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General Supply Agreement for the Purchase of Goods

Version 1.1
版本 1.1

Effective Date: XX. May 2023
生效日期:XX。2023 年 5 月

1: Details of the contracting parties




Tonies GmbH

Shanghai ZT Smart Packaging Technology Co., LTD

Registered Office

Oststraße 119, 40210 Düsseldorf,
Oststraße 119, 40210 杜塞尔多夫,


No.866 ZhangwengmiaoRoad, Fengxian District, Shanghai China
No.866 ZhangwengmiaoRoad, Fengxian District, 上海

Business address

as above

as above

Represented by

Managing Directors Patric Faßbender and Marcus Stahl
董事总经理 Patric Faßbender 和 Marcus Stahl

Managing Director Pan Hongwen

2: Preamble


Tonies has created an innovative audio player with its streaming audio system - the Tonies®. The company is on the way to successfully establishing its innovative audio players (e.g. cloud-based solutions) on the market.
Tonies 通过其流媒体音频系统创造了一款创新的音频播放器 - Tonies®。该公司正在成功在市场上建立其创新的音频播放器(例如基于云的解决方案)。


The Supplier is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of RFID tags, smart cards and packaging etc..With well-equipped and industry-leading production and processing system,

Parties’ interests

The parties wish to establish a legal framework for the cooperation which takes into account the fact that the maintenance of the worldwide market position as well as the further development of the tonies brand is based on a first-class cooperation between tonies and its suppliers and on the first-class quality of the contractual products they supply to tonies

This being said, the parties will conclude the following General Supply Agreement.

3: Subject of the Agreement

Subject of the Agreement

The subject of this General Supply Agreement and its appendices (hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Agreement") is the supply of Tonie NFC Smart Card as further specified below (hereinafter referred to as the "Products") by the Supplier to tonies (hereinafter jointly also referred to as "Parties").
本一般供应协议及其附录(以下统称“协议”)的主题是供应商向供应商(以下统称“双方”)供应下文进一步指定的Tonie NFC智能卡(以下简称“产品”)。

tonies’ purchase orders ("Individual Orders") reflect the instructions for the supply of the relevant products, which will be specified by the respectively referenced by the Individual Order or the relevant document or specification referred to therein. The Individual Order shall substantially be made in accordance with the template in Appendix 9 (“Template for Individual Orders”) of this General Supply Agreement and shall contain all other necessary particulars and - as far as applicable-, special obligations to cooperate or services and/or materials to be provided by Tonies in context of an Individual Order. The template in Appendix 9 (“Template for Individual Orders”) may also refer to a quotation, made by tonies, by stating the offer number. In this case, the specification of the Product and the price(s) shall be derived from the respective offer referred to.
tonies的采购订单(“单个订单”)反映了相关产品的供应说明,这些说明将由单个订单或其中提及的相关文件或规格分别指定。个人订单应基本按照本一般供应协议附录 9(“个人订单模板”)中的模板进行,并应包含所有其他必要的细节和 - 在适用的情况下 - 特殊合作义务或 Tonies 在个人订单中提供的服务和/或材料。附录 9 中的模板(“个人订单模板”)也可以通过说明报价编号来引用 tonies 的报价。在这种情况下,产品的规格和价格应从所提及的相应报价中得出。

This General Supply Agreement shall automatically apply to all future orders/individual contracts between tonies and Supplier regarding the Products without the need to reference it in the order, the order confirmation, or elsewhere or in any other manner.

tonies does not give – except for forecasts of requirements specifically designated as binding and only to that particular extent – any assurances with regard to the order quantities to be expected. No compensation shall be payable to the Supplier in the event that the quantities actually purchased under this Agreement deviate from any estimated quantities.

Order Process and Acceptance Period

To process an order, tonies must sent a purchase order (=Individual Order) to the Supplier indicating unit quantities, unit descriptions, requested delivery dates, prices and shipping instructions.

Individual Orders are emailed to Supplier at:


In the event of any conflict between an Individual Order and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control as to such conflict.

