In the processofcompilingthehandbook,wehave endeavoured to avoidthe occurrence of errors, andwehope thatIt bringsyoua clear and accuratehandbook structure.
If, in thecourse of readingand usingthehandbook, youfind any errors, incomplete statements, or statements that you believeIf it is necessary tomake changes,pleaseletus know so that we can bring more accurateand detailed information tothe familyWethankyoufor your suggestions.
If you have any suggestions for improvements, please contact:
There is ahandbook on thesubject
This handbookprovides an overview of theCSL-6697Z'stechnicalfeatures, as well as theoperation and safetyprecautions of the relevant equipmentInformation on common sense, troubleshooting,maintenance and maintenance. Pleasereadthis userhandbook carefully before you use the device.
If youencounter a faultwhen using the CSL-6697Zautomatic inclination adjustment machine, you cannoteliminate it by yourself, and there is no specific description in thismanualPleasecontactthe company's after-sales servicedepartment in time, and we will provide you with reliable technical services in a timely mannerservices.
Manual No.: 2017031701V1.0(Short Edition).
1. Security andpre-defense
1.1Basic security knowledge
The equipmentmust be operated in accordance with therelevantsafety operationrulesto avoid failures and accidents. In thisuser'shandbook, theknowledge of the safe use of the equipmentis provided indetailExplain that the user must install and operatetheequipment in accordance withthe relevantsafetyregulationsPrevent the occurrence of unexpected safety accidents.
The usershallensure that the machine is operated onlyby the following personnel:
Personnelwho are familiar with basicoccupationalsafety and precautionaryknowledge, and have receivedtraining in the operation of this machine.
Personnel who arefamiliar with the safetychaptersandwarningsin theuser's handbook。
Qualified staffwhoare able to perform in accordance with the relevantsafetyregulations during regular safetyinspections.
The device may only be used under the followingconditions:
● The equipment should be kept stable, and there should be no tilt or instability, and violent vibration is strictly prohibited
●The equipmentshould workin acleanandsuitableenvironment with suitable temperature and humidity.
●Power supply wiringcan only be operated by professional electricians.
●The installation and commissioning of the equipment must be carried outbyspeciallytrainedpersonnel.
● The powersourceshould be ina normallyclosed state, and only personnel with operating qualificationsare allowed toturn it on.
●Familiar with the operating procedures of the machine.
●Harmful faults that affectsafety can beeliminated in real time.
● The scope of application of this machineis detailed in the technical specifications, andany other use that deviates from the originaldesignofthe equipment will beregarded asincorrect.
Proper use:
●Complywith all the information in the user handbook.
●We will comply with the system of regular inspection and maintenance of the equipment.
The Company refuses to beheld liable for any injury ordamagecaused by the following reasons:
●Incorrect use of equipment.
● Incorrect authorization, installation, operation and maintenance of equipment; The safety device is defective or
Doesn't work.
●Failure to follow the information in the user'shandbookregardingthe transportation, installation, authorization, operation, and operation ofthe machine. Informationstatementfor maintenance andinstallation.
● Change the structure of the equipment at will; Hack or change the device's control program at will.
●Serious damagecaused by force majeure andforeignuncertain objects.
1.2. System securityandpre-defense
Before starting to operate or maintain the equipment, ensure that the operating or maintenance personnel have read and understood all instructions in the manual and the relevant safety precautions.
This equipmentmainly has the following sources of danger: cylinders, highpressure,movingmechanical parts such aspulleys of the drive system, screw rod, etc. Under thenormal operation andmaintenanceoftheequipment, thesedangerspass throughthe machineDesignand proper operation andmaintenanceare effectively prevented.
Rules forproper security operations
●Twoormore people are requiredto work on equipmentshutdownmaintenance and maintenance: one personis responsibleOne personis responsible for observing the operation of the system.
● When carrying outequipmentoperation andmaintenancework, female workers must wear hats.
●Beforethe maintenance of the equipment, the power source and gas source should be turned off.
●Do notarbitrarilycancel the safetyswitch of the equipment or the safety performance of the machine itself.
