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(19) World Intellectual Property
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Organization 组织结构
International Bureau 国际局
(43) International Publication Date 14 December 2017 (14.12.2017)
(43) 国际出版日期 2017 年 12 月 14 日(14.12.2017)


(10) International Publication Number WO 2017/211393 A1
(10) 国际出版物号 WO 2017/211393 A1

(51) International Patent Classification:
(51) 国际专利分类:
A47L 15/23 (2006.01)
(21) International Application Number:
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(22) International Filing Date:
(22) 国际申报日期:
07 June 2016 (07.06.2016)
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(71) Applicant:Arcelik anonim sirketi [TR/TR]; E5
Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR).
安卡拉 Asfalti Uzeri,图兹拉,34950 伊斯坦布尔(TR)。
(72) Inventors: KOC, Yusuf; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR). PATKAVAK, Mert; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR). KAYA, Mehmet; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR). AKKAS, Nevin; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR). OZTURK, Hazal Ece; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR).
(72) 发明者:KOC, Yusuf; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR).PATKAVAK, Mert; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR).KAYA, Mehmet; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR).AKKAS, Nevin; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR).OZTURK, Hazal Ece; E5 Ankara Asfalti Uzeri, Tuzla, 34950 Istanbul (TR).
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Published: 已出版:
  • with international search report (Art. 21(3))
    国际搜查报告(第 21(3)条)
(54) 标题:用于洗碗机的改进型喷淋装置
Fig. 1 图 1
(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a spray means (1) for use in a dishwasher comprising: a tub for receiving the articles to be cleaned; a heater for heating the washing liquid; and a control unit for controlling the heater, wherein the control unit has one or more washing modes. The spray means (1) comprises one or more nozzles (2) for ejecting the washing liquid into the tub.
(57) 摘要:本发明涉及一种用于洗碗机的喷淋装置(1),包括:用于接收待清洗物品的盆;用于加热洗涤液的加热器;以及用于控制加热器的控制单元,其中控制单元具有一种或多种洗涤模式。喷淋装置 (1) 包括一个或多个喷嘴 (2),用于将洗涤液喷射到盆中。

Description 说明


[0001] The present invention relates to a dishwasher. The present invention more particularly relates to the spray means of the dishwasher.
[0001] 本发明涉及一种洗碗机。本发明尤其涉及洗碗机的喷淋装置。
[0002] Dishwashers are commonly known in the art. A dishwasher generally comprises: a tub for receiving the articles to be cleaned; a heater for heating the washing liquid; a control unit for controlling the heater; and one or more spray means for spraying the washing liquid onto the articles. The control unit generally comprises one or more washing modes. The spray means comprises one or more nozzles for ejecting the washing liquid into the tub. In the prior art dishwasher during the washing modes the nozzles of the spray means ejects the washing liquid respectively into the tub, and thereby onto the various articles inside the tub.
[0002] 洗碗机在本领域中是众所周知的。洗碗机一般包括:一个用于接收待清洗物品的盆子;一个用于加热洗涤液的加热器;一个用于控制加热器的控制单元;以及一个或多个用于将洗涤液喷洒到物品上的喷洒装置。控制装置一般包括一个或多个清洗模式。喷射装置包括一个或多个喷嘴,用于将洗涤液喷射到盆中。在现有技术的洗碗机中,在洗涤模式期间,喷淋装置的喷嘴分别将洗涤液喷射到浴缸中,从而喷射到浴缸中的各种物品上。
[0003] EP2237716 (A1) discloses a prior art dishwasher.
[0003] EP2237716 (A1) 公开了一种现有技术的洗碗机。
[0004] A problem with the prior art dishwasher is that the washing liquid which is ejected from the nozzles of the spray means impinges onto the same surface areas of the articles throughout the washing modes, and thus at least some surface areas of the articles do not directly receive the washing liquid from the nozzles. Therefore, the articles cannot be uniformly cleaned. Moreover, there is a risk that at least some surface areas of the articles are insufficiently cleaned. In such instances the consumer satisfaction decreases.
[0004] 现有技术的洗碗机存在的一个问题是,从喷射装置的喷嘴喷出的洗涤液在整个洗 涤模式中都会撞击到物品的相同表面区域,因此物品的至少某些表面区域无法直接从喷嘴 接受洗涤液。因此,物品无法得到均匀清洗。此外,物品的至少某些表面区域有可能未得到充分清洁。在这种情况下,消费者的满意度就会下降。
[0005] An objective of the present invention is to provide a spray means for use in a dishwasher that solves the aforementioned problems of the prior art in a cost effective way and which has an improved cleaning performance.