All Individual Orders received by the Supplier for Products shall be accepted by the Supplier within one (1) business day by e-mail, upon their receipt, if the Individual Order is in compliance with the terms of the Agreement. Any Individual Order no rejected within the time period will be deemed accepted. The Supplier may only reject a Purchase Order for good cause. If the Supplier has any reason to believe it will not meet the required shipment date, it shall use reasonable efforts to notify tonies within one (1) business day, but in no event shall such notice be more than two (2) business days of the receipt of the Individual Order.--需要订单评审时间:3个工作日,考虑订货等
如果单个订单符合协议条款,则供应商应在收到后一 (1) 个工作日内通过电子邮件接受供应商收到的所有产品单独订单。任何在期限内未被拒绝的个人订单将被视为已接受。供应商只能出于正当理由拒绝采购订单。如果供应商有任何理由认为它不会满足要求的装运日期,它应尽合理努力在一 (1) 个工作日内通知 tonies,但在任何情况下,此类通知不得超过收到单个订单后的两 (2) 个工作日。

Deviating from this, Individual orders which are within the applicable binding rolling forecast - if agreed - shall be binding upon Supplier.


The Supplier shall be obliged to supply tonies upon tonies' individual orders with Products (including their packaging) manufactured pursuant to the specifications as described in Appendix 1 of this Agreement ("Specification of Products"). In doing so, Supplier shall observe the quality requirements resulting from Appendix 2 to this Agreement ("Quality Assurance Agreement" or “Quality Requirements”). Any Specifications or Quality Requirements for the Products included or referred to in an Individual Order shall become binding.
供应商有义务根据 tonies 的个人订单向 tonies 提供根据本协议附录 1(“产品规格”)中描述的规格制造的产品(包括其包装)。在此过程中,供应商应遵守本协议附录 2(“质量保证协议”或“质量要求”)中产生的质量要求。单个订单中包含或提及的产品的任何规格或质量要求均具有约束力。

If and to the extent not agreed otherwise, the Products shall comply with the newest state of technology and the relevant technical norms applicable to the Products. They shall be delivered with all related quality certificates, labels, testing documentations, permits etc.

The Supplier acknowledges that it is aware of the special purposes for which tonies intends to use the Products and warrants that the Products are fit for such purposes and of a quality, which meets tonies’ requirements. In respect of packaging material this especially applies with regard to design, strength, migration, barrier properties and materials.
供应商承认其了解 tonies 打算使用产品的特殊目的,并保证产品适合此类目的且质量符合 tonies 的要求。在包装材料方面,这尤其适用于设计、强度、迁移、阻隔性能和材料。

A change in, of, or to the Products or a switch to different products by Supplier shall require tonies' prior written consent. Irrespective of this, Supplier shall give tonies at least nine (9) months' advance written notice of any intended change or switch. If this deadline cannot be observed, notice must be given without undue delay. If Supplier implements a change or switch without tonies ' consent, tonies shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without notice (extraordinary termination). Further, Supplier shall compensate tonies for any damage incurred by tonies as a result of the unpermitted change or switch.--3个月,原材料供应商风险转移协议;
供应商对产品的更改、产品或对产品的转换或切换到不同的产品应事先征得 tonies 的书面同意。无论如何,供应商应至少提前九 (9) 个月向 tonis 发出任何打算更改或转换的书面通知。如果不能遵守这一期限,必须立即发出通知。如果供应商在未经 tonies 同意的情况下实施变更或转换,tonies 有权终止本协议,恕不另行通知(特别终止)。此外,供应商应赔偿 tonies 因未经许可的更改或转换而造成的任何损坏。

Tonies shall be entitled to request changes to the Products in time and place of delivery in written form (e-mail sufficient). Supplier shall examine such change requests for their potential consequences and notify tonies in writing and without undue delay of the results, but no later than five (5) calendar days. Changes to Product’s specification(s) provided that these can be implemented within the framework of the Supploer's normal production pro-cess without considerable additional expenditure, whereby in such cases the notification period in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be at least seven (7) calendar days. This shall include but not be limited to pointing out the consequences with regard to the technical implementation and on the costs and the timing. The Parties shall mutually agree whether and to what extent the changes will be carried out.
Tonies有权以书面形式(电子邮件足够)要求在交货时间和地点对产品进行更改。供应商应检查此类变更请求的潜在后果,并以书面形式通知公司,不得无故拖延结果,但不得迟于五 (5) 个日历日。对产品规格的更改,前提是这些更改可以在供应商的正常生产程序框架内实施,而无需大量额外支出,在这种情况下,根据前一句的通知期应至少为七 (7) 个日历日。这应包括但不限于指出与技术实施、成本和时间有关的后果。双方应就是否进行变更以及在何种程度上进行变更达成一致。

