell them at their lowest, rather than vice versa, which would be better advised. Sometimes, the consequences of crypto FOMO can be worse and more profound than a loss of invested capital-it can lead to damaging situations such as disconnection from family, anxiety, and depression. 加密货币中的FOMO导致人们以最高价格购买资产,甚至以最低价格出售资产,反之亦然,这是更好的建议。有时,加密 FOMO 的后果可能比投资资本的损失更严重、更深远——它可能导致破坏性情况,例如与家人脱节、焦虑和抑郁。
Health Hazards Associated with FOMO 与FOMO相关的健康危害
When a person loses trading capital in a bad investment, especially a large amount, it might affect them mentally. 当一个人在不良投资中损失交易资金时,尤其是大量投资,可能会对他们的精神产生影响。
In turn, this failure can be reflected in other aspects of their life, such as relationships, connections with family and friends, and more. The person starts experiencing social decline and gradually becomes dysfunctional if extra care isn't taken. 反过来,这种失败可以反映在他们生活的其他方面,例如人际关系、与家人和朋友的联系等等。如果不采取额外的措施,这个人开始经历社交衰退,并逐渐变得功能失调。
In an 80-year study of male Harvard students on what makes a good life, the fourth director of the study, Robert Waldinger, mentioned, "The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health." 在一项针对哈佛大学男生的长达80年的研究中,该研究的第四任主任罗伯特·沃尔丁格(Robert Waldinger)提到,“令人惊讶的发现是,我们的人际关系以及我们在人际关系中的幸福程度对我们的健康有很大的影响。
Waldinger's explanation also can be applied to crypto investing. FOMO in crypto not only can affect people's portfolios but also can translate to how healthy they are and the quality of their lives. Waldinger的解释也可以应用于加密投资。加密货币中的FOMO不仅会影响人们的投资组合,还可以转化为他们的健康和生活质量。
How to Avoid FOMO as a Trader 作为交易者如何避免FOMO
Take the Time to Research 花时间研究
FOMO is compulsive and driven by information received from a variety of channels. Usually, news like that isn't verified and is interpreted to suit a personal bias. FOMO是强迫性的,由从各种渠道收到的信息驱动。通常,这样的新闻未经验证,并被解释为适合个人偏见。
Rely on Trusted Media Outlets 依靠可信赖的媒体渠道
Conducting research gives you with an edge in overcoming FOMO. Still, an additional helpful practice is having a list of expert individuals and media to turn to for more information. Relying on these selected media outlets and influencers as secondary sources contributes to better decision making on whether to buy or sell a crypto asset. The extra details and clarity can help inform trading or investment decisions. 进行研究可以让您在克服 FOMO 方面具有优势。不过,另一个有用的做法是拥有一份专家个人和媒体的名单,以了解更多信息。依靠这些选定的媒体和影响者作为次要来源,有助于更好地决定是否购买或出售加密资产。额外的细节和清晰度有助于为交易或投资决策提供信息。
You Can't Win All the Time 你不可能一直赢
Life is a combination of ups and downs; coming to this realization gives an investor a logical perspective and better grounding. Understanding that one can't always be in a profitable position in investing sets the tone for more wins and being able to handle occasional losses. Not even Bitcoin advocates like MicroStrategy co-founder Michael Saylor are always on the winning side of the crypto market. An crypto investor's or trader's best bet is to develop strategies that make it easy to spot FOMO. 人生是跌宕起伏的结合;这一认识为投资者提供了合乎逻辑的视角和更好的基础。了解一个人在投资中不可能总是处于有利可图的位置,这为更多的胜利和能够处理偶尔的损失奠定了基调。即使是像MicroStrategy联合创始人Michael Saylor这样的比特币倡导者,也并不总是站在加密市场的赢家一边。加密货币投资者或交易者最好的选择是制定易于发现 FOMO 的策略。
How to Avoid FOMO as a Trader 作为交易者如何避免FOMO
Developing a Guiding Strategy 制定指导战略
