After 20 years of scientific research, we are closer to knowing how isoinertial training works, but we are not much better at knowing how to plan training sessions. Some studies have done a great job of comparing flywheel training, a type of isoinertial resistance, to conventional training, but they have not presented anything in enough detail to satisfy the practitioner. This article is not about just a single approach; it’s about learning to use flywheel training in a way that is meaningful and purpose-driven.
经过 20 年的科学研究,我们更接近了解等惯性训练的工作原理,但我们在了解如何计划训练课程方面却并没有好多少。一些研究在比较飞轮训练(一种等惯性阻力)与传统训练方面做得很好,但它们没有提供足够详细的信息来满足练习者的要求。本文不仅仅讨论单一方法;这是关于学习以一种有意义且有目的的方式使用飞轮训练。
The Most Common Errors In Flywheel Training
While not truly a mistake or error, the most common approach to flywheel training is to replace exercises done on the ground with a flywheel alternative. While swapping modalities that are similar makes sense on paper, contractions are not about visual similarities. Instead, they are about the roles and needs of preparing the body based on the inevitable calendar of training and competition.
@ShaneDavs 表示,仅添加几组流行的 #flywheel 练习(例如少许盐)并不是很好的编程。Share on X 分享到 X
Switching a barbell back squat with a flywheel squat isn’t a pure replacement, and just adding a few sets of popular flywheel exercises to a program like a dash of salt isn’t great programming. Based on common patterns of use, most of the approaches we have seen with flywheel integration are:
- Add in a few exercises at the end of a conventional program as a finishing option.
在常规计划的末尾添加一些练习作为结束选项。 - Replace traditional exercises like barbell or bodyweight movements with flywheel variants.
用飞轮变体取代杠铃或自重运动等传统练习。 - Add a flywheel phase of training with a heavy concentration of isoinertial training.
These approaches aren’t foolish, and we have experimented with similar tactics, but we can do better. The No. 1 issue with any modality is that the best coaches usually have very little bias towards any method, as they simply want what is effective.
What we rarely see are long-term records of research-grade measures of real athlete training. Most of what we see in the research are general populations or short intervention studies; nothing replicating a four-year development plan for serious athletes. Coaches need science, but they also need complete history or record-keeping for the big, integrated picture. Science is our best tool, but don’t underestimate that interpretation of the science has even more importance because reasoning is what makes knowledge useful.
With the errors above in mind, we will show how you can modify training to integrate flywheels without the mistakes that are commonly made in programming.
Don’t Think Movements, Think Contractions
The functional training craze of the late 1990s did have value—it made us think of what the word “function” really meant. Mimicking sport by recreating similar motions isn’t functional or sport-specific: it’s usually just a really bad attempt to combine weights and athletic motions. We have seen countless exercises come and go, while other exercises seem to linger longer. Shadowboxing and running with dumbbells are still popular, but so far nothing in the research shows either is the magic bullet. When thinking functional, don’t focus on what the exercise looks like, appreciate what the training gives you back.
20 世纪 90 年代末的功能性训练热潮确实有价值——它让我们思考“功能”这个词的真正含义。通过重新创建类似的动作来模仿运动并不是功能性的或特定于运动的:它通常只是将重量和运动动作结合起来的非常糟糕的尝试。我们见过无数的练习来来去去,而其他练习似乎持续时间更长。太极拳和哑铃跑步仍然很流行,但到目前为止,研究还没有表明这两种运动是灵丹妙药。当考虑功能性时,不要关注锻炼的外观,而是欣赏训练给你带来的回报。
图 1。当杠铃和飞轮锻炼具有相似的运动时,您无法在视频中轻松看出重力和惯性之间的差异。不同的是,杠铃的偏心载荷体验与等惯性阻力有很大不同。
When selecting exercises, it makes sense to think about the mechanics of the movement, but the contractions are still different than traditional barbell or bodyweight motions. It also makes sense that a similar exercise of the same “species” will be a logical exchange, but the way flywheels work, some adjustments to the entire program are necessary. For example, if you take out barbell back squats and switch them with a platform flywheel, the result is much different.
- Barbells can do low or single rep ranges; flywheels need starter reps to initiate full isoinertial reps.
杠铃可以做低次数或单次次数;飞轮需要启动次数来启动完整的等惯性次数。 - Between repetitions barbell options allow rest, while flywheels are constant effort contractions.
