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The Virtual Art Academy Apprentice Program

Unequal space Division 不均等的空间划分

Barry John Raybould, MA (Cantab)

(C)2004-2013 Barry John Raybould. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, these electronic materials are for your personal and non-commercial use, and you may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information obtained from these materials without written permission from the author.
(C)2004-2013 Barry John Raybould。保留所有权利。除非另有规定,这些电子材料仅供个人非商业使用,您不得在未经作者书面许可的情况下修改、复制、分发、传输、展示、复制、出版、许可、创建衍生作品、转让或出售从这些材料中获取的任何信息。


Purpose 目的

This technique helps you develop various aspects of your composition quickly using line rather than mass.

When to use it

Use this technique when developing larger and more complex compositions. Do the linear compositional sketch after doing the mass notan painting, since mass notan paintings are much quicker to do. Linear compositional studies are particularly useful for large paintings in which eye movement needs to be more developed. Linear compositional studies are useful for working out:
在开发更大更复杂的构图时使用这种技巧。在进行大面积的 notan 绘画后,进行线性构图草图,因为大面积的 notan 绘画更快速。线性构图研究对于需要更加发展的眼部移动的大幅画作尤为有用。线性构图研究有助于解决以下问题:
  • baselines and ground contours
  • counterpoint 对位
  • directing lines 导向线
  • graceful line 优美的线条
  • interrelationship of line
  • overlapping forms 重叠的形式
  • rhythm 节奏
  • movement 运动
  • right angles 直角
  • tie together 联系在一起
  • unequal space division 不均匀的空间划分

How to do it

Use lines, rather than masses, to show the division of space and the major shapes in your painting. You can suggest value with some limited shading if you wish.

Caution 注意

Do not consider this the final composition. You may make many minor adjustments while you paint.

Example 示例

The above sketch explores a number of issues in the painting, such as gesture, space division, and rhythm. A linear compositional sketch includes an outline study, but may also add rhythm lines, important gestures, and so on, that explore more than just the division of space in a painting.
This is a type of linear compositional sketch called an outline study. It is used mainly to understand the division of space in a painting and ensure you have unequal space division.

Counterpoint 1 对位 1

Some artists shade the linear compositional sketch, giving you a combination notan/linear sketch.

- Con

The disadvantage of this approach is that it takes much more time to explore different notan structures because a linear compositional sketch is much larger than a notan sketch.


Divide space unequally. It is not necessary to always use the golden mean or rabatment of the rectangle to divide spaces, but avoid creating spaces of equal size.

Exception 异常

Once the main divisions have been established you can safely divide spaces evenly. In the example of space division arrangement below we have started off with unequal space divisions and then created some equally spaced divisions without any problems.

Raybould 雷博尔德
Cat. 904 . 猫。904。

Do this: 做这个:

In this example, the horizon divides the vertical space unequally creating a more interesting composition.
In this example, the tree shape and sky shapes are not equal.
Avoid this: 避免这种情况:
In this example, the horizon is halfway up the picture.
In this example, the tree shape and the sky shapes are equal in size.
They are also equal in shape, as you more easily see if you turn the picture upside down and look at it in a mirror (see below).

Tips 技巧

  • If you have a landscape divided into two oblongs with a dark foreground and light sky, try making the horizon lower than the middle of the picture.
Do this: 做这个:
In this composition the oblong shape of the sky is slightly larger than the oblong shape of the land. This gives a sombre feeling to the landscape in which the viewer feels the "weight" of the sky.
  • In a composition with verticals, vary both the spacing and the width of the verticals. This makes the composition more interesting.

Note 注意

The bases of the tree trunks form a triangle. By making sure all these triangles are different, you will end up with a more interesting space division.
  • Draw the spaces first, then draw the objects. In this example, first draw the spaces between the trees, then redraw the trunks left between.

  • Draw the largest shapes first.


Negative space is the space around and between the subject or subjects in a picture. It is created by the subject blocking your view of its surroundings. This negative space has a definite shape and is important as a compositional element in your painting. In some cases it may even be more important than the shape of the subject itself.
Be aware that whenever you draw an object you are drawing two shapes, not one. You are drawing both the object itself and the negative shape. You must design both of these shapes to be interesting. Often, the edges of the canvas form some of the edges of the negative shape.
You can also think of the negative space being the shape that is 'left over' after you have drawn an object. In the following example, it is the sky shape left after you have drawn the buildings.

Do this: 做这个:

In this example the negative and interesting. shape A is well thought out
在这个例子中,消极和有趣。形状 A 经过深思熟虑。

Avoid this: 避免这种情况:
In this example the long, thin negative shape A was not carefully designed.
在这个例子中,长而细的负形状 A 没有被仔细设计。

Tips 技巧

  • It is often easier to draw objects by drawing the negative shape around them, rather than the objects themselves. This is because drawing negative shapes shifts you into the right brain mode from the left brain mode.

Example 示例

Look at the interesting negative shapes between the tree trunks.
Dill 莳萝

PRINCIPLE: Design Negative Spaces (CONTINUED)

In this painting, the mountains create two negative spaces in the sky. I designed these shapes carefully to avoid tangents (see tangent avoidance) and to make sure there was always an unequal space division.
Raybould 雷博尔德
Cat. 796 . 猫。796。
Each object creates a negative space on its background. Here, the trees created a negative shape against the distant background.

Examples (continued) 例子(续)

In this painting by Sorolla, you can see how carefully he designed the negative spaces.
在 Sorolla 的这幅画中,你可以看到他是如何精心设计负空间的。
Sorolla 索洛拉
Cat. 9808 . 猫。9808。
The figures (the positive shapes, or spaces) have been used to create negative spaces (or shapes) in the sand behind them. Sorolla placed the figures in order to make this negative space in the sand interesting. He made sure the shape was interesting and that the indentations in the shape were irregular.

Indentations 缩进

Note that indentations in shapes (bits cut out of them by other shapes) often make the shape more interesting. You see this a lot in paintings with good shape design.

Examples (continued) 示例(续)

Here is a more complicated example of shape design.
Ucello 乌切洛
Cat. 8064 猫。8064
In this painting by Ucello, there is a great variety of shapes of many different sizes. Ucello created these shapes using several techniques:
  • overlapping one shape over another to create negative spaces
  • breaking one shape into two by placing an object on top of it
  • linking together shapes of two different objects that have similar values.
Note also the change from small, complicated shapes to large, simple silhouettes.
In particular, note the negative shape (marked in red) created in the white horse by the rider and the background. A section of the ground plane also forms part of this white shape. Ucello uses the lance and armor on the ground below the two horses in a similar way to create other negative shapes (shown in green).PRINCIPLE:


Examples (continued) 示例(续)

Raybould 雷博尔德
Cat. 558. 猫。558。
In this painting, note how I used the negative spaces created by the different parts of the boat and the posts in the foreground against the background. This is very different to most "traditional" boat paintings that focus mostly on the shape of the boat.