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MロDEL 97ロ54-1 M 模型 97-54-1
ABOVE & BEYOND 超越 & 超越



3 在继续之前
4 SAFETY 4 安全
7 TロLS, SUPPLIES, 7 个工具,补给品,
1. 快速开始:迅速提速
17 ECM-2.5 电子控制模块

Thank you for purchasing the Traxxas TRX-4M with the Land Rover Defender Body. This officially licensed model gets the full Traxxas treatment with unsurpassed realism, including the molded front grille, ExoCage, door handles, and side mirrors. The design of the TRX-4M offers a new way to experience all the fun, adventure, and scale realism of the TRX-4 in a platform. Oil-filled shocks control body motion and provide smooth suspension travel over any terrain. Steel frame rails and a smooth running drivetrain give it true outdoor capability over rocks and through grass and streams. The tight turning radius and precise throttle control give it fantastic indoor maneuverability. Your new RC model offers the highest level of innovation, performance, and quality that is the hallmark of all Traxxas vehicles.
感谢您购买了 Traxxas TRX-4M ,搭载了 Land Rover Defender 车身。这款官方授权的模型经过 Traxxas 全方位打造,包括模制前格栅、ExoCage、门把手和侧面镜等细节,展现出无与伦比的真实感。TRX-4M 的设计为您提供了一种全新的方式来体验 TRX-4 的所有乐趣、冒险和比例真实感,而且采用了 平台。充满油的避震器控制车身运动,并在任何地形上提供平稳的悬挂行程。钢制车架和平稳的传动系统使其在岩石、草地和溪流上具有真正的户外能力。狭窄的转弯半径和精准的油门控制使其在室内具有出色的操纵性。您的新遥控模型提供了 Traxxas 所有车辆的标志性创新、性能和质量的最高水平。
This manual contains the instructions you will need to operate and maintain your model so that you can enjoy it for years to come. We want you to feel confident that you own one of the best-performing models in the market and that it is backed by a team of professionals who aim to provide the highest level of factory support possible. Traxxas models are about experiencing total performance and satisfaction, not just with your model, but also with the company that stands behind it.
本手册包含您操作和维护型号所需的说明,以便您能够多年来享受它。我们希望您能够自信地拥有市场上性能最佳的型号之一,并且有专业团队支持,致力于提供可能的最高水平的工厂支持。Traxxas 型号的体验是关于全面性能和满意度,不仅仅是您的型号,还有支持其背后的公司。
We know you're excited about getting your new model on the trail, but it's very important that you take some time to read through the Owner's Manual. This manual contains all the necessary setup and operating procedures that allow you to unlock the performance and potential that Traxxas engineers designed into your model.
我们知道您对上路使用新车型感到兴奋,但非常重要的是您花些时间阅读所有者手册。该手册包含了所有必要的设置和操作程序,让您能够释放 Traxxas 工程师设计的车型性能和潜力。

FCC Compliance FCC 合规

This device contains a module that complies with the limits for a Class B digital device as described in part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
该设备包含一个符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分中描述的 Class B 数字设备限值的模块。操作受以下两个条件限制:(1) 该设备不得造成有害干扰,(2) 该设备必须接受任何接收到的干扰,包括可能导致不良操作的干扰。
The limits for a Class B digital device are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in residential settings. This product generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not operated in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Class B 数字设备的限值是为了在住宅环境中提供合理的防护,防止有害干扰。本产品会产生、使用和辐射无线电频能,如果不按照说明操作,可能会对无线电通信造成有害干扰。然而,并不能保证在特定安装中不会发生干扰。如果此设备对无线电或电视接收造成有害干扰,可以通过关闭和打开设备来确定,鼓励用户尝试通过以下一项或多项措施来纠正干扰:
  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Canada, Industry Canada (IC)
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210. This device complies with Industry Canada license exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: This device may not cause interference, and This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
本 Class B 数字设备符合加拿大 ICES-003 和 RSS-210 标准。该设备符合加拿大工业部免许可证 RSS 标准。操作受以下两个条件限制:本设备不得造成干扰,且本设备必须接受任何干扰,包括可能导致设备不正常运行的干扰。
Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Statemen
This equipment complies with radio frequency exposure limits set forth by FCC and Industry Canada for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body or bystanders and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
该设备符合 FCC 和工业加拿大针对不受控制环境设定的无线频率暴露限制。该设备应安装和操作,辐射器与您的身体或旁观者之间应保持至少 20 厘米的最小距离,并且不得与任何其他天线或发射器共同安装或操作。

Traxxas Support 特拉克萨斯支持

Traxxas support is with you every step of the way. Refer to the next page to find out how to contact us and what your support options are.
Traxxas 支持您每一步。请参考下一页,了解如何联系我们以及您的支持选项。

Quick Start 快速开始

This manual is designed with a Quick Start path that outlines the necessary procedures to get your model up and running in the shortest time possible. If you are an experienced RC enthusiast, you will find it helpful and fast. Be sure and read through the rest of the manual to learn about important safety, maintenance, and adjustment procedures. Turn to page 10 to begin.
本手册设计了一个快速入门路径,概述了在尽可能短的时间内使您的模型运行起来所需的必要程序。如果您是一位经验丰富的遥控爱好者,您会发现它很有帮助且快速。请务必阅读本手册的其余部分,了解重要的安全、维护和调整程序。请翻到第 10 页开始。

Even if you are an experienced RC enthusiast, it's important to

read and follow the procedures in this manual.
Thank you again for going with Traxxas. We work hard every day to assure you the highest level of customer satisfaction possible. We truly want you to enjoy your new model!
感谢您再次选择 Traxxas。我们每天努力工作,以确保您获得可能的最高客户满意度。我们真诚希望您喜欢您的新模型!


In order to serve you better as our customer, please register your product within 10 days of your purchase online at Traxxas.com/register.
为了更好地为您作为我们的客户提供服务,请在您购买产品后的 10 天内在 Traxxas.com/register 网站上注册您的产品。
Carefully read and follow all instructions in this and any accompanying materials to prevent serious damage to your model. Failure to follow these instructions will be considered abuse and/or neglect.
Before running your model, look over this entire manual and examine the model carefully. If for some reason you decide it is not what you wanted, then do not continue any further. Your hobby dealer absolutely cannot accept a model for return or exchange after it has been run.
Warnings, Helpful Hints, & Cross-References
Throughout this manual, you'll notice warnings and helpful hints identified by the icons below. Be sure to read them!
An important warning about personal safety or avoiding damage to your model and related components.
Special advice from Traxxas to make things easier and more fun.
Refers you to a page with a related topic.


If you have any questions about your model or its operation, call the Traxxas Technical Support Line toll-free at: 1-888-TRAXXAS (1-888-872-9927)*
如果您对您的模型或其操作有任何疑问,请免费拨打 Traxxas 技术支持热线:1-888-TRAXXAS(1-888-872-9927)*
Technical support is available 7 days a week from 8:30am to central time. Technical assistance is also available at Traxxas.
技术支持每周 7 天,从上午 8:30 到 中部时间提供。在 Traxxas 也可以获得技术支持。
com. You may also e-mail customer support with your question at support@Traxxas.com. Join thousands of registered members in our online community at Traxxas.com.
您也可以通过电子邮件向客户支持发送您的问题至 support@Traxxas.com。加入数千注册会员在我们的在线社区 Traxxas.com。
Traxxas offers a full-service, on-site repair facility to handle any of your Traxxas service needs. Maintenance and replacement parts may be purchased directly from Traxxas by phone or online at Traxxas.com. You can save time, along with shipping and handling costs, by purchasing replacement parts from your local dealer.
Traxxas 提供全方位的现场维修服务设施,以处理您的 Traxxas 服务需求。维护和更换零件可通过电话或在 Traxxas.com 网站上直接从 Traxxas 购买。通过从当地经销商购买更换零件,您可以节省时间以及运输和处理成本。
Do not hesitate to contact us with any of your product support needs. We want you to be thoroughly satisfied with your new model!

