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00:00:0000:00:04- [Instructor] Let's go ahead with our leg rig and I'd like to show you a little trick.- [讲师] 让我们继续我们的腿部绑定,我想向你展示一个小技巧。
00:00:0400:00:06I have one of the pole targets selected.我已经选择了一个极点目标。
00:00:0600:00:14I will go to the custom shape, select as a custom object this sphere and set a scale of 0.2.我将转到自定义形状,选择一个这个球体作为自定义对象,并设置比例为 0.2。
00:00:1400:00:30Once I'm done, if I want to apply the same custom shape to all the other bones, all the other pole target, I can select them, make the one we just customized active and I can right-click on the custom object property and choose copy to selected.一旦完成,如果我想将相同的自定义形状应用于所有其他骨骼,所有其他极点目标,我可以选择它们,将我们刚刚定制的那个设为活动,并在自定义对象属性上右键单击,选择复制到选择项。
00:00:3000:00:39This will give the same custom shape to all the bone and I can then right-click on the scale values and choose copy all to selected.这将为所有骨骼提供相同的自定义形状,然后我可以右键单击比例值,选择全部复制到选择项。
00:00:3900:00:42So that's another way to quickly set your custom shapes.这是另一种快速设置自定义形状的方法。
00:00:4200:00:50There is something I like to do when I have a pole target is to make sure that we do understand to which leg it is related.当我有一个杆目标时,我喜欢做一件事,那就是确保我们明白它与哪条腿相关联。
00:00:5000:00:54The idea is to create a line between the knee and this pole target.思路是在膝盖和这个杆目标之间创建一条线。
00:00:5400:01:03To do so, I will enter edit mode and from the knee or the tip of the first leg bone, I will press E to extrude a new bone.为此,我将进入编辑模式,从膝盖或第一条腿骨的尖端开始,按 E 键 extrude 一个新的骨骼。
00:01:0400:01:11The mirror option is still enabled, so blender is extruding a bone on both side, but it doesn't matter.镜像选项仍然启用,因此 blender 正在两侧 extruding 一个骨骼,但这无关紧要。
00:01:1100:01:16Now I want to snap the tail of the bone to the head of the foot bone.现在我想将骨头的尾部捕捉到脚骨的头部。
00:01:1600:01:23You can use the 3D cursor, snapping it to the foot bone, and then snapping the tail of our new bone to the 3D cursor.您可以使用 3D 光标,将其捕捉到脚骨,然后将我们新骨的尾部捕捉到 3D 光标。
00:01:2300:01:30Or you can extrude the bone and then hold Control and snap it to the head of the bone.或者您可以挤出骨头,然后按住 Control 将其捕捉到骨头的头部。
00:01:3000:01:35Let's now rename the bone, giving it the prefix WGT for widget.现在让我们重命名骨头,给它加上 WGT 的前缀,作为小部件。
00:01:3500:01:40So I will call it WGT_LEG_POLE_FRONT.L.所以我将它称为 WGT_LEG_POLE_FRONT.L。
00:01:4000:01:45From there I will deactivate the symmetries option so that I can get rid of the right side.我将停用对称选项,以便可以去掉右侧。
00:01:4500:01:48I will then rename the back bone.然后我会重命名骨骼。
00:01:4800:02:02What I often do to save time is to select the correctly named bone, press F2, then Control + A to select its whole name, copy its name, and paste it on the other bone and just change whatever I need.为了节省时间,我经常做的是选择命名正确的骨骼,按下 F2,然后按 Control + A 选择其整个名称,复制其名称,并粘贴到另一个骨骼上,然后只需更改所需内容。
00:02:0200:02:09We now have those two bones attached to the joints of the leg and we want their tail to stick to the pole targets.现在这两个骨骼连接到腿的关节上,我们希望它们的尾部粘在杆目标上。
00:02:0900:02:16To do so, we can use a constraint we already saw, which is the Stretch To Constraint.为此,我们可以使用我们已经看过的约束条件,即 Stretch To Constraint。
