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Why every company should be doing a Follow Me Home

Imagine this: The year is 1983. You’re at the mall and just purchased this remarkable new household appliance known as the personal computer. It promises to do things that had previously been relegated to paper, pencil, or clumsy pocket calculators. One of the things these new personal computers excel at is calculations, and you hope to get ahold of your family budget with this device you just spent a comparative fortune on!
想像一下:1983 年。它有望完成以前只能用紙、鉛筆或笨拙的袖珍計算器完成的事情。這些新的個人電腦擅長的事情之一就是計算,您希望透過您剛剛花費相當多的財富購買的這款設備來掌握您的家庭預算!

As you walk through the mall toward your car, a nicely dressed man stops you and introduces himself as Scott, a computer programmer who has a piece of software that will simulate the experience of a paper checkbook on your new computer. All he wants to do is watch how you install and use this new program he’s working on called “Quicken.”

This is how Scott Cook, Intuit co-founder, began our company’s practice of customer-backed research that exists to this day. Stories like this permeate the early history of Intuit, which in 1983 was just launching its first product, the Quicken personal finance program. It was the birth of what would become a formalized practice within the company called “Follow Me Home,” and you’ll still find Scott Cook spreading his belief in practice through Intuit’s halls, virtually and literally.
Intuit 聯合創始人 Scott Cook 就是這樣開始我們公司的客戶支持研究實踐的,而這項實踐一直延續至今。這樣的故事貫穿了 Intuit 的早期歷史,該公司於 1983 年剛推出首款產品 Quicken 個人理財計畫。這是公司內部一種名為「跟我回家」的正式實踐的誕生,你仍然會發現斯科特·庫克在 Intuit 的大廳里通過虛擬和字面方式傳播他的實踐信念。

A customer-backed lens 客戶支援的鏡頭

How well do you know your customers? What are their pain points? Why do they use your product? What challenges do they have with your product, and how do they feel about it? These are important questions—so much so that there is a national Get To Know Your Customers Day, which is observed the third Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July, and October). Understanding your customers is paramount to your success, but it’s not always easy.

Thankfully, Intuit has something that can help, the same Follow Me Home (FMH) practice that Scott Cook used in 1983 when he wanted to see how people would interact with Quicken in their home offices, dens, or even kitchen tables.
值得慶幸的是,Intuit 有一些可以幫助的東西,這與Scott Cook 在1983 年使用的“Follow Me Home (FMH)”實踐相同,當時他想看看人們如何在家庭辦公室、書房甚至廚房餐桌上與Quicken 互動。

What is the Follow Me Home program?

FMH is a way to step into our customers’ shoes in order to understand the full picture of how they run their business with our products.  The most important element of a successful FMH is walking into it with no assumptions or expectations on how the interviewee will use the products or what set of challenges they face on a daily basis.
FMH 是一種設身處地為客戶著想的方式,可以全面了解他們如何使用我們的產品來開展業務。成功的 FMH 最重要的要素是在訪談中不假設或期望受訪者將如何使用產品或他們每天面臨哪些挑戰。

By observing our customers in their “natural habitat,” we’re able to glean what they like, what they don’t like, what challenges they may encounter, and how they use the product. The result is a personalized and intuitive software product. Scott Cook’s mantra for a good FMH was “look to be surprised” by what a customer does when they’re engaging with your product in that natural habitat.
透過觀察客戶的“自然棲息地”,我們能夠收集他們喜歡什麼、不喜歡什麼、可能遇到什麼挑戰以及他們如何使用產品。其結果是一個個人化且直覺的軟體產品。庫克 (Scott Cook) 提出的良好 FMH 的口號是,當顧客在自然棲息地與您的產品互動時,他們的行為「看起來會感到驚訝」。

Can any business use the Follow Me Home program?