在重复次数之间,杠铃选项可以让您休息,而飞轮则可以持续努力收缩。 - Flywheels have high inertia immediately during the descent of exercises, barbells don’t.
飞轮在练习下降过程中立即具有高惯性,而杠铃则不然。 - Using a waist belt reduces overall spinal loading, which is a popular rationale for coaches who need that requirement.
We could go on, as there are more differences than those listed, but the swapping out of an exercise is not a pure exchange. There are enough differences that coaches must make more changes than just the exercise name on the workout sheet. The No. 1 takeaway is that swapping out an exercise usually has a ripple effect in training. This means that you might have to adjust other parts of training during and after the sessions to accommodate the differences.
@ShaneDavs 说,第一个要点是,更换一项练习通常会在训练中产生连锁反应。Share on X 分享到 X
How to Use the Molecular Signaling of Flywheels
We could name a few coaches that hate the concept and even the word “finisher,” but tacking on a few sets at the end of a training session isn’t the end of the world, and does have some benefits. Training is tough physically and mentally, and just a little dessert here and there isn’t going to ruin someone. This article briefly mentioned the idea of using flywheels and finishing a workout with isoinertial training, but it’s more than just doing a few sets of an exercise at the end of a workout. It’s about the molecular responses.
What we know about molecular signaling and training is that low loads and high repetitions can stimulate both strength and size. Some current unfounded fears over having the wrong morphological changes are that the specific muscular adaptations from lower loads increase the wrong type of hypertrophy. Simply stated, high reps theoretically build less-favorable changes to the tissues for athletes because it’s just “body builder” muscle and has a poor power-to-weight ratio.
在分子水平上,飞轮可能是增加肌肉力量和大小的最有效方法。Share on X 分享到 X
To date, research has not shown conclusive evidence, because nearly every training program has maximal effort bouts in the workouts. Blood flow restriction training maximizes high repetition training, and flywheels tend to be higher repetitions as well. At the molecular level, flywheels are likely the most potent way to increase the strength and size of muscle.
图 2。我们在肌肉细胞内部看到的微小适应足以随着时间的推移产生很大的变化,但长度的变化是最有价值的。离心训练的分布量将决定我们在细胞和组织水平上看到的细胞器形态的类型。
Theoretical sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy debates have been going on for years, but we don’t think it’s a concern if the concept is proven true. Remember that the discussion is about the singular and pure modes of training; meaning the difference between a full-time bodybuilder and a full-time power lifter, not an athlete using mixed and multiple methods. In theory, so much of the training is one style of lifting that the long-term training effects should induce clear differentiation. We don’t see classification of athletes based on sport (powerlifting versus bodybuilding) now as much as we did in the earlier hypertrophy research because many athletes overlap their training programs.
Most of the training of flywheels is eccentric enhanced power and strength development, due to the load and speed of the contraction. The research concludes that hypertrophy from flywheel training is very potent, and we have witnessed exactly what the scientific investigations claimed—rapid changes in cross-sectional area or CSA. While training for muscle mass isn’t a direct way to get faster or decelerate safer, many athletes that we inherit have atrophy from injuries and we need rapid changes to get them ready for another year of competition. There’s a growing need to fix muscle groups that are legitimately shut down due to non-use, abuse, or lack of proper rehabilitation. Poor development of youth sport athletes by selfish coaches is the cause of this problem.
大多数飞轮训练是偏心增强功率和力量发展,由于收缩的负载和速度。研究得出的结论是,飞轮训练带来的肌肉肥大非常有效,而且我们也亲眼目睹了科学研究所声称的内容——横截面积或 CSA 的快速变化。虽然肌肉质量训练并不是提高速度或安全减速的直接方法,但我们继承的许多运动员都因受伤而萎缩,我们需要迅速改变,让他们为下一年的比赛做好准备。人们越来越需要修复因不使用、滥用或缺乏适当康复而正常关闭的肌肉群。自私的教练对青少年体育运动员的不良发展是造成这个问题的原因。
In theory (but supported by enough research to make a case for flywheels), if you want to send a very strong message to the muscles of athletes, use flywheel training because it combines multiple factors that target the molecular pathways to grow and get stronger. The moderate load, constant tension, and depletion style sets are the reasons we add one or two exercises at the end of training. We adjust our program, not by decreasing volume, but just scaring the athletes into being receptive to getting more sleep and taking responsibility for their diets. Flywheel training isn’t for everyone and that is a good thing. Athletes need to deserve it first, by making the sacrifices and commitment necessary to recover from it.
