Hanno Sowade
efforts to create a Nazi economic system for the future, his work in this
area was denied long-lasting success.
On 23 May 1945, Ohlendorf, who had heard of the end of the war while
in the service of the last functioning national government, gave himself up
as a prisoner to the allies. Within the context of the trial of the SS Task
Forces (Case 9), he astonished the court by the open manner in which he
gave an account of himself. Even now, Ohlendorf was irremediably con-
vinced of the justice of his philosophy and therefore of his deeds. The court
could not fully make up its mind about this 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' as the
chairman of the Military Tribunal called him - the loyally devoted family
man, the correct economist and civil servant, who had fought selflessly
for the interests of the middle classes, and the mass murderer all in the per-
son of Ohlendorf. According to the relevant guidelines it condemned
'Mr Hyde' to death on 10 April1948. Otto Ohlendorf was executed on 7
June 1951 in Landsberg!Lech.
These references must confine themselves to a few selected facts- some of them are
short summaries. Readers are referred to the extensive references in the quoted
literature, and especially Herbst (economics) and Krausnick; Wilhelm (Task
Force), as well as to the recommended sources as a whole. The overall source for
the entire biography is: United States Military Police (USMP) Case 9, Interroga-
tion of Ohlendorf, dated 8.10.1947, University Library Gottingen.
1. For the dates of Ohlendorf's life: Ohlendorf's curriculum vitae dated 26.4.1936,
BA NS 20 119-27 Bl.106f.; Ohlendorf to Hohn, dated 18.5.1936, ibid.,
Bl.119ff.; affidavit of SS-Brigade Leader Ohlendorf: Personal notes dated
1.4.1947, IfZ N0-2857; draft of a curriculum vitae by Ohlendorf, dated 3.1947,
Nachlass Ohlendorf (Na01).
2. Ohlendorf to his brother Heinz, dated 3.7.1932, Na01; numerous other letters to
family members in NaOl.
3. USMP, Case 9, Dokumentenbuch I der Verteidigung (Dok. Buch I), Dok. 1,
la, 36, NaOl; Ohlendorf to his fiancee K. Wolpers, dated 25.11.1933, NaOl.
They married on 10.6.1934 and had five children.
4. Dok. Buch I, Dok 2--4, 14-18, 20f., 26.
5. Ohlendorf, letters from Russia Nr. 7, 11, 14, 40, 43, 46 to his wife, Na01;
USMP, Case 9, Eidesstattliche ErkHirung Dr Braune, Na01; much other ma-
terial in Na01, for example 'Wie kames zu meinem Russland-einsatz' (How did
I come to be sent to Russia?); 'Der Ablauf meines Einsatzes in Russland' (The
course of my deployment in Russia); 'Historische Tatsachen zur Aufstellung,
Aufgabe und Tatigkeit der EGr. im Russlandfeldzug' (Historical facts about the
setting-up, duties and activities of the Task Forces in the Russian campaign)- all
undated (within the time scale of the court case!)
6. Dok. Buch I, Dok. £f., 11, 25; USMP, Case 9, Eidesstattliche Erkliirung von Dr
Bohmer, NaOl; Ohlendorf to Schwerin von Krosigk in May 1945, IfZ MA 660.