In case of changes in, of, or to the Products, Appendix 1 shall be amended or exchanged accordingly.
如果产品发生变化,附录 1 应进行相应的修改或更换。

4: Scope of the Agreement

Scope of the Agreement

In addition to tonies, all companies affiliated with tonies pursuant to §§ 15 et seq. AktG (German Stock Corporation Act, hereinafter referred to as tonies' Affiliates) are entitled to place orders with the Supplier on their own account under the terms and conditions agreed in this Agreement. In this case, the respective Individual Order shall be concluded directly between the Supplier and the respective tonies' Affiliates. Only the respective tonies' Affiliate shall be entitled and obligated under the respective Individual Order. In such case, any reference in this Agreement to tonies shall be deemed to be a reference to the respective tonies' Affiliate that placed the order unless it is clear from the context that tonies is meant instead of the respective tonies' Affiliates
除 tonies 外,根据 §§ 15 et seq. AktG(德国股份公司法,以下简称 tonies 的关联公司)与 tonies 有关联的所有公司都有权根据本协议中约定的条款和条件以自己的名义向供应商下订单。在这种情况下,相应的个人订单应直接在供应商和各自的关联公司之间签订。根据各自的个人订单,只有相应 tonies 的关联公司才有权并承担义务。在这种情况下,本协议中对 tonies 的任何引用均应被视为对下订单的相应 tonies 关联公司的引用,除非从上下文中可以清楚地看出 tonies 是指 tonies 而不是相应 tonies 的关联公司

The List of tonies' Affiliates is set out in Appendix 10

5: Term

Basic Term

This Agreement shall become effective upon mutual signature and shall have an initial term of three (3) years ("Initial Contract Term").
本协议自双方签署后生效,初始期限为三 (3) 年(“初始合同期限”)。


This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for further periods of one year thereafter, unless terminated by either Party giving six (6) months' notice to the end of the respective term (for the avoidance of doubt: the Agreement may be terminated for the first time at the end of the Initial Contract Term).
本协议应自动续签一年,除非任何一方在相应期限结束时提前六 (6) 个月通知终止(为避免疑义:本协议可在初始合同期限结束时首次终止)。

Termination for good cause

Tonies and the Supplier have the right to terminate the General Supply Agreement and/or an Individual Order and any other agreement, for good cause at any time. Such cause for a termination by tonies shall include, in particular but without limitation, the following cases:

the Supplier’s material and/or repeated breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement; or

a change in the ownership or control of the Supplier; or

the Supplier at any time for any reason is either prevented from or unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or

the Supplier makes or offers to make an arrangement with its creditors, or becomes insolvent, or has a receiver appointed of its business, or is compulsorily or voluntarily wound up.

6: Prices, Invoicing, Payment


The prices for the Products applicable for the entire term of the Agreement are set out in the price list attached to this Agreement in Appendix 3 (“Pricing Agreement”) (hereinafter referred to as "Prices").
适用于本协议整个期限的产品价格载于本协议附录 3(“定价协议”)所附价目表(以下简称“价格”)。

The Prices are based on a number of factors. Therefore, tonies may at any time demand that the Prices be renegotiated in the event of a change in any one or more of the below factors:

volume requirements;

Products and the requirements of the Products;

market conditions (i.e. key economic factors);
市场条件(i.e. key经济因素);

order procedures;

the Specifications;

competitiveness of the Supplier.

In the event that the Supplier refuses to renegotiate the Prices or the Parties fail to agree on revised Prices, tonies shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement to the end of a month by giving the Supplier no less than three (3) months’ prior written notice.
如果供应商拒绝重新谈判价格或双方未能就修订后的价格达成一致,则供应商有权提前至少三 (3) 个月书面通知供应商终止本协议至月底。

In the event that tonies is offered the Products or comparable products at a more favourable price or on more favourable terms than those which have been offered to tonies by the Supplier, all current Prices and/or terms shall be subject to negotiations between the Parties. If the Parties cannot agree on revised Prices and/or terms tonies shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement to the end of a month subject to 3 months’ prior written notice to the Supplier.
如果以比供应商提供给托尼的价格或更优惠的条件向托尼提供产品或类似产品,则所有当前价格和/或条款均应由双方协商。如果双方无法就修订后的价格和/或条款达成一致,则 tonies 有权在提前 3 个月书面通知供应商的情况下终止协议至月底。


