Dear Editor and Reviewer,
Thanks for your letter and we appreciate your the comments and suggestions on our manuscript. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction. Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as following:
Reviewer #1:
(1) Reviewer's comments:
The paper brings some minor novelties on the binder production for refractory castables, but it is very unlikely that the suggestion proposed will be used on an industrial basis, as the cost/benefit ratio is not favorable.
Response to reviewers:
For this new type of cement, some calcium aluminate cement manufacturers have been interested in it and began to communicate with us. The cost/benefit ratio of CNTs/CAC can be reduced by using industrial raw materials and complete production process. Although we recognize that CNTs/CAC still has some difficulties in industrial production, it is credible and feasible in synthesis and sintering technology.
(2) Reviewer's comments:
Page 2, line 27, please withdraw the word more related to the more excellent expression
Response to reviewers:
In the introduction, inappropriate expression has been revised and marked in red.
(3) Reviewer's comments:
Figures 6, 8, 10, 11 and 13 require standard deviation for all values presented
图 6、8、10、11 和 13 需要所有显示值的标准偏差
Response to reviewers:
The standard deviation for all values of Fig. 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 (Fig. 11 before revision), and 14 (Fig. 13 before revision) are presented.
给出了图 6、8、9、10、12(修订前的图 11)和 14(修订前的图 13)所有值的标准偏差。
(4) Reviewer's comments:
On page 14 the authors need to also consider the CA6 phase formation. Actually, it will be much better to add the X-ray diffraction profile after firing the castables at high temperatures.
在第 14 页,作者还需要考虑 CA 6 相的形成。实际上,在浇注料高温烧成后添加X射线衍射图会更好。
Response to reviewers:
On page 14, the XRD pattern of castable matrix has been added (Fig. 11), and the formation of ceramic phases, including mullite and CA6, has been proved, and the influences of ceramic phases on the properties of castable have been considered, which were marked in red.
第14页增加了浇注料基体的XRD图谱(图11),证明了莫来石和CA 6 等陶瓷相的形成,以及陶瓷相对浇注料基体的影响。已考虑浇注料的性能,用红色标记。
(5) Reviewer's comments:
On page 16 the emphasis of toughening effect on the thermal shock results are too strong and very unlikely, as usually these formed whiskers are flexible and have no effect on the crack bridging or crack deflection effect. The better result for the thermal shock might only be due to the higher content of carbon left after firing, as it increases the thermal conductivity.
第 16 页对热冲击结果的增韧效应的强调过于强烈且不太可能,因为通常这些形成的晶须是柔性的并且对裂纹桥接或裂纹偏转效应没有影响。热冲击的更好结果可能只是由于烧制后留下的碳含量较高,因为它增加了导热性。
Response to reviewers:
On page 16, The effect of thermal conductivity on the thermal shock resistance of castables is regarded as the main factor and revised.
Reviewer #2:
(1) Reviewer's comments:
Unnecessary focus has been given to the cobweb pattern of CNT as if it generates many advantageous properties in the refractory. It would be improper to conclude too much based on microscopy , specially in TEM, since it provides very local information. In a CAC composite, where the CNT% is aprox 23% , there must be some sort of aggregation Focussing on the CNT morphology is unnecesasary and often misleading if it is correlated to enhancement of properties.
人们对碳纳米管的蛛网图案给予了不必要的关注,就好像它在耐火材料中产生了许多有利的性能。根据显微镜(特别是 TEM)得出太多结论是不合适的,因为它提供了非常局部的信息。在 CAC 复合材料中,CNT% 约为 23%,必然存在某种聚集。如果关注 CNT 形态与性能增强相关,那么关注 CNT 形态是不必要的,而且常常会产生误导。
Response to reviewers:
In the TEM results, redundant detailed description and analysis of CNTs morphology has been deleted and revised, which were marked in red. Besides, the misleading analysis in the thermal shock performance has been revised.
(2) Reviewer's comments:
Mechanical strength, oxidation resistance etc properties are strongly correlated with apparent porosity also. The authors did not consider it.
Response to reviewers:
On page 14 and 15, the effects of apparent porosity (AP) on the mechanical strength and oxidation resistance were considered and revised, which were marked in red.
(3) Reviewer's comments:
The mechanical data like CCS, MOR are presented without statistical information, hence are less reliable.
Response to reviewers:
The standard deviation for all values of Fig. 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 (Fig. 11 before revision), and 14 (Fig. 13 before revision) are presented.
给出了图 6、8、9、10、12(修订前的图 11)和 14(修订前的图 13)所有值的标准偏差。
(4) Reviewer's comments:
The three types of CAC-carbon composites need to be clearly described in a single place mentioning the Carbon content. It is mentioned in a scattered way.
三种类型的 CAC-碳复合材料需要在一个地方清楚地描述,并提及碳含量。是以零散的方式提到的。
Response to reviewers:
The total carbon contents of all castables samples are described in Section 2.3 and marked in red.
所有浇注料样品的总碳含量在第 2.3 节中进行了描述并以红色标记。
(5) Reviewer's comments:
The cross section after oxidation indicates that these materials are significantly heterogenous in nature. When heterogeneity is clearly observed in low magneiifaction, how authors conclude on nature of carbon from TEM images.
氧化后的横截面表明这些材料本质上具有显着的异质性。当在低放大倍率下清楚地观察到异质性时,作者如何从 TEM 图像中得出碳的性质的结论。
Response to reviewers:
For castables, the main properties of carbon matters are the oxidation resistance and dispersion. The oxidation resistance of carbon is related to the graphitization degree, which has been proved by Raman analysis. The dispersion of carbon in castables is related to the water wettability of cement, which has been proved by water contact angles and carbon floating ratios. It should be emphasized that the microstructure of cobweb-like carbon and calcium aluminate particles also determines the wettability and oxidation resistance of cement. Compared with cobweb-like carbon, flake pyrolytic carbon has poor binding with calcium aluminate particles, so it is easy to oxidize and float at mechanical mixing.
(6) Reviewer's comments:
Fig 5 is mentioned twice, and description is wrong in page 34
Response to reviewers:
Figures 5(a) and 5(b) have been merged and uploaded.
图 5(a) 和 5(b) 已合并并上传。
(7) Reviewer's comments:
Why it is relevant to present the TEM image of Fe catalyst particle?
为什么与呈现 Fe 催化剂颗粒的 TEM 图像相关?
Response to reviewers:
SEM images of Fe particle showed that it was attached to calcium aluminate particles, and no evidence of catalyst encapsulation was found in carbon nanotube tip. Therefore, Fe particle may be formed by melting of the catalyst. This shows that carbon nanotubes follow a base-growth mechanism and grow between calcium aluminate particles.