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January 2023 NonFarm Payroll Review & HTF Concepts
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January 2023 NonFarm Payroll Review & HTF Concepts
2023 年 1 月非农就业数据回顾及 HTF 概念

Time of watching 观看时间
January 8, 2023 2023 年 1 月 8 日
This is a Buy side Imbalance Sell side inefficiency (BISI). Its category for a PD array is FVG, but its distinction is a BISI. We dipped down into it, rejected, and attacked REH.
这是一个买方不平衡卖方效率低下(BISI)。它在 PD 数组中的类别是 FVG,但它的特点是 BISI。我们深入研究了它,被拒绝,并攻击了 REH。
-We could have gone lower and taken out 3814 SSL before going up (price tends to overshoot on NFP/FOMC days)
-在上涨之前,我们本可以再走低并突破 3814 SSL(在非农就业数据/美联储公布日,价格往往会超调)
-For that reason we dont just slap it. We wait for a sign of rejection so we drop down to the 1min
因此,我们不会轻率地卖出。我们会等待拒绝的迹象,然后跌至 1 分钟。
-If that imbalance stays open (breakaway gap) and that STH being highlighted was taken out to the upside, then its likely to run to take out the REH.
-如果这种不平衡保持开放(突破缺口),并且被突出显示的 STH 被向上突破,那么很可能会继续上涨以突破 REH。
-Notice the midnight open (purple dotted line) and the candle being pointed to. That down closed candles high to open is just above the midnight open. We want to buy at or just below the opening price at midnight bc the expectation is to see higher prices (think P3)
-注意午夜开盘(紫色虚线)和指向的蜡烛。那根下跌的收盘蜡烛的高点接近午夜开盘。我们希望在午夜开盘的开盘价或略低于此价位买入,因为预期价格会上涨(考虑 P3)。
-If we are bullish we buy at the midnight open level or beneath it. Worst case is buying slightly above it.
Smooth edges like to be made jagged. The market will always look to break these smooth levels. Notice the bottom right drawing signifying a daily candle. That red line is the REH we are targeting.
平滑的边缘喜欢被变得锯齿状。市场总是会试图突破这些平滑的水平。注意右下角的图示代表每日蜡烛。那条红线是我们的目标 REH。
We envision the daily candle looking like this. So on that MSS, the algo is thinking “we are really close to the midnight open price”. We expect price to gravitate towards REH now.
我们设想每日蜡烛图看起来是这样的。 因此,在那个 MSS 上,算法正在思考“我们离午夜开盘价非常接近”。我们预计价格现在会朝着 REH 靠拢。
Even though price already traded there today, we dont care. We think about it just like the Algo will. When its coded to refer to an old dealing range (in this case the blue box below), we believe its going to expand out of that range in the form of external range liquidity.

This is all we worry about for the moment. We do not worry about ANY OTHER TIMEFRAME. The fact that we broke MSS right here sets the stage for a run above those REH!!!
这是我们目前担心的全部。我们不担心任何其他时间框架。我们在这里打破 MSS 的事实为我们超越那些 REH 奠定了基础!
With P3 concepts in mind, we can hold until the last hour (3pm)! Once we hit our target, price is likely to pull back into the range and create a small wick at the top of the candle
牢记 P3 概念,我们可以持有直到最后一小时(下午 3 点)!一旦达到目标,价格很可能会回落到区间内,并在蜡烛顶部形成一个小上影线
IOFED- When there is an open FVG and price drops down 1 tick below the framework of the high. It is a HFT entry. There is nothing more to be taught about it than the fact that if we trust the fact that those ranges are not going to close in, we can use it as an area to pyramid.
IOFED- 当存在一个开放的 FVG 并且价格下跌到高点框架以下 1 个跳点时。这是一个 HFT 入场。关于这一点没有比这更多的教导,除了我们相信这些范围不会关闭,我们可以将其用作金字塔的区域。

If it does end up trading deeper we can take another buy at the low of the FVG
如果它最终交易更深,我们可以在 FVG 的低点再次买入
Table 表格