Version : 24.01 版本 : 24.01
Revised Date : 2024.08 .14 修訂日期 : 2024.08 .14
1. Purpose 1.目的
To enhance EVA/UNI’s booking trend analysis from the current concept of segment-base into an OnD structure by each POS and its network markets. The purpose of this improvement is to help the users to understand the actual passenger segmentation of each flight route and to adjust the market strategy more effectively. 強化長榮/立榮的訂位趨勢分析,由目前的segment-base概念,改為以各POS及其網路市場為單位的OnD結構。此項改善的目的在於協助使用者了解各航線實際的客源區隔,以便更有效的調整市場策略。
2. Major Data Sources 2.主要資料來源
Primary Information Sources: 主要資訊來源: >> Altea Reservation (SBR) - Bookings and Intakes >> Altea 訂房 (SBR) - 訂房與入會 >> Altea Departure Control (CM) - Customer Management System >> Altea 離境管制 (CM) - 客戶管理系統 > quad>\quad Flight Schedules(FIS) - Flight Departure and Arrival Times > quad>\quad 航班時間表(FIS) - 航班出發和抵達時間
3. Business Rule 3.業務規則
>> Base OnD: Includes passenger segment bookings on both BR/B7 operated flights. >> Base OnD:包括 BR/B7 營運航班的客艙預訂。 >> Geographical OnD: The geographical OnD represents the entire itinerary, from the departure location to the arrival location, that is, from the passenger’s perspective. It may for example include connections with other airlines that may influence availability. >> 地理 OnD:地理 OnD 代表從出發地點到抵達地點的整個行程,也就是从乘客的角度來看。例如,它可能包括可能影響可用性的其他航空公司的連接。 >> Connection segments in PNR may be deemed as an OnD if the following criteria applied: >> 如果適用下列標準,PNR 中的連線區段可能會被視為 OnD:
Maximum ground time (MGT): 最長接地時間 (MGT):
The ground time between a pair of segments does not exceed 1440 minutes (24hours). 每對航段之間的接地時間不超過 1440 分鐘(24 小時)。
2. Geographical connection: 2.地理連接:
Use the board/off point of segment to determine: 使用段落的板/離點來判定:
Board point of the origin and off point of the destination belong to the same country, will not be identified as Geographical connection. 起點的登機點和終點的離開點屬於同一個國家,將不會被識別為地理連接。
Off point of the origin and board point of the destination belong to the same city, will be identified as Geographical connection. 起點的關閉點和終點的登車點屬於同一個城市,將被識別為地理連線。
Ex2. Itinerary: TPE-ICN x GMP-PEK => OnD : TPE-PEK (ICN/GMP city code is SEL) Ex2.行程:TPE-ICN x GMP-PEK => OnD : TPE-PEK (ICN/GMP 城市代碼為 SEL)
3. Return Journey / Turning point detection: 3.回程 / 轉折點偵測:
Return Journey : 回程旅程 :
a. Board point of the origin and off point of the destination belong to the same a.起點的登機點和終點的離開點屬於同一個地點
country. 國家。
Ex1: Itinerary: TPE-MFM-TPE Ex1: 行程:TPE-MFM-TPE
Seg. Dep_Cty_Cd Arr_Cty_Cd Dep_Cntry_Cd Arr_Cntry_Cd
3 TPE SIN TW SG| Seg. | Dep_Cty_Cd | Arr_Cty_Cd | Dep_Cntry_Cd | Arr_Cntry_Cd |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 1 | SIN | HKG | SG | HK |
| 2 | HKG | TPE | HK | TW |
| 3 | TPE | SIN | TW | SG |
Turning point detection: 轉折點偵測:
b. As mentioned above a. Ex1, for single round trip, the off point of origin will be Identified as turning point. b.如上文 a. Ex1 所述,對於單一來回行程,起點的關閉點將識別為轉彎點。
c. As mentioned above a. Ex2, for more than one board point and off point set in the same country, the off point of the segment which is upon the off point of the closest sequence set will be identified as turning point. c.如上文 a. Ex2 所述,對於同一個國家內有多個板點和關點集合,則在最接近序列集合的關點上的區段的關點將被識別為轉折點。
Note: SET1 Seg1:Seg5 the difference of segment sequence is 4, 注意:SET1 Seg1:Seg5 段序列的差值為 4、
SET2 Seg2: Seg4 the difference of segment sequence is 2 , then SET2 is the closest sequence set. Therefore, the off point TW of segment 3 which is upon the off point of SET2 will be identified as turning point. SET2 Seg2:Seg4 的區段順序差為 2,則 SET2 為最接近的順序集。因此,在 SET2 離點上的區段 3 的離點 TW 將被識別為轉折點。
Seg. Dep_Cty_cd Arr_Cty_cd Dep_Cntry_Cd Arr_Cntry_Cd
10 MIA EZE US AR| Seg. | Dep_Cty_cd | Arr_Cty_cd | Dep_Cntry_Cd | Arr_Cntry_Cd |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 1 | EZE | MIA | AR | US |