[0005] 本发明的目的是提供一种用于洗碗机的喷淋装置,该装置能以经济有效的方式解 决现有技术中存在的上述问题,并具有更好的清洁性能。
[0006] This objective has been achieved by the spray means as defined in claim 1, and the dishwasher as defined in claim 12. Further achievements have been attained by the subject-matters respectively defined in the dependent claims.
[0006] 权利要求 1 所定义的喷雾装置和权利要求 12 所定义的洗碗机实现了这一目标。从属权利要求中分别定义的主题实现了进一步的成就。
[0007] The spray means of the present invention comprises one or more shape-memory alloys which are adapted to change the shape of the spray means in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid.
[0007] 本发明的喷洒装置包括一种或多种形状记忆合金,这些形状记忆合金可根据洗涤液的 温度改变喷洒装置的形状。
[0008] A major advantageous effect of the present invention is that the surface
[0008] 本发明的一大优势在于,表面

area of the articles inside the tub can be more effectively cleaned through the spray means which changes its shape in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid.
[0009] In alternative embodiments, the shape memory alloys are used to form the nozzles and/or the body of the spray means that supports the nozzles. Thereby, the position of the nozzles and/or the ejection direction of the nozzles can be changed, for instance, even to an extent that the rotation direction of the spray means reverses when the shape memory alloys change their shape in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid. These embodiments are particularly advantageous as the surface area of the articles which directly receives the washing liquid can be increased while the shape of the spray means gradually changes, and thus the cleaning performance can be improved.
[0009] 在其他实施例中,形状记忆合金用于形成喷嘴和/或支撑喷嘴的喷射装置主体。因此,喷嘴的位置和/或喷嘴的喷射方向可以改变,例如,当形状记忆合金根据洗涤液的温度改变其形状时,喷射装置的旋转方向甚至可以反转。这些实施方式特别有利,因为在喷射装置的形状逐渐改变的同时,可增加直接接受洗涤液的物品的表面积,从而提高清洁性能。
[0010] In other alternative embodiments, the shape memory alloys used in the spray means have a two-way shape memory and/or a one-way shape memory.
[0010] 在其他替代实施例中,喷射装置中使用的形状记忆合金具有双向形状记忆和/或单向形状记忆。
[0011] Additional features and additional advantageous effects of the spray means and the dishwasher according to the present invention will become more apparent with the detailed description of the embodiments with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
[0012] Figure 1 - is a schematic sectional view of a spray means for use in the dishwasher according to an embodiment of the present invention, wherein the spray means has a two-way shape memory, and wherein the spray means is in the first shape at a relatively low temperature;
[0012] 图 1 - 是根据本发明一个实施例的用于洗碗机的喷淋装置的剖面示意图,其中喷淋 装置具有双向形状记忆,并且喷淋装置在相对较低的温度下处于第一种形状;
[0013] Figure 2 - is a schematic sectional view of the spray means of Fig. 1, wherein the spray means is in the second shape at a relatively high temperature;
[0013] 图 2 - 是图 1 中喷雾装置的剖面示意图,其中喷雾装置在相对较高的温度下呈 第二种形状;
[0014] Figure 3 - is a schematic sectional view of a spray means for use in the dishwasher according to another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the spray means has a two-way shape memory, wherein the spray means is in the first shape at a relatively low temperature, and wherein the first nozzles at the tip of the rotating spray arm eject the washing liquid in a first direction (A) which causes a clockwise rotation;
[0014] 图 3 - 是根据本发明另一个实施例的用于洗碗机中的喷淋装置的剖面示意图,其中喷淋装置具有双向形状记忆,喷淋装置在相对较低的温度下处于第一种形状,旋转喷淋臂顶端的第一喷嘴沿第一方向(A)喷射洗涤液,导致顺时针旋转;
[0015] Figure 4 - is a schematic sectional view of the spray means of Fig. 3, wherein the spray means is in the second shape at a relatively high temperature, and wherein the first nozzles eject the washing liquid in a second direction (B) which causes an anticlockwise rotation;
