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The Causal Relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits, Cyberbullying, and Adolescents’ Meaning in Life

Causal Relationships Between the Big Five Personality Traits, Cyberbullying, and Meaning in Life in Adolescents

Introduction by the researcher

Amal Mohamed Ali Hassan Iskandarani

To apply for the Master of Education

Mental Health and Counseling


Prof. Violet Fouad Ibrahim Dr. Nevin Sabah Bioumi

Professor of Mental Health and Psychological Counseling, Lecturer of Educational Psychology

Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University


Adolescence is a very important socialization process in which the adolescent acquires cultural and social values and standards and his experiences are shaped through interaction with people other than his original family members and being subject to different social laws. This stage represents the path of building personality, acquiring knowledge, making friends, and training to bear responsibility, but it may turn into a painful experience and suffering that may continue to affect the rest of life stages or may lead to committing suicide.

Adolescence is one of the most important developmental stages in a person's life, during which the path that the individual chooses is determined. It is a stage of transition from childhood to adulthood. The nature of this stage requires that it be studied scientifically and practically from all its psychological and social aspects. It also requires awareness of the characteristics and problems of adolescents, as this stage witnesses great developmental changes in various aspects of growth. (Abu Gadu, 2004).

Hence, teenagers are in dire need of an appropriate environment that provides them with the ability to accept the things that the individual realizes, including himself, and then work on adopting them in organizing his personality.

With technological progress or the so-called Internet age and the fading of borders between countries economically, politically, culturally and socially, as it is one of the requirements of electronic globalization and technological progress. The Internet has become a necessity of life, especially in light of the conditions we live in, and no home is without it. The Internet is the latest and most powerful means of social communication that connects individuals with each other and connects peoples and societies in every aspect of life.

These devices have become accessible to everyone, young and old, and the Internet has become the field and the option always available for research, analysis, and conveying information and obtaining opinions with ease, at the lowest cost and effort, and to the largest possible percentage of people of all ages and without conditions or barriers, which led to a great demand for it and its use in negative ways as well (Nasser Al-Hosni, 2011).

Accordingly, the Internet has become a dangerous weapon that is easy to use, especially recently, as it has been used for the purposes of cursing, swearing, harassing people, publishing their privacy, provoking them, and bullying them for personal pleasure or blackmailing them or obtaining money from the victims or defaming their reputation and spreading rumors and spying and infiltrating the victims' electronic accounts. This phenomenon was called the phenomenon of cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying has become one of the most important modern variables that affect mental and psychological health, especially for adolescents, as this phenomenon has recently increased in prevalence, especially among adolescent students at various stages of their education, which negatively affects the educational process and thus affects the development cycle in society.

Research suggests that up to 7 in 10 young people have experienced online abuse at some point. Traditionally, bullying was largely confined to the school environment with home being a place of safety. However, today young people can be bullied not only in the playground but also in the family car, at home alone in their bedroom and even in the presence of parents/carers without those adults ever being aware of what is happening. With technology now an integral part of modern life, there is little opportunity for some young people to escape the abuse and many live in a constant state of fear and anxiety. One in three victims of cyberbullying have self-harmed as a result and one in ten have attempted suicide. (Liam Hackett, 2017).

There are many cases of teenagers and young people who have been cyberbullied and ended up with tragic endings. There are even more cases where people's hearts and self-confidence have been shattered and they and their families are still suffering from the consequences of bullying. However, there are some teenagers and young people who have been able to overcome the effects of cyberbullying, but very few of them have not felt the pain inside and their lives have not been affected in one way or another. (McQuarrie and Ben Amarah, 2018).

Cyberbullying is often motivated by the bully's need for entertainment or attention due to boredom and excessive free time with limited or no supervision from parents or the school. It can also be driven by feelings of anger, frustration, or a desire for revenge due to jealousy or previous problems. Since the motivations vary, the solutions, suggestions, and responses differ for each case (UNICEF Egypt, 2018).

