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Item 项目 Description Amount Remark


清单须知 Notice

  1. Prepare and set up the pump pipe and distribution rack before casting, and set up the safety protection facilities for the adjacent hole in the area;

  2. Concrete casting (including blocking net laying, after pouring with pouring, reserved hole,Precast block etc.), vibrating, leveling, elevation axis control, make level, with pounding with wiping, high and low difference of the edge treatment, sink bottom and side treatment of the whole operation process;

    3.浇筑完成后清理泉管及布料机、混凝土表面清理,含清理粘结在混凝土表面的模板、打磨棱角及突起等,直至交付下道工序; 要求混凝土完成面的清洁度, 平整度达到免抹灰工艺要求。
  3. After the completion of pouring, clean up the pump pipe and distributor, and clean the concrete surface (including cleaning the template bonded to the concrete surface, polishing edges and corners and protrusions, until the delivery of the next process);

    4.接缝处后续凿毛、养护; 4.接缝处后续凿毛、养护;
  4. Follow-up shearling and maintenance at the joints;

  5. The sealing material and artificial equipment of the hole of the pull screw;
  6. 汽车泵、地㔻、布料杆、塔吊、施工电梯等大型机械设备由总包提供, 震动棒、料斗、磨光机等小型机具由分包自行提供;
  7. Large mechanical equipment such as car pumps, floor pumps, fabric poles, tower cranes, and construction elevators shall be provided by the general contractor, while small machinery such as vibration rods, hoppers, and polishing machines shall be provided by the subcontractor themselves;

    7.Construction site and processing area cleaning, safety enclosure;
  8. 按图纸及规范要求及为施工所需的其他所有工作内容。
  9. According to the requirements of drawings and specifications and all other work required for construction
  10. 混凝土损耗率小于
  11. Concrete wastage shall be less than
钢筋施工内容包括但不限于: 钢筋施工内容包括但不限于
1.Loading, off-site transfer (Party A is responsible for transporting vehicles), on-site unloading, on-site transport (including the location that cannot be covered by tower crane, construction elevator and other equipment etc.), reverse transport to the installation site, material classification code pile;

2. 使用分包自带的钢筋加工机械及辅材使得钢筋下料并加工成型(钢筋调直、整理、看护、含后浇带钢筋制作安装;
2.Use the steel bar processing machinery and auxiliary materials provided by the subcontractor to cut and process the steel bars into shape (steel bar straightening, sorting, guarding, connection head threading (nylon cap protection at the threading position), including the production and installation of post cast steel bars;

3.Channel layout, wiring, binding installation, correction, welding (including electroslag pressure welding, mechanical connection, according to the requirements of the drawings), elevator embedded parts installation;

4.Cooperate with other professionals, cooperate with the general contractor and the owner for on-site acceptance and rectification (until delivery to the next process);

5.Party B shall supply and install all other auxiliary materials required for the completion of the process except the materials provided by Party A, and store and keep the materials provided by Party A;

6. 钢筋加工机械、扎丝、及绑扎钢筋用到的小型工器具由分包单位提供;
6.Reinforcing bar processing machinery, tying wire, and small tools for reinforcing bar binding shall be provided by the subcontractor;

清单须知 通知

7.Construction site and processing area cleaning, safety enclosure;

8.According to the requirements of drawings and specifications and all other work required for construction;

9.Rebar wastage shall be less than

木模版施工内容包括但不限于: 木模版施工内容包括但不限于

  1. Subcontracting and supplier transportation of materials such as sealing screws, wooden templates, and support frames to the construction site;
  2. 放线、模板及支架 (撑) 制作安装、拆除, 支撑脚手架及马道搭设、料台搭设、拆除、维护、周转、整理、堆放及场内水平垂直运输(含塔吊、施工电梯等设备覆盖不到位置)、区域内临边洞口的安全防护设施;
  3. Wiring, formwork and support production and installation,demolition, support scaffolding and bridleway installation, material platform installation, removal, maintenance, turnaround, sorting, stacking and horizontal and vertical transportation in the site(Including Tower crane, construction elevator and other equipment can not cover the location), safety protection facilities of the adjacent hole in the region;
  4. 清除模板粘接物及模内杂物、刷隔离剂(分包供应及安装)、刷脱模剂(分包供应及安装)、拼缝处理 (不限于贴胶带) 、所有的孔洞预留(除预应力);
  5. Remove template adhesives and sundries in the mold, brush isolator, brush release agent, joint treatment (not limited to adhesive tape), all holes reserved (except prestressed);
  6. 含后浇带模板, 含模板支撑体系的搭拆;
  7. Including post-pouring belt template, including template support system;

