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FIGURE 6.30 图 6.30
Fossil Record Rock and Fossil Groups
Fossil Record Rock 和 Fossil Groups

Fossils can really be split into 3 basic groups. Pre-Flood rocks have remains of creatures living before the Flood. Rocks that were laid down by the Flood have fossils of creatures living roughly at that time. And post-Flood rocks have fossils of creatures living after the Flood. So in a sense, this means the geological record does give us a glimpse into different periods of Earth’s past, but it does it in 3 broad eras.
化石实际上可以分为 3 个基本组。洪水前的岩石上有生活在洪水之前的生物遗骸。洪水沉积的岩石上有大致生活在那个时期的生物化石。洪水后的岩石有生活在洪水之后的生物化石。所以从某种意义上说,这意味着地质记录确实让我们得以一窥地球过去的不同时期,但它是在 3 个广泛的时代中做到的。
This assumption helps us to easily understand certain aspects of the fossil record. For example, paleontologists have found huge numbers of fossils concentrated in enormous deposits called fossil graveyards. That is not surprising with a catastrophism viewpoint. After all, the Flood probably forced these creatures to move in an effort to escape the scary conditions caused by the rapidly moving floodwaters. Huge amounts of moving sediment and mud overtook them and buried them quickly. With more and more sediments laid on top of them, the creatures became fossilized. Interestingly, some fossil graveyards contain fossils of many types of organisms representing several different climates. How could they all be found together in the same layer if there was not a worldwide Flood to move them to one location?
Other fossils indicate rapid preservation, such as the remains of a large fish in the process of eating a small fish. A fish doesn’t die in the middle of a meal and then lie around while both it and its meal are encased in sediment. These fish were buried in an instant, without warning.
Moreover, the process of fossilization has been shown to occur rather rapidly, instead of requiring millions of years. For example, manmade objects have been fossilized within years or decades. As long as there are proper conditions, fossils can rapidly form. In fact, catastrophists think that this is the normal mode of fossilization, indicating that the fossils within the fossil record are not as old as uniformitarians think.
FIGURE 6.3 I 图 6.3 I
A Fish Fossilized in the Middle of a Meal and a Fossilized Man-made Hat


Everything in creation is made up of atoms. Some atoms are heavier than others, and some of the heavier atoms are unstable. We call these radioactive atoms. Uranium is a type
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