[0015] 图 4 - 是图 3 中喷雾装置的剖视示意图,其中喷雾装置在相对较高的温度下呈 第二种形状,第一喷嘴沿第二方向(B)喷射洗涤液,导致逆时针旋转;
[0016] Figure 5 - is a schematic sectional view of a spray means for use in the dishwasher according to another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the spray means has a two-way shape memory, and wherein the spray means is in the first shape at a relatively low temperature, and wherein the second nozzles between the hub and the tip of the rotating spray arm eject the washing liquid in a third direction (C);
[0016] 图 5 - 是根据本发明另一个实施例的用于洗碗机的喷淋装置的剖面示意图,其中喷淋装置具有双向形状记忆,喷淋装置在相对较低的温度下处于第一种形状,旋转喷淋臂的轮毂和顶端之间的第二喷嘴沿第三方向(C)喷射洗涤液;
[0017] Figure 6 - is a schematic sectional view of the spray means of Fig. 5, wherein the spray means is in the second shape at a relatively high temperature, and wherein the second nozzles eject the washing liquid in a fourth direction (D) which is different that the third direction (C);
[0017] 图 6 - 是图 5 中喷雾装置的剖视示意图,其中喷雾装置在相对较高的温度下呈第 二种形状,并且第二喷嘴沿与第三方向(C)不同的第四方向(D)喷射洗涤液;
[0018] Figure 7 - is a schematic sectional view of a spray means for use in the dishwasher according to another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the spray means has a two-way shape memory, wherein the spray means is in the first shape at a relatively low temperature, and wherein the first nozzles eject the washing liquid in a fifth direction (E) which points towards the bottom section of the tub;
[0018] 图 7 - 是根据本发明另一个实施例的用于洗碗机的喷淋装置的剖面示意图,其中喷淋装置具有双向形状记忆,喷淋装置在相对较低的温度下处于第一形状,并且第一喷嘴沿指向浴盆底部的第五方向(E)喷射洗涤液;
[0019] Figure 8 - is a schematic sectional view of the spray means of Fig. 7, wherein the spray means is in the second shape at a relatively high temperature, and wherein the first nozzles eject the washing liquid in a sixth direction which points towards the side section of the tub.
[0019] 图 8 - 是图 7 中喷雾装置的剖视示意图,其中喷雾装置在相对较高的温度下呈第 二种形状,并且第一喷嘴沿指向浴盆侧部的第六个方向 喷射洗涤液。
[0020] The reference signs appearing on the drawings relate to the following technical features.
[0020] 附图中出现的参考标志与下列技术特征有关。
  1. Spray means 喷射手段
  2. Nozzle 喷嘴
[0021] 2a. First nozzle
[0021] 2a.第一喷嘴
2b. Second nozzle 2b.第二个喷嘴
  1. Shape-memory alloy 形状记忆合金
[0022] 4. Hub [0022] 4.枢纽
[0023] 5. Rotating spray arm
[0023] 5.旋转喷臂
[0024] 6. Bending section
[0024] 6.弯曲部分
[0025] The spray means (1) is suitable for use in a dishwasher (not shown) which comprises: a tub for receiving the articles to be cleaned; one or more article racks which are extendably disposed into the tub; a heater for heating the washing liquid; and a control unit for controlling the heater, wherein the control unit has one or more washing modes.
[0025] 喷淋装置(1)适用于洗碗机(未显示),该洗碗机包括:一个用于接收待清洗物品 的盆;一个或多个可伸入盆中的物品架;一个用于加热洗涤液的加热器;以及一个用于 控制加热器的控制单元,其中控制单元具有一个或多个洗涤模式。
[0026] The spray means (1) comprises: one or more nozzles (2) for ejecting the washing liquid into the tub (Fig. 1 to Fig. 8).
[0026] 喷射装置(1)包括:一个或多个喷嘴(2),用于将洗涤液喷射到浴缸中(图 1 至图 8)。
[0027] The spray means (1) of the present invention further comprises: one or more shape-memory alloys (3) which are adapted to change the shape of the spray means (1) in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid (Fig. 1 to Fig. 8).
[0027] 本发明的喷淋装置(1)还包括:一种或多种形状记忆合金(3),其适于根据洗 涤液的温度改变喷淋装置(1)的形状(图 1 至图 8)。
[0028] The dishwasher of the present invention further comprises: one or more spray means (1) which are associated with the article racks respectively (Fig. 1 to Fig. 8).