Traxxas 特拉克萨斯

6250 Traxxas Way
McKinney, Texas 75070 麦金尼,德克萨斯州 75070
Phone: 972-549-3000 电话:972-549-3000
Toll-free 1-888-TRAXXAS 免费电话 1-888-TRAXXAS
Internet 互联网
E-mail: support@Traxxas.com
Entire contents ๑2022 Traxxas All rights reserved. Traxxas,
整个内容 ๑2022 特拉克萨斯 版权所有。特拉克萨斯。
Ready-To-Drive, TQ, Titan, TRX-4M and ECM-2.5 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Traxxas. Other brand names and marks are the property of their respective holders and are used only for purposes of identification. No part of this manual may be reproduced or distributed in print or electronic media without the express written permission of Traxxas. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ready-To-Drive,TQ,Titan,TRX-4M 和 ECM-2.5 是 Traxxas 的商标或注册商标。其他品牌名称和标记属于其各自持有人的财产,仅用于识别目的。未经 Traxxas 明确书面许可,本手册的任何部分均不得以印刷或电子媒体形式复制或分发。规格如有更改,恕不另行通知。
Land Rover and the Land Rover Logo are trademarks owned and licensed by Jaguar Land Rover Limited.
Officially Licensed Product. Land Rover Trademarks used under license to Traxxas LP.
官方授权产品。路虎商标已获得授权,由 Traxxas LP 使用。


All instructions and 所有指示和
precautions outlined in this manual should be strictly followed to ensure safe operation of your model.
This model is not intended for use by children under 18 years of age without the supervision of a responsible and knowledgeable adult.
该模型不适合未满 18 岁的儿童在没有负责任且知识渊博的成年人监督下使用。
Skill Leve 技能水平
No previous experience with radio controlled models is required. Models require a minimum of setup, maintenance, or support equipment.

All of us at Traxxas want you to safely enjoy your new model. Operate your model sensibly and with care, and it will be exciting, safe, and fun for you and those around you. Failure to operate your model in a safe and responsible manner may result in property damage and serious injury. The precautions outlined in this manual should be strictly followed to help ensure safe operation. You alone must see that the instructions are followed and the precautions are adhered to.
Traxxas 的全体员工希望您能安全地享受您的新模型。理智谨慎地操作您的模型,它将为您和周围的人带来刺激、安全和乐趣。如果您未能以安全和负责任的方式操作您的模型,可能会导致财产损失和严重受伤。本手册中概述的预防措施应严格遵循,以确保安全操作。您必须确保指示得到遵循,预防措施得到遵守。
Important Points to Remember
  • Your model is not intended for use on public roads or congested areas where its operation can conflict with or disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  • Never, under any circumstances, operate the model in crowds of people. Your model may present a tripping hazard and could cause injury. - Because your model is controlled by radio, it is subject to radio interference from many sources that are beyond your control. Since radio interference can cause momentary losses of radio control, always allow a safety margin in all directions around the model in order to prevent collisions.
    切勿在人群中操作模型,无论何时都不要这样做。您的模型可能会造成绊倒危险并导致受伤。- 由于您的模型是通过无线电控制的,它容易受到许多超出您控制范围的无线电干扰。由于无线电干扰可能导致瞬间失去无线电控制,因此请始终在模型周围的所有方向留有安全余地,以避免碰撞。
  • The motor can become hot during use. Be careful to avoid getting burned.
  • Don't operate your model at night, or anytime your line of sight to the model may be obstructed or impaired in any way.

    Electronic Control Module (ECM)
Your model's electronic control module (ECM) is an extremely powerful electronic device capable of delivering high current. Please closely follow these precautions to prevent damage to the ECM or other components. - Disconnect the Battery: Always disconnect the battery from the ECM when not in use.
您的模型的电子控制模块(ECM)是一种极为强大的电子设备,能够提供高电流。请严格遵循以下预防措施,以防止对 ECM 或其他组件造成损坏。- 断开电池连接:在不使用时,请始终将电池与 ECM 断开连接。
  • Insulate the Wires: Always insulate exposed wiring with heat shrink tubing to prevent short circuits.
  • Transmitter on First: Switch on your transmitter first before connecting the battery to the ECM. Disconnect the battery before turning off the transmitter.
    首先打开发射器:在连接电池到 ECM 之前先打开发射器。在关闭发射器之前断开电池连接。
  • Don't Get Burned:The motor can become extremely hot during use, so be careful not to touch it until it cools. Supply adequate airflow for cooling.
  • Use the Factory-Installed Connectors: Do not change the battery or motor connectors. Improper wiring can cause fire or damage to the ECM. Please note that modifying the electrical components will void your warranty.
    请使用出厂安装的连接器:不要更改电池或电机连接器。不正确的接线可能会导致火灾或损坏 ECM。请注意,修改电气元件将使您的保修失效。
  • No Reverse Voltage: The ECM is not protected against reverse polarity voltage.
    不具有反向电压保护:ECM 不受保护免受反向极性电压的影响。
  • Always adhere to the minimum and maximum limitations of the ECM Only use the ECM with the included Traxxas 2-cell LiPo iD battery and a compatible Traxxas motor
    始终坚持 ECM 的最小和最大限制,只能使用配备的 Traxxas 2S LiPo iD 电池和兼容的 Traxxas 电机


