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J. Glenn Brookshear

with contributions from 与贡献者合作
David T. Smith 大卫·T·史密斯
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Dennis Brylow 丹尼斯·布赖洛
Marquette University 马凯特大学

Addison-Wesley 阿迪生-韦斯利

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Figure 0.3: "An abacus ". Wayne Chandler. Figure 0.4: "The Mark I computer." Courtesy of IBM corporate archives. Unauthorized use is not permitted.
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Figure 11.19: "Results of using a neural network to classify pixels in an image." Inspired by www.actapress.com. Chapter 11, Robots Making History feature: a. "A soccer robot kicks a ball during the RoboCup German Open 2010 on April 15, 2010 in Magdeburg, eastern Germany." ) Jens Schlueter/AFP/ Getty Images/ Newscom. b.
图 11.19:“使用神经网络对图像中的像素进行分类的结果。”灵感来自 www.actapress.com。第 11 章,机器人创造历史特辑:a. “2010 年 4 月 15 日,在德国东部马格德堡举行的 RoboCup 德国公开赛上,一个足球机器人正在踢球。”)Jens Schlueter/AFP/Getty Images/Newscom。b.

"Tartan Racing's "Boss-winner of the Urban Challenge, a contest sponsored by DARPA to have vehicles drive themselves an urban environment." () DARPA. c. "One of NASA's rovers-a robot geologist exploring the surface of Mars." Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Tartan Racing 的“Boss-赢得了由 DARPA 赞助的城市挑战比赛,旨在让车辆在城市环境中自行驾驶。”()DARPA。c。“NASA 的一辆探测器-一台探索火星表面的机器地质学家。”由 NASA/JPL-Caltech 提供。
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is an imprint of

prefalce 序言

This book presents an introductory survey of computer science. It explores the breadth of the subject while including enough depth to convey an honest appreciation for the topics involved.

Audience 观众

I wrote this text for students of computer science as well as students from other disciplines.

As for computer science students, most begin their studies with the illusion that computer science is programming, Web browsing, and Internet file sharing since that is essentially all they have seen. Yet computer science is much more than this.

In turn, beginning computer science students need exposure to the breadth of the subject in which they are planning to major. Providing this exposure is the theme of this book.

It gives students an overview of computer science-a foundation from which they can appreciate the relevance and interrelationships of future courses in the field. This survey approach is, in fact, the model used for introductory courses in the natural sciences.
This broad background is also what students from other disciplines need if they are to relate to the technical society in which they live.

A computer science course for this audience should provide a practical, realistic understanding of the entire field rather than merely an introduction to using the Internet or training in the use of some popular software packages.

There is, of course, a proper place for training, but this text is about educating.
Thus, while writing this text, maintaining accessibility for nontechnical students was a major goal.

The result is that previous editions have been used successfully in courses for students over a wide range of disciplines and educational levels, ranging from high school to graduate courses. This eleventh edition is designed to continue that tradition.

New in the Eleventh Edition

The underlying theme during the development of this eleventh edition was to update the text to include handheld mobile devices, in particular smartphones. Thus, you will find that the text has been modified, and at times expanded, to

present the relationship between the subject matter being discussed and smartphone technology. Specific topics include:
  • Smartphone hardware 手机硬件
  • The distinction between and networks
    区分 网络的差异
  • Smartphone operating systems
  • Smartphone software development
  • The human/smartphone interface
These additions are most noticeable in Chapters 3 (Operating Systems) and 4 (Networking) but is also observable in Chapters 6 (Programming Languages), and 7 (Software Engineering).
这些增加最为明显的地方在第 3 章(操作系统)和第 4 章(网络)中,但也可以在第 6 章(编程语言)和第 7 章(软件工程)中看到。
Other prominent changes to this edition include updates to the following topics:
  • Software ownership and liability: The material in Chapter 7 (Software Engineering) pertaining to this topic has been rewritten and updated.
    软件所有权和责任:关于这个主题的第 7 章(软件工程)中的内容已经被重新撰写和更新。
  • Training artificial neural networks: This material, in Chapter 11 (Artificial Intelligence), has been modernized.
    训练人工神经网络:这份材料已经在第 11 章(人工智能)中进行了更新。
Finally, you will find that the material throughout the text has been updated to reflect the state of today's technology. This is most prevalent in Chapter 0 (Introduction), Chapter 1 (Data Storage), and Chapter 2 (Data Manipulation).
最后,您会发现整个文本中的内容已经更新,以反映当今技术的现状。这在第 0 章(介绍)、第 1 章(数据存储)和第 2 章(数据操作)中最为显著。

Organization 组织机构

This text follows a bottom-up arrangement of subjects that progresses from the concrete to the abstract-an order that results in a sound pedagogical presentation in which each topic leads to the next.

It begins with the fundamentals of information encoding, data storage, and computer architecture (Chapters 1 and 2); progresses to the study of operating systems (Chapter 3) and computer networks (Chapter 4); investigates the topics of algorithms, programming languages, and software development (Chapters 5 through 7); explores techniques for enhancing the accessibility of information (Chapters 8 and 9); considers some major applications of computer technology via graphics (Chapter 10) and artificial intelligence (Chapter 11); and closes with an introduction to the abstract theory of computation (Chapter 12).
本书从信息编码、数据存储和计算机体系结构的基础开始(第 1 章和第 2 章),然后深入研究操作系统(第 3 章)和计算机网络(第 4 章),接着探讨算法、编程语言和软件开发的主题(第 5 至 7 章),探索提高信息可访问性的技术(第 8 和 9 章),考虑计算机技术在图形(第 10 章)和人工智能(第 11 章)领域的一些主要应用,最后介绍计算的抽象理论(第 12 章)。
Although the text follows this natural progression, the individual chapters and sections are surprisingly independent and can usually be read as isolated units or rearranged to form alternative sequences of study.

Indeed, the book is often used as a text for courses that cover the material in a variety of orders. One of these alternatives begins with material from Chapters 5 and 6 (Algorithms and Programming Languages) and returns to the earlier chapters as desired.
实际上,这本书经常被用作覆盖各种顺序材料的课程的教材。其中一种选择是从第 5 章和第 6 章(算法和编程语言)的材料开始,然后根据需要返回到较早的章节。

In contrast, I know of one course that starts with the material on computability from Chapter 12. In still other cases the text has been used in "senior capstone" courses where it serves as merely a backbone from which to branch into projects in different areas.
相反,我知道有一门课程是从第 12 章的可计算性材料开始的。在其他情况下,这本书被用于“高年级顶峰”课程,仅仅作为一个支柱,用来展开不同领域项目的起点。

Courses for less technically oriented audiences may want to concentrate on Chapters 4 (Networking and the Internet), 9 (Database Systems), 10 (Computer Graphics), and 11 (Artificial Intelligence).
针对技术水平较低的受众的课程可能需要重点关注第 4 章(网络和互联网)、第 9 章(数据库系统)、第 10 章(计算机图形)和第 11 章(人工智能)。
On the opening page of each chapter, I have used asterisks to mark some sections as optional. These are sections that cover topics of more specific interest or

perhaps explore traditional topics in more depth. My intention is merely to provide suggestions for alternative paths though the text. There are, of course, other shortcuts. In particular, if you are looking for a quick read, I suggest the following sequence:

Section 章节

Topic 主题

Basics of data encoding and storage
Machine architecture and machine language
Operating systems 操作系统
Networking and the Internet
Algorithms and algorithm design
Programming languages 编程语言领域
Software engineering 软件工程领域
Data abstractions 数据抽象化
Database systems 数据库系统管理
Computer graphics 计算机图形学
Artificial intelligence 人工智能技术
Theory of computation 计算理论
There are several themes woven throughout the text. One is that computer science is dynamic. The text repeatedly presents topics in a historical perspective, discusses the current state of affairs, and indicates directions of research.

Another theme is the role of abstraction and the way in which abstract tools are used to control complexity.

This theme is introduced in Chapter 0 and then echoed in the context of operating system architecture, networking, algorithm development, programming language design, software engineering, data organization, and computer graphics.
该主题首先在第 0 章中引入,然后在操作系统架构、网络、算法开发、编程语言设计、软件工程、数据组织和计算机图形的背景中得到了呼应。

To Instructors 给教练们

There is more material in this text than can normally be covered in a single semester so do not hesitate to skip topics that do not fit your course objectives or to rearrange the order as you see fit.

You will find that, although the text follows a plot, the topics are covered in a largely independent manner that allows you to pick and choose as you desire. The book is designed to be used as a course resource - not as a course definition.

I suggest encouraging students to read the material not explicitly included in your course. I think we underrate students if we assume that we have to explain everything in class. We should be helping them learn to learn on their own.
I feel obliged to say a few words about the bottom-up, concrete-to-abstract organization of the text. I think as academics we too often assume that students will appreciate our perspective of a subject-often one that we have developed over many years of working in a field.