If you’re wondering if any business can use the FMH program, the simple answer is “yes.” Obviously, your business must have a product or service that a customer can be observed using, and your customer must be willing to be observed. When these factors are both met, then setting up the program is fairly simple.
如果您想知道是否有任何企業可以使用 FMH 計劃,簡單的答案是「可以」。顯然,您的企業必須擁有可以觀察到客戶使用的產品或服務,並且您的客戶必須願意被觀察。當這些因素都滿足時,設定程序就相當簡單了。

You’ll begin by setting up a team. Don’t worry, it doesn’t require a huge investment in additional employees. The most basic team consists of an Interviewer and a Note Taker/Timekeeper.

The Interviewer is the main person talking to the customer. He or she explains the process and asks the questions. The Note Taker/Timekeeper takes notes on what the customer says and does, and ensures the FMH session ends on time. If you have more than two team members present, everyone should observe and take notes, but only one person should talk; it makes it less confusing for the customer.
面試官是與客戶交談的主要人員。他或她解釋該過程並提出問題。記錄員/計時員記錄客戶所說和所做的事情,並確保 FMH 會話按時結束。如果有兩名以上團隊成員在場,每個人都應該觀察並做筆記,但只能由一個人發言;它可以減少客戶的困惑。

Here are the steps to set up a virtual FMH:
以下是設定虛擬 FMH 的步驟:

  1. Draft a list of topics and questions in advance.
  2. Decide who on the team will set up the interview and ensure they schedule a date and time, as well as send out a calendar invite or email invitation that includes how they should show up – for example, via Zoom, Google Hangouts or even a regular phone call.
    決定團隊中的哪些人將安排面試並確保他們安排日期和時間,並發送日曆邀請或電子郵件邀請,其中包括他們應該如何出現 - 例如,透過 Zoom、Google Hangouts 甚至定期邀請電話。
  3. Decide who will be responsible for technology. This person is responsible for a sound check at the beginning of the call, making sure the recording is on, and taking screenshots.

The next four steps take you through the FMH agenda:
接下來的四個步驟將引導您完成 FMH 議程:

  1. Introduce yourself and explain why you are there.
  2. Ask the customer to show you activities you’re interested in and observe those activities, noting every detail possible.
  3. Ask the customer “why” questions to understand their feelings and motivation; this directly correlates to Intuit’s concept of Design for Delight, which focuses on falling in love with the customer problem and not the solution.
    向客戶詢問「為什麼」問題,以了解他們的感受和動機;這與 Intuit 的「為愉悅而設計」的概念直接相關,該概念的重點是愛上客戶的問題,而不是解決方案。
  4. Wrap up, and let the customer know you appreciate their time and willingness to be observed.

You’ve done an FMH—now what?
您已經完成了 FMH——現在怎麼辦?

The FMH program is a simple and effective method for understanding your customers and gathering data about their needs. Once you’ve completed an FMH session, it’s time to share your observations with your entire team. Seeing your product or service in real-world situations allows you to make necessary improvements and enhancements without wasting your time and efforts on suppositions.
FMH 計劃是了解客戶並收集有關他們需求的數據的簡單而有效的方法。完成 FMH 課程後,您就可以與整個團隊分享您的觀察結果。在現實情況中查看您的產品或服務可以讓您做出必要的改進和增強,而無需在假設上浪費時間和精力。

To further ensure that your FMH session is successful, here are a few tips:
為了進一步確保您的 FMH 會話成功,以下是一些提示:

  • Have an open mind. Even if you think you already know about the customer and their problems, try to set that aside.
  • Be curious. Ask “why” to find the cause of the “what.”
  • Don’t offer solutions. Even if you have a great idea, save it for later. Right now, you just want to learn.
  • Remember it’s not about you. Try not to compare yourself to the customer. It doesn’t matter if you agree or don’t agree with them. And if they say something that really surprises you, make a note of that—surprises offer important insights.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to implement a FMH program in your business? Here at Intuit, we believe every company should be doing FMH, and have found that it provides an immeasurable benefit to us and to our customers. You can read about one of those customers in Follow Me Home: OneTen.
所以你怎麼看?您準備好在您的企業中實施 FMH 計劃了嗎?在 Intuit,我們相信每家公司都應該採用 FMH,並且發現它為我們和我們的客戶提供了不可估量的好處。您可以在《跟我回家:OneTen》中了解其中一位客戶的資訊。

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