1. Work closely with business team to identify process enhancement opportunities and articulate the business requirements to external vendors to implement digitalization productivity projects.
2. Manage closely each project to meet defined deadlines and milestones concerning all relevant tasks (project planning, budget control, realization, testing and training coordination, communication, risk management…)
3. Responsible for customer request related to IT matter (survey of cybersecurity self-evaluation, Information security and etc.)
4. Provide daily support to all business applications including Cylinder Management System, SAP GUI and etc.
5. Evaluate emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices to identify opportunities for infrastructure optimization and innovation.
6. Manage the allocation of infrastructure resources (compute, storage, network) to optimize utilization and cost-effectiveness.
7. Work closely with Corp. IT and business teams, hands-on role support business requirements and define effective and efficient IT solutions.
8. Follow and execute global and regional IT standards, policies and guidelines to ensure full compliance with corporate requirements.
9. Other duties as assigned.
1. 與業務團隊密切合作,確定流程增強機會,並向外部供應商闡明業務需求,以實施數位化生產力專案。
2. 密切管理每個項目,以滿足所有相關任務的規定期限和里程碑(項目規劃、預算控制、實現、測試和培訓協調、溝通、風險管理…)
3. 負責與IT事務相關的客戶請求(網路安全自評估、資訊安全等調查)
4. 為所有業務應用程式提供日常支持,包括鋼瓶管理系統、SAP GUI等。
5. 評估新興技術、產業趨勢和最佳實踐,以確定基礎設施優化和創新的機會。
6. 管理基礎設施資源(運算、儲存、網路)的分配,以優化利用率和成本效益。
7. 與公司IT和業務團隊密切合作,親自支援業務需求並定義有效且有效率的IT解決方案。
8. 遵循並執行全球和區域IT標準、政策和指南,以確保完全符合企業要求。
9. 交辦的其他職責。
(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)
待遇面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)1. Bachelors of Science or equivalent in Computer Science, Software Engineering or IT related discipline.
2. Above 5 years’ experience with application system analysis and implementation is required.
3. Familiar with SAP, Lotus Notes, O365 and SharePoint will be a plus.
4. Strong operations management, problem-solving, inter-personal skills, can-do attitude, customer service sense, dynamic and proactive.
5. Fluent in English communication skills, both written and oral is a must.
6. Experience and knowledge of manufacture industry is a plus.
1. 電腦科學、軟體工程或 IT 相關學科的理學士或同等學歷。
2. 具有5年以上應用系統分析實施經驗。
3. 熟悉SAP、Lotus Notes、O365、SharePoint者佳。
4. 較強的營運管理能力、解決問題能力、人際溝通能力、積極進取的態度、顧客服務意識、活力及主動性。
5. 具備流利的英語溝通能力,包括書面和口頭表達能力。
* 提供良好之國內、外在職培訓計畫
* 優於勞基法之休假制度(第一年年休十天、新人按比例休)
* 勞保、健保、團保、旅遊意外險
* 年度團體健康檢查
* 保障年薪14個月
* 婚喪喜慶補助
* 年度旅遊
* 年節禮品
* 提供良好的內外在職訓練計劃
* 階梯勞基法之休假制度(第一年休十天、新人按比例休)
* 勞保、健康保險、團體保險、旅遊意外險
* 年度團體健康檢查
* 保障年薪14個月
* 婚姻喪喜慶援助
* 年度旅遊
* 年節禮物