A bully is a student who may have personality disorders. Cyberbullying may occur because of personality disorders that have found a way to express their psychological nature in technology and social media. Students who suffer from personality disorders are physically and mentally normal students, some of whom also have talents and have intelligence levels within the normal range. However, the difference in their degree of possession of behavior is not in its type, as they exaggerate in reaction, such as excessive fear, excessive sadness, or excessive aggression, withdrawal, isolation, and distrust (Hafiza Anjeshiri, 2015).

Adolescents feel connected to their community and peers when they feel comfortable and confident, and when their sense of belonging to their peers and community also develops. When adolescents face obstacles in feeling connected, there will be difficulties in being able to connect with those around them and difficulty in making friends or understanding the roles they play in this society. As a result, they feel lonely, which leads to many psychological and social problems such as low self-esteem, distrust of others, a feeling of loneliness, and then a lack of a sense of belonging to others. (Schacter & Maegolin 2019)

(Schenk & Fremouw, 2012) indicate that victims of bullying feel insecure and lose the meaning and purpose of life, while cyberbullies suffer from difficulties in social and emotional relationships and engage in antisocial behaviors. The motivation to find a coherent and meaningful life, and to promote the natural growth of the adolescent, is the essence of human nature that is achieved by understanding life experiences and linking them together. Finding meaning is considered an innate and important need in life, and failure to achieve it leads to anxiety and creates psychological stress.

(Gonzalez, Cabrera, Machimbarrena, Ortega -Barone &Alvarez-Bardon 2020) indicate that victims of cyberbullying suffer negative consequences on mental health such as low self-esteem, anxiety, social and behavioral difficulties, and low quality and meaning of life.

As Higuita-Gutierrez & Cardona-Arias (2015) point out, the meaning of life decreases in adolescents when they are exposed to psychological harm, mistreatment or neglect.

(McLoughlin et al., 2022) suggest that adolescents’ cognitive facets mediate the relationship between cyberbullying and meaning in life, such that those who were frequently cyberbullied tended to have lower mindfulness, which in turn was associated with lower meaning in life.

As a result, the teenager begins to feel lonely, isolated and withdrawn from society due to non-acceptance or inability to integrate with society, and thus the teenager becomes more likely to engage in a range of socially unacceptable behaviors, and becomes unable to conform and hostile to society and learns the behavior of bullying. (Lappalainen, Puhakka & Sinkkonen 2011)

The human personality is considered one of the most complex phenomena studied because it is a psychological phenomenon with intertwined dimensions and multifaceted aspects. Due to the need to understand the characteristics and traits of humans that determine the way of thinking, feeling, and behaving in order to adapt to the surrounding environment and its variables, we find many related studies.

Eysenck's definition of personality is "the more or less stable and enduring organization of a person's character, temperament, intellect, and physique, which determines his unique adjustment to the environment." He defines character as "the more or less stable and enduring organization of conative behavior," temperament as "the more or less stable and enduring organization of affective behavior," intellect as "the more or less stable and enduring organization of cognitive behavior (intelligence)," and physique as "the more or less stable and enduring organization of bodily form, including glandular and neural structure."

Based on a group of different studies and research in the field of psychology and mental health, five major personality factors have been identified, which determine how an individual interacts with themselves and those around them.

The Big Five personality traits are a comprehensive system of relatively stable physical, mental, social, and emotional characteristics that distinguish an individual from others and determine their style of dealing and interacting with others, as well as with the surrounding social and physical environment (Suhair Ahmed, 2003).

Based on the above, the researcher believes that cyberbullying is a problem that is spread in a frightening way and in malicious ways and has severe negative consequences on the victims. The current study seeks to investigate the causal relationship between the Big Five personality factors and cyberbullying and the meaning of life for adolescents.