●Pay attention to all warninglabelsand do notmovethe warning labels on the device at will.
● The equipmentshould not workwithillnessordanger.
●Thepower supply of the equipment should beturned off before the wiringordisconnectionoperation.
● The power sourceshould be turned off and the power plug should be unplugged beforemoving thedevice.
● This equipmentuses AC220Vpowersupply,do not touch the live parts of the equipment withyour hands when the machine is working, otherwiseit willCauseseriousharm and even death.
●Do not touch the moving parts with your hands during the movement, such as cylinders,sprockets, screw rods, turntables, etc.; When carrying outmaintenance and maintenance, care should betaken withthe movingparts andturn off the power as much as possibleSource.
Routinesafety operationtest:
Before turning ontheswitch, you should makesure that the machinestarts without injuringanyone.
Checkwhether the safetyinstallationisdamagedto ensure that if the machine is not working properly, at least the safetyinstallationis working.
This machineis safely equipped with: emergency stop switch,main powersourceswitch, and air source main switch.
Use ofemergency stop switch: press the button of theemergency stop switchto turn off the main power supply, and thiskeyis self-locking when pressed: before the machinestartsworking againTurn this buttonclockwiseand pull it outward tosnapit up and reset it.
Precautions for using the touchscreen operation, please read the following matters carefully for safe use:
(1) Do not operate the touch screen with anything other than your fingers.
Hard object operation can damage the touch screen surface and the LCD screen.
(2) Prevent moisture and do not operate with wet hands (wet gloves).
Please note that the surface and frame of the panel are non-waterproof.
(3)Do nottouch the surface of the panel with dirty hands.
Not only will the image beblurry, but itwill also cause misoperation.
(4) The switch should be touched lightly.
When the switch is touched, the display sometimes lags slightly. To prevent misoperation, do not rush to operate again even if the response is delayed.
(5) Do not operate 2 or more parts of the switch at the same time.
If you press several switches on the screen at the same time, the position will be misrecognized. (If you press more than 2 switches, the switch that was originally pressed is valid.)
(6) Do not disassemble the connected data cable at will.
Do not disassemble the connected data cable at will, otherwise the communication will be interrupted, which will affect the normal operation, control and data display.
(7) Please familiarize yourself with the user operation manual, and pay attention to safety when using the equipment, in order to avoid personal injury and equipment damage, only personnel with relevant professional knowledge can operate, and it is strictly forbidden to touch the moving parts during the operation of the equipment to prevent accidents.
(8) It is strictly forbidden for the user to try to crackor modifythe control system without authorization, and all the consequences caused thereby shall be borne by the user.
● Model: CSL-6697Z
●Power supply:3-phase5-wire 380V
●Please refer to the "Technical Specifications" for various raw material specifications
Fixed point: The position relative to the original position that needs to be driven
Origin: Initial position
Extended: The cylinder piston rod moves outward
Retraction: The cylinder piston rod is retracted into the cylinder
2. Overview of the action
2.1.ActionFlow Chart
2.2Descriptionof Actions
After the machine is started, the arm returns to the original point. Judge whether there is a board in the A/Bplateframe, if there is a board, the arm will go to station A totake the board first, andthen go to station B after station A is finished; If there is no board, the machine is called. The AGVtakes away the empty plate frame, replenishes the new full plate frame, and waits for theboard to be taken. After the arm takes the plate, go to the conveyor and put the plate. Then the board is clapped, and the board is sent to the code reading position for code reading after the board is completed, if it is an NGplate, the conveying is reversed, and the arm takes the NGplate and puts it on the NGplate rack; In the case of OKplates, they are conveyed to the next station. After the N Gboard is full, it will alarm and prompt that the board is full, open the doors and windows, manually remove the NGboard, close the doors and windows, and the machine will continue to run.
Caution! Attention!
