这是用户在 2024-10-13 20:13 为 https://www.ftxcreditor.com/how-it-works 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


How to sell your claim on FTXCreditor
如何在 FTXCreditor 上出售您的债权

Here are some tips for a quick and frictionless experience when selling your claim on FTXCreditor.
以下是在 FTXCreditor 上快速、无障碍地出售索赔的一些提示。

1Check Claim Value 核对索赔价值

Paste your Customer Code on the FTXCreditor homepage search field to check the value of your claim. You should find your Customer Code in the FTX Bankruptcy documentation that was provided to you by Kroll over email.
FTX债权人主页搜索栏中粘贴您的客户代码,以检查您的索赔价值。您应在 Kroll 通过电子邮件提供给您的 FTX 破产文件中找到您的客户代码。

2Fill out Preliminary Form 填写初步表格

Provide the KYC information and specific transaction records requested. You can do so on our Sell your Claim page.
提供所需的 KYC 信息和具体交易记录。您可以在我们的出售您的权利主张页面上这样做。

3Receive Offer 接收优惠

After submitting the form, expect an email with a preliminary offer within 12 hours.
提交表格后,请在 12 小时内收到一封包含初步报价的电子邮件。

4Schedule & Attend Meeting 安排和参加会议

If the offer is acceptable, complete the KYC and schedule an online meeting through Calendly. Conducted via Zoom, this meeting involves verifying your identity and claim details without needing to prepare documents in advance. You will need access to your e-mail and your account on FTX for this step. A laptop or desktop computer with a front-facing camera and Zoom installed is required.
如果报价可以接受,请填写 KYC 并通过 Calendly 安排在线会议。会议通过 Zoom 进行,包括核实您的身份和索赔详情,无需提前准备文件。在此步骤中,您需要访问您的电子邮件和 FTX 账户。需要一台带有前置摄像头的笔记本电脑或台式电脑,并安装Zoom

The call will have to be done on a laptop or a desktop with a front-facing camera.

5Sign Agreement 签署协议

On the call, after having verified the necessary documents, we will send you a document to sign and make the transfer official. Use DocuSign to sign the transfer agreement.
在电话中核实必要文件后,我们将向您发送一份文件,供您签署并使转账正式生效。使用 DocuSign 签署转让协议。

This is what our agreement looks like: FTXCreditor Transfer Agreement.
我们的协议是这样的:FTX 债权转让协议

We will request a Password/2FA change before we finalize the transaction.

6Complete Transaction 完成交易

Confirm the ERC20-USDC address for payment, adjust the FTX account settings as directed, and receive USDC transfer upon confirmation.
确认 ERC20-USDC 付款地址,按指示调整 FTX 账户设置,并在确认后接收 USDC 转账。

You can also read a very good detailed description of a customer's journey here.