这是用户在 2024-7-4 19:15 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


Title ((Capitalized; Should Be Succinct, Descriptive, and Accurate; Is there an Application?))

Author(s),[b] and Corresponding Author(s)*[a] ((Write out full first and last names, star for corresponding author(s); ensure that the spelling and order of names in Editorial Manager matches here exactly!))
作者 [b] 和通讯作者* [a] ((写出完整的名字和姓氏,为通讯作者加星号;确保编辑管理器中姓名的拼写和顺序完全匹配!

Dedication ((optional))

[a]Title(s), Initial(s), Surname(s) of Author(s) including Corresponding Author(s)
[a] 作者的头衔、首字母缩写、姓氏,包括通讯作者



Address 1
地址 1

((Insert e-mail address(es) of all corresponding author(s).))

[b]Title(s), Initial(s), Surname(s) of Author(s)
[b] 作者的头衔、首字母缩写、姓氏



Address 2
地址 2

Supporting information for this article is given via a link at the end of the document.((Please delete this text if not appropriate.))


Abstract: Insert abstract text here. ((Maximum 200 words in length. Please ensure your abstract is written so that it can be understood on its own (for example, in an abstracting service such as PubMed), with all abbreviations defined.))
摘要:在此处插入摘要文本。((长度不超过 200 字。请确保您的摘要是可以单独理解的(例如,在 PubMed 等摘要服务中),并定义所有缩写。


Main Text Paragraph. ((Define acronyms when they first appear in the text. Use either American or British English consistently throughout. The length for a Research Article is 5600 words (25000-40000 characters including spaces).))
正文段落((定义首字母缩略词首次出现在文本中时。始终如一地使用美式英语或英式英语。研究文章的长度为 5600 字(25000-40000 个字符,包括空格)。

((For more information, please consult the Notice to Authors: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/15213773/homepage/notice-to-authors ))

Main Text Paragraph. ((Angewandte does not use Charts! Use a Scheme instead.))
正文段落。((Angewandte 不使用图表!请改用方案))

Results and Discussion

Subheading ((Optional! If you need subheadings, they are capitalized.))

Main Text Paragraph. ((Please upload the Word file for submission rather than a PDF: the Word file is needed for production.))
正文段落。((请上传 Word 文件进行提交,而不是 PDF,Word 文件是制作所需的。

Main Text Paragraph.

Subheading ((Optional! If you need subheadings, they are capitalized like the title.))

Main Text Paragraph.

((Insert Figure here as one single graphic element (300 DPI resolution: up to 992 pixels, 8.4 cm width for single-column format; up to 2030 pixels, 17.2 cm for double-column format). Note: Please do not combine the figure and caption in a textbox or frame.))
((在此处插入图为一个图形元素(300 DPI 分辨率:单列格式最高 992 像素,宽度 8.4 厘米;最高 2030 像素,双列格式最高 17.2 厘米)。注意:请不要将图形和标题组合在文本框或框架中。

Figure 1. Figure caption. ((Do not capitalize or use bold font for the caption. Check that all parts, insets, and footnotes of Figures are mentioned in the caption. Check that headings and the labels of the axes in all graphs are correct and are correctly spelled.))
图 1.图说明。((标题不要大写或使用粗体。检查标题中是否提到了图的所有部分、插图和脚注。检查所有图形中的标题和轴标签是否正确且拼写正确))

Main Text Paragraph.

Table 1. Table caption.[a] ((Caption is not capitalized. Please do not include the table in a textbox or frame; the table body can however be provided as a single graphic.))
表 1.表格标题。 [a] ((标题未大写。请不要将表格包含在文本框或框架中;但是,表体可以作为单个图形提供))

Head 1[b]
头 1 [ b ]

Head 2
头部 2

Head 3[c]
头 3 [ c ]

Head 4[d]
头 4 [ d ]

Head 5
头部 5

Column 1
第 1 列

Column 2[e]
第 2 [e]

Column 3
第 3 列

Column 4

Column 5
第 5 列

Column 1
第 1 列

Column 2[e]
第 2 [e]

Column 3
第 3 列

Column 4

Column 5
第 5 列

Column 1
第 1 列

Column 2[
第 2 [

Column 3
第 3 列

Column 4

Column 5
第 5 列

Column 1
第 1 列

Column 2[
第 2 [

Column 3
第 3 列

Column 4

Column 5
第 5 列

Column 1
第 1 列

Column 2
第 2 列

Column 3
第 3 列

Column 4

Column 5
第 5 列

[a] Table footnote. [b] Table footnote. [c]
[a] 表格脚注。[b] 表格脚注。[c]...

Main Text Paragraph.