1.When the machine is ready to start for the first time, it is necessary to check whether there are residual materials and parts in each part of the machine, confirm that there are, please take them away before starting, otherwise it will lead to mechanism failure;
2. It is forbidden for personnel to reach into the equipment in a non-shutdown state.
2.3. Precautions should be taken before operation
Caution! Attention!
Before the first operation, the machine must be installed correctly, the technical safety requirements must be done, and the installer of the machine must test whether the functions of the machine are normal. The summary is as follows:
Please make sure that the power supply is reaching and whether the compressed air is at0.6 MPa.
Press "Power On"When the "Power On"light is on, it means that the system power is normal.
Judge whether the action position of the machine is normal.
Check whether the "HMI"value has been set up.
Check whether the material preparation and the model setting of the assembled product are correct
Whether the doors and windows of the device are closed
If all of the above is fine, you can press the "Start" button to perform the action.
3. Instructions for human-machine interface operation
3.1.1. Switch the screen
The HMI is divided into the following four areas, and all functions of the device can be operated at the touch of a button.
Press this button at any time to return to the welcome screen.
Press this button at any time to return to the auto-run control screen.
Press this button at any time to enter this page to view all kinds of important data.
Press this key while stopped to return to the Manual Screen.
When stopped, this key returns to the Preferences screen.
Displays time, date, and special function operations.
3.1.2. Overview of the use of human-machine interface
The human-machine (HMI) interface is a control panel that can be used to operate and set various functions, such as selecting automatic or manual screens, setting the speed of the machine, etcWait.
The machine may be equipped with an HMI for debugging personnel, please have a qualified electrician draw out the DC24V power supply from the electronic control box of the equipment to supply power to the HMI before use, and plug the communication plug into the communication interface of the main PLC. (The debugging HMI does not have all the functions of a fixed HMI)
3.1.3. Self-movingscreen
Equipment status:The current operating status of the equipment is displayed here, such as "standby", "normal operation", "alarm operation", "alarm due to shutdown", "cyclic shutdown", "shutdown alarm", "CCD part number calibration", etc
Total Output: The total number of platescastby the machine is shown here, press"Clear" to clear this value
Part number setting: Press this button to enter the part number setting page
Barcode Reading Failure:Press this key to view the barcode reading failure
Barcode Validation Failed:Press this key to view thebarcode validation failure
Outflow Scan Code Again:Press this key to scan the code again
Take NG plate:Press this key to takethe NG plate
A/BFrameForcedFinishing:Press this key to force the A/BFrameto exitas afinish
Robot Manual:Press this key to switch between Robot Manual/Robot Automatic
Robot Return to Origin: Press this key to return the Robot to the origin position
ArmVacuum Breaking: Click here torelease the armfrom the vacuumstate
Simulated Placement:Thisis where you can simulate Placement
3.2.1. Manual screenone
Conveying mechanism
Conveying1/2:This keycan make the conveying motor1/2forward conveying
Top Up:Pressthis button tomake theclapper board go up
Positive light on:Press this button to turn the positive light on/off
Conveyingspeed change1/2:This keycan make the conveying motor1/2switch toconveying speed
Electrostatic blowing:Press this button tomakethe static electricity blow the air
Board Code Reading:Press this buttonto turn on board code reading
Conveying reversal 1/2:This keycan make the conveying motorreverse conveying 1/2
Clapper:Pressthis button toperform the clappingaction
3.2.2. Manual Picture 2
Width MotorCurrentValue: The current position of the width motorservois displayedhere
Width AdjustmentInch+:Pressthis button to make the width motorservoinching forward
Width adjustment inch-:Pressthis key to make thewidth adjustment motorservomechanism inchback
Origin Restoration: Press this button to make the width adjustment motorservodo theorigin correction action
Fixed Point: Press this key tomake thewidening motor servo to thefixed pointposition
Origin: Press this key tobring the widening motorservo to theoriginposition
Suction vacuum:Pressthis button to forma vacuum
Vacuum breaking: The vacuum state of the suction boxcan be lifted here
Jitter: Press this key to turn the jitter function on or off
SnakeTubeBlowing: Press this button to make the snaketube blow action
3.2.3Manual Picture Three
A/Bstation liftingand rising:Press this key to makethe A/Bstation liftingservo rise
A/Bstation liftingand descending:Press this key to makethe A/Bstation liftingservo down
Trolley buckle lock:Press this keyto make thetrolley buckle lock
Trolley buckle lock open:Press this keyto release thetrolley buckle lock
3.3.1Expand Picture1
This page displays the detailed information of the machine, which can be accessed by button
3.3.2. Expand Picture2
This screen is the monitoring screen of PLC input and output points, enter thefirst closing interface, and theindication is ON, which means that the corresponding signal point is on, and OFFis not on. You can select the range to be displayed by selecting the button.