| 2 | MIA | LAX | US | US |
| 3 | LAX | TPE | US | TW |
| 4 | TPE | MNL | TW | PH |
| 5 | MNL | CEB | PH | PH |
| 6 | CEB | MNL | PH | PH |
| 7 | MNL | TPE | PH | TW |
| 8 | TPE | LAX | TW | US |
| 9 | LAX | MIA | US | US |
| 10 | MIA | EZE | US | AR |
Note: SET1 Seg1:Seg10 the difference of segment sequence is 9, SET2 Seg2: Seg9… ,SET5 Seg5 : Seg6 the difference of segment sequence is 1, then SET5 is the closest sequence set. Therefore, the off point PH of segment 5 which is upon the off point of SET5 will be identified as turning point. 註: SET1 Seg1:Seg10 區段順序差為 9,SET2 Seg2:Seg9... ,SET5 Seg5 : Seg6 區段順序差為 1,則 SET5 為最接近的順序集。因此,位於 SET5 離點上的區段 5 的離點 PH 將被識別為轉折點。 >> Non-Revenue bookings are those in I//R//E//X//N\mathrm{I} / \mathrm{R} / \mathrm{E} / \mathrm{X} / \mathrm{N}. >> 非收入預訂是指 I//R//E//X//N\mathrm{I} / \mathrm{R} / \mathrm{E} / \mathrm{X} / \mathrm{N} 中的預訂。
If the RBDs of the OnD segments include Non-Revenue and Revenue, such as Q and X class, it will be defined as Revenue. 如果 OnD 區段的 RBD 包括 Non-Revenue 和 Revenue,例如 Q 和 X class,則會定義為 Revenue。
The long haul RBD will be the dominator for two segments with Mix RBD; If both segments are defined as short haul, then it would represent the first segment RBD. 長途 RBD 將成為具有混合 RBD 的兩個航段的支配者;如果兩個航段都定義為短途,則它將代表第一個航段 RBD。 >> If PNR Keyword has GRPF, Passenger Type will be defined as GIT. >> 如果 PNR 關鍵字有 GRPF,乘客類型將定義為 GIT。 >> Illustration of OnD dimensions: >> OnD 尺寸說明:
EX1: EX1:
Origin HKG
Origin Flight Number BR-0810
Destination CPH
Destination Flight Number SK-0550
DG Flight Number BR-0810
AG Flight Number BR-0067
First Via Point TPE
First Traversed Flight Number BR-0075
First Traversed Segment TPE-BKK
Last Via Point AMS
Last Traversed Flight Number KL-1028
Last Traversed Segment LON-AMS| Origin | HKG |
| :--- | :--- |
| Origin Flight Number | BR-0810 |
| Destination | CPH |
| Destination Flight Number | SK-0550 |
| DG | HKG |
| AG | LON |
| DG Flight Number | BR-0810 |
| AG Flight Number | BR-0067 |
| First Via Point | TPE |
| First Traversed Flight Number | BR-0075 |
| First Traversed Segment | TPE-BKK |
| Last Via Point | AMS |
| Last Traversed Flight Number | KL-1028 |
| Last Traversed Segment | LON-AMS |
Origin PER
Origin Flight Number QF-0480
Destination LHR
Destination Flight Number BR-0067
DG Flight Number BR-0316
AG Flight Number BR-0067
First Via Point MEL
First Traversed Flight Number QF-0620
First Traversed Segment MEL-BNE
Last Via Point BKK
Last Traversed Flight Number TG-0637
Last Traversed Segment TPE-BKK| Origin | PER |
| :--- | :--- |
| Origin Flight Number | QF-0480 |
| Destination | LHR |
| Destination Flight Number | BR-0067 |
| DG | BNE |
| AG | LHR |
| DG Flight Number | BR-0316 |
| AG Flight Number | BR-0067 |
| First Via Point | MEL |
| First Traversed Flight Number | QF-0620 |
| First Traversed Segment | MEL-BNE |
| Last Via Point | BKK |
| Last Traversed Flight Number | TG-0637 |
| Last Traversed Segment | TPE-BKK |
>> 【OD Traffic Type】 : >> 【OD 流量類型】 :
Description of OD Traffic Type: OD 交通類型描述:
{:[" 【 DG SEG = AG SEG 】AND "],[" 【 ORG SEG < > DG SEG or DEST SEG <> AG "],[" SEG 】 "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 【 DG SEG = AG SEG 】AND } \\ & \text { 【 ORG SEG < > DG SEG or DEST SEG <> AG } \\ & \text { SEG 】 } \end{aligned}
{:[" 【 DG SEG < > AG SEG 】 "],[" AND 【 ORG SEG = DG SEG and DEST SEG = "],[" AG SEG】 "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 【 DG SEG < > AG SEG 】 } \\ & \text { AND 【 ORG SEG = DG SEG and DEST SEG = } \\ & \text { AG SEG】 } \end{aligned}
{:[" 【DG SEG < > AG SEG "],[" IAND 【ORG SEG < >DG SEG or DEST SEG <> "],[" AG SEG 】 "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 【DG SEG < > AG SEG } \\ & \text { IAND 【ORG SEG < >DG SEG or DEST SEG <> } \\ & \text { AG SEG 】 } \end{aligned}