Problem of the study

تعد دراسة الشخصية هي نقطة بداية لجميع الدراسات النفسية والتي نسعى من خلالها الي فهم الشخصية وعلاقتها بالمتغيرات النفسية والعقلية والانفعالية لدي الفرد وبالطبع لدي المراهق، وتهدف الدراسة الحالية الي التعرف على العلاقة بين عوامل الشخصية الخمس الكبرى وكلا من التنمر الإلكتروني ومعني الحياة لدي المراهقين. ‏استنادا لمجموعة من الدراسات والأبحاث في ميدان الصحة النفسية تم التوصل إلى حصر خمسة عوامل كبرى للشخصية والتي على أساسها يتحدد تفاعل المراهق مع ذاته والمحيطين به. وأن انتشار الأجهزة الذكية بما عليها من تطبيقات حديثة والتي تعتبر وسيلة التواصل الاجتماعي التي يسعي المراهقون من خلالها إقامة علاقات مع الاخرين - بغض النظر عن الطريقة سواء أكانت واقعية آو افتراضية - يعبرون من خلالها عن أنفسهم ويتفاعلون مع المحيطون بهم بسهولة أكبر، كما أن حاجة المراهق للاندماج بعلاقات اجتماعية تفاعلية وانتماءه للمجتمع، والوصول لمعنى في حياته من الأمور التي يسعى إليها. وأن عدم تلبية هذه الحاجات ينتج عنها العديد من النتائج السلبية في حياته، حيث ان محدودية الاندماج وعدم أقامه علاقات اجتماعية سوية وانعدام المعنى واحساس المراهق ان وجوده في الحياة بلا هدف يجعله يميل لسلوكيات غير سوية - مثل التنمر الالكتروني - والذي يعزز من شعوره بوجوده في الحياة وبقيمته، ويشعر من خلالها بالبهجة والمتعة. It is worth mentioning that online social media has provided an opportunity to hide one's identity, which has helped spread and increase the rate of cyberbullying among adolescents. This problem raises concerns in many societies due to its prevalence among adolescents and the seriousness of its consequences. ومن هنا انبثقت مشكلة الدراسة الحالية وهي العلاقة السببية للعوامل الشخصية الخمس الكبرى والتنمر الالكتروني ومعني الحياة لدي المراهقين وستتمحور مشكلة الدراسة في الإجابة عن الأسئلة الاتية:

What are the specific factors within each of the Big Five personality traits that contribute to cyberbullying?

ما هي العوامل المحددة في كل عامل من عوامل الشخصية الكبرى التي تساهم في معني الحياة لدي المراهق؟ 

مدي التفاعل بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى التي يمكن أن تؤثر على احتمالية التنمر الإلكتروني لدي المراهق؟  Retry    Reason

مدي التفاعل بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى التي يمكن أن تؤثر على احتمالية معني الحياة لدي المراهق؟ Retry    Reason

What is the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and cyberbullying perpetration over time in 12- to 15-year-olds?

What is the relationship between the Big Five personality factors and meaning in life across time in 12- to 15-year-olds?

What is the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and cyberbullying according to gender and socioeconomic background?

What is the relationship between the Big Five personality factors and meaning in life across gender and socioeconomic background?

What is the relationship between the Big Five personality factors and cyberbullying according to social context, such as school, family, or the wider community?

What is the relationship between the Big Five personality factors and adolescents' meaning in life across social contexts, such as school, family, and the broader community?

Study Objectives

The current study aims to investigate the causal relationship between the Big Five personality traits, cyberbullying, and meaning in life among adolescents.

Importance of Study

Theoretical importance

The study addresses an important age group, which is adolescents from (12-15 years old), as this group has many psychological and social characteristics that affect the building of their personalities, behaviors, and academic achievement, and thus affect the development of society.

الأهمية التطبيقية

من خلال الإجابة على أسئلة الدراسة، يمكننا من خلال البيانات والمعطيات العمل على تطوير استراتيجيات وعمل برامج إرشادية، تنموية وعلاجية سواء للتنمر الالكتروني و/أو مفهوم معني الحياة للمراهقين.