Having a guiding principle is a constructive way to get over the effects of FOMO. It means maintaining a checklist to prevent making drastic decisions or jumping too quickly on the market bandwagon. Your strategy will incorporate nuances like the use case of the crypto assets that you're considering, its tokenomics, and more. Combine fundamental and technical analysis whenever possible to shield yourself from poorly thought-out trading decisions. 制定指导原则是克服FOMO影响的建设性方法。这意味着要保持一个清单,以防止做出激烈的决定或过快地赶上市场潮流。您的策略将包含细微差别,例如您正在考虑的加密资产的用例、其代币经济学等。尽可能将基本面和技术分析结合起来,以保护自己免受深思熟虑的交易决策的影响。
Know the Market Is Cyclical 知道市场是周期性的
The cryptocurrency market, like others in the financial world, moves in an up-and-down cycle, with bullish and bearish periods. The bull market comprises a series of price highs, and the bear market comes with lows-and with people losing money. Understanding this cycle will help reduce the risk of being driven by FOMO, when you can recognize the right time to enter and exit a trade. 与金融界的其他市场一样,加密货币市场处于上下周期中,有看涨和看跌之分。牛市包括一系列价格高点,熊市伴随着低点,人们赔钱。了解这个周期将有助于降低被FOMO驱动的风险,当您可以识别进入和退出交易的正确时间时。
The Bottom Line 底线
Forms of FOMO have been a part of human existence long before cryptocurrency was invented. With cryptocurrency, it can be detrimental because of the potential for losing an entire investment. Following guidance with discipline can help investors avert the danger and influence of cryptocurrency FOMO. 早在加密货币发明之前,FOMO的形式就已经成为人类存在的一部分。对于加密货币,它可能是有害的,因为可能会损失全部投资。遵循纪律指导可以帮助投资者避免加密货币FOMO的危险和影响。
Candle Stick Patterns 烛台形态
Chapter. 2 章。2
What is a Candle Stick? 什么是烛台?
A candlestick is a single bar on a candlestick price chart, showing traders market movements at a glance. 烛台是烛台价格图表上的单个柱线,一目了然地显示交易者的市场走势。
Each candlestick shows the open price, low price, high price, and close price of a market for a particular period of time. 每根烛台显示特定时间段内市场的开盘价、最低价、最高价和收盘价。
The body, which represents the open-to-close range. 正文,表示从开盘到收盘的范围。
The wick, or shadow, that indicates the intra-day high and low. 灯芯或阴影,表示日内高点和低点。
The color, which reveals the direction of market movement - a green body indicates a price increase, while a red body shows a price decrease. 颜色,显示市场走势的方向 - 绿色主体表示价格上涨,而红色主体表示价格下跌。
Candle-Stick Patterns 看涨蜡烛形态
Hammer candlestick pattern consists of a small body and a long wick extending from the bottom. 锤子烛台模式由一个小主体和从底部延伸的长灯芯组成。
This pattern can be seen at the support line of a downward trend (see example below). Hammer candlesticks typically occur after a price decline. 这种形态可以在下降趋势的支撑线上看到(见下面的例子)。锤子烛台通常发生在价格下跌之后。
Hammer candlesticks indicate a potential price reversal to the upside. The price must start moving up following the hammer; this is called confirmation. 锤子烛台表明价格可能反转上行。价格必须在锤子之后开始上涨;这称为确认。
Morning Star 晨星
This is a three-stick pattern: one short Dbodi candle between a long red and a long green candle. 这是一个三棒模式:一根短的 Dbodi 蜡烛介于一根长红色蜡烛和一根长绿色蜡烛之间。
The middle candle of the morning star captures a moment of market indecision where the bears begin to give way to bulls. 晨星的中间蜡烛捕捉到了市场犹豫不决的时刻,空头开始让位于多头。
The third candle confirms the reversal and can mark a uptrend. 第三根蜡烛确认了反转,并可能标志着上升趋势。
Bullish Engulfing 看涨吞噬
The bullish engulfing pattern is formed of two candlesticks. The first candle is a short red body that is completely engulfed by a larger green candle. 看涨吞噬形态由两根烛台组成。第一根蜡烛是一个短的红色实体,完全被一根较大的绿色蜡烛吞没。
The buying pressure increases, leading to a reversal of the downtrend. 购买压力增加,导致下降趋势逆转。
The second Bullish candlestick is engulfing the body of the first bearish candle stick. 第二根看涨烛台正在吞噬第一根看跌烛台的主体。
