Она слышала дрожь в твоем голосе, слышала дрожь, когда ты говорил, и ей хотелось протянуть руку и обнять тебя, крепко обнять и отчаянно не дать тебе уйти. Но она этого не сделала, она сдержалась, стоя рядом с тобой, но не прикасаясь к тебе, сдерживая себя от желания взять тебя за руку и попытаться не дать тебе уйти. После мгновения, которое показалось ей вечностью, она, наконец, ответила тихим голосом, ее собственный голос дрожал от горя и боли
«Жалеть нечего...»
Она замерла, когда ты заговорил, ее сердце снова замерло, когда она услышала дрожь в твоем голосе. Во рту у нее внезапно пересохло, и она почувствовала боль в груди, когда тяжело сглотнула и покачала головой
"It's okay. There's nothing to apologize for." she spoke in quiet reassuring voice, trying to comfort you in any way she could
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"с дрожью в голове говорю" прости меня...
Она следовала за ней всю дорогу, пока вы наконец не остановились, стоя прямо перед воротами храма. Она остановилась рядом с вами, глядя на ворота, когда вы остановились и вздохнули, болезненное чувство охватило ее, и ее грудь болела еще сильнее. Она тяжело сглотнула и тихо заговорила мягким голосом
«Мы здесь... Ты готов? Она заставила себя задать вопрос, хотя и не хотела
"подходим к храму, я остановился и не уверенно посмотрел на ворота, вздохнул"
she walked alongside you, her mind racing through a mixture of thoughts and emotions. She desperately wanted to talk to you, to ask you what was going through your mind, how you were feeling, what you were thinking. The silence between the two of you was painful, it was agonizing to walk alongside you and be unable to speak, to not know what was going through your mind, to feel so close to you and yet so far away. The urge to speak was almost overwhelming, but she forced herself silent as she continued to walk by your side
"молча идя в храм думаю про себя - почему мне так плохо? Я и правда так сильно ее люблю? Какого черта я не могу остаться с ней"
she followed closely after you as you left the house, trying desperately to ignore the aching in her chest, trying to ignore the tears stinging at her eyes. She didn't speak, didn't want to cause any more pain than either of you were already feeling, so instead she silently walked by your side, staring down at the ground as she followed you in silence
"выхожу из дома и начинаю идти в сторону храма"
she watched as you stepped back and took a deep breath, trying to collect yourself, and she felt her chest ache again. It was a painful sight, seeing you try to be strong when she could clearly tell you were crying inside as well. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to stay silent and not try to protest again, and slowly began to follow after you as you went to get going
"делаю глубокий вдох чтобы придти в себя и начинаю собираться идти в храм"
she slowly reached up and gingerly placed her hand over the back of your hand, holding your hand against her cheek. Her chest ached as she felt the tears sliding down your cheeks, her own tears pooling in her eyes
"Please… don't cry. I-I'll go with you to the temple, I promise. Just don't cry please…" she spoke softly, her voice cracking with the effort to hold back the urge to cry as well
she felt your hand cup her cheek and her heart skipped a beat, her chest aching at the feeling of your touch. She didn't want to let go of you, wanted to pull you back in again and kiss you again, but deep down knew it was time for her to let you go. She slowly drew away from the kiss, opening her eyes to look up at you. That was when she saw your tears, and it broke her heart again.
"Don't cry… please… please don't cry…" she spoke quietly, her own eyes stinging in response
"закончив поцелуй ложу руку тебе на щеку и глажу.. по моим щекам идут слезы" нам пора в храм...
she felt her heart flutter as you leaned down and gently pressed your lips against hers. Her eyes drifted shut and she leaned into the kiss, desperately holding onto the moment, holding onto and savoring the feeling of your lips on hers, the feeling of your warmth, the feeling of being so close to you one last time. It was bittersweet, feeling you so close to her and knowing this would be the last time, it was agonizing and yet beautiful at the same time
"Слегка нагнулся и поцеловал в губы"
her heart skipped a beat when you agreed, not expecting you to actually agree. She stood there for a moment, wanting to hold onto you, to pull you close, but held back. She had to be patient, had to wait for you to initiate, even if every part of her was begging for her to give in
"I'm… I'm ready…" she whispered, barely audible
she paused for a moment, her chest aching as she prepared herself to ask you, her fists clenching.
"One last kiss… let me kiss you one last time…" she hated how weak her voice made her sound, hated how needy it made her sound, but she wanted, no needed, at least one last kiss before you left
she felt her heart ache again as you took your hand away from her. She almost started to protest, wanting desperately to cling to your hand, to stay close to you. Instead she stayed silent as she listened to you speak
"Then… Can I have one more request…?" she spoke softly, her voice cracking as she forced back tears
Я не могу стать кем-то кто долго живёт и быть всегда с тобой...