    5.对拉螺丝杆制作安装、割除、螺丝杆预埋管的供应及安装,洞口的填埋、修补及刷防锈剂等全工序(直至交付下道工序), 有止水要求的区域需要加装止水片 (总包提供);
  8. The whole process of making, installing, cutting, burying the hole of the screw rod, repairing and brushing anti-rust agent (until the next process),areas with water stop requirements need to be equipped with water stop strips;
  9. 配合机电预埋等其他施工单位及总包与业主现场验收及整改;
  10. Cooperate with mechanical and electrical embedment and other construction units and the general contractor for on-site acceptance and rectification with the owner;
  11. 周转次数至少3次,拆除后的模板木方需要码堆整齐且避免日晒雨淋;
  12. Turn over times at least 3 times, and the dismantled materials shall be piled neatly and avoided from sun and rain;
    翻动次数不少于 3 次,拆除的材料应堆放整齐,避免日晒雨淋;
  13. 垫块的供应安放, 构件尺寸的截面、标高控制;
  14. The placement of the pad block, the section and elevation control of the component size;

  15. Construction site and processing area cleaning, safety enclosure;

  16. All other work required by the construction according to the drawings and specifications.
钢筋网片施工内容包含但不限于: 钢筋网片施工内容包含但不限于此:
  1. Unloading, reverse transportation (including horizontal and vertical transportation(Including Tower crane, construction elevator and other equipment can not cover the location)) and storage of steel mesh pieces;
  2. 通过分包单位自带的机械器具及辅材制作、绑扎安装或焊接钢筋网片;
    2.Manufacturing, binding, installation, or welding of steel mesh through the mechanical tools and auxiliary materials provided by the subcontractor;

  3. The supply of wire and machinery related to the installation of steel mesh (except tower crane, construction elevator, automobile crane, etc.);

清单须知 通知

4. Construction site and processing area cleaning, safety enclosure;

5. 按图纸及规范要求及为施工所需的其他所有工作内容, 直至达到下一道工序;
5. According to the requirements of drawings and specifications and all other work required for construction, until the next process is reached;

6.BRC wastage shall be less than
6.BRC 损耗应小于

铝模版施工内容包括但不限于: 铝模版施工内容包括但不限于

  1. Cooperate with subcontractors and suppliers to transport materials such as pulling sheets and templates to the construction site
  2. 放线、模板及支架 (撑) 制作安装、拆除, 支撑脚手架及马道搭设、料台搭设、拆除、维护、周转、整理、堆放及场内水平垂直运输(含塔吊、施工电梯等设备覆盖不到位置)、区域内临边洞口的安全防护设施;
  3. Wiring, formwork and support production and installation,demolition, support scaffolding and bridleway installation, material platform installation, removal, maintenance, turnaround, sorting, stacking and horizontal and vertical transportation in the site(Including Tower crane, construction elevator and other equipment can not cover the location), safety protection facilities of the adjacent hole in the region;
  4. 清除模板粘接物及模内杂物、刷隔离剂、刷脱模剂(分包提供)、拼缝处理(不限于贴胶带)、所有的孔洞预留(除预应力);
  5. Remove template adhesives and sundries in the mold, brush isolator, brush release agent, joint treatment (not limited to adhesive tape), all holes reserved (except prestressed);
  6. 含后浇带模板, 含模板支撑体系; 含后浇带模板,含模板支撑体系;
  7. Including post-pouring belt template, including template support system;

    5.对拉螺丝杆制作安装、割除、螺丝杆洞口填埋、修补及刷防锈剂等全工序(直至交付下道工序), 有止水要求的区域需要加装止水片(总包提供);
  8. The whole process of making, installing, cutting, burying the hole of the screw rod, repairing and brushing anti-rust agent (until the next process),areas with water stop requirements need to be equipped with water stop strips;

  9. Cooperate with mechanical and electrical embedment and other construction units and the general contractor for on-site acceptance and rectification with the owner;
  10. 铝模系统的辅材如销钓销片等损耗率应小于 ;
The loss rate of the auxiliary materials of the aluminum mold system, such as pins and pins, should be less than

8. The placement of the pad block, the section and elevation control of the component size;

9. Construction site and processing area cleaning, safety enclosure;

10. 按图纸及规范要求施工所需的其他所有工作内容;
10. All other work required by the construction according to the drawings and specifications;