[0028] 本发明的洗碗机还包括:一个或多个喷淋装置(1),它们分别与物品架(图 1 至图 8)相关联。
[0029] In an embodiment, one or more shape-memory alloys (3) of the spray means (1) comprises a two-way shape memory which comprises a first shape at a relatively low temperature and a second shape at a relatively high temperature. The first shape corresponds to the martensite phase. The second shape corresponds to the austenite phase. This embodiment is particularly advantageous as the spray means (1) can transit between martensite phase and the austenite phase in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid during the various washing modes, and thus the cleaning performance can be improved as the shape of the spray means (1) gradually changes.
[0029] 在一个实施例中,喷射装置(1)的一种或多种形状记忆合金(3)具有双向形状记 忆,包括在相对较低温度下的第一种形状和在相对较高温度下的第二种形状。第一种形状对应于马氏体相。第二种形状对应奥氏体相。本实施例的特别优点是,喷射装置 (1) 可以在各种清洗模式中根据清洗液的温度在马氏体相和奥氏体相之间转换,因此,随着喷射装置 (1) 的形状逐渐变化,清洗性能也会得到改善。
[0030] In an alternative embodiment, one or more shape-memory alloys (3) of the spray means (1) each has a one-way shape memory. Herein, the user can manually deform the shape of the spray means (1), for instance, prior to taking the dishwasher into operation. This embodiment is particularly advantageous as the spray means (1) can transit to its original shape in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid during the various washing mode, and thus the cleaning performance can be improved as the shape of the spray means (1) gradually changes.
[0030] 在另一个实施例中,喷洒装置(1)的一个或多个形状记忆合金(3)各自具有单向形状记忆。在这种情况下,例如,用户可以在洗碗机投入使用之前手动改变喷淋装置 (1) 的形状。本实施例的特别优势在于,在各种洗涤模式下,喷射装置 (1) 可根据洗涤液的温度变回原来的形状,因此,随着喷射装置 (1) 的形状逐渐改变,清洁性能也会得到改善。
[0031] In another embodiment, the spray means (1) comprises: a hub (4) which can be rotatably disposed into the tub; and one or more rotating spray arms (5) which are disposed onto the hub (4). In this embodiment, the nozzles (2) comprise: one or more first nozzles (2a) which are disposed onto the tip of each rotating spray arm (5); and one or more second nozzles (2b) which are disposed between the hub (4) and the tip of each rotating spray arm (5) (Fig. 1 to Fig. 8). In this embodiment, unlike the second nozzles (2b), the first nozzles (2a) set the rotating spray arms into rotary movement when the washing liquid is ejected from the first nozzles (2a).
[0031]在另一个实施例中,喷雾装置 (1) 包括:可旋转地设置在浴缸中的轮毂 (4);以及设置在轮毂 (4) 上的一个或多个旋转喷臂 (5)。在本实施例中,喷嘴 (2) 包括:一个或多个第一喷嘴 (2a),设置在每个旋转喷臂 (5) 的顶端;以及一个或多个第二喷嘴 (2b),设置在轮毂 (4) 和每个旋转喷臂 (5) 的顶端之间(图 1 至图 8)。在本实施例中,与第二喷嘴(2b)不同,当洗涤液从第一喷嘴(2a)喷出时,第一喷嘴(2a)将旋转喷臂设置为旋转运动。
[0032] In another embodiment, one or more rotating spray arms (5) comprises one or more bending sections (6) which are each formed through a shape-memory alloy (3) (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). In this embodiment, one or more nozzles (2) are disposed between a bending section (6) and the tip of the rotating spray arm (5). In this embodiment, the shape-memory alloy (3) of the bending section (6) is adapted to bent at a predetermined angle in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid, and to thereby change the position and the ejection direction of the one or more nozzles (2) which are disposed between the respective bending section (6) and the tip of the rotating spray arm (5) (Fig. 2). The bending section (6) can be disposed onto various positions along the rotating spray arm (5). The shape-memory alloy (3) of the bending section (6) can be designed to bend the rotating spray arm (5) at various different predetermined angles . This embodiment is particularly advantageous as the rotating spray arms (5), including the second nozzles (2b) are arranged across the entire tub, and thus the cleaning performance can be improved as the shape of the spray means (1) gradually changes. Moreover, the first nozzles (2a) of the rotating spray arms (5) clean the side section of tub.
