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Thinking, Fast and Slow
Introduction 导言

Of two minds: how our behavior is determined by two different systems – one automatic and the other considered.

There is a compelling drama going on in our minds, a filmlike plot between two main characters with twists, dramas and tensions. These two characters are the impulsive, automatic, intuitive System 1, and the thoughtful, deliberate, calculating System 2. As they play off against each other, their interactions determine how we think, make judgments and decisions, and act.
我们的脑海中正在上演一出引人入胜的戏剧,两个主要角色之间的情节像电影一样曲折、戏剧化和紧张。这两个角色分别是冲动、自动、直觉的 "系统 1 "和深思熟虑、深谋远虑、精打细算的 "系统 2"。在他们相互博弈的过程中,他们之间的互动决定了我们如何思考、做出判断和决定,以及如何行动。

System 1 is the part of our brain that operates intuitively and suddenly, often without our conscious control. You can experience this system at work when you hear a very loud and unexpected sound. What do you do? You probably immediately and automatically shift your attention toward the sound. That’s System 1.
系统 1 是我们大脑中直觉和突然运作的部分,通常不受我们意识的控制。当你听到一个非常响亮且出乎意料的声音时,你就能体验到这一系统在工作。你会怎么做?你可能会立即自动将注意力转移到声音上。这就是系统 1。

This system is a legacy of our evolutionary past: there are inherent survival advantages in being able to make such rapid actions and judgments.

System 2 is what we think of when we visualize the part of the brain responsible for our individual decision-making, reasoning and beliefs. It deals with conscious activities of the mind such as self-control, choices and more deliberate focus of attention.
当我们想象大脑中负责个人决策、推理和信念的部分时,就会想到系统 2。它负责有意识的思维活动,如自我控制、选择和更深思熟虑的注意力集中。

For instance, imagine you’re looking for a woman in a crowd. Your mind deliberately focuses on the task: it recalls characteristics of the person and anything that would help locate her. This focus helps eliminate potential distractions, and you barely notice other people in the crowd. If you maintain this focused attention, you might spot her within a matter of minutes, whereas if you’re distracted and lose focus, you’ll have trouble finding her.

As we'll see in the following blinks, the relationship between these two systems determines how we behave.

Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thinking, Fast and Slow
By Daniel Kahneman 作者:丹尼尔-卡尼曼