Study Terms


Cyberbullying is any behavior that occurs online or through electronic or digital media by an individual or group, through repeated, hostile, or aggressive messages that are intended to harm others. The bully may be anonymous or known to the victim, and cyberbullying can occur on or off school property. (Tokunaga, 2010).

‏"التنمر الإلكتروني هو سلوك عدواني متعمد ومتكرر يهدف إلى أذى أو إزعاج او تخويف شخص ما باستخدام وسائل التواصل الإلكترونية". (اكبيليوت وابريستي 2011).

Cyberbullying is defined by the researcher as an operational definition as an individual engaging in inappropriate aggressive behaviors using technology tools and means of communication with the aim of threatening, harassing, or violating the freedom of others and their psychological security with the aim of reducing their self-esteem in front of others.

Big Five personality traits

The Big Five personality model implicitly incorporates the basic tenets of personality theories that individuals can be described in terms of relatively stable patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions that allow us to predict recurrent patterns of individual behavior and ultimately to study personality. (McCrae & John, 1992)

Recent research results that used factor analysis revealed the existence of five relatively stable higher-order factors across life stages and across cultures that describe the main dimensions of personality. These higher-order factors are called the Big Five Factor Model and are illustrated in the following table. (Kosslyn & Rosenberg, 2004) Quoted from (Mohammad Rimawi, 2004).

Top Factors



Warmth, sociable, fun-loving, positive emotions.


Anxiety, hostility, anger, depression, impulsivity, and vulnerability to hurt.


Trust, altruism, integrity, submission, humility, moderation, gentleness, rectitude.

Openness to Experience

Adventure, sport, feelings, actions, thoughts, values, independence, imagination, beauty.


Competition, struggle, striving for excellence, self-discipline, sense of duty, patience, resilience, commitment, continuity, thinking before acting.

The researcher defines the Big Five model of personality traits operationally as a set of personality traits that tend to co-occur, suggesting that they share some common underlying dimensions. These dimensions are relatively stable and manifest themselves in consistent patterns of behavior, and they influence an individual's thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Meaning of life

Viktor Frankl was the first to introduce the term existential meaning of life. According to Frankl, the term existential is used and refers to three aspects: existence in itself, the meaning of existence, and the pursuit of finding a tangible meaning in personal existence, i.e. the will to meaning.

Mohamed Ibrahim Eid (1993) defines the meaning of life as the individual's feeling that his life has value, significance, purpose, and rationality. As for the loss of meaning from life, it means falling into the clutches of what Franklin calls "existential emptiness", which is a state of boredom and boredom that makes those who experience it feel that life is going on without meaning or purpose and that his life is stagnant, boring, and meaningless.

Reker (2000) defines the meaning of life as an individual's knowledge of the system of his goals, which he has set in life, and his understanding of his existence and striving to achieve his goals and the feeling that accompanies their achievement.

The researcher operationally defines the meaning of life as the individual's acceptance of himself, awareness of himself, and monitoring of his thoughts. The individual's acceptance of reality with the pursuit of developing it, determining his goals, and the ability to make decisions and bear moral responsibility, alertness of conscience, and satisfaction with his life in general.

Previous studies

المحور الاول دراسات تناولت عوامل الشخصية الخمس الكبرى والتنمر الالكتروني Retry    Reason

- التنمر الإلكتروني، الشخصية، وآليات التكيف لدى ما قبل المراهقين Retry    Reason

Cyber-Bullying, Personality, and Coping Among Pre-Adolescents. Kokkinos, C. M., Antoniadou, N., Dalara, E., Koufogazou, A., & Papatziki, A. (2013) Retry    Reason