Either【DG SEG】or【AG
SEG 】 is 「* 「,then categorized into 「* 「.| Either【DG SEG】or【AG |
| :--- |
| SEG 】 is 「* $「$,then categorized into 「* $「$. |
N/A 不適用
OD Traffic Group OD Traffic Type Rule Itinerary sample
2.SFO-(BR)-TPE "
Direct+OAL " 【 DG SEG = AG SEG 】AND
SEG 】 " " 1.LAS-(AA)-TPE-(BR)-LAX
Connect " 【 DG SEG < > AG SEG 】
2.SGN-(B7)-TPE-(BR)-LAX "
Connect Connect+OAL " 【DG SEG < > AG SEG
AG SEG 】 " " 1.SGN-(BR)-TPE-(BR)-LAX-(AA)-
* * "Either【DG SEG】or【AG
SEG 】 is 「* 「,then categorized into 「* 「." N/A| OD Traffic Group | OD Traffic Type | Rule | Itinerary sample |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Direct | Direct | ORG SEG =DG SEG = AG SEG=DEST SEG | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 1.TPE-(BR)-LAX } \\ & \text { 2.SFO-(BR)-TPE } \end{aligned}$ |
| | Direct+OAL | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 【 DG SEG = AG SEG 】AND } \\ & \text { 【 ORG SEG < > DG SEG or DEST SEG <> AG } \\ & \text { SEG 】 } \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 1.LAS-(AA)-TPE-(BR)-LAX } \\ & \text { 2.TPE-(BR)-LAX-(AA)-LAS } \end{aligned}$ |
| | Connect | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 【 DG SEG < > AG SEG 】 } \\ & \text { AND 【 ORG SEG = DG SEG and DEST SEG = } \\ & \text { AG SEG】 } \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 1.SGN-(BR)-TPE-(BR)-LAX } \\ & \text { 2.SGN-(B7)-TPE-(BR)-LAX } \end{aligned}$ |
| Connect | Connect+OAL | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 【DG SEG < > AG SEG } \\ & \text { IAND 【ORG SEG < >DG SEG or DEST SEG <> } \\ & \text { AG SEG 】 } \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 1.SGN-(BR)-TPE-(BR)-LAX-(AA)- } \\ & \text { LAS } \\ & \text { 2.USM-(PG)-BKK-(BR)-TPE- } \\ & \text { (BR)-LAX } \\ & \text { 3.USM-(PG)-BKK-(BR)-TPE- } \\ & \text { (BR)-LAX-(AA)-LAS } \end{aligned}$ |
| * | * | Either【DG SEG】or【AG <br> SEG 】 is 「* $「$,then categorized into 「* $「$. | N/A |
(Function display) (功能顯示)
OD Traffic Group OD 交通集團
OD Traffic Type OD 交通類型
Direct 直接
Direct 直接
Direct+OAL 直接+OAL
Direct 合計
Connect 連接
Connect 連接
Connect 合計 連接合計
OD Traffic Group OD Traffic Type OD TTL PAX CNT
Direct Direct 5
Direct+OAL 5
Direct 合計 10
Connect Connect 6
Connect+OAL 6
Connect 合計 12| OD Traffic Group | OD Traffic Type | OD TTL PAX CNT |
| :--- | :--- | ---: |
| Direct | Direct | 5 |
| | Direct+OAL | 5 |
| Direct 合計 | | 10 |
| Connect | Connect | 6 |
| | Connect+OAL | 6 |
| Connect 合計 | | 12 |
4. Definition of Dimension & Measure 4.尺寸與量測的定義
(1) Dimension List : (1) 尺寸清單 :
Object Name 物件名稱
Hierarchy Rule 層級規則
Definition 定義
Agent Profile 代理商簡介
代理商群組 TC 區域 /代理商群組 區域 /代理商群組 國家 /代理商群組
Agent Group TC Area
/Agent Group Region
/Agent Group Country
/Agent Group
Agent Group TC Area
/Agent Group Region
/Agent Group Country
/Agent Group| Agent Group TC Area |
| :--- |
| /Agent Group Region |
| /Agent Group Country |
| /Agent Group |
Agent Group name (3 CHAR). E.g. CFT,TRV,SET...etc. 代理群組名稱 (3 CHAR)。例如:CFT,TRV,SET...等。
Object Name Hierarchy Rule Definition
Agent Profile "Agent Group TC Area
/Agent Group Region
/Agent Group Country
/Agent Group" Agent Group name (3 CHAR). E.g. CFT,TRV,SET...etc.| Object Name | Hierarchy Rule | Definition |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Agent Profile | Agent Group TC Area <br> /Agent Group Region <br> /Agent Group Country <br> /Agent Group | Agent Group name (3 CHAR). E.g. CFT,TRV,SET...etc. |
(Arrival Gateway)
(Arrival Gateway)| AG |
| :--- |
| (Arrival Gateway) |
AG TC 區域 /AG 地區 /AG 國家 /AG 城市 /AG 機場
AG TC Area
/AG Region
/AG Country
/AG City
/AG Airport
AG TC Area
/AG Region
/AG Country
/AG City
/AG Airport| AG TC Area |
| :--- |
| /AG Region |
| /AG Country |
| /AG City |
| /AG Airport |