[0032]在另一个实施例中,一个或多个旋转喷臂 (5) 包括一个或多个弯曲部分 (6),每个弯曲部分通过形状记忆合金 (3) 形成(图 1 和图 2)。在本实施例中,一个或多个喷嘴 (2) 布置在弯曲部分 (6) 和旋转喷臂 (5) 的顶端之间。在本实施例中,弯曲部分 (6) 的形状记忆合金 (3) 可根据洗涤液的温度以 的预定角度弯曲,从而改变设置在各弯曲部分 (6) 和旋转喷臂 (5) 顶端之间的一个或多个喷嘴 (2) 的位置和喷射方向(图 2)。弯曲部分 (6) 可以沿旋转喷臂 (5) 的不同位置布置。弯曲部分 (6) 的形状记忆合金 (3) 可以设计成以各种不同的预定角度 弯曲旋转喷臂 (5)。这种实施方式特别有利,因为包括第二喷嘴 (2b) 在内的旋转喷臂 (5) 是横跨整个浴缸布置的,因此,随着喷射装置 (1) 的形状逐渐变化,清洁性能可以得到改善。此外,旋转喷臂 (5) 的第一喷嘴 (2a) 可清洁浴缸的侧面部分。
[0033] In another embodiment, the rotating spray arm (5) has a straight shape when the shape-memory alloy (3) of the bending section (6) is in the first shape (Fig. 1). In this embodiment, the rotating spray arm (5) has a bending shape when the shape-memory alloy (3) of the bending section (6) is in the second shape of (Fig. 2).
[0033] 在另一个实施例中,当弯曲部分(6)的形状记忆合金(3)处于第一种形状(图 1)时,旋转喷臂(5)具有直线形状。在本实施例中,当弯曲部分(6)的形状记忆合金(3)处于第二种形状(图 2)时,旋转喷射臂(5)具有弯曲形状。
[0034] In another embodiment, one or more nozzles (2) of the spray means (1) each comprises one or more shape-memory alloys (3) which are adapted to change the shape of the one or more nozzles (2) in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid, and thereby the ejection direction of the nozzles (2) respectively (Fig. 3 to Fig. 8).
[0034] 在另一个实施例中,喷射装置 (1) 的一个或多个喷嘴 (2) 分别包括一个或多个形状记忆合金 (3),这些形状记忆合金可根据洗涤液的温度改变一个或多个喷嘴 (2) 的形状,从而分别改变喷嘴 (2) 的喷射方向(图 3 至图 8)。
[0035] In another embodiment, one or more first nozzles (2a) and/or one or more second nozzles (2b) each comprises one or more shape-memory alloys (3) which are adapted to respectively change the shape of the first nozzles (2a) and/or the second nozzles (2b) in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid, and thereby the ejection direction of the first nozzles (2a) and/or the second nozzles (2b) respectively (Fig. 3 to Fig. 8).
[0035] 在另一个实施例中,一个或多个第一喷嘴 (2a) 和/或一个或多个第二喷嘴 (2b) 分别包括一个或多个形状记忆合金 (3),这些形状记忆合金可根据洗涤液的温度分别改变第一喷嘴 (2a) 和/或第二喷嘴 (2b) 的形状,从而分别改变第一喷嘴 (2a) 和/或第二喷嘴 (2b) 的喷射方向(图 3 至图 8)。
[0036] In other alternative embodiments, the first nozzles (2a) eject in the first shape of their shape-memory alloys (3) the washing liquid in a first direction (A) which has a component in the anticlockwise direction or the clockwise direction (Fig. 3). In this embodiment, the first nozzles (2a) eject in the second shape of the shape-memory alloys (3) the washing liquid in a second direction (B) which has a component in the clockwise direction or the anticlockwise direction respectively (Fig. 4). This embodiment is particularly advantageous as the rotating spray arms (5) change the direction of rotation as the shape-memory alloy (3) transits between the martensite phase and the austenite phase. Thereby the rear surface as well as the front surface of the articles can directly receive the washing liquid during the various washing modes. Thereby, the cleaning performance can be improved.
