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Philosophy of Management Research

Jian Liang

Fall, 2024
秋季 20 2 4

Course Description

This doctoral level course is a brief introduction to scientific work on organizations and management. It focuses on key issues in conducting management research. These are central to the work of a scientist in constructing understanding and explanation of important phenomena in our natural and social world. The issues pervade both natural and social sciences and they help us gain clarity on the role of scientific research in advancing the practice of business and management, and understand how firms may influence the wellbeing of both those working in them and those affected by them, i.e., employees, consumers, and society. The role of science or of the scientist, if not understood properly can impede our scientific work, impair knowledge and stall scientific discoveries.

The course explores some of these questions: What is scientific reasoning and explanation? What are the unique challenges in social science relative to natural science? How does progress and development in scientific knowledge come about? What role do values play in science? What is the development of science and how does science contribute to both the progress and the demise of the human condition? What does it mean to pursue a career in organization or business science?

Requirements for Admission to this Course

The course is for doctoral level students in business and management. The students should have taken the fundamental courses of their fields and who are either preparing for or have completed the qualification exam. The course prepares doctoral students who plan to pursue an academic career and intend to pursue a life in organizational science devoted to conducting theoretical and empirical research in business and management. It is suitable for students in all disciplines within the business school, including accounting, finance, operations management, marketing, strategy, human resource management, industrial economics, and international business. The readings are in English and the classroom discussion will be primarily in English. Students are expected to have read all the assigned course materials before the beginning of the course.

Course Materials


Kuhn, Thomas (1996).The structure of scientific revolutions.3rdedition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. (ISBN: 0-226-45808-3, paper)
托马斯·库恩(1996 )。科学革命的结构第三版芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社。 (ISBN:0-226-45808-3,纸质

Okasha, Samir (2002). Philosophy of science: A very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
萨米尔·奥卡沙(2002) 科学哲学:非常简短的介绍。纽约:牛津大学出版社。

Risjord, Mark (2014). Philosophy of social science: A contemporary introduction. New York: Routledge.

Articles or Chapters

Douglas, H. 2009.Chapter 4 – The moral responsibilities of scientists. Science, policy, and the value-free ideal. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Douglas, H. 2009。第 4 章 – 科学家的道德责任科学、政策和无价值的理想。匹兹堡大学出版社

Douglas, H. 2009. Chapter 5 – The structure of values in science. In Douglas, H. Science, policy, and the value-free ideal. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Douglas, H. 2009。第 5 章 – 科学中的价值观结构。在道格拉斯,H.科学、政策和价值中立的理想。匹兹堡大学出版社

Godfrey-Smith, P. 2003. Chapter 4 – Popper: Conjecture and refutation. An introduction to the philosophy of social science: Theory and reality. The University of Chicago Press.
Godfrey-Smith, P. 2003。第 4 章 – 波普尔:猜想与反驳。社会科学哲学导论:理论与现实。芝加哥大学出版社。

Godfrey-Smith, P. 2003. Chapter 7 – Lakatos, Lauda, Feyerabend, and Frameworks. An introduction to the philosophy of social science: Theory and reality. The University of Chicago Press.
Godfrey-Smith, P. 2003。第 7 章 – Lakatos Lauda Feyerabend和框架。社会科学哲学导论:理论与现实。芝加哥大学出版社。

Merton, R. K. 1973. The normative structure of science. The sociology of science: Theoretical and empirical investigations, 267.
默顿,RK 1973 。科学的规范结构。科学社会学:理论和实证研究 267

Course Assignments

The class will form 6 teams of 2 to 3 students each team.
班级将分成6 个小组,每组 2 至 3 名学生。

Article or chapter summariesin teams (form your own teams)

One class debate in teams

A “Visioning” paper about your career in science – individual paper

(See Appendix I for detailed instructions on each assignment)

Course Schedule Overview






Okasha: Philosophy of science


Risjord: Philosophy of social science 1
Risjord :社会科学哲学1


Risjord: Philosophy of social science 2
Risjord :社会科学哲学2


Risjord: Philosophy of social science 3
Risjord :社会科学哲学3


Kuhn: Scientific progress and change 1


Kuhn: Scientific progress 2 and debate 2


Values in science and debate 3


Sharing with faculties: Doctoral research and life


Visioning your scientific career

Course Schedule in Detail

Session 1: Introduction

Session 2: Philosophy of Science

Okasha (2002)

Chapter 2 – Scientific reasoning
2 章 – 科学推理

Chapter 3 – Explanation in science
3 章 – 科学解释

Chapter 4 – Realism and anti-realism

Written assignment and presentation:

The team responsible for leading the discussion writes a one-page summary (500 words or less) of one chapter. Send the summary to all the classmates 24 hours before the class session. Other teams need to prepare two relevant questions for class discussion.
负责领导讨论的团队撰写一页的一章摘要(500 字或更少) 在上课前 24 小时将总结发送给所有同学其他小组需要准备两个相关问题供课堂讨论

Session 3: Philosophy of Social Science 1

Risjord (2014)

Chapter 3 – Theories, interpretations, and concepts
第 3 章 – 理论、解释和概念

Chapter 4 – Interpretive methodology
第 4 章– 解释方法

Written assignment and presentation:

In the presenting team, write a one-page summary (500 words or less) of one chapter. Other groups prepare two questions related to the content of the chapter for class discussion.
演示团队,为一章写一页摘要(500 字或更少 其他小组准备两个与本章内容相关的问题供课堂讨论。

Session 4: Philosophy of Social Science 2

Risjord (2014)

Chapter 5 – Action and agency

Chapter 6 – Reductionism: structure, agents, and evolution
第 6 章 – 还原论:结构、主体和演化

Written assignment and presentation:

In the presenting team, write a one-page summary (500 words or less) of one chapter. Other groups prepare two questions related to the content of the chapter for class discussion.
演示团队中,为一章写一页摘要(500 字或更少) 其他小组准备两个与本章内容相关的问题供课堂讨论。

Session 5: Philosophy of Social Science 3

Chapter 7Social norms
第 7 章社会规范

Chapter 8 – Intentions, institutions, and collective actions
第 8 章 – 意图、机构和集体行动

Chapter 9 – Causality and law in the social world
第9章 社会世界的因果与规律


In the presenting team, write a one-page summary (500 words or less) of one chapter. Other groups prepare two questions related to the content of the chapter for class discussion.
演示团队中,为一章写一页摘要(500 字或更少) 其他小组准备两个与本章内容相关的问题供课堂讨论。

Session 6: Scientific progress and change, part 1

1. Chapter 2 – The route of normal science
1 .第二章 正常科学之路

2. Chapter 3 – The nature of normal science
2 .第三章-常规科学的本质

3. Chapter 4 – Normal science as problem solving
3 .第四章——作为解决问题的普通科学

4. Chapter5 – The priority of paradigms
4 .第五章范式的优先级

5. Chapter 6 - Anomaly and emergence of scientific discoveries
5 .第六章科学发现的异常和出现

6. Chapter 7 – Crisis and emergence of scientific theories
6 .第七章——科学理论的危机与出现

Written assignment and presentation:

In teams, write a one-page summary (500 words or less) of a chapter and write two questions for class discussion.
小组形式一页章节摘要(500 字或更少),并两个供课堂讨论的问题。

Session 7: Scientific progress and change, part 2

1. Chapter 8 – The response to crisis
1. 第 8 章——危机应对

2. Chapter 9 – The nature and necessity of scientific revolutions
2. 第九章——科学革命的本质和必要性

3. Chapter 10 – Revolutions as changes of world view
3. 第10章——作为世界观变化的革命

4. Chapter 11 – The invisibility of revolutions
4. 第十一章——革命的隐形性

5. Chapter 12 – The resolution of revolutions
5. 第十二章——革命的解决

6. Popper chapter

7. Lakatos chapter
7 .拉卡托斯

Written assignment and presentation:

1. In teams, write a one-page summary (500 words or less) of one chapter and write two questions for class discussion.
1. 以小组形式写一篇一页的章节摘要(500字以内) ,并写两个课堂讨论问题。

Session 8: Values in science

Douglas (2009): Chapter 4 – The moral responsibilities of scientists
Douglas (2009):第 4 章——科学家的道德责任

Douglas (2009): Chapter 5 – The structure of values in science
Douglas (2009):第五章——科学中的价值观结构

Merton (1973) – Normative structure of science
Merton (1973) – 科学的规范结构

Written assignment and presentation:

In teams, write a one-page summary (500 words or less) of one article. Write two questions that you would like discussion in class.
团队形式,为一篇文章撰写一页摘要(500 字或更少)。写下两个您想在课堂上讨论的问题。

Session 9: Sharing with faculties: Doctoral research and life

Session 10: Visioning a career in science


How can you as an individual scientist contribute to progress in science? Either looking back or looking forward, write a 3000 to 5000-word essay about your scientific career and the most important contribution(s) that you have made or would like to make in the past or future 25 years of your professional life as a scientist and educator.
作为一名科学家,您如何为科学进步做出贡献?无论是回顾还是展望,写一篇 30 00 到 5000 字文章,介绍您的科学生涯以及您在过去或未来25年的职业生涯中已经做出或希望做出的最重要的贡献科学家和教育家的生活

Appendix I- Detailed Explanations on the Three Assignments

Assignment 1: Chapter or article summaries (in teams)
作业 1:章节或文章摘要(以小组形式

Students will write a summary of five articles or chapters. The summary should include all the important ideas in the article or the book chapter. Then, write two questions related to the ideas in the chapter or article that you would like the class to discuss. It should be no more than 500 words and no more than one page, single-spaced. Please send the summary to everyone 24 hours before the session when it will be discussed. The team will not need to present the summary but will lead a discussion on the questions. The team should prepare its answer to the question, and share with the class after the classmates have discussed it. Every class members should read the summary and think about the team’s questions before the class begins.
学生写出五篇文章或章节的摘要摘要应包括文章或书籍章节中的所有重要思想。然后,写下两个与您希望全班讨论的章节或文章中的想法相关的问题字数不应超过 500 字,一页不超过一页,单倍行距请在会议讨论之前 24 小时将摘要发送给大家。团队不需要提供摘要,但将引导对问题的讨论。小组应准备问题的答案,同学讨论后与全班分享。每个班员都应该上课阅读总结并思考团队的问题

Even though only one team is responsible for writing the summary and leading the discussion, we encourage all other teams to write their own summaries with one question and share with the class. During the discussion, other teams should be prepared to raise additional questions. The instructor may invite other teams to provide answers or raise additional questions. Being prepared is extremely important for a good discussion and learning. We expect every student to have read all the readings, and be well prepared to discuss the core ideas.