The last arrival airport of BR//B7B R / B 7 on-line route of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的 BR//B7B R / B 7 線上路由的最後抵達機場。
AG 區段(抵達閘道區段)
AG Segment
(Arrival Gateway
AG Segment
(Arrival Gateway
Segment)| AG Segment |
| :--- |
| (Arrival Gateway |
| Segment) |
AG Segment AG 區段
The last arrival segment of BR/B7 on-line route of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的 BR/B7 線上路由的最後抵達區段。
AG 航班號碼(抵達閘道航班號碼)
AG Flight Number
(Arrival Gateway Flight
AG Flight Number
(Arrival Gateway Flight
Number)| AG Flight Number |
| :--- |
| (Arrival Gateway Flight |
| Number) |
AG FIt 航線類型 /AG FIt 區域 /AG FIt 航線 /AG Flt 區段 /AG Flt 編號
AG FIt Route Type
/AG FIt Region
/AG FIt Route
/AG Flt Segment
/AG Flt Number
AG FIt Route Type
/AG FIt Region
/AG FIt Route
/AG Flt Segment
/AG Flt Number| AG FIt Route Type |
| :--- |
| /AG FIt Region |
| /AG FIt Route |
| /AG Flt Segment |
| /AG Flt Number |
The last arrival flight number of BR//B7B R / B 7 on-line route of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的 BR//B7B R / B 7 線上路由的最後抵達航班號碼。
As At 截至
As At Year /As At Month /As At Day 截至年/截至月/截至日
The data collection date. 資料收集日期。
AG 航班日期(抵達閘口航班日期)
AG Flight Date
(Arrival Gateway Flight
AG Flight Date
(Arrival Gateway Flight
Date)| AG Flight Date |
| :--- |
| (Arrival Gateway Flight |
| Date) |
AG Flt 年 /AG Flt 季 /AG FIt 月 /AG FIt 日
AG Flt Year
/AG Flt Quarter
/AG FIt Month
/AG FIt Day
AG Flt Year
/AG Flt Quarter
/AG FIt Month
/AG FIt Day| AG Flt Year |
| :--- |
| /AG Flt Quarter |
| /AG FIt Month |
| /AG FIt Day |
The departure date of the last leg of the BR//B7B R / B 7 online flight of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的最後一段 BR//B7B R / B 7 線上航班的出發日期。
AG Flight Day Of Week AG 航班週日
AG Flight Day Of Week AG 航班週日
The week day of AG flight date. AG 飛行日期的星期。
Booking Channel 預訂頻道
Channel Type
Channel Type
/Channel| Channel Type |
| :--- |
| /Channel |
The Booking Sources from 1A : Internet/Call Center/ GDS/NDC/OAL.
For 2nd level rarr\rightarrow
NDC Channel can be classified into four types:
Aggregator, Direct, GDS-NDC, and Portal.
The Booking Sources from 1A : Internet/Call Center/ GDS/NDC/OAL.
For 2nd level rarr
NDC Channel can be classified into four types:
Aggregator, Direct, GDS-NDC, and Portal.| The Booking Sources from 1A : Internet/Call Center/ GDS/NDC/OAL. |
| :--- |
| For 2nd level $\rightarrow$ |
| NDC Channel can be classified into four types: |
| Aggregator, Direct, GDS-NDC, and Portal. |
Booking Class Code 預訂類別代碼
Booking Class Code 預訂類別代碼
Booking Class code in PNR segment ( A^(∼)Z\mathrm{A}^{\sim} \mathrm{Z} ) PNR 區段中的預訂等級代碼 ( A^(∼)Z\mathrm{A}^{\sim} \mathrm{Z} )
A combination of Cabin Class and Booking Class 機艙等級與預訂等級的組合
Booking Location 預訂地點
Bkg Area Bkg 區域
The location where bookings made. 進行預訂的地點。
(Arrival Gateway)" "AG TC Area
/AG Region
/AG Country
/AG City
/AG Airport" The last arrival airport of BR//B7 on-line route of each OnD flow.
"AG Segment
(Arrival Gateway
Segment)" AG Segment The last arrival segment of BR/B7 on-line route of each OnD flow.
"AG Flight Number
(Arrival Gateway Flight
Number)" "AG FIt Route Type
/AG FIt Region
/AG FIt Route
/AG Flt Segment
/AG Flt Number" The last arrival flight number of BR//B7 on-line route of each OnD flow.
As At As At Year /As At Month /As At Day The data collection date.
"AG Flight Date
(Arrival Gateway Flight
Date)" "AG Flt Year
/AG Flt Quarter
/AG FIt Month
/AG FIt Day" The departure date of the last leg of the BR//B7 online flight of each OnD flow.
AG Flight Day Of Week AG Flight Day Of Week The week day of AG flight date.
Booking Channel "Channel Type
/Channel" "The Booking Sources from 1A : Internet/Call Center/ GDS/NDC/OAL.
For 2nd level rarr
NDC Channel can be classified into four types:
Aggregator, Direct, GDS-NDC, and Portal."