9. 铝模配件辅材损耗率小于  9.铝模配件辅材损耗率小于 .
9.Aluminum form system consumable wastage shall be less than
9.Aluminum 表格系统消耗品 损耗应小于


Item 项目 Description 说明 Unit 单位 Rate 费率 Qty 数量 Amount 金额
25mm Diameter. 直径 25 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 Rate Only 仅限费率
20mm Diameter. 直径 20 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 17,715
12mm Diameter. 直径 12 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 Rate Only 仅限费率
10mm Diameter. 直径 10 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 2,864 1,575.20
Shear wall 剪力墙 -
32mm Diameter. 直径 32 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 7,925 4,358.75
10mm Diameter. 直径 10 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 496 272.80
Basement slabs 地下室楼板 - -
25mm Diameter. 直径 25 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 47,958 26,376.90
20 mm Diameter. 直径 20 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 139,066 76,486.30

B.S. 4449 所述的高强度钢棒加固:-(续)
High tensile steel rod reinforcement to B.S. 4449
as described in:-(Cont'd)
Pilecap (Provisional) 桩帽(临时)
32 mm Diameter. 直径 32 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 123,757
25 mm Diameter. 25 毫米直径。 Kg 公斤 0.55 69,188
20 mm Diameter. 直径 20 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 80,111
16 mm Diameter. 直径 16 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 16,815
Basement beams 地下室横梁 - -
32mm Diameter. 直径 32 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 11,071 6,089.05
25mm Diameter. 直径 25 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 6,564 3,610.20
20mm Diameter. 直径 20 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 5,720 3,146.00
16mm Diameter. 直径 16 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 6,148 3,381.40
10mm Diameter. 直径 10 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 7,393 4,066.15
Water Tank Wall 水箱壁 -
16mm Diameter. 直径 16 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 11,047
12mm Diameter. 直径 12 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 6,250

低碳钢织物加固,符合 M.S. 145 或 B.S. 4483 标准;接缝处搭接良好,包括障碍物周围的切口(净测量值 - 不考虑车道 -)。
Mild steel fabric reinforcement to M.S. 145 or
B.S. 4483; well lapped at joints including notching
around obstruction (measured nett - no allowance
fnr lancl.-
- -
Basement slabs 地下室楼板 -
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. B8. (
加固网编号 B8.(
M2 2.20 55 121.00
Sawn formwork as described to:-
Sides of column stump (Provisional)
M2 28.00 787 22,036.00
Sides of pilecaps (Provisional)
M2 28.00 2,418 67,704.00
Sides of retaining walls.
M2 28.00 1,068 29,904.00
Sides of lift pit walls
M2 28.00 522 14,616.00
Sides of basement beams 地下室横梁侧面 M2 28.00 214
Sides of water tank walls
M2 28.00 515
Sides of shear walls 剪力墙侧面 M2 28.00 80 2,240.00

Allow for all necessary expansion joint between new
and existing structure; all in accordance with the
manufacturer's instruction and Engineer's
Item 项目 include 包括 1 include 包括

Vibrated reinforced concrete as described; filled into
formwork and well packed around rod reinforcement
(formwork and steel measured senaratelv) in:-
Grade 45 45 级
Columns 专栏 M3 26.00 1,409
Item 项目 Description 说明 Unit 单位 Rate 费率 Qty 数量 Amount 金额
25mm Diameter. 直径 25 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 154,908 85,199.40
20mm Diameter. 直径 20 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 58,676 32,271.80
16mm Diameter. 直径 16 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 28,876 15,881.80
12mm Diameter. 直径 12 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 17,298 9,513.90
10mm Diameter as links, stirrups and binders
直径 10 毫米,用作连接件、脚蹬和捆扎器
Kg 公斤 0.55 79,515

B.S. 4449 所述的高强度钢棒加固:- (续)
High tensile steel rod reinforcement to B.S. 4449
as described in:- (Cont'd)
Ramp beams 坡道横梁 - -
25 mm Diameter. 25 毫米直径。 Kg 公斤 0.55 5,257 2,891.35
20 mm Diameter. 直径 20 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 36 19.80
16 mm Diameter. 直径 16 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 270 148.50
12 mm Diameter. 直径 12 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 159 87.45
10mm Diameter as links, stirrups and binders
直径 10 毫米,用作连接件、脚蹬和捆扎器
Kg 公斤 0.55 893 491.15
RC low wall RC 低墙 -
12 mm Diameter. 直径 12 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 12,664
10mm Diameter. 直径 10 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 5,875
Floor slabs 楼板 - -
12 mm Diameter. 直径 12 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 44,435
10mm Diameter. 直径 10 毫米。 Kg 公斤 0.55 446 245.30