As teachers I think we do better by presenting material from the student's perspective. This is why the text starts with data representation/storage, machine architecture, operating systems, and networking.

These are topics to which students readily relate-they have most likely heard terms such as JPEG and MP3; they have probably recorded data on CDs and DVDs; they have purchased computer components; they have interacted with an operating system; and they have used the Internet.
这些是学生们很容易与之相关的话题-他们很可能听过像 JPEG 和 MP3 这样的术语;他们很可能在 CD 和 DVD 上记录过数据;他们购买过计算机组件;他们与操作系统互动过;他们使用过互联网。

By starting the course with these topics, students discover answers to many of the "why" questions they have been carrying for years and learn to view the course as practical

rather than theoretical.

From this beginning it is natural to move on to the more abstract issues of algorithms, algorithmic structures, programming languages, software development methodologies, computability, and complexity that those of us in the field view as the main topics in the science.

As I've said before, the topics are presented in a manner that does not force you to follow this bottom-up sequence, but I encourage you to give it a try.
We are all aware that students learn a lot more than we teach them directly, and the lessons they learn implicitly are often better absorbed than those that are studied explicitly. This is significant when it comes to "teaching" problem solving.

Students do not become problem solvers by studying problem-solving methodologies.

They become problem solvers by solving problems-and not just carefully posed "textbook problems." So this text contains numerous problems, a few of which are intentionally vague-meaning that there is not necessarily a single correct approach or a single correct answer.

I encourage you to use these and to expand on them.
Another topic in the "implicit learning" category is that of professionalism, ethics, and social responsibility. I do not believe that this material should be presented as an isolated subject that is merely tacked on to the course.

Instead, it should be an integral part of the coverage that surfaces when it is relevant. This is the approach followed in this text.

You will find that Sections 3.5, 4.5, 7.8, 9.7, and 11.7 present such topics as security, privacy, liability, and social awareness in the context of operating systems, networking, database systems, software engineering, and artificial intelligence.
在操作系统、网络、数据库系统、软件工程和人工智能的背景下,您将发现第 3.5、4.5、7.8、9.7 和 11.7 节涉及安全、隐私、责任和社会意识等主题。

Moreover, Section 0.6 introduces this theme by summarizing some of the more prominent theories that attempt to place ethical decision making on a philosophically firm foundation.
此外,第 0.6 节通过总结一些更为突出的理论,试图为道德决策奠定哲学基础。

You will also find that each chapter includes a collection of questions called Social Issues that challenge students to think about the relationship between the material in the text and the society in which they live.
Thank you for considering my text for your course. Whether you do or do not decide that it is right for your situation, I hope that you find it to be a contribution to the computer science education literature.

Pedagogical Features 教学特色

This text is the product of many years of teaching. As a result, it is rich in pedagogical aids. Paramount is the abundance of problems to enhance the student's participation-over 1,000 in this eleventh edition.
这段文字是多年教学经验的结晶。因此,它富含教学辅助内容。其中最重要的是大量问题,旨在提升学生的参与度-本书第十一版中包含超过 1,000 个问题。

These are classified as Questions/Exercises, Chapter Review Problems, and Social Issues. The Questions/ Exercises appear at the end of each section (except for the introductory chapter).

They review the material just discussed, extend the previous discussion, or hint at related topics to be covered later. These questions are answered in Appendix F.
他们会复习刚讨论过的材料,延伸之前的讨论,或者暗示稍后将要涉及的相关主题。这些问题将在附录 F 中得到解答。
The Chapter Review Problems appear at the end of each chapter (except for the introductory chapter). They are designed to serve as "homework" problems in that they cover the material from the entire chapter and are not answered in the text.
Also at the end of each chapter are the questions in the Social Issues category. They are designed for thought and discussion. Many of them can be used to launch research assignments culminating in short written or oral reports.
Each chapter also ends with a list called Additional Reading that contains references to other material relating to the subject of the chapter.

The Web sites identified in this preface, in the text, and in the sidebars of the text are also good places to look for related material.

Supplemental Resources 附加资源

A variety of supplemental materials for this text are available at the book's Companion Website: www.pearsonhighered.com/brookshear. The following are accessible to all readers:
  • Chapter-by-chapter activities that extend topics in the text and provide opportunities to explore related topics
  • Chapter-by-chapter "self-tests" that help readers to rethink the material covered in the text
  • Manuals that teach the basics of Java and C++ in a pedagogical sequence compatible with the text
    教授 Java 和 C++ 基础知识的手册,内容与文本兼容,并按照教学顺序进行编排
In addition, the following supplements are available to qualified instructors at Pearson Education's Instructor Resource Center. Please visit www.pearsonhighered.com or contact your Pearson sales representative for information on how to access them:
此外,Pearson Education 的教师资源中心提供以下补充材料给合格的教师。请访问 www.pearsonhighered.com 或联系您的 Pearson 销售代表,了解如何获取这些材料:
  • Instructor's Guide with answers to the Chapter Review Problems
  • PowerPoint lecture slides
    PowerPoint 讲座幻灯片
  • Test bank 测试银行
You may also want to check out my personal Web site at www.mscs.mu .edu/ glennb. It is not very formal (and it is subject to my whims and sense of humor), but I tend to keep some information there that you may find helpful. In particular, you will find an errata page that lists corrections to errors in the text that have been reported to me.
您可能也想查看我的个人网站 www.mscs.mu.edu/glennb。这个网站并不十分正式(受我的兴致和幽默感影响),但我通常会在那里保留一些您可能会发现有用的信息。特别是,您会找到一个勘误页面,列出了读者向我报告的文本错误的更正。

To Students 给学生们

I'm a bit of a nonconformist (some of my friends would say more than a bit) so when I set out to write this text I didn't always follow the advice I received. In particular, many argued that certain material was too advanced for beginning students.

But, I believe that if a topic is relevant, then it is relevant even if the academic community considers it to be an "advanced topic." You deserve a text that presents a complete picture of computer science-not a watered-down version containing artificially simplified presentations of only those topics that have been deemed appropriate for introductory students.

Thus, I have not avoided topics. Instead I've sought better explanations. I've tried to provide enough depth to give you an honest picture of what computer science is all about.

As in the case of spices in a recipe, you may choose to skip some of the topics in the following pages, but they are there for you to taste if you wish-and I encourage you to do so.
I should also point out that in any course dealing with technology, the details you learn today may not be the details you will need to know tomorrow. The field is dynamic-that's part of the excitement.

This book will give you a current picture of the subject as well as a historical perspective. With this background you will be prepared to grow along with technology. I encourage you to start the growing process now by exploring beyond this text. Learn to learn.
Thank you for the trust you have placed in me by choosing to read my book. As an author I have an obligation to produce a manuscript that is worth your time. I hope you find that I have lived up to this obligation.

Acknowledgments 致谢

I first thank those of you who have supported this book by reading and using it in previous editions. I am honored.
David T. Smith (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) and Dennis Brylow (Marquette University) played significant roles in the production this eleventh edition. David concentrated on Chapters , and 11; and Dennis focused on Chapters 3, 4, 6, and 10 . Without their hard work this new edition would not exist today. I sincerely thank them.
大卫·T·史密斯(印第安纳大学宾夕法尼亚分校)和丹尼斯·布赖洛(马凯特大学)在制作这第十一版中发挥了重要作用。大卫负责第 章和第 11 章;丹尼斯负责第 3、4、6 和 10 章。没有他们的辛勤付出,这个新版本今天将不复存在。我由衷感谢他们。
As mentioned in the preface to the tenth edition, I am indebted to Ed Angel, John Carpinelli, Chris Fox, Jim Kurose, Gary Nutt, Greg Riccardi, and Patrick Henry Winston for their assistance in the development of that edition.
正如第十版序言中所提到的,我要感谢 Ed Angel,John Carpinelli,Chris Fox,Jim Kurose,Gary Nutt,Greg Riccardi 和 Patrick Henry Winston 在该版本的开发过程中提供的帮助。

The results of their efforts remain visible in this eleventh edition.
Others who have contributed in this or previous editions include J. M. Adams, C. M. Allen, D. C. S. Allison, R. Ashmore, B. Auernheimer, P. Bankston, M. Barnard, P. Bender, K. Bowyer, P. W. Brashear, C. M. Brown, H. M Brown, B. Calloni, M. Clancy, R. T. Close, D. H. Cooley, L. D.
其他在本届或之前版本中做出贡献的人还包括 J. M. Adams,C. M. Allen,D. C. S. Allison,R. Ashmore,B. Auernheimer,P. Bankston,M. Barnard,P. Bender,K. Bowyer,P. W. Brashear,C. M. Brown,H. M Brown,B. Calloni,M. Clancy,R. T. Close,D. H. Cooley,L. D.