[0036] 在其他替代实施例中,第一喷嘴(2a)以其形状记忆合金(3)的第一形状沿第一 方向(A)喷射洗涤液,该方向具有逆时针方向或顺时针方向的分量(图 3)。在本实施例中,第一喷嘴 (2a) 在形状记忆合金 (3) 的第二形状中沿第二方向 (B) 喷射洗涤液,第二方向 (B) 的分量分别为顺时针方向或逆时针方向(图 4)。本实施例特别有利,因为当形状记忆合金 (3) 在马氏体相和奥氏体相之间转换时,旋转喷臂 (5) 会改变旋转方向。因此,在各种清洗模式下,物品的后表面和前表面都能直接接受清洗液。因此,清洗性能可以得到改善。
[0037] In another embodiment, one or more second nozzles (2b) eject in the first shape of their shape-memory alloys (3) the washing liquid in a third direction (C) (Fig. 5). In this embodiment, one or more second nozzles (2b) eject in the second shape of their shape-memory alloy (3) the washing liquid in a fourth direction (D) which is different than the third direction (C), wherein the fourth direction (D) has a radial component (Fig. 6). This embodiment is particularly advantageous as a comparatively larger surface area of the articles directly receive the washing liquid during the various washing modes. Thereby, the cleaning performance can be
[0037] 在另一个实施例中,一个或多个第二喷嘴(2b)以其形状记忆合金(3)的第一形状沿 第三方向(C)喷射洗涤液(图 5)。在本实施例中,一个或多个第二喷嘴(2b)以其形状记忆合金(3)的第二种形状沿第四方向(D)喷射洗涤液,该方向与第三方向(C)不同,其中第四方向(D)具有径向分量(图 6)。这种实施方式特别有利,因为在不同的洗涤模式下,物品直接接受洗涤液的表面积相对较大。因此,清洗性能可以

improved. 有所改善。
[0038] In another embodiment, one or more first nozzles (2a) eject in the first shape of their shape-memory alloys (3) the washing liquid in a fifth direction (E) which points directly towards the bottom section of the tub (Fig. 7). In this embodiment, one or more first nozzles (2a) eject, in the second shape of their shape-memory alloy (3) the washing liquid in a sixth direction (F) which points directly towards the side section of the tub (Fig. 8). This embodiment is particularly advantageous as the washing liquid can be prevented from directly impinging onto the side section of the tub when the shape memory alloys (3) of the first nozzles (2a) are in the first shape, and thus the noise level can be reduced, and the energy efficiency can be improved. Moreover the washing liquid cleans the side section of the tub when the shape memory alloys (3) of the first nozzles (2a) are in the second shape.
[0038] 在另一个实施例中,一个或多个第一喷嘴 (2a) 以其形状记忆合金 (3) 的第一形状沿第五方向 (E) 喷射洗涤液,该方向直接指向浴缸的底部部分(图 7)。在本实施例中,一个或多个第一喷嘴 (2a) 以其形状记忆合金 (3) 的第二种形状沿第六个方向 (F) 喷出洗涤液,该方向直接指向浴缸的侧面部分(图 8)。本实施例特别有利,因为当第一喷嘴(2a)的形状记忆合金(3)处于第一种形状时,可以防止洗涤液直接撞击浴缸的侧壁,从而降低噪音,提高能效。此外,当第一喷嘴(2a)的形状记忆合金(3)处于第二形状时,洗涤液会清洗浴缸的侧壁。
[0039] In another embodiment, one or more shape-memory alloys (3) each changes from the first shape to the second shape at a predetermined temperature which ranges between to . The predetermined temperatures can be determined through the alloy composition.
[0039] 在另一个实施例中,一种或多种形状记忆合金(3)各自在预定温度下从第一种形状变为第 二种形状,预定温度在 之间。预定温度可通过合金成分确定。
[0040] In another embodiment, the control unit comprises: at least a main washing mode; a warm rinsing mode; and a cold rinsing mode. In this embodiment, in the main washing mode and the warm rinsing mode the temperature of the washing liquid is raised through the heater above the predetermined temperature such that the shape memory alloys (3) transit from the first shape to the second shape. In this embodiment, in the cold rinsing mode the temperature of the washing liquid is kept below the predetermined temperature such that the shape memory alloys (3) transits to or remains in the first shape.
[0040] 在另一个实施例中,控制装置至少包括:主洗涤模式、温漂洗模式和冷漂洗模式。在本实施例中,在主洗涤模式和温漂洗模式下,洗涤液的温度通过加热器升至预定温度 以上,从而使形状记忆合金 (3) 从第一种形状转变为第二种形状。在本实施例中,在冷漂洗模式下,洗涤液的温度保持在预定温度以下,以便形状记忆合金 (3) 过渡到第一种形状或保持第一种形状。
[0041] A major advantageous effect of the present invention is that the surface area of the articles inside the tub can be more effectively cleaned through the spray means (1) which changes its shape in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid during the various washing modes. Other advantageous effects of the present invention can be taken from the above-described embodiments.
