Language is more as a creation by nature. It is a creation of intelligence 语言更像是天生的创造物。它是智能的创造
We distinguish verbal and non verbal language. 我们区分语言和非语言。
The human communication has different possibilities: 人类交流有不同的可能性:
biophysical: expression e.g. to laugh and to crỳ movement: body language, to dance, movement 生物物理学:表达,例如大笑和吵闹 动作:肢体语言、跳舞、动作
acoustic: sounds, songs, music - speaking melody (tune) 声学:声音、歌曲、音乐 - 说话的旋律(调)
technical: media: audio-visual aids, writings, pictures 技术: 媒体: 视听辅助工具、著作、图片
1. Importance of language 1. 语言的重要性
Language is the most possibility for communication about feelings and thoughts. 语言是交流感受和想法的最可能性。
We prepare the child for the ability to express himself/herself also in front of an audience. Language and Thinking belong together. Language is the tool of our intelligence. 我们让孩子也准备好在观众面前表达自己。语言和思维是相辅相成的。语言是我们智能的工具。
In Montessori’s book „My handbook" we can read about “Language and the knowledge of our world”. 在蒙台梭利的书《我的手册》中,我们可以读到“语言和我们世界的知识”。
Book by Helene Helming: Around the language are a net with an endless extension. Language expression does not have a limit. 海伦·赫尔明 (Helene Helming) 的书:围绕着语言的是一张具有无限延伸的网。语言表达没有限制。
Ludwig Wittgenstein (philosopher - Austria, 1889-1951) writes: The limits of my language means the limits of my world." 路德维希·维特根斯坦(哲学家 - 奥地利,1889-1951 年)写道:我语言的极限意味着我世界的极限。
In former times language was limited for a group and the place of the group. Today we have the technique for the world wide net. It is almost not limitation for language. We can have contact to people all over the world on the telephone, by writing. We have literature, radio, television and the internet. 在过去,语言对一个群体和群体的位置是有限的。今天,我们有了万维网的技术。它几乎不是语言的限制。我们可以通过电话和信件与世界各地的人们取得联系。我们有文学、广播、电视和互联网。
Language/communication has a social function in our life. It is the basis for our living with other human beings. 语言/交流在我们的生活中具有社交功能。它是我们与他人生活的基础。
Use of Language: Examples 语言使用:示例
The first word of the child makes parents happy. 孩子的第一个字就让父母开心。
The correct answer of the student makes the teacher happy. 学生的正确答案让老师很高兴。
The first statement of love let begin a sensitive bond. 第一次爱的声明让一种敏感的纽带开始了。
The short word “yes” feels affirmed two people they want live together lifelong. 简短的“yes”这个词感觉是对他们想要的两个人终生生活在一起的肯定。
The last word given by a defendant. 被告给出的最后一句话。
A word what stops tension. (psychological) 一个停止紧张的词。(心理)
All these words have a special meaning in our life. 所有这些词在我们的生活中都有特殊的意义。
(Written in German: Pädagogische Psychologie 1, 1974 von F. E. Weinert, D.F. Graumann, H. Heckhausen, M. Hofer U. a., page 254) (德文:Pädagogische Psychologie 1, 1974 von F. E. Weinert, D.F. Graumann, H. Heckhausen, M. Hofer U. a.,第 254 页)
Communication can be one word and also a fast conversation so that nobody can say something. Communication can be a command and also silence because the person is listening and waits for no words as answer. 沟通可以是一个词,也可以是快速对话,这样就没有人可以说什么。沟通可以是命令,也可以是沉默,因为这个人正在倾听,不等待任何话语作为答案。
All words in our mother tongue (e.g. Colour Tablet in sensorial material) are giving the child categories and a system for orientation in the world. The mental picture is not a confused mass. The impressions are classified groups. 我们母语中的所有单词(例如感官材料中的 Colour Tablet)都为儿童提供了类别和世界定位系统。心理画面不是一团混乱的物质。展示次数是分类组。
We can change our thoughts with one person or with a group - with all people in the world. Communication gives the possibility refers to a group. 我们可以与一个人或一群人一起改变我们的想法 - 与世界上的所有人一起。通信给出了指向一个群体的可能性。
We can express our thoughts and feelings (knowledge and other needs). Language is fixed from people of a group. They fixed the symbols for speaking and writing. 我们可以表达我们的想法和感受(知识和其他需求)。语言是固定的,来自一个群体的人。他们固定了说话和写作的符号。
Education very often is compared with Language, also the social meaning. Language has an important meaning for the creation of intelligence and for the personality of a person. rarr\rightarrow farmer vs. professor 教育经常被比作语言,也与社会意义相提并论。语言对于创造智力和一个人的个性具有重要的意义。 rarr\rightarrow 农民 vs. 教授
Language can bring people together because they have the same interests, the same understanding of language or language can separate people because they do not have the same words to understand each other (nationality or culture). Even when people have the same language of her nation they speak different because the dialect. Dialects are important. They handle on tradition and characteristic of people on different places in the country. But not everybody can understand the dialect. For that reason we try to speak the language of our nation. 语言可以将人们聚集在一起,因为他们有相同的兴趣,对语言的相同理解或语言可以将人们分开,因为他们没有相同的词来理解彼此(国籍或文化)。即使人们拥有她国家的相同语言,他们也会因为方言而说不同。方言很重要。他们处理该国不同地方人们的传统和特征。但并不是每个人都能听懂这种方言。出于这个原因,我们试图说我们国家的语言。
We have different languages for different classes and experts have a different language (medicine). We have language disability, emotional barrier; different personal meanings and words/sentences are interpreted with another meaning. 我们为不同的班级提供不同的语言,专家有不同的语言(医学)。我们有语言障碍、情感障碍;不同的个人含义和单词/句子被解释为另一种含义。
Language change by people and their environment 人及其环境的语言变化
Language is changing with the life style 语言随着生活方式的变化而变化
a) by the people a) 由人民
b) by changing the environment. b) 通过改变环境。
The child gets experiences in history. 孩子在历史上获得经验。
Language distinguishes people from other living beings: 语言将人与其他生物区分开来:
a) People have to acquire language. a) 人们必须学习语言。
b) Language can mark people. b) 语言可以标记人。
c) Education in Language means to speak the language, to understand what other people say and to give answers. The child has to build up the intelligence and character to have his/her own personality. This is a contribution for the society. c) 语言教育是指说该语言,理解别人说的话并给出答案。孩子必须建立智力和品格才能拥有自己的个性。这是对社会的贡献。