Cornell, M. J. Crowley, F. Deek, M. Dickerson, M. J. Duncan, S. Ezekiel, S. Fox, N. E. Gibbs, J. D. Harris, D. Hascom, L. Heath, P. B. Henderson, L. Hunt, M. Hutchenreuther, L. A. Jehn, K. K. Kolberg, K. Korb, G. Krenz, J. Liu, T. J. Long, C. May, J. J. McConnell, W. McCown, S.
康奈尔,M. J. 克劳利,F. 迪克,M. 迪克森,M. J. 邓肯,S. 以西结,S. 福克斯,N. E. 吉布斯,J. D. 哈里斯,D. 哈斯科姆,L. 希思,P. B. 亨德森,L. 亨特,M. 胡琴罗瑟,L. A. 詹,K. K. 科尔伯格,K. 科尔布,G. 克伦兹,J. 刘,T. J. 龙,C. 梅,J. J. 麦康奈尔,W. 麦考恩,S.

J. Merrill, K. Messersmith, J. C. Moyer, M. Murphy, J. P. Myers, Jr., D. S. Noonan, W. W. Oblitey, S. Olariu, G. Rice, N. Rickert, C. Riedesel, J. B. Rogers, G. Saito, W. Savitch, R. Schlafly, J. C. Schlimmer, S. Sells, G. Sheppard, Z. Shen, J. C. Simms, M. C. Slattery, J.
Slimick, J. A. Slomka, D. Smith, J. Solderitsch, R. Steigerwald, L. Steinberg, C. A. Struble, C. L. Struble, W. J. Taffe, J. Talburt, P. Tonellato, P. Tromovitch, E. D. Winter, E. Wright, M. Ziegler, and one anonymous. To these individuals I give my sincere thanks.
Slimick, J. A. Slomka, D. Smith, J. Solderitsch, R. Steigerwald, L. Steinberg, C. A. Struble, C. L. Struble, W. J. Taffe, J. Talburt, P. Tonellato, P. Tromovitch, E. D. Winter, E. Wright, M. Ziegler,以及一位匿名人士。我向这些个人致以诚挚的感谢。
As already mentioned, you will find Java and C++ manuals at the text's Companion Website that teach the basics of these languages in a format compatible with the text. These were written by Diane Christie. Thank you Diane.
正如前面提到的,您可以在文本的附属网站上找到由 Diane Christie 编写的 Java 和 C++手册,这些手册以与文本兼容的格式教授这两种语言的基础知识。感谢 Diane。

Another thank you goes to Roger Eastman who was the creative force behind the chapter-by-chapter activities that you will also find at the Companion Website.
I also thank the people at Addison-Wesley who have contributed to this project. They are a great bunch to work with-and good friends as well. If you are thinking about writing a textbook, you should consider having it published by Addison-Wesley.
我也要感谢 Addison-Wesley 的团队为这个项目所做出的贡献。他们不仅是一群很棒的合作伙伴,也是很好的朋友。如果你正在考虑写一本教科书,不妨考虑让它由 Addison-Wesley 出版。
I continue to be grateful to my wife Earlene and daughter Cheryl who have been tremendous sources of encouragement over the years. Cheryl, of course, grew up and left home several years ago. But Earlene is still here. I'm a lucky man.

On the morning of December 11, 1998, I survived a heart attack because she got me to the hospital in time. (For those of you in the younger generation I should explain that surviving a heart attack is sort of like getting an extension on a homework assignment.)
1998 年 12 月 11 日早上,因为她及时送我去医院,我幸免于心脏病发作。(对于年轻一代的人来说,我应该解释一下,幸免于心脏病发作有点像是延长了一次作业的截止时间。)
Finally, I thank my parents, to whom this book is dedicated. I close with the following endorsement whose source shall remain anonymous: "Our son's book is really good. Everyone should read it."