The Keys to Constructing Concentrated Eccentric Phases
The terms “block” or “phase” get kicked around easily, but for real adaptations to occur, a signal to change the body must be clear, intense, and frequent over time. A soon as a phase ends, detraining effects of that adaption will occur unless it’s sustained by a signal that is either the same or very similar. Debates will never end on which are the best roads leading to Rome, but it’s easy to determine success. Mechanical strength and structural length are two near bulletproof measures that determine the success of an eccentric program. While ultrasonography measures are not easy to capture, we do know that specific exercises elicit the changes we all need for athletes. Neuromuscular strength is direct and easier to see trend, as all it takes is a workout session to evaluate.
Heavy eccentric training is brutal on the body, and recovery from that type of resistance requires time. Additionally, eccentric training is very selfish, meaning not a lot of resources are available to develop other qualities needed in sport success. Hence, eccentric training isn’t the ideal way to build athletes in modern sport when the checklist already has so many much-needed items to develop. Realistically, eccentric overload time periods are sessions rather than months. As few as three weeks are enough make serious changes to the neuromuscular system. About 10 to 12 aggressive sessions that push an athlete will make all the difference for a season, and improvements can reap benefits later if you continue the training in a reduced fashion.
剧烈的离心训练对身体来说是残酷的,从这种阻力中恢复需要时间。此外,离心训练是非常自私的,这意味着没有太多资源可用于培养运动成功所需的其他品质。因此,当清单上已经有这么多急需的项目需要发展时,离心训练并不是在现代体育运动中培养运动员的理想方法。实际上,偏心超载时间段是会话而不是几个月。只需三周就足以使神经肌肉系统发生严重变化。大约 10 到 12 次积极的训练可以推动运动员在一个赛季中发挥重要作用,如果您继续以减少的方式进行训练,进步可以在以后获得好处。
@ShaneDavs 说,一个阶段的训练不应需要超过几天的#recovery。Share on X 分享到 X
With added eccentric training comes muscular, and sometimes tendon, soreness. Incremental loading and careful monitoring are essential or the result is just a tired and beat-up athlete. We have yet to see an injury from eccentric training when loads are based on reasonable adjustments, but we have seen plenty of athletes stagnate (including our own) from “too much, too soon” loading. Exactly how much overreaching happens with eccentric training is unknown and will vary from program to program, but a phase of training should never require more than a few days of recovery.
We have been very liberal with nutritional practices, meaning we don’t try to have an athlete decrease their body fat by reducing caloric intake during eccentric training phases. During the winter offseasons for football or late fall and early summer breaks for soccer, we don’t stress about athletes not being strict with their diets. It’s not that we allow poor eating habits, it’s just that we would rather have more work to do later when we have conditioning than make the mistake and under-recover them because we had insufficient calories too early. Eccentric training has no reported research that claims extra protein or nutrients are necessary, but we don’t want to make the mistake and not have enough. We can’t go back and fix the problem, but we can address body composition more easily and manage it immediately.
The recovery support, or what we provide athletes with, during heavy eccentrics are hydrotherapy, EMS, and some massage. Even if an athlete just tacks on a few sets of flywheel training at the end of a program, it’s enough to warrant an adjustment to the recovery side or low-intensity parts of a program. Some will argue that we should save recovery for later periods, but we care about deeper preparation levels with strength so we can train harder mechanically.
在重度离心运动期间,我们为运动员提供的恢复支持包括水疗、EMS 和一些按摩。即使运动员在计划结束时只进行几组飞轮训练,也足以保证对计划的恢复侧或低强度部分进行调整。有些人会说我们应该把恢复留到以后进行,但我们关心的是更深层次的准备水平和力量,这样我们就可以进行更努力的机械训练。
Physiological fears of blunting recovery internally are more for cryotherapy, an approach that should be for peaking periods. Besides time and soreness, be vigilant for residual fatigue and emotional darkness (poor willingness to train or worse). Athletes will lose their drive and motivation when training during heavy periods, so don’t just look at training data.
Progressive Overload with Flywheels
The most difficult juggle with loading is how to progressively overload an athlete with isoinertial training. Increasing demands from flywheels are a juggle of three variables: rotational speed, weight, and diameter size. Simply adding more flywheels will not necessarily mean an athlete trains with higher intensity, as concentric forces initiate the momentum and effort drives everything. The amount you can drive down into the platform is the overload you receive. It’s essential that you understand that the size and weight of the flywheel is less important than how you receive the load and how much speed you can put into the machine.
图 3。这显示了我们自己在训练计划中使用飞轮的方法。有些教练会采用截然不同的方法,但这种方案在许多思想流派中都是常见的。我们使用飞轮训练的方式反映了所有元素如何在一个组合中凝聚在一起;它不一定复制研究协议。
Similar to VBT (velocity based training), flywheels share overlapping concepts of speed and loading, and it’s vital that coaches using isoinertial training know how to manipulate training variables and progress athletes. Four primary variables exist with flywheel overload, and a few sub-variables help shape the details of programming those four.
与 VBT(基于速度的训练)类似,飞轮共享速度和负载的重叠概念,使用等惯性训练的教练知道如何操纵训练变量并提高运动员的水平至关重要。飞轮过载存在四个主要变量,一些子变量有助于塑造这四个变量的编程细节。
Inertia Resistance: Force and power are fine summaries of the inertia, and they are calculated by flywheel sensors, such as the kMeter. The assumption that a heavier flywheel disc will create a higher resistance is only partially true. The kMeter solves the quantification of inertia resistance for both coach and athlete.
惯性阻力:力和功率是惯性的精细概括,它们由飞轮传感器(例如公里)计算得出。较重的飞轮盘会产生较高阻力的假设仅部分正确。 kMeter 为教练和运动员解决了惯性阻力的量化问题。
Contraction Rate: No scientific investigation has drilled down to the F-V curve and how flywheel load and programming create a transfer, but faster eccentric and concentric actions are different than slower movements. Higher velocity contractions may fatigue the faster fiber types, so monitoring training for the quantification of flywheel training is paramount.
收缩率:尚无科学研究深入研究 FV 曲线以及飞轮负载和编程如何产生传递,但较快的偏心和同心动作与较慢的运动不同。较高速度的收缩可能会使速度较快的纤维类型疲劳,因此监测训练以量化飞轮训练至关重要。
Eccentric Reception: How the body receives the load determines how the eccentric overload creates an effect on the body. Just training with a flywheel alone provides a rapid early eccentric overload, but the technique of absorbing the forces dictates how much overload and where you or your athletes receive the stress. It’s easy to visualize two legs pushing up while one leg absorbs the force; it’s harder to visualize an athlete falling with the weight and stopping abruptly at the bottom. Exercise selection and technique are essential in the way eccentric overload stimulates adaptation.
Total Work Performed: Volume, and the distribution of type of work performed, is a factor to how athletes will adapt to, and recover from, flywheels. While there are some theories about the way successive bouts of training will impact later reliance on eccentric load, based on our experience and some research, the body becomes more able to handle strain over time. Distribution of work, meaning how much of it was at higher velocity, should influence the power or strength adaptations of isoinertial training.
Clearly, like the laws and principles of conventional barbell training, there is more to flywheel overload than just slapping another disc on the machine. On the other hand, be confident that you will be able to find better progressive overload approaches than sets and reps alone with experience. More training factors make up progressive overload, but the four variables are enough to be competent with flywheel loading.
Isoinertial Overload Periodization and Programming
Planning a season with flywheels can sound like a big task or something that requires a complex map of training. The reality is that, because flywheel training is a part of the big picture, the amount of changes and adjustments should be only enough to make sure things run smoothly. Over the course of the article, we reviewed that making a few quick additions or changes is not as simple as changing exercise names, but we don’t want you to perceive it as doing brain surgery.
图 4. 我们的方法结合了传统路径以及适应我们自己的训练特质的方法。目前还没有关于飞轮的定期研究,因此虽然这种策略有其历史依据,但其他方法可能会更好。
The simplest way to look at planning the season is to think about how much and when you compete and how much you focus on training. With the lines between offseason, preseason, and competitive season blurring more and more, it’s harder to label any phase GPP, SPP, and Competitive. Even if a phase is just a few weeks long, still obey the laws and principles of sports training and plan accordingly. Here are recommendations based on standard training principles and the specific needs that flywheel training require.