The Supplier’s invoices shall be issued in accordance with Article 4 of the Terms & Conditions of Tonies in Appendix 0
供应商的发票应按照附录 0 中 Tonies 条款和条件的第 4 条开具

Invoices shall be sent to the following email addresses:



Payment term

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, tonies shall pay invoices no later than 45 days following the receipt of a proper invoice and receipt of full delivery.已经协商执行45天付款周期


Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the payment shall be made in local currency.

7: Non-binding Forecast

Rolling Forecast

Tonies will provide Supplier on a monthly basis, by the 15th of each month, with a written forecast of the expected purchase quantities for the next three (3) calendar months in a non-binding forecast plan (hereinafter referred to as “Rolling Forecast” or “R3”). 由于forcast突然大量变化造成的备料损失,Tonies方有责任负责吸收和承担。增量20%,交期需重新商议;突然取消订单的情况,根据物料有效期,最长半年库存期限,Tonies方有责负责。

Meaning of the Purchase Quantities

Tonies shall notify the Supplier of the respective binding purchase quantities for each month as part of the Rolling Forecast. The Supplier has definitely to deliver the quantities stated therein for the first (1st) month. If an order exceeds the respective binding purchase quantities, Supplier shall notify tonies accordingly without undue delay. There shall be no obligation to confirm an order to the extent it exceeds the applicable binding purchase quantities; for the rest, Article 3. para 3 of the GPC shall apply. However, Supplier shall use its best efforts to accept and fulfil these orders completely.
作为滚动预测的一部分,Tonies 应将每个月的相应具有约束力的采购数量通知供应商。供应商必须在第一 (1) 个月内交付其中规定的数量。如果订单超过相应的约束性采购数量,供应商应立即通知供应商。如果订单超过适用的具有约束力的采购数量,则没有义务确认订单;其余部分,第3条。《政府采购公约》第3款应适用。但是,供应商应尽最大努力完全接受和履行这些订单。

The Supplier undertakes to deliver the quantities stated in the Rolling Forecast for the second (2nd) month.
供应商承诺在第二 (2 nd ) 个月内交付滚动预测中规定的数量。

The quantities indicated in the Rolling Forecast for the third (3rd) month represent a probable, still non-binding purchase quantity of Products, whereby the Supplier undertakes already upon receipt of the monthly plan R3 to make all reasonable efforts to be able to deliver these quantities indicated for the third month.

Obligation to deliver

The Supplier shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to provide the volume of Products as reasonably requested by tonies from time to time.
供应商应尽一切商业上合理的努力,不时按照 tonies 的合理要求提供产品数量。

8: Incoterms

From and within the EU and non-oversea transport

From within i) the EU and ii) non oversea transport shall be subject to "DAP (place of delivery indicated in the order) Incoterms 2020".
从内部 i) 欧盟和 ii) 非海外运输应受“DAP(订单中指明的交货地)Incoterms 2020”的约束。

From outside the EU and non-oversea transport

From outside i) the EU and ii) non oversea transport shall be subject to "DDP (delivered duty paid) Incoterms 2020".
从外部 i) 欧盟和 ii) 非海外运输应遵守“DDP(完税交货)2020 年国际贸易术语解释通则”。

From the rest of the world and oversea transport

From i) the rest of the world and ii) oversea transport FOB (i.e. outside the EU)) shall be subject to "FOB (agreed port of destination) Incoterms 2020".
从 i) 世界其他地区和 ii) 海外运输 FOB(即欧盟以外))应遵守“FOB(商定目的港)Incoterms 2020”。

9: Special Provisions

分 包 商

Option 1: The following subcontractors are envisaged by the Supplier to provide the Products: [company’s name, address, activity, legal relationship to Supplier (Affiliated company for instance)]
选项 1:供应商设想以下分包商提供产品:[公司名称、地址、活动、与供应商的法律关系(例如关联公司)]