Chapter 0 Introduction ..... 1
第 0 章 简介 ..... 1

0.1 The Role of Algorithms ..... 2
0.1 算法的角色 ..... 2

0.2 The History of Computing ..... 4
0.2 计算机历史 ..... 4

0.3 The Science of Algorithms ..... 10
0.3 算法科学 ..... 10

0.4 Abstraction ..... 11
0.4 抽象 ..... 11

0.5 An Outline of Our Study ..... 12
0.5 我们研究的概述 ..... 12

0.6 Social Repercussions ..... 13
0.6 社会影响 ..... 13

Chapter 1 Data Storage ..... 19
第 1 章 数据存储 ..... 19

1.1 Bits and Their Storage ..... 20
1.1 位元及其存储方式.....20

1.2 Main Memory ..... 26
1.2 主存储器 ..... 26

1.3 Mass Storage ..... 29
1.3 存储空间 ..... 29

1.4 Representing Information as Bit Patterns ..... 35
1.4 以位模式表示信息 ..... 35

*1.5 The Binary System ..... 42
二进制系统 ..... 42

*1.6 Storing Integers ..... 47
存储整数至 47

*1.7 Storing Fractions ..... 53
*1.7 存储分数 ..... 53

*1.8 Data Compression ..... 58
*1.8 数据压缩 ..... 58

*1.9 Communication Errors ..... 63
*1.9 通信错误 ..... 63

Chapter 2 Data Manipulation ..... 73
第 2 章 数据处理 ..... 73

2.1 Computer Architecture ..... 74
2.1 计算机体系结构 ..... 74

2.2 Machine Language ..... 77
2.2 机器语言 ..... 77

2.3 Program Execution ..... 83
2.3 程序执行 ..... 83

*2.4 Arithmetic/Logic Instructions ..... 90
*2.4 算术/逻辑指令 ..... 90

*2.5 Communicating with Other Devices ..... 94
与其他设备进行通信..... 94

..... 100 Chapter 3 Operating Systems ..... 109
..... 100 第 3 章 操作系统 ..... 109

3.1 The History of Operating Systems ..... 110
3.1 操作系统的发展历程 ..... 110

3.2 Operating System Architecture ..... 114
3.2 操作系统架构 ..... 114

3.3 Coordinating the Machine's Activities ..... 122
3.3 协调机器活动的过程 ..... 122

*3.4 Handling Competition Among Processes ..... 125
处理进程间的竞争问题 ..... 125

3.5 Security ..... 130
3.5 安全 ..... 130

Chapter 4 Networking and the Internet ..... 139
第 4 章 网络和互联网 ..... 139

4.1 Network Fundamentals ..... 140
4.1 网络基础 ..... 140

4.2 The Internet ..... 149
4.2 互联网 ..... 149

4.3 The World Wide Web ..... 158
4.3 互联网的普及 ..... 158

*4.4 Internet Protocols ..... 167
*4.4 互联网协议 ..... 167

4.5 Security ..... 173
4.5 安全 ..... 173

Chapter 5 Algorithms ..... 187
第 5 章 算法 ..... 187

5.1 The Concept of an Algorithm ..... 188
5.1 算法的概念 ..... 188

5.2 Algorithm Representation ..... 191
5.2 算法表示方式 ..... 191

5.3 Algorithm Discovery ..... 198
5.3 算法探索 ..... 198

5.4 Iterative Structures ..... 204
5.4 迭代结构 ..... 204

5.5 Recursive Structures ..... 214
5.5 递归结构 ..... 214

5.6 Efficiency and Correctness ..... 222
5.6 效率和正确性 ..... 222

Chapter 6 Programming Languages ..... 239
第 6 章 编程语言 ..... 239

6.1 Historical Perspective ..... 240
6.1 历史背景 ..... 240

6.2 Traditional Programming Concepts ..... 248
6.2 传统编程概念 ..... 248

6.3 Procedural Units ..... 260
6.3 程序单元.....260

6.4 Language Implementation ..... 268
6.4 语言实现 ..... 268

6.5 Object-Oriented Programming ..... 276
6.5 面向对象编程 ..... 276

*6.6 Programming Concurrent Activities ..... 283
*6.6 编写并发程序 ..... 283

*6.7 Declarative Programming ..... 286
6.7 声明式编程 ..... 286

Chapter 7 Software Engineering ..... 299
第 7 章 软件工程 ..... 299

7.1 The Software Engineering Discipline ..... 300
7.1 软件工程学科 ..... 300

7.2 The Software Life Cycle ..... 302
7.2 软件生命周期 ..... 302

7.3 Software Engineering Methodologies ..... 306
7.3 软件工程方法论 ..... 306

7.4 Modularity ..... 308
7.4 模块化.....308

7.5 Tools of the Trade ..... 316
7.5 工具......316

7.6 Quality Assurance ..... 324
7.6 质量保证 ..... 324

7.7 Documentation ..... 328
7.7 文档.....328

7.8 The Human-Machine Interface ..... 329
7.8 人机界面 ..... 329

7.9 Software Ownership and Liability ..... 332
7.9 软件所有权和责任 ..... 332

Chapter 8 Data Abstractions ..... 341
第 8 章 数据抽象 ..... 341

8.1 Basic Data Structures ..... 342
8.1 基本数据结构 ..... 342

8.2 Related Concepts ..... 345
8.2 相关概念 ..... 345

8.3 Implementing Data Structures ..... 348
8.3 实现数据结构 ..... 348

8.4 A Short Case Study ..... 362
8.4 一个简短的案例研究 ..... 362

8.5 Customized Data Types ..... 367
8.5 自定义数据类型 ..... 367

*8.6 Classes and Objects ..... 371
第 8.6 节 类和对象 ..... 371

*8.7 Pointers in Machine Language ..... 372
*8.7 机器语言中的指针..... 372

Chapter 9 Database Systems ..... 383
第 9 章 数据库系统 ..... 383

9.1 Database Fundamentals ..... 384
9.1 数据库基础 ..... 384

9.2 The Relational Model ..... 389
9.2 关系模型 ..... 389

*9.3 Object-Oriented Databases ..... 400
9.3 面向对象数据库 ..... 400

*9.4 Maintaining Database Integrity ..... 402
9.4 维护数据库完整性 ..... 402

*9.5 Traditional File Structures ..... 406
9.5 传统文件结构 ..... 406

9.6 Data Mining ..... 414
9.6 数据挖掘 ..... 414

9.7 Social Impact of Database Technology ..... 416
9.7 数据库技术的社会影响 ..... 416

Chapter 10 Computer Graphics ..... 425
第 10 章 计算机图形 ..... 425

10.1 The Scope of Computer Graphics ..... 426
10.1 计算机图形学的范围 ..... 426

10.2 Overview of 3D Graphics ..... 428
10.2 3D 图形概览 ..... 428

10.3 Modeling ..... 430
10.3 建模.....430

10.4 Rendering ..... 439
10.4 渲染中.....439

*10.5 Dealing with Global Lighting ..... 449
处理全局照明中的问题 ..... 449

10.6 Animation ..... 452
10.6 动画.....452

Chapter 11 Artificial Intelligence ..... 461
第 11 章 人工智能 ..... 461

11.1 Intelligence and Machines ..... 462
11.1 智能与机器 ..... 462

11.2 Perception ..... 467
11.2 知觉 ..... 467

11.3 Reasoning ..... 473
11.3 推理 ..... 473

11.4 Additional Areas of Research ..... 484
11.4 其他研究领域 ..... 484

11.5 Artificial Neural Networks ..... 489
11.5 - 人工神经网络 ..... 489

11.6 Robotics ..... 497
11.6 机器人技术 ..... 497

11.7 Considering the Consequences ..... 500
11.7 考虑后果......500

Chapter 12 Theory of Computation ..... 509
第 12 章 计算理论 ..... 509

12.1 Functions and Their Computation ..... 510
12.1 函数及其计算.....510

12.2 Turing Machines ..... 512
12.2 图灵机 ..... 512

12.3 Universal Programming Languages ..... 516
12.3 通用编程语言 ..... 516

12.4 A Noncomputable Function ..... 522
12.4 一个不可计算的函数 ..... 522

12.5 Complexity of Problems ..... 527
问题复杂度为 12.5 ..... 527

*12.6 Public-Key Cryptography ..... 536
*12.6 公钥密码学 ..... 536

Appendixes 545 附录 545

B Circuits to Manipulate Two's Complement Representations 548
操纵二进制补码表示的电路 548
C A Simple Machine Language 551
C 一种简单的机器语言 551
D High-Level Programming Languages 553
高级编程语言 553
E The Equivalence of Iterative and Recursive Structures 555
F Answers to Questions & Exercises 557
F 问题和练习的答案 557

C H A P T E R Introduction

In this preliminary chapter we consider the scope of computer science, develop a historical perspective, and establish a foundation from which to launch our study.

0.1 The Role of Algorithms
0.1 算法的作用

0.3 The Science 0.3 科学
0.2 The History 0.2 历史
of Algorithms 算法的原理
of Computing 计算机的起源
0.5 An Outline of

0.4 Abstraction 0.4 抽象化
Our Study 我们的研究
0.6 Social Repercussions
0.6 社会影响的影响
Computer science is the discipline that seeks to build a scientific foundation for such topics as computer design, computer programming, information processing, algorithmic solutions of problems, and the algorithmic process itself.

It provides the underpinnings for today's computer applications as well as the foundations for tomorrow's computing infrastructure.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to this science. We will investigate a wide range of topics including most of those that constitute a typical university computer science curriculum. We want to appreciate the full scope and dynamics of the field.

Thus, in addition to the topics themselves, we will be interested in their historical development, the current state of research, and prospects for the future.

Our goal is to establish a functional understanding of computer science-one that will support those who wish to pursue more specialized studies in the science as well as one that will enable those in other fields to flourish in an increasingly technical society.

0.1 The Role of Algorithms
0.1 算法的角色

We begin with the most fundamental concept of computer science-that of an algorithm. Informally, an algorithm is a set of steps that defines how a task is performed.

(We will be more precise later in Chapter 5.) For example, there are algorithms for cooking (called recipes), for finding your way through a strange city (more commonly called directions), for operating washing machines (usually displayed on the inside of the washer's lid or perhaps on the wall of a laundromat), for playing music (expressed in the form of sheet music), and for performing magic tricks (Figure 0.1).
(我们稍后在第 5 章会更加详细地讨论。)例如,有用于烹饪的算法(称为食谱),用于在陌生城市中找路的算法(通常称为方向),用于操作洗衣机的算法(通常显示在洗衣机盖内侧或洗衣店墙壁上),用于演奏音乐的算法(以乐谱形式表达),以及用于表演魔术的算法(图 0.1)。
Before a machine such as a computer can perform a task, an algorithm for performing that task must be discovered and represented in a form that is compatible with the machine. A representation of an algorithm is called a program.

For the convenience of humans, computer programs are usually printed on paper or displayed on computer screens. For the convenience of machines, programs are encoded in a manner compatible with the technology of the machine.

The process of developing a program, encoding it in machine-compatible form, and inserting it into a machine is called programming.

Programs, and the algorithms they represent, are collectively referred to as software, in contrast to the machinery itself, which is known as hardware.
The study of algorithms began as a subject in mathematics. Indeed, the search for algorithms was a significant activity of mathematicians long before the development of today's computers.

The goal was to find a single set of directions that described how all problems of a particular type could be solved. One of the best known examples of this early research is the long division algorithm for finding the quotient of two multiple-digit numbers.

Another example is the Euclidean algorithm, discovered by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, for finding the greatest common divisor of two positive integers (Figure 0.2).
另一个例子是欧几里得算法,由古希腊数学家欧几里得发现,用于找到两个正整数的最大公约数(见图 0.2)。
Once an algorithm for performing a task has been found, the performance of that task no longer requires an understanding of the principles on which the algorithm is based. Instead, the performance of the task is reduced to the process of merely following directions.

(We can follow the long division algorithm to find a quotient or the Euclidean algorithm to find a greatest common divisor without understanding why the algorithm works.) In a sense, the intelligence required to solve the problem at hand is encoded in the algorithm.

Figure 0.1 An algorithm for a magic trick
图 1.1 一个魔术表演的算法

Effect: The performer places some cards from a normal deck of playing cards face down on a table and mixes them thoroughly while spreading them out on the table. Then, as the audience requests either red or black cards, the performer turns over cards of the requested color.

Secret and Patter: 秘密和模式

Step 1. From a normal deck of cards, select ten red cards and ten black cards. Deal these cards face up in two piles on the table according to color.
Step 2. Announce that you have selected some red cards and some black cards.
Step 3. Pick up the red cards. Under the pretense of aligning them into a small deck, hold them face down in your left hand and, with the thumb and first finger of your right hand, pull back on each end of the deck so that each card is given a slightly backward curve.

Then place the deck of red cards face down on the table as you say, "Here are the red cards in this stack."
Step 4. Pick up the black cards. In a manner similar to that in step 3, give these cards a slight forward curve. Then return these cards to the table in a face-down deck as you say, "And here are the black cards in this stack."
Step 5. Immediately after returning the black cards to the table, use both hands to mix the red and black cards (still face down) as you spread them out on the tabletop. Explain that you are thoroughy mixing the cards.
Step 6. As long as there are face-down cards on the table, repeatedly execute the following steps:
6.1. Ask the audience to request either a red or a black card.
6.1. 请观众选择红牌或黑牌。
6.2. If the color requested is red and there is a face-down card with a concave appearance, turn over such a card while saying, "Here is a red card."
6.2. 如果请求的颜色是红色,并且有一张凹面朝下的卡片,请翻开这张卡片,并说:“这是一张红色的卡片。”
6.3. If the color requested is black and there is a face-down card with a convex appearance, turn over such a card while saying, "Here is a black card."
6.4. Otherwise, state that there are no more cards of the requested color and turn over the remaining cards to prove your claim.
6.4. 否则,请声明没有更多请求颜色的牌,并翻开剩余的牌以证明你的断言。
Figure 0.2 The Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two positive integers
Description: This algorithm assumes that its input consists of two positive integers and proceeds to compute the greatest common divisor of these two values.