FIRE MA7ARDI This vehicle requires LiPo batteries. Charging and discharging batteries has the potential for fire, explosion, serious injury, and property damage if not performed per the instructions. In addition, Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries pose a SEVERE risk of fire if not properly handled per the instructions and require special care and handling procedures for long life and safe operation. LiPo batteries are intended only for advanced users that are educated on the risks associated with LiPo battery use. Traxxas does not recommend that anyone under the age of 18 use or handle LiPo battery packs without the supervision of a knowledgeable and responsible adult. DO NOT attempt to charge or use LiPo batterires if you do not understand these warnings. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
FIRE MA7ARDI 这辆车需要 LiPo 电池。如果未按照说明书操作,充电和放电电池可能导致火灾、爆炸、严重伤害和财产损失。此外,锂聚合物(LiPo)电池如果未按照说明书正确处理,存在严重的火灾风险,并需要特殊的护理和操作程序以确保长期使用和安全操作。LiPo 电池仅适用于已经了解与 LiPo 电池使用相关风险的高级用户。Traxxas 不建议 18 岁以下的任何人在没有知识渊博和负责任的成年人监督下使用或处理 LiPo 电池组。如果您不理解这些警告,请勿尝试充电或使用 LiPo 电池。根据说明书处理用过的电池。
  • Your model requires the use of LiPo batteries. LiPo batteries have a minimum safe discharge voltage threshold that should not be exceeded. The electronic control module (ECM) is equipped with built-in Low-Voltage Detection that alerts the driver when LiPo batteries have reached their minimum voltage (discharge) threshold. It is the driver's responsibility to stop immediately to prevent the battery pack from being discharged below its safe minimum threshold.
  • Low-Voltage Detection is just one part of a comprehensive plan for safe LiPo battery use. It is critical to follow all instructions for safe and proper charging, use, and storage of LiPo batteries. Make sure you understand how to use your LiPo batteries. If you have questions about LiPo battery usage, please consult with your local hobby dealer or contact the battery manufacturer. As a reminder, all batteries should be recycled at the end of their useful life.
  • ONLY use the supplied Traxxas iD LiPo balance charger to charge the included Traxxas iD battery. Never use NiMH or NiCad-type chargers or charge modes to charge LiPo batteries. DO NOT charge LiPo batteries with a NiMH-only charger. The use of a NiMH or NiCad charger or charge mode will damage LiPo batteries and may cause fire, personal injury, and/or property damage.
    仅使用提供的 Traxxas iD LiPo 平衡充电器为配备的 Traxxas iD 电池充电。永远不要使用 NiMH 或 NiCad 类型的充电器或充电模式来充电 LiPo 电池。不要使用仅适用于 NiMH 的充电器来充电 LiPo 电池。使用 NiMH 或 NiCad 充电器或充电模式会损坏 LiPo 电池,并可能导致火灾、人身伤害和/或财产损失。
  • NEVER charge LiPo battery packs in series or parallel. Charging packs in series or parallel may result in improper charger cell recognition and an improper charging rate that may lead to overcharging, cell imbalance, cell damage, and fire.
  • ALWAYS inspect your LiPo batteries carefully before charging. Look for any loose leads or connectors, damaged wire insulation, damaged cell packaging, impact damage, fluid leaks, swelling (a sign of internal damage), cell deformity, missing labels, or any other damage or irregularity. If any of these conditions are observed, do not charge or use the battery pack. Follow the disposal instructions included with your battery to properly and safely dispose of the battery.
  • DO NOT store or charge LiPo batteries with or around other batteries or battery packs of any type, including other LiPos.
  • Store and transport your battery pack(s) in a cool dry place. DO NOT store in direct sunlight. DO NOT allow the storage temperature to exceed or , such as in the trunk of a car, or the cells may be damaged and create a fire risk.
    将电池组存放和运输在阴凉干燥的地方。切勿直接暴露在阳光下。切勿让存储温度超过 ,比如放在汽车后备箱内,否则电池可能会受损并造成火灾风险。
  • DO NOT disassemble LiPo batteries or cells.
  • DO NOT attempt to build your own LiPo battery pack from loose cells.
  • BEFORE you charge, ALWAYS confirm that the charger settings exactly match the type (chemistry), specification, and configuration of the battery to be charged. DO NOT exceed the maximum manufacturer recommended charge rate.
  • DO NOT attempt to charge non-rechargeable batteries (explosion hazard), batteries that have an internal charge circuit or a protection circuit, batteries that have been altered from original manufacturer configuration, or batteries that have missing or unreadable labels, preventing you from properly identifying the battery type and specifications. ALWAYS use a Traxxas iD charger to charge Traxxas iD batteries. DO NOT use a non-Traxxas charger to charge Traxxas iD batteries. It is not recommended, but if you choose to use a non-Traxxas charger or battery, read and follow all of the manufacturer's warnings and instructions.
    请勿尝试给不可充电的电池充电(爆炸危险),具有内部充电电路或保护电路的电池,已经从原始制造商配置中更改的电池,或者标签缺失或无法阅读的电池,导致您无法正确识别电池类型和规格。始终使用 Traxxas iD 充电器为 Traxxas iD 电池充电。请勿使用非 Traxxas 充电器为 Traxxas iD 电池充电。虽然不建议,但如果您选择使用非 Traxxas 充电器或电池,请阅读并遵循制造商的所有警告和说明。
  • DO NOT let any exposed battery contacts or wires touch each other. This will cause the battery to short circuit and create the risk of fire.
  • While charging or discharging, ALWAYS place the battery (all types of batteries) in a fire retardant/fire proof container and on a non-flammable surface such as concrete.
  • DO NOT charge batteries inside of an automobile. DO NOT charge batteries while driving in an automobile.
  • NEVER charge batteries on wood, cloth, carpet, or on any other flammable material.
  • ALWAYS charge batteries in a well-ventilated area.
  • REMOVE flammable items and combustible materials from the charging area.
  • DO NOT leave the charger and battery unattended while charging, discharging, or anytime the charger is ON with a battery connected. If there are any signs of a malfunction or in the event of an emergency, unplug the charger from the power source and disconnect the battery from the charger.
  • DO NOT operate the charger in a cluttered space, or place objects on top of the charger or battery.
  • If any battery or battery cell is damaged in any way, DO NOT charge, discharge, or use the battery.
  • Keep a Class D fire extinguisher nearby in case of fire.
    保持一个 D 级灭火器在附近以防火灾。
  • DO NOT disassemble, crush, short circuit, or expose the batteries to flame or other source of ignition. Toxic materials could be released. If eye or skin contact occurs, flush with water.
  • If a battery gets hot to the touch during the charging process (temperature greater than ), immediately disconnect the battery from the charger and discontinue charging.
    如果充电过程中电池变热(温度大于 ),立即将电池从充电器上断开,并停止充电。
  • Allow the battery pack to cool off between runs (before charging). - ALWAYS unplug the charger and disconnect the battery when not in use.
    在每次使用之间让电池组冷却一段时间(充电之前)。- 当不使用时,务必拔掉充电器并断开电池连接。
  • ALWAYS unplug the battery from the electronic control module (ECM) when the model is not in use and when it is being stored or transported.
  • DO NOT disassemble the charger.
  • REMOVE the battery from your model or device before charging.
  • DO NOT expose the charger to water or moisture. For indoor use only.
  • DO NOT use an adapter of any kind or modify or change the battery plug/connector.
  • ALWAYS store battery packs safely out of the reach of children or pets. Children should always have adult supervision when charging and handling batteries.
  • Always proceed with caution and use good common sense at all times.
Your model comes with a set of specialty metric tools. You'll need to purchase other items, available from your hobby dealer, to operate and maintain your model.

Supplied Tools and Equipment

2.0mm "L" wrench 2.0 毫米“L”型扳手
1.5 mm "L" wrench
1.5 毫米“L”型扳手
4-way wrench 4 向扳手
Shock pre-load spacers 冲击预载垫片
750mAh 7.4V 2-cell iD LiPo battery*
750mAh 7.4V 2 节 iD 锂聚合物电池*
iD LiPo balance charger* iD LiPo 平衡充电器
Traxxas recommends genuine Traxxas iD batteries and chargers for safer charging, maximum battery life, and performance.
Traxxas 建议使用正品 Traxxas iD 电池和充电器进行更安全的充电,最大化电池寿命和性能。

For more information on batteries, see Use the Right Batteries on page 13
有关电池的更多信息,请参阅第 13 页的《选择合适的电池》
Recommended Equipmen These items are not required for the operation of your model, but are a good idea to include in any toolbox: - Safety glasses
推荐设备 这些项目对于您的型号的操作并非必需,但是建议包括在任何 工具箱中: - 安全眼镜
  • Hobby knife 爱好刀
  • Side cutters and/or needl nose pliers
  • Speed Bit Set, Part #8712
    速度比特套装,零件号 8712


Chassis Top View. 底盘顶视图。


The Quick Start Guide is not intended to replace the full operating instructions available in this manual. Please read this entire manual for complete instructions on the proper use and maintenance of your model.
Look for the Quick Start logo at the bottom of Quick Start pages.
The following guide is an overview of the procedures for getting your model running. Look for the Quick Start logo on the bottom corners of Quick Start pages.
  1. Read the safety precautions on page 4
    阅读第 4 页的安全注意事项
For your own safety, understand where carelessness and misuse could lead to personal injury.
  1. Charge the battery pack See page 13
    充电电池组 请参见第 13 页
Fully charge the battery pack included with your model.
  1. Install batteries in the transmitter See page 13
    在发射器中安装电池 请参阅第 13 页
The transmitter requires 4 AA alkaline batteries (sold separately).
发射器需要 4 节 AA 碱性电池(需另购)。
  1. Install the battery pack See page 14
    安装电池组 请参阅第 14 页
Install the included battery pack in your model.

5. Turn on the radio system See page 15
5. 打开收音机系统 请参阅第 15 页

Make a habit of turning the transmitter on first and off last.
  1. Drive your model See page 18
    驱动您的模型 请参阅第 18 页
Driving tips and adjustments for your model.

7. Maintaining your model See page 22
7. 维护您的模型 请参见第 22 页

Follow these critical steps to maintain the performance of your model and keep it in excellent running condition.


Your model includes the TQ 2.4 GHz transmitter. When powered on, the TQ 2.4 GHz will automatically locate and lock onto an available frequency, allowing multiple models to be raced together without frequency conflicts. Just switch on and drive! The included TQ 2.4 GHz radio system has been programmed for your model at the factory and does not require adjustment, but it does have settings you may need to access to maintain proper operation of your model. The detailed instructions (page 15) included in this manual will help you understand and operate the functions of the new TQ 2.4 GHz radio system. For additional information and how-to videos, visit Traxxas.com.
您的模型包括 TQ 2.4 GHz 发射器。开机后,TQ 2.4 GHz 将自动定位并锁定可用频率,使多个模型可以在没有频率冲突的情况下一起比赛。只需打开开关,即可驾驶!工厂已为您的模型编程了包含的 TQ 2.4 GHz 无线电系统,并且无需调整,但您可能需要访问设置以保持模型的正常运行。本手册中包含的详细说明(第 15 页)将帮助您了解并操作新的 TQ 2.4 GHz 无线电系统的功能。有关更多信息和操作视频,请访问 Traxxas.com。


Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these radio and power system terms. They will be used throughout this manual.
2.4GHz Spread Spectrum - This model is equipped with the latest R/C technology. Unlike AM and FM systems that require frequency crystals and are prone to frequency conflicts, the TQ 2.4 GHz system automatically selects and locks onto an open frequency, offering superior resistance to interference and "glitching."
2.4GHz 频谱扩频 - 该模型配备了最新的遥控技术。与需要频率晶体且容易发生频率冲突的 AM 和 FM 系统不同,TQ 2.4 GHz 系统会自动选择并锁定一个空闲频率,提供卓越的抗干扰和“抖动”能力。
BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) - The BEC can either be in the receiver or in the ESC. This circuit allows the receiver and servos to be powered by the main battery pack in an electric model. This eliminates the need to carry a separate pack of 4 AA batteries to power the radio equipment.
BEC(电池消除电路)- BEC 可以位于接收器或电调中。该电路允许接收器和舵机由电动模型的主电池组供电。这消除了携带 4 节 AA 电池来为无线电设备供电的需要。
Current - Current is a measure of power flow through the electronics, usually measured in amps. If you look at wire like a garden hose, current is a measure of how much water is flowing through the hose.
电流 - 电流是衡量电子设备中能量流动的指标,通常以安培为单位进行测量。如果你把导线比作花园软管,电流就是衡量水流通过软管的量。
ESC (Electronic Speed Control) - An electronic speed control is the electronic motor control inside the model. Electronic speed controls use power more efficiently than mechanical speed controls so that the battery runs longer. An electronic speed control also has circuitry that prevents loss of steering and throttle control as the battery loses its charge. For the TRX-4M, the ESC is built into the ECM-2.5 electronic control module.
ESC(电子调速器)- 电子调速器是模型内部的电子电机控制器。 电子调速器比机械调速器更有效地使用电力,使电池运行时间更长。 电子调速器还具有电路,可防止在电池电量下降时失去转向和油门控制。 对于 TRX-4M,ESC 内置在 ECM-2.5 电子控制模块中。
ECM (Electronic Control Module) - An all-in-one module that incorporates both an electronic speed control and a radio receiver into one electronic device.
ECM(电子控制模块)- 一种将电子速度控制和无线电接收器合并为一体的电子设备。
Frequency band - The radio frequency used by the transmitter to send signals to your model. This model operates on the 2.4 GHz direct-sequence spread spectrum.
频段 - 无线电发射机用于向您的模型发送信号的无线电频率。该模型采用 2.4 GHz 直接序列扩频频谱运行。
LiPo - Abbreviation for Lithium Polymer. Rechargeable LiPo battery packs are known for their special chemistry, which allows extremely high energy density and current handling in a compact size. These are high-performance batteries that require special care and handling. For advanced users only.
LiPo - 锂聚合物的缩写。可充电 LiPo 电池组以其特殊的化学性质而闻名,这种化学性质使其在紧凑尺寸内具有极高的能量密度和电流处理能力。这些是高性能电池,需要特别小心处理。仅适用于高级用户。

mAh - Abbreviation for milliamp hour, a measure of the capacity of the battery pack. The higher the number, the longer the battery will last between recharges.
mAh - 毫安时的缩写,是电池组容量的一种度量。数字越高,电池在充电之间的持续时间就越长。
Neutral position - The standing position that the servos seek when the transmitter controls are at the neutral setting
中立位置 - 当发射机控制处于中立设置时,伺服电机寻求的站立位置
NiCad - Abbreviation for nickel-cadmium. The original rechargeable hobby pack, NiCad batteries have very high current handling, high capacity, and can last up to 1000 charging cycles. Good charging procedures are required to reduce the possibility of developing a "memory" effect and shortened run times.
镍镉电池 - 镍镉的缩写。作为最初的可充电爱好者电池组,镍镉电池具有非常高的电流处理能力、高容量,并且可以持续达到 1000 次充电循环。需要良好的充电程序以减少产生“记忆效应”和缩短运行时间的可能性。
NiMH - Abbreviation for nickel-metal hydride. Rechargeable NiMH batteries offer high current handling and much greater resistance to the "memory" effect. NiMH batteries generally allow higher capacity than NiCad batteries. They can last up to 500 charge cycles. A peak charger designed for NiMH batteries is required for optimal performance.
镍氢电池 - 镍氢电池的缩写。可充电的镍氢电池具有较高的电流处理能力,对“记忆效应”的抵抗力更强。镍氢电池通常比镍镉电池具有更高的容量。它们可以持续达 500 次充电循环。为了获得最佳性能,需要使用专为镍氢电池设计的峰值充电器。
Receiver - The radio unit inside your model that receives signals from the transmitter and relays them to the servos.
接收器 - 您模型内部的无线电单元,接收来自发射器的信号并将其传递给舵机。
Resistance - In an electrical sense, resistance is a measure of how an object resists or obstructs the flow of current through it. When flow is constricted, energy is converted to heat and is lost. Traxxas power systems are optimized to reduce electrical resistance and the resulting power-robbing heat.
电阻 - 在电学意义上,电阻是衡量物体如何阻碍电流通过的指标。当电流受到限制时,能量会转化为热量并丢失。Traxxas 动力系统经过优化,以减少电阻和由此产生的损耗热量。
Servo - Small motor unit in your model that operates the steering mechanism.
伺服电机 - 模型中操作转向机构的小型电机单元。
Transmitter - The hand-held radio unit that sends throttle and steering instructions to your model.
发射器 - 手持无线电台单元,用于向您的模型发送油门和转向指令。
Trim - The fine-tuning adjustment of the neutral position of the servos, made by adjusting the steering trim knob on the face of the transmitter.
修剪 - 通过调整发射机正面的方向舵修剪旋钮来进行舵伺服的中立位置微调。
2-channel radio system - The TQ 2.4GHz radio system, consisting of the receiver, the transmitter, and the servos. The system uses two channels: one to operate the throttle and one to operate the steering.
2 通道无线电系统 - TQ 2.4GHz 无线电系统由接收器、发射器和舵机组成。该系统使用两个通道:一个用于控制油门,另一个用于控制转向。
Voltage - Voltage is a measure of the electrical potential difference between two points, such as between the positive battery terminal and ground. Using the analogy of the garden hose, while current is the quantity of water flow in the hose, voltage corresponds to the pressure that is forcing the water through the hose.
电压 - 电压是衡量两点之间的电势差的指标,例如正极电池端和地面之间的电势差。类比花园软管,电流是软管中水流的数量,电压对应于推动水流通过软管的压力。
  • Positive - Negative 积极 - 消极
    Your model is equipped with the Traxxas TQ 2.4 GHz transmitter.
    您的模型配备了 Traxxas TQ 2.4 GHz 发射器。
The transmitter has two channels: channel one operates the
steering, and channel two operates the throttle. Your model is
equipped with one servo and an all-in-one electronic control module (speed control and receiver).
ECM-2.5 电子控制模块


Users of Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries must read the Warnings and Precautions beginning on page 4. ONLY use the supplied Traxxas iD LiPo balance charger to charge the included Traxxas iD battery. DO NOT charge LiPo batteries with a NiMH-only charger. The use of a NiMH or NiCad charger or charge mode will damage LiPo batteries and may cause fire, personal injury, and/or property damage.
锂聚合物(LiPo)电池的用户必须阅读第 4 页开始的警告和注意事项。仅使用提供的 Traxxas iD LiPo 平衡充电器为包含的 Traxxas iD 电池充电。不要使用 NiMH 专用充电器充电 LiPo 电池。使用 NiMH 或镍镉充电器或充电模式会损坏 LiPo 电池,并可能导致火灾、人身伤害和/或财产损失。
The supplied Traxxas charger is a fully featured high-output LiPo balance charger. It features Traxxas iD technology to deliver the perfect charge with no guesswork. The charger is equipped with a universal USB-A plug for convenient charging almost anywhere.
所提供的 Traxxas 充电器是一款功能齐全的高输出 LiPo 平衡充电器。它采用 Traxxas iD 技术,可以在没有猜测的情况下提供完美的充电。该充电器配备了一个通用的 USB-A 插头,方便在几乎任何地方充电。
INSTALLING TRANSMITTER BATTERIES Your TQ 2.4GHz transmitter uses 4 AA batteries. The battery compartment is located in the base of the transmitter.
安装发射机电池 您的 TQ 2.4GHz 发射机使用 4 节 AA 电池。电池仓位于发射机底座上。
  1. Remove the battery compartment door by pressing the tab and sliding the door open.
  2. Install the batteries in the correct orientation as indicated in the battery compartment.

The supplied charger is designed for use only with the included Traxxas 2-cell LiPo iD battery. DO NOT attempt to charge other LiPo batteries or any other type of battery with this charger.
所提供的充电器仅适用于随附的 Traxxas 2S LiPo iD 电池。请勿尝试使用此充电器为其他 LiPo 电池或任何其他类型的电池充电。
If the status LED doesn't light green on the transmitter, check the polarity of the batteries. Check rechargeable batteries for a full charge. If you see any other flashing signal from the LED, refer to the chart on page 17 to identify the code.
如果发射器上的状态 LED 灯不亮绿色,请检查电池的极性。检查可充电电池是否充满电。如果 LED 灯显示其他闪烁信号,请参考第 17 页的图表以识别代码。

Use the Right Batteries

Your transmitter uses AA batteries. Use new alkaline batteries or rechargeable batteries, such as NiMH (nickelmetal hydride) batteries, in your transmitter. Make sure rechargeable batteries are fully charged according to the manufacturer's instructions.
您的发射器使用 AA 电池。在您的发射器中使用新的碱性电池或可充电电池,如镍氢(NiMH)电池。确保可充电电池根据制造商的说明充满电。
If you use rechargeable batteries in your transmitter, be aware that when they begin to lose their charge, they lose power more quickly than regular alkaline batteries. Caution: Discontinue running your model at the first sign of weak batteries (flashing red light) to avoid losing control.

3. Reinstall the battery compartment door and snap it closed.
3. 重新安装电池仓门并将其按紧。
  1. Turn on the transmitter and check the status LED for a solid green light.
    打开发射器,检查状态 LED 灯,确保显示为稳定的绿色光。
If the status LED flashes red, the transmitter batteries may be weak, discharged, or possibly installed incorrectly. Replace with new or freshly charged batteries. The status LED does not indicate the charge level of the battery pack installed in the model. Refer to the Troubleshooting section on page 16 for more information on the transmitter status LED codes
如果状态 LED 闪烁为红色,则发射器电池可能弱、放电或可能安装不正确。请更换新的或充电充足的电池。状态 LED 不表示安装在模型中的电池组的电量水平。有关发射器状态 LED 代码的更多信息,请参阅第 16 页的故障排除部分。


Your TRX-4M includes an innovative latching system (patent pending) for securing the body to the chassis (body clips are not required).
您的 TRX-4M 配备了一种创新的锁定系统(专利申请中),用于将车身固定在底盘上(无需使用车身卡扣)。
  1. Reach beneath the front and rear bumpers and pull the latches outward to release them.
  2. Push up on the latches to release the body.
  3. Lift the body straight up from the chassis.

To reinstall the body

  1. Position the body on the chassis. Align the front and rear of the body with the front and rear bumpers.
  2. Press down on the body above the latches until the latches snap into place.
Your model includes a 750mAh 7.4V 2-cell iD LiPo battery. Follow these steps to install the battery:
您的模型配备了一块 750mAh 7.4V 2S iD 锂聚合物电池。按照以下步骤安装电池:
  1. Unhook the battery strap from the tab on the battery tray.
  2. Insert a fully charged battery into the battery tray with the battery wires positioned as shown.
  3. Secure the battery in the tray by pulling the strap and stretching the end back over the tab.


For maximum radio range, hold the transmitter upright and pointed in the direction of the model.
Reversing: After stopping the model, return the transmitter's trigger to neutral and push up again to activate reverse throttle.
  • Always turn your transmitter on first and off last. This procedure will help to prevent your model from receiving stray signals from another transmitter or other source.
  • Always turn on the transmitter before plugging the battery into the ECM to turn on the model. To turn the model off: Unplug the battery from the ECM. The battery should always be unplugged from the ECM when the vehicle is not in use. For this reason, the model is not equipped with a traditional on/off switch
    始终在将电池插入 ECM 之前打开发射器以启动模型。关闭模型的方法是:从 ECM 上拔下电池。当车辆不在使用时,电池应始终从 ECM 上拔下。因此,该模型未配备传统的开关。

  • Always use new or freshly charged batteries for the radio system. Weak batteries will limit the radio signal between the ECM and the transmitter.
  • In order for the transmitter and ECM to bind to one another, the battery must be plugged into the ECM within 20 seconds of turning on the transmitter. The transmitter LED will flash fast red, indicating a failure to link. If you miss it, simply turn off the transmitter and start over.
    为了使发射器和 ECM 绑定在一起,必须在打开发射器后的 20 秒内将电池插入 ECM 中。发射器的 LED 将快速闪烁红色,表示链接失败。如果您错过了时间,只需关闭发射器然后重新开始。

Steering Trim 转向修整

To adjust, drive the vehicle forward slowly while "steering" with the trim knob until the vehicle travels in a straight line with no steering input.

TQ 2.4GHz Binding Instructions
TQ 2.4GHz 绑定说明

For proper operation, the transmitter and ECM must be electronically 'bound.' This has been done for you at the factory. Should you ever need to re-bind the system or bind to a different transmitter or ECM, follow these instructions. Note: The transmitter and ECM must be within 5 feet of each other.
为了正确运行,发射器和 ECM 必须在电子上“绑定”。这在工厂已经为您完成。如果您需要重新绑定系统或绑定到不同的发射器或 ECM,请按照以下说明操作。注意:发射器和 ECM 必须相距不超过 5 英尺。
  1. Press and hold the SET button on the transmitter.
    按住发射器上的 SET 按钮。
  2. Turn on the transmitter and release the SET button. The status LED will flash red slowly, indicating that the transmitter is in bind mode.
    打开发射器并释放 SET 按钮。状态 LED 将缓慢闪烁红色,表示发射器处于绑定模式。
  3. Press and hold the EZ-Set button on the ECM as you plug in the battery; release the EZ-Set button once the status LED flashes red.
    按住 ECM 上的 EZ-Set 按钮,同时插入电池;当状态 LED 闪烁红色时释放 EZ-Set 按钮。
  4. The status LED will flash red slowly, indicating that the ECM is in bind mode.
    状态 LED 将缓慢闪烁红色,表示 ECM 处于绑定模式。
  5. When the LEDs on both the transmitter and the ECM turn solid green, the system is bound and ready for use. Confirm that the steering and throttle operate properly before driving your model.
    当发射器和 ECM 上的 LED 灯都变成稳定的绿色时,系统已绑定并准备就绪。在驾驶模型之前,请确认方向盘和油门操作正常。

LED Color / Pattern
LED 颜色/图案
Name 名称 Notes 注释
Solid green 纯绿
Normal Driving

See previous page for information
on how to use the transmitter

慢红(0.5 秒开/0.5 秒关
Slow red
(0.5 sec on / 0.5 sec off
Binding 绑定

See previous page for more
information on binding.

闪烁中红色(0.25 秒开/0.25 秒关)
Flashing medium red
(0.25 sec on / 0.25 sec off)
Low Battery

将新电池放入发射器。有关更多信息,请参阅第 12 页。
Put new batteries in the
transmitter. See page 12 for
more information.

快速闪烁的红色(0.125 秒开/0.125 秒关)
Flashing fast red
(0.125 sec on / 0.125 sec off)
Link Failure / 链路故障

发射器和 ECM 不再绑定。拔下电池以关闭系统。重新插入电池以恢复正常操作。找到链接失败的原因(例如,超出范围,电池电量低)。
Trronsmitter and ECM are no
longer bound. Unplug the battery
to turn the system off. Plug the
battery back in to resume normal
operation. Find source of the
link failure (i.e., out of range, low
LED Color / Pattern
LED 颜色/图案
Name 名称 Notes 注释
Solid green 纯绿
Normal Driving

请查看第 15 页,了解如何使用您的发射机控制。
See page 15 for information
on how to use your transmitter

慢红(0.5 秒开/0.5 秒关
Slow red
(0.5 sec on / 0.5 sec off
Binding 绑定

See previous page for more
information on binding.

闪烁快速红色 秒开 秒关
Blinking fast red
sec on sec off

Failsafe / Low-
Voltage Detect

Transmitter is off or vehicle battery
needs to be recharged.

ECM-Z.5 电子控制模块


The ECM-2.5 electronic control module is factory set to Trail Mode ( forward, brakes, and reverse; added brake drag when the throttle trigger is at neutral). To activate full power without the additional brake drag (Sport Mode) or set immediate reverse (Crawl Mode), follow these steps. The profiles are selected by entering the programming mode.
ECM-2.5 电子控制模块出厂设置为 Trail 模式( 前进、刹车和倒车;当油门触发器处于空档时增加刹车阻力)。要激活全功率而不增加刹车阻力(运动模式)或设置立即倒车(爬行模式),请按照以下步骤操作。通过进入编程模式来选择配置文件。

Profile Description 描述概要

Profile #1 (Sport Mode): Forward, Brakes, Reverse Profile #2 (Trail Mode): 100% Forward, 100% Brakes, 100% Reverse Drag Brake at Neutral
配置文件#1(运动模式): 前进, 刹车, 倒车 配置文件#2(越野模式):100%前进,100%刹车,100%倒车 中性时拖拽刹车
Profile #3 (Crawl Mode): 100% Forward, Hill Hold Brakes at Neutral, Immediate Reverse

Selecting Sport Mode 选择运动模式

(Profile #1: 100% Forward, 100% Brakes,
  1. Connect a fully charged battery to the ECM-2.5 and turn on your transmitter. Th LED will glow solid green.
    将充电充足的电池连接到 ECM-2.5,并打开您的发射器。LED 将会持续发出绿色光。
  2. Press and hold the EZ-Set button until the LED begins blinking red (indicating the Profile numbers).
    按住 EZ-Set 按钮直到 LED 开始闪烁红色(表示配置文件编号)。
  3. When the LED blinks red once, release the EZ-Set button
    当 LED 闪烁一次变红时,释放 EZ-Set 按钮
  4. The LED will then turn solid green. The model is ready to drive.
    LED 灯将会变成固定的绿色。该模型已准备好驾驶。

Selecting Trail Mode 选择跟踪模式

(Profile #2: 100% Forward, 100% Brakes, Reverse, Drag Brake at Neutral)
档案#2:100%前进,100%刹车, 倒车,中性拖车制动
  1. Connect a fully charged battery to the ECM-2.5 and turn on your transmitter. The LED will glow solid green.
    将充分充电的电池连接到 ECM-2.5,并打开您的发射器。LED 将会持续发出绿色光。
  2. Press and hold the EZ-Set button until the LED begins blinking red (indicating the Profile numbers).
    按住 EZ-Set 按钮直到 LED 开始闪烁红色(表示配置文件编号)。
  3. When the LED blinks red twice, release the EZ-Set button.
    当 LED 闪烁两次变红时,释放 EZ-Set 按钮。
  4. The LED will then turn solid green. The model is ready to drive.
    LED 灯将会变成固定的绿色。该模型已准备好驾驶。

Selecting Crawl Mode 选择爬行模式

(Profile #3: 100% Forward, Hill Hold Brakes at Neutral, Immediate Reverse)
  1. Connect a fully charged battery to the ECM-2.5 and turn on your transmitter. The LED will glow solid green
    将充分充电的电池连接到 ECM-2.5,并打开您的发射器。LED 将会持续发出绿色光。
  2. Press and hold the EZ-Set button until the LED begins blinking red (indicating the Profile numbers).
    按住 EZ-Set 按钮直到 LED 开始闪烁红色(表示配置文件编号)。
  3. When the LED blinks red three times, release the EZ-Set button.
    当 LED 闪烁三次变红时,释放 EZ-Set 按钮。
  4. The LED will then turn solid green. The model is ready to drive
    LED 灯将会变成固定的绿色。该模型已准备好驾驶。
Note: If you missed the mode you wanted, keep the EZ-Set button pressed down and the blink cycle will repeat until the button is released and a mode is selected.
注意:如果您错过了想要的模式,请继续按住 EZ-Set 按钮,闪烁循环将重复,直到按钮被释放并选择了一个模式。
The ECM is equipped with three-stage Low Voltage Detection (LVD) that alerts the driver when LiPo batteries have reached their minimum voltage (discharge) threshold. Stop immediately to prevent the battery pack from being discharged below its safe minimum threshold. Unplug the battery and recharge. Leaving
ECM 配备了三级低电压检测(LVD)功能,当锂聚合物电池达到其最低电压(放电)阈值时,会向驾驶员发出警报。立即停车以防止电池组放电至安全最低阈值以下。拔下电池并进行充电。离开

the battery connected to the vehicle when not is use can cause permanent battery damage. Always unplug the battery after use.
blinking red
On 关于 On 关于

Vehicle speed
reduced to

Unplug the battery
and recharge
blinking red
On 关于 On 关于

Vehicle will not

Unplug the battery
and recharge
3 Off 关闭 Off 关闭 Off 关闭 Stage 3 shutdown 第三阶段关闭

Unplug the battery
and recharge
Your new Traxxas model is enabled with Pro Scale lighting features, such as headlights, reverse lights, and brake lights. Visit Traxxas.com to learn more about these features and available Traxxas Pro Scale Lighting Kits, parts, and accessories.
您的新 Traxxas 模型配备了 Pro Scale 照明功能,如前灯、倒车灯和刹车灯。访问 Traxxas.com 了解更多关于这些功能以及可用的 Traxxas Pro Scale 照明套件、零件和配件。