Three White Soldiers 三名白人士兵
This pattern is made up of three long green candles in a row, this pattern also has to open and close higher than the previous period. 该形态由连续三根长绿色蜡烛组成,该形态的开盘价和收盘价也必须高于前一周期。
Three White Soldiers is a strong bullish signal that shows up after a downtrend. 三名白兵是一个强烈的看涨信号,在下跌趋势后出现。
This pattern is considered a reliable reversal pattern when confirmed by other technical indicators like the relative strength index (RSI). 当被其他技术指标(如相对强弱指数 (RSI))确认时,这种模式被认为是可靠的反转模式。
Three long 三长
candle sticks 烛台
BEARISH Candle-Stick Patterns 看跌蜡烛形态
Hanging Man 吊死人
The hanging man is the same pattern as the hammer, only inversed. Thus, it is formed by a green or red candlestick with a short body and a long lower shadow. It shows up at the end of an uptrend. It suggests a considerable sell-off during a given period, but bulls could temporarily push prices higher, after which they lose control. 吊人与锤子的图案相同,只是倒置。因此,它是由一个绿色或红色的烛台形成的,该烛台具有较短的实体和较长的下影线。它出现在上升趋势的末尾。这表明在特定时期内会出现相当大的抛售,但多头可能会暂时推高价格,之后他们就会失去控制。
Shooting Star 流星
The shooting star is the opposite of an inverted hammer. It consists of a red candle with a short body and a long upper shadow. Generally, the market will gap a bit higher on the candlestick opening and will surge to a local peak before closing just below the open. The body can sometimes be almost non-existent. 流星与倒锤相反。它由一根红色蜡烛组成,主体较短,上影线较长。一般来说,市场在烛台开盘时会跳空走高一些,并在收盘价略低于开盘价之前飙升至局部峰值。身体有时几乎不存在。
Bearish Engulfing 看跌吞噬
The bearish engulfing is the inverse version of a bullish engulfing. The first candle has a small green body and is completely covered by the next long red candle. This pattern comes at the peak of an uptrend and suggests a reversal. The lower the second candle continues, the more momentum the bearish move will have. 看跌吞噬是看涨吞噬的反面。第一根蜡烛有一个绿色的小身体,完全被下一根长红色蜡烛覆盖。这种模式出现在上升趋势的顶峰,并暗示着逆转。第二根蜡烛继续走低,看跌走势的势头就越大。
Evening Star 黄昏之星
Again, the evening star is the inverse version of the bullish morning star, and it represents a three-stick pattern. It consists of a short-bodied candle that comes between a long green candle and a large red candle. 同样,黄昏之星是看涨晨星的反面版本,它代表了三根棍子的形态。它由一根短蜡烛组成,介于一根长绿色蜡烛和一根大红色蜡烛之间。
Three Black Crows 三只黑乌鸦
The three black crows are like the bullish three white soldiers but only inversed. It comprises three long straight reds with short or almost non-existent shadows. Every new candle opens relatively at the same price as the previous candle, but it goes much lower with every close. This is regarded as a strong bearish signal. 三只黑乌鸦就像看涨的三只白兵,但只是颠倒过来。它由三个长而直的红色组成,带有短或几乎不存在的阴影。每根新蜡烛的开盘价与前一根蜡烛相对相同,但每次收盘价都会低得多。这被视为一个强烈的看跌信号。
BILATERAL Candle-Stick Patterns 双边烛台形态
These candle-stick patterns can move in either direction 这些烛台形态可以向任一方向移动
Doji 十字星
The Doji candlestick has an exceptionally small body and long shadows. While it is generally perceived as a trend continuation pattern, traders should be careful because it might also end up with a reversal. To avoid confusion, you should open a position a few candles after Doji when the situation becomes clear. 十字星烛台的主体非常小,阴影很长。虽然它通常被认为是一种趋势延续模式,但交易者应该小心,因为它也可能以逆转告终。为避免混淆,当情况变得明朗时,您应该在十字星之后的几根蜡烛后开仓。
Indecision 优柔寡断reversal of trend 趋势逆转
Spinning Top 陀螺
Like Doji, the spinning top is a candlestick with a short body. However, the two shadows are of equal length, leaving the body right in the middle. This pattern also indicates indecision and may suggest a period of rest or consolidation after a significant rally or price decline. 像十字星一样,陀螺是一个短体的烛台。然而,两个影子的长度相等,使身体正好在中间。这种模式也表明优柔寡断,可能表明在大幅反弹或价格下跌后会有一段时间的休息或盘整。