‏هدفت الدراسة للتحقق من العلاقة بين الشخصية من خلال (نموذج الخمس عوامل ) والمواجهة وتجارب التنمر الإلكتروني بين 300 طالب يوناني في المرحلة العمرية السابقة للمراهقة والذين يلتحقون بالصفين الأخيرين من المدرسة الابتدائية اسفرت الدراسة إلى أن ابلغ العديد من الأولاد عن تورطهم المتكرر في حوادث التنمر الإلكتروني أكثر بينما لم تكن هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الجنسين في ما يتعلق بالاعتداء الإلكتروني، وسجل الطلاب غير المتورطين في عملية التنمر نتائج أعلى في الضمير بينما سجل المتنمرين / الضحايا الإلكتروني ‏نتائج أعلى في عدم الاستقرار العاطفي. كما تميل فئة المتنمرين / ضحايا إلى استخدام استراتيجيات مواجهة غير صحية بشكل أكثر تكرارا، بينما أفاد المتنمرون باستخدام المزيد من العدوان والاستسلام للتعامل مع النزعات الشخصية. ‏وأشارت الدراسة الي ان الأولاد الذين لديهم ضمير منخفض والذين يستخدمون التجنب السلبي والعدوان كانوا أكثر عرضة للتنمر الإلكتروني، بينما أولئك الذين يستخدمون التجنب السلبي والسيطرة على المواقف للتعامل مع ضغوطات العلاقات الشخصية أكثر عرضة للوقوع ضحايا للتنمر الإلكتروني. Retry    Reason

- Personal characteristics of victims of bullying in juvenile detention centers.

Personal characteristics of bullying victims in residential care for youth

The aim of the study was to examine personality traits of victims of peer victimization in residential care. A total of 601 adolescents (11–21 years) from 22 residential care institutions in Croatia completed measures of victimization, the Big Five personality traits, empathy, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Results showed that both male and female victims had lower self-esteem, and that victimization was associated with neuroticism in both genders. Additionally, female victims showed lower levels of agreeableness, conscientiousness, and empathy, while male victims had a history of victimization.

- Exploring the Effects of Personality Traits on Cyberbullying

Investigating the effects of personality traits on cyberbullying Ali Semerci (2017)

The study aimed to uncover the effects of vocational high school students' personality traits on their cyberbullying behaviors. To this end, the Cyber Victim/Bully Scale and the Trait-Based Personality Scale were applied to 246. This study provides valuable insights into the relationships between personality traits and cyberbullying among vocational high school students. The results indicated that openness and conscientiousness were the most significant factors influencing cyberbullying behaviors among adolescents. Furthermore, the findings regarding extraversion and openness provide insights into the complexities associated with their cyberbullying behaviors. Surprisingly, neuroticism did not have a significant effect on perpetrating or being a victim of cyberbullying.

- The role of the Big Five personality traits and attitudes toward cyberbullying as predictors, and attitudes toward cyberbullying as a predictor of cyberbullying perpetration

The Big Five Personality Traits and Attitude towards Cyberbullying as Predictors of Cyberbullying Perpetration Sobowale, V. O., and Lawal A. M. (2017)

هدفت الدراسة إلى إيجاد أفضل طريقة للحد من احتمالية حدوث التنمر الإلكتروني في الجامعات وذلك عن طريق دراسة مؤشرات النفسية لدى الشباب في الجامعي وعما إذا كانت سمات الشخصية الخمس الكبرى والموقف تجاه التنمر الإلكتروني يتنبأ بارتكاب التنمر الإلكتروني. ‏استخدمت الدراسة تصميم بحث مقطع حيث تم استخدام استبيان منظم لجمع البيانات من بين 459 طالب جامعي وأظهرت النتائج أن السمات الشخصية الخمس الكبرى والموقف تجاه التنمر الإلكتروني يتوقعون معا ارتكاب التنمر واسفرت الدراسة إلى أن الانفتاح العالي والقبول المنخفض والموقف الإيجابي تجاه التنمر الإلكتروني هي مؤشرات على ارتكاب التنمر.