ECM-2.5 Specifications ECM-2.5 规格

Input Voltage 输入电压

2s LiPo 2s 锂聚合物
Case Size  案例规模
Weight 重量
0.92 ounces grams 0.92 盎司
BEC Voltage BEC 电压
6.0 VDC
BEC Current 1 A
BEC 电流 1 安培
Low-Voltage Detection Yes / 3-stage Transistor Type MOSFET
低电压检测是/ 3 级晶体管型 MOSFET
Motor Overload Protection 2 -stage
电机过载保护 2 级
Now it's time to have some fun! This section contains instructions on driving and getting the most enjoyment out of your model. Before you go on, here are some important precautions to keep in mind:
  • Your model is designed to run for long periods of mixed driving across different surface types. If you are running frequently in tall grass, deep sand, thick carpet, or other high load conditions, you may overheat the motor. Monitor the motor temperature and allow the model to cool if the motor become hot to the touch.
  • The ECM-2.5 is equipped with Low Voltage Detection to prevent the LiPo battery from being discharged below its safe minimum threshold (see page 16 for more information). When this happens, stop driving immediately, unplug the battery, and recharge.
    ECM-2.5 配备了低电压检测功能,以防止锂聚合物电池放电至安全最低阈值以下(有关更多信息,请参阅第 16 页)。一旦发生这种情况,请立即停止驾驶,拔下电池并进行充电。
  • When the batteries in the transmitter become weak, the red power light on the transmitter will begin to flash. Stop immediately and install new batteries.
  • Do not drive the model on public streets or in large crowds of people. Your model may present a tripping hazard and could cause injury.
  • Do not operate your model at night, or anytime your line of sight to the model may be obstructed or impaired in any way.
  • If the model becomes stuck against an object, do not continue to run the motor. Remove the obstruction before continuing. Do not push or pull objects with the model.
  • TRX-4M uses a sophisticated 4-link suspension to crawl over obstacles. If an obstacle is too large for your model to clear on the first attempt, back up and consider a different angle or approach. Even a slight change in steering angle can allow TRX-4M avoid snags or highcentering.
    TRX-4M 采用复杂的 4 连杆悬挂系统来爬越障碍物。如果障碍物对您的车型来说太大,无法在第一次尝试时通过,请倒车并考虑不同的角度或方法。即使是轻微的转向角度变化也可以让 TRX-4M 避免被卡住或高度中心化。
  • Although unlikely, it is possible for radio interference to momentarily affect the performance of your model. If you notice erratic behavior from the steering or throttle, consider moving away from the source before continuing
  • Use good, common sense whenever you are driving your model. Intentionally driving in an abusive and rough manner will only result in poor performance and broken parts. Take care of your model so that you can enjoy it for a long time to come.
  • It is possible for the screws and other hardware on your vehicle to loosen over time. Frequently check wheel nuts and other screws to ensure that all hardware remains properly tightened.

About Run Time 关于运行时间

TRX-4M's small size and efficient drivetrain allow it to run for a long time on a single battery charge. The LiPo battery included with your model features a large 750 mAh capacity for extended run times. Your run times may vary depending on surface conditions and driving style. Driving the vehicle on high-resistance surfaces like thick carpet or in tall grass will reduce run times. Applying full throttle and braking with every maneuver will also shorten run times. Consider smoother, more gradual throttle application for improved battery life
TRX-4M 的小尺寸和高效传动系统使其能够在单次电池充电中长时间运行。您模型配备的 LiPo 电池具有 750 毫安时的大容量,可延长运行时间。您的运行时间可能会因路面条件和驾驶风格而有所不同。在高阻力路面上(如厚地毯或高草中)驾驶车辆会缩短运行时间。每次操作都全速前进和刹车也会缩短运行时间。考虑更平稳、更渐进的油门操作以改善电池寿命。

Tips for Increasing Run Time

  • ONLY use the supplied Traxxas iD® LiPo balance charger to charge the included Traxxas iD® battery.
    仅使用提供的 Traxxas iD® LiPo 平衡充电器为配备的 Traxxas iD®电池充电。
  • Read and follow all maintenance and care instructions.
  • Keep the ECM-2.5 electronic control module clean and free of debris.
    保持 ECM-2.5 电子控制模块清洁,避免杂物堆积。
  • Maintain your model. Do not allow dirt, debris, or damaged parts to cause binding in the drivetrain.
Your TRX-4M is designed with water-resistant features to protect the electronics in the model (ECM-2.5 electronic control module, steering servo). This gives you the freedom to have fun driving your model through puddles, wet grass, snow, and through other wet conditions. Though highly water resistant, your model should not be treated as though it is submersible or totally waterproof. Water resistance applies only to the installed electronic components. Running in wet conditions requires additional care and maintenance for the mechanical and electrical components to prevent corrosion of metal parts and maintain their proper function.
您的 TRX-4M 采用防水设计,以保护模型中的电子设备(ECM-2.5 电子控制模块,转向伺服)。这使您可以自由地在积水、湿草地、雪地和其他潮湿环境中驾驶模型玩耍。尽管具有高度防水性能,您的模型不应被视为可以完全浸入水中或完全防水。防水性仅适用于已安装的电子元件。在潮湿环境中运行需要额外的维护和保养,以防止金属部件腐蚀并保持它们的正常功能。

Precautions 注意事项

  • Without proper care, some parts of your model can be seriously damaged due to contact with water. Know that additional maintenance procedures will be required after running in wet conditions in order to maintain the performance of your model. Do not run your model in wet conditions if you are not willing to accept the additional care and maintenance responsibilities.
  • The transmitter is not water resistant. Do not subject it to wet conditions, such as rain.
  • Do not operate your model during a rain storm or other inclement weather where lightning may be present.
  • Do not allow your model to come in contact with saltwater (ocean water), brackish water (between fresh water and ocean water), or other contaminated water. Saltwater is highly conductive and highly corrosive. Use caution if you plan to run your model on or near a beach.
  • Even casual water contact can reduce the life of your motor. Special care must be taken to modify your driving style in wet conditions to extend the life of the motor (details below).

Before Running Your Vehicle in Wet Conditions

Consult the section "After Running Your Vehicle in Wet Conditions" before proceeding. Make sure you understand the additional maintenance required with wet running.

Motor Precaution 电机预防措施

Avoid running your vehicle in water deep enough to submerge the Titan 87T motor as it can reduce motor life. If the motor does get excessively wet or submerged, use very light throttle (run the motor slowly) until the excess water can run out. Applying full throttle to a motor full of water can cause premature motor failure. Your driving habits will determine motor life with a wet motor.
避免将您的车辆驶入深度足以淹没 Titan 87T 电机的水中,因为这可能会缩短电机的使用寿命。如果电机被过度浸湿或浸入水中,应该轻踩油门(慢速运转电机),直到多余的水分流出为止。在充满水的电机上全速加速可能会导致电机过早损坏。您的驾驶习惯将决定湿润电机的使用寿命。

After Running Your Vehicle in Wet Conditions

  1. Remove the battery. 取出电池。
  2. Rinse excess dirt and mud off the truck with low-pressure water, such as from a garden hose. Do not use a pressure washer or other high-pressure water. Avoid directing water into the bushings, bearings, transmission, etc.
  3. Blow off the truck with compressed air (optional, but recommended). Wear safety glasses when using compressed air.
  4. Remove the wheels/tires from the truck
  5. Your vehicle comes equipped with low maintenance selflubricating bushings, but it's still good practice to spray all bushings, bearings, and other metal parts with WD- or similar water-displacing light oil.
    您的车辆配备了低维护的自润滑衬套,但最好还是喷洒所有衬套、轴承和其他金属部件与 WD-40 或类似的防水轻质油。
  6. Let the truck stand or you may blow off with compressed air. Placing the truck in a warm, sunny spot will aid drying. Trapped water and oil will continue to drip from the truck for a few hours. Place it on a towel or piece of cardboard to protect the surface underneath.
  7. Additional Maintenance: Increase your frequency of disassembly, inspection, and lubrication of the following items. This is necessary after extended wet use or if the vehicle will not be used for an extended period of time (such as a week or longer). This additional maintenance is needed to prevent any trapped moisture from corroding internal steel components.
  • Front and rear axle assemblies: Remove and clean the front and rear axles as needed. Refer to your exploded view diagrams for help with disassembly and reassembly.
  • Transmission: Remove, disassemble, and clean the transmission components. Refer to your exploded view diagrams for help with disassembly and reassembly.