Procedure: 手续:

Step 1. Assign and the value of the larger and smaller of the two input values, respectively.
Step 2. Divide by , and call the remainder .
除以 ,并将得到的余数称为
Step 3. If is not 0 , then assign the value of , assign the value of , and return to step 2; otherwise, the greatest common divisor is the value currently assigned to .
如果 不等于 0,则将 赋值为 ,将 赋值为 ,然后返回到步骤 2;否则,最大公约数为当前分配给 的值。
It is through this ability to capture and convey intelligence (or at least intelligent behavior) by means of algorithms that we are able to build machines that perform useful tasks.

Consequently, the level of intelligence displayed by machines is limited by the intelligence that can be conveyed through algorithms. We can construct a machine to perform a task only if an algorithm exists for performing that task.

In turn, if no algorithm exists for solving a problem, then the solution of that problem lies beyond the capabilities of machines.
Identifying the limitations of algorithmic capabilities solidified as a subject in mathematics in the 1930s with the publication of Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorem.
20 世纪 30 年代,库尔特·哥德尔发表了不完备性定理,这一事件巩固了算法能力的局限性作为数学学科的一个主题。

This theorem essentially states that in any mathematical theory encompassing our traditional arithmetic system, there are statements whose truth or falseness cannot be established by algorithmic means.

In short, any complete study of our arithmetic system lies beyond the capabilities of algorithmic activities.
This realization shook the foundations of mathematics, and the study of algorithmic capabilities that ensued was the beginning of the field known today as computer science. Indeed, it is the study of algorithms that forms the core of computer science.

0.2 The History of Computing
0.2 计算机历史

Today's computers have an extensive genealogy. One of the earlier computing devices was the abacus. History tells us that it most likely had its roots in ancient China and was used in the early Greek and Roman civilizations.

The machine is quite simple, consisting of beads strung on rods that are in turn mounted in a rectangular frame (Figure 0.3). As the beads are moved back and forth on the rods, their positions represent stored values.
这台机器非常简单,由串在棒子上的珠子组成,这些棒子又安装在一个矩形框架中(见图 0.3)。当珠子在棒子上来回移动时,它们的位置代表着存储的数值。

It is in the positions of the beads that this "computer" represents and stores data. For control of an algorithm's execution, the machine relies on the human operator.

Thus the abacus alone is merely a data storage system; it must be combined with a human to create a complete computational machine.
In the time period after the Middle Ages and before the Modern Era the quest for more sophisticated computing machines was seeded. A few inventors began to experiment with the technology of gears.

Among these were Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) of France, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) of Germany, and Charles Babbage (1792-1871) of England.

These machines represented data through gear positioning, with data being input mechanically by establishing initial gear positions. Output from Pascal's and Leibniz's machines was achieved by observing the final gear positions.

Babbage, on the other hand, envisioned machines that would print results of computations on paper so that the possibility of transcription errors would be eliminated.
As for the ability to follow an algorithm, we can see a progression of flexibility in these machines. Pascal's machine was built to perform only addition. Consequently, the appropriate sequence of steps was embedded into the structure of the machine itself.

In a similar manner, Leibniz's machine had its algorithms firmly embedded in its architecture, although it offered a variety of arithmetic operations from which the operator could select.

Babbage's Difference Engine (of which only a demonstration model was constructed) could be modified to perform a variety of calculations, but his Analytical Engine (the construction for which he
Figure 0.3 An abacus (photography by Wayne Chandler)
图 0.3 算盘(韦恩·钱德勒摄影)
never received funding) was designed to read instructions in the form of holes in paper cards. Thus Babbage's Analytical Engine was programmable.

In fact, Augusta Ada Byron (Ada Lovelace), who published a paper in which she demonstrated how Babbage's Analytical Engine could be programmed to perform various computations, is often identified today as the world's first programmer.
实际上,奥古斯塔·艾达·拜伦(Ada Lovelace)发表了一篇论文,展示了如何编程巴贝奇的分析机执行各种计算,因此如今她经常被认定为世界上第一位程序员。
The idea of communicating an algorithm via holes in paper was not originated by Babbage.

He got the idea from Joseph Jacquard (1752-1834), who, in 1801, had developed a weaving loom in which the steps to be performed during the weaving process were determined by patterns of holes in large thick cards made of wood (or cardboard).
他从约瑟夫·雅卡尔(1752-1834)那里得到了这个想法,雅卡尔于 1801 年开发了一种织布机,通过木头(或纸板)上的大厚卡片上的孔洞图案确定了织布过程中要执行的步骤。

In this manner, the algorithm followed by the loom could be changed easily to produce different woven designs.

Another beneficiary of Jacquard's idea was Herman Hollerith (1860-1929), who applied the concept of representing information as holes in paper cards to speed up the tabulation process in the 1890 U.S. census.
雅卡尔的想法的另一个受益者是赫尔曼·霍勒里斯(1860-1929),他应用了将信息表示为纸卡上的孔的概念,以加快 1890 年美国人口普查的制表过程。

(It was this work by Hollerith that led to the creation of IBM.) Such cards ultimately came to be known as punched cards and survived as a popular means of communicating with computers well into the 1970s.
霍勒里斯的这项工作导致了 IBM 的创建。这些卡片最终被称为打孔卡,一直作为一种流行的与计算机通信的方式存活到了 1970 年代。

Indeed, the technique lives on today, as witnessed by the voting issues raised in the 2000 U.S. presidential election.
事实上,这项技术至今仍在使用,正如 2000 年美国总统选举中引发的选举问题所显示的。
The technology of the time was unable to produce the complex gear-driven machines of Pascal, Leibniz, and Babbage in a financially feasible manner. But with the advances in electronics in the early 1900s, this barrier was overcome.
当时的技术还无法以经济可行的方式制造帕斯卡、莱布尼茨和巴贝奇那种复杂的齿轮驱动机器。但随着 20 世纪初电子技术的进步,这个障碍被克服了。

Examples of this progress include the electromechanical machine of George Stibitz, completed in 1940 at Bell Laboratories, and the Mark I, completed in 1944
乔治·斯蒂比茨在 1940 年在贝尔实验室完成的电机机器和 1944 年完成的 Mark I 是这一进展的例子

Babbage's Difference Engine

The machines designed by Charles Babbage were truly the forerunners of modern computer design.

If technology had been able to produce his machines in an economically feasible manner and if the data processing demands of commerce and government had been on the scale of today's requirements, Babbage's ideas could have led to a computer revolution in the 1800s.
如果技术能够以经济合理的方式生产他的机器,并且如果商业和政府的数据处理需求达到了今天的水平,Babbage 的想法可能会在 19 世纪引领一场计算机革命。

As it was, only a demonstration model of his Difference Engine was constructed in his lifetime.

This machine determined numerical values by computing "successive differences." We can gain an insight to this technique by considering the problem of computing the squares of the integers.

We begin with the knowledge that the square of 0 is 0 , the square of 1 is 1 , the square of 2 is 4 , and the square of 3 is 9 . With this, we can determine the square of 4 in the following manner (see the following diagram).
我们从以下知识出发:0 的平方是 0,1 的平方是 1,2 的平方是 4,3 的平方是 9。有了这些,我们可以确定 4 的平方,具体方法请参见下图。

We first compute the differences of the squares we already know: , and . Then we compute the differences of these results: , and . Note that these differences are both 2 . Assuming that this consistency continues (mathematics can show that it does) we conclude that the difference between the value and the value must also be 2 . Hence must be 2 greater than , so and thus . Now that we know the square of 4 , we could continue our procedure to compute the square of 5 based on the values of , and . (Although a more in-depth discussion of successive differences is beyond the scope of our current study, students of calculus may wish to observe that the preceding example is based on the fact that the derivative of is a straight line with a slope of 2.
我们首先计算我们已知的平方数的差值: 。然后计算这些结果的差值: 。请注意,这些差值都是 2。假设这种一致性持续(数学可以证明确实如此),我们得出结论:值 和值 之间的差值也必须是 2。因此 必须比 大 2,所以 ,因此 。现在我们知道 4 的平方,我们可以根据 的值继续计算 5 的平方。 尽管我们当前的研究范围不包括对连续差异的更深入讨论,但微积分学生可能希望注意到,前面的例子是基于导数为 的事实,其斜率为 2,是一条斜率为 2 的直线。
at Harvard University by Howard Aiken and a group of IBM engineers (Figure 0.4). These machines made heavy use of electronically controlled mechanical relays.
在哈佛大学由霍华德·艾肯和一群 IBM 工程师(见图 0.4)开发。这些机器大量使用了电子控制的机械继电器。

In this sense they were obsolete almost as soon as they were built, because other researchers were applying the technology of vacuum tubes to construct totally electronic computers.