- Predicting Cyberbullying Perpetration in High School Students in Light of the Big Five Personality Traits

Ali Thabet, Nora Taj (2019)

The study aimed to predict the behavior of cyberbullying perpetrators among high school students in light of the Big Five personality factors. The study sample consisted of 279 adolescents with an average age of (14-16) years. The study used the Cyberbullying Perpetrators Behavior Scale and the Big Five Personality Factors List. The results showed that there was a statistically significant correlation between the adolescents' scores on the Big Five Personality Factors List and their scores on the Cyberbullying Perpetrators Behavior Scale. There was a positive correlation between the openness to experience factor and cyberbullying perpetrators' behavior, and a negative correlation between the conscientiousness factor and cyberbullying perpetrators' behavior. The openness and conscientiousness factors were predictors of cyberbullying perpetrators' behavior, and males were more likely to engage in cyberbullying behavior.

- Differences between victims and non-victims of cyberbullying in the Big Five personality factors in a sample of adults. Ahmed Amr Abdullah (2020)

The study aimed to examine the common manifestations of exposure to cyberbullying as well as to examine the differences between those exposed and not exposed to cyberbullying in the Big Five personality factors, and the relationship of exposure to cyberbullying to some demographic variables and the number of hours of Internet use per day. It also aimed to reveal the ability of the five personality factors to predict exposure to cyberbullying. The study was based on the descriptive comparative correlational approach and the study sample included 224 adults (68 males and 156 females) aged 20 to 39. The study was based on two scales, one of which is the Cyberbullying Victim Scale, and the other is the Big Five Personality Factors Scale after calculating their psychometric properties. The results of the study indicated that after violating privacy, the most common manifestations of exposure to cyberbullying among the sample were then after sexual harassment, then after exclusion, then after insult and threat, and finally after ridicule and defamation. Those exposed to cyberbullying had high scores in the factor of neuroticism, extroversion, and acceptance, while those not exposed to cyberbullying had high scores in the factor of conscientiousness, while there were no differences between them in the factor of openness to experience.

- Cyberbullying and Its Relationship to Personal Traits in a Sample of Kuwait University Students. Hamdan Al-Ajmi, Asma Al-Sarayrah (2022)

The study aimed to identify the level of cyberbullying and its relationship to personal traits in a sample of Kuwait University students in light of the variables (gender and specialization) using the descriptive analytical approach. The researcher developed a cyberbullying scale consisting of 29 items distributed over three dimensions: (cyber invisibility, cyber harassment, and cyber sexual harassment) and used a personal traits scale consisting of (36) items distributed over four dimensions: (alertness, conscience, shyness, embarrassment, and guilt). The study sample consisted of 576 male and female undergraduate students. The results showed that the level of cyberbullying among a sample of university students was at an average level. The level of cyberbullying (victim) among a sample of students was at an average level. The level of cyberbullying (bully) was low. The level of personal traits of bullies and victims of cyberbullying was at an average level, and there was a correlation between cyberbullying, exposure to bullying, and personal traits in a sample of students. There were no differences in cyberbullying and exposure to it according to gender or scientific specialization, and there were no differences in personal traits according to the type of bullies and victims of bullying (males and females) and scientific specialization.

المحور الثاني دراسات تناولت التنمر الالكتروني ومعني الحياة Retry    Reason

- الدور المحتمل لمعنى الحياة في العلاقة بين التعرض للتنمر والتفكير الانتحاري Retry    Reason

The potential role of meaning in life in the relationship between bullying victimization and suicidal ideation. Henry, K. L., Lovegrove, P. J., Steger, M. F., Chen, P. Y., Cigularov, K. P., & Tomazic, R. G. (2014). Retry    Reason