Booking Class Code Booking Class Code Booking Class code in PNR segment ( A^(∼)Z )
Booking Class Level "Cabin
/Booking Class" A combination of Cabin Class and Booking Class
Booking Location Bkg Area The location where bookings made.| AG <br> (Arrival Gateway) | AG TC Area <br> /AG Region <br> /AG Country <br> /AG City <br> /AG Airport | The last arrival airport of $B R / B 7$ on-line route of each OnD flow. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| AG Segment <br> (Arrival Gateway <br> Segment) | AG Segment | The last arrival segment of BR/B7 on-line route of each OnD flow. |
| AG Flight Number <br> (Arrival Gateway Flight <br> Number) | AG FIt Route Type <br> /AG FIt Region <br> /AG FIt Route <br> /AG Flt Segment <br> /AG Flt Number | The last arrival flight number of $B R / B 7$ on-line route of each OnD flow. |
| As At | As At Year /As At Month /As At Day | The data collection date. |
| AG Flight Date <br> (Arrival Gateway Flight <br> Date) | AG Flt Year <br> /AG Flt Quarter <br> /AG FIt Month <br> /AG FIt Day | The departure date of the last leg of the $B R / B 7$ online flight of each OnD flow. |
| AG Flight Day Of Week | AG Flight Day Of Week | The week day of AG flight date. |
| Booking Channel | Channel Type <br> /Channel | The Booking Sources from 1A : Internet/Call Center/ GDS/NDC/OAL. <br> For 2nd level $\rightarrow$ <br> NDC Channel can be classified into four types: <br> Aggregator, Direct, GDS-NDC, and Portal. |
| Booking Class Code | Booking Class Code | Booking Class code in PNR segment ( $\mathrm{A}^{\sim} \mathrm{Z}$ ) |
| Booking Class Level | Cabin <br> /Booking Class | A combination of Cabin Class and Booking Class |
| Booking Location | Bkg Area | The location where bookings made. |
/Bkg 區域 /Bkg 國家 /Bkg 城市
/Bkg Region
/Bkg Country
/Bkg City
/Bkg Region
/Bkg Country
/Bkg City| /Bkg Region |
| :--- |
| /Bkg Country |
| /Bkg City |
Cabin Class 機艙等級
Cabin Class 機艙等級
Cabin Class (C, K , Y) 客艙等級 (C, K , Y)
Destination 目的地
目的地 TC_Area /目的地區域 /目的地國家 /目的地城市 /目的地機場
Dest TC_Area
/Dest Region
/Dest Country
/Dest City
/Dest Airport
Dest TC_Area
/Dest Region
/Dest Country
/Dest City
/Dest Airport| Dest TC_Area |
| :--- |
| /Dest Region |
| /Dest Country |
| /Dest City |
| /Dest Airport |
The last arrival airport of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的最後抵達機場。
Destination Flight Number 目的地航班號碼
Dest Carrier
/Dest Flight Number
Dest Carrier
/Dest Flight Number| Dest Carrier |
| :--- |
| /Dest Flight Number |
The last arrival flight number of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的最後抵達航班號碼。
DG FIt Year
/DG Flt Quarter
/DG FIt Month
/DG FIt Day| DG FIt Year |
| :--- |
| /DG Flt Quarter |
| /DG FIt Month |
| /DG FIt Day |
The departure date of the first leg of the BR//B7B R / B 7 online flight of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的 BR//B7B R / B 7 線上航班第一段的出發日期。
DG Flight Day Of Week DG 航班周日
DG Flight Day Of Week DG 航班周日
The week day of DG flight date. DG 飛行日期的星期。
DG Flight Date By Week (Departure Gateway Flight Date By Week) DG 航班日期(每週)(啟程閘道航班日期(每週
DG Flt Year /DG FIt Week
DG Flt Year
/DG FIt Week
DG Flt Year
/DG FIt Week| DG Flt Year |
| :--- |
| /DG FIt Week |
Origin flight date sum by week. The date represent the last day of the week. 起始航班日期按週總和。日期代表一週的最後一天。
DG Flight Number (Departure Gateway Flight Number) DG 航班號碼(出發閘口航班號碼)
DG FIt 路由類型 /DG FIt 區域 /DG FIt 路由 /DG FIt 區段 /DG FIt 編號
DG FIt Route Type
/DG FIt Region
/DG FIt Route
/DG FIt Segment
/DG FIt Number
DG FIt Route Type
/DG FIt Region
/DG FIt Route
/DG FIt Segment
/DG FIt Number| DG FIt Route Type |
| :--- |
| /DG FIt Region |
| /DG FIt Route |
| /DG FIt Segment |
| /DG FIt Number |
The first departure flight number of BR//B7B R / B 7 on-line route of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的 BR//B7B R / B 7 線上航線的第一個出發航班號碼。
The first departure segment of BR//B7B R / B 7 on-line route of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的 BR//B7B R / B 7 線上路由的第一個出發航段。
First Traversed Flight Number 首次穿越的航班編號
First Traversed Region /First Traversed Route /First Traversed Flight Number 首次穿越地區 / 首次穿越航線 / 首次穿越航班編號
The first traversed flight number in each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量中最先橫越的航班號碼。
First Traversed Segment 第一個穿越區段
First Traversed Segment 第一個穿越區段
The first traversed segment in each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量中橫越的第一個區段。
First Via Point 第一通過點
First Via Point 第一通過點
The first traversed airport in each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量中最先經過的機場。
"/Bkg Region
/Bkg Country
/Bkg City"
Cabin Class Cabin Class Cabin Class (C, K , Y)
Destination "Dest TC_Area
/Dest Region
/Dest Country
/Dest City
/Dest Airport" The last arrival airport of each OnD flow.
Destination Flight Number "Dest Carrier
/Dest Flight Number" The last arrival flight number of each OnD flow.
(Departure Gateway)" "DG TC Area
/DG Region
/DG Country
/DG City
/DG Airport" The first departure airport of BR//B7 on-line route of each OnD flow.
"DG Flight Date
(Departure Gateway
Flight Date)" "DG FIt Year
/DG Flt Quarter
/DG FIt Month
/DG FIt Day" The departure date of the first leg of the BR//B7 online flight of each OnD flow.
DG Flight Day Of Week DG Flight Day Of Week The week day of DG flight date.
DG Flight Date By Week (Departure Gateway Flight Date By Week) "DG Flt Year
/DG FIt Week" Origin flight date sum by week. The date represent the last day of the week.
DG Flight Number (Departure Gateway Flight Number) "DG FIt Route Type
/DG FIt Region
/DG FIt Route
/DG FIt Segment
/DG FIt Number" The first departure flight number of BR//B7 on-line route of each OnD flow.
"DG Segment
(Departure Gateways
Segment)" DG Segment The first departure segment of BR//B7 on-line route of each OnD flow.