00:02:1600:02:25So I will select first the pole target, then one of those widget bone, press Control + Shift to C and choose the Stretch To Constraint.所以我首先会选择杆目标,然后选择其中一个小部件骨骼,按下 Control + Shift + C,选择 Stretch To Constraint。
00:02:2500:02:34I will do the same with the second leg and the bone's tail are now snapped to the pole target, but the match is not perfect.我将以同样的方式处理第二条腿,骨的尾部现在与杆目标对齐,但匹配并不完美。
00:02:3400:02:43When you set the Stretch To Constraint, your rig need to be in rest pose for the Stretch To Constraint to properly calculate its original length.当你设置 Stretch To Constraint 时,你的骨骼需要处于静止姿势,这样 Stretch To Constraint 才能正确计算原始长度。
00:02:4300:02:50So let's press A to select all the bones and then press Alt + G, Alt + R, Alt + S to reset everything.然后按 A 选择所有骨骼,然后按 Alt + G,Alt + R,Alt + S 重置所有内容。
00:02:5000:02:58Then select one of the bone with the Stretch To Constraint and click the little cross near the original length value.然后选择一个带 Stretch To Constraint 的骨骼,并单击原始长度值附近的小十字。
00:02:5800:03:04As I do so, you can see that now the tail of the bone perfectly match the pole position.当我这样做时,您会看到骨头的尾部现在完美地匹配了极点位置。
00:03:0400:03:07Let's now select the other bone and repeat the process.现在让我们选择另一个骨头并重复这个过程。
00:03:0700:03:12Click on the little cross near the original length and we're done.点击原始长度附近的小十字,我们就完成了。
00:03:1200:03:18Now this big bone is a bit overwhelming, so let's give this a shape that will better fit our rig.现在这根大骨头有点压倒性,让我们给它一个更适合我们的架构的形状。
00:03:1800:03:22To create this simple line, I will switch to object mode and I will add a simple plane.为了创建这条简单的线,我将切换到对象模式并添加一个简单的平面。
00:03:2200:03:28Enter edit mode, press A to select everything, then right-click on it and choose subdivide.进入编辑模式,按 A 键选择所有内容,然后右键单击选择“细分”。
00:03:2800:03:34Then I will get rid of all the vertices, but the one in the middle and the one in the top on my screen.然后我将删除所有顶点,除了在屏幕中间和顶部的一个。
00:03:3400:03:36So I get a simple line.现在我得到了一条简单的线。
00:03:3600:03:43And this line is one blender unit long along the Y axis, which will perfectly fit any bone custom shape.这条线沿 Y 轴有一个 Blender 单位长,可以完美地适配任何骨骼的自定义形状。
00:03:4300:03:50Now let's call this WGT_POLE_LENGTH and then simply assign it to all our pole length bones.现在让我们称其为 WGT_POLE_LENGTH,然后简单地分配给所有的极点长度骨骼。
00:03:5000:03:53Select the armatures, switch to post mode.选择骨架,切换到姿势模式。
00:03:5300:03:57Go to the bone properties and search for the WGT_POLE_LENGTH.转到骨骼属性并搜索 WGT_POLE_LENGTH。
00:03:5700:04:00Do the same for the second bone, then select those two bones.对第二根骨头执行相同操作,然后选择这两根骨头。
00:04:0000:04:04Switch to edit mode, right-click and symmetrize.切换到编辑模式,右键点击并对称。
00:04:0400:04:09Now select those four bones and move them onto the legs layer.现在选择这四根骨头并将它们移动到腿部图层。
00:04:0900:04:16Then you can switch to object mode, select our widget object and move it into the widget collection.然后您可以切换到对象模式,选择我们的小部件对象,将其移动到小部件集合中。
00:04:1600:04:19And here we are with our nice leg rig.这里是我们漂亮的腿部绑定。
00:04:1900:04:21Let's give some colors to those legs.让我们给这些腿增加一些色彩。
00:04:2100:04:26So one thing I like to do is to use custom color group.我喜欢做的一件事是使用自定义颜色组。
00:04:2600:04:28Let's go to the rig properties.让我们进入绑定属性。