Option 2: No subcontractors are envisaged by the Supplier.
选项 2:供应商没有设想分包商。

Liability/ Proof of Liability Insurance

The Supplier shall be liable in accordance with Article 10 of General Purchasing Conditions of tonies in Appendix 0 (hereinafter referred to as "GPC") and has taken out business and property damage liability, in particular product and product recall insurance to cover this liability, which is attached to the Agreement in Appendix 8 (“Proof of insurance of the Supplier“)责任保险金额:需咨询保险公司,商讨金额;
供应商应根据附录 0 中的一般采购条件第 10 条(以下简称“GPC”)承担责任,并已购买业务和财产损失责任,特别是产品和产品召回保险来涵盖此责任,该责任附在附录 8 的协议(“供应商的保险证明”)责任保险金额:需咨询保险公司,商讨金额;

The insurance must at least provide the following coverage:

bodily injury: EUR [10,0] million per incident;
人身伤害:每次事故 [100] 百万欧元;

damage to property: EUR [10,0] million per incident;
财产损失:每次事故 [10,0] 百万欧元;

recall costs: EUR [__ __] per incident; and
召回成本:每次事故 [__ __] 欧元;和

financial loss: EUR [__ __] per incident.
经济损失:每次事故 [__ __] 欧元。

Applicable law and place of Jurisdiction

German law to the exclusion of international uniform law, in particular the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement or concerning its validity, shall be Düsseldorf, Germany.

Inclusion of GPC; Hierarchy of validity

The GPC in the version valid at the time of the order shall apply in addition to this Agreement. The current version of the GPC is attached to this contract as Appendix 0. In the event of changes to the GPC, tonies shall inform the Supplier of the new version and shall also inform the Supplier where it can retrieve the amended version of the GPC.
除本协议外,还应适用订购时有效版本的 GPC。GPC 的当前版本作为附录 0 附在本合同之后。如果 GPC 发生更改,tonies 应将新版本通知供应商,并应告知供应商在哪里可以检索 GPC 的修订版本。

If provisions of this Agreement collide with provisions in individual agreements including their annexes or the GPC, the following hierarchy shall apply: provisions in this Agreement take precedence over the provisions of the individual orders or their annexes. The individual orders or their annexes take precedence over the provisions of the provisions of the GPC.



No oral agreements or collateral agreements to this Agreement have been made. Amendments or supplements to this Agreement must be made in writing to be effective. This also applies to the waiver of the written form requirement. Fax or e-mail are sufficient for the preservation of the contractual written form.

10: Final Provisions

Social Responsibility

Tonies and the Supplier are companies that are aware of their ethical, social and environmental responsibilities. Tonies and the Supplier are particularly concerned about a production that is environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Fair and appropriate treatment is also fundamental to the relationship with the employees. Tonies and the Supplier do not tolerate discrimination or harassment, e.g. on the basis of race, religion, creed, national origin, gender, disability, age or any other aspect. Tonies and the Supplier expressly reject the employment of children. In addition, the Supplier is therefore also subject to the Code of Conduct for tonies' business partners (Appendix 4).

Salvatory clause

Should any of these provisions be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The invalid contractual provisions shall be replaced by contractual provisions which come as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provisions. If necessary, tonies and the Supplier will negotiate and agree on such replacement. The same applies accordingly if the Agreement contains a gap.

11: Appendices

The following Appendices form an integral part of the Agreement

Please mark with a cross where applicable

Appendix 0

General Purchasing Conditions of tonies GmbH (GPC) (version: 1.1)
tonies GmbH (GPC) 的一般采购条件 (版本: 1.1)

Appendix 1

Specification of Products (version: 1.0)

Appendix 2

Quality Assurance Agreement (version: 1.1)

Appendix 3


Appendix 4

Code of Conduct for TONIES’ business partners (version: 1.0)

Appendix 5

Delivery Guideline Tonies GmbH (version: 1.0)
交货指南 Tonies GmbH (版本: 1.0)

Appendix 6

Tool provision Agreement (version: 1.0)

Appendix 7

Material provision Agreement (version: 1.0)

Appendix 8

Proof of insurance of the Supplier (version: 1.0)

Appendix 9

Template for Individual Orders (version: 1.0)

Appendix 10

List of tonies' Affiliates (version: 1.0)

12: Signatures

(1) Supplier
(1) 供应商



Name, role:



Name, role:

(2) Tonies
(2) 托尼




Name, role:




Name, role: