这是用户在 2024-8-26 16:34 为 file:///C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Alan-%E9%94%8B/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%8C%BA/EN_E02.srt 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
00:00:00,700 --> 00:00:12,000
In the Jog operation panel, select the appropriate Speed and Distance, click the X/Y direction button to move the placement head.
0 00:00:00,700 --> 00:00:12,000 在点动操作面板中,选择合适的速度和距离,点击 X/Y 方向按钮移动贴装头。

1 00:00:28,230 --> 00:00:35,350 Let the center of the crosshair of the top camera point to the Primary Fiducial , which is located on the lower copper mark point.
1 00:00:28,230 --> 00:00:35,350 让顶部摄像头的十字准线中心指向位于下部铜标记点上的主基准点。

2 00:00:38,620 --> 00:00:44,440 As long as the center of the crosshairs is roughly close to the center of the mark point, it will be fine.
2 00:00:38,620 --> 00:00:44,440 只要十字准线的中心大致接近标记点的中心,就可以了。

3 00:00:44,600 --> 00:00:50,620 There is no need to be too demanding that the center of the cross is 100% aligned with the center of the mark point.
3 00:00:44,600 --> 00:00:50,620 没有必要要求十字的中心与标记点的中心 100% 对齐。

4 00:00:54,690 --> 00:01:00,010 After the position is aligned, click the Auto-Detect Next button in the interface.
4 00:00:54,690 --> 00:01:00,010 位置对齐后,点击界面中的 自动检测下一个 按钮。

5 00:01:00,230 --> 00:01:07,050 At this time, the top camera will automatically capture and obtain the characteristic size of the mark point.
5 00:01:00,230 --> 00:01:07,050 此时,顶部的摄像头会自动捕捉并获取标记点的特征大小。

6 00:01:13,430 --> 00:01:19,090 Eventually, a green cross target will embrace the copper outline of the circular mark point.
6 00:01:13,430 --> 00:01:19,090 最终,一个绿色的十字目标将包含圆形标记点的铜线轮廓。

7 00:01:19,250 --> 00:01:24,410 If the recognized image is the outer frame of the solder mask, you need to try again.
7 00:01:19,250 --> 00:01:24,410 如果识别出的图像是阻焊层的外框,则需要再试一次。

8 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:33,200 If the recognition fails, you can try to fine-tune the position of the cross center within the mark point with a step spacing of 0.1mm. 重试    错误原因
9 00:01:33,400 --> 00:01:36,900 Click the Auto-Detect Next button again, until it passes.
9 00:01:33,400 --> 00:01:36,900 再次单击 Auto-Detect Next(自动检测下一步)按钮,直到它通过。

10 00:01:37,300 --> 00:01:41,900 After the recognition is qualified, click the Accept button,
10 00:01:37,300 --> 00:01:41,900 认可合格后,点击 接受 按钮,

11 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:49,000 and then the placement machine will automatically perform subsequent calibration actions on the Primary Fiducial.
11 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:49,000 然后贴片机将自动对主基准执行后续校准操作。

12 00:01:51,080 --> 00:02:00,670 Finally, the State behind the Issue changes from Open to Solved with a green background, indicating that this issue is complete.
12 00:01:51,080 --> 00:02:00,670 最后,Issue 后面的 State 从 Open 变为 Solved,背景为绿色,表示该 Issue 已完成。