The first of these machines was apparently the AtanasoffBerry machine, constructed during the period from 1937 to 1941 at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University) by John Atanasoff and his assistant, Clifford Berry.
这些机器中的第一台显然是阿塔纳索夫-贝里(Atanasoff-Berry)机器,由约翰·阿塔纳索夫(John Atanasoff)和他的助手克利福德·贝里(Clifford Berry)于 1937 年至 1941 年期间在爱荷华州立学院(现爱荷华州立大学)建造。

Another was a machine called Colossus, built under the direction of Tommy
另一台机器名为 Colossus,是在汤米的指导下建造的
Figure 0.4 The Mark I computer (Courtesy of IBM archives. Unauthorized use is not permitted.)
0.4 号标志 I 计算机(由 IBM 档案馆提供。未经授权使用不被允许。)
Flowers in England to decode German messages during the latter part of World War II.

(Actually, as many as ten of these machines were apparently built, but military secrecy and issues of national security kept their existence from becoming part of the "computer family tree.") Other, more flexible machines, such as the ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and calculator) developed by John Mauchly and J.
实际上,似乎建造了多达十台这样的机器,但军事保密和国家安全问题使其存在未能成为“计算机家族谱”的一部分。其他更灵活的机器,如由约翰·莫克利和 J.开发的 ENIAC(电子数字积分器和计算器)。

Presper Eckert at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, soon followed.
Presper Eckert 随后在宾夕法尼亚大学摩尔电气工程学院跟进。
From that point on, the history of computing machines has been closely linked to advancing technology, including the invention of transistors (for which physicists William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain were awarded a Nobel Prize) and the subsequent development of complete circuits constructed as single units, called integrated circuits (for which Jack Kilby also won a Nobel Prize in physics).

With these developments, the room-sized machines of the 1940s were reduced over the decades to the size of single cabinets. At the same time, the processing power of computing machines began to double every two years (a trend that has continued to this day).
随着这些发展,1940 年代的房间大小机器逐渐缩小至单个柜子大小。与此同时,计算机的处理能力开始每两年翻一番(这一趋势至今仍在持续)。

As work on integrated circuitry progressed, many of the circuits within a computer became readily available on the open market as integrated circuits encased in toy-sized blocks of plastic called chips.
A major step toward popularizing computing was the development of desktop computers. The origins of these machines can be traced to the computer hobbyists who built homemade computers from combinations of chips.

It was within this "underground" of hobby activity that Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak built a commercially viable home computer and, in 1976, established Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.) to manufacture and market their products.
在这个“地下”的爱好活动中,史蒂夫·乔布斯和斯蒂芬·沃兹尼亚克建立了一台商业上可行的家用电脑,并于 1976 年成立了苹果电脑公司(现为苹果公司)来制造和销售他们的产品。

Other companies that marketed similar products were Commodore, Heathkit, and Radio Shack. Although these products were popular among computer hobbyists, they
其他公司推出类似产品的有康柏、希思凯特和 Tandy。尽管这些产品在计算机爱好者中很受欢迎,但它们

Augusta Ada Byron  奥古斯塔·艾达·拜伦

Abstract 摘要

Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace, has been the subject of much commentary in the computing community.

She lived a somewhat tragic life of less than 37 years (1815-1852) that was complicated by poor health and the fact that she was a nonconformist in a society that limited the professional role of women.
她的生平不到 37 年(1815-1852 年),充满悲剧色彩,受健康状况困扰,同时作为一个不随波逐流者,生活在一个限制女性职业角色的社会中,生活变得复杂。

Although she was interested in a wide range of science, she concentrated her studies in mathematics. Her interest in "compute science" began when she became fascinated by the machines of Charles Babbage at a demonstration of a prototype of his Difference Engine in 1833.
尽管她对各种科学都感兴趣,但她把学习重点放在数学上。她对“计算机科学”的兴趣始于 1833 年查尔斯·巴贝奇展示他的差分机原型时,她被那些机器深深吸引。

Her contribution to computer science stems from her translation from French into English of a paper discussing Babbage's designs for the Analytical Engine.

To this translation, Babbage encouraged her to attach an addendum describing applications of the engine and containing examples of how the engine could be programmed to perform various tasks.
在这个翻译中,Babbage 鼓励她附上一个附录,描述引擎的应用,并包含引擎如何被编程执行各种任务的示例。

Babbage's enthusiasm for Ada Byron's work was apparently motivated by his hope that its publication would lead to financial backing for the construction of his Analytical Engine.

(As the daughter of Lord Byron, Ada Byron held celebrity status with potentially significant financial connections.) This backing never materialized, but Ada Byron's addendum has survived and is considered to contain the first examples of computer programs. The degree to which Babbage influenced Ada Byron's work is debated by historians.

Some argue that Babbage made major contributions whereas others contend that he was more of an obstacle than an aid.

Nonetheless, Augusta Ada Byron is recognized today as the world's first programmer, a status that was certified by the U.S. Department of Defense when it named a prominent programming language (Ada) in her honor.

were not widely accepted by the business community, which continued to look to the well-established IBM for the majority of its computing needs.
未被商业界广泛接受,继续寻求已经建立良好声誉的 IBM 来满足大部分的计算需求。
In 1981, IBM introduced its first desktop computer, called the personal computer, or PC, whose underlying software was developed by a newly formed company known as Microsoft.
1981 年,IBM 推出了其第一台台式电脑,名为个人电脑或 PC,其底层软件是由一家新成立的名为微软的公司开发的。

The PC was an instant success and legitimized the desktop computer as an established commodity in the minds of the business community. Today, the term is widely used to refer to all those machines (from various manufacturers) whose design has evolved from IBM's initial desktop computer, most of which continue to be marketed with software from Microsoft. At times, however, the term is used interchangeably with the generic terms desktop or laptop.
个人电脑一炮而红,使得台式电脑在商界的心目中成为一种已经确立的商品。如今,“ ”这个术语被广泛用来指代所有那些设计源自 IBM 最初台式电脑的各种制造商的机器,其中大多数继续使用微软的软件进行营销。然而,有时候,“ ”这个术语也会与通用术语台式电脑或笔记本电脑互换使用。
As the twentieth century drew to a close, the ability to connect individual computers in a world-wide system called the Internet was revolutionizing communication.

In this context, Tim Berners-Lee (a British scientist) proposed a system by which documents stored on computers throughout the Internet could be linked together producing a maze of linked information called the World Wide Web (often shortened to "Web").

To make the information on the Web accessible, software systems, called search engines, were developed to "sift through" the Web, "categorize" their findings, and then use the results to assist users researching particular topics.

Major players in this field are Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. These companies continue to expand their Web-related activities, often in directions that challenge our traditional way of thinking.
在这一领域的主要参与者包括 Google、Yahoo 和 Microsoft。这些公司持续扩展他们与网络相关的活动,往往挑战我们传统的思维方式。
At the same time that desktop computers (and the newer mobile laptop computers) were being accepted and used in homes, the miniaturization of computing machines continued. Today, tiny computers are embedded within various devices.

For example, automobiles now contain small computers running Global Positioning Systems (GPS), monitoring the function of the engine, and providing voice command services for controlling the car's audio and phone communication systems.
Perhaps the most potentially revolutionary application of computer miniaturization is found in the expanding capabilities of portable telephones.

Indeed, what was recently merely a telephone has evolved into a small hand-held generalpurpose computer known as a smartphone on which telephony is only one of many applications.

These "phones" are equipped with a rich array of sensors and interfaces including cameras, microphones, compasses, touch screens, accelerometers (to detect the phone's orientation and motion), and a number of wireless technologies to communicate with other smartphones and computers.

The potential is enormous. Indeed, many argue that the smartphone will have a greater effect on society than the PC.
The miniaturization of computers and their expanding capabilities have brought computer technology to the forefront of today's society. Computer technology is so prevalent now that familiarity with it is fundamental to being a member of modern society.

Computing technology has altered the ability of governments to exert control; had enormous impact on global economics; led to startling advances in scientific research; revolutionized the role of data collection, storage, and applications; provided new means for people to communicate and interact; and has repeatedly challenged society's status quo.