((Insert Scheme here as one single graphic element (300 DPI resolution: up to 992 pixels, 8.4 cm width for single-column format; up to 2030 pixels, 17.2 cm for double-column format). Note: Please do not combine the scheme and caption in a textbox or frame.))
((在此处插入方案作为一个图形元素(300 DPI 分辨率:单列格式最高 992 像素,8.4 厘米宽;最高 2030 像素,双列格式 17.2 厘米)。注意:请不要将方案和标题组合在文本框或框架中。

Scheme 1. Scheme caption. ((Do not capitalize or use bold font for the caption. Angewandte does not use Charts! Use a Scheme instead. Check that all parts, insets, and footnotes of Schemes are mentioned in the caption. ChemDraw Schemes can be provided in TIFF format to avoid compatibility problems: symbols appearing incorrectly, inserts disappearing.))
方案 1.方案标题。((标题不要大写或使用粗体。Angewandte 不使用图表!请改用 Scheme。检查标题中是否提到了 Schemes 的所有部分、插图和脚注。ChemDraw 方案可以以 TIFF 格式提供,以避免兼容性问题:符号出现不正确,插入消失))

Main Text Paragraph.

((Please place any Experimental Details in the Supporting Information, NOT in the manuscript.))

((Animal/human experiments: please include in the Supporting Information a statement that ethical approval for the animal/human experiments reported here was obtained from the relevant authority, including the name of the authority and the approval or accreditation number of the laboratory, project, and/or investigator. For human experiments, please also include a statement that informed, written consent was obtained from either the participant or next of kin. See the Notice to Authors: Section 5.1.2. Animal and Human Experiments for further details.))
((动物/人体实验:请在支持信息中包括一份声明,说明此处报告的动物/人体实验已从相关机构获得伦理批准,包括当局名称以及实验室、项目和/或研究人员的批准或认可编号。对于人体实验,还请附上一份声明,说明已获得参与者或近亲的书面同意。请参阅作者须知:第 5.1.2 节。动物和人体实验了解更多详情。


Main Text Paragraph.

Supporting Information ((optional))

The authors have cited additional references within the Supporting Information.[30, 31] ((Please include SI references with consecutive numbering directly after the last manuscript reference: 1, 2, 3,…30, 31))
作者在支持信息中引用了其他参考资料。 [ 30, 31 ] ((请在最后稿件参考文献之后直接附上连续编号的 SI 参考文献:1、2、3,...30, 31))

Acknowledgements ((optional))

Acknowledgements Text. ((Data Availability and Conflicts of Interest statements are generated automatically from information in Editorial Manager!))
致谢文本。((数据可用性和利益冲突声明是根据 Editorial Manager 中的信息自动生成的!

Keywords: ((Use American English; keywords should be concise, 5 maximum!)) keyword 1 • keyword 2 • keyword 3 • keyword 4 • keyword 5
关键词:((使用美式英语;关键词应简洁,最多5个!)关键字1 • 关键词2 • 关键词3 • 关键词4 • 关键词5

((References: please list all authors with first-name initial(s) THEN the last name, and do not use “et al.”))
((参考文献:请列出所有作者的名字首字母,然后是姓氏,不要使用“et al.”))

Instructions on how to include a double-column width figure, scheme or table:

Place the insertion point where you want to change the number of columns.

On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Breaks and select Continuous.

Ensure the insertion point is in the new section and on the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Columns and select One.

A figure, scheme or table inserted into this section will now span two columns.

Finally, add another section break after the figure, scheme or table and change it back to two columns.

Please delete this box prior to submission.

[1]((Examples for Journals: no article title!
)) a) A. Author, B. Author,
a) A. 作者, B. 作者,
Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202201000; b) A. Author, B. Author, C. Author,
,e202201000;(b) A. 作者, B. 作者, C. 作者,
Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202203000; c) D. Author,
,e202203000;c) D. 作者,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
安琪。Chem. Int. Ed.
2021, 60, 30000; d) A. Kraft,
d) A.卡夫,
Chem. Commun.
1996, 77, and references therein;
、77 和其中的参考文献;
e) B. Krebs, H. U. Hürter,
Acta Crystallogr.
Sect. A
1981, 37, 163; f) G. Eulenberger,
Z. Naturforsch. B
1981, 36, 521.

[2]((Examples for Books: include the full book title!)) a) ((Books without editor)) E. Wingender, Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes, VCH, Weinheim, 1993, p. 215; b) (((books with editor)) T. D. Tullius in Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol. 5 (Eds.: J. L. Atwood, J. E. D. Davies, D. D. MacNicol, F. Vögtle, K. S. Suslick), Pergamon, Oxford, 1996, pp. 317–343.
[2] ((书籍示例:包括完整的书名!)) a) ((没有编辑的书籍)) E. Wingender,真核生物的基因调控,VCH,Weinheim,1993 年,第 215 页;b) ((((有编辑的书籍)) T. D. Tullius in Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol. 5 (Eds.: J. L. Atwood, J. E. D. Davies, D. D. MacNicol, F. Vögtle, K. S. Suslick), Pergamon, Oxford, 1996, pp. 317–343.

