Spring makes Java  Spring 使 Java
clou d-r eady.

Why SpringQuickstart  为什么选择 SpringQuickstart
public class DemoApplication {

public String hello() {
return"Hello World!";
Most [of our] services today are all based on Spring Boot. I think the most important thing is that [Spring] has just been very well maintained over the years...that is important for us for the long term because we don’t want to be switching to a new framework every two years.
我们目前的大多数服务都是基于 Spring Boot 的。我认为最重要的是 [Spring] 多年来一直维护得很好......从长远来看,这对我们来说很重要,因为我们不想每两年就切换到一个新框架。
Paul Bakker, Senior Software Engineer, Netflix
Paul Bakker, Senior Software Engineer, Netflix
Paul Bakker,Netflix 高级软件工程师

Get ahead  领先一步

VMware offers training and certification to turbo-charge your progress.
VMware 提供培训和认证,以加快您的进步。

Learn more  了解更多信息

Get support  获取支持

Tanzu Spring offers support and binaries for OpenJDK™, Spring, and Apache Tomcat® in one simple subscription.
Tanzu Spring 通过一个简单的订阅提供对 OpenJDK™、Spring 和 Apache Tomcat® 的支持和二进制文件。

Learn more  了解更多信息

Upcoming events  即将举行的活动

Check out all the upcoming events in the Spring community.
查看 Spring 社区中所有即将举行的活动。

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