Important: The shocks are assembled at the factory with a center-to-center distance (between the rod end balls) of 51 mm . Any time the shocks are removed and disassembled, this distance should be checked to ensure proper operation of the suspension
重要提示:减震器在工厂组装时,杆端球之间的中心距离为 51 毫米。每次拆卸和分解减震器时,都应检查此距离,以确保悬挂系统的正常运行。


Springs 弹簧

TRX-4M's front spring ( 0.072 rate) and rear spring ( 0.155 rate) have been carefully selected to provide full suspension articulation and support for the weight of the vehicle body. Using different bodies with lighter weight will allow you to use lower rate springs to increase suspension articulation when traversing difficult terrain.
TRX-4M 的前弹簧(0.072 速率)和后弹簧(0.155 速率)经过精心挑选,以提供全悬挂关节和支撑车身重量。使用重量较轻的不同车身将允许您使用更低速率的弹簧,在穿越困难地形时增加悬挂关节。


Shock Oil 冲击油

The 4 oil-filled shocks (dampers) effectively control the suspension movement by preventing the wheels and tires from continuing to "bounce" after rebounding from a bump. Changing the oil in the shocks can vary the suspension damping effect. Changing the oil to a higher viscosity oil will increase damping. Lowering the viscosity of the oil will cause the suspension damping to be reduced.
4 个充满油的减震器有效地通过防止车轮和轮胎在从凹坑中弹起后继续“弹跳”来控制悬挂运动。更换减震器中的油可以改变悬挂的阻尼效果。将油更换为粘度更高的油会增加阻尼。降低油的粘度将导致悬挂的阻尼减少。
Damping should be increased (with higher viscosity oil) when stiffer springs are installed. Damping should be decreased (with thinner viscosity oil) when softer springs are installed. The viscosity of shock oil is affected by extremes in operating temperature; an oil of certain viscosity will become less viscous at higher temperatures and more viscous at lower temperatures. Operating in regions with cold temperatures may require lower viscosity oil. From the factory, the shocks are filled with SAE-20W silicone oil Only use silicone oil in the shock.
当安装更硬的弹簧时,应增加阻尼(使用粘度更高的油)。当安装更软的弹簧时,应减少阻尼(使用粘度更低的油)。冲击油的粘度受操作温度极端的影响;某一粘度的油在较高温度下会变得更不粘稠,在较低温度下会变得更粘稠。在寒冷气温地区操作可能需要较低粘度的油。出厂时,减震器装有 SAE-20W 硅油。只在减震器中使用 硅油。

Replacing Shock Oi 替代性冲击油

The shocks have to be removed from the vehicle and disassembled to change the oil.
  1. Remove the shock cap, bladder, and lower spring retainer.
  2. Fill the shock with new silicone shock oil until the shock body is about full.
    将新的硅油注入减震器,直至减震器本体约 充满。
  3. Check the shock oil level by compressing the shock fully until the rod end is against the bottom of the shock body (A). Proper oil level is 2-3 drops of oil above the top of the shaft (B).
    通过完全压缩减震器直到杆端靠在减震器本体底部(A)来检查减震油的液位。适当的油液位是在轴顶部上方 2-3 滴油(B)。
Note: Traxxas offers SAE-20W silicone shock oil as part #5031 or a full silicone shock oil set as part #5038X.
注意:Traxxas 提供 SAE-20W 硅震动油,编号为#5031,或全硅震动油套装,编号为#5038X。
  1. Move the piston up and down slowly to remove excess air. Add oil if needed to maintain the proper level.
  2. Fully extend the shaft and reinstall the bladder, shock cap, and lower spring retainer.
  1. Tighten the shock cap until snug

Shock Disassembly 冲击拆卸

The shocks must be removed from the vehicle prior to disassembly. Use the shock exploded views included with the model to aid in the assembly process.
  1. Remove the lower spring retainer and spring from the shock.
  2. Remove the shock cap and empty the shock body of shock oil.
  3. Use side cutters to grip the shock shaft just above the rod end. Remove the rod end from the shock shaft.
  4. Remove the lower cap from the shock body with a small flat blade screwdriver. Slide the shock shaft with piston out of the shock body.
  5. Remove the o-rings and spacer from the bottom of the shock body.
    从减震器本体底部取下 O 形圈和间隔垫。

Shock Assembly 冲击组件

  1. Insert the shock shaft assembly through the shock body until the piston bottoms out.
  2. Lubricate the shaft and o-rings with silicone oil.
    用硅油润滑轴和 O 形圈。
  3. Install the one o-ring over the shaft and into the bore of the shock body followed by one small black spacer, and then another o-ring.
    将一个 O 形圈安装在轴上并放入减震器本体的孔中,然后放入一个小黑色间隔垫,然后再放入另一个 O 形圈。
  4. Install the lower cap by pressing it onto the shock body until it snaps on.
  5. Grip the shaft close to the threads with needle nose pliers or side cutters and thread the rod end onto the shock shaft until the rod end bottoms out.
  6. Fill the shock with new silicone shock oil (see the "Replacing Shock Oil" section on the previous page).
  7. Slowly thread the upper cap with the installed shock
bladder onto the shock body.
The excess oil will bleed out of the small hole in the shock cap.
Tighten the shock cap until snug.
  1. Reinstall the spring and lower retainer.


Always wear eye protection when using compressed air or spray cleaners and lubricants.

Your model requires timely maintenance in order to stay in top running condition. The following procedures should be taken very seriously.
Inspect the vehicle for obvious damage or wear. Look for:
  1. Cracked, bent, or damaged parts
  2. Check the wheels and steering for binding.
  3. Check the operation of the shocks.
  4. Check the wiring for any frayed wires or loose connections.
  5. Check the mounting of the electronic control module (ECM) and servo.
  6. Check the tightness of the wheel nuts with a wrench.
  7. Check the operation of the radio system, especially the condition of the batteries.
  8. Check for any loose screws in the chassis structure or suspension.

Other periodic maintenance:

  • Chassis: Keep the chassis clean of accumulated dirt and grime. Periodically inspect the chassis for damage.
  • Shocks: Keep the oil level in the shocks full. Use only pure silicone shock oil to prolong the life of the seals. If you are experiencing leakage around the top of the shock, inspect the bladder for signs of damage or distortion from overtightening If the bottom of the shock is leaking, then it is time for a rebuild. The Traxxas rebuild kits for two shocks are part #9762 and 9762A.
    冲击: 保持减震器中的油液水平充足。只使用 纯硅减震油以延长密封件的使用寿命。如果您在减震器顶部发现泄漏,请检查气囊是否因过紧而出现损坏或变形。如果减震器底部泄漏,则是时候进行重建了。两个减震器的 Traxxas 重建套件是部件号 9762 和 9762A。
  • Suspension: Periodically inspect the model for signs of damage, such as bent linkage rods, bent shock shafts, loose screws, or any signs of stress or bending. Replace components as needed.
  • Center Driveline: Inspect the driveline for signs of wear such as worn or dirty center drive shafts, and any unusual noise or binding. Do not allow dirt and grime to collect in the drive cups Tighten, clean, or replace components as needed
  • Transmission: Periodically remove the transmission from the model and inspect for any signs of damage. Disassemble and clean the transmission components. Replace components as needed. Complete Pro-Built transmission assemblies are available as part #9791, 9791R, or 9791X.
    传动:定期将传动装置从模型中取出并检查是否有任何损坏迹象。拆卸并清洁传动组件。根据需要更换组件。完整的 Pro-Built 传动组件可作为零件号 9791、9791R 或 9791X 提供。
  • Front and Rear Axles: Remove and clean the front and rear axles as needed. Replace any damaged components.

Storage 存储

When you are through running the model for the day, blow it off with compressed air or use a soft bristled paint brush to dust-off the vehicle. Always disconnect and remove the battery from the model whenever the model is stored. If the model will be stored for a long time, then also remove the batteries from the transmitter.
If you have questions or need technical assistance, call Traxxas at
如果您有问题或需要技术支持,请致电 Traxxas
ABOVE & BEYOND 超越 & 超越



MロDEL 97ロ54-1 M 模型 97-54-1