[0041] 本发明的一个主要优点是,通过喷雾装置 (1),盆内物品的表面积可以得到更有效 的清洁,喷雾装置 (1)在各种洗涤模式下会根据洗涤液的温度改变形状。本发明的其他优点可从上述实施例中获得。

Claims 索赔

  1. A spray means (1) for use in a dishwasher comprising: a tub for receiving the articles to be cleaned; a heater for heating the washing liquid; and a control unit for controlling the heater, wherein the control unit has one or more washing modes, the spray means (1) comprising: one or more nozzles (2) for ejecting the washing liquid into the tub, the spray means (1) being characterized by further comprising: one or more shape-memory alloys (3) which are adapted to change the shape of the spray means (1) in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid.
  2. The spray means (1) according to claim 1, characterized in that one or more shape-memory alloys (3) each comprises a two-way shape memory which comprises: a first shape at a relatively low temperature; and a second shape at a relatively high temperature.
    2.根据权利要求 1 所述的喷雾装置(1),其特征在于,一种或多种形状记忆合金(3)各自具有双向形状记忆,其中包括:在相对较低温度下的第一种形状;以及在相对较高温度下的第二种形状。
  3. The spray means (1) according to claim 1 or 2 , characterized by further comprising: a hub (4) which can be rotatably disposed into the tub; and one or more rotating spray arms (5) which are disposed onto the hub (4), wherein the nozzles (2) comprise: one or more first nozzles (2a) which are disposed onto the tip of each rotating spray arm (5); and one or more second nozzles (2b) which are disposed between the hub (4) and the tip of each rotating spray arm (5).
    根据权利要求 1 或 2 所述的喷雾装置 (1),其特征在于还包括:可旋转地设置在浴缸中的轮毂 (4);以及设置在轮毂 (4) 上的一个或多个旋转喷臂 (5),其中喷嘴 (2) 包括:设置在每个旋转喷臂 (5) 顶端的一个或多个第一喷嘴 (2a);以及设置在轮毂 (4) 和每个旋转喷臂 (5) 顶端之间的一个或多个第二喷嘴 (2b)。
  4. The spray means (1) according to claim 3, characterized in that one or more rotating spray arms (5) comprises one or more bending sections (6) which are each formed through a shape-memory alloy (3), wherein one or more nozzles (2) are disposed between a bending section (6) and the tip of the rotating spray arm (5), and wherein the shape-memory alloy (3) of the bending section (6) is adapted to bent at a predetermined angle ( ) in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid, and to thereby change the position and the ejection direction of the one or more nozzles (2) which are disposed between the respective bending section (6) and the tip of the rotating spray arm (5).
    4.根据权利要求3所述的喷雾装置(1),其特征在于,一个或多个旋转喷雾臂(5)包括一个或多个弯曲部分(6),每个弯曲部分(6)通过形状记忆合金(3)形成,其中一个或多个喷嘴(2)布置在弯曲部分(6)和旋转喷雾臂(5)的顶端之间、其中,弯曲部分(6)的形状记忆合金(3)可根据洗涤液的温度以预定角度( )弯曲,从而改变位于各弯曲部分(6)和旋转喷臂(5)顶端之间的一个或多个喷嘴(2)的位置和喷射方向。
  5. The spray means (1) according to claim 4, where dependent on claim 2, characterized in that the rotating spray arm (5) has a straight shape when the shape-memory alloy (3) of the bending section (6) is in the first shape, and the rotating spray arm (5) has a bending shape when the shape-memory alloy (3)

    of the bending section (6) is in the second shape.
  6. The spray means (1) according to any one claim 1 to 5 , characterized in that one or more nozzles (2) each comprises one or more shape-memory alloys (3) which are adapted to change the shape of the one or more nozzles (2) in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid, and thereby the ejection direction of the nozzles (2) respectively.
