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Vue.js Kawaii Logo by @icarusgkx

The Progressive
JavaScript Framework
ProgressiveJavaScript 框架

An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Play icon Why Vue Get Started Install
为什么选择 Vue 开始安装

Approachable 平易近人

Builds on top of standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript with intuitive API and world-class documentation.
在标准 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 的基础上,通过直观的 API 和世界一流的文档进行构建。

Performant 性能

Truly reactive, compiler-optimized rendering system that rarely requires manual optimization.

Versatile 多用途

A rich, incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between a library and a full-featured framework.

Platinum Sponsors 白金赞助商

Gold Sponsors 金牌赞助商

Released under the MIT License.
根据 MIT 许可发布。

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