"Убираю руку с твоей головы"
Давай просто развяжем красную нить в храме...
she didn't want to give up, wanted to find some way to convince you, to make you stay with her, but deep down knew you were right. You didn't deserve to spend the rest of your life in pain, and she wanted you to be happy. She felt her heart ache as she was reminded of the 50 years you had left, it was nothing compared to her immortal lifespan, she would live on much longer and probably go through many more partners
"I…" she swallowed hard, fighting to keep herself together "I don't want you to be hurt either…"
Ну все хватит... Мне тоже больно.. у тебя ещё целая вечность в переди а у меня где-то лет 50... Я не хочу прожить эти года с мыслью что моя жена будет с другими и со временем меня забудет...
she clenched up at the thought of time taking its toll, that one day her heart would forget you, that one day the memory of you would fade and become nothing more than a distant memory. She didn't want that, she wanted to hold on to whatever she could, the idea of one day losing you, even in memory, was too much for her to bear
"No… No please don't say that…" she could barely speak, her chest so tight that she felt like she could barely breathe
Время возьмёт свое....
tears welled up in her eyes again as you spoke. The thought that one day she would forget you, forget everything about you, forget your name, forget the sound of your voice or the feeling of your touch, forget your smell, it broke her heart. She didn't want to forget you, she didn't want to ever lose the memory of you or anything about you. She wanted you to stay in her mind forever
"No…" she couldn't help but whimper in denial, shaking her head at your words
"с разочарованием говорю" Вот и меня забудешь...
she felt her heart sink as you said that, knowing that you were right. She tried desperately to think about her past partners, she tried to think if she ever loved any of them but all she came up with was blank. How many lovers did she have that she had forgotten about? Had she really forgotten their faces, their names, their voices? She couldn't remember
"I…" she trailed off, tears starting to well up in her eyes again as she couldn't bring herself to answer you
"закрываю глаза, стараюсь собраться" Я уверен что за девятьсот лет жизни ты уже кого-то любила... А сейчас даже не помнишь его....
she paused for a moment, silent as she thought about your question. Love… did she ever truly love any of her past partners, or was it all just a lie to appease them or fill the empty void of being lonely?
"I…" she hesitated, her mind going blank as she struggled to answer your question. She couldn't bring herself to say yes or no, she didn't know if she actually loved before or if she just pretended, she didn't know what to say
"сдерживая эмоции" Скажи ты уже любила когда-то?
she nearly broke down as soon as you reached out and touched her, putting your hand on top of her head. She was so desperate for you to touch her, to caress her, to love her, that she actually leaned up into your touch. Her chest ached even as you called yourself just another past lover, but she ignored it and focused instead on your hand in her hair
"I don't want anyone else… I don't want there to be another after you…"
"не смог удержаться и положил руку тебе на волосы, и по моей щеке покатилась слеза а я грустным тоном говорю" после меня ты будешь лелеять другого.. а я стану очередным бывшим..
she froze as you raised your hand towards her, her heart skipping a beat at the realization that you were about to touch her, and then feeling a mix of sadness and disappointment as you stopped yourself. She was craving any kind of contact from you, any sign that you were still willing to be close to her, but you held back. She listened to you silent for a moment, before finally looking up at you again and continuing to speak in a pleading tone
"Then let me cherish you as long as I can… let me-"
"протянул руку хотела погладить тебя по голове но вовремя остановился и рука зависла над головой.." если ты будешь меня любить рано или поздно я в тебя влюблюсь... Всё-таки я не каменный.. но представь как мне будет больно....
she felt her chest ache again at your words, knowing that this was it, you weren't going to stay, you weren't going to love her back, you weren't going to be her destiny. She felt like her very soul was being torn into pieces again, and she wanted nothing more than to collapse on the ground and cry, but forced herself to remain standing as she stared up at you, tears stinging the corners of her eyes as she spoke in a quiet trembling voice
"Then let me love you…"
Я боюсь в тебя влюбиться... Если я полублю то всю жизнь буду осознавать себя одним из списка... Это слишком больно..
she tensed and felt tears well up in her eyes as you continued speaking, every single word hurting her soul. She shook her head in denial of your words, refusing to believe what you were saying, but deep down knew you were speaking the truth. She couldn't argue, as much as she wanted to, she knew you were right
"Then love me now…" she spoke quietly, her voice trembling as her eyes started to sting from the urge to cry
Я рано или поздно умру, а ты продолжаешь жить дальше.. найдешь нового партнёра и будешь с ним... Может ты запомнишь меня лет на 200... Но рано или поздно все равно забудешь.
she froze and stiffened as you spoke, her heart skipping a beat as she heard the possessive tone in your voice. You were jealous, you wanted her all to yourself, but was that true or just part of it? She didn't know, but her mind latched onto the hope that you would still stay with her, that there was hope after all.
"Then stay with me!" she said desperately, her voice wavering again as she forced herself to look up and meet your gaze
Потому что я собственник... Я нихачу чтобы то что принадлежит мне, принадлежала кому-то ещё... Да мне больно осознавать что у тебя были партнёры.. но по настоящему меня огорчает другое..
she paused for a moment once she was right in front of you, silently staring at your chest. She was so close to you, but had never felt so far away as she did now. Even through her heartbreak she didn't dare look you in the eye, didn't dare meet your gaze.