Potential direction 潜在方向
Trading Strategies 交易策略
Chapter. 3 章。3
Trading terms you will need to know 您需要了解的交易条款
Target Take your profits/Target price has hit 目标 止盈/目标价格已触及
Entry We buy here/Enter into the Trade 我们在这里购买的入场 /进入交易
Stoploss Sell for a loss in case Trade doesn't go as planned/Maximum Trade loss 止损 :如果交易未按计划进行,则卖出亏损/最大交易损失
Retest Price is at a key level again/ Bouncing off price 重新测试 价格再次处于关键水平/价格反弹
Ratio (1:3) = Three units of expected gain to one unit of potential loss would be represented as a ratio 比率 (1:3) = 3 个单位的预期收益与 1 个单位的潜在损失将表示为比率
In the above chart, the price is getting rejected again and again by touching the neckline; in this type of pattern, we should take bullish trade only, and we will take the trade only when the price breaks the neckline and take a retest. 在上图中,价格一次又一次地被触及颈线而被拒绝;在这种模式中,我们应该只进行看涨交易,并且只有在价格突破颈线并重新测试时才会进行交易。
Sometimes we make this mistake. Whenever the price breaks the neckline, we 有时我们会犯这个错误。每当价格突破领口时,我们
immediately buy there, and our trade fails. 立即在那里购买,我们的交易失败了。
We don't want to make such a mistake; we must wait again whenever the price breaks the neckline. When the price takes a retest and tries to move up with a bullish candle, we have to buy. 我们不想犯这样的错误;每当价格突破颈线时,我们必须再次等待。当价格重新测试并试图用看涨蜡烛向上移动时,我们必须买入。
We call this pattern the Symmetrical Continuation Triangle; in this type of pattern, we should look for buying opportunities sometimes, these patterns also fail, but whenever we see such a pattern, we have to go to the buying side. 我们称这种模式为对称延续三角形;在这种模式中,我们有时应该寻找买入机会,这些模式也会失败,但每当我们看到这样的模式时,我们就不得不去买方。
Now we have to wait for the break of the neckline by forming a neckline in such a pattern. When the price breaks its previous high, then we can buy. 现在我们必须通过形成这种模式的领口来等待领口的突破。当价格突破之前的高点时,我们就可以买入。
Dont buy here 不要在这里购买
Whenever the price breaks the neckline, then there is no immediate buy. Here we have to wait for a retest. When price retests and price forms a bullish candle, then we can buy. 每当价格突破颈线时,就没有立即买入的机会。在这里,我们必须等待重新测试。当价格重新测试并且价格形成看涨蜡烛时,我们就可以买入。
As we know that after retest, we need a bullish candle, after that, we can buy on the next candle. 众所周知,在重新测试后,我们需要一根看涨蜡烛,之后,我们可以在下一根蜡烛上买入。
In the chart, we can see a pattern, which we also call a continuation wedge pattern. In this pattern, we can find a downside movement. Now we have to understand here where we have to enter here and where to keep the target. 在图表中,我们可以看到一个形态,我们也称之为延续楔形形态。在这种模式中,我们可以找到下行趋势。现在我们必须在这里了解我们必须在哪里进入这里以及在哪里保持目标。
Sometimes we make this mistake; as soon as the neckline breaks, we sell it there. We don't have to do this because sometimes the price breaks the neckline and moves up, so we have to wait for the previous low to 有时我们会犯这个错误;一旦领口破裂,我们就会在那里出售。我们不必这样做,因为有时价格会突破颈线并上涨,因此我们必须等待之前的低点
break in such a situation. 在这种情况下休息。
We have to enter the trade when the previous low is broken. 当前一个低点被打破时,我们必须进入交易。
Here we can see that the price has broken its previous low. 在这里我们可以看到价格已经突破了之前的低点。
This means we have got the confirmation and we have to go to the sell side. 这意味着我们已经得到了确认,我们必须去卖方。
Now we will wait for the retest here. We do not have to enter the trade until the price is retested. When the price is retested, then we have to enter here. 现在我们将在这里等待重新测试。在价格重新测试之前,我们不必进入交易。当价格重新测试时,我们必须进入这里。
