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(b.1) shop areas exceeding 2,000 square metres shall not face each other across a mall or a pedestrian footpath unless both frontage are protected by automatically operated shutters giving at least one hour fire resistance; and
(b.1) 超过 2,000 平方米的商店面积不得穿过商场或人行道彼此相对,除非两个正面均受到自动操作百叶窗的保护,可提供至少一小时的耐火性;和
(b.2) where shops which adjoin one another with their open sides in a same place are of floor areas exceeding 8,000 square metres each, they shall be protected by back-up walls behind the shop windows for a distance of at least 3 metres on both sides of the intervening wall or be separated from each other by at least one small unit of not more than 280 square metres area.
(b.2) 同一地点相邻且侧边敞开的店铺,其建筑面积超过 8,000 平方米时,应在店铺橱窗后面设置距离至少 3 米的背墙保护间隔墙的两侧或彼此间隔至少一个面积不超过280平方米的小单元。
Diagram 图4.1.2.1
Compartmentation of shopping centres
Notes: 笔记:
(ii)(a) In compartment , retail spaces/shops floor area shall be or more of the total compartment area.
(ii)(a) 在车厢 内,零售空间/商店的建筑面积应为车厢总面积的 或以上。
Diagram 图4.1.2.2
Arrangement of shops 店铺布置

4.1.3 Atriums 4.1.3 中庭

The National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) defines Atrium as "A large volume space created by a floor opening or a series of floor openings connecting two or more stories that is covered at the top of the series of openings and is used for purposes other than an enclosed stairway; elevator hoist way; escalator opening; or utility shaft used for plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, or communications facilities"
美国国家消防协会生命安全规范 (NFPA 101) 将中庭定义为“由一个地板开口或连接两个或多个楼层的一系列地板开口创建的大体积空间,该空间被一系列开口的顶部覆盖并使用用于除封闭楼梯、自动扶梯开口或管道、电气、空调或通讯设施以外的用途;
The Building Regulations 1991 of England and Wales define an Atrium as "a vertical space in a building which openly connects three or more floors and is enclosed at the top by a roof or floor. (Shafts containing exclusively stairs, escalators, lifts or services are not included in this definition)".
英格兰和威尔士 1991 年《建筑法规》将中庭定义为“建筑物中开放地连接三层或多层的垂直空间,顶部由屋顶或地板封闭。(仅包含楼梯、自动扶梯、电梯或服务设施的竖井是不包括在此定义中)”。
The two definitions are not inconsistent and both define a vertically linked volume of space over several floors. Atrium buildings very often combine aspects of malls and high rise buildings. The greatest concern regarding atrium fires invoives the control of smoke. Where atriums are used, there is actually an added degree of safety to the occupants because there is a large volume of space into which the smoke can be drawn into and then dissipated. However, there is a need to ensure that dangerous concentrations of smoke are promptly removed from the atrium, and the exhaust system needs careful design.
Atriums may be permitted in buildings provided the following conditions are met:
(i) The minimum horizontal dimension between opposite edges is no less than 6 metres and the area of the opening is not less than 95 square metres. Atriums need not only be rectangular shaped, and for practical reasons, the horizontal dimension obviously cannot be applied in corner or niche locations. The minimum dimensional requirements are aimed at ensuring that the atrium designers create a large smoke accumulation chamber, which manages the smoke concentration early in the fire before the building sprinkler system achieves control of the fire and before the required smoke control system begins to control smoke accumulation. The geometry specified by the minimum dimensions help to keep the atrium opening from behaving as a flue or chimney in lieu of an initial smoke accumulation chamber. The 6 metres and 95 square metres represent the best aggregated thinking of experts in the field of fire safety.
(i)相对边缘之间的最小水平尺寸不小于6米,开口面积不小于95平方米。中庭不仅需要是矩形形状,而且出于实际原因,水平尺寸显然不能应用于角落或壁龛位置。最小尺寸要求旨在确保中庭设计师创建一个大型烟雾积聚室,在建筑物喷水灭火系统实现火势控制之前以及所需的烟雾控制系统开始控制烟雾积聚之前,在火灾早期管理烟雾浓度。由最小尺寸指定的几何形状有助于防止中庭开口充当烟道或烟囱来代替初始烟雾积聚室。 6米和95平方米代表了消防安全领域专家的最佳聚合思维。
(ii) The exits are separately enclosed from the atrium. Access to the exits is permitted to be within the atrium. It is considered that given the compliance with the stringent conditions (i) to (vii) of this part an adequate overall package of safety measures is afforded to allow exit access to be within the atrium.
(ii) 出口与中庭分开封闭。允许在中庭内进入出口。考虑到符合本部分的严格条件(i)至(vii),可以提供足够的整体安全措施,以允许出口进入中庭。
(iii) The atrium is open and unobstructed, with a low to ordinary hazard content.
(iii) 中庭开放且畅通无阻,危险含量低至普通。
(iv) The building is fully protected by automatic sprinklers. The entire building rather than just the atrium opening and its communication space, must be protected by a supervised, sprinkler system.
(iv) 建筑物受到自动洒水装置的全面保护。整个建筑而不仅仅是中庭开口及其通信空间,必须受到监控喷水灭火系统的保护。
(v) The sprinklers to ceiling or roof of the atrium may be omitted if the ceiling/roof is more than 17 metres above the floor of the atrium. The reason for this exception is that above 15 metres, it has not been demonstrated that sprinklers directly over the fire will effectively respond to the fire in a timely manner. In fact, the mist resulting from the sprinkler spray being evaporated by the hot column of rising air may most probably interfere with the functioning of the smoke collection chamber at the top of the atrium by lowering the temperature of the smoke and thus affecting its density and affecting the plume characteristics.
(v) 如果天花板/屋顶距中庭地板超过 17 米,则可省略中庭天花板或屋顶的洒水喷头。出现这种例外的原因是,在15米以上,尚未证明直接位于火场上方的洒水装置能够及时有效地应对火灾。事实上,喷头喷雾产生的雾气被上升空气的热柱蒸发,很可能会降低烟雾的温度,从而影响其密度和密度,从而干扰中庭顶部的烟雾收集室的功能。影响羽流特性。
(vi) A smoke control or smoke exhaust system is provided for the atrium and adjacent spaces, complying with approved standards. The exception is when an engineering analysis can demonstrate that life safety during the egress period will not be compromised.
(vi) 中庭及邻近空间设有防烟或排烟系统,符合批准的标准。例外情况是工程分析可以证明逃生期间的生命安全不会受到损害。
(vii) The smoke control or smoke exhaust system installed shall be activated by:
(vii) 安装的防烟或排烟系统应通过以下方式启动:
(a) Smoke detectors located at the top of the atrium and adjacent to each of the return air intake from the atrium or beam detectors at the appropriate level; or
(a) 位于中庭顶部并邻近中庭每个回风口的烟雾探测器或位于适当高度的光束探测器;或者
(b) The automatic sprinkler system serving the atrium zone/s; or
(b) 服务于中庭区域的自动喷水灭火系统;或者
(c) The automatic detector system (but not manual call point system); or
(c) 自动探测器系统(但不包括手动呼叫点系统);或者
(d) Manual controls readily accessible to the fire brigade.
(d) 消防队易于使用的手动控制装置。