低碳钢织物加固,符合 M.S. 145 或 B.S. 4483 标准;接缝处搭接良好,包括结构周围的切口(测量净重--不预留钢筋):-
Mild steel fabric reinforcement to M.S. 145 or B.S.
4483; well lapped at joints including notching around
ohstruction (measured neft - no allowance for lans):-
Floor slabs 楼板 - -
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. A10. (6.16 kg/m2)
加固网编号 A10.(6.16 公斤/平方米)
M2 2.20 369 811.80
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. A9. (4.99kg/m2)
加固网编号 A9.(4.99 千克/平方米)
M2 2.20 1,008 2,217.60
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. A8. (
加固网编号 A8.(
M2 2.20 34,318
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. A7. (3.02kg/m2)
加固网编号 A7.(3.02kg/m2)
M2 2.20 2,530
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. B10. (8.14kg/m2)
加固网编号 B10.(8.14 千克/平方米)
M2 2.20 18 39.60
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. B9. (
加固网编号 B9.(
M2 2.20 1,070 2,354.00
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. B8. (5.93kg/m2)
加固网编号 B8.(5.93 千克/平方米)
M2 2.20 186 409.20
Ramp slabs 坡道板 - -
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. A8. (
加固网编号 A8.(
M2 2.20 170 374.00
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. B9. (
加固网编号 B9.(
M2 2.20 670
RC Low walls RC 低墙 - -
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. A6. (
加固网编号 A6.(
M2 2.20 1,942
Sawn formwork as described to:-
- -
Sides of columns 立柱侧面 M2 28.00 5,968 167,104.00
Sides of lift core walls.
M2 28.00 3,225
Sides of RC low wall.
RC 矮墙的两侧。
M2 28.00 1,868
Sides of shear walls. 剪力墙侧面 M2 28.00 622

地板梁的侧面和檐口;支柱高度不超过 3.50 米。
Sides and soffits of floor beams; strutting not
exceedina 3.50 m hiah.
M2 28.00 7,516 210,448.00

地板梁的侧面和檐口;支柱高度超过 3.50 米但不超过 5.00 米。
Sides and soffits of floor beams; strutting exceeding
3.50 m but not exceeding 5.00 m high.
M2 28.00 7,282 203,896.00
Sides and soffits of floor beams; strutting exceeding
M2 28.00 14 392.00

地板梁的侧面和檐口;支柱高度超过 6.50 米但不超过 8.00 米。
Sides and soffits of floor beams; strutting exceeding
6.50 m but not exceeding 8.00 m high.
M2 28.00 226 6,328.00

16 mm Diameter 直径 16 毫米
12mm Diameter 直径 12 毫米
Mild steel fabric reinforcement to M.S. 145 or B.S. 4483; well lapped at joints including notching around obstruction (measured nett - no allowance for lans):-
低碳钢织物加固,符合 M.S. 145 或 B.S. 4483 标准;接缝处搭接良好,包括障碍物周围的切口(净测量值 - 不预留垫板):-
Roof slabs 屋顶板
Mesh Reinforcement Ref. No. A7. (3.02kg/m2)
加固网编号 A7.(3.02kg/m2)

Sawn formwork as described to:-

Sides and soffit of roof beams; strutting not exceeding 3.50m high
屋梁侧面和檐口;支柱高度不超过 3.50 米
Soffits of roof slabs; strutting not exceeding 3.50 m hiah
屋顶板的檐口;不超过 3.50 米高的支柱


Vibrated reinforced concrete (Grade 30) as described; mixed with "MIXKOTE MIM" crystallization admixture waterproofing as described or other approved equivalent waterproofing admixture to Engineer and Architect's approval; all in accordance manufacturer's specification and instruction; filled into formwork and well packed around rod reinforcement
如上所述的振捣钢筋混凝土(30 级);掺入 "MIXKOTE MIM "结晶外加剂防水剂(如上所述)或其他经工程师和建筑师批准的同等防水外加剂;一切均按照制造商的规格和说明进行;填入模板并在杆状钢筋周围妥善包装
Staircases. 楼梯。
High tensile steel rod reinforcement to B.S. 4449 as described in:-
符合 B.S. 4449 标准的高强度钢棒加固,如以下所述:-
Staircase 楼梯
10mm Diameter 直径 10 毫米
Sawn formwork as described to:-