00:04:2800:04:32Then in bone group, let's create a new group and click the palette.然后在骨骼组中,让我们创建一个新的组,并点击调色板。
00:04:3200:04:36Instead of picking an existing group, we can use a custom color set.我们可以使用自定义的颜色集,而不是选择现有的组。
00:04:3600:04:41What I did was to first create four different groups for each legs.我做的是首先为每条腿创建四个不同的组。
00:04:4100:04:43The first color is the default color.第一个颜色是默认颜色。
00:04:4300:04:47I gave them a very bright and intense color.我给它们涂上了非常明亮和强烈的颜色。
00:04:4700:04:52But then the second and third color is the selected color and active color.但第二和第三种颜色是选定的颜色和活动颜色。
00:04:5200:04:56For those state color, I use the same for all the groups.对于这些状态颜色,我在所有组中都使用相同的颜色。
00:04:5600:04:58Color, as in input, can be copy and pasted.颜色,就像输入一样,可以复制和粘贴。
00:04:5800:05:07These light and bright blue are pretty close to the default blender colors when it comes to bones, they make it easy to see if a bone is selected or active.当涉及骨骼时,这些浅蓝色和明亮蓝色与默认的混合颜色非常接近,这样可以轻松看到骨骼是否被选中或处于活动状态。
00:05:0700:05:14From there, I will give a color to each pole target, pole widget and leg controller.从那里开始,我将为每个杆目标、杆小部件和腿控制器指定一个颜色。
00:05:1400:05:18This way we can easily identify each leg which is on this character.这样我们可以轻松识别出该角色上的每根腿。
00:05:1800:05:19Pretty nice.很好。
00:05:1900:05:23To do so, just select the bones you want to pull in a group.要做到这一点,只需选择要以组的方式拉动的骨骼。
00:05:2300:05:27Then go to the group panel, select the group and click assign.然后转到组面板,选择组并单击分配。
00:05:2700:05:30This is something we covered in a previous video.这是我们在之前的视频中介绍过的内容。
00:05:3000:05:38Now I want to make sure that the animator won't be able to select the widget poles because they are not used for animation.现在我要确保动画师不能选择小部件,因为它们没有用于动画。
00:05:3800:05:39So I selected them.所以我选择了它们。
00:05:3900:05:44And then in the outliner, I will press the dot key or home key.然后在大纲视图中,我将按下“.”键或“home”键。
00:05:4400:05:47This will bring me directly to the selected bone.这将直接带我到所选的骨骼。
00:05:4700:05:51Then in the outliner filters, I will activate selectability.然后在大纲过滤器中,我会激活选择能力。
00:05:5100:05:56And before I uncheck it for each of those bone, I will go in the 3D view.在取消每个骨骼的选择之前,我会进入 3D 视图。
00:05:5600:06:03Press Shift + W, choose deform and disable to make sure that those bones are no longer deformation bones.按下 Shift + W,选择变形并禁用,确保这些骨骼不再是变形骨骼。
00:06:0300:06:13Now through the outliner for each of the widget bone, we can click this mouse icon and now the bone won't be selectable through the 3D view.现在通过大纲视图中的每个小部件骨骼,我们可以点击这个鼠标图标,现在这个骨骼将无法通过 3D 视图进行选择。
00:06:1300:06:20It will still be displayed as widget, but the animator won't be able to accidentally select them.它仍然会显示为小部件,但动画师将无法意外选择它们。
00:06:2000:06:22First, select the bone in the 3D view.首先,在 3D 视图中选择骨骼。
00:06:2200:06:33Then in the outliner, press the dot or home key, blender will automatically focus the outliner on that bone and then uncheck the mouse icon.然后在大纲中,按下小数点或主页键,Blender 将自动将焦点放在该骨骼上,然后取消鼠标图标的选中。
00:06:3300:06:36And you can now call this leg rig done.现在你可以认为这条腿的骨架已完成了。
00:06:3600:06:42It might be tricky if it was your first one, but we will repeat this process a lot during the course.如果这是你第一次尝试,可能会有些棘手,但在课程中我们将会反复进行这个过程。