(viii) The atrium is separated from adjacent occupancy by a fire barrier with at least one hour fire resistance with the exception that:
(viii) 中庭与相邻的占用空间之间由防火屏障隔开,防火屏障至少具有一小时的耐火性能,但以下情况除外:
(a) Any number of levels of the building shall be permitted to open directly to the atrium. without enclosure based on the results of an engineering analysis acceptable to JBPM. This engineering analysis shall demonstrate that the building is designed to keep the smoke layer interface above the highest unprotected opening to adjoining spaces, or above the highest floor level of exit access open to the atrium for a time period equal to 1.5 times the calculated egress time or 20 minutes, whichever is greater.
(a) 建筑物的任何层数均应允许直接向中庭开放。没有外壳,基于 JBPM 可接受的工程分析结果。该工程分析应证明建筑物的设计使烟雾层界面保持在通往相邻空间的最高无保护开口上方,或 高于中庭出口通道的最高楼层,持续时间等于至计算出的出口时间的 1.5 倍或 20 分钟,以较大者为准。
The engineering analysis shall include but not be confined to the following elements:
(a.1) Fire dynamics, including fire size and location, materials likely to be burning, fire plume geometry, fire plume or smoke layer impact on means of egress and tenability conditions during the period of egress.
(a.1) 火灾动态,包括火灾规模和位置、可能燃烧的材料、火羽几何形状、火羽或烟层对逃生方式的影响以及逃生期间的可维持性条件。
(a.2) Response time and performance of building systems including passive barriers, automatic detection and extinguishing and smoke control.
(a.2) 建筑系统的响应时间和性能,包括无源屏障、自动检测、灭火和烟雾控制。
(a.3) Required safe egress time for the occupants to reach building exits, including time required to exit through the atrium as permitted by this guideline.
(a.3) 居住者到达建筑物出口所需的安全出口时间,包括本指南允许的通过中庭退出所需的时间。
(b) Glass walls may be used in lieu of fire barriers where automatic sprinklers are spaced not more than 1.8 metres or less apart along both sides of the glass wall and not more than 0.3 metre from the glass so that the surface of the glass is wet upon operation of the sprinklers. The glass used shall be tempered, wired or laminated glass held in place by a gasket system that permits the glass frame system to deflect without breaking the glass before the sprinklers operate. The intent of the requirement for the closely spaced sprinklers to wet the atrium glass wall is to ensure that the surface of the glass is wet upon operation of the sprinklers. Automatic sprinklers shall not be required on the atrium side of the glass wall and inoperable windows where there is no walkway or other floor area on the atrium side above the main floor level. The concept of wetting the glass that is exposed to fire without specifying a water application rate is that as long as there is some water present to absorb the heat, the glass will not reach excessive temperatures that would cause failures. To ensure that water will reach the surface of the glass, window blinds and security shutters must not be placed between the glass and in the line of closely spaced sprinklers.
(b) 可以使用玻璃墙代替防火屏障,自动洒水装置沿玻璃墙两侧的间距不超过 1.8 米或更小,且距玻璃不超过 0.3 米,以便玻璃表面洒水器运行时潮湿。所使用的玻璃应为钢化玻璃、夹丝玻璃或夹层玻璃,并通过垫圈系统固定到位,该垫圈系统允许玻璃框架系统在洒水喷头运行之前偏转而不破裂玻璃。要求间隔紧密的喷头润湿中庭玻璃墙的目的是确保在喷头操作时玻璃表面是湿润的。如果中庭侧主楼层上方没有走道或其他地板区域,则中庭侧的玻璃墙和不可操作的窗户不应要求自动洒水装置。在不指定水用量的情况下润湿暴露于火中的玻璃的概念是,只要存在一些水来吸收热量,玻璃就不会达到导致故障的过高温度。为确保水到达玻璃表面,不得将百叶窗和安全百叶窗放置在玻璃之间以及间隔紧密的喷头线上。
(c) Glazed doors forming part of the glass walls shall be fitted with door closers complying with By-law 164.
(c) 构成玻璃墙一部分的玻璃门应安装符合附则 164 的闭门器。
(ix) The selection of materials used to line the roof/ceiling over the atriums has to be made with care. Materials that melt and drip molten debris to the atrium floor below can pose an additional hazard both to users as well as aiding fire spread. Plastics are to be avoided. In any event, By-laws 203 and 207 are to be complied with, and only materials with a Class - surface of No Flame Spread - rating should be used [By-law 204A., a. and b.]. By-law 207 - Exception relating to ceilings should be exercised very carefully when applied to ceilings over atriums as the risks posed by the exceptions are different when compared to conventional ceilings over non-atrium spaces or voids.
(ix) 中庭屋顶/天花板材料的选择必须谨慎。熔化的材料并将熔化的碎片滴到下面的中庭地板上,可能会对用户造成额外的危险,并有助于火势蔓延。应避免使用塑料制品。无论如何,均应遵守附则 203 和 207,并且仅应使用具有 级(无火焰蔓延表面)等级的材料 [附则 204A., a.和b.]。附则 207 - 当应用于中庭上方的天花板时,应非常小心地执行与天花板相关的例外情况,因为与非中庭空间或空隙的传统天花板相比,例外情况带来的风险是不同的。

4.2.4 Hydrant Locations 4.2.4 消火栓位置

Diagram 图4.2.4.1
Location of hydrants 消火栓位置
Hydrants should be located:
(i) away from obstructions such as street furniture (benches), phone booths, etc.
(i) 远离街道设施(长凳)、电话亭等障碍物。
(ii) not less than from adjacent buildings and overhangs.
(ii) 与邻近建筑物和悬挑物的距离不少于
(iii) between to from Fire Appliance Access.
(iii) 从 Fire Appliance Access 到
(iv) away from risks of vehicular damage.
(iv) 远离车辆损坏的风险。
(v) not more than apart from each other (in new buildings adjacent to existing developments, a new hydrant or hydrants will have to be provided if there is no hydrant within radius of the new building).
(v) 彼此之间的距离不超过 (在毗邻现有开发项目的新建筑中,如果 半径内没有消火栓,则必须提供一个或多个新消火栓新大楼)。