The result is a proliferation of subjects surrounding computer science, each of which is now a significant field of study in its own right. Moreover, as with mechanical engineering and physics, it is often difficult to draw a line between these fields and

Google 谷歌公司

Founded in 1998, Google Inc. has become one of the world's most recoginzed techology companies. Its core service, the Google search engine, is used by millions of people to find documents on the World Wide Web.
成立于 1998 年,Google Inc.已成为世界上最知名的技术公司之一。其核心服务是 Google 搜索引擎,被数百万人用来在互联网上查找文档。

In addition, Google provides electronic mail service (called Gmail), an Internet based video sharing service (called YouTube), and a host of other Internet services (including Google Maps, Google Calendar, Google Earth, Google Books, and Google Translate).
另外,Google 提供电子邮件服务(称为 Gmail),基于互联网的视频分享服务(称为 YouTube),以及一系列其他互联网服务(包括 Google 地图,Google 日历,Google 地球,Google 图书和 Google 翻译)。
However, in addition to being a prime example of the entrepreneurial spirit, Google also provides examples of how expanding technology is challenging society.

For example, Google's search engine has led to questions regarding the extent to which an international company should comply with the wishes of individual governments; YouTube has raised questions regarding the extent to which a company should be liable for information that others distribute through its services as well as the degree to which the company can claim ownership of that information; Google Books has generated concerns regarding the scope and limitations of intelectual property rights; and Google Maps has been accused of violating privacy rights.
例如,谷歌的搜索引擎引发了关于国际公司应该在多大程度上遵守个别政府意愿的问题;YouTube 引发了关于公司应对他人通过其服务分发信息的程度以及公司可以主张对该信息拥有权的程度的问题;Google Books 引发了关于知识产权的范围和限制的担忧;Google Maps 被指控侵犯隐私权。

computer science itself. Thus, to gain a proper perspective, our study will not only cover topics central to the core of computer science but will also explore a variety of disciplines dealing with both applications and consequences of the science.

Indeed, an introduction to computer science is an interdisciplinary undertaking.

0.3 The Science of Algorithms
0.3 算法科学

Conditions such as limited data storage capabilities and intricate, time-consuming programming procedures restricted the complexity of the algorithms utilized in early computing machines.

However, as these limitations began to disappear, machines were applied to increasingly larger and more complex tasks.

As attempts to express the composition of these tasks in algorithmic form began to tax the abilities of the human mind, more and more research efforts were directed toward the study of algorithms and the programming process.
It was in this context that the theoretical work of mathematicians began to pay dividends. As a consequence of Gödel's incompleteness theorem, mathematicians had already been investigating those questions regarding algorithmic processes that advancing technology was now raising.

With that, the stage was set for the emergence of a new discipline known as computer science.
Today, computer science has established itself as the science of algorithms. The scope of this science is broad, drawing from such diverse subjects as mathematics, engineering, psychology, biology, business administration, and linguistics.

Indeed, researchers in different branches of computer science may have very distinct definitions of the science.

For example, a researcher in the field of computer architecture may focus on the task of miniaturizing circuitry and thus view computer science as the advancement and application of technology.

But, a researcher in the field of database systems may see computer science as seeking ways to make information systems more useful. And, a researcher in the field of artificial intelligence may regard computer science as the study of intelligence and intelligent behavior.
Thus, an introduction to computer science must include a variety of topics, which is a task that we will pursue in the following chapters.

In each case, our goal will be to introduce the central ideas in the subject, the current topics of research, and some of the techniques being applied to advance knowledge in the area. With such a variety of topics, it is easy to lose track of the overall picture.

We therefore pause to collect our thoughts by identifying some questions that provide a focus for its study.
  • Which problems can be solved by algorithmic processes?
  • How can the discovery of algorithms be made easier?
  • How can the techniques of representing and communicating algorithms be improved?
  • How can the characteristics of different algorithms be analyzed and compared?
  • How can algorithms be used to manipulate information?
  • How can algorithms be applied to produce intelligent behavior?
  • How does the application of algorithms affect society?
Note that the theme common to all these questions is the study of algorithms (Figure 0.5 ).
请注意,所有这些问题的共同主题是算法的研究(见图 0.5)。
Figure 0.5 The central role of algorithms in computer science
计算机科学中算法的核心地位示意图 0.5

0.4 Abstraction 0.4 抽象化

The concept of abstraction so permeates the study of computer science and the design of computer systems that it behooves us to address it in this preliminary chapter.

The term abstraction, as we are using it here, refers to the distinction between the external properties of an entity and the details of the entity's internal composition.

It is abstraction that allows us to ignore the internal details of a complex device such as a computer, automobile, or microwave oven and use it as a single, comprehensible unit.

Moreover, it is by means of abstraction that such complex systems are designed and manufactured in the first place. Computers, automobiles, and microwave ovens are constructed from components, each of which is constructed from smaller components.

Each component represents a level of abstraction at which the use of the component is isolated from the details of the component's internal composition.
It is by applying abstraction, then, that we are able to construct, analyze, and manage large, complex computer systems, which would be overwhelming if viewed in their entirety at a detailed level.

At each level of abstraction, we view the system in terms of components, called abstract tools, whose internal composition we ignore.

This allows us to concentrate on how each component interacts with other components at the same level and how the collection as a whole forms a higher-level component.

Thus we are able to comprehend the part of the system that is relevant to the task at hand rather than being lost in a sea of details.
We emphasize that abstraction is not limited to science and technology. It is an important simplification technique with which our society has created a lifestyle that would otherwise be impossible.

Few of us understand how the various conveniences of daily life are actually implemented. We eat food and wear clothes that we cannot produce by ourselves. We use electrical devices and communication systems without understanding the underlying technology.

We use the services of others without knowing the details of their professions. With each new advancement, a small part of society chooses to specialize in its implementation while the rest of us learn to use the results as abstract tools.

In this manner, society's warehouse of abstract tools expands, and society's ability to progress increases.
Abstraction is a recurring theme in our study. We will learn that computing equipment is constructed in levels of abstract tools.

We will also see that the development of large software systems is accomplished in a modular fashion in which each module is used as an abstract tool in larger modules.

Moreover, abstraction plays an important role in the task of advancing computer science itself, allowing researchers to focus attention on particular areas within a complex field. In fact, the organization of this text reflects this characteristic of the science.

Each chapter, which focuses on a particular area within the science, is often surprisingly independent of the others, yet together the chapters form a comprehensive overview of a vast field of study.

0.5 An Outline of Our Study
0.5 我们研究的概要

This text follows a bottom up approach to the study of computer science, beginning with such hands-on topics as computer hardware and leading to the more abstract topics such as algorithm complexity and computability.

The result is that our study follows a pattern of building larger and larger abstract tools as our understanding of the subject expands.
We begin by considering topics dealing with the design and construction of machines for executing algorithms. In Chapter 1 (Data Storage) we look at how information is encoded and stored within modern computers, and in Chapter 2 (Data Manipulation) we investigate the basic internal operation of a simple computer.
我们首先考虑涉及设计和构建执行算法的机器的主题。在第 1 章(数据存储)中,我们探讨了信息如何被编码并存储在现代计算机中,在第 2 章(数据操作)中,我们研究了简单计算机的基本内部操作。

Although part of this study involves technology, the general theme is technology independent.

That is, such topics as digital circuit design, data encoding and compression systems, and computer architecture are relevant over a wide range of technology and promise to remain relevant regardless of the direction of future technology.
In Chapter 3 (Operating Systems) we study the software that controls the overall operation of a computer. This software is called an operating system.
在第 3 章(操作系统)中,我们学习控制计算机整体运行的软件。这个软件被称为操作系统。

It is a computer's operating system that controls the interface between the machine and its outside world, protecting the machine and the data stored within from unauthorized access, allowing a computer user to request the execution of various programs, and coordinating the internal activities required to fulfill the user's requests.
In Chapter 4 (Networking and the Internet) we study how computers are connected to each other to form computer networks and how networks are connected to form internets.
在第 4 章(网络和互联网)中,我们研究计算机是如何连接在一起形成计算机网络,以及网络是如何连接在一起形成互联网的。

This study leads to topics such as network protocols, the Internet's structure and internal operation, the World Wide Web, and numerous issues of security.
Chapter 5 (Algorithms) introduces the study of algorithms from a more formal perspective.

We investigate how algorithms are discovered, identify several fundamental algorithmic structures, develop elementary techniques for representing algorithms, and introduce the subjects of algorithm efficiency and correctness.
In Chapter 6 (Programming Languages) we consider the subject of algorithm representation and the program development process.
在第 6 章(编程语言)中,我们讨论算法表示和程序开发过程的主题。

Here we find that the search for better programming techniques has led to a variety of programming methodologies or paradigms, each with its own set of programming languages.