First Traversed Flight Number First Traversed Region /First Traversed Route /First Traversed Flight Number The first traversed flight number in each OnD flow.
First Traversed Segment First Traversed Segment The first traversed segment in each OnD flow.
First Via Point First Via Point The first traversed airport in each OnD flow.| | /Bkg Region <br> /Bkg Country <br> /Bkg City | |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Cabin Class | Cabin Class | Cabin Class (C, K , Y) |
| Destination | Dest TC_Area <br> /Dest Region <br> /Dest Country <br> /Dest City <br> /Dest Airport | The last arrival airport of each OnD flow. |
| Destination Flight Number | Dest Carrier <br> /Dest Flight Number | The last arrival flight number of each OnD flow. |
| DG <br> (Departure Gateway) | DG TC Area <br> /DG Region <br> /DG Country <br> /DG City <br> /DG Airport | The first departure airport of $B R / B 7$ on-line route of each OnD flow. |
| DG Flight Date <br> (Departure Gateway <br> Flight Date) | DG FIt Year <br> /DG Flt Quarter <br> /DG FIt Month <br> /DG FIt Day | The departure date of the first leg of the $B R / B 7$ online flight of each OnD flow. |
| DG Flight Day Of Week | DG Flight Day Of Week | The week day of DG flight date. |
| DG Flight Date By Week (Departure Gateway Flight Date By Week) | DG Flt Year <br> /DG FIt Week | Origin flight date sum by week. The date represent the last day of the week. |
| DG Flight Number (Departure Gateway Flight Number) | DG FIt Route Type <br> /DG FIt Region <br> /DG FIt Route <br> /DG FIt Segment <br> /DG FIt Number | The first departure flight number of $B R / B 7$ on-line route of each OnD flow. |
| DG Segment <br> (Departure Gateways <br> Segment) | DG Segment | The first departure segment of $B R / B 7$ on-line route of each OnD flow. |
| First Traversed Flight Number | First Traversed Region /First Traversed Route /First Traversed Flight Number | The first traversed flight number in each OnD flow. |
| First Traversed Segment | First Traversed Segment | The first traversed segment in each OnD flow. |
| First Via Point | First Via Point | The first traversed airport in each OnD flow. |
Last Traversed Flight Number 最後穿越的航班號碼
Last Traversed Region /Last Traversed Route /Last Traversed Flight Number 最後穿越地區 / 最後穿越航線 / 最後穿越航班編號
The last traversed flight number in each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量中最後橫越的航班號碼。
Last Traversed Segment 最後橫越的區段
Last Traversed Segment 最後橫越的區段
The last traversed segment in each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量中最後穿越的區段。
Last Via Point 最後通過點
Last Via Point 最後通過點
The last traversed airport in each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量最後穿越的機場。
Origin 起源
Org TC_Area /Org Region /Org Country /Org City /Org Airport
The first departure airport of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的第一個出發機場。
Origin Flight Date 起飛日期
Org Flt 年 /Org FIt 季 /Org Flt 月 /Org Flt 日
Org Flt Year
/Org FIt Quarter
/Org Flt Month
/Org Flt Day
Org Flt Year
/Org FIt Quarter
/Org Flt Month
/Org Flt Day| Org Flt Year |
| :--- |
| /Org FIt Quarter |
| /Org Flt Month |
| /Org Flt Day |
The first departure date of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的首次出發日期。
The first departure flight number of each OnD flow. 每個 OnD 流量的第一個出發航班號碼。
OP Flight Number OP 航班號碼
作業載具 作業航班編號
Op Carrier
Op Flight Number
Op Carrier
Op Flight Number| Op Carrier |
| :--- |
| Op Flight Number |
Operation flight number. 操作航班號碼。
OD Traffic Type OD 交通類型
OD Traffic Group /OD Traffic Type OD 交通群組 /OD 交通類型
將每個 OnD 分類為 Direct 或 Connect 的維度。 OD 流量群組:1.連接 2.直接 3.* OD 流量類型 : 1.連接 2.Connect+OAL 3.直接 4.Direct+OAL 5.* OD 流量群組: Connect = SUM (Connect,Connect+OAL) Direct = SUM (Direct, Direct+OAL)
A Dimension to categorize each OnD into Direct or Connect.
OD Traffic Group :
1. Connect
2. Direct
3. *
OD Traffic Type :
1. Connect
2. Connect+OAL
3. Direct
4. Direct+OAL
5. *
OD Traffic Group:
Connect = SUM (Connect,Connect+OAL)
Direct = SUM (Direct, Direct+OAL)
A Dimension to categorize each OnD into Direct or Connect.
OD Traffic Group :
1. Connect
2. Direct
3. *
OD Traffic Type :
1. Connect
2. Connect+OAL
3. Direct
4. Direct+OAL
5. *
OD Traffic Group:
Connect = SUM (Connect,Connect+OAL)
Direct = SUM (Direct, Direct+OAL)| A Dimension to categorize each OnD into Direct or Connect. |
| :--- |
| OD Traffic Group : |
| 1. Connect |
| 2. Direct |
| 3. * |
| OD Traffic Type : |
| 1. Connect |
| 2. Connect+OAL |
| 3. Direct |
| 4. Direct+OAL |
| 5. * |
| OD Traffic Group: |
| Connect = SUM (Connect,Connect+OAL) |
| Direct = SUM (Direct, Direct+OAL) |
Last Traversed Flight Number Last Traversed Region /Last Traversed Route /Last Traversed Flight Number The last traversed flight number in each OnD flow.