Here the price retested after breaking the previous low, and the price is trying to move down with a bearish candle; now, we have to enter here and place the stop loss above the previous high. 这里价格在突破前一个低点后重新测试,价格试图用看跌蜡烛向下移动;现在,我们必须进入这里并将止损置于前一个高点上方。
In the above chart we can see a pattern, which has not been completed. This pattern is created when the price is in a downtrend. 在上图中,我们可以看到一个尚未完成的模式。这种模式是在价格处于下降趋势时创建的。
We can also call it a Symmetrical Continuation Triangle. Whenever such a pattern is formed, we can see a downside momentum. 我们也可以称它为对称延续三角形。每当形成这样的模式时,我们都可以看到下行势头。
Now that this pattern is not completed here, we have to wait for the pattern to be completed. When the pattern is complete, then we will take a position here. 既然这个模式在这里还没有完成,我们就得等待这个模式完成了。当模式完成时,我们将在这里采取一个立场。
Here the price has broken the neckline; here we can also say that the previous low break now as soon as the price has broken the neckline, we will enter there. 在这里,价格已经突破了领口;在这里我们也可以说,之前的低点突破了,现在只要价格突破了颈线,我们就会进入那里。
Here we can also place our stop loss at level 1 and also at level 2. But we will place our stop loss here at level 2. 在这里,我们还可以将止损设置在 1 级和 2 级。但我们会将止损放在 2 级。
In this chart, we can see a pattern. Which we also call the flag (bearish) pattern. 在这张图表中,我们可以看到一个模式。我们也称之为旗帜(看跌)模式。
This type of pattern is formed in adowntrend. Now we have to enter here; we have to wait till the price breaks the neckline. 这种类型的模式是在下降趋势中形成的。现在我们必须进入这里;我们必须等到价格突破颈线。
Price has broken the neckline here. 价格在这里突破了领口。
Now let's make a selling position here in this type of pattern. 现在让我们以这种模式在这里建立卖出头寸。
This type of pattern is formed after an upside or downside momentum, which we call consolidation. 这种类型的模式是在上行或下行动量之后形成的,我们称之为盘整。
Whenever such a pattern is found in the chart, then we have to take the high and low on the horizontal line, which means add support and resistance and wait for the price to exit the horizontal line either the price will go down or else Upside 每当在图表中发现这样的模式时,我们就必须在水平线上取高点和低点,这意味着增加支撑和阻力,等待价格退出水平线,要么价格下跌,要么上行
As soon as the candle comes out of the resistance, then we have to wait for the retest, and as soon as the retest happens, after a bullish candle, we have to enter, as explained to you above. 一旦蜡烛走出阻力位,那么我们就必须等待重新测试,一旦重新测试发生,在看涨蜡烛之后,我们就必须进入,如上所述。
In A we are confirmed that yes we have a Bullish Momentum can be found and we enter on 在 A 中,我们确认是的,我们可以找到看涨势头,然后我们进入
The pattern we can see in the chart 我们可以在图表中看到的模式
it's called the flag 它被称为旗帜
pattern. This is a bullish pattern. 模式。这是一个看涨模式。
Whenever such a pattern is formed, we can get good bullish momentum. Now we will enter here only when the price 每当形成这样的模式时,我们都可以获得良好的看涨势头。现在我们只会在价格进入这里
breaks the previous high. 突破前期高点。
Here the price has broken the neckline, but it does not mean that we will buy here; if the price keeps moving below the previous high, the pattern may fail. If we want to make a proper entry here, we will have to wait for the last high to break 这里的价格已经突破了领口,但这并不意味着我们会在这里买入;如果价格一直低于前一个高点,则该模式可能会失败。如果我们想在这里进行适当的入场,我们将不得不等待最后一个高点突破
In this chart, we can see A, B, C, Candle 在此图表中,我们可以看到 A、B、C、蜡烛
Here we can notice that if we enter after , then our stop loss will get bigger. B becomes a bearish candle becomes a bullish candle. 在这里我们可以注意到,如果我们在之后 进入,那么我们的止损会变得更大。B 变成看跌蜡烛 ,变成看涨蜡烛。