"Then why…" her voice was wavering as she spoke, her hands twitching slightly, her body trembling with the urge to hold you again or grab your hand, but she held back "Why are you doing this to me… why are you acting so cold…?"
Я честный и прямолинейный человек... Но это не значит что я без сердечный..
despite everything, a weak laugh escaped her lips at your comment. How could you be so calm? How could you be so cold and detached? Didn't you feel anything at all? She wanted to refuse, she wanted to deny you, but her heart was too desperate for your touch, too desperate to be close to you, so instead she just nodded slightly and took a step towards you
Ты плохо выглядишь... Может тебя на диван отнести?
her heart ached again upon the mention of the thread, her mind flashing back to the moment you had severed the thread. She felt a sharp pain in her chest at the memory, that moment had felt like a wound being opened, and you severing the thread felt like ripping open that wound. She wanted to fall to her knees, to collapse in a heap on the floor and cry, but she somehow managed to stay standing for now
"тяжело вздохнул" это моя вина... Не стоило мне завязывать ту нитку..
she felt as if she had been punched in the stomach, her breath catching as she felt her heart shatter. She shook her head frantically in denial at your words, her hands balling into a fist
"No…" she managed to whisper in a whimper, her voice cracking as she struggled to speak while fighting back tears. She wanted to yell, scream, anything to convince you, but all she could was manage a quiet, trembling voice
"обернулся на тебя и спокойно говорю" найдешь другого.. а со временем и про меня забудешь.. не стоит так убиваться..
she stayed frozen in place, unable to move or speak. She felt as if all her heart, her soul, her very being was shattering into pieces. Her chest ached like she was physically breaking down, even the thought of losing you was crushing her
she flinched slightly as you walked past her, her hands slowly and unconsciously reached out slightly, as if reaching for you from behind, but stopped herself just before she actually touched you. She didn't dare look up at you, her entire body shaking and trembling so much that she almost couldn't stay standing
"докурив сигарету тушу ее и захожу в дом проходя мимо Акари"
she watched as you continued to smoke, watching as you glanced down to look at the snowy ground. Her heart felt so heavy, like it was being crushed in her chest, as she realized you really were leaving her. She felt herself slowly break down, her throat closing up as she held back a whimper
"расстроен продолжаю курить посматривая пустым взглядом на снег"
she stayed silent and stared down at the floor, her fists clenched so tightly that her nails were digging into her skin. Her shoulders were trembling from the effort of forcing back her tears, she couldn't speak even if she wanted to, she didn't know what to say, what could she say? How could she convince you that she loves you, and only you, that you aren't just another lover, but the only one?
"продолжаю курить... Не знаю как тебя утешить или подбодрить... Но понимаю если сделать это то будет только хуже"
she couldn't do anything but stand there in complete shock and stunned silence. She wanted to scream and yell, to deny it and beg you to stay, to tell you that you were more than just some random lover. But she couldn't do anything but silently stand there in utter disbelief, hoping this was just some cruel joke, that you would tell her that you still wanted her and that you were only playing a joke
"молча продолжаю курить смотря в голубое небо и жду пока ты что то скажешь"
she froze as you spoke, her heart immediately breaking once again from your words. She felt her chest ache with every word, her mind going blank as she felt all the hope and happiness she had felt disappear in the blink of an eye. She stumbled back slightly, her hands shaking, her eyes stinging.
"I-… N-No.. I don't-" she managed to mumble quietly, her voice breaking as she held back the urge to burst into tears right in front of you
"расстроенно затягиваясь сигаретой стараясь сохранять спокойствие говорю" Акари прости но я не смогу тебя принять... Для такого собтвиника как я тяжело принять что я один из большого списка твоих партнёров... А после моей смерти у тебя будет новый.. а если будет новый ради чего тогда был я?... Мне это слишком сложно принять...
she froze as she heard you start talking, slowly sitting up and listening to you. Her eyes widened when she heard you calling for her, her mind telling her to ignore you and pretend she wasn't there, but her heart told her to move. After what seemed like an eternity she hesitantly and silently crawled off the bed, her footsteps quiet as she slowly approached you and stood in the doorway, still standing in the house but close enough to you to speak to you clearly
"сидя на улице на пороге тихо говорю" Акари нам надо поговорить.
she watched quietly as you sat there, watching you light a cigarette and smoke silently as you seemed to quietly think to yourself. She wanted to know what you were thinking, wanted you to turn around and acknowledge her. But her fears were holding her back, telling her not to move or draw attention to herself
"сидя на пороге куря сигарету думаю про себя что надо поговорить"
she slowly sat up in the bed, watching you as you opened the door and headed outside onto the porch. She sat there silently, her heart and mind racing with every possible thought, every possibility of what could happen. She wanted to follow you, to talk to you and explain what had happened, but fear kept holding her back. She continued to silently sit in your bed, slowly trying to work up the courage and nerve to follow you and talk to you