Last Traversed Segment Last Traversed Segment The last traversed segment in each OnD flow.
Last Via Point Last Via Point The last traversed airport in each OnD flow.
Origin Org TC_Area /Org Region /Org Country /Org City /Org Airport The first departure airport of each OnD flow.
Origin Flight Date "Org Flt Year
/Org FIt Quarter
/Org Flt Month
/Org Flt Day" The first departure date of each OnD flow.
Origin Flight Number "Org Carrier
/Org Flight Number" The first departure flight number of each OnD flow.
OP Flight Number "Op Carrier
Op Flight Number" Operation flight number.
OD Traffic Type OD Traffic Group /OD Traffic Type "A Dimension to categorize each OnD into Direct or Connect.
OD Traffic Group :
1. Connect
2. Direct
3. *
OD Traffic Type :
1. Connect
2. Connect+OAL
3. Direct
4. Direct+OAL
5. *
OD Traffic Group:
Connect = SUM (Connect,Connect+OAL)
Direct = SUM (Direct, Direct+OAL)"| Last Traversed Flight Number | Last Traversed Region /Last Traversed Route /Last Traversed Flight Number | The last traversed flight number in each OnD flow. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Last Traversed Segment | Last Traversed Segment | The last traversed segment in each OnD flow. |
| Last Via Point | Last Via Point | The last traversed airport in each OnD flow. |
| Origin | Org TC_Area /Org Region /Org Country /Org City /Org Airport | The first departure airport of each OnD flow. |
| Origin Flight Date | Org Flt Year <br> /Org FIt Quarter <br> /Org Flt Month <br> /Org Flt Day | The first departure date of each OnD flow. |
| Origin Flight Number | Org Carrier <br> /Org Flight Number | The first departure flight number of each OnD flow. |
| OP Flight Number | Op Carrier <br> Op Flight Number | Operation flight number. |
| OD Traffic Type | OD Traffic Group /OD Traffic Type | A Dimension to categorize each OnD into Direct or Connect. <br> OD Traffic Group : <br> 1. Connect <br> 2. Direct <br> 3. * <br> OD Traffic Type : <br> 1. Connect <br> 2. Connect+OAL <br> 3. Direct <br> 4. Direct+OAL <br> 5. * <br> OD Traffic Group: <br> Connect = SUM (Connect,Connect+OAL) <br> Direct = SUM (Direct, Direct+OAL) |
*Move up to see 3.Business Rule. *上移查看 3.Business Rule。
Passenger Type 乘客類型
Passenger Type /Booking Type 乘客類型 / 預訂類型
Passenger Type (GIT, FIT [Ticket/EVA Holiday]) If PNR Keyword has GRPF, Passenger Type will be defined as GIT, else FIT. FIT with PNR keyword 'EVAH' as EVA Holiday, else Ticket. 乘客類型 (GIT, FIT [Ticket/EVA Holiday]) 如果 PNR 關鍵字為 GRPF,乘客類型將定義為 GIT,否則為 FIT。若 PNR 關鍵字為 'EVAH',則 FIT 定義為 EVA Holiday,否則為 Ticket。
Point of Sale Agent 銷售點代理
代理 TC 區域 /代理 地區 /代理 國家 /代理 城市 /代理
Agent TC Area
/Agent Region
/Agent Country
/Agent City
Agent TC Area
/Agent Region
/Agent Country
/Agent City
/Agent| Agent TC Area |
| :--- |
| /Agent Region |
| /Agent Country |
| /Agent City |
| /Agent |
Identify agents who made the bookings. EDW decoded agent code from PNR record locator. Only those agents that have been filed in Agent Profile in EVA Passenger Revenue Accounting system would be recognized and accumulate individual bookings, otherwise POS Agent would be categorized as 'Unknown'. 識別進行預訂的代理。EDW 從 PNR 記錄定位器中解碼代理代碼。只有那些在 EVA 旅客收入會計系統的代理檔案中存檔的代理才會被識別並累計個別預訂,否則 POS 代理將被歸類為 「未知」。
Portal Booking 門戶預訂
Portal Booking 門戶預訂
Bookings made by Internet Travel Portal, like Expedia, Travelocity, Orbits etc. 透過網際網路旅遊入口網站(如 Expedia、Travelocity、Orbits 等)進行的預訂。
Product 產品
Product 產品
它包括 Fare Families 的品牌名稱和 * (未知)。此報告中的 Fare Families 主要根據 PNRs 的建立日期和航班日期 >= 05Mar19 來分類,否則歸類為 unknown。 Ps: 在 OD VIEW 中,Mix Products 的規則與 Mix RBD 相同。
It includes both the branded names of Fare Families and * (unknown). Fare Families in this report are mainly categorized from the PNRs creation date and flight dates >= 05Mar19, otherwise categorized as unknown.
Ps: In OD VIEW, the rules of Mix Products are same as Mix RBD.
It includes both the branded names of Fare Families and * (unknown). Fare Families in this report are mainly categorized from the PNRs creation date and flight dates >= 05Mar19, otherwise categorized as unknown.
Ps: In OD VIEW, the rules of Mix Products are same as Mix RBD.| It includes both the branded names of Fare Families and * (unknown). Fare Families in this report are mainly categorized from the PNRs creation date and flight dates >= 05Mar19, otherwise categorized as unknown. |
| :--- |
| Ps: In OD VIEW, the rules of Mix Products are same as Mix RBD. |
Report Location 報告地點
報告區域 /報告地區 /報告國家 /報告地點 /預約城市
Report Area
/Report Region
/Report Country
/Report Location
/Booking City
Report Area
/Report Region
/Report Country
/Report Location
/Booking City| Report Area |
| :--- |
| /Report Region |
| /Report Country |
| /Report Location |
| /Booking City |
Indicator of revenue or non-revenue.