‏هدفت الدراسة لتوضيح العواقب الوخيمة للتنمر وسط الطلاب المراهقين وكيف يمكن أن تشمل الصدمة النفسية الشديدة والانتحار. اسفرت الدراسة ان هناك حاجة إلى فهم أفضل للآليات التي تربط التنمر بالتفكير الانتحاري من أجل تطوير مبادرات وقائية وتدخلية فعالة. ومعنى الحياة هو الآلية في هذا السياق. افُترض أن المعنى في الحياة يمكن أن يعمل كوسيط ومنظم لعلاقة التعرض للتنمر بالتفكير الانتحاري. كوسيط، يُنظر إلى المعنى في الحياة على أنه يوضح سبب ارتباط التعرض للتنمر بالتفكير الانتحاري. كمنظم، يُنظر إلى المعنى في الحياة على أنه يخفف من الآثار السيئة للتعرض للتنمر على التفكير الانتحاري. تم استخدام البيانات التي تم جمعها من عينة متنوعة إثنيًا تتكون من 2936 طالبًا (50٪ إناث) من الصفوف السادس إلى الثاني عشر من إحدى المناطق التعليمية الحضرية في شمال شرق الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لفحص الفرضيات. كان النموذج الخاص بالفتيات متسقًا مع الوساطة (أي أن المعنى في الحياة قد يفسر كيف يؤدي التعرض للتنمر إلى التفكير الانتحاري). كان النموذج الخاص بالصبية متسقًا مع التنظيم (أي تم تخفيف التأثير السيئ للتعرض للتنمر على التفكير الانتحاري مع زيادة المعنى في الحياة). Retry    Reason

- Cyberbullying, help-seeking and mental health in young Australians: Public health implications

Cyberbullying, help-seeking and mental health in young Australians: Implications for public health. Spears, B. A., Taddeo, C. M., Daly, A. L., Stretton, A., & Karklins, L. T. (2015).

The study aimed to examine the relationship between Australian youth's experiences of cyberbullying and their help-seeking behaviours, and the associations with mental health and social connectedness to inform national health and wellbeing policy. An online survey was conducted with a sample of young people aged 12–18 years (n = 2338) recruited from across Australia in Year 2 of a larger four-year longitudinal study.

Youth who had no experience of cyberbullying showed better levels of general well-being and mental health. In contrast, victims of cyberbullying experienced greater difficulties in well-being and mental health, and were less likely to use online support services despite being more likely to be online after 11 pm. Parents and peers were identified as the main source of help for most young people when dealing with problems. The study suggests that as young people spend more time in the 24/7 online environment, there is a need to develop initiatives that engage young people and encourage them to seek help online.

- التنمر، والتنمر الالكتروني، وشعور الطلاب بالرضا عن الحياة والمجتمع لدى المراهقين في شيلي

Bullying, cyberbullying, student life satisfaction and the community of Chilean adolescentsVarela, J. J., Guzmán, J., Alfaro, J., & Reyes, F. (2019)

هدفت الدراسة لمعرفة علاقة التنمر الإلكتروني والرضا ومعنى الحياة لدى عينة من المراهقين في تشيلي وتكونت عينه الدراسة من (497) مراهق ومراهقة أظهرت النتائج الدراسة أن هناك ارتباط سلبي بين التنمر الإلكتروني ومعنى الحياة وأن التنمر الإلكتروني له نتائج سلبية على حركات المراهقين المختلفة وتقييماتهم بالرضا عن الحياة والهدف منها.

- الارتباط المشترك بين التنمر والتنمر الإلكتروني بجودة الحياة المتعلقة بالصحة في عينة من المراهقين

Joint association of bullying and cyberbullying in health-related quality of life in a sample of adolescents. González-Cabrera, J., Machimbarrena, J. M., Ortega-Barón, J., & Álvarez-Bardón, A.(2019)

The study aimed to verify the joint association of cyberbullying in the quality and meaning of life in a sample of Spanish adolescents. The sample consisted of 285 adolescents. The results of the study showed that cyberbullies obtained the lowest scores in the dimensions of quality and meaning of life and that there is an effect of cyberbullying on the psychological well-being and the social environment of the adolescent.