Sides of undercut riser; 160.0 mm high.
下切立管两侧;高 160.0 毫米。
Item 项目 Description 说明 Unit 单位 Rate 费率 Qty 数量 Amount 金额

框架和上层楼板 按所述方法振捣钢筋混凝土;填入模板,并在杆件钢筋(模板和钢筋测量值)周围填满:-
Vibrated reinforced concrete as described; filled into
formwork and well packed around rod reinforcement
(formwork and steel measured senaratelv) in:-
Column 专栏 M3 26.00 10 260.00
350mm Thick lift wall 350 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 160 4,149.60
250mm Thick lift wall 250 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 24 630.50
170mm Thick lift wall 170 毫米厚电梯壁 M3 26.00 4 114.92
150mm Thick lift wall 150 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 14 362.70
250mm Thick shear wall 250 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 180
200mm Thick shear wall 200 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 27 702.00
150mm Thick shear wall 150 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 233 6,048.90
Grade 40 40 级 - -
Column 专栏 M3 26.00 7 182.00
1750mm Thick transfer slab
1750 毫米厚转运板
M3 26.00 2,251
350mm Thick lift wall 350 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 166 4,322.50
250mm Thick lift wall 250 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 17 435.50
170mm Thick lift wall 170 毫米厚电梯壁 M3 26.00 4 114.92
150mm Thick lift wall 150 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 10 257.40
250mm Thick shear wall 250 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 200
200mm Thick shear wall 200 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 29 743.60
150mm Thick shear wall 150 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 259
Grade 35 35 级 - -
Column 专栏 M3 26.00 7 182.00
350mm Thick lift wall 350 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 167
250mm Thick lift wall 250 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 17 435.50
170mm Thick lift wall 170 毫米厚电梯壁 M3 26.00 4 114.92
150mm Thick lift wall 150 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 10 257.40
250mm Thick shear wall 250 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 201
200 mm Thick shear wall
200 毫米厚剪力墙
M3 26.00 29 748.80
150mm Thick shear wall 150 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 259

Vibrated reinforced concrete as described; filled into
formwork and well packed around rod reinforcement
(formwork and steel measured senaratelv) in:- (cont'd)
Grade 30 30 级 -
Column 专栏 M3 26.00 7 182.00
350 mm Thick lift wall
350 毫米厚电梯壁
M3 26.00 166 4,322.50
Item 项目 Description 说明 Unit 单位 Rate 费率 Qty 数量 Amount 金额
250mm Thick lift wall 250 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 17 435.50
170mm Thick lift wall 170 毫米厚电梯壁 M3 26.00 4 114.92
150mm Thick lift wall 150 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 10 257.40
250mm Thick shear wall 250 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 201
200mm Thick shear wall 200 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 29 743.60
150mm Thick shear wall 150 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 259 6,731.40
Item 项目 Grade 25 25 级 - -
Column 专栏 M3 26.00 49
Stiffener 加固器 M3 26.00 112 2,912.00
Floor beam 地板横梁 M3 26.00 997 25,922.00
125mm Thick floor slab 125 毫米厚楼板 M3 26.00 1,988
150mm Thick floor slab 150 毫米厚楼板 M3 26.00 1,032 26,820.30
175mm Thick floor slab 175 毫米厚楼板 M3 26.00 3
200mm Thick floor slab 200 毫米厚楼板 M3 26.00 21 546.00
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450mm Thick floor slab 450 毫米厚楼板 M3 26.00 11 292.50
350mm Thick lift wall 350 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 644 16,744.00
250mm Thick lift wall 250 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 63
170mm Thick lift wall 170 毫米厚电梯壁 M3 26.00 16 424.32
150mm Thick lift wall 150 毫米厚升降墙 M3 26.00 37 971.10
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250mm Thick shear wall 250 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 669
200mm Thick shear wall 200 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 94 2,438.80
150mm Thick shear wall 150 毫米厚剪力墙 M3 26.00 849
100mm Thick RC low wall
100 毫米厚 RC 低墙
M3 17 429.00
125mm Thick RC low wall
125 毫米厚 RC 低墙
M3 26.00 230 5,989.75
Curb 路缘石 M3 26.00 33