Non-Revenue bookings are those in I/R/E/X/N.| Indicator of revenue or non-revenue. |
| :--- |
| Non-Revenue bookings are those in I/R/E/X/N. |
SEG Flight Date By Day SEG 每日航班日期
SEG FIt Year /SEG FIt Quarter /SEG FIt Month /SEG FIt Day SEG FIt 年 /SEG FIt 季 /SEG FIt 月 /SEG FIt 日
The date of flight departure. 航班啟航日期。
SEG Flight Date By Week SEG 每週航班日期
SEG FIt Year /SEG FIt Week SEG FIt 年 /SEG FIt 周
Flight date sum by week. The date represents the last day of the week. 航班日期按週總和。日期代表一週的最後一天。
*Move up to see 3.Business Rule.
Passenger Type Passenger Type /Booking Type Passenger Type (GIT, FIT [Ticket/EVA Holiday]) If PNR Keyword has GRPF, Passenger Type will be defined as GIT, else FIT. FIT with PNR keyword 'EVAH' as EVA Holiday, else Ticket.
Point of Sale Agent "Agent TC Area
/Agent Region
/Agent Country
/Agent City
/Agent" Identify agents who made the bookings. EDW decoded agent code from PNR record locator. Only those agents that have been filed in Agent Profile in EVA Passenger Revenue Accounting system would be recognized and accumulate individual bookings, otherwise POS Agent would be categorized as 'Unknown'.
Portal Booking Portal Booking Bookings made by Internet Travel Portal, like Expedia, Travelocity, Orbits etc.
Product Product "It includes both the branded names of Fare Families and * (unknown). Fare Families in this report are mainly categorized from the PNRs creation date and flight dates >= 05Mar19, otherwise categorized as unknown.
Ps: In OD VIEW, the rules of Mix Products are same as Mix RBD."
Report Location "Report Area
/Report Region
/Report Country
/Report Location
/Booking City" Group of Point of Sales.
Revenue Non Revenue "Revenue Non-
Revenue" "Indicator of revenue or non-revenue.
Non-Revenue bookings are those in I/R/E/X/N."
SEG Flight Date By Day SEG FIt Year /SEG FIt Quarter /SEG FIt Month /SEG FIt Day The date of flight departure.
SEG Flight Date By Week SEG FIt Year /SEG FIt Week Flight date sum by week. The date represents the last day of the week.| | | *Move up to see 3.Business Rule. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Passenger Type | Passenger Type /Booking Type | Passenger Type (GIT, FIT [Ticket/EVA Holiday]) If PNR Keyword has GRPF, Passenger Type will be defined as GIT, else FIT. FIT with PNR keyword 'EVAH' as EVA Holiday, else Ticket. |
| Point of Sale Agent | Agent TC Area <br> /Agent Region <br> /Agent Country <br> /Agent City <br> /Agent | Identify agents who made the bookings. EDW decoded agent code from PNR record locator. Only those agents that have been filed in Agent Profile in EVA Passenger Revenue Accounting system would be recognized and accumulate individual bookings, otherwise POS Agent would be categorized as 'Unknown'. |
| Portal Booking | Portal Booking | Bookings made by Internet Travel Portal, like Expedia, Travelocity, Orbits etc. |
| Product | Product | It includes both the branded names of Fare Families and * (unknown). Fare Families in this report are mainly categorized from the PNRs creation date and flight dates >= 05Mar19, otherwise categorized as unknown. <br> Ps: In OD VIEW, the rules of Mix Products are same as Mix RBD. |
| Report Location | Report Area <br> /Report Region <br> /Report Country <br> /Report Location <br> /Booking City | Group of Point of Sales. |
| Revenue Non Revenue | Revenue Non- <br> Revenue | Indicator of revenue or non-revenue. <br> Non-Revenue bookings are those in I/R/E/X/N. |
| SEG Flight Date By Day | SEG FIt Year /SEG FIt Quarter /SEG FIt Month /SEG FIt Day | The date of flight departure. |
| SEG Flight Date By Week | SEG FIt Year /SEG FIt Week | Flight date sum by week. The date represents the last day of the week. |
SEG Flight Day Of Week SEG 航班周日
SEG FIt Day Of Week SEG FIt 週日
The week day of flight departure. 航班出發的週日。
SEG (Segment) SEG (區段)
The city pair of segment departure and arrival. 航段出發與抵達的城市對。
SEG Country SEG 國家
SEG Country SEG 國家
Country of Flight Route. 飛行航線的國家。
Suffix Code 後綴代碼
Suffix code 後綴代碼
Suffix code for the irregular flight. 不定期航班的後綴代碼。
NDC Agent NDC 代理商
TC 區域/國家/城市/代理商名稱
TC Area
/Agent Name
TC Area
/Agent Name| TC Area |
| :--- |
| /Region |
| /Country |
| /City |
| /Agent Name |
NDC(New Distribution Capability,新分銷能力)是由國際航空運輸協會(IATA)發起和支持的一項行業倡議。它可以在 PNR SK CODE == NDCS。例如 PNR 格式 rarr\rightarrow SK NDCS BR IN- 34300501 /PC-TPE/AI-TRIPTW/ (NDC 代理碼為 34300501。 ))