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Enable bilingual reading with one click, enhancing information acquisition efficiency

The term "Immersive Translate" was coined by us. Today, it has become synonymous with "bilingual contrastive translation." Since its launch in 2023, this acclaimed AI bilingual webpage translation extension has helped over a million users overcome language barriers and freely access global knowledge. We believe that breaking down language barriers promotes information equity.

Bilingual Webpage Translation

We have successfully popularized the bilingual webpage reading experience among millions of users. As a leader in the industry, Immersive Translate incorporates over 10 of the top translation engines in the industry, including DeepL, OpenAI, and Google Translate, making it the tool with the most supported translation engines among all similar products worldwide.

Video Bilingual Subtitles

Immersive Translate was the first to support bilingual real-time subtitles for over 50 mainstream foreign video sites. With bilingual subtitles, you can fully understand the video content and naturally learn a foreign language while watching. The authentic foreign language audio combined with subtitles in your mother tongue helps you improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills subtly.

PDF Contrastive Translation

Immersive Translate innovatively introduced a free PDF document contrastive translation feature in the browser plugin. Whether you need to read foreign academic papers or handle multilingual business documents, you can obtain high-quality translation results with a single click through Immersive Translate.

ePub Bilingual Translation

With Immersive Translate, creating bilingual ePub ebooks has never been easier! Our one-click ebook creation feature instantly transforms your foreign language ebooks into elegant bilingual versions, allowing you to enjoy an immersive reading experience on various e-readers.

Mouseover Translation

Immersive Translate brings another revolutionary interaction innovation—mouseover translation. Simply hover your mouse over any paragraph and press the preset shortcut key (such as Ctrl), and the translation of the current paragraph will immediately appear after the paragraph.

Input Box Translation

Directly enter text in any input box (such as "hello world"), quickly press the space bar three times, and the text will be translated into the target language (default English, customizable). This innovative interaction mode is suitable for search, writing, dialogue, and other types of pages, allowing you to complete translations instantly without switching.

Immersive Translate, one-click to enable bilingual reading

Download now

المشاهد التي سيتم استخدامها

أدوات تعزيز تويتر

استخدم "الترجمة الشاملة" لتصفح المعلومات بسهولة

Video bilingual subtitles

Supports 50+ video sites, automatic bilingual subtitles

الولوج إلى المعلومات

الحصول على المعلومات بكفاءة والتخلص من القيود اللغوية


تواصل سريع وخالي من العوائق

قراءة ورقة PDF

الترجمة ثنائية اللغة لملفات Pdf، القراءة المقارنة جنبًا إلى جنب

أدوات تعزيز تويتر

استخدم "الترجمة الشاملة" لتصفح المعلومات بسهولة

Video bilingual subtitles

Supports 50+ video sites, automatic bilingual subtitles

الولوج إلى المعلومات

الحصول على المعلومات بكفاءة والتخلص من القيود اللغوية


تواصل سريع وخالي من العوائق

قراءة ورقة PDF

الترجمة ثنائية اللغة لملفات Pdf، القراءة المقارنة جنبًا إلى جنب

لا تستمع إلى ما نقوله، استمع إلى المستخدمين:

Bilingual translation with customizable styles is amazing—this is exactly what I wanted.

Su Shi
Chrome User

Easily the best translator. It can translate the web apps even though google translate doesn't recognise.

Chrome User

This is my first time reviewing a Chrome extension, and the overall experience has been exceptionally seamless. The name "Immersive Translate" couldn't be more apt—kudos to the developer!

Chrome User

The first time I used this extension, I was blown away. It surpassed all other translation extensions I've used before. The segment-by-segment translation mode is innovative, offering bilingual comparison, and there are multiple styles for the translated text to choose from.

tfpak 379
Chrome User

I just discovered today that the "Immersive Bilingual Web Page Translation Extension" even supports PDF translation, which is truly fantastic. I can say without a doubt that Immersive-Translate is the most actively used extension in my browser at the moment!

Asuka Makina