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Advanced Technologies and Standards of Subgrade and Pavement Engineering

  1. French approach to mixture design of bituminous mixtures
Part 1. 第 1 部分。
Chang-An University - 2024
长安大学 - 2024
Part 1. 第 1 部分。
  1. Historical perspective of mixture design
  2. Behaviour during laying and compaction
  3. Durability 耐久性
Part 2. 第 2 部分。
4. Behaviour in service (resistance to rutting)
4. 使用行为(抗车辙)

5. Mechanical properties 5. 机械性能
6. The different levels of mixture design studies
6. 不同层次的混料设计研究

7. Examples of specifications
7. 规格示例
  1. Historical perspective of mixture design 1.1 Introduction to mixture design 1.2 Overview of Marshall mix design
    混料设计的历史视角 1.1 混料设计简介 1.2 Marshall 混料设计概述

    1.3 Development of the French mix design method 1.4 Outline of the French mix design method
    1.3 法式混合料设计方法的发展1.4 法式混合料设计法概要