Assignment 2: debate (in teams)
作业2 辩论小组)

The pro team will make a 10-minute argument in favor of the given statement. The con team will make a 10-minute argument against the statement. Then, the Con team and the class can question the Pro team for 10 minutes, followed by questioning of the Con team by the Pro team and the class for 10 minutes. We may be flexible about the Q and A session as long as it is kept under 20 minutes in total. The class will take a 10-minute caucus while the two teams prepare a 5-minute closing statement to summarize their key arguments (taking into account the information emerged from the questioning period). Each debate team will put your basic arguments in writing and send to your classmates and instructors 24 hours before the debate session.
专业团队将进行 10 分钟的论证以支持该陈述。骗子团队将针对该声明进行 10 分钟的论证。然后,Con 队和全班可以向 Pro 队提问 10 分钟,然后 Pro 队和全班向 Con 队提问 10 分钟。我们可以灵活安排问答环节,只要总时间控制在 20 分钟以内即可。全班将进行 10 分钟的核心小组讨论,同时两个小组准备 5 分钟的结案陈词,总结他们的主要论点(考虑到提问阶段出现的信息)。每个辩论队都会将你的基本论点写成书面形式,并在辩论开始前 24 小时发送给你的同学和老师。

Assignment 3: A vision for a scientific career (individually)
作业 3 科学事业的愿景个人)

You may take one of the two approaches in writing this paper. Imagine that this is the year 2040 (25 years from now). This paper is a reflection of where you had been in 25 years as you might imagine it. In this approach, you are looking back into your career. Alternatively, you may develop a career plan up to 25 years from now. Try to imagine what you will be doing in the next 25 years. In this approach, you are looking forward into your career.
您可以采用两种方法之一来撰写本文。想象一下,这是 2040 年(25 年后)。正如您所想象的那样,本文反映了您 25 年来的情况。通过这种方法,您将回顾自己的职业生涯。或者,您也可以制定长达 25 年后的职业计划。试着想象一下未来 25 年你会做什么。通过这种方法,您对自己的职业生涯充满期待。

Part I: A brief summary of your most critical experiences that led to your decision to undertake a PhD program in management. What were your initial ideas, reasons, or expectations for a career after obtaining the PhD degree?

Part II: A description of your work as a scholar-professor in management (or marketing) in the past or future 25 years (divided into three stages). For each stage, what might be (forward looking) or what were (backward looking) your major learning, challenges, and successes.

Stage 1 – from school to first job: Reflect on what you have learned from this course and what issues in the philosophy of social sciences were most meaningful for you. How well does Kuhn’s paradigm and scientific revolution ideas describe the history of research in your field of study, relative to Popper’s of Lakatos’ ideas? How did you react to the issue of values in science?

Stage 2 – from first job to tenure (about 6 to 10 years): What puzzles did you address in your research during this period? What kind of epistemology and ontology underline the research that you have done, why? What were your biggest successes? What were your most frustrating experiences or challenges? How did you manage your time between research, teaching and service? How did you manage your work-family demands?
第二阶段——从第一份工作到终身教职(大约6到10年) :在此期间您的研究解决了哪些难题?您所做的研究强调什么样的认识论和本体论,为什么?您最大的成功是什么?您最沮丧的经历或挑战是什么?您如何管理研究、教学和服务之间的时间?您如何管理工作与家庭的需求?

Stage 3 – from tenure to full professor (6 to 10 years): Did you make any changes in your research, teaching, and service? Did you continue your stage 2 research programs or did you start a totally new research program? What are your major intellectual contributions? Did you do any consulting or write any papers or books for managers? How has your research lived up to the idea of “good science” – reliable knowledge that contributes to a better society? What are you known for in the academic community and in the management world? How would your students describe you as a teacher?
第三阶段——从终身教职到正教授(6到10年) :您在研究、教学和服务方面有什么变化吗?您是继续第二阶段的研究计划还是开始了全新的研究计划?您的主要智力贡献是什么?您为管理者做过任何咨询写过任何论文或书籍吗?您的研究如何体现“良好科学”的理念——为更美好的社会做出贡献的可靠知识?您在学术界和管理界以什么闻名?作为一名老师,你的学生会如何形容你?

Part III: A portrait of you as a person. What are you passions in life that drive you to become who you are today (25 years later)? Who are the most important people that have influenced you? What regrets you might have? What would you like to be remembered for, personally and professionally?
第三部分您的个人肖像。您生活中的哪些热情促使您成为今天(25 年后)的自己?对你影响最重要的人是谁?你可能会有什么遗憾?您希望在个人和职业方面因什么而被人们记住?