- الاختلافات بين الجنسين في ضحية التنمر الإلكتروني والمعنى في الحياة: دور النظرة القدرية ووضوح مفهوم الذات

Gender differences between cyberbullying victimization and meaning in life: roles of fatalism and self-concept clarity. Geng J., Wang,P., Zeng,P. & Lei,L. (2021)

‏هدفت الدراسة لمعرفة علاقة التنمر الإلكتروني بمعنى الحياة والفروق بين الذكور والاناث لدى المتنمرين في الصين وتكونت عينه الدراسة من (766) مراهق ومراهقة أسفرت نتائج الدراسة أن هناك ارتباط وثيقة للسيرة الذاتية للمتنمر ومعنى الحياة لديهم حيث تنخفض مستويات معنى الحياة بين المراهقين وان هناك ارتباط غير مباشر بين السيرة الذاتية ومعنى الحياة لدى الإناث بشكل أقوى مقابل الذكور.

- Cyberbullying and its Relationship with Social Connectedness and Meaning in Life among a Sample of Adolescent Students in Amman City.

Mason Jamal Al Jamal (2022)

The study aimed to identify the relationship between cyberbullying, social bonding, and the meaning of life among a sample of adolescents in Amman City. The study sample consisted of 1686 male and female adolescents. The results of the study showed that the degree of cyberbullying, social bonding, and the meaning of life were moderate. There were statistically significant differences in the level of the meaning of life attributed to the gender variable in favor of females and in the family type variable in favor of the natural family, in the adolescence stage variable in favor of the intermediate stage. There were statistically significant differences in the level of the meaning of life attributed to the gender variable in favor of females and in the family type variable in favor of the natural family. There were no differences in the adolescence stage variable, and there was a statistically significant negative relationship between the dimensions of the cyberbullying scale and both social bonding and the meaning of life among adolescents.

- التنمر الإلكتروني، والاستبصار، والرضا عن الحياة Retry    Reason

Cyberbullying, metacognition, and quality of life. Mcloughlin, L.Simcock, G. Schwenn, P. Beaudequin (2022) Retry    Reason

وجود علاقة ارتباطية دالة إحصائية بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى ومعني الحياة لمقياس عوامل الشخصية الكبرى والدرجة الكلية لمقياس معني الحياة. Retry    Reason

وجود علاقة ارتباطية دالة إحصائية بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى واحتمالية التنمر لمقياس عوامل الشخصية والدرجة الكلية لمقياس التنمر.

وجود علاقة ارتباطية دالة موجبة بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى وتفاعلها مع معني الحياة.

لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة احصائيا بين العوامل الشخصية الكبرى والتنمر الالكتروني عبر الزمن 12 -15 لمقياس التنمر الالكتروني.

وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى ومعني الحياة عبر الزمن لمقياس معني الحياة.   

لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى والتنمر طبقا النوع او الخلفية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية على مقياس التنمر.  

توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى ومعني الحياة طبقا النوع او الخلفية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية على مقياس معني الحياة.  

وجود علاقة ارتباطية دالة بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى والتنمر الالكتروني طبقا للسياق الاجتماعي على مقياس التنمر الالكتروني.  

وجود علاقة ارتباطية بين عوامل الشخصية الكبرى ومعني الحياة طبقا للسياق الاجتماعي على مقياس معني الحياة.  

منهج البحث   

اعتمد البحث على المنهج الوصفي بحدوده المعروفة في فحص العلاقات بين المتغيرات في الدراسة الحالية  

حدود الدراسة   

- حدود موضوعية  

‏التحقق من العلاقة السببية بين كلا من عوامل الشخصية الكبرى والتنمر الإلكتروني ومعنى الحياة.   

Exploring the Relationship between the Big Five Personality Factors, Cyberbullying, and Meaning in Life

- Spatial boundaries

Data will be collected through questionnaires and psychological tests for adolescents in Cairo Governorate.

- Time limits

The research will be applied in the academic year 2024-2025

أدوات الدراسة

Big Five personality traits list

مقياس معني الحياة اعداد الباحثة

مقياس التنمر الالكتروني اعداد الباحثة  

المحددات الإحصائية  

معامل الارتباط بيرسون  

اختبار ت  

أسلوب التحليل العاملي  

الاتساق الداخلي  

معامل الثبات الفا كرونباخ  

معامل التجزئة النصفية  

معامل الانحدار المتعدد  


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