规划赛季的最简单方法是考虑参加比赛的次数和时间,以及对训练的关注程度。随着休赛期、季前赛和竞技赛季之间的界限越来越模糊,很难给任何阶段贴上 GPP、SPP 和竞技阶段的标签。即使一个阶段只有几周的时间,仍然要遵守运动训练的规律和原则,并制定相应的计划。以下是基于标准培训原则和飞轮培训所需的具体需求的建议。
GPP: The furthest away from the competition period is sometimes called the offseason, and it’s imperative that most of the gains of eccentric overload are done during this time period. Longer seasons mean shorter preparation times so, on the record, we include isoinertial training with any serious athlete in some fashion in the GPP. During the offseason our volume and flywheel load is at the highest, but speed or revolutions per minute are not maximal like later in the season. Overall, the load of the flywheel isn’t as important as the effort and volume of the athletes using it.
GPP:距离比赛最远的一段时间有时被称为休赛期,大部分偏心超载的收获必须在这个时间段内完成。更长的赛季意味着更短的准备时间,因此,根据记录,我们在 GPP 中以某种方式对任何严肃的运动员进行等惯性训练。在休赛期,我们的体积和飞轮负载最高,但速度或每分钟转数并不像赛季后期那样最大。总体而言,飞轮的负载并不像使用它的运动员的力量和体积那么重要。
SPP: Typical pre-seasons in team sport are short, so while the phase deserves its own set of guidelines, it’s not very long in most scenarios. Blending qualities in order to transition into competing is the No. 1 approach we see in sports performance, and it’s certainly the case with flywheel training. During this time period, we increase the intensity with the overall training and start slightly decreasing volume. The transition from off-season to competing is tricky, because most of the time we see team coaches and programs make jumps or dramatic changes, thus shocking the system and usually creating DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) that athletes hate. We have seen subjective and objective data over the season, and a decrease in late week soreness is significantly lower with the inclusion of flywheels.
SPP:团队运动中典型的季前准备期很短,因此虽然该阶段值得有自己的一套指导方针,但在大多数情况下它都不会很长。融合素质以过渡到比赛是我们在运动表现方面看到的第一方法,飞轮训练当然也是如此。在这段时间里,我们随着整体训练的强度增加,并开始稍微减少训练量。从休赛期到比赛的过渡是很棘手的,因为大多数时候我们看到球队教练和项目会做出跳跃或戏剧性的改变,从而震惊系统,通常会产生运动员讨厌的 DOMS(延迟性肌肉酸痛)。我们已经看到了整个赛季的主观和客观数据,并且随着飞轮的加入,周末酸痛的减少显着降低。
CPP: The competitive phase is tricky, as most coaches see it as a time to maintain or allow a decay of capacity, like a detraining leak. Realistically, it’s hard to build a body when opportunities to train are minimal, but clever ways of microdosing intensity and manipulating volume do allow for small gains or preservations of sport power if done properly. We use relatively the same design as the SPP, but drop volume significantly twice. The first half of the season we drop sets by a third, and then drop frequency to once a week on the back half.
CPP:竞争阶段很棘手,因为大多数教练认为这是一个维持或允许能力衰退的时期,就像训练泄漏一样。实际上,当训练机会很少时,很难塑造身体,但如果做得正确,微剂量强度和控制训练量的巧妙方法确实可以小幅提高或保留运动能力。我们使用与 SPP 相对相同的设计,但体积显着下降两倍。赛季前半段我们将场数减少了三分之一,然后在后半段将频率降至每周一次。
To summarize, the pattern of loading is quite simple and very conventional. Speed increases and volume and frequency decrease as the season progresses. The choice to manipulate the loading with flywheels or weight of the inertia is good on paper, but we don’t have enough seasons under our belt to determine if that variable is meaningful.
Experimentation and the Learning Curve
This article is not a blueprint on what do with flywheels, as our own experiences really only include a few exercises used judiciously before graduating to more comprehensive and refined strategies. Collectively, we likely only scratch the surface of what needs to be done in training, and that is the exciting part because there’s room to improve. We hope the article gave you a few immediate ideas of what to think about before you start with flywheel training, but it’s going to be up to your own efforts to fully exploit the benefits of a flywheel system.
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Is it safe to use flywheel exercises on athletes with a history of knee injuries?