3.3.3Expand Picture3
This page displays fault logs, i.e. machine alarm messages.
Start:Click Start, the cursor will appear and select the first alert message.
End:Press this key to end the key input operation and the cursor disappears.
Confirm: Pressingthis key will select the data displayed by the cursor
Move Up:Press this key to scroll the displayed data up the specified number of rows
Move Down:Press this key to scroll down the displayed data for the specified number of rows
Clear:Pressing this button will clear the message selected by the current cursor
Clear All: Pressing this keywillclear all fault messages
3.3.4Expand Picture4
Jitter Off:Press this key to turn on/off the jitter function
Clapper on:Press this button to turn on/off the clapper function
ThicknessOn:Hereyou canturn the thickness on/off
Drop DetectionOff: Press this buttontoturn on oroff the drop detection function
Photoelectric clapper:Press this button toswitch the photoelectric clapper mode
Width AdjustmentOff: Press this keytoturn thewidth adjustment on oroff
Piece Finish Off:Press this button to turn the piece finish function on or off
Stop the number of pieces and turn off the board completion warning:Press this button to turn the number of pieces end warningfunction on or off
Stand-alone mode:Press this button to switch to stand-alone mode
Dry Run On:Press this buttontoturnthe empty run on oroff
Snake Tube Blowing Off:Press this button to turn on/off the snake tube blowing function
L RackMode:Press this key toswitch theL Plate Framemode
3.3.5Expand Picture5
On this page, you can view the detailed time and number of episodes for each function, and you can set them
3.3.6Expand PictureSix
Permission login journal
This page displays the detailed login history
4.Faultmessagesand troubleshooting methods
The following table provides the problem code and how to resolve the problem when the problem occurs on your machine, but please note that this table does not necessarily contain all problem codes and solutions.
4.1.1 Causes and handling methods of faultmessages
Fault messages
Lack of plate racks
Reseat the plate holder and start it again.
Plate holder to confirm whether the proximity switch is normal (X53).
Infeed stacker
When conveying, the plate is clamped, and the plate above the conveying is excluded and then started.
Suction plate failed
The suction plate confirms that the proximity induction is poor (X37&X40).
Emergency stop
The emergency stop button is pressed down. Turn the button right to pop up. (X6)
The clapper motor is abnormal
If the clapper motor drive is abnormal, press the stop button to reset (X52).
Axis 1 negative limit
Click "Manual", "Arm" and "First Axis" in the man-machine and press JOG+ to make the origin light of the first axis turn on. (X57)
Axis 1 positive limit
Click "Manual", "Arm", "First Axis" and press JOG- in the man-machine, so that the origin light of the first axis is on. (X57)
Axis 2 negative limit
Click "Manual", "Arm", "Second Axis" and press JOG+ in the man-machine to make the origin light of the second axis turn on. (X60)
Axis 2 positive limit
Click "Manual", "Arm", "Second Axis" and press JOG-in the man-machine to make the origin light of the second axis turn on. (X60)
Axis 3 negative limit
Click "Manual", "Arm" and "3rd Axis" in the man-machine and press JOG+ to make the 3rd axis origin light on. (X61)
Axis 3 positive limit
Click "Manual", "Arm" and "Third Axis" in the man-machine and press JOG-, so that the origin light of the 3rd axis will be on. (X61)
The 1st axis servo is abnormal
Check the servo motor wiring.