[3]((Preprints)) a) S. McKechnie, J. M. Frost, D. Pashov, P. Azarhoosh, A. Walsh, M. Schilfgaarde, arXiv preprint 2017, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1711.00533; b) N. Duchemin, R. Buccafusca, M. Daumas, V. Ferey, S. Arseniyadis, ChemRxiv preprint 2019, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.8091314.v1.; c) Z. Li, Z. Lin, C. F. Ibanez, bioRxiv preprint 2021, DOI: 10.1101/2021.05.02.442373.
[3] ((预印本)) a) S. McKechnie, J. M. Frost, D. Pashov, P. Azarhoosh, A. Walsh, M. Schilfgaarde, arXiv 预印本 2017, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1711.00533;b) N. Duchemin, R. Buccafusca, M. Daumas, V. Ferey, S. Arseniyadis, ChemRxiv 预印本 2019, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.8091314.v1.;c) Z. Li, Z. Lin, C. F. Ibanez, bioRxiv 预印本 2021 DOI: 10.1101/2021.05.02.442373.

[4]((Work accepted)) A. B. Author 1, C. D. Author 2, Macromol. Rapid Commun., accepted, DOI: 10.1002/marc.#########.
[4] ((已接受作品)) A. B. 作者 1, C. D. 作者 2, Macromol.快速通信。接受, DOI: 10.1002/marc.#########.

[5]((Data citations)) [dataset] Authors, Year, Dataset title, Data repository or archive, Version (if any), Persistent identifier (e.g. DOI); ((Patents)) C. R. A. Botta (Bayer AG), DE-B 2235093, 1973 ((in cases where the patent is not available online at the respective patent office, the corresponding reference to Chemical Abstracts should be added)); ((Thesis)) A. Student, PhD thesis, University of Newcastle (UK), 1991; ((Internet sources)) S. Novick, "Biography of Rotational Spectra for Weakly Bound Complexes", can be found under http://www.wesleyan.edu/chem/faculty/novick/vdw.html, 2005 (accessed: ((date))); ((Programs)) G. M. Sheldrick, SHELXS-96, Program for the Solution of Crystal Structures, University of Göttingen, Göttingen (Germany), 1996
[5] ((数据引用)) [数据集] 作者年份数据集标题 数据存储库或存档 版本(如果有) 持久标识符(例如 DOI);((专利)) C. R. A. Botta (Bayer AG), DE-B 2235093, 1973 ((如果专利在各自的专利局无法在线获得,则应添加对《化学文摘》的相应引用));(论文)) A. 学生,博士论文,纽卡斯尔大学(英国),1991年;((互联网资源)) S. Novick,“Biography of Rotational Spectra for Weakly Bound Complexes”,可在 2005 年 http://www.wesleyan.edu/chem/faculty/novick/vdw.html 下找到(访问:((日期)));((程序)) G. M. Sheldrick,SHELXS-96,晶体结构解决方案,哥廷根大学,哥廷根(德国),1996

[6]((CCDC numbers (if applicable) must appear all together in a reference)): Deposition numbers xxxxxx (for 1), yyyyyy (for 2), and zzzzzz (for 3) contain the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These data are provided free of charge by the joint Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre and Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Access Structures service.
[6] ((CCDC编号(如果适用)必须一起出现在参考文献中))沉积编号xxxxxx(1),yyyyyy(2)和zzzzzz(3)包含本文的补充晶体学数据。这些数据由剑桥晶体学数据中心和Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Access Structures联合服务免费提供。


[30]((First SI reference. Example for Preprints:)) A. Author, bioRxiv preprint 2019, DOI: 10.1101/2019.01.01.123456
[30] ((第一个 SI 参考。预印本示例:)) A. 作者,bioRxiv 预印本 2019,DOI:10.1101/201901.01123456


Entry for the Table of Contents

((Insert graphic for Table of Contents here (300 DPI resolution: up to 650x532 pixels for single-column format; up to 1358x295 pixels for double-column format). Please ensure your graphic is in one of the two following formats.))
((在此处插入目录的图形(300 DPI 分辨率:单列格式最高 650x532 像素;双列格式最高 1358x295 像素)。请确保您的图形采用以下两种格式之一))

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650x532 pixels

Please delete this box prior to submission.


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1358x295 pixels

Please delete this box prior to submission.

Insert text for Table of Contents here. ((Maximum 450 characters including spaces; please provide a Table of Contents text that gives readers a short preview of the main theme of the research and results included in the paper to attract their attention into reading the paper in full. Define acronyms, including those in the picture! The Table of Contents text should be different from the abstract.))
在此处插入目录的文本。((最多 450 个字符,包括空格,请提供目录文本,让读者简要预览论文中包含的研究主题和结果,以吸引他们的注意力完整阅读论文。定义首字母缩略词,包括图片中的首字母缩略词!目录文本应与摘要不同))

Institute and/or researcher Twitter usernames: ((optional))