We investigate these paradigms and languages as well as consider issues of grammar and language translation.
Chapter 7 (Software Engineering) introduces the branch of computer science known as software engineering, which deals with the problems encountered when developing large software systems. The underlying theme is that the design of large software systems is a complex task that embraces problems beyond those of traditional engineering.
第 7 章(软件工程)介绍了计算机科学中的一个分支,即软件工程,它涉及开发大型软件系统时遇到的问题。其基本主题是,设计大型软件系统是一项复杂的任务,涵盖了传统工程以外的问题。

Thus, the subject of software engineering has become an important field of research within computer science, drawing from such diverse fields as engineering, project management, personnel management, programming language design, and even architecture.
In next two chapters we look at ways data can be organized within a computer system.

In Chapter 8 (Data Abstractions) we introduce techniques traditionally used for organizing data in a computer's main memory and then trace the evolution of data abstraction from the concept of primitives to today's objectoriented techniques.
在第 8 章(数据抽象)中,我们介绍了传统用于组织计算机主存储器中数据的技术,然后追溯了数据抽象从基元概念发展到今天的面向对象技术。

In Chapter 9 (Database Systems) we consider methods traditionally used for organizing data in a computer's mass storage and investigate how extremely large and complex database systems are implemented.
在第 9 章(数据库系统)中,我们探讨了传统用于组织计算机大容量存储中数据的方法,并研究了如何实现极其庞大和复杂的数据库系统。
In Chapter 10 (Computer Graphics) we explore the subject of graphics and animation, a field that deals with creating and photographing virtual worlds.
在第 10 章(计算机图形学)中,我们探讨了图形和动画的主题,这个领域涉及创建和拍摄虚拟世界。

Based on advancements in the more traditional areas of computer science such as machine architecture, algorithm design, data structures, and software engineering, the discipline of graphics and animation has seen significant progress and has now blossomed into an exciting, dynamic subject.

Moreover, the field exemplifies how various components of computer science combine with other disciplines such as physics, art, and photography to produce striking results.
In Chapter 11 (Artificial Intelligence) we learn that in order to develop more useful machines computer science has turned to the study of human intelligence for leadership.
在第 11 章(人工智能)中,我们了解到为了开发更加实用的机器,计算机科学已经转向研究人类智能以寻求领导。

The hope is that by understanding how our own minds reason and perceive, researchers will be able to design algorithms that mimic these processes and thus transfer these capabilities to machines.

The result is the area of computer science known as artificial intelligence, which leans heavily on research in such areas as psychology, biology, and linguistics.
We close our study with Chapter 12 (Theory of Computation) by investigating the theoretical foundations of computer science-a subject that allows us to understand the limitations of algorithms (and thus machines).
我们通过研究第 12 章(计算理论)来结束我们的学习,探讨计算机科学的理论基础-这个主题让我们能够理解算法(以及机器)的局限性。

Here we identify some problems that cannot be solved algorithmically (and therefore lie beyond the capabilities of machines) as well as learn that the solutions to many other problems require such enormous time or space that they are also unsolvable from a practical perspective.

Thus, it is through this study that we are able to grasp the scope and limitations of algorithmic systems.
In each chapter our goal is to explore to a depth that leads to a true understanding of the subject.

We want to develop a working knowledge of computer science-a knowledge that will allow you to understand the technical society in which you live and to provide a foundation from which you can learn on your own as science and technology advance.

0.6 Social Repercussions
0.6 社会影响的影响

Progress in computer science is blurring many distinctions on which our society has based decisions in the past and is challenging many of society's long-held principles.

In law, it generates questions regarding the degree to which intellectual property can be owned and the rights and liabilities that accompany that

ownership. In ethics, it generates numerous options that challenge the traditional principles on which social behavior is based. In government, it generates debates regarding the extent to which computer technology and its applications should be regulated.

In philosophy, it generates contention between the presence of intelligent behavior and the presence of intelligence itself. And, throughout society, it generates disputes concerning whether new applications represent new freedoms or new controls.
Although not a part of computer science itself, such topics are important for those contemplating careers in computing or computer-related fields. Revelations within science have sometimes found controversial applications, causing serious discontent for the researchers involved.

Moreover, an otherwise successful career can quickly be derailed by an ethical misstep.
The ability to deal with the dilemmas posed by advancing computer technology is also important for those outside its immediate realm. Indeed, technology is infiltrating society so rapidly that few, if any, are independent of its effects.
This text provides the technical background needed to approach the dilemmas generated by computer science in a rational manner. However, technical knowledge of the science alone does not provide solutions to all the questions involved.

With this in mind, this text includes several sections that are devoted to social, ethical, and legal issues.

These include security concerns, issues of software ownership and liability, the social impact of database technology, and the consequences of advances in artificial intelligence.
Moreover, there is often no definitive correct answer to a problem, and many valid solutions are compromises between opposing (and perhaps equally valid) views.

Finding solutions in these cases often requires the ability to listen, to recognize other points of view, to carry on a rational debate, and to alter one's own opinion as new insights are gained.

Thus, each chapter of this text ends with a collection of questions under the heading "Social Issues" that investigate the relationship between computer science and society. These are not necessarily questions to be answered. Instead, they are questions to be considered.

In many cases, an answer that may appear obvious at first will cease to satisfy you as you explore alternatives.

In short, the purpose of these questions is not to lead you to a "correct" answer but rather to increase your awareness, including your awareness of the various stakeholders in an issue, your awareness of alternatives, and your awareness of both the short- and long-term consequences of those alternatives.
We close this section by introducing some of the approaches to ethics that have been proposed by philosophers in their search for fundamental theories that lead to principles for guiding decisions and behavior.

Most of these theories can be classified under the headings of consequence-based ethics, duty-based ethics, contract-based ethics, and character-based ethics. You may wish to use these theories as a means of approaching the ethical issues presented in the text.

In particular, you may find that different theories lead to contrasting conclusions and thus expose hidden alternatives.
Consequence-based ethics attempts to analyze issues based on the consequences of the various options. A leading example is utilitarianism that proposes that the "correct" decision or action is the one that leads to the greatest good for the largest portion of society.

At first glance utilitarianism appears to be a fair way of resolving ethical dilemmas. But, in its unqualified form, utilitarianism

leads to numerous unacceptable conclusions. For example, it would allow the majority of a society to enslave a small minority.

Moreover, many argue that consequence-based approaches to ethical theories, which inherently emphasize consequences, tend to view a human as merely a means to an end rather than as a worthwhile individual.

This, they continue, constitutes a fundamental flaw in all consequence-based ethical theories.
In contrast to consequence-based ethics, duty-based ethics does not consider the consequences of decisions and actions but instead proposes that members of a society have certain intrinsic duties or obligations that in turn form the foundation on which ethical questions should be resolved.

For example, if one accepts the obligation to respect the rights of others, then one must reject slavery regardless of its consequences. On the other hand, opponents of duty-based ethics argue that it fails to provide solutions to problems involving conflicting duties.

Should you tell the truth even if doing so destroys a colleague's confidence? Should a nation defend itself in war even though the ensuing battles will lead to the death of many of its citizens?
Contract-based ethical theory begins by imagining society with no ethical foundation at all. In this "state of nature" setting, anything goes-a situation in which individuals must fend for themselves and constantly be on guard against aggression from others.

Under these circumstances, contract-based ethical theory proposes that the members of the society would develop "contracts" among themselves. For example, I won't steal from you if you won't steal from me.

In turn, these "contracts" would become the foundation for determining ethical behavior. Note that contract-based ethical theory provides a motivation for ethical behavior-we should obey the "contracts of ethics" because we would otherwise live an unpleasant life.

However, opponents of contract-based ethical theory argue that it does not provide a broad enough basis for resolving ethical dilemmas since it provides guidance only in those cases in which contracts have been established.

(I can behave anyway I want in situations not covered by an existing contract.) In particular, new technologies may present uncharted territory in which existing ethical contracts may not apply.
Character-based ethics (sometimes called virtue ethics), which was promoted by Plato and Aristotle, argues that "good behavior" is not the result of applying identifiable rules but instead is a natural consequence of "good character." Whereas consequence-based ethics, duty-based ethics, and contractbased ethics propose that a person resolve an ethical dilemma by asking, "What are the consequences?"; "What are my duties?"; or "What contracts do I have?" character-based ethics proposes that dilemmas be resolved by asking, "Who do I want to be?" Thus, good behavior is obtained by building good character, which is typically the result of sound upbringing and the development of virtuous habits.
It is character-based ethics that underlies the approach normally taken when "teaching" ethics to professionals in various fields.

Rather than presenting specific ethical theories, the approach is to introduce case studies that expose a variety of ethical questions in the professionals' area of expertise.

Then, by discussing the pros and cons in these cases, the professionals become more aware, insightful, and sensitive to the perils lurking in their professional lives and thus grow in character.

This is the spirit in which the questions regarding social issues at the end of each chapter are presented.

  1. *Asterisks indicate suggestions for optional sections.