Check the servo drive wiring.
Check if the servo brake is released.
The 2nd axis servo is abnormal
Check the servo motor wiring.
Check the servo drive wiring.
Check if the servo brake is released.
The 3rd axis servo is abnormal
Check the servo motor wiring.
Check the servo drive wiring.
Check if the servo brake is released.
The board width is set to be greater than the reference distance
Check whether the width of the inner plate of the automatic day page is consistent with the size of the plate.
Replace with the correct part number.
The plate width value is changed from the "Setting" and "Plate Width Part Number Setting".
The connection between the man-machine and the PC failed
Confirm whether the PC is connected to the HMI cable.
Whether the PC is powered on.
The arm switches to manual mode
When the arm correction is completed, enter the second page of the "Auto" page, press "Return to the origin", wait for the "Return to the Origin Position" light to turn on, and press "Take TrayManual" to switch to "Take TrayAuto" to start.
RACK is out of the board
After the plate is unloaded, the plate is turned off the RACK, and the vacuum breaking time or the automatic speed can be reduced.
Manual mode
When starting, the machine status is in manual operation mode, enter the automatic drawing page or manual animation page, and switch "manual" to "automatic"
Please remove the arm vacuum
When starting, if the machine status is vacuum-suction, please enter the automatic picture page and press "Vacuum Release" to release the vacuum state before the machine can be started.
Please re-align your arm
After the machine is powered, the arm has not yet been corrected, click "Manual", "Arm", "First Axis" and press "Correction" in the man-machine to make the "Correction Completed" light on.
Doors and windows open
Close the doors and windows, and the warning will be automatically lifted.
Full board warning
When the number of receiving plates reaches the set number of warning pieces, the machine will warn.
If you want to turn off this function, please go to the man-machine "Settings", "Function Selection", "Full Board Warning Function On" and switch to "Full Board Warning Function Off".
Full board
When the number of receiving plates reaches the set full number of plates, the machine will warn.
If you want to turn off this function, please go to the man-machine "Settings", "Function Selection", "Count Full Plate Function On" and switch to "Count Full Plate Function Off".
When the counting function is turned off or the set number of pieces has not yet been retracted, and the arm has reached the full board distance, the machine will be forced to enter the full board state.
Before entering the full board distance setting, you need to change the arm-like energy to "manual", and then enter "manual", "arm" and "arm parameters"
Downtime alerts
When the machine is started, press it, and when the plate above the conveyor is emptied, the machine arm will switch to the shutdown state after returning to the original point.
4.1.2. Tri-color light signal
The machine is at a stop (automatic mode)
The machine is running automatically
An alert occurs
1HZ flashing
Manual mode operation
The alert occurred(acknowledged).
4.1.3Servodrive abnormal alarm elimination
5.Maintenance andmaintenance
If this equipmentis not properlymaintainedandmaintained, it will prevent residual dirt, lack oflubricant, and loose screwsand otherproblemsthat causeprematuredamageorfrequent failures of equipment,which willmakeThe life of the equipmentis greatly reduced, and even the entiresystem is paralyzed. In order toensure thatthe equipmentworks in good conditionand minimizedowntimeand loss,pleasefollow the following aspectsSafeguardingandConservationGuidelines:
Formulatea daily and regularmaintenancesystem andmaintenance cycle for equipment, and traina specialistPersonnelcarry outmaintenance and maintenance.
The regularmaintenanceandmaintenance cycle is shown in thefollowing table(such as in the badand hightemperature environment
The frequencyof preventive maintenance should beincreased).
Maintainthe contentofthe care
Duration of the maintenancecycle
Jigs, molds (clean jigs with a cloth stained with alcohol)
Every day
Machine surface
Every day
Transport rails
Drive rails
Every day
Rotating shaftshaft mount
Transferchains/belts, motor couplings,tighteningscrews, etc
6. List of consumables
6.1List of mechanical parts
Component coding
Description of the object
Six-axis plate laying machine - rack mechanism
Six-axis plate placing machine-suction cup mechanism