    6.根据权利要求 1 至 5 中任一项所述的喷雾装置(1),其特征在于,一个或多个喷嘴(2)各自包括一个或多个形状记忆合金(3),这些形状记忆合金可根据洗涤液的温度改变一个或多个喷嘴(2)的形状,从而分别改变喷嘴(2)的喷射方向。
  7. The spray means (1) according to claim 6 , where dependent on claim 3 , characterized in that one or more first nozzles (2a) and/or one or more second nozzles (2b) each comprises one or more shape-memory alloys (3) which are adapted to respectively change the shape of the first nozzles (2a) and/or the second nozzles (2b) in accordance with the temperature of the washing liquid, and thereby the ejection direction of the first nozzles (2a) and/or the second nozzles (2b) respectively.
  8. The spray means (1) according to claim 7 , where dependent on claim 2, characterized in that the first nozzles (2a) eject in the first shape of their shape-memory alloys (3) the washing liquid in a first direction (A) which has a component either in the anticlockwise direction or the clockwise direction, and the first nozzles (2a) eject in the second shape of their shape-memory alloys (3) the washing liquid in a second direction (B) which has a component either in the clockwise direction or the anticlockwise direction respectively.
  9. The spray means (1) according to claim 7 or 8 , where dependent on claim 2, characterized in that one or more second nozzles (2b) eject in the first shape of their shape-memory alloys (3) the washing liquid in a third direction (C), and one or more second nozzles (2b) eject in the second shape of their shape-memory alloy (3) the washing liquid in a fourth direction (D) which is different than the third direction (C), wherein the fourth direction (D) has a radial component.
    9.根据权利要求 7 或 8(其中依附于权利要求 2)所述的喷雾装置(1),其特征在于,一个或多个第二喷嘴(2b)以其形状记忆合金(3)的第一形状沿第三方向(C)喷射洗涤液,一个或多个第二喷嘴(2b)以其形状记忆合金(3)的第二形状沿第四方向(D)喷射洗涤液,第四方向(D)与第三方向(C)不同,其中第四方向(D)具有径向分量。
  10. The spray means (1) according to any one of claims 7 to 9 , where dependent on claim 2, characterized in that one or more first nozzles (2a) eject in the first shape of their shape-memory alloy (3) the washing liquid in a fifth direction (E) which points towards the bottom section of the tub, and one or more first nozzles (2a) eject in the second shape of their shape-memory alloy (3) the washing liquid in a sixth direction which points towards the side section of
    10.根据权利要求 7 至 9 中任一项所述的喷雾装置(1),其中依附于权利要求 2,其特征在于,一个或多个第一喷嘴(2a)以其形状记忆合金(3)的第一形状沿指向浴盆底部的第五方向(E)喷射洗涤液,一个或多个第一喷嘴(2a)以其形状记忆合金(3)的第二形状沿指向浴盆侧部的第六方向 喷射洗涤液。

    the tub. 浴缸
  11. The spray means (1) according to any one of claims 2 to 10 , characterized in that one or more shape-memory alloys (3) changes from the first shape to the second shape at a predetermined temperature which ranges between to .
    11.根据权利要求 2 至 10 中任一项所述的喷射装置 (1),其特征在于,一个或多个形状记忆合金 (3) 在 之间的预定温度下从第一种形状变为第二种形状。
  12. A dishwasher comprising: a tub (2) for receiving the articles to be cleaned; a heater for heating the washing liquid; and a control unit for controlling the heater, wherein the control unit has one or more washing modes, characterized by further comprising: one or more spray means (1) as defined in any one of claim 1 to 11 .
    一种洗碗机,包括:用于接收待清洗物品的盆 (2);用于加热洗涤液的加热器;以及用于控制加热器的控制单元,其中控制单元具有一种或多种洗涤模式,其特征在于还包括:如权利要求 1 至 11 中任一项所定义的一种或多种喷淋装置 (1)。
  13. The dishwasher (1) according to claim 12, characterized in that the control unit comprises: a main washing mode; a warm rinsing mode; and a cold rinsing mode, wherein in the main washing mode and the warm rinsing mode the temperature of the washing liquid is raised through the heater above the predetermined temperature of claim 11, wherein in the cold rinsing mode the temperature of the washing liquid is kept below the predetermined temperature of claim 11 .
Fig. 1 图 1
Fig. 2 图 2
Fig. 3 图 3
Fig. 4 图 4
Fig. 5 图 5
Fig. 6 图 6
Fig. 7 图 7
Fig. 8 图 8
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EP 2454983 A1

AU 2011331382 103249345 EP 2454983 ES 2435447 KR 20130119448 2013127214 US 2014150831 WO 2012065873
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EP 2454